function pistachio_init() { global $log; session_start(); //Setup logger $log = new Logger('app'); $log->pushHandler(new StreamHandler(ROOT . '/app.log', Logger::DEBUG)); parse_input(); minify(); if (!insertView(PATH)) { err_404(); } }
<?php require_once 'inc/_include_all.php'; $input = file('input.txt', FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES | FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES); $info = parse_input($input); $infoMap = []; $uniques = []; foreach ($info as $piece) { $uniques[$piece->getSubject()] = true; if (!isset($infoMap[$piece->getSubject()])) { $infoMap[$piece->getSubject()] = []; } $infoMap[$piece->getSubject()][$piece->getObject()] = $piece->getHappinessDelta(); } $uniques = array_keys($uniques); $allorders = generate_all_orders($uniques); $maxArrangement = null; $maxHappiness = 0; foreach ($allorders as $order) { $happiness = calculate_total_happiness($order, $infoMap); if ($happiness > $maxHappiness) { $maxHappiness = $happiness; $maxArrangement = $order; } } var_dump($maxArrangement); echo PHP_EOL, "Happiness: ", $maxHappiness, PHP_EOL;
$strings_h .= "// You can re-generate this file using the tool in tools/i18n\n"; $strings_h .= "\n"; foreach ($base as $idx => $info) { $strings_h .= '#define STRING_' . $info[0] . ' ' . $idx . "\n"; } // Create/Update only if necessary to not trigger compiler $dest = 'src/i18n/strings.h'; if (!file_exists($dest) || sha1_file($dest) != sha1($strings_h)) { echo "Updated strings.h file\n"; file_put_contents($dest, $strings_h); } else { echo "No changes to strings.h required\n"; } // Create a data file for each language foreach ($languages as $lang) { $table = parse_input($lang, $keys); foreach ($base as $idx => $info) { if (empty($table[$idx])) { $table[$idx] = $info; } } ksort($table); $out = ''; foreach ($table as $idx => $info) { unset($info[0]); $out .= $idx . "\t" . implode("\t", $info) . "\n"; } file_put_contents('data/i18n/' . $lang . '.txt', $out); echo "Saved language pack {$lang}\n"; unset($out); }
<?php include 'parseInput.php'; include 'testInput.php'; include 'contactForm.php'; include 'permissionForm.php'; include 'mailMessage.php'; if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { $postdata = file_get_contents("php://input"); $clean_key_value_pairs = parse_input($postdata); $email_to1 = "*****@*****.**"; $email_to = ""; $email_subject = ""; $email_message = ""; $email_addresses = array(); if ($clean_key_value_pairs['form_type'] == 'permission_slip') { $error = permission_form_message($clean_key_value_pairs, $email_to, $email_subject, $email_message); array_push($email_addresses, $email_to); array_push($email_addresses, $email_to1); } else { $error = contact_form_message($clean_key_value_pairs, $email_to, $email_subject, $email_message); array_push($email_addresses, $email_to); } if (empty($error)) { //$jasonStrResponse .= mail_message($email_to1, $clean_key_value_pairs['subject'], $email_message); //$jasonStrResponse .= mail_message($email_to, $clean_key_value_pairs['subject'], $email_message); //$jasonStrResponse .= mail_message($email_to1, $email_subject, $email_message); //$jasonStrResponse .= mail_message($email_to, $email_subject, $email_message); error_log("About to send the message. email_addresses = " . print_r($email_address, 1), 0); foreach ($email_addresses as $email_address) { error_log("About to send the message. email_address = " . $email_address, 0);