コード例 #1
ファイル: permissions.inc.php プロジェクト: edt82/ona
function add_permission($options = "")
    global $conf, $self, $onadb;
    printmsg('DEBUG => add_permission(' . $options . ') called', 3);
    // Version - UPDATE on every edit!
    $version = '1.00';
    // Parse incoming options string to an array
    $options = parse_options($options);
    // Return the usage summary if we need to
    if ($options['help'] or !$options['name']) {
        $self['error'] = 'ERROR => Insufficient parameters';
        // NOTE: Help message lines should not exceed 80 characters for proper display on a console
        return array(1, <<<EOM

Registers a new permission, this should be used by install scripts that are
creating new functionality that requires a registered permission.

  Synopsis: add_permission(OPTIONS)

    name=STRING         Name of permission
    desc=STRING         Quoted string to describe this permission

    // Get a list of the valid "permissions" and their descriptions.
    list($status, $rows, $permissions) = db_get_record($onadb, 'permissions', array('name' => $options['name']), '');
    if ($rows) {
        $self['error'] = "ERROR => add_permission() Permission already exists: {$options['name']}";
        printmsg($self['error'], 0);
        return array(1, $self['error'] . "\n");
    // Get the next ID for the new host record
    $id = ona_get_next_id('permissions');
    if (!$id) {
        $self['error'] = "ERROR => The ona_get_next_id('permissions') call failed!";
        printmsg($self['error'], 0);
        return array(7, $self['error'] . "\n");
    printmsg("DEBUG => ID for new permission record: {$id}", 3);
    // Add the record
    list($status, $rows) = db_insert_record($onadb, 'permissions', array('id' => $id, 'name' => $options['name'], 'description' => $options['desc']));
    if ($status or !$rows) {
        $self['error'] = "ERROR => add_permission() SQL Query failed: " . $self['error'];
        printmsg($self['error'], 0);
        return array(2, $self['error'] . "\n");
    // Return the success notice
    $self['error'] = "INFO => Permission ADDED: {$options['name']} [{$options['desc']}]";
    printmsg($self['error'], 0);
    return array(0, $self['error'] . "\n");
コード例 #2
  * Ecache Plugin Convert (Block) Function
 function convert()
     global $vars, $defaultpage;
     $args = func_get_args();
     if (func_num_args() == 0) {
         return 'ecache(): no arugment.';
     $body = array_pop($args);
     $body = str_replace("\r", "\n", $body);
     //multiline arg has \r
     parse_options($args, $this->options);
     $this->options['page'] = isset($this->options['page']) ? $this->options['page'] : (isset($vars['page']) ? $vars['page'] : $defaultpage);
     return $this->ecache($this->options['page'], $body, $this->options['reset']);
コード例 #3
ファイル: mangle.inc.php プロジェクト: edt82/ona
function mangle_ip($options)
    global $conf, $self;
    printmsg('DEBUG => mangle_ip(' . $options . ') called', 3);
    // Version - UPDATE on every edit!
    $version = '1.00';
    // Parse incoming options string to an array
    $options = parse_options($options);
    // Return the usage summary if we need to
    if ($options['help'] or !$options['ip']) {
        $self['error'] = 'ERROR => Insufficient parameters';
        // NOTE: Help message lines should not exceed 80 characters for proper display on a console
        return array(1, <<<EOM

mangle_ip v{$version}
Converts between various IP address representations

  Synopsis: mangle_ip(OPTIONS)

    ip=<inet_addr>  32 or 128-bit Internet address

    format=<specifier>  Desired output format, specified as a string
                        numeric : return ip as an integer
                        dotted  : return ip as an IPv4 address
                        cidr    : return ip as a CIDR netmask
                        binary  : return ip as a 32-bit binary string
                        bin128  : return ip as a 128-bit binary string
                        ipv6    : return ip as an IPv6 address
                        ipv6gz  : return ip as a compressed IPv6 address

    // Now what?  We need to call ip_mangle() with our options
    if (!$options['format']) {
        $options['format'] = 'default';
    $retval = ip_mangle($options['ip'], $options['format']) . "\n";
    if ($self['error'] != '') {
        return array(1, $self['error'] . "\n");
    } else {
        return array(0, $retval);
コード例 #4
ファイル: taglist.inc.php プロジェクト: big2men/qhm
 function convert()
     $args = func_get_args();
     ///// Support old versions (The 1st arg is tagtok) ///
     $fisrtIsOption = FALSE;
     foreach ($this->options as $key => $val) {
         if (!isset($args) && strpos($args[0], $key) === 0) {
             $firstIsOption = TRUE;
     if (func_num_args() >= 1 && !$firstIsOption) {
         $this->options['tag'] = array_shift($args);
     parse_options($args, $this->options);
     return $this->taglist($this->options['tag'], $this->options['related']);
コード例 #5
ファイル: tagcloud.inc.php プロジェクト: big2men/qhm
 function convert()
     $args = func_get_args();
     parse_options($args, $this->options);
     if ($this->options['limit'] === "0") {
         $this->options['limit'] = NULL;
     if ($this->options['cloud'] === 'off' || $this->options['cloud'] === 'false') {
         $this->options['cloud'] = FALSE;
     if ($this->options['cloud']) {
         $html = $this->plugin_tag->display_tagcloud($this->options['limit'], $this->options['related']);
     } else {
         $html = $this->plugin_tag->display_taglist($this->options['limit'], $this->options['related']);
     return $html;
コード例 #6
ファイル: rampage.php プロジェクト: Gomez/horde
 * Main functions. Just decides what mode we are in and calls the
 * appropriate methods.
function main()
    global $info, $config;
    $args = Console_Getopt::readPHPArgv();
    if (count($args) < 2) {
    if (substr($args[1], 0, 1) == "-" || substr($args[1], 0, 1) == "/") {
        print "invalid parameter " . $args[2] . "\n";
    if (substr($args[1], -4) == ".php") {
        // mode 2: create zombie app
        if (!file_exists($args[1])) {
            die("config file " . $args[1] . " does not exist\n");
        $outdir = ZOMBIE_BASE . '/../' . Horde_String::lower($config['app']);
        if (is_dir($outdir) && $args[2] != "-f") {
            print "Directory {$outdir} already exists.\nUse -f flag to force overwrite\n";
        $n = $config['app'];
        print "Creating Horde Application {$n} in directory " . Horde_String::lower($n) . "\n";
        print "\nHorde Application '{$n}' successfully written. Where to go from here:\n" . "1) Paste content of {$n}/registry.stub to horde/config/registry.php.\n" . "   After that, the {$n} should be working!\n" . "2) Replace {$n}.gif with proper application icon\n" . "3) Ensure conf.php is not world-readable as it may contain password data.\n" . "4) Start playing around and enhancing your new horde application. Enjoy!\n";
    } else {
        // mode 1: create config file
        print "creating config file for table " . $config['table'] . "\n";
        print "writing config file to " . $config['file'] . "\n";
コード例 #7
ファイル: 2.php プロジェクト: Offirmo/base-wordpress
if (false === $status) {
    $errors = $restore->getErrors();
    if (count($errors) > 0) {
        $errorMsg = 'Errors were encountered: ' . implode(', ', $errors) . ' If seeking support please click to Show Advanced Details above and provide a copy of the log.';
        pb_backupbuddy::status('error', $errorMsg);
    } else {
        $errorMsg = 'Error #894383: Unknown error starting restore. See advanced status log for details.';
$restore->_state['defaultURL'] = $restore->getDefaultUrl();
$restore->_state['defaultDomain'] = $restore->getDefaultDomain();
if ('true' != pb_backupbuddy::_GET('deploy')) {
    // deployment mode pre-loads state data in a file instead of passing via post.
    $restore->_state = parse_options($restore->_state);
$restore->_state['skipUnzip'] = $skipUnzip;
// Set up state variables.
if ('db' == $restore->_state['dat']['backup_type'] || false == $restore->_state['restoreFiles']) {
    pb_backupbuddy::status('details', 'Database backup OR not restoring files.');
    $restore->_state['tempPath'] = ABSPATH . 'importbuddy/temp_' . pb_backupbuddy::random_string(12) . '/';
    $restore->_state['restoreFileRoot'] = $restore->_state['tempPath'];
    pb_backupbuddy::anti_directory_browsing($restore->_state['restoreFileRoot'], $die = false);
} else {
    pb_backupbuddy::status('details', 'Restoring files.');
    $restore->_state['restoreFileRoot'] = ABSPATH;
    // Restore files into current root.
// Parse submitted options for saving to state.
function parse_options($restoreData)
コード例 #8
ファイル: 4.php プロジェクト: heyjones/crossfitpurpose

if (!defined('PB_IMPORTBUDDY') || true !== PB_IMPORTBUDDY) {
// Die if not logged in.
$data = array('step' => '4');
 *	parse_options()
 *	Parses various submitted options and settings from step 1.
 *	@return		null
function parse_options()
    if (isset($_POST['siteurl'])) {
        pb_backupbuddy::$options['siteurl'] = $_POST['siteurl'];
        if (isset($_POST['custom_home'])) {
            pb_backupbuddy::$options['home'] = $_POST['home'];
        } else {
            pb_backupbuddy::$options['home'] = $_POST['siteurl'];
    // end isset post siteurl.
    if (isset($_POST['skip_database_import']) && $_POST['skip_database_import'] == 'on') {
        pb_backupbuddy::$options['skip_database_import'] = true;
    } else {
コード例 #9
ファイル: sql.inc.php プロジェクト: edt82/ona
function ona_sql($options = "")
    // The important globals
    global $conf, $onadb, $base;
    // Version - UPDATE on every edit!
    $version = '1.05';
    // TODO: Maybe make this into a sys_config option
    $srvdir = dirname($base) . "/sql";
    printmsg('DEBUG => ona_sql(' . $options . ') called', 3);
    // Parse incoming options string to an array
    $options = parse_options($options);
    // Sanitize delimeter
    if (!$options['delimiter']) {
        $options['delimiter'] = ':';
    // fix up the escaped ' marks.  may need the = and & stuff too????
    $options['sql'] = str_replace('\\\'', '\'', $options['sql']);
    $options['sql'] = str_replace('\\=', '=', $options['sql']);
    // Set "options[commit] to no if it's not set
    if (!array_key_exists('commit', $options)) {
        $options['commit'] = 'N';
    } else {
        $options['commit'] = sanitize_YN($options['commit'], 'N');
    // Set "options[commit] to no if it's not set
    if (!array_key_exists('dataarray', $options)) {
        $options['dataarray'] = 'N';
    } else {
        $options['dataarray'] = sanitize_YN($options['dataarray'], 'N');
    // Set "options[header] to yes if it's not set
    if (!array_key_exists('header', $options)) {
        $options['header'] = 'Y';
    } else {
        $options['header'] = sanitize_YN($options['header'], 'Y');
    // Check permissions
    if (!auth('ona_sql')) {
        $self['error'] = "Permission denied!";
        printmsg($self['error'], 0);
        return array(10, $self['error'] . "\n");
    // Return the usage summary if we need to
    if ($options['help'] or !($options['list'] and !$options['sql'] or !$options['list'] and $options['sql'])) {
        // NOTE: Help message lines should not exceed 80 characters for proper display on a console
        return array(1, <<<EOM

Runs the specified SQL query on the database and prints the result

  Synopsis: ona_sql [KEY=VALUE] ...

    sql=STATEMENT|FILENAME   quoted SQL statement to execute
    list                     lists the SQL files available on the server side

    show                     displays contents of SQL, gives usage etc
    commit=yes|no            commit the transaction (no)
    header=yes|no            display record header (yes)
    delimiter=DELIMITER      record delimiter for output (:)
    (1,2,..)=VALUE           bind variables, replaces ? in query sequentially.
                             the first ? found is replaced by 1=value, and so on

    * Query is sent to the configured OpenNetAdmin database server.
    * The use of bind variables requires your options to match positionally.
    * The SQL option will be tried first as a local file, then as a server
      file, then as a raw text SQL query.  Filenames are case sensitive.
    * Server based SQL files are located in {$srvdir}
    * Some plugins may provide their own SQL dir inside the plugin directory
    * Use the show option to display contents of SQL files, this should contain
      a long description and any usage information that is needed.

    // TODO: check that the user has admin privs? or at least a ona_sql priv
    // Get a list of the files
    $plugins = plugin_list();
    $files = array();
    $srvdirs = array();
    array_push($srvdirs, $srvdir);
    // add a local sql dir as well so they don't get overrriden by installs
    array_push($srvdirs, dirname($base) . '/www/local/sql');
    // loop through the plugins and find files inside of their sql directories.
    foreach ($plugins as $plug) {
        array_push($srvdirs, $plug['path'] . '/sql');
    // Loop through each of our plugin directories and the default directory to find .sql files
    foreach ($srvdirs as $srvdir) {
        if ($handle = @opendir($srvdir)) {
            while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
                if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && substr($file, -4) == '.sql') {
                    // Build an array of filenames
                    array_push($files, $srvdir . '/' . $file);
    // sort the file names
    // List the sql files on the server side
    if ($options['list'] == 'Y') {
        $text .= sprintf("\n%-25s%s\n", 'FILE', 'DESCRIPTION');
        $text .= sprintf("%'-80s\n", '');
        // Loop through and display info about the files
        foreach ($files as $file) {
            // Open the file and get the first line, this is the short description
            $fh = fopen($file, 'r');
            $desc = rtrim(fgets($fh));
            // Print the info
            $text .= sprintf("%-25s%s\n", basename($file), $desc);
        $text .= "\n";
        return array(0, $text);
    // Check that the sql variable passsed matches a file name locally, if it does, open it and replace $options['sql'] with it
    // Loop through files array till we find the right file
    $foundfile = false;
    foreach ($files as $file) {
        if (strstr($file, $options['sql'])) {
            $options['sql'] = trim(file_get_contents($file));
            $foundfile = true;
    // if we have not found a file on the server and the sql option does end in .sql then print a message that we coulnt find a file
    // otherwise assume it is a sql statement being passed at the cli
    if ($foundfile == false and substr($options['sql'], -4) == '.sql') {
        $self['error'] = "ERROR => Unable to find specified SQL stored on server: {$options['sql']}";
        printmsg($self['error'], 2);
        return array(10, $self['error'] . "\n");
    // Show the contents of the sql query for usage info etc.
    if ($options['show'] == 'Y') {
        $text .= $options['sql'] . "\n\n";
        return array(0, $text);
    // Count how many ?s there are in the sql query. that must match how many sqlopts are passed
    // if this is an oracle database you could change the ? to a :.. more work on this however needs to be done
    $qvars = substr_count($options['sql'], '?');
    // loop through the options based on how many qvars are in the sql statement. print an error if we didnt
    // get a variable to use in the sql statement
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $qvars; $i++) {
        if (!array_key_exists($i, $options)) {
            $self['error'] = "ERROR => You did not supply a value for bind variable {$i}!";
            printmsg($self['error'], 2);
            return array(10, $self['error'] . "\n");
        // assign the variables to sqlopts
        $sqlopts[$i] = $options[$i];
    // One last check to be sure
    // Count how many times ? is in the sql statement.  there should be that many elements in sqlopts
    if (count($sqlopts) != $qvars) {
        $self['error'] = "ERROR => SQL query and bind variable count did not match.";
        printmsg($self['error'], 2);
        return array(1, $self['error'] . "\n");
    printmsg("DEBUG => [ona_sql] Running SQL query: {$options['sql']}", 5);
    // Run the query
    $rs = $onadb->Execute($options['sql'], $sqlopts);
    if ($rs === false) {
        $self['error'] = "ERROR => SQL query failed: " . $onadb->ErrorMsg() . "\n";
        return array(2, $self['error']);
    $text = "";
    $dataarr = array();
    // If we got a record, that means they did a select .. display it
    if ($rs->RecordCount()) {
        $build_header = 1;
        $i = 0;
        // Loop through each record returned by the sql query
        while (!$rs->EOF) {
            $record = $rs->FetchRow();
            $dataarr[$i] = $record;
            // Build the header if we need to
            if ($build_header == 1 and $options['header'] == 'Y') {
                $build_header = 0;
                foreach (array_keys($record) as $key) {
                    $text .= $key . $options['delimiter'];
                $text = preg_replace("/{$options['delimiter']}\$/", "", $text);
                $text .= "\n";
            // Display the row
            foreach (array_keys($record) as $key) {
                $text .= $record[$key] . $options['delimiter'];
            $text = preg_replace("/{$options['delimiter']}\$/", "", $text);
            $text .= "\n";
    } else {
        $text .= "NOTICE => SQL executed successfully - no records returned\n";
    // If we want the recordset returned instead of the text
    if ($options['dataarray'] == 'Y') {
        return array(0, $dataarr);
    // Unless the user said YES to commit, return a non-zero
    // exit status so that module_run.php doesn't commit the DB transaction.
    $return = 1;
    if ($options['commit'] == 'Y') {
        $return = 0;
    return array($return, $text);
コード例 #10
ファイル: get_module_list.inc.php プロジェクト: edt82/ona
function add_module($options = "")
    global $conf, $self, $onadb;
    printmsg('DEBUG => add_module(' . $options . ') called', 3);
    // Version - UPDATE on every edit!
    $version = '1.00';
    // Parse incoming options string to an array
    $options = parse_options($options);
    // Return the usage summary if we need to
    if ($options['help'] or !$options['name']) {
        $self['error'] = 'ERROR => Insufficient parameters';
        // NOTE: Help message lines should not exceed 80 characters for proper display on a console
        return array(1, <<<EOM

Registers a new DCM module, this should be used by install scripts that are
creating new functionality that requires a registered module.

  Synopsis: add_module(OPTIONS)

    name=STRING         Name of DCM module
    desc=STRING         Quoted string to describe this module
    file=STRING         Path to php file, relative to {$conf['dcm_module_dir']}

    // Get a list of the valid "modules" and their descriptions.
    list($status, $rows, $modules) = db_get_record($onadb, 'dcm_module_list', array('name' => $options['name']), '');
    if ($rows) {
        $self['error'] = "ERROR => add_module() Module name already exists: {$options['name']}";
        printmsg($self['error'], 0);
        return array(1, $self['error'] . "\n");
    // Add the record
    list($status, $rows) = db_insert_record($onadb, 'dcm_module_list', array('name' => $options['name'], 'description' => $options['desc'], 'file' => $options['file']));
    if ($status or !$rows) {
        $self['error'] = "ERROR => add_module() SQL Query failed: " . $self['error'];
        printmsg($self['error'], 0);
        return array(2, $self['error'] . "\n");
    // Return the success notice
    $self['error'] = "INFO => Module ADDED: {$options['name']} [{$options['desc']}] => {$options['file']}";
    printmsg($self['error'], 0);
    return array(0, $self['error'] . "\n");
コード例 #11
ファイル: dbgp-client.php プロジェクト: badlamer/hhvm
function main()
    assert(pcntl_signal(SIGINT, 'handle_sigint'));
    echo "-- Simple DBGp Client --\n";
    global $conn;
    // Start the listening socket.
    list($socket, $port) = start_client($conn->port);
    echo "Listening on port {$port}\n";
    // Accept a connection.
    $fd = null;
    while (true) {
        $fd = @socket_accept($socket);
        if ($fd !== false) {
            echo "Connected to an XDebug server!\n";
    $conn->fd = $fd;
    while (true) {
        // Wait for the expected number of responses.  Normally we expect 1
        // response, but with the break command, we expect 2.
        $responses = "";
        while ($conn->expect_responses > 0) {
            $response = read_response($fd);
            if (starts_with($response, "Client socket error")) {
            // Init packet doesn't end in </response>.
            $conn->expect_responses -= substr_count($response, "</response>");
            $conn->expect_responses -= substr_count($response, "</init>");
            $responses .= $response;
        $conn->expect_responses = 1;
        // Might have been sent a Ctrl-c while waiting for the response.
        if ($conn->send_break) {
            send_command($fd, "break -i SIGINT");
            $conn->send_break = false;
            // We're expecting a response for the break command, and the command
            // before the break command.
            $conn->expect_responses = 2;
        // Echo back the response to the user if it isn't a stream.
        if (!is_stream($responses)) {
            echo "{$responses}\n";
        // Received response saying we're stopping.
        if (strpos($responses, "status=\"stopped\"") > 0) {
            echo "-- Request ended, stopping --\n";
        // Get a command from the user and send it.
        $line = readline("(dbgp) \$ ");
        $line = trim($line);
        if ($line === "") {
        if (starts_with("quit", $line)) {
            echo "-- Quitting, request will continue running --\n";
        send_command($fd, $line);
    $conn->fd = null;
コード例 #12
ファイル: vlan_campus.inc.php プロジェクト: edt82/ona
function vlan_campus_display($options = "")
    global $conf, $self, $onadb;
    // Version - UPDATE on every edit!
    $version = '1.00';
    printmsg("DEBUG => vlan_campus_display({$options}) called", 3);
    // Parse incoming options string to an array
    $options = parse_options($options);
    // Sanitize options[verbose] (default is yes)
    $options['verbose'] = sanitize_YN($options['verbose'], 'Y');
    // Return the usage summary if we need to
    if ($options['help'] or !$options['campus']) {
        // NOTE: Help message lines should not exceed 80 characters for proper display on a console
        $self['error'] = 'ERROR => Insufficient parameters';
        return array(1, <<<EOM

Displays a vlan campus record from the database

  Synopsis: vlan_campus_display [KEY=VALUE] ...

    campus=NAME or ID      Campus name or ID of the campus display

    verbose=[yes|no]       Display additional info (DEFAULT: yes)

    // The formatting rule on campus names is all upper and trim it
    $options['campus'] = strtoupper(trim($options['campus']));
    // If the campus provided is numeric, check to see if it's valid
    if (is_numeric($options['campus'])) {
        // See if it's an vlan_campus_id
        list($status, $rows, $campus) = ona_get_vlan_campus_record(array('id' => $options['campus']));
        if (!$campus['id']) {
            printmsg("DEBUG => Unable to find campus using the ID {$options['campus']}!", 3);
            $self['error'] = "ERROR => Unable to find campus using the ID {$options['campus']}!";
            return array(2, $self['error'] . "\n");
    } else {
        list($status, $rows, $campus) = ona_get_vlan_campus_record(array('name' => $options['campus']));
        if (!$campus['id']) {
            $self['error'] = "ERROR => Unable to find campus using the name {$options['campus']}!";
            printmsg("DEBUG => Unable to find campus using the name {$options['campus']}!", 3);
            return array(2, $self['error'] . "\n");
    printmsg("DEBUG => Found campus: {$campus['name']}", 3);
    // Build text to return
    $text = "VLAN CAMPUS RECORD\n";
    $text .= format_array($campus);
    // If 'verbose' is enabled, grab some additional info to display
    if ($options['verbose'] == 'Y') {
        // vlan record(s)
        $i = 0;
        do {
            list($status, $rows, $vlan) = ona_get_vlan_record(array('vlan_campus_id' => $campus['id']));
            if ($rows == 0) {
            $text .= "\nASSOCIATED VLAN RECORD ({$i} of {$rows})\n";
            $text .= format_array($vlan);
        } while ($i < $rows);
    // Return the success notice
    return array(0, $text);
コード例 #13
ファイル: dhcp_pool.inc.php プロジェクト: edt82/ona
function dhcp_lease_add($options = "")
    // The important globals
    global $conf, $self, $mysql;
    // Version - UPDATE on every edit!
    $version = '1.00';
    printmsg("DEBUG => dhcp_lease_add({$options}) called", 3);
    // Parse incoming options string to an array
    $options = parse_options($options);
    // Return the usage summary if we need to
    if ($options['help'] or !($options['raw'] or $options['ip'] and $options['mac'])) {
        // NOTE: Help message lines should not exceed 80 characters for proper display on a console
        $self['error'] = 'ERROR => Insufficient parameters';
        return array(1, <<<EOM

Adds a dhcp lease entry into the tracking database

  Synopsis: dhcp_lease_add [KEY=VALUE] ...

    raw=TEXT               The raw text from the DHCP log

    Adding a lease here does NOT effect the actual functioning
    DHCP server.  This is purely to keep track of lease information
    derived from the DHCP logfile itself.

    $name = 'N/A';
    if ($options['raw']) {
        // break the line down into its parts
        $line = preg_split("/( on | to | via )/", $options['raw']);
        $mac = $line[2];
        $iptext = $line[1];
        $ip = ip_mangle($iptext, 'numeric');
        // if the second field has mac and a name in parens then break it out
        if (strpos($line[2], '(')) {
            list($mac, $name) = split('[()]', $line[2]);
            $name = trim($name);
        // make sure the mac has been trimmed
        $mac = trim($mac);
        $text = "DHCP Lease Add: IP={$ip} IPTEXT={$line[1]} MAC={$mac} NAME={$name}\n";
        printmsg("DEBUG => {$text}", 3);
    if ($options['ip'] and $options['mac']) {
        $ip = ip_mangle($options['ip'], 'numeric');
        // make sure the mac has been trimmed
        $mac = trim($options['mac']);
        if ($options['name']) {
            $name = $options['name'];
        $text = "DHCP Lease Add: IP={$ip} IPTEXT={$line[1]} MAC={$mac} NAME={$name}\n";
        printmsg("DEBUG => {$text}", 3);
    // Check to see if the IP is already in the database
    //    list($status, $rows, $lease) = db_get_record($mysql, "dhcp_leases", array('IP_ADDRESS' => $ip));
    //    if ($rows) {
    //        printmsg("DEBUG => updating existing record", 2);
    //        list($status, $rows)  = db_update_record($mysql, "dhcp_leases", array('IP_ADDRESS' => $ip), array('MAC' => $mac, 'HOSTNAME' => $name));
    //    } else {
    //        printmsg("DEBUG => inserting new record", 2);
    //        list($status, $rows)  = db_insert_record($mysql, "dhcp_leases", array('IP_ADDRESS' => $ip,
    //                                                                              'IP_TEXT' => $iptext,
    //                                                                              'MAC' => $mac,
    //                                                                              'HOSTNAME' => $name)
    //                                               );
    //    }
    // Return the success notice
    return array(0, $text);
コード例 #14
function build_bind_domain($options = "")
    // The important globals
    global $conf, $self, $onadb;
    // Version - UPDATE on every edit!
    $version = '1.50';
    printmsg("DEBUG => build_bind_domain({$options}) called", 3);
    // Parse incoming options string to an array
    $options = parse_options($options);
    // Return the usage summary if we need to
    if ($options['help'] or !$options['domain']) {
        // NOTE: Help message lines should not exceed 80 characters for proper display on a console
        $self['error'] = 'ERROR => Insufficient parameters';
        return array(1, <<<EOF

Builds a zone file for a dns server from the database

  Synopsis: build_bind_domain [KEY=VALUE] ...

    domain=DOMAIN or ID      build zone file for specified domain

    // Get the domain information
    list($status, $rows, $domain) = ona_find_domain($options['domain']);
    printmsg("DEBUG => build_bind_domain() Domain record: {$domain['domain']}", 3);
    if (!$domain['id']) {
        printmsg("DEBUG => Unknown domain record: {$options['domain']}", 3);
        $self['error'] = "ERROR => Unknown domain record: {$options['domain']}";
        return array(2, $self['error'] . "\n");
    // if for some reason the domains default_ttl is not set, use the one from the $conf['dns']['default_ttl']
    if ($domain['default_ttl'] == 0) {
        $domain['default_ttl'] = $conf['dns']['default_ttl'];
    if ($domain['primary_master'] == '') {
        $domain['primary_master'] = 'localhost';
    // loop through records and display them
    $q = "\n    SELECT  *\n    FROM    dns\n    WHERE   domain_id = {$domain['id']}\n    ORDER BY type";
    // exectue the query
    $rs = $onadb->Execute($q);
    if ($rs === false or !$rs->RecordCount()) {
        $self['error'] = 'ERROR => build_zone(): SQL query failed: ' . $onadb->ErrorMsg();
        printmsg($self['error'], 0);
        $exit += 1;
    $rows = $rs->RecordCount();
    // check if this is a ptr domain that has delegation
    if (strpos(str_replace('in-addr.arpa', '', $domain['fqdn']), '-')) {
        $ptrdelegation = true;
    // Start building the named.conf - save it in $text
    $text = "; DNS zone file for {$domain['fqdn']} built on " . date($conf['date_format']) . "\n";
    // print the opening host comment with row count
    $text .= "; TOTAL RECORDS (count={$rows})\n\n";
    // FIXME: MP do more to ensure that dots are at the end as appropriate
    $text .= "\$ORIGIN {$domain['fqdn']}.\n";
    $text .= "\$TTL {$domain['default_ttl']}\n";
    $text .= ";Serial number is current unix timestamp (seconds since UTC)\n\n";
    // NOTE: There are various ways that one could generate the serial.  The bind book suggests YYYYMMDDXX where XX is 1/100th of the day or some counter in the day.
    // I feel this is too limiting.  I prefer the Unix timestamp (seconds since UTC) method.  TinyDNS uses this method as well and it allows for much more granularity.
    // Referr to the following for some discussion on the topic: http://www.lifewithdjbdns.com/#Migration
    // NOTE: for now I am generating the serial each time the zone is built.  I'm ignoring, and may remove, the one stored in the database.
    $serial_number = time();
    // Build the SOA record
    // FIXME: MP do a bit more to ensure that dots are where they should be
    $text .= "@      IN      SOA   {$domain['primary_master']}. {$domain['admin_email']} ({$serial_number} {$domain['refresh']} {$domain['retry']} {$domain['expiry']} {$domain['minimum']})\n\n";
    // Loop through the record set
    while ($dnsrecord = $rs->FetchRow()) {
        // Dont build records that begin in the future
        if (strtotime($dnsrecord['ebegin']) > time()) {
        if (strtotime($dnsrecord['ebegin']) < 0) {
        // If there are notes, put the comment character in front of it
        if ($dnsrecord['notes']) {
            $dnsrecord['notes'] = '; ' . str_replace("\n", "; ", $dnsrecord['notes']);
        // If the ttl is empty then make it truely empty
        if ($dnsrecord['ttl'] == 0) {
            $dnsrecord['ttl'] = '';
        // Also, if the records ttl is the same as the domains ttl then dont display it, just to keep it "cleaner"
        if (!strcmp($dnsrecord['ttl'], $domain['default_ttl'])) {
            $dnsrecord['ttl'] = '';
        // Dont print a dot unless hostname has a value
        if ($dnsrecord['name']) {
            $dnsrecord['name'] = $dnsrecord['name'] . '.';
        if ($dnsrecord['type'] == 'A') {
            // Find the interface record
            list($status, $rows, $interface) = ona_get_interface_record(array('id' => $dnsrecord['interface_id']));
            if ($status or !$rows) {
                printmsg("ERROR => Unable to find interface record!", 3);
                $self['error'] = "ERROR => Unable to find interface record!";
                return array(5, $self['error'] . "\n");
            $fqdn = $dnsrecord['name'] . $domain['fqdn'];
            $text .= sprintf("%-50s %-8s IN  %-8s %-30s %s\n", $fqdn . '.', $dnsrecord['ttl'], $dnsrecord['type'], $interface['ip_addr_text'], $dnsrecord['notes']);
        if ($dnsrecord['type'] == 'PTR') {
            // Find the interface record
            list($status, $rows, $interface) = ona_get_interface_record(array('id' => $dnsrecord['interface_id']));
            if ($status or !$rows) {
                printmsg("ERROR => Unable to find interface record!", 3);
                $self['error'] = "ERROR => Unable to find interface record!";
                return array(5, $self['error'] . "\n");
            // Get the name info that the cname points to
            list($status, $rows, $ptr) = ona_get_dns_record(array('id' => $dnsrecord['dns_id']), '');
            // If this is a delegation domain, find the subnet cidr
            if ($ptrdelegation) {
                list($status, $rows, $subnet) = ona_get_subnet_record(array('id' => $interface['subnet_id']));
                $ip_last = ip_mangle($interface['ip_addr'], 'flip');
                $ip_last_digit = substr($ip_last, 0, strpos($ip_last, '.'));
                $ip_remainder = substr($ip_last, strpos($ip_last, '.')) . '.in-addr.arpa.';
                $text .= sprintf("%-50s %-8s IN  %-8s %s.%-30s %s\n", $ip_last_digit . '-' . ip_mangle($subnet['ip_mask'], 'cidr') . $ip_remainder, $dnsrecord['ttl'], $dnsrecord['type'], $ptr['name'], $ptr['domain_fqdn'] . '.', $dnsrecord['notes']);
            } else {
                $text .= sprintf("%-50s %-8s IN  %-8s %s.%-30s %s\n", ip_mangle($interface['ip_addr'], 'flip') . '.in-addr.arpa.', $dnsrecord['ttl'], $dnsrecord['type'], $ptr['name'], $ptr['domain_fqdn'] . '.', $dnsrecord['notes']);
        if ($dnsrecord['type'] == 'CNAME') {
            // Find the interface record
            list($status, $rows, $interface) = ona_get_interface_record(array('id' => $dnsrecord['interface_id']));
            if ($status or !$rows) {
                printmsg("ERROR => Unable to find interface record!", 3);
                $self['error'] = "ERROR => Unable to find interface record!";
                return array(5, $self['error'] . "\n");
            // Get the name info that the cname points to
            list($status, $rows, $cname) = ona_get_dns_record(array('id' => $dnsrecord['dns_id']), '');
            $fqdn = $dnsrecord['name'] . $domain['fqdn'];
            $text .= sprintf("%-50s %-8s IN  %-8s %s.%-30s %s\n", $fqdn . '.', $dnsrecord['ttl'], $dnsrecord['type'], $cname['name'], $cname['domain_fqdn'] . '.', $dnsrecord['notes']);
        if ($dnsrecord['type'] == 'NS') {
            // Find the interface record
            list($status, $rows, $interface) = ona_get_interface_record(array('id' => $dnsrecord['interface_id']));
            if ($status or !$rows) {
                printmsg("ERROR => Unable to find interface record!", 3);
                $self['error'] = "ERROR => Unable to find interface record!";
                return array(5, $self['error'] . "\n");
            // Get the name info that the cname points to
            list($status, $rows, $ns) = ona_get_dns_record(array('id' => $dnsrecord['dns_id']), '');
            $text .= sprintf("%-50s %-8s IN  %-8s %s.%-30s %s\n", $domain['fqdn'] . '.', $dnsrecord['ttl'], $dnsrecord['type'], $ns['name'], $ns['domain_fqdn'] . '.', $dnsrecord['notes']);
        if ($dnsrecord['type'] == 'MX') {
            // Find the interface record
            list($status, $rows, $interface) = ona_get_interface_record(array('id' => $dnsrecord['interface_id']));
            if ($status or !$rows) {
                printmsg("ERROR => Unable to find interface record!", 3);
                $self['error'] = "ERROR => Unable to find interface record!";
                return array(5, $self['error'] . "\n");
            // Get the name info that the cname points to
            list($status, $rows, $mx) = ona_get_dns_record(array('id' => $dnsrecord['dns_id']), '');
            if ($dnsrecord['name']) {
                $name = $dnsrecord['name'] . $domain['fqdn'];
            } else {
                $name = $domain['name'];
            $text .= sprintf("%-50s %-8s IN  %s %-5s %s.%-30s %s\n", $name . '.', $dnsrecord['ttl'], $dnsrecord['type'], $dnsrecord['mx_preference'], $mx['name'], $mx['domain_fqdn'] . '.', $dnsrecord['notes']);
        if ($dnsrecord['type'] == 'SRV') {
            // Find the interface record
            list($status, $rows, $interface) = ona_get_interface_record(array('id' => $dnsrecord['interface_id']));
            if ($status or !$rows) {
                printmsg("ERROR => Unable to find interface record!", 3);
                $self['error'] = "ERROR => Unable to find interface record!";
                return array(5, $self['error'] . "\n");
            // Get the name info that the cname points to
            list($status, $rows, $srv) = ona_get_dns_record(array('id' => $dnsrecord['dns_id']), '');
            if ($dnsrecord['name']) {
                $name = $dnsrecord['name'] . $domain['fqdn'];
            } else {
                $name = $domain['name'];
            $text .= sprintf("%-50s %-8s IN  %s %s %s %-8s %-30s %s\n", $name . '.', $dnsrecord['ttl'], $dnsrecord['type'], $dnsrecord['srv_pri'], $dnsrecord['srv_weight'], $dnsrecord['srv_port'], $srv['fqdn'] . '.', $dnsrecord['notes']);
        if ($dnsrecord['type'] == 'TXT') {
            $fqdn = $dnsrecord['name'] . $domain['fqdn'];
            $text .= sprintf("%-50s %-8s IN  %-8s %-30s %s\n", $fqdn . '.', $dnsrecord['ttl'], $dnsrecord['type'], '"' . $dnsrecord['txt'] . '"', $dnsrecord['notes']);
    ////////////// Footer stuff //////////////////
    // MP: FIXME: For now I"m not using this.. bind errors out if the file doesnt exist.  need a deterministic way to do this.
    // Allow for a local footer include.. I expect this to rarely be used
    //    $text .= "\n; Allow for a local footer include.. I expect this to rarely be used.\n";
    //    $text .= "\$INCLUDE named-{$domain['fqdn']}-footer\n";
    // Return the zone file
    return array(0, $text);
コード例 #15
ファイル: subnet.inc.php プロジェクト: edt82/ona
function subnet_nextip($options = "")
    global $conf, $self, $onadb;
    // Version - UPDATE on every edit!
    $version = '1.00';
    printmsg('DEBUG => subnet_del(' . $options . ') called', 3);
    // Parse incoming options string to an array
    $options = parse_options($options);
    // Sanitize options[commit] (default is no)
    $options['commit'] = sanitize_YN($options['commit'], 'N');
    // Return the usage summary if we need to
    if ($options['help'] or !$options['subnet']) {
        // NOTE: Help message lines should not exceed 80 characters for proper display on a console
        $self['error'] = 'ERROR => Insufficient parameters';
        return array(1, <<<EOM

Return the next available IP address on a subnet.

  Synopsis: subnet_nextip [KEY=VALUE] ...

    subnet=IP or ID               select subnet by search string

    offset=NUMBER                 Starting offset to find next available IP
    output=[dotted|numeric]       Return the number as a dotted or numeric value
                                  DEFAULT: numeric

    // Find the subnet record we're deleting
    list($status, $rows, $subnet) = ona_find_subnet($options['subnet']);
    if ($status or !$rows) {
        $self['error'] = "ERROR => Subnet not found";
        return array(2, $self['error'] . "\n");
    // Create a few variables that will be handy later
    $num_ips = 0xffffffff - $subnet['ip_mask'];
    $last_ip = $subnet['ip_addr'] + $num_ips - 1;
    // check that offset is a number
    if (isset($options['offset']) and !is_numeric($options['offset'])) {
        $self['error'] = "ERROR => Offset must be a numeric number";
        return array(3, $self['error'] . "\n");
    } else {
        $offsetmsg = " beyond offset {$options['offset']}";
    // make sure the offset does not extend beyond the specified subnet
    if ($options['offset'] >= $num_ips - 1) {
        $self['error'] = "ERROR => Offset extends beyond specified subnet boundary";
        return array(4, $self['error'] . "\n");
    if (!isset($options['output'])) {
        $options['output'] = '1';
    } else {
        if ($options['output'] != 'dotted' && $options['output'] != 'numeric') {
            $self['error'] = "ERROR => Output option must be 'dotted' or 'numeric'";
            return array(5, $self['error'] . "\n");
    // Find the first number based on our subnet and offset
    $ip = $subnet['ip_addr'] + $options['offset'];
    // Make sure we skip past the subnet IP to the first usable IP
    if ($ip == $subnet['ip_addr']) {
    // Start looping through our IP addresses until we find an available one
    while ($ip <= $last_ip) {
        // Find out if the ip is used in an interface
        list($status, $rows, $interfaces) = db_get_records($onadb, 'interfaces', array('ip_addr' => $ip));
        // If we find a free address.. check that it is not in a DHCP pool
        if (!$rows) {
            list($status, $rows, $pool) = db_get_record($onadb, 'dhcp_pools', "{$ip} >= ip_addr_start AND {$ip} <= ip_addr_end");
            if ($rows) {
                $ip = $pool['ip_addr_end'];
            } else {
        // increment by one and check again
    // If we checked all the IPs, make sure we are not on the broadcast IP of the subnet
    if ($ip == $last_ip + 1) {
        $self['error'] = "ERROR => No available IP addresses found on subnet{$offsetmsg}";
        return array(5, $self['error'] . "\n");
    // return the IP
    return array(0, ip_mangle($ip, $options['output']) . "\n");
コード例 #16
ファイル: dhcp_server.inc.php プロジェクト: edt82/ona
function dhcp_server_del($options = "")
    // The important globals
    global $conf, $self, $onadb;
    // Version - UPDATE on every edit!
    $version = '1.03';
    printmsg("DEBUG => dhcp_server_del({$options}) called", 3);
    // Parse incoming options string to an array
    $options = parse_options($options);
    // Sanitize options[commit] (default is yes)
    $options['commit'] = sanitize_YN($options['commit'], 'N');
    // Return the usage summary if we need to
    if ($options['help'] or !($options['subnet'] and $options['server'])) {
        // NOTE: Help message lines should not exceed 80 characters for proper display on a console
        $self['error'] = 'ERROR => Insufficient parameters';
        return array(1, <<<EOM

Removes a subnet record from a DHCP server

  Synopsis: dhcp_server_del [KEY=VALUE] ...

    subnet=NAME or ID               subnet name or ID
    server=NAME[.DOMAIN] or ID      server name or ID

    commit=[Y|N]                    commit db transaction (no)

    DOMAIN will default to {$conf['dns_defaultdomain']} if not specified

    // Determine the entry itself exists
    list($status, $rows, $subnet) = ona_find_subnet($options['subnet']);
    // Test to see that we were able to find the specified record
    if (!$subnet['id']) {
        printmsg("DEBUG => Unable to find the subnet record using {$options['subnet']}!", 3);
        $self['error'] = "ERROR => Unable to find the subnet record using {$options['subnet']}!";
        return array(4, $self['error'] . "\n");
    printmsg("DEBUG => dhcp_server_del(): Found subnet, {$subnet['name']}", 3);
    if ($options['server']) {
        // Determine the server is valid
        list($status, $rows, $host) = ona_find_host($options['server']);
        if (!$host['id']) {
            printmsg("DEBUG => The server ({$options['server']}) does not exist!", 3);
            $self['error'] = "ERROR => The server specified, {$options['server']}, does not exist!";
            return array(2, $self['error'] . "\n");
    //printmsg("DEBUG => dhcp_server_del(): Found server, {$host['FQDN']}", 3);
    // Test that this subnet is even assigned to the server
    list($status, $rows, $dhcpserver) = ona_get_dhcp_server_subnet_record(array('host_id' => $host['id'], 'subnet_id' => $subnet['id']));
    if (!$rows) {
        printmsg("DEBUG => Unable to find {$subnet['name']} on server {$host['fqdn']}", 3);
        $self['error'] = "ERROR => Unable to find {$subnet['name']} on server {$host['fqdn']}";
        return array(11, $self['error'] . "\n");
    // If "commit" is yes, delete the record
    if ($options['commit'] == 'Y') {
        // Check permissions
        if (!auth('advanced') or !authlvl($host['LVL']) or !authlvl($subnet['LVL'])) {
            $self['error'] = "Permission denied!";
            printmsg($self['error'], 0);
            return array(10, $self['error'] . "\n");
        // check if allowed to remove subnet from server
        // check for pool assigned to the server itself
        list($status, $rows, $pools) = db_get_records($onadb, 'dhcp_pools', array('subnet_id' => $subnet['id']));
        foreach ($pools as $pool) {
            if ($pool['dhcp_failover_group_id']) {
                $foundfg = 0;
                list($status, $rows, $primary) = ona_get_dhcp_failover_group_record(array('id' => $pool['dhcp_failover_group_id'], 'primary_server_id' => $host['id']));
                if ($rows) {
                list($status, $rows, $secondary) = ona_get_dhcp_failover_group_record(array('id' => $pool['dhcp_failover_group_id'], 'secondary_server_id' => $host['id']));
                if ($rows) {
                // if a subnet/server pair is found in dhcp pools, don't allow removal
                if ($foundfg > 0) {
                    printmsg("DEBUG => Subnet ({$subnet['name']}) has a pool assigned to this Server ({$host['fqdn']}), which is part of a failover group.  The server must be removed from the failover group first.", 3);
                    $self['error'] = "ERROR => Subnet ({$subnet['name']}) has a pool assigned to this Server ({$host['fqdn']}), which is part of a failover group.  The server must be removed from the failover group first.";
                    return array(12, $self['error'] . "\n");
        // MP: remove this after testing.  dhcp options should not stop us from dis-associating a subnet from a server
        //     Not really sure why I have this.. probably left over cruft from old thoughts
        //         // check if there are any DHCP parameters assigned to the subnet
        //         list($status, $rows, $tmp) = ona_get_dhcp_option_entry_record(array('subnet_id' => $subnet['id']));
        //         // if so, check that this is not the last DHCP server that services this subnet
        //         if ($rows > 0) {
        //             list($status, $rows, $tmp) = ona_get_dhcp_server_subnet_record(array('subnet_id' => $subnet['id']));
        //             // If this is the last DHCP server that services this subnet, don't allow removal until DHCP parameters are removed
        //             if($rows <= 1){
        //                 printmsg("DEBUG => Subnet ({$subnet['name']}) has DHCP parameters assigned which need to be removed first",3);
        //                 $self['error'] = "ERROR => Subnet ({$subnet['name']}) has DHCP parameters assigned which need to be removed first";
        //                 return(array(12, $self['error'] . "\n"));
        //             }
        //         }
        // delete record from dhcp_server_subnets
        list($status, $rows) = db_delete_records($onadb, 'dhcp_server_subnets', array('id' => $dhcpserver['id']));
        if ($status) {
            $self['error'] = "ERROR => dhcp_server_del() SQL Query failed:" . $self['error'];
            printmsg($self['error'], 0);
            return array(9, $self['error'] . "\n");
        // Return the success notice
        $self['error'] = "INFO => DHCP Subnet/Server Pair DELETED: {$subnet['name']}/{$host['fqdn']} ";
        printmsg($self['error'], 0);
        return array(0, $self['error'] . "\n");
    // Otherwise display the record that would have been deleted
    $text = <<<EOL
    Record(s) NOT DELETED (see "commit" option)
    Displaying record(s) that would have been removed:

    {$subnet['name']} from: {$host['fqdn']}

    return array(6, $text);
コード例 #17
function main()
    $opts = parse_options();
    $dbs = run('mysql ' . $opts['connection'] . ' -e "show databases" -B -N');
    $seconds = array('hourly' => 60 * 60, 'daily' => 60 * 60 * 24, 'weekly' => 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, 'monthly' => 60 * 60 * 24 * 30, 'yearly' => 60 * 60 * 24 * 365.25);
    $time = time();
    foreach ($dbs as $db) {
        $db = trim($db);
        if (array_search($db, $opts['exclude'])) {
        $old_file = false;
        foreach ($opts['keep'] as $name => $keep) {
            $dir = "{$opts['backup-dir']}/{$name}";
            $minutes = $seconds[$name];
            $files = run("ls -t {$dir} | grep '.{$db}.tar.gz'", true);
            if ($keep === -1 || empty($files) || $time - filemtime("{$dir}/{$files['0']}") >= $seconds[$name]) {
                $file = "{$dir}/" . strftime('%Y_%m_%d_%H:%M:%S') . "__{$db}.tar.gz";
                if (empty($old_file)) {
                    run("mysqldump {$opts['extra']} {$opts['connection']} {$db} | gzip -c > {$file}");
                    $old_file = $file;
                } else {
                    run("cp {$old_file} {$file}");
                    $file = $old_file;
                ok("Created {$name} backup {$file}");
                if ($keep !== -1 && count($files) > $keep) {
                    run("rm {$dir}/" . array_pop($files));
コード例 #18
ファイル: tag.inc.php プロジェクト: edt82/ona
function tag_del($options = "")
    // The important globals
    global $conf, $self, $onadb;
    // Version - UPDATE on every edit!
    $version = '1.00';
    printmsg("DEBUG => tag_del({$options}) called", 3);
    // Parse incoming options string to an array
    $options = parse_options($options);
    // Return the usage summary if we need to
    if ($options['help'] or !$options['tag']) {
        // NOTE: Help message lines should not exceed 80 characters for proper display on a console
        $self['error'] = 'ERROR => Insufficient parameters';
        return array(1, <<<EOM

Deletes an tag from the database

  Synopsis: tag_del [KEY=VALUE] ...

    tag=ID             ID of the tag to delete

    commit=[yes|no]     commit db transaction (no)

    // Sanitize options[commit] (default is no)
    $options['commit'] = sanitize_YN($options['commit'], 'N');
    // If the tag provided is numeric, check to see if it's an tag
    if (is_numeric($options['tag'])) {
        // See if it's a tag_id
        list($status, $rows, $tag) = db_get_record($onadb, 'tags', array('id' => $options['tag']));
    if (!$tag['id']) {
        printmsg("DEBUG => Unable to find tag ({$options['tag']})!", 3);
        $self['error'] = "ERROR => Unable to find tag ({$options['tag']})!";
        return array(2, $self['error'] . "\n");
    // If "commit" is yes, delete the record
    if ($options['commit'] == 'Y') {
        // Check permissions
        if (!(auth('host_del') or auth('subnet_del'))) {
            $self['error'] = "Permission denied!";
            printmsg($self['error'], 0);
            return array(10, $self['error'] . "\n");
        list($status, $rows) = db_delete_records($onadb, 'tags', array('id' => $tag['id']));
        if ($status or !$rows) {
            $self['error'] = "ERROR => tag_del() SQL Query failed: " . $self['error'];
            printmsg($self['error'], 0);
            return array(4, $self['error'] . "\n");
        // Return the success notice
        $self['error'] = "INFO => TAG DELETED: {$tag['name']} from {$tag['type']}[{$tag['reference']}]";
        printmsg($self['error'], 0);
        return array(0, $self['error'] . "\n");
    // Otherwise display the record that would have been deleted
    $text = <<<EOL
Record(s) NOT DELETED (see "commit" option)
Displaying record(s) that would have been deleted:

    NAME:      {$tag['name']}
    TYPE:      {$tag['type']}
    REFERENCE: {$tag['reference']}

    return array(6, $text);
コード例 #19
ファイル: domain_server.inc.php プロジェクト: edt82/ona
function domain_server_del($options = "")
    // The important globals
    global $conf, $self, $onadb;
    // Version - UPDATE on every edit!
    $version = '1.02';
    printmsg("DEBUG => domain_server_del({$options}) called", 3);
    // Parse incoming options string to an array
    $options = parse_options($options);
    // Sanitize options[commit] (default is yes)
    $options['commit'] = sanitize_YN($options['commit'], 'N');
    // Return the usage summary if we need to
    if ($options['help'] or !($options['domain'] and $options['server'])) {
        // NOTE: Help message lines should not exceed 80 characters for proper display on a console
        $self['error'] = 'ERROR => Insufficient parameters';
        return array(1, <<<EOM

Removes a domain record from a DNS server

  Synopsis: domain_server_del [KEY=VALUE] ...

    domain=NAME or ID               domain name or ID
    server=NAME[.DOMAIN] or ID      server name or ID

    commit=[Y|N]                    commit db transaction (no)

    if (is_numeric($options['domain'])) {
        $domainsearch['id'] = $options['domain'];
    } else {
        $domainsearch['name'] = strtoupper($options['domain']);
    // Determine the entry itself exists
    list($status, $rows, $domain) = ona_get_domain_record($domainsearch);
    // Test to see that we were able to find the specified record
    if (!$domain['id']) {
        printmsg("DEBUG => Unable to find the domain record using {$options['domain']}!", 3);
        $self['error'] = "ERROR => Unable to find the domain record using {$options['domain']}!";
        return array(4, $self['error'] . "\n");
    printmsg("DEBUG => domain_server_del(): Found domain, {$domain['name']}", 3);
    if ($options['server']) {
        // Determine the server is valid
        list($status, $rows, $host) = ona_find_host($options['server']);
        if (!$host['id']) {
            printmsg("DEBUG => The server ({$options['server']}) does not exist!", 3);
            $self['error'] = "ERROR => The server specified, {$options['server']}, does not exist!";
            return array(2, $self['error'] . "\n");
    // Test that this domain is even assigned to the server
    list($status, $rows, $domainserver) = ona_get_dns_server_domain_record(array('host_id' => $host['id'], 'domain_id' => $domain['id']));
    if (!$rows) {
        printmsg("DEBUG => Unable to find {$domain['name']} on server {$host['fqdn']}", 3);
        $self['error'] = "ERROR => Unable to find {$domain['name']} on server {$host['fqdn']}";
        return array(11, $self['error'] . "\n");
    // Test that there are no NS records for this pair
    // ASSUMPTION: MP this will always be just one record??
    // depending on how the user has their NS records set up, we may not find anything.
    list($status, $dnsrows, $dnsrec) = db_get_record($onadb, 'dns', "domain_id = {$domain['id']} AND type = 'NS' AND interface_id in (select id from interfaces where host_id = {$host['id']})");
    // If "commit" is yes, delete the record
    if ($options['commit'] == 'Y') {
        // Check permissions
        if (!auth('advanced') or !authlvl($host['LVL']) or !authlvl($domain['LVL'])) {
            $self['error'] = "Permission denied!";
            printmsg($self['error'], 0);
            return array(10, $self['error'] . "\n");
        // delete record from domain_server_domains
        list($status, $rows) = db_delete_records($onadb, 'dns_server_domains', array('id' => $domainserver['id']));
        if ($status) {
            $self['error'] = "ERROR => domain_server_del() SQL Query failed:" . $self['error'];
            printmsg($self['error'], 0);
            return array(9, $self['error'] . "\n");
        // Run the module to delete the associated NS record.. Only if we found a dns record for NS
        if ($dnsrec['id']) {
            list($status, $output) = run_module('dns_record_del', array('name' => $dnsrec['id'], 'type' => 'NS', 'commit' => 'Y'));
            if ($status) {
                $self['error'] = "ERROR => domain_server_del() NS record delete failed:" . $output;
                printmsg($self['error'], 0);
                return array(9, $self['error'] . "\n");
            } else {
                // add the output to self error for display
                $add_to_error = $output;
        // Return the success notice
        $self['error'] = "INFO => DNS Domain/Server Pair DELETED: {$domain['name']}/{$host['fqdn']} ";
        printmsg($self['error'], 0);
        return array(0, $add_to_error . $self['error'] . "\n");
    // Otherwise display the record that would have been deleted
    $text = <<<EOL
    Record(s) NOT DELETED (see "commit" option)
    Displaying record(s) that would have been removed:

    {$domain['name']} from: {$host['fqdn']}

    if ($dnsrows) {
        $text .= "    Removing related NS record, if any. Please double check your NS records for this domain.\n";
    return array(6, $text);
コード例 #20
ファイル: annotated_test.php プロジェクト: michaelprem/phc
 function get_annotations($subject)
     $out = file_get_contents($subject);
     $available = get_available_annotations();
     $triples = array();
     // match the annotations
     $lines = split("\n", $out);
     $pregs = array("/#(.*)\$/", "/\\/\\/(.*)\$/", "/\\/\\*(.*)\\*\\//");
     foreach ($lines as $line) {
         foreach ($pregs as $preg) {
             if (preg_match("{$preg}", $line, $line_match)) {
                 if (preg_match("/\\s*\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{\t\t\t\t\t\t# start matching string\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\\s*\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(\\S+\t\t\t\t# start match with name\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\\s*\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(\\(.*?\\))?\t\t# match optional argument\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t:\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\\s*\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\\S.*\\S)\t\t\t# end match with value\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\\s*\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\t\t\t\t\t\t# finish match\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\\s*/x", $line_match[1], $comment_match)) {
                     $triples[] = $comment_match[1];
     // Extract the annotations, adding dependencies and options.
     $result = array();
     while (count($triples) > 0) {
         $triple = array_shift($triples);
         // match "name (options): value
         preg_match("/^\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(\\S+)\t\t\t\t# match name\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\\s*\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(?:\t\t\t\t# dont put this group into the result\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\\(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(.*?)\t\t# match options, but not the brackets\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\\)\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t)?\t\t\t\t\t# options is optional\n\t\t\t\t\t\t:\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\\s*\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(\\S.*\\S)\t\t\t# match value\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\\s*\n\t\t\t\t\t\$/x", $triple, $triple_match);
         $name = $triple_match[1];
         $options = parse_options($triple_match[2]);
         $value = $triple_match[3];
         phc_assert(isset($available[$name]), "Annotation {$name} not available, in {$subject}");
         $available[$name]->add_value($options, $value);
         $result[$name] = $available[$name];
         $triples = array_merge($available[$name]->get_dependencies(), $triples);
     // Add default that hasnt been added.
     foreach ($available as $name => $annotation) {
         if (count($annotation->values) == 0 && $annotation->get_default_value() !== NULL) {
             $annotation->add_value($annotation->get_default_options(), $annotation->get_default_value());
             $result[] = $annotation;
     return $result;
コード例 #21
function build_dhcpd_conf($options = "")
    global $self;
    global $conf;
    global $onadb;
    // Version - UPDATE on every edit!
    $version = '1.10';
    // Exit status of the function
    $exit = 0;
    printmsg('DEBUG => build_dhcpd_conf(' . $options . ') called', 3);
    // Parse incoming options string to an array
    $options = parse_options($options);
    // Return the usage summary if we need to
    if ($options['help'] or !$options['server']) {
        // NOTE: Help message lines should not exceed 80 characters for proper display on a console
        return array(1, <<<EOM

Builds configuration for dhcpcd from the database

  Synopsis: build_dhcpd_conf [KEY=VALUE] ...

    server=NAME[.DOMAIN] or ID    Build conf by hostname or HOST_ID

    header_path=PATH              Path to the server local header to include

    * Specified host must be a valid DHCP server
    * header_path is a file on the DHCP server.  It will be defined at
      the very top of your configuration using the DHCP "include" directive.

    // TODO: ipv6 need to pass in if we want v4 or v6.. default to v4 for now.
    //       looks like you cant have a mixed config
    // Debugging
    printmsg("DEBUG => Building DHCP config for: {$options['server']}", 3);
    // Validate that there is already a host named $options['server'].
    list($status, $rows, $host) = ona_find_host($options['server']);
    if (!$host['id']) {
        return array(2, "ERROR => No such host: {$options['server']}\n");
    // Now determine if that host is a valid server
    list($status, $dhcp_rows, $dhcp_server) = db_get_records($onadb, 'dhcp_server_subnets', array('host_id' => $host['id']), '');
    list($status, $dhcpf_rows, $dhcpf_server) = db_get_records($onadb, 'dhcp_failover_groups', "primary_server_id = {$host['id']} or secondary_server_id = {$host['id']}", '');
    if ($dhcp_rows == 0 and $dhcpf_rows == 0) {
        return array(3, "ERROR => Specified host is not a DHCP server: {$options['server']}\n");
    // Throw the host id into a self variable for later use
    $self['serverid'] = $host['id'];
    // Start an output variable with build timestamp
    $text .= "###### DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE ###### \n";
    $text .= "# dhcpd.conf file for {$host['fqdn']} built on " . date($conf['date_format']) . "\n#\n";
    $text .= "# This file is built by an automated script.  Any change to this \n";
    $text .= "# file will be lost at the next build.\n\n";
    // setup standard include path
    // TODO: MP possibly put this into a configuration option like header so the user can easily change where this is.
    if (isset($options['header_path'])) {
        $text .= "include \"{$options['header_path']}\";\n";
    /////////////////////////////// Build global options //////////////////////////////////////////
    list($status, $globals) = build_global($host['id']);
    $text .= $globals;
    /////////////////////////////// Failover groups //////////////////////////////////////////
    // build list of failover group statements for provided server
    list($status, $failovergroup) = ona_dhcp_build_failover_group($host['id']);
    $text .= $failovergroup;
    /////////////////////////////// shared subnets //////////////////////////////////////////
    // setup a variable to keep track of which vlan we are on
    $vlananchor = '';
    // Loop through all of the vlan subnets and print them
    printmsg("DEBUG => Processing all Shared (VLAN) Subnets", 1);
    $i = 0;
    do {
        list($status, $rows, $vlan_subnet) = ona_get_record('vlan_id != 0 AND
                                                              id IN (SELECT subnet_id
                                                                     FROM   dhcp_server_subnets
                                                                     WHERE  host_id = ' . $host['id'] . '
                                                                     SELECT subnet_id
                                                                     FROM dhcp_pools
                                                                     WHERE dhcp_failover_group_id IN (SELECT id
                                                                                                      FROM dhcp_failover_groups
                                                                                                      WHERE primary_server_id = ' . $host['id'] . '
                                                                                                      OR secondary_server_id = ' . $host['id'] . '))', 'subnets', 'vlan_id ASC');
        if ($status) {
            printmsg($self['error'], 0);
            $exit += $status;
        if ($rows == 0) {
            printmsg("DEBUG => build_dhcpd_conf(): Found no shared subnets.", 3);
        } else {
            if ($i == 0) {
                $text .= "# --------SHARED SUBNETS (count={$rows})--------\n\n";
        printmsg("DEBUG => Processing vlan subnet " . ($i + 1) . " of {$rows}", 3);
        // pull info about the vlan itself
        list($status, $vlanrows, $vlan) = ona_get_vlan_record(array('id' => $vlan_subnet['vlan_id']));
        if ($status) {
            printmsg($self['error'], 0);
            $exit += $status;
        // check to see if we have switched to a new vlan
        if ($vlananchor != $vlan_subnet['vlan_id']) {
            // if this is NOT the first loop through, close the previous shared network block
            if ($i >= 1) {
                $text .= "}\n\n";
            // print the opening statement for the shared network block and strip characters that may cause errors
            $text .= "shared-network " . preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9_-]/', '', "{$vlan['vlan_campus_name']}-{$vlan['number']}-{$vlan['name']}") . " {\n";
        // print the subnet block for the current subnet in the loop
        list($status, $subnetblock) = subnet_conf($vlan_subnet, 1);
        if ($status) {
            printmsg("ERROR => subnet_conf() returned an error: vlan subnet: {$vlan_subnet['name']}", 0);
            $exit += $status;
        } else {
            $text .= $subnetblock;
        // If the loop is at the end,and this isnt the first time we've come through the loop, print a close statement
        // if ($i == $rows && $vlananchor != '') {$text .= "}\n\n";}
        if ($i == $rows) {
            $text .= "}\n\n";
        // continue to update the vlan anchor
        $vlananchor = $vlan_subnet['vlan_id'];
    } while ($i < $rows);
    /////////////////////////////// standard subnets //////////////////////////////////////////
    // Loop through all of the NON vlan subnets and print them
    printmsg("DEBUG => Processing all Non-Shared (Standard) Subnets", 1);
    // We do our own sql query here because it makes more sense than calling ona_get_record() a zillion times ;)
    $q = "SELECT *\n          FROM subnets\n          WHERE vlan_id = 0 AND\n                id IN (SELECT subnet_id\n                       FROM dhcp_server_subnets\n                       WHERE host_id = {$host['id']}\n                       UNION\n                       SELECT subnet_id\n                       FROM dhcp_pools\n                       WHERE dhcp_failover_group_id IN (SELECT id\n                                                        FROM dhcp_failover_groups\n                                                        WHERE primary_server_id = {$host['id']}\n                                                        OR secondary_server_id = {$host['id']}))\n\n          ORDER BY name ASC";
    $rs = $onadb->Execute($q);
    if ($rs === false) {
        $self['error'] = 'ERROR => build_dhcpd_conf(): standard_subnets: SQL query failed: ' . $onadb->ErrorMsg();
        printmsg($self['error'], 0);
        $exit += 1;
    $rows = $rs->RecordCount();
    if ($rows > 0) {
        $text .= "# --------STANDARD SUBNETS (count={$rows})--------\n";
    $i = 0;
    // Loop through the record set
    while ($std_subnet = $rs->FetchRow()) {
        printmsg("DEBUG => build_dhcpd_conf() Processing standard subnet " . ($i + 1) . " of {$rows}", 3);
        // print the subnet info for the current subnet in the loop
        list($status, $subnetblock) = subnet_conf($std_subnet, 0);
        if ($status) {
            printmsg("ERROR => subnet_conf() returned an error: non-vlan subnet: {$std_subnet['description']}", 0);
            $exit += $status;
        } else {
            $text .= $subnetblock;
    /////////////////////////////// build static hosts //////////////////////////////////////////
    list($status, $hostconf) = build_hosts($host['id']);
    $text .= $hostconf;
    /////////////////////////////// Yer done, go home //////////////////////////////////////////
    // Return the config file
    return array($exit, $text);
コード例 #22
ファイル: host.inc.php プロジェクト: edt82/ona
function host_display($options = "")
    global $conf, $self, $onadb;
    $text_array = array();
    // Version - UPDATE on every edit!
    $version = '1.04';
    printmsg("DEBUG => host_display({$options}) called", 3);
    // Parse incoming options string to an array
    $options = parse_options($options);
    // Sanitize options[verbose] (default is yes)
    $options['verbose'] = sanitize_YN($options['verbose'], 'Y');
    // Return the usage summary if we need to
    if ($options['help'] or !$options['host']) {
        // NOTE: Help message lines should not exceed 80 characters for proper display on a console
        $self['error'] = 'ERROR => Insufficient parameters';
        return array(1, <<<EOM

Displays a host record from the database

  Synopsis: host_display [KEY=VALUE] ...

    host=NAME[.DOMAIN] or ID      hostname or ID of the host display

    verbose=[yes|no]              display additional info (yes)

    // Find the host (and domain) record from $options['host']
    list($status, $rows, $host) = ona_find_host($options['host']);
    printmsg("DEBUG => Host: {$host['fqdn']}", 3);
    if (!$host['id']) {
        printmsg("DEBUG => Unknown host: {$options['host']}", 3);
        $self['error'] = "ERROR => Unknown host: {$options['host']}";
        return array(2, $self['error'] . "\n");
    $text_array = $host;
    // Build text to return
    $text = "HOST RECORD ({$host['fqdn']})\n";
    $text .= format_array($host);
    // If 'verbose' is enabled, grab some additional info to display
    if ($options['verbose'] == 'Y') {
        // TODO: if it is a nat interface, maybe process that IP and make it visible?
        // Interface record(s)
        $i = 0;
        do {
            list($status, $rows, $interface) = ona_get_interface_record(array('host_id' => $host['id']));
            if ($rows == 0) {
            $text .= "\nASSOCIATED INTERFACE RECORD ({$i} of {$rows})\n";
            $text .= format_array($interface);
            $text_array['interfaces'][$i] = $interface;
        } while ($i < $rows);
        $text_array['interface_count'] = $rows;
        // Device record
        list($status, $rows, $device) = ona_get_device_record(array('id' => $host['device_id']));
        if ($rows >= 1) {
            // Fill out some other device info
            list($status, $rows, $device_type) = ona_get_device_type_record(array('id' => $device['device_type_id']));
            list($status, $rows, $role) = ona_get_role_record(array('id' => $device_type['role_id']));
            list($status, $rows, $model) = ona_get_model_record(array('id' => $device_type['model_id']));
            list($status, $rows, $manufacturer) = ona_get_manufacturer_record(array('id' => $model['manufacturer_id']));
            $device['device_type'] = "{$manufacturer['name']}, {$model['name']} ({$role['name']})";
            list($status, $rows, $location) = ona_get_location_record(array('id' => $device['location_id']));
            $text_array['location'] = $location;
            $text_array['device'] = $device;
            $text .= "\nASSOCIATED DEVICE RECORD\n";
            $text .= format_array($device);
        // Tag records
        list($status, $rows, $tags) = db_get_records($onadb, 'tags', array('type' => 'host', 'reference' => $host['id']));
        if ($rows) {
            $text .= "\nASSOCIATED TAG RECORDS\n";
            foreach ($tags as $tag) {
                $text_array['tags'][] = $tag['name'];
                $text .= "  {$tag['name']}\n";
    // Cleanup unused info
    // change the output format if other than default
    if ($options['format'] == 'json') {
        $text = $text_array;
    if ($options['format'] == 'yaml') {
        $text = $text_array;
    // Return the success notice
    return array(0, $text);
コード例 #23
ファイル: dns_record.inc.php プロジェクト: edt82/ona
function dns_record_display($options = "")
    global $conf, $self, $onadb;
    // Version - UPDATE on every edit!
    $version = '1.00';
    printmsg("DEBUG => dns_record_display({$options}) called", 3);
    // Parse incoming options string to an array
    $options = parse_options($options);
    // Sanitize options[verbose] (default is yes)
    $options['verbose'] = sanitize_YN($options['verbose'], 'Y');
    // Return the usage summary if we need to
    if ($options['help'] or !$options['name']) {
        // NOTE: Help message lines should not exceed 80 characters for proper display on a console
        $self['error'] = 'ERROR => Insufficient parameters';
        return array(1, <<<EOM

Displays a DNS record from the database

  Synopsis: dns_record_display [KEY=VALUE] ...

    name=NAME[.DOMAIN] or ID      hostname or ID of the dns record to display

    verbose=[yes|no]              display additional info (yes)

    // If the name we were passed has a leading . in it then remove the dot.
    $options['name'] = preg_replace("/^\\./", '', $options['name']);
    // Find the DNS record from $options['name']
    list($status, $rows, $record) = ona_find_dns_record($options['name']);
    printmsg("DEBUG => dns_record_del() DNS record: {$record['name']}", 3);
    if (!$record['id']) {
        printmsg("DEBUG => Unknown DNS record: {$options['name']}", 3);
        $self['error'] = "ERROR => Unknown DNS record: {$options['name']}";
        return array(2, $self['error'] . "\n");
    // Build text to return
    $text = "DNS {$record['type']} RECORD ({$record['fqdn']})\n";
    $text .= format_array($record);
    // If 'verbose' is enabled, grab some additional info to display
    if ($options['verbose'] == 'Y') {
        // PTR record(s)
        $i = 0;
        do {
            list($status, $rows, $ptr) = ona_get_dns_record(array('dns_id' => $record['id'], 'type' => 'PTR'));
            if ($rows == 0) {
            $text .= "\nASSOCIATED PTR RECORD ({$i} of {$rows})\n";
            $text .= format_array($ptr);
        } while ($i < $rows);
        // CNAME record(s)
        $i = 0;
        do {
            list($status, $rows, $cname) = ona_get_dns_record(array('dns_id' => $record['id'], 'type' => 'CNAME'));
            if ($rows == 0) {
            $text .= "\nASSOCIATED CNAME RECORD ({$i} of {$rows})\n";
            $text .= format_array($cname);
        } while ($i < $rows);
        // FIXME: MP display other types of records like NS,MX,SRV etc etc, also support dns views better
    // Return the success notice
    return array(0, $text);
コード例 #24
ファイル: mysql_purge_logs.inc.php プロジェクト: edt82/ona
function mysql_purge_logs($options)
    global $conf, $self, $ona_db;
    printmsg('DEBUG => mysql_purge_logs(' . $options . ') called', 3);
    // Version - UPDATE on every edit!
    $version = '1.00';
    // Parse incoming options string to an array
    $options = parse_options($options);
    // Return the usage summary if we need to
    if ($options['help'] or !$options['slaves']) {
        $self['error'] = 'ERROR => Insufficient parameters';
        // NOTE: Help message lines should not exceed 80 characters for proper display on a console
        return array(1, <<<EOM

Connects to a specified list of MySQL slave servers, checks where they are
in reading/replicating the master server's binary logs, and deletes logs
from the associated master(s) which are no longer needed by any slave system.

A list of slave servers is supplied as input, and master servers are detected

  Synopsis: mysql_purge_logs [KEY=VALUE]

    slaves=NAME[,NAME ...]    list of slave server(s) to connect to
    commit=[yes|no]           commit changes to database (default: no)
    user=NAME                 mysql username (default: root)
    password=STRING           mysql password (default: blank)

    // Set default user ID, if none was provided.
    if (!$options['user']) {
        $options['user'] = '******';
    // Sanitize "options[commit]" (no is the default)
    $options['commit'] = sanitize_YN($options['commit'], 'N');
    // Split out the list of slave servers into an array (comma-delimited).
    $slaves = preg_split('/,/', $options['slaves']);
    // Now we begin...
    $masters = array();
    foreach ($slaves as $slave_host) {
        if (!$slave_host or $slave_host == "") {
        printmsg("DEBUG => Connect to slave host mysql://{$options['user']}:{$options['password']}@{$slave_host}", 4);
        $dbh = db_connect('mysql', $slave_host, $options['user'], $options['password'], 'mysql');
        if (!$dbh || !$dbh->IsConnected()) {
        // Find out this slave's replication status.
        $q = "show slave status;";
        $rs = $dbh->Execute($q);
        $array = $rs->FetchRow();
        // Check if our master is listed, and if so, make sure the oldest
        // binary logfile (by name) is stored in the array.
        $matched = 0;
        foreach ($masters as $host => $binlog) {
            if ($host == $array['Master_Host'] && $binlog > $array['Master_Log_File']) {
                $masters['$host'] = $array['Master_Log_File'];
                $matched = 1;
        // If our master wasn't listed, then create a new entry.
        if ($matched == 0) {
            $masters[$array['Master_Host']] = $array['Master_Log_File'];
    // Now the "output" step...
    $retval_string = "";
    $retval_errlvl = 0;
    foreach ($masters as $host => $binlog) {
        if ($options['commit'] == 'Y') {
            $dbh = db_connect('mysql', $host, $options['user'], $options['password'], 'mysql');
            if (!$dbh || !$dbh->IsConnected()) {
                $self['error'] .= "ERROR => Could not connect to host '{$host}' to execute query. Skipping.\n";
                $retval_errlvl = 2;
        $q = "purge master logs to '{$binlog}'";
        if ($options['commit'] == 'Y') {
            $rs = $dbh->Execute($q);
            $error = $dbh->ErrorMsg();
            // Report any errors
            if ($rs === false or $error) {
                $self['error'] .= 'ERROR => SQL query on host {$host} failed: ' . $error . "\n";
                $retval_errlvl = 2;
            } else {
                $retval_string .= "Successfully executed ({$q}) on host '{$host}'.\n";
        } else {
            $retval_string .= "Not commiting changes. Would have executed: ({$q}) on host '{$host}'.\n";
    // Return our results, as success strings and (perhaps) error strings.
    return array($retval_errlvl, $retval_string);
コード例 #25
ファイル: message.inc.php プロジェクト: edt82/ona
function message_add($options = "")
    // The important globals
    global $conf, $self, $onadb;
    // Version - UPDATE on every edit!
    $version = '1.00';
    // Default expiration
    $exp_default = "+6 week";
    $pri_default = 3;
    // Priority is one of the following:
    // 0 = Informational
    // 1 = red or high
    // 2 = yellow or medium
    // 3 = green or low
    printmsg("DEBUG => message_add({$options}) called", 3);
    // Parse incoming options string to an array
    $options = parse_options($options);
    // Return the usage summary if we need to
    if ($options['help'] or !$options['subnet'] and !$options['host'] or !$options['message'] and (!$options['expiration'] and !$options['priority'])) {
        // NOTE: Help message lines should not exceed 80 characters for proper display on a console
        $self['error'] = 'ERROR => Insufficient parameters';
        return array(1, <<<EOM

Adds the provided message to the host or subnet specified

  Synopsis: message_add

    host=NAME[.DOMAIN]|IP     hostname or IP of the host
    subnet=NAME|IP            name or IP of the subnet

    message="STRING"          the content of the message

    priority=NUMBER           device/model type or ID (default: {$pri_default})
    expiration=DATE           date to expire message (default: NOW {$exp_default}s)

    Priority is one of the following:
    0 = blue or Informational
    1 = red or high
    2 = yellow or medium
    3 = green or low

    // If they provided a hostname / ID let's look it up
    if ($options['host']) {
        list($status, $rows, $host) = ona_find_host($options['host']);
        $table_name_ref = 'hosts';
        $table_id_ref = $host['id'];
        $desc = $host['fqdn'];
    } else {
        if ($options['subnet']) {
            list($status, $rows, $subnet) = ona_find_subnet($options['subnet']);
            $table_name_ref = 'subnets';
            $table_id_ref = $subnet['id'];
            $desc = $subnet['name'];
    // If we didn't get a record then exit
    if (!$host['id'] and !$subnet['id']) {
        printmsg("DEBUG => No host or subnet found!", 3);
        $self['error'] = "ERROR => No host or subnet found!";
        return array(4, $self['error'] . "\n");
    // Set the priority
    $priority = array_key_exists('priority', $options) ? $options['priority'] : $pri_default;
    if ($priority > 3 or $priority < 0 or !is_numeric($priority)) {
        $self['error'] = "ERROR => Priority must be a number between 0 and 3!";
        return array(4, $self['error'] . "\n");
    // Get a username or "anonymous"
    $username = isset($_SESSION['username']) ? $_SESSION['username'] : "******";
    // Expiration date format
    if ($options['expiration']) {
        $expiration = date("Y-m-d G:i:s", strtotime($options['expiration']));
    } else {
        $expiration = date("Y-m-d G:i:s", strtotime($exp_default));
    //  TODO: there should probably be some sort of security checks on the message that is passed in.
    //  I suspect this could be a security issue.  SQL injection etc.
    list($status, $rows) = db_insert_record($onadb, 'messages', array('table_name_ref' => $table_name_ref, 'table_id_ref' => $table_id_ref, 'priority' => $priority, 'username' => $username, 'expiration' => $expiration, 'message_text' => $options['message']));
    if ($status or !$rows) {
        $self['error'] = "ERROR => message_add() SQL Query failed: " . $self['error'];
        printmsg($self['error'], 0);
        return array(6, $self['error'] . "\n");
    $text = "INFO => Message ADDED to: {$desc}\n";
    // Return the message file
    return array(0, $text);
コード例 #26
ファイル: custom_attribute.inc.php プロジェクト: edt82/ona
function custom_attribute_display($options = "")
    // The important globals
    global $conf, $self, $onadb;
    $text_array = array();
    // Version - UPDATE on every edit!
    $version = '1.02';
    printmsg("DEBUG => custom_attribute_display({$options}) called", 3);
    // Parse incoming options string to an array
    $options = parse_options($options);
    // Return the usage summary if we need to
    if ($options['help'] or !$options['host'] and !$options['id'] and !$options['subnet'] and !$options['vlan']) {
        // NOTE: Help message lines should not exceed 80 characters for proper display on a console
        $self['error'] = 'ERROR => Insufficient parameters';
        return array(1, <<<EOM

Display the custom attribute specified or attributes for a host

  Synopsis: custom_attribute_display

    id=ID                     custom attribute ID
    host=ID or NAME[.DOMAIN]  display custom attributes for specified host
    subnet=ID or NAME         display custom attributes for specified subnet
    vlan=NAME                 display custom attributes for specified VLAN

    type=ID or NAME           If you specify a type and a host or subnet you
                              will only get back a 1 or a 0 indicating that
                              that type is set or not set for the host or subnet

    // if a type was set, check if it is associated with the host or subnet and return 1 or 0
    if ($options['type']) {
        $field = is_numeric($options['type']) ? 'id' : 'name';
        list($status, $rows, $catype) = ona_get_custom_attribute_type_record(array($field => $options['type']));
        // error if we cant find the type specified
        if (!$catype['id']) {
            $self['error'] = "ERROR => The custom attribute type specified, {$options['type']}, does not exist!";
            return array(5, $self['error']);
        $where['custom_attribute_type_id'] = $catype['id'];
    // Search for the host first
    if ($options['host']) {
        list($status, $rows, $host) = ona_find_host($options['host']);
        // Error if the host doesn't exist
        if (!$host['id']) {
            $self['error'] = "ERROR => The host specified, {$options['host']}, does not exist!";
            return array(2, $self['error']);
        } else {
            $where['table_id_ref'] = $host['id'];
            $where['table_name_ref'] = 'hosts';
            list($status, $rows, $cas) = db_get_records($onadb, 'custom_attributes', $where);
        $anchor = 'host';
        $desc = $host['fqdn'];
    // Search for subnet
    if ($options['subnet']) {
        list($status, $rows, $subnet) = ona_find_subnet($options['subnet']);
        // Error if the record doesn't exist
        if (!$subnet['id']) {
            $self['error'] = "ERROR => The subnet specified, {$options['subnet']}, does not exist!";
            return array(3, $self['error']);
        } else {
            $where['table_id_ref'] = $subnet['id'];
            $where['table_name_ref'] = 'subnets';
            list($status, $rows, $cas) = db_get_records($onadb, 'custom_attributes', $where);
        $anchor = 'subnet';
        $desc = $subnet['description'];
    // Search for vlan
    if ($options['vlan']) {
        list($status, $rows, $vlan) = ona_find_vlan($options['vlan']);
        // Error if the record doesn't exist
        if (!$vlan['id']) {
            $self['error'] = "ERROR => The VLAN specified, {$options['vlan']}, does not exist!";
            return array(3, $self['error']);
        } else {
            $where['table_id_ref'] = $vlan['id'];
            $where['table_name_ref'] = 'vlans';
            list($status, $rows, $cas) = db_get_records($onadb, 'custom_attributes', $where);
        $anchor = 'vlan';
        $desc = $vlan['description'];
    // Now find the ID of the record, returns a specific record only
    if ($options['id']) {
        list($status, $rows, $ca) = ona_get_custom_attribute_record(array('id' => $options['id']));
        if (!$ca['id']) {
            $self['error'] = "ERROR => The custom attribute specified, {$options['id']}, is invalid!";
            return array(4, $self['error']);
        $text_array = $ca;
        $text .= "CUSTOM ATTRIBUTE ENTRY RECORD ({$ca['id']})\n";
        $text .= format_array($ca);
    } elseif ($options['type']) {
        // If we requested type, now is the time to return a response if it is found associated.
        if ($cas[0]) {
            $text .= '1';
            $text_array['has_attribute'] = 'Y';
        } else {
            $text .= '0';
            $text_array['has_attribute'] = 'N';
    } else {
        // Build text to return
        $text .= strtoupper($anchor) . " CUSTOM ATTRIBUTE RECORDS ({$desc})\n";
        // Display the record(s)
        $i = 0;
        do {
            $text .= "\nASSOCIATED CUSTOM ATTRIBUTE ENTRY RECORD ({$i} of {$rows})\n";
            $text .= format_array($cas[$i]);
            list($status, $carows, $ca) = ona_get_custom_attribute_type_record(array('id' => $cas[$i]['custom_attribute_type_id']));
            $text_array[$ca['name']] = $cas[$i]['value'];
        } while ($i < $rows);
    // change the output format if other than default
    if ($options['format'] == 'json') {
        $text = $text_array;
    if ($options['format'] == 'yaml') {
        $text = $text_array;
    // Return the success notice
    return array(0, $text);
コード例 #27
ファイル: configuration.inc.php プロジェクト: edt82/ona
function config_diff($options = "")
    // The important globals
    global $conf;
    global $self;
    global $onadb;
    // Version - UPDATE on every edit!
    $version = '1.03';
    printmsg('DEBUG => config_diff(' . $options . ') called', 3);
    // Parse incoming options string to an array
    $options = parse_options($options);
    // Return the usage summary if we need to
    if ($options['help'] or (!$options['host'] or !$options['type']) and (!$options['ida'] or !$options['idb'])) {
        // NOTE: Help message lines should not exceed 80 characters for proper display on a console
        return array(1, <<<EOM

Displays the difference between selected archive entries
  Synopsis: config_diff [KEY=VALUE] ...
    host=ID or NAME[.DOMAIN]    display most recent config for specified host
    type=TYPE                   type of config to display -
                                  usually "IOS_VERSION" or "IOS_CONFIG"
    ida=ID                      First config ID to compare against idb
    idb=ID                      Second config ID to compare against ida

    If you don't pass any IDs you will get the two most recent configs
    related to the host/type you provide.

    $text = "";
    // Compare arbitrary configs based on config IDs
    // If we have ids, lets use those instead
    if ($options['ida'] and $options['idb']) {
        // get the two configs from the db
        list($status, $rows, $configs) = db_get_records($onadb, 'configurations', "id in ({$options['ida']},{$options['idb']})", 'ctime DESC', '2', '');
    } else {
        // Get a config record if there is one
        $self['error'] = "";
        list($status, $rows, $config) = ona_find_config($options);
        list($status, $rows, $configs) = db_get_records($onadb, 'configurations', array('host_id' => $config['host_id'], 'configuration_type_id' => $config['configuration_type_id']), 'ctime DESC', '2', '');
    // Error if an error was returned
    if ($status or $rows != 2) {
        if ($self['error']) {
            $text = $self['error'] . "\n";
        $text .= "ERROR => One or more config text entries not found!\n";
        return array(2, $text);
    // Get a unified text diff output
    $text .= text_diff($configs[1]['config_body'], $configs[0]['config_body']);
    // Return the success notice
    return array(0, $text);
コード例 #28
ファイル: functions_general.inc.php プロジェクト: edt82/ona
function run_module($module = '', $options = '', $transaction = 1)
    global $conf, $self, $onadb;
    // Build the options array string from $options_string if we need to
    // This is only used for logging!  If $options_string is an array it
    // is passed untouched to the module.
    $options_string = $options;
    if (is_array($options)) {
        $options_string = '';
        $and = '';
        foreach (array_keys($options) as $key) {
            // Quote any "special" characters in the value.
            // Specifically the '=' and '&' characters need to be escaped.
            $options[$key] = str_replace(array('=', '&'), array('\\=', '\\&'), $options[$key]);
            // If the key has no value or it is the javascript key, dont print it.
            if ($options[$key] != "" and $key != 'js') {
                $options_string .= "{$and}{$key}={$options[$key]}";
                $and = '&';
    // get the options as an array so we can look for logging info
    $local_options = parse_options($options);
    // If the user passes in an option called 'module_loglevel' then use it as the run module output level
    // otherwise default it to 1 so it will print out as normal.
    $log_level = 1;
    if ($local_options['module_loglevel']) {
        $log_level = $local_options['module_loglevel'];
    // Remove config info as it can be huge and could have sensitive info in it.
    // This could cause issues since I"m doing & as an anchor at the end.  see how it goes.
    // The module that is called could also display this information depending on debug level
    $options_string = preg_replace("/config=.*&/", '', $options_string);
    printmsg("INFO => Running module: {$module} options: {$options_string}", $log_level);
    // Load the module
    if (load_module($module)) {
        return array(1, $self['error'] . "\n");
    // Start an DB transaction (If the database supports it)
    if ($transaction) {
        $has_trans = $onadb->BeginTrans();
    if (!$has_trans) {
        printmsg("WARNING => Transactions support not available on this database, this can cause problems!", 1);
    // If begintrans worked and we support transactions, do the smarter "starttrans" function
    if ($has_trans) {
        printmsg("DEBUG => Commiting transaction", 2);
    // Start a timer so we can display moudle run time if debugging is enabled
    $start_time = microtime_float();
    // Run the function
    list($status, $output) = $module($options);
    // Stop the timer, and display how long it took
    $stop_time = microtime_float();
    printmsg("DEBUG => [Module_runtime] " . round($stop_time - $start_time, 2) . " seconds -- [Total_SQL_Queries] " . $self['db_get_record_count'] . " --  [Module_exit_code] {$status}", 1);
    // Either commit, or roll back the transaction
    if ($transaction and $has_trans) {
        if ($status != 0) {
            printmsg("INFO => There was a module error, marking transaction for a Rollback!", 1);
    if ($has_trans) {
        // If there was any sort of failure, make sure the status has incremented, this catches sub module output errors;
        if ($onadb->HasFailedTrans()) {
            $status = $status + 1;
        // If the user passed the rollback flag then dont commit the transaction
        // FIXME: not complete or tested.. it would be nice to have an ability for the user to pass
        //        a rollback flag to force the transaction to rollback.. good for testing adds/modify.
        //        The problem is sub modules will fire and then the whole thing stops so you wont see/test the full operation.
        //         if ($local_options['rollback']) {
        //             printmsg("INFO => The user requested to mark the transaction for a rollback, no changes made.", 0);
        //             $output .= "INFO => The user requested to mark the transaction for a rollback, no changes made.\n";
        //             $status = $status + 1;
        //         }
        printmsg("DEBUG => Commiting transaction", 2);
    // Return the module's output
    return array($status, $output);
コード例 #29
ファイル: block.inc.php プロジェクト: edt82/ona
function block_display($options = "")
    global $conf, $self, $onadb;
    // Version - UPDATE on every edit!
    $version = '1.00';
    printmsg("DEBUG => block_display({$options}) called", 3);
    // Parse incoming options string to an array
    $options = parse_options($options);
    // Sanitize options[verbose] (default is yes)
    $options['verbose'] = sanitize_YN($options['verbose'], 'Y');
    // Return the usage summary if we need to
    if ($options['help'] or !$options['block']) {
        // NOTE: Help message lines should not exceed 80 characters for proper display on a console
        $self['error'] = 'ERROR => Insufficient parameters';
        return array(1, <<<EOM

Displays a block record from the database

  Synopsis: block_display [KEY=VALUE] ...

    block=NAME or ID      Block name or ID of the block display

    verbose=[yes|no]      Display additional info (DEFAULT: yes)

    // The formatting rule on block names is all upper and trim it
    $options['block'] = trim($options['block']);
    $options['block'] = preg_replace('/\\s+/', '-', $options['block']);
    $options['block'] = strtoupper($options['block']);
    // If the block provided is numeric, check to see if it's an block
    if (is_numeric($options['block'])) {
        // See if it's an block_id
        list($status, $rows, $block) = ona_get_block_record(array('id' => $options['block']));
        if (!$block['id']) {
            printmsg("DEBUG => Unable to find block using the ID {$options['block']}!", 3);
            $self['error'] = "ERROR => Unable to find block using the ID {$options['block']}!";
            return array(2, $self['error'] . "\n");
    } else {
        list($status, $rows, $block) = ona_get_block_record(array('name' => $options['block']));
        if (!$block['id']) {
            $self['error'] = "ERROR => Unable to find block using the name {$options['block']}!";
            printmsg("DEBUG => Unable to find block using the name {$options['block']}!", 3);
            return array(2, $self['error'] . "\n");
    printmsg("DEBUG => Found block: {$block['name']}", 3);
    // Build text to return
    $text = "BLOCK RECORD\n";
    $text .= format_array($block);
    // If 'verbose' is enabled, grab some additional info to display
    if ($options['verbose'] == 'Y') {
        $where .= " ip_addr >= " . $block['ip_addr_start'] . " AND ip_addr <= " . $block['ip_addr_end'];
        list($status, $netrows, $nets) = db_get_records($onadb, 'subnets', $where, "ip_addr");
        // subnet record(s)
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($nets as $record) {
            list($status, $rows, $subnet) = ona_get_subnet_record(array('id' => $record['id']));
            if ($rows == 0) {
            $text .= "\nASSOCIATED SUBNET RECORD ({$i} of {$netrows})\n";
            $text .= format_array($subnet);
    // Return the success notice
    return array(0, $text);
コード例 #30
function cws_shortcode_html_gen($options_array, $id, $value, $id_postfix = '', $ispopup = true, $prefix = 'mb')
    $output = '';
    if (@$options_array[$id]) {
        $output .= '<table class="mb-table">';
        if ($ispopup) {
            $output .= '<th colspan=2 class="shortcode-name">Shortcode: <span>' . $id . '</span></th>';
        $output .= parse_options($options_array[$id]['options'], $value, $prefix, $id_postfix, '', true);
        $output .= '</table>';
    return $output;