コード例 #1
    $password = $parms->getParm('password');
    // check that password is correct
    if (md5($password) != $user->getPassword()) {
        passwordChg("Incorrect password");
    // check password matches
    if ($parms->getParm('newpassword') != $parms->getParm('repeatpassword')) {
        passwordChg("Passwords do not match");
    $newpassword = $parms->getParm('newpassword');
    // set password in database
    $kdb->setUserPassword($username, md5($newpassword));
    // redirect to dashboard page - with message password changed
    header("Location: dashboard.php?message=newpass");
} else {
    passwordChg($user_messages, $username);
function passwordChg($message, $username)
    include "inc/dashboardheaders.php";
    print <<<EOT


<h1>Kidsafe change password</h1>

<div id="intro">
コード例 #2
// don't use existing password - use login for that
// Do we have a password (new and repeat new)
if ($parms->getParm('password') != '') {
    // check password matches
    if ($parms->getParm('newpassword') != $parms->getParm('repeatpassword')) {
        passwordChg("Passwords do not match");
    $newpassword = $parms->getParm('newpassword');
    // set password in database
    $kdb->setUserPassword($username, md5($newpassword));
    // redirect to listuser page - with message password changed
    header("Location: dashboardlistusers.php?message=newpass");
} else {
    passwordChg($user_messages, $username, $user->getUsername());
function passwordChg($message, $chgusername, $username)
    include "inc/dashboardheaders.php";
    print <<<EOT

<h1>Kidsafe change password {$chgusername}</h1>

<div id="intro">
\t<form action="chguserpw.php" method="post">