/** * @author Lennard Bredenkamp, BFE * store TTS relation in Mantis-DB and pass on data to TestLink */ function store_ttslink($p_event, $p_data, $p_bug_id) { // global $tts_new_ttslink_bug; // if ($tts_new_ttslink_bug) $args = $_POST; if (isset($args['tts_exec_id'], $args['tts_tproject_id'])) { //extract data from form POST $tts_exec_id = gpc_get_string('tts_exec_id'); $tts_tproject_id = gpc_get_string('tts_tproject_id'); //create new TTS relation Object and store in DB $tts_relation = new TTSrelation($p_bug_id, $tts_exec_id, $tts_tproject_id); $tts_relation->savetoDB(); pass_to_testlink($tts_tproject_id, $tts_exec_id, $p_bug_id); $tts_new_ttslink_bug = false; } }
form_security_validate('tts_relationship_add'); $f_tts_exec_id = gpc_get_int('exec_id'); $f_tts_tproject_id = gpc_get_int('tproject_id'); $bug_id = gpc_get_string('bug_id'); # user has access to update the bug... // access_ensure_bug_level( config_get( 'update_bug_threshold' ), $f_src_bug_id ); // $f_dest_bug_id_string = str_replace( ',', '|', $f_dest_bug_id_string ); // $f_dest_bug_id_array = explode( '|', $f_dest_bug_id_string ); if ($f_tts_exec_id == '' || $f_tts_tproject_id == '') { // print_header_redirect_view( $bug_id ); # Summary cannot be blank // if( is_blank( $this->summary ) ) { // error_parameters( lang_get( 'summary' ) ); error_parameters('(Ausführungs-ID/Testprojekt-ID)'); trigger_error(ERROR_EMPTY_FIELD, ERROR); } else { // $twin_relation = TTSrelation::loadRelation( $bug_id, $f_tts_exec_id ); // $twin_relation = loadRelation( $bug_id, $f_tts_exec_id ); if (!tts_relation_isDuplicate($f_tts_tproject_id, $f_tts_exec_id, $bug_id)) { $f_tts_relation = new TTSrelation($bug_id, $f_tts_exec_id, $f_tts_tproject_id); $f_tts_relation->savetoDB(); tts_log_history('add', $f_tts_tproject_id, $f_tts_exec_id, $bug_id); //write log entry (code: TTSintegr.API.php) pass_to_testlink($f_tts_tproject_id, $f_tts_exec_id, $bug_id); } else { trigger_error(ERROR_DUPLICATE_FILE, ERROR); } // else trigger_error( ERROR_DUPLICATE_FILE, "Diese Verknüpfung existiert bereits!" ); } form_security_purge('tts_relationship_add'); // print_header_redirect_view( $bug_id );