コード例 #1
ファイル: testpdf.php プロジェクト: kmfb21/A290CGI-PHP

//create file
$fp = fopen('hello.pdf', 'w');
if (!$fp) {
    echo "Error: could not create the PDF file";
// start the pdf document
$pdf = pdf_open($fp);
pdf_set_info($pdf, "Creator", "pdftest.php");
pdf_set_info($pdf, "Author", "Luke Welling and Laura Thomson");
pdf_set_info($pdf, "Title", "Hello World (PHP)");
// US letter is 11" x 8.5" and there are 72 points per inch
pdf_begin_page($pdf, 8.5 * 72, 11 * 72);
pdf_add_outline($pdf, 'Page 1');
$font = pdf_findfont($pdf, 'Times-Roman', 'host', 0);
pdf_setfont($pdf, $font, 24);
pdf_set_text_pos($pdf, 50, 700);
// write text
pdf_show($pdf, 'Hello,world!');
pdf_continue_text($pdf, '(says PHP)');
// end the document
// display a link to download
echo "download the pdf <a href = 'hello.pdf'>here</a>";
コード例 #2
ファイル: display.php プロジェクト: rickogden/web-pres2
 function _link(&$link)
     if (empty($link->text)) {
         $link->text = preg_replace('/:-:(.*?):-:/e', '$this->pres->\\1', $link->href);
     if (!empty($link->leader)) {
         $leader = preg_replace('/:-:(.*?):-:/e', '$this->pres->\\1', $link->leader);
     } else {
         $leader = '';
     if (!empty($link->text)) {
         $this->pdf_cy = pdf_get_value($this->pdf, "texty", null) + 10;
         pdf_set_font($this->pdf, $this->pdf_font, -12, 'winansi');
         $fnt = pdf_findfont($this->pdf, $this->pdf_font, 'winansi', 0);
         if (strlen($leader)) {
             $lx = pdf_stringwidth($this->pdf, $leader, $fnt, -12);
         } else {
             $lx = 0;
         $dx = pdf_stringwidth($this->pdf, $link->text, $fnt, -12);
         $cw = pdf_stringwidth($this->pdf, 'm', $fnt, -12);
         // em unit width
         switch ($link->align) {
             case 'center':
                 $x = (int) ($this->pdf_x / 2 - $dx / 2 - $lx / 2);
             case 'right':
                 $x = $this->pdf_x - $this->pdf_cx - $dx - $lx - 15;
             case 'left':
                 $x = $this->pdf_cx;
         if ($link->marginleft) {
             $x += (int) ((double) $link->marginleft * $cw);
         pdf_add_weblink($this->pdf, $x + $lx, $this->pdf_y - $this->pdf_cy - 3, $x + $dx + $lx, $this->pdf_y - $this->pdf_cy + 12, $link->text);
         pdf_show_xy($this->pdf, strip_markups($leader) . strip_markups($link->text), $x, $this->pdf_cy);
         pdf_continue_text($this->pdf, "");
コード例 #3
 function message_header($subject, $author, $date, $id, $th)
     $y = pdf_get_value($this->pdf, 'texty', 0) - 3;
     if ($y < 100) {
         $y = $this->ph - $this->hmargin;
     pdf_moveto($this->pdf, $this->wmargin, $y);
     pdf_lineto($this->pdf, $this->pw - $this->wmargin, $y);
     pdf_moveto($this->pdf, $this->wmargin, $y - 3);
     pdf_lineto($this->pdf, $this->pw - $this->wmargin, $y - 3);
     pdf_set_text_pos($this->pdf, $this->wmargin, $y - 5);
     pdf_setfont($this->pdf, $this->fonts['Helvetica'], 14);
     pdf_continue_text($this->pdf, 'Subject: ' . $subject);
     pdf_continue_text($this->pdf, 'Posted by ' . $author . ' on ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s \\G\\M\\T', $date));
     pdf_continue_text($this->pdf, 'URL: ');
     $url = $GLOBALS['WWW_ROOT'] . '?t=rview&th=' . $th . '&goto=' . $id;
     $this->add_link($url, $url);
     pdf_set_text_pos($this->pdf, $this->wmargin, $this->y - 3);
コード例 #4
ファイル: invoice.php プロジェクト: SandyS1/presentations
$im = pdf_open_jpeg($pdf, $imagepath);
pdf_place_image($pdf, $im, 5, $y - 72, 0.5);
pdf_close_image($pdf, $im);
pdf_set_value($pdf, 'textrendering', 0);
// fill
pdf_set_font($pdf, "Helvetica", 12, winansi);
pdf_show_xy($pdf, 'Micro Snot & L4m3r5 S.R.L.', 145, $y - 20);
pdf_continue_text($pdf, '123 Calle del Dolor');
pdf_continue_text($pdf, 'Tacora, Lima 666');
pdf_set_font($pdf, "Helvetica", 10, winansi);
pdf_show_xy($pdf, 'Cliente Sin Salvacion S.A.', 20, $y - 100);
pdf_continue_text($pdf, '1 Calle Pequena');
pdf_continue_text($pdf, 'Cuidad Perdida, Puno 123');
pdf_set_font($pdf, "Helvetica", 10, winansi);
pdf_show_xy($pdf, 'Terminos: Pago Completo 15 horas', 150, $y - 100);
pdf_continue_text($pdf, 'Apt. Postal:  12345');
pdf_set_font($pdf, "Helvetica-Bold", 30, winansi);
pdf_show_xy($pdf, "* F A C T U R A *", $x - 250, $y - 112);
pdf_setcolor($pdf, 'fill', 'gray', 0.9, 0, 0, 0);
pdf_rect($pdf, 20, 80, $x - 40, $y - 212);
$offset = 184;
$i = 0;
while ($y - $offset > 80) {
    pdf_setcolor($pdf, 'fill', 'gray', $i % 2 ? 0.8 : 1, 0, 0, 0);
    pdf_setcolor($pdf, 'stroke', 'gray', $i % 2 ? 0.8 : 1, 0, 0, 0);
    pdf_rect($pdf, 21, $y - $offset, $x - 42, 24);
    $offset += 24;
コード例 #5
ファイル: invoice.php プロジェクト: SandyS1/presentations
$im = pdf_open_jpeg($pdf, "php-big.jpg");
pdf_place_image($pdf, $im, 5, $y - 72, 0.5);
pdf_close_image($pdf, $im);
pdf_set_value($pdf, 'textrendering', 0);
// fill
pdf_set_font($pdf, "Helvetica", 12, winansi);
pdf_show_xy($pdf, 'Generic Evil Company Inc.', 145, $y - 20);
pdf_continue_text($pdf, '123 Main Street');
pdf_continue_text($pdf, 'Dark City, CA 98765');
pdf_set_font($pdf, "Helvetica", 10, winansi);
pdf_show_xy($pdf, 'Helpless Customer Ltd.', 20, $y - 100);
pdf_continue_text($pdf, '2 Small Street');
pdf_continue_text($pdf, 'Little Town, ID 56789');
pdf_set_font($pdf, "Helvetica", 10, winansi);
pdf_show_xy($pdf, 'Terms: Net 30', 150, $y - 100);
pdf_continue_text($pdf, 'PO #:  12345');
pdf_set_font($pdf, "Helvetica-Bold", 30, winansi);
pdf_show_xy($pdf, "* I N V O I C E *", $x - 250, $y - 112);
pdf_setcolor($pdf, 'fill', 'gray', 0.9, 0, 0, 0);
pdf_rect($pdf, 20, 80, $x - 40, $y - 212);
$offset = 184;
$i = 0;
while ($y - $offset > 80) {
    pdf_setcolor($pdf, 'fill', 'gray', $i % 2 ? 0.8 : 1, 0, 0, 0);
    pdf_setcolor($pdf, 'stroke', 'gray', $i % 2 ? 0.8 : 1, 0, 0, 0);
    pdf_rect($pdf, 21, $y - $offset, $x - 42, 24);
    $offset += 24;