コード例 #1
function check_post_rules($ressource = '', $returnVal = false)
    global $tpl;
    if (isset($ressource) && is_array($ressource) && !empty($ressource)) {
        //Check if submitter is using an user-agent
        if ($ALLOW_EMPTY_USERAGENT != 1) {
            //Determine user-agent
            $userAgent = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? filter_white_space($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) : '';
            if (empty($userAgent)) {
                //No user-agent available,
                //further access blocked
                unset($_POST, $_GET, $_REQUEST);
                //Provide a reason why access was unautorised
                $reason = _L('You have no or an invalid useragent') . '!';
                if ($returnVal) {
                    return gotoUnauthorized($reason, TEMPLATE_DIR . '/unauthorized.tpl', true);
                } else {
                    gotoUnauthorized($reason, TEMPLATE_DIR . '/unauthorized.tpl', false);
        //Check if submission is comming from
        //the current server or somewhere else
        if ($ALLOW_FOREIGN_REFERER != 1) {
            //Determine server hostname
            $serverHostTemp = isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) && !empty($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) ? trim($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) : (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) && !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? trim($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) : '');
            //Get only domain
            //(usually not needed but server configs are not always correct)
            $serverHost = trim(parseDomain($serverHostTemp));
            if (empty($serverHost)) {
                //Could not determine server hostname,
                //usually if it's an IP address
                $serverPath = parseURL($serverHostTemp);
                $serverHost = !empty($serverPath['path']) ? $serverPath['path'] : $serverHostTemp;
            //Determine page where post came from
            $refererHostTemp = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? trim($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) : '';
            $refererHost = parseDomain($refererHostTemp);
            $pattern = array('`^http[s]?:`', '`^ftp:`', '`^mailto:`', '`^www\\.`', '`^\\.`', '`\\.$`', '`[^\\w\\d-\\.]`');
            $serverHost = preg_replace($pattern, '', $serverHost);
            $refererHost = preg_replace($pattern, '', $refererHost);
            //Check if hostnames are identical
            if (!empty($serverHost) && !empty($refererHost) && $serverHost != $refererHost) {
                //Hostnames do not match,
                //Submission is not allowed!
                //Provide a reason why access was unautorised
                $reason = _L('You are now allowed to submit using foreign pages or scripts') . '!';
                if ($returnVal) {
                    return gotoUnauthorized($reason, TEMPLATE_DIR . '/unauthorized.tpl', true);
                } else {
                    gotoUnauthorized($reason, TEMPLATE_DIR . '/unauthorized.tpl', false);
            unset($serverHost, $serverHostTemp, $refererHost, $refererHostTemp);
    unset($ressource, $returnVal);
    return false;
コード例 #2
 * Check if URL is unique
 * @author Constantin Bejenaru / Boby <*****@*****.**> (http://www.frozenminds.com)
function checkUrlUnique($table, $field, $value, $exclude_id = NULL, $parent_field = NULL, $parent_value = NULL, $exclude_from_field = NULL, $exclude_value = NULL)
    global $tables, $db;
    //Use only domain
    $value = parseDomain($value);
    if (empty($value)) {
        return 0;
    $sql = "SELECT `URL` FROM `" . $tables[$table]['name'] . "` WHERE `" . $field . "` LIKE " . $db->qstr('%' . $value . '%');
    if (strlen($exclude_id) > 0) {
        $sql .= " AND `ID` != " . $db->qstr($exclude_id);
    if (!empty($parent_field)) {
        $sql .= " AND `" . $parent_field . "` = " . $db->qstr($parent_value);
    if (!empty($exclude_from_field) && !empty($exclude_value)) {
        $sql .= " AND `" . $exclude_from_field . "` != " . $db->qstr($exclude_value);
    //Retrieve simmilar URLs from DB
    $simmilarURLs = $db->GetCol($sql);
    if (!is_array($simmilarURLs) || empty($simmilarURLs)) {
        //No simmilar URLs found
        return 1;
    } else {
        //Loop through each simmilar URL and compare
        foreach ($simmilarURLs as $key => $dbURL) {
            //Get only domain
            $dbURL = parseDomain($dbURL);
            //Check if domains match
            if (preg_match('#^' . $value . '$#i', $dbURL)) {
                //Domains matched
                return 0;
            //Free some memory
            unset($simmilarURLs[$key], $dbURL);
    return 1;