コード例 #1
ファイル: attachments.php プロジェクト: mtechnik/pantherforum
$increase = isset($_POST['auto_increase']) && $_POST['auto_increase'] == '1' ? $start + $limit : $start;
$direction = isset($_POST['direction']) && $_POST['direction'] == '1' ? 'ASC' : 'DESC';
$order = isset($_POST['order']) ? intval($_POST['order']) : 0;
switch ($order) {
    case 1:
        $order = 'a.downloads';
    case 2:
        $order = 'a.size';
    case 3:
        $order = 'a.downloads*a.size';
    case 0:
        $order = 'a.id';
$data = array(':start' => $start, ':limit' => $limit);
$ps = $db->run('SELECT a.id, a.owner, a.post_id, a.filename, a.extension, a.size, a.downloads, u.username, u.group_id FROM ' . $db->prefix . 'attachments AS a LEFT JOIN ' . $db->prefix . 'users AS u ON u.id=a.owner ORDER BY ' . $order . ' ' . $direction . ' LIMIT :start, :limit', $data);
$page_title = array($panther_config['o_board_title'], $lang_admin_common['Admin'], $lang_admin_common['Attachments']);
define('PANTHER_ACTIVE_PAGE', 'admin');
require PANTHER_ROOT . 'header.php';
$attachments = array();
foreach ($ps as $cur_item) {
    $attachments[] = array('icon' => attach_icon($cur_item['extension']), 'link' => panther_link($panther_url['attachment'], array($cur_item['id'])), 'name' => $cur_item['filename'], 'username' => colourize_group($cur_item['username'], $cur_item['group_id'], $cur_item['owner']), 'post_link' => panther_link($panther_url['post'], array($cur_item['post_id'])), 'post_id' => $cur_item['post_id'], 'size' => file_size($cur_item['size']), 'downloads' => forum_number_format($cur_item['downloads']), 'transfer' => file_size($cur_item['size'] * $cur_item['downloads']), 'id' => $cur_item['id']);
$tpl = load_template('admin_attachments.tpl');
echo $tpl->render(array('lang_admin_attachments' => $lang_admin_attachments, 'lang_admin_common' => $lang_admin_common, 'form_action' => panther_link($panther_url['admin_attachments']), 'csrf_token' => generate_csrf_token(PANTHER_ADMIN_DIR . '/attachments.php'), 'increase' => $increase, 'start' => $start, 'limit' => $limit, 'order' => $order, 'direction' => $direction, 'attachments' => $attachments));
require PANTHER_ROOT . 'footer.php';
コード例 #2
ファイル: deleted.php プロジェクト: mtechnik/pantherforum
            $ps = $db->select('topics', 'num_replies', $topic_data, 'id=:id');
            $num_replies = $ps->fetchColumn();
            $update = array('num_replies' => $num_replies + 1, 'last_post' => $posted, 'last_post_id' => $last_id, 'last_poster' => $poster);
            $db->update('topics', $update, 'id=:id', $topic_data);
            update_search_index('post', $post_id, $post['message']);
            redirect(panther_link($panther_url['admin_deleted']), $lang_admin_deleted['Post approved redirect']);
    } else {
        if ($is_topic_post) {
            redirect(panther_link($panther_url['admin_deleted']), $lang_admin_deleted['Topic deleted redirect']);
        } else {
            redirect(panther_link($panther_url['admin_deleted']), $lang_admin_deleted['Post deleted redirect']);
$ps = $db->run('SELECT t.id AS topic_id, t.forum_id, p.poster, p.poster_id, p.posted, p.message, p.id AS pid, p.hide_smilies, t.subject, f.forum_name FROM ' . $db->prefix . 'posts AS p LEFT JOIN ' . $db->prefix . 'topics AS t ON p.topic_id=t.id LEFT JOIN ' . $db->prefix . 'forums AS f ON t.forum_id=f.id WHERE p.deleted=1 OR t.deleted=1 ORDER BY p.posted DESC');
require PANTHER_ROOT . 'include/parser.php';
$page_title = array($panther_config['o_board_title'], $lang_admin_common['Admin'], $lang_admin_common['Deleted']);
define('PANTHER_ACTIVE_PAGE', 'admin');
require PANTHER_ROOT . 'header.php';
$posts = array();
foreach ($ps as $cur_post) {
    $posts[] = array('id' => $cur_post['pid'], 'posted' => format_time($cur_post['posted']), 'message' => $parser->parse_message($cur_post['message'], $cur_post['hide_smilies']), 'poster' => $cur_post['poster'] != '' ? array('href' => panther_link($panther_url['profile'], array($cur_post['poster_id'], url_friendly($cur_post['poster']))), 'poster' => $cur_post['poster']) : '', 'forum' => $cur_post['forum_name'] != '' ? array('href' => panther_link($panther_url['forum'], array($cur_post['forum_id'], url_friendly($cur_post['forum_name']))), 'forum_name' => $cur_post['forum_name']) : '', 'topic' => $cur_post['subject'] != '' ? array('href' => panther_link($panther_url['topic'], array($cur_post['topic_id'], url_friendly($cur_post['subject']))), 'subject' => $cur_post['subject']) : '', 'post' => $cur_post['pid'] != '' ? array('href' => panther_link($panther_url['post'], array($cur_post['pid'])), 'post' => sprintf($lang_admin_deleted['Post ID'], $cur_post['pid'])) : '');
$tpl = load_template('admin_deleted.tpl');
echo $tpl->render(array('lang_admin_common' => $lang_admin_common, 'lang_admin_deleted' => $lang_admin_deleted, 'lang_common' => $lang_common, 'form_action' => panther_link($panther_url['admin_deleted']), 'csrf_token' => generate_csrf_token(PANTHER_ADMIN_DIR . '/deleted.php'), 'posts' => $posts));
require PANTHER_ROOT . 'footer.php';
コード例 #3
ファイル: search.php プロジェクト: mtechnik/pantherforum
        $tpl = load_template('search_results.tpl');
        echo $tpl->render(array('forum_actions' => $forum_actions, 'index_link' => panther_link($panther_url['index']), 'lang_common' => $lang_common, 'search_link' => panther_link($panther_url['search']), 'show_as' => $show_as, 'lang_search' => $lang_search, 'lang_topic' => $lang_topic, 'lang_forum' => $lang_forum, 'pagination' => paginate($num_pages, $p, $panther_url['search_pagination'], array($search_id)), 'crumbs_text' => $crumbs_text, 'results' => $results, 'panther_config' => $panther_config));
        require PANTHER_ROOT . 'footer.php';
    } else {
        message($lang_search['No hits']);
($hook = get_extensions('search_form_before_header')) ? eval($hook) : null;
$page_title = array($panther_config['o_board_title'], $lang_search['Search']);
$focus_element = array('search', 'keywords');
define('PANTHER_ACTIVE_PAGE', 'search');
require PANTHER_ROOT . 'header.php';
$data = array(':gid' => $panther_user['g_id']);
$categories = $forums = array();
$ps = $db->run('SELECT c.id AS cid, c.cat_name, f.id AS fid, f.forum_name, f.password, f.redirect_url, f.parent_forum FROM ' . $db->prefix . 'categories AS c INNER JOIN ' . $db->prefix . 'forums AS f ON c.id=f.cat_id LEFT JOIN ' . $db->prefix . 'forum_perms AS fp ON (fp.forum_id=f.id AND fp.group_id=:gid) WHERE (fp.read_forum IS NULL OR fp.read_forum=1) AND f.redirect_url IS NULL ORDER BY c.disp_position, c.id, f.disp_position', $data);
foreach ($ps as $cur_forum) {
    if ($cur_forum['password'] != '') {
        if (check_forum_login_cookie($cur_forum['fid'], $cur_forum['password'], true) === false) {
    if (!isset($catgeories[$cur_forum['cid']])) {
        // A new category since last iteration?
        $categories[$cur_forum['cid']] = array('name' => $cur_forum['cat_name'], 'id' => $cur_forum['cid']);
    $forums[] = array('parent_forum' => $cur_forum['parent_forum'], 'category_id' => $cur_forum['cid'], 'id' => $cur_forum['fid'], 'name' => $cur_forum['forum_name']);
$tpl = load_template('search.tpl');
echo $tpl->render(array('lang_search' => $lang_search, 'lang_common' => $lang_common, 'form_action' => panther_link($panther_url['search']), 'panther_config' => $panther_config, 'panther_user' => $panther_user, 'search_all_forums' => $panther_config['o_search_all_forums'] == '1' || $panther_user['is_admmod'] ? true : false, 'categories' => $categories, 'forums' => $forums));
require PANTHER_ROOT . 'footer.php';
コード例 #4
ファイル: moderate.php プロジェクト: mtechnik/pantherforum
    $topic_count = 0;
    foreach ($ps as $cur_topic) {
        $url_subject = url_friendly($cur_topic['subject']);
        // Preg match is slow!
        if ($panther_config['o_censoring'] == '1') {
            $cur_topic['subject'] = censor_words($cur_topic['subject']);
        $ghost_topic = !is_null($cur_topic['moved_to']) ? true : false;
        $num_pages_topic = ceil(($cur_topic['num_replies'] + 1) / $panther_user['disp_posts']);
        $topics[$cur_topic['id']] = array('count' => ++$topic_count, 'topic_count' => forum_number_format($topic_count + $start_from), 'cur_topic' => $cur_topic, 'topic_poster' => $cur_topic['up_id'] > 1 ? colourize_group($cur_topic['poster'], $cur_topic['up_group_id'], $cur_topic['up_id']) : colourize_group($cur_topic['poster'], PANTHER_GUEST), 'moved_to' => $cur_topic['moved_to'], 'subject' => $cur_topic['subject'], 'sticky' => $cur_topic['sticky'], 'closed' => $cur_topic['closed'], 'topic_link' => panther_link($panther_url['topic'], array($cur_topic['id'], $url_subject)), 'num_pages' => $num_pages_topic, 'pagination' => paginate($num_pages_topic, -1, $panther_url['topic_paginate'], array($cur_topic['id'], $url_subject)), 'new' => !$ghost_topic && $cur_topic['last_post'] > $panther_user['last_visit'] && (!isset($tracked_topics['topics'][$cur_topic['id']]) || $tracked_topics['topics'][$cur_topic['id']] < $cur_topic['last_post']) && (!isset($tracked_topics['forums'][$fid]) || $tracked_topics['forums'][$fid] < $cur_topic['last_post']) ? '1' : '0');
        if (is_null($cur_topic['moved_to'])) {
            $topics[$cur_topic['id']]['last_post_avatar'] = generate_avatar_markup($cur_topic['uid'], $cur_topic['email'], $cur_topic['use_gravatar'], array(32, 32));
            $topics[$cur_topic['id']]['last_post_link'] = panther_link($panther_url['post'], array($cur_topic['last_post_id']));
            $topics[$cur_topic['id']]['last_post'] = format_time($cur_topic['last_post']);
            $topics[$cur_topic['id']]['last_poster'] = $cur_topic['uid'] > 1 ? colourize_group($cur_topic['last_poster'], $cur_topic['group_id'], $cur_topic['uid']) : colourize_group($cur_topic['last_poster'], PANTHER_GUEST);
            $topics[$cur_topic['id']]['num_replies'] = forum_number_format($cur_topic['num_replies']);
            if ($panther_config['o_topic_views'] == '1') {
                $topics[$cur_topic['id']]['num_views'] = forum_number_format($cur_topic['num_views']);
        } else {
            $topics[$cur_topic['id']]['topic_link'] = panther_link($panther_url['topic'], array($cur_topic['moved_to'], $url_subject));
        if ($topics[$cur_topic['id']]['new'] == '1') {
            $topics[$cur_topic['id']]['new_link'] = panther_link($panther_url['topic_new_posts'], array($cur_topic['id'], $url_subject));
$tpl = load_template('moderate_forum.tpl');
echo $tpl->render(array('lang_common' => $lang_common, 'lang_misc' => $lang_misc, 'lang_forum' => $lang_forum, 'index_link' => panther_link($panther_url['index']), 'forum_link' => panther_link($panther_url['moderate_forum'], array($fid, url_friendly($cur_forum['forum_name']))), 'pagination' => paginate($num_pages, $p, $panther_url['moderate_forum'], array($fid)), 'forum' => $cur_forum, 'form_action' => panther_link($panther_url['moderate_forum'], array($fid)), 'panther_config' => $panther_config, 'csrf_token' => generate_csrf_token(), 'panther_user' => $panther_user, 'topics' => $topics));
($hook = get_extensions('moderate_forum_after_output')) ? eval($hook) : null;
require PANTHER_ROOT . 'footer.php';
コード例 #5
ファイル: edit.php プロジェクト: mtechnik/pantherforum
    foreach ($ps as $attachment) {
        $attachments[] = array('id' => $attachment['id'], 'icon' => attach_icon($attachment['extension']), 'link' => panther_link($panther_url['attachment'], array($attachment['id'])), 'name' => $attachment['filename'], 'size' => sprintf($lang_post['Attachment size'], file_size($attachment['size'])), 'downloads' => sprintf($lang_post['Attachment downloads'], forum_number_format($attachment['downloads'])));
($hook = get_extensions('edit_before_header')) ? eval($hook) : null;
$page_title = array($panther_config['o_board_title'], $lang_post['Edit post']);
$required_fields = array('req_subject' => $lang_common['Subject'], 'req_message' => $lang_common['Message']);
$focus_element = array('edit', 'req_message');
define('PANTHER_ACTIVE_PAGE', 'index');
require PANTHER_ROOT . 'header.php';
$checkboxes = array();
if ($can_edit_subject && $is_admmod) {
    $checkboxes[] = array('name' => 'stick_topic', 'title' => $lang_common['Stick topic'], 'checked' => isset($_POST['form_sent']) && isset($_POST['stick_topic']) || !isset($_POST['form_sent']) && $cur_post['sticky'] == '1' ? true : false);
if ($can_edit_subject && $cur_post['post_polls'] != '0' && $panther_user['g_post_polls'] == '1' && $panther_config['o_polls'] == '1') {
    $checkboxes[] = array('name' => 'add_poll', 'title' => $lang_post['Add poll'], 'checked' => isset($_POST['add_poll']) ? true : false);
if ($panther_config['o_smilies'] == '1') {
    $checkboxes[] = array('name' => 'hide_smilies', 'title' => $lang_post['Hide smilies'], 'checked' => isset($_POST['form_sent']) && isset($_POST['hide_smilies']) || !isset($_POST['form_sent']) && $cur_post['hide_smilies'] == '1' ? true : false);
if ($is_admmod) {
    $checkboxes[] = array('id' => 'silent_edit', 'name' => 'silent', 'title' => $lang_post['Silent edit'], 'checked' => isset($_POST['form_sent']) && isset($_POST['silent']) || !isset($_POST['form_sent']) ? true : false);
$render = array('errors' => $errors, 'lang_post' => $lang_post, 'lang_common' => $lang_common, 'preview' => isset($_POST['preview']) ? true : false, 'can_edit_subject' => $can_edit_subject, 'subject' => isset($_POST['req_subject']) ? $_POST['req_subject'] : $cur_post['subject'], 'can_upload' => $can_upload, 'can_delete' => $can_delete, 'panther_user' => $panther_user, 'max_size' => $max_size, 'attachments' => $attachments, 'is_admmod' => $is_admmod, 'edit_reason' => isset($_POST['edit_reason']) ? $_POST['edit_reason'] : $cur_post['edit_reason'], 'checkboxes' => $checkboxes, 'index_link' => panther_link($panther_url['index']), 'forum_link' => panther_link($panther_url['forum'], array($cur_post['fid'], url_friendly($cur_post['forum_name']))), 'cur_post' => $cur_post, 'topic_link' => panther_link($panther_url['topic'], array($cur_post['tid'], url_friendly($cur_post['subject']))), 'form_action' => panther_link($panther_url['edit_edit'], array($id)), 'csrf_token' => generate_csrf_token(), 'message' => isset($_POST['req_message']) ? $message : $cur_post['message'], 'panther_config' => $panther_config, 'quickpost_links' => array('form_action' => panther_link($panther_url['new_reply'], array($id)), 'csrf_token' => generate_csrf_token('post.php'), 'bbcode' => panther_link($panther_url['help'], array('bbcode')), 'url' => panther_link($panther_url['help'], array('url')), 'img' => panther_link($panther_url['help'], array('img')), 'smilies' => panther_link($panther_url['help'], array('smilies'))));
if (isset($_POST['preview'])) {
    require_once PANTHER_ROOT . 'include/parser.php';
    $render['preview'] = $parser->parse_message($message, $hide_smilies);
$tpl = load_template('edit.tpl');
echo $tpl->render($render);
require PANTHER_ROOT . 'footer.php';
コード例 #6
ファイル: addons.php プロジェクト: mtechnik/pantherforum
            define('PANTHER_ACTIVE_PAGE', 'admin');
            require PANTHER_ROOT . 'header.php';
            $tpl = load_template('uninstall_extension.tpl');
            echo $tpl->render(array('extension' => $extension, 'lang_admin_extensions' => $lang_admin_extensions, 'lang_common' => $lang_common, 'form_action' => panther_link($panther_url['uninstall_extension'], array($file)), 'csrf_token' => generate_csrf_token(PANTHER_ADMIN_DIR . '/addons.php')));
        } else {
            $extension_files = array();
            $files = array_diff(scandir(PANTHER_ROOT . PANTHER_ADMIN_DIR . '/extensions'), array('.', '..'));
            foreach ($files as $entry) {
                if (substr($entry, -4) == '.xml') {
                    $extension_files[$entry] = array('title' => substr($entry, 0, -4), 'file' => $entry, 'install_link' => panther_link($panther_url['install_extension'], array(substr($entry, 0, -4))));
            $extensions = array();
            $ps = $db->select('extensions', 'id, title, enabled');
            foreach ($ps as $cur_extension) {
                if (file_exists(PANTHER_ROOT . PANTHER_ADMIN_DIR . '/extensions/' . $cur_extension['id'] . '.xml')) {
                    unset($extension_files[$cur_extension['id'] . '.xml']);
                $extensions[] = array('id' => $cur_extension['id'], 'title' => $cur_extension['title'], 'enabled' => $cur_extension['enabled'], 'enable_link' => $cur_extension['enabled'] ? panther_link($panther_url['disable_extension'], array($cur_extension['id'])) : panther_link($panther_url['enable_extension'], array($cur_extension['id'])), 'uninstall_link' => panther_link($panther_url['uninstall_extension'], array($cur_extension['id'])));
            $page_title = array($panther_config['o_board_title'], $lang_admin_common['Admin'], $lang_admin_common['Extensions']);
            define('PANTHER_ACTIVE_PAGE', 'admin');
            require PANTHER_ROOT . 'header.php';
            $tpl = load_template('admin_extensions.tpl');
            echo $tpl->render(array('lang_admin_common' => $lang_admin_common, 'lang_admin_extensions' => $lang_admin_extensions, 'form_action' => panther_link($panther_url['admin_addons']), 'csrf_token' => generate_csrf_token(PANTHER_ADMIN_DIR . '/addons.php'), 'extensions' => $extensions, 'extension_files' => $extension_files, 'errors' => $errors));
require PANTHER_ROOT . 'footer.php';
コード例 #7
ファイル: post.php プロジェクト: mtechnik/pantherforum
        $checkboxes[] = array('name' => 'hide_smilies', 'checked' => isset($_POST['hide_smilies']) ? true : false, 'title' => $lang_post['Hide smilies']);
// Check to see if the topic review is to be displayed
$posts = array();
if ($tid && $panther_config['o_topic_review'] != '0') {
    require_once PANTHER_ROOT . 'include/parser.php';
    $data = array(':id' => $tid);
    $ps = $db->run('SELECT p.poster, p.message, p.hide_smilies, p.posted, u.group_id FROM ' . $db->prefix . 'posts AS p LEFT JOIN ' . $db->prefix . 'users AS u ON (p.poster=u.username) WHERE p.topic_id=:id ORDER BY p.id DESC LIMIT ' . $panther_config['o_topic_review'], $data);
    foreach ($ps as $cur_post) {
        $posts[] = array('username' => colourize_group($cur_post['poster'], $cur_post['group_id']), 'posted' => format_time($cur_post['posted']), 'message' => $parser->parse_message($cur_post['message'], $cur_post['hide_smilies']));
$render = array('lang_common' => $lang_common, 'lang_post' => $lang_post, 'posts' => $posts, 'errors' => $errors, 'index_link' => panther_link($panther_url['index']), 'forum_link' => panther_link($panther_url['forum'], array($cur_posting['id'], url_friendly($cur_posting['forum_name']))), 'cur_posting' => $cur_posting, 'POST' => $_POST, 'action' => $action, 'fid' => $fid, 'tid' => $tid, 'csrf_token' => generate_csrf_token(), 'panther_config' => $panther_config, 'message' => isset($_POST['req_message']) ? $orig_message : (isset($quote) ? $quote : ''), 'panther_user' => $panther_user, 'can_upload' => $can_upload, 'checkboxes' => $checkboxes, 'quickpost_links' => array('bbcode' => panther_link($panther_url['help'], array('bbcode')), 'url' => panther_link($panther_url['help'], array('url')), 'img' => panther_link($panther_url['help'], array('img')), 'smilies' => panther_link($panther_url['help'], array('smilies'))));
if (isset($cur_posting['subject'])) {
    $render['topic_link'] = panther_link($panther_url['topic'], array($tid, url_friendly($cur_posting['subject'])));
if (isset($_POST['preview'])) {
    require_once PANTHER_ROOT . 'include/parser.php';
    $render['preview'] = $parser->parse_message($message, $hide_smilies);
if ($panther_user['is_guest']) {
    $email_form_name = $panther_config['p_force_guest_email'] == '1' ? 'req_email' : 'email';
    $render['username'] = isset($username) ? $username : '';
    $render['email'] = isset($_POST[$email_form_name]) ? $email : '';
    $render['email_form_name'] = $email_form_name;
if ($can_upload) {
    $render['max_size'] = $max_size;
if (!empty($panther_robots) && $panther_user['g_robot_test'] == '1') {
コード例 #8
ファイル: updates.php プロジェクト: mtechnik/pantherforum
require PANTHER_ROOT . 'include/common_admin.php';
if (!$panther_user['is_admin']) {
    message($lang_common['No permission'], false, '403 Forbidden');
if ($panther_user['id'] != '2') {
    if (!is_null($admins[$panther_user['id']]['admin_updates'])) {
        if ($admins[$panther_user['id']]['admin_updates'] == '0') {
            message($lang_common['No permission'], false, '403 Forbidden');
// Load the admin_update.php language file
require PANTHER_ROOT . 'lang/' . $admin_language . '/admin_update.php';
if (version_compare($panther_config['o_cur_version'], $updater->panther_updates['version'], '>=')) {
    message($lang_admin_update['no updates']);
$action = isset($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : '';
if ($action == 'install_update') {
$page_title = array($panther_config['o_board_title'], $lang_admin_common['Admin'], $lang_admin_common['Update']);
define('PANTHER_ACTIVE_PAGE', 'admin');
require PANTHER_ROOT . 'header.php';
$tpl = load_template('admin_updates.tpl');
echo $tpl->render(array('lang_admin_update' => $lang_admin_update, 'panther_updates' => $updater->panther_updates, 'released' => format_time($updater->panther_updates['released']), 'updater' => $updater, 'changelog' => $updater->panther_updates['changelog'], 'form_action' => panther_link($panther_url['admin_updates']), 'panther_config' => $panther_config));
require PANTHER_ROOT . 'footer.php';
コード例 #9
ファイル: footer.php プロジェクト: mtechnik/pantherforum
        case 'viewforum':
            if ($panther_config['o_feed_type'] == '1') {
                $feed = array('type' => 'rss', 'link' => panther_link($panther_url['forum_rss'], array($id)), 'lang' => $lang_common['RSS forum feed']);
            } else {
                if ($panther_config['o_feed_type'] == '2') {
                    $feed = array('type' => 'atom', 'link' => panther_link($panther_url['forum_atom'], array($id)), 'lang' => $lang_common['Atom forum feed']);
        case 'viewtopic':
            if ($panther_config['o_feed_type'] == '1') {
                $feed = array('type' => 'rss', 'link' => panther_link($panther_url['topic_rss'], array($id)), 'lang' => $lang_common['RSS topic feed']);
            } else {
                if ($panther_config['o_feed_type'] == '2') {
                    $feed = array('type' => 'atom', 'link' => panther_link($panther_url['topic_atom'], array($id)), 'lang' => $lang_common['Atom topic feed']);
    ($hook = get_extensions('footer_feedsr')) ? eval($hook) : null;
// Display debug info (if enabled/defined)
if ($panther_config['o_debug_mode'] == '1') {
    // Calculate script generation time
    $time_diff = sprintf('%.3f', microtime(true) - $panther_start);
    $debug_info = sprintf($lang_common['Querytime'], $time_diff, $db->get_num_queries());
    if (function_exists('memory_get_usage')) {
        $debug_info .= ' - ' . sprintf($lang_common['Memory usage'], file_size(memory_get_usage()));
        if (function_exists('memory_get_peak_usage')) {
            $debug_info .= ' ' . sprintf($lang_common['Peak usage'], file_size(memory_get_peak_usage()));
コード例 #10
ファイル: robots.php プロジェクト: mtechnik/pantherforum
        redirect(panther_link($panther_url['admin_robots']), $lang_admin_robots['Question updated redirect']);
    } else {
        if (isset($_POST['remove'])) {
            confirm_referrer(PANTHER_ADMIN_DIR . '/robots.php');
            $id = intval(key($_POST['remove']));
            $data = array(':id' => $id);
            $db->delete('robots', 'id=:id', $data);
            // Regenerate the robots cache
            if (!defined('FORUM_CACHE_FUNCTIONS_LOADED')) {
                require PANTHER_ROOT . 'include/cache.php';
            redirect(panther_link($panther_url['admin_robots']), $lang_admin_robots['Question removed redirect']);
$page_title = array($panther_config['o_board_title'], $lang_admin_common['Admin'], $lang_admin_common['Robots']);
$focus_element = array('robots', 'new_question');
define('PANTHER_ACTIVE_PAGE', 'admin');
require PANTHER_ROOT . 'header.php';
$robots = array();
$ps = $db->select('robots', 'id, question, answer', array(), '', 'id');
foreach ($ps as $cur_test) {
    $robots[] = array('id' => $cur_test['id'], 'question' => $cur_test['question'], 'answer' => $cur_test['answer']);
$tpl = load_template('admin_robots.tpl');
echo $tpl->render(array('lang_admin_robots' => $lang_admin_robots, 'lang_admin_common' => $lang_admin_common, 'form_action' => panther_link($panther_url['admin_robots']), 'csrf_token' => generate_csrf_token(PANTHER_ADMIN_DIR . '/robots.php'), 'robots' => $robots));
require PANTHER_ROOT . 'footer.php';
コード例 #11
ファイル: tasks.php プロジェクト: mtechnik/pantherforum
    foreach ($tasks as $cur_file) {
        $options[] = array('option' => substr($cur_file, 0, -4), 'title' => ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', substr($cur_file, 0, -4))));
    $tpl = load_template('edit_task.tpl');
    echo $tpl->render(array('lang_admin_tasks' => $lang_admin_tasks, 'cur_task' => $cur_task, 'lang_common' => $lang_common, 'form_action' => panther_link($panther_url['admin_tasks']), 'csrf_token' => generate_csrf_token(PANTHER_ADMIN_DIR . '/tasks.php'), 'id' => $id, 'tasks' => $options));
} else {
    if (isset($_GET['delete'])) {
        $id = intval($_GET['delete']);
        $data = array(':id' => $id);
        $ps = $db->select('tasks', 1, $data, 'id=:id');
        if (!$ps->rowCount()) {
            message($lang_common['Bad request']);
        $tpl = load_template('delete_task.tpl');
        echo $tpl->render(array('lang_admin_tasks' => $lang_admin_tasks, 'lang_common' => $lang_common, 'form_action' => panther_link($panther_url['admin_tasks']), 'csrf_token' => generate_csrf_token(PANTHER_ADMIN_DIR . '/tasks.php'), 'id' => $id));
    } else {
        $configured_tasks = array();
        $ps = $db->select('tasks', 'id, title, minute, hour, day, month, week_day, script, next_run', array(), '', 'id');
        foreach ($ps as $cur_task) {
            $configured_tasks[] = array('minute' => $cur_task['minute'], 'hour' => $cur_task['hour'], 'day' => $cur_task['day'], 'month' => $cur_task['month'], 'week_day' => $cur_task['week_day'], 'delete_link' => panther_link($panther_url['delete_task'], array($cur_task['id'])), 'edit_link' => panther_link($panther_url['edit_task'], array($cur_task['id'])), 'next_run' => format_time($cur_task['next_run']), 'title' => $cur_task['title']);
        $options = array();
        $tasks = array_diff(scandir(PANTHER_ROOT . 'include/tasks'), array('.', '..'));
        foreach ($tasks as $cur_task) {
            $options[] = array('title' => ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', substr($cur_task, 0, -4))), 'file' => substr($cur_task, 0, -4));
        $tpl = load_template('admin_tasks.tpl');
        echo $tpl->render(array('lang_admin_tasks' => $lang_admin_tasks, 'lang_admin_common' => $lang_admin_common, 'form_action' => panther_link($panther_url['admin_tasks']), 'csrf_token' => generate_csrf_token(PANTHER_ADMIN_DIR . '/tasks.php'), 'configured_tasks' => $configured_tasks, 'tasks' => $options));
require PANTHER_ROOT . 'footer.php';
コード例 #12
ファイル: statistics.php プロジェクト: mtechnik/pantherforum
    // Check for the existence of various PHP opcode caches/optimizers
    if (function_exists('mmcache')) {
        $php_accelerator = '<a href="http://' . $lang_admin_index['Turck MMCache link'] . '">' . $lang_admin_index['Turck MMCache'] . '</a>';
    } else {
        if (isset($_PHPA)) {
            $php_accelerator = '<a href="http://' . $lang_admin_index['ionCube PHP Accelerator link'] . '">' . $lang_admin_index['ionCube PHP Accelerator'] . '</a>';
        } else {
            if (ini_get('apc.enabled')) {
                $php_accelerator = '<a href="http://' . $lang_admin_index['Alternative PHP Cache (APC) link'] . '">' . $lang_admin_index['Alternative PHP Cache (APC)'] . '</a>';
            } else {
                if (ini_get('zend_optimizer.optimization_level')) {
                    $php_accelerator = '<a href="http://' . $lang_admin_index['Zend Optimizer link'] . '">' . $lang_admin_index['Zend Optimizer'] . '</a>';
                } else {
                    if (ini_get('eaccelerator.enable')) {
                        $php_accelerator = '<a href="http://' . $lang_admin_index['eAccelerator link'] . '">' . $lang_admin_index['eAccelerator'] . '</a>';
                    } else {
                        if (ini_get('xcache.cacher')) {
                            $php_accelerator = '<a href="http://' . $lang_admin_index['XCache link'] . '">' . $lang_admin_index['XCache'] . '</a>';
                        } else {
                            $php_accelerator = $lang_admin_index['NA'];
    $render = array('PHP_OS' => PHP_OS, 'php_version' => phpversion(), 'phpinfo' => panther_link($panther_url['phpinfo']), 'php_accelerator' => $php_accelerator, 'db_version' => $db->get_version(), 'total_records' => forum_number_format($total_records), 'total_size' => $total_size);
$tpl = load_template('admin_statistics.tpl');
echo $tpl->render(array_merge(array('lang_admin_index' => $lang_admin_index, 'server_load' => $server_load, 'num_online' => $num_online, 'panther_user' => $panther_user), $render));
require PANTHER_ROOT . 'footer.php';
コード例 #13
ファイル: reputation.php プロジェクト: mtechnik/pantherforum
                     $abuse['positive'][$rep['poster_id']] = '1';
             } else {
                 if (array_key_exists($rep['poster_id'], $abuse['negative'])) {
                 } else {
                     $abuse['negative'][$rep['poster_id']] = '1';
         $positive = !empty($abuse['positive']) ? array_search(max(array_values($abuse['positive'])), $abuse['positive']) : '0';
         $negative = !empty($abuse['negative']) ? array_search(max(array_values($abuse['negative'])), $abuse['negative']) : '0';
         $rep_abuse = $positive < $negative ? array('user' => $negative, 'votes' => $abuse['negative'][$negative], 'type' => 'negative') : array('user' => $positive, 'votes' => $abuse['positive'][$positive], 'type' => 'positive');
         if ($rep_abuse['votes'] >= $panther_config['o_rep_abuse'] && $panther_config['o_mailing_list'] != '') {
             require PANTHER_ROOT . 'include/email.php';
             $info = array('message' => array('<abuser>' => $panther_user['username'], '<amount>' => $panther_config['o_rep_abuse'], '<type>' => $rep_abuse['type'], '<user>' => $cur_forum['poster'], '<profile_url>' => panther_link($panther_url['profile_rep_received'], array($rep_abuse['user']))));
             $mail_tpl = $mailer->parse(PANTHER_ROOT . 'lang/' . $panther_user['language'] . '/mail_templates/rep_abuse.tpl', $info);
             $mailer->send($panther_config['o_mailing_list'], $mail_tpl['subject'], $mail_tpl['message']);
 ($hook = get_extensions('reputation_after_rep_abuse')) ? eval($hook) : null;
 // Has the user issue issued the opposite vote? If so, remove it first ...
 $opposite_rep = false;
 $data = array(':uid' => $panther_user['id'], ':id' => $id);
 $ps = $db->select('reputation', 1, $data, 'given_by=:uid AND post_id=:id');
 if ($ps->rowCount()) {
     $opposite_rep = true;
     $vote_add = $vote == '-1' ? '-1' : '+1';
     $data = array(':uid' => $panther_user['id'], ':id' => $id);
     $db->delete('reputation', 'given_by=:uid AND post_id=:id', $data);
コード例 #14
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: mtechnik/pantherforum
        if (!$ps->rowCount()) {
            $alerts[] = sprintf($lang_admin_index['No restrictions'], panther_link($panther_url['admin_restrictions']));
    $update_downloaded = file_exists(PANTHER_ROOT . 'include/updates/panther-update-patch-' . $updater->version_friendly($updater->panther_updates['version']) . '.zip') ? true : false;
    if (version_compare($panther_config['o_cur_version'], $updater->panther_updates['version'], '<') && !$update_downloaded) {
        $alerts[] = sprintf($lang_admin_index['New version'], $updater->panther_updates['version'], panther_link($panther_url['admin_updates']));
    if ($update_downloaded) {
        $alerts[] = sprintf($lang_admin_index['update downloaded'], $updater->panther_updates['version'], panther_link($panther_url['admin_updates']));
    $avatar_path = $panther_config['o_avatars_dir'] != '' ? $panther_config['o_avatars_path'] . '/' : PANTHER_ROOT . $panther_config['o_avatars_path'] . '/';
    $smiley_path = $panther_config['o_smilies_dir'] != '' ? $panther_config['o_smilies_path'] . '/' : PANTHER_ROOT . $panther_config['o_smilies_path'] . '/';
    if (!forum_is_writable(FORUM_CACHE_DIR)) {
        $alerts[] = sprintf($lang_admin_index['Alert cache'], FORUM_CACHE_DIR);
    if (!forum_is_writable($avatar_path)) {
        $alerts[] = sprintf($lang_admin_index['Alert avatar'], $avatar_path);
    if (!forum_is_writable($smiley_path)) {
        $alerts[] = sprintf($lang_admin_index['Alert smilies'], $smiley_path);
$page_title = array($panther_config['o_board_title'], $lang_admin_common['Admin'], $lang_admin_common['Index']);
define('PANTHER_ACTIVE_PAGE', 'admin');
require PANTHER_ROOT . 'header.php';
$tpl = load_template('admin_index.tpl');
echo $tpl->render(array('lang_admin_common' => $lang_admin_common, 'lang_admin_index' => $lang_admin_index, 'form_action' => panther_link($panther_url['save_notes']), 'panther_config' => $panther_config, 'upgrade_link' => panther_link($panther_url['check_upgrade']), 'stats_link' => panther_link($panther_url['admin_statistics']), 'alerts' => $alerts));
require PANTHER_ROOT . 'footer.php';
コード例 #15
ファイル: poll_misc.php プロジェクト: mtechnik/pantherforum
            $db->update('topics', $update, 'id=:id', $data);
            ($hook = get_extensions('delete_poll_after_deletion')) ? eval($hook) : null;
            redirect(panther_link($panther_url['topic'], array($id, url_friendly($cur_topic['subject']))), $lang_poll['Poll deleted redirect']);
        ($hook = get_extensions('delete_poll_before_header')) ? eval($hook) : null;
        $page_title = array($panther_config['o_board_title'], $lang_poll['Delete poll']);
        define('PANTHER_ACTIVE_PAGE', 'index');
        require PANTHER_ROOT . 'header.php';
        $tpl = load_template('delete_poll.tpl');
        echo $tpl->render(array('lang_poll' => $lang_poll, 'lang_common' => $lang_common, 'form_action' => panther_link($panther_url['poll_delete'], array($id)), 'csrf_token' => generate_csrf_token()));
    } else {
        if (isset($_GET['reset'])) {
            if (isset($_POST['form_sent'])) {
                $update = array('voters' => '', 'votes' => '');
                $data = array(':id' => $cur_topic['pid']);
                $db->update('polls', $update, 'id=:id', $data);
                redirect(panther_link($panther_url['topic'], array($id, url_friendly($cur_topic['subject']))), $lang_poll['Poll reset redirect']);
            $page_title = array($panther_config['o_board_title'], $lang_poll['Reset poll']);
            define('PANTHER_ACTIVE_PAGE', 'index');
            require PANTHER_ROOT . 'header.php';
            ($hook = get_extensions('reset_poll_before_display')) ? eval($hook) : null;
            $tpl = load_template('reset_poll.tpl');
            echo $tpl->render(array('lang_poll' => $lang_poll, 'lang_common' => $lang_common, 'form_action' => panther_link($panther_url['poll_reset'], array($id)), 'csrf_token' => generate_csrf_token()));
        } else {
            message($lang_common['Bad request']);
require PANTHER_ROOT . 'footer.php';
コード例 #16
ファイル: pms_misc.php プロジェクト: mtechnik/pantherforum
                        ($hook = get_extensions('pms_delete_folder_before_deletion')) ? eval($hook) : null;
                        $update = array('folder_id' => 2);
                        $update_data = array(':id' => $id);
                        $db->update('pms_data', $update, 'folder_id=:id', $update_data);
                        $db->delete('folders', 'id=:id AND user_id=:uid', $data);
                        redirect(panther_link($panther_url['pms_folders']), $lang_pm['Folder del redirect']);
            $data = array(':uid' => $panther_user['id']);
            $folders = array();
            $ps = $db->select('folders', 'name, id', $data, 'user_id=:uid');
            foreach ($ps as $cur_folder) {
                $folders[] = array('id' => $cur_folder['id'], 'name' => $cur_folder['name']);
            $required_fields = array('req_folder' => $lang_pm['Folder']);
            $focus_element = array('folder', 'req_folder');
            ($hook = get_extensions('pms_message_folders_before_header')) ? eval($hook) : null;
            $page_title = array($panther_config['o_board_title'], $lang_common['PM'], $lang_pm['My folders 2']);
            define('PANTHER_ALLOW_INDEX', 1);
            define('PANTHER_ACTIVE_PAGE', 'pm');
            require PANTHER_ROOT . 'header.php';
            $tpl = load_template('message_folders.tpl');
            echo $tpl->render(array('errors' => $errors, 'lang_pm' => $lang_pm, 'lang_common' => $lang_common, 'pm_menu' => generate_pm_menu('folders'), 'form_action' => panther_link($panther_url['pms_folders']), 'folder' => isset($folder) ? $folder : '', 'folders' => $folders));
            require PANTHER_ROOT . 'footer.php';
        } else {
            message($lang_common['Bad request']);
コード例 #17
ファイル: warnings.php プロジェクト: mtechnik/pantherforum
     $p = !isset($_GET['p']) || !is_numeric($_GET['p']) || $_GET['p'] <= 1 || $_GET['p'] > $num_pages ? 1 : $_GET['p'];
     $start_from = 50 * ($p - 1);
     $data = array(':start' => $start_from);
     $ps = $db->run('SELECT w.id, w.user_id, w.type_id, w.post_id, w.title AS custom_title, w.points, w.date_issued, w.date_expire, w.issued_by, t.title, u.username AS issued_by_username, u.group_id AS issuer_gid, v.username AS username, v.group_id AS user_gid FROM ' . $db->prefix . 'warnings as w LEFT JOIN ' . $db->prefix . 'warning_types AS t ON t.id=w.type_id LEFT JOIN ' . $db->prefix . 'users AS u ON u.id=w.issued_by LEFT JOIN ' . $db->prefix . 'users AS v ON v.id=w.user_id ORDER BY w.date_issued DESC LIMIT :start, 50', $data);
     $warnings = array();
     foreach ($ps as $active_warnings) {
         if ($active_warnings['custom_title'] != '') {
             $warning_title = sprintf($lang_warnings['Custom warning'], $active_warnings['custom_title']);
         } else {
             if ($active_warnings['title'] != '') {
                 $warning_title = $active_warnings['title'];
             } else {
                 $warning_title = '';
         $warnings[] = array('title' => $warning_title, 'issued' => format_time($active_warnings['date_issued']), 'points' => $active_warnings['points'], 'username' => $active_warnings['username'] != '' ? colourize_group($active_warnings['username'], $active_warnings['user_gid'], $active_warnings['user_id']) : '', 'issuer' => $active_warnings['issued_by_username'] != '' ? colourize_group($active_warnings['issued_by_username'], $active_warnings['issuer_gid'], $active_warnings['issued_by']) : '', 'details_link' => panther_link($panther_url['warning_details'], array($active_warnings['id'])));
     define('PANTHER_ACTIVE_PAGE', 'index');
     require PANTHER_ROOT . 'header.php';
     $tpl = load_template('recent_warnings.tpl');
     echo $tpl->render(array('lang_warnings' => $lang_warnings, 'lang_common' => $lang_common, 'warnings' => $warnings, 'num_pages' => $num_pages, 'pagination' => paginate($num_pages, $p, $panther_url['warnings_recent'])));
 } else {
     $ps = $db->select('warning_types', 'id, title, description, points, expiration_time', array(), '', 'points, id');
     $ps1 = $db->select('warning_levels', 'id, points, period', array(), '', 'points, id');
     // If neither have been configured
     if (!$ps->rowCount() && !$ps1->rowCount()) {
         message($lang_common['Bad request']);
     $warning_types = array();
     foreach ($ps as $cur_type) {
         $warning_types[] = array('title' => $cur_type['title'], 'description' => $cur_type['description'], 'points' => $cur_type['points']);
コード例 #18
ファイル: profile.php プロジェクト: mtechnik/pantherforum
     require PANTHER_ROOT . 'header.php';
     $tpl = load_template('profile_privacy.tpl');
     echo $tpl->render(array('lang_profile' => $lang_profile, 'lang_common' => $lang_common, 'lang_prof_reg' => $lang_prof_reg, 'csrf_token' => generate_csrf_token(), 'form_action' => panther_link($panther_url['profile_privacy'], array($id)), 'panther_config' => $panther_config, 'panther_user' => $panther_user, 'user' => $user));
 } else {
     if ($section == 'admin') {
         if (!$panther_user['is_admmod'] || $panther_user['g_moderator'] == '1' && $panther_user['g_mod_ban_users'] == '0') {
             message($lang_common['Bad request'], false, '403 Forbidden');
         $posting_ban = format_posting_ban_expiration($user['posting_ban'] - time(), $lang_profile);
         $page_title = array($panther_config['o_board_title'], $lang_common['Profile'], $lang_profile['Section admin']);
         ($hook = get_extensions('profile_admin_before_header')) ? eval($hook) : null;
         define('PANTHER_ACTIVE_PAGE', 'profile');
         require PANTHER_ROOT . 'header.php';
         $render = array('lang_profile' => $lang_profile, 'form_action' => panther_link($panther_url['profile_admin'], array($id)), 'csrf_token' => generate_csrf_token(), 'user' => $user, 'posting_ban' => $user['g_moderator'] == '0' && $user['g_id'] != PANTHER_ADMIN && $user['g_admin'] == '0' && $panther_user['is_admin'] == '1' ? true : false, 'ban_info' => $posting_ban[2] != $lang_profile['Never'] ? sprintf($lang_profile['current ban'], format_time($user['posting_ban'])) : '', 'posting_ban' => $posting_ban, 'is_moderator' => $panther_user['g_moderator'] == '1' && $panther_user['g_admin'] == '0' && $user['g_id'] != PANTHER_ADMIN ? true : false);
         if ($panther_user['is_admin']) {
             if (file_exists(FORUM_CACHE_DIR . 'cache_restrictions.php')) {
                 require FORUM_CACHE_DIR . 'cache_restrictions.php';
             } else {
                 if (!defined('FORUM_CACHE_FUNCTIONS_LOADED')) {
                     require PANTHER_ROOT . 'include/cache.php';
                 require FORUM_CACHE_DIR . 'cache_restrictions.php';
             if (!isset($admins[$panther_user['id']]) || $panther_user['id'] == '2') {
                 $admins[$panther_user['id']] = array('admin_users' => '1');
             if ($panther_user['id'] != $id && $admins[$panther_user['id']]['admin_users'] == '1') {
                 $groups = array();
コード例 #19
    // Display all the categories and forums
    $categories = $forums = array();
    $ps = $db->run('SELECT c.id AS cid, c.cat_name, f.id AS fid, f.forum_name FROM ' . $db->prefix . 'categories AS c INNER JOIN ' . $db->prefix . 'forums AS f ON c.id=f.cat_id WHERE f.redirect_url IS NULL ORDER BY c.disp_position, c.id, f.disp_position');
    foreach ($ps as $cur_forum) {
        if (!isset($categories[$cur_forum['cid']])) {
            $categories[$cur_forum['cid']] = array('cat_name' => $cur_forum['cat_name'], 'id' => $cur_forum['cid']);
        $forums[] = array('id' => $cur_forum['fid'], 'forum_name' => $cur_forum['forum_name'], 'category_id' => $cur_forum['cid'], 'selected' => in_array($cur_forum['fid'], $id_list) ? true : false);
    $tpl = load_template('edit_announcement.tpl');
    echo $tpl->render(array('lang_admin_announcements' => $lang_admin_announcements, 'lang_common' => $lang_common, 'form_action' => panther_link($panther_url['admin_announcements']), 'csrf_token' => generate_csrf_token(PANTHER_ADMIN_DIR . '/announcements.php'), 'id' => $id, 'action' => $action, 'cur_announce' => $cur_announcement, 'help_link' => panther_link($panther_url['help'], array('bbcode')), 'categories' => $categories, 'forums' => $forums));
} elseif ($action == 'delete' && $id > 0) {
    $tpl = load_template('delete_announcement.tpl');
    echo $tpl->render(array('lang_admin_announcements' => $lang_admin_announcements, 'lang_common' => $lang_common, 'lang_admin_common' => $lang_admin_common, 'form_action' => panther_link($panther_url['delete_announcement'], array($id)), 'csrf_token' => generate_csrf_token(PANTHER_ADMIN_DIR . '/announcements.php'), 'id' => $id));
} else {
    $announcements = array();
    $ps = $db->run('SELECT a.subject, a.forum_id, a.user_id, u.username, u.group_id, a.id FROM ' . $db->prefix . 'announcements AS a INNER JOIN ' . $db->prefix . 'users AS u ON a.user_id=u.id ORDER BY a.id DESC LIMIT :start, :limit', $data);
    foreach ($ps as $announcement) {
        $forum_names = array();
        $ids = explode(',', $announcement['forum_id']);
        foreach ($ids as $id) {
            $data = array(':id' => $id);
            $ps1 = $db->select('forums', 'forum_name', $data, 'id=:id');
            $forum_names[] = $ps1->fetchColumn();
        $announcements[] = array('edit_link' => panther_link($panther_url['edit_announcement'], array($announcement['id'])), 'delete_link' => panther_link($panther_url['delete_announcement'], array($announcement['id'])), 'subject' => $announcement['subject'], 'poster' => colourize_group($announcement['username'], $announcement['group_id'], $announcement['user_id']));
    $tpl = load_template('admin_announcements.tpl');
    echo $tpl->render(array('lang_admin_common' => $lang_admin_common, 'lang_admin_announcements' => $lang_admin_announcements, 'lang_common' => $lang_common, 'pagination' => paginate($num_pages, $page, $panther_url['admin_announcements']), 'add_link' => panther_link($panther_url['add_announcement']), 'announcements' => $announcements));
require PANTHER_ROOT . 'footer.php';
コード例 #20
ファイル: warnings.php プロジェクト: mtechnik/pantherforum
                            $expiration[0] = '';
                            $expiration[1] = $lang_warnings['Never'];
                        $types[] = array('edit_link' => panther_link($panther_url['warning_edit_type'], array($list_types['id'])), 'delete_link' => panther_link($panther_url['warning_del_type'], array($list_types['id'])), 'list_types' => $list_types, 'expiration' => $expiration);
                    $levels = array();
                    $ps = $db->select('warning_levels', 'id, points, period', array(), '', 'points, id');
                    foreach ($ps as $list_levels) {
                        if ($list_levels['period'] == '0') {
                            $ban_title = $lang_warnings['Permanent ban'];
                        } else {
                            $expiration = explode(' ', format_expiration_time($list_levels['period']));
                            if ($expiration[0] == $lang_warnings['Never']) {
                                $expiration[0] = '';
                                $expiration[1] = $lang_warnings['Never'];
                            $ban_title = sprintf($lang_warnings['Temporary ban'], $expiration[0], $expiration[1]);
                        $levels[] = array('edit_link' => panther_link($panther_url['warning_edit_level'], array($list_levels['id'])), 'delete_link' => panther_link($panther_url['warning_del_level'], array($list_levels['id'])), 'points' => $list_levels['points'], 'ban_title' => $ban_title);
                    // Display the admin navigation menu
                    require PANTHER_ROOT . 'header.php';
                    $tpl = load_template('admin_warnings.tpl');
                    echo $tpl->render(array('lang_admin_common' => $lang_admin_common, 'lang_warnings' => $lang_warnings, 'form_action' => panther_link($panther_url['admin_warnings']), 'types' => $types, 'levels' => $levels));
require PANTHER_ROOT . 'footer.php';
コード例 #21
ファイル: archive.php プロジェクト: mtechnik/pantherforum
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($topics['topics']); $i++) {
            $markers[] = '?';
            $data[] = $topics['topics'][$i];
        $db->run('UPDATE ' . $db->prefix . 'topics SET archived=1 WHERE id IN (' . implode(',', $markers) . ')', $data);
        $percentage = round($topics['count'] / $total * 100, 2);
    $update = array('conf_value' => serialize($rules));
    $data = array(':conf_name' => 'o_archive_rules');
    $db->update('config', $update, 'conf_name=:conf_name', $data);
    $redirect_lang = $panther_config['o_archiving'] == '1' ? sprintf($lang_admin_archive['Archive rules updated'], $topics['count'], $total, $percentage . '%') : $lang_admin_archive['Updated redirect'];
    redirect(panther_link($panther_url['admin_archive']), $redirect_lang);
$archive_rules = $panther_config['o_archive_rules'] != '' ? unserialize($panther_config['o_archive_rules']) : array('closed' => 0, 'sticky' => 0, 'time' => 0, 'unit' => 'days', 'forums' => array(0));
$percentage = $ps->rowCount() != 0 ? round($archived / $total * 100, 2) : 0;
$categories = $forums = array();
$ps = $db->run('SELECT c.id AS cid, c.cat_name, f.id AS fid, f.forum_name FROM ' . $db->prefix . 'categories AS c INNER JOIN ' . $db->prefix . 'forums AS f ON c.id=f.cat_id WHERE f.redirect_url IS NULL ORDER BY c.disp_position, c.id, f.disp_position');
foreach ($ps as $cur_forum) {
    if (!isset($categories[$cur_forum['cid']])) {
        $categories[$cur_forum['cid']] = array('name' => $cur_forum['cat_name'], 'id' => $cur_forum['cid']);
    $forums[] = array('id' => $cur_forum['fid'], 'selected' => in_array($cur_forum['fid'], $archive_rules['forums']) ? true : false, 'name' => $cur_forum['forum_name'], 'category_id' => $cur_forum['cid']);
$page_title = array($panther_config['o_board_title'], $lang_admin_common['Admin'], $lang_admin_common['Archive']);
define('PANTHER_ACTIVE_PAGE', 'admin');
require PANTHER_ROOT . 'header.php';
$tpl = load_template('admin_archive.tpl');
echo $tpl->render(array('lang_admin_common' => $lang_admin_common, 'lang_admin_archive' => $lang_admin_archive, 'form_action' => panther_link($panther_url['admin_archive']), 'csrf_token' => generate_csrf_token(PANTHER_ADMIN_DIR . '/archive.php'), 'archive_lang' => $panther_config['o_archiving'] == '1' ? $lang_admin_archive['Archive enabled'] : $lang_admin_archive['Archive disabled'], 'admin_options' => panther_link($panther_url['admin_options']), 'archived' => $archived, 'percentage' => $percentage, 'archive_rules' => $archive_rules, 'lang_common' => $lang_common, 'categories' => $categories, 'forums' => $forums));
require PANTHER_ROOT . 'footer.php';
コード例 #22
ファイル: cache.php プロジェクト: mtechnik/pantherforum
function generate_quickjump_cache($group_id = false, $read_board = 1)
    global $db, $lang_common, $panther_url, $panther_groups;
    $groups = array();
    $base_url = get_base_url();
    // If a group_id was supplied, we generate the quick jump cache for that group only
    if ($group_id !== false) {
        $groups[$group_id] = isset($panther_groups[$group_id]['g_read_board']) ? $panther_groups[$group_id]['g_read_board'] : $read_board;
    } else {
        // A group_id was not supplied, so we generate the quick jump cache for all groups
        foreach ($panther_groups as $cur_group) {
            $groups[$cur_group['g_id']] = $cur_group['g_read_board'];
    // Loop through the groups in $groups and output the cache for each of them
    foreach ($groups as $group_id => $read_board) {
        // Output quickjump as PHP code
        $output = '<?php' . "\n\n" . 'if (!defined(\'PANTHER\')) exit;' . "\n" . 'define(\'PANTHER_QJ_LOADED\', 1);' . "\n" . '$forum_id = isset($forum_id) ? $forum_id : 0;' . "\n\n" . '?>';
        if ($read_board == '1') {
            $data = array(':id' => $group_id);
            $categories = $forums = array();
            $ps = $db->run('SELECT c.id AS cid, c.cat_name, f.id AS fid, f.forum_name, f.redirect_url, f.parent_forum FROM ' . $db->prefix . 'categories AS c INNER JOIN ' . $db->prefix . 'forums AS f ON c.id=f.cat_id LEFT JOIN ' . $db->prefix . 'forum_perms AS fp ON (fp.forum_id=f.id AND fp.group_id=:id) WHERE f.quickjump=1 AND (fp.read_forum IS NULL OR fp.read_forum=1) ORDER BY c.disp_position, c.id, f.disp_position', $data);
            if ($ps->rowCount()) {
                $tpl = load_template('quickjump.tpl');
                foreach ($ps as $cur_forum) {
                    if (!isset($categories[$cur_forum['cid']])) {
                        $categories[$cur_forum['cid']] = array('id' => $cur_forum['cid'], 'name' => $cur_forum['cat_name']);
                    $forums[] = array('id' => $cur_forum['fid'], 'category_id' => $cur_forum['cid'], 'name' => $cur_forum['forum_name'], 'redirect_url' => $cur_forum['redirect_url'], 'parent_forum' => $cur_forum['parent_forum'], 'url' => url_friendly($cur_forum['forum_name']));
                $output .= $tpl->render(array('lang_common' => $lang_common, 'base_url' => $base_url, 'categories' => $categories, 'forums' => $forums, 'forum_link' => panther_link($panther_url['forum'], array("'+this.options[this.selectedIndex].value)+'", '\'+this.options[this.selectedIndex].getAttribute(\'data-name\')+\''))));
        panther_write_cache_file('cache_quickjump_' . $group_id . '.php', $output);
コード例 #23
ファイル: poll_vote.php プロジェクト: mtechnik/pantherforum
    ($hook = get_extensions('poll_vote_before_validation')) ? eval($hook) : null;
    if (in_array($panther_user['id'], $voters)) {
        message($lang_poll['Already voted']);
    if ($cur_poll['type'] == '1') {
        $vote = isset($_POST['vote']) ? intval($_POST['vote']) : -1;
        if ($vote < 0) {
            message($lang_common['Bad request'], false, '404 Not Found');
        // Increment the amount of votes for this option
        $votes[$vote] = isset($votes[$vote]) ? $votes[$vote]++ : 1;
    } else {
        $vote = isset($_POST['options']) && is_array($_POST['options']) ? array_map('intval', $_POST['options']) : array();
        if (empty($vote)) {
            message($lang_common['Bad request'], false, '404 Not Found');
        foreach ($vote as $key => $value) {
            // If the value isn't nothing, and it's a valid option, increment the votes
            if (!empty($value) && isset($options[$key])) {
                $votes[$key] = isset($votes[$key]) ? $votes[$key]++ : 1;
    $voters[] = $panther_user['id'];
    $update = array('votes' => serialize($votes), 'voters' => serialize($voters));
    $data = array(':id' => $cur_poll['pid']);
    $db->update('polls', $update, 'id=:id', $data);
    redirect(panther_link($panther_url['topic'], array($id, url_friendly($cur_poll['subject']))), $lang_poll['Vote success']);
} else {
    message($lang_common['Bad request'], false, '404 Not Found');
コード例 #24
ファイル: extern.php プロジェクト: mtechnik/pantherforum
 $select = array_merge($select, $data);
 $ps = $db->run('SELECT t.id, t.poster, t.subject, t.forum_id, t.posted, t.last_post, t.last_poster, p.message, p.hide_smilies, u.email_setting, u.email, p.poster_id, p.poster_email FROM ' . $db->prefix . 'topics AS t INNER JOIN ' . $db->prefix . 'posts AS p ON p.id=' . ($order_posted ? 't.first_post_id' : 't.last_post_id') . ' INNER JOIN ' . $db->prefix . 'users AS u ON u.id=p.poster_id LEFT JOIN ' . $db->prefix . 'forum_perms AS fp ON (fp.forum_id=t.forum_id AND fp.group_id=?) WHERE (fp.read_forum IS NULL OR fp.read_forum=1) AND t.moved_to IS NULL' . $forum_sql . ' ORDER BY ' . ($order_posted ? 't.posted' : 't.last_post') . ' DESC LIMIT ' . (isset($cache_id) ? 50 : $show), $select);
 foreach ($ps as $cur_topic) {
     if ($panther_forums[$cur_topic['forum_id']]['password'] != '' && check_forum_login_cookie($cur_topic['forum_id'], $panther_forums[$cur_topic['forum_id']]['password'], true) === false || $panther_forums[$cur_topic['forum_id']]['protected'] == '1' && !$panther_user['is_admmod']) {
     if ($panther_config['o_censoring'] == '1') {
         $cur_topic['subject'] = censor_words($cur_topic['subject']);
     $cur_topic['message'] = $parser->parse_message($cur_topic['message'], $cur_topic['hide_smilies']);
     $item = array('id' => $cur_topic['id'], 'title' => $cur_topic['subject'], 'link' => panther_htmlspecialchars_decode(panther_link($panther_url[$order_posted ? 'topic' : 'topic_new_posts'], array($cur_topic['id'], url_friendly($cur_topic['subject'])))), 'description' => $cur_topic['message'], 'author' => array('name' => $order_posted ? $cur_topic['poster'] : $cur_topic['last_poster']), 'pubdate' => $order_posted ? $cur_topic['posted'] : $cur_topic['last_post']);
     if ($cur_topic['poster_id'] > 1) {
         if ($cur_topic['email_setting'] == '0' && !$panther_user['is_guest']) {
             $item['author']['email'] = $cur_topic['email'];
         $item['author']['uri'] = panther_link($panther_url['profile'], array($cur_topic['poster_id']));
     } else {
         if ($cur_topic['poster_email'] != '' && !$panther_user['is_guest']) {
             $item['author']['email'] = $cur_topic['poster_email'];
     $feed['items'][] = $item;
 // Output feed as PHP code
 if (isset($cache_id)) {
     if (!defined('FORUM_CACHE_FUNCTIONS_LOADED')) {
         require PANTHER_ROOT . 'include/cache.php';
     $content = '<?php' . "\n\n" . '$feed = ' . var_export($feed, true) . ';' . "\n\n" . '$cache_expire = ' . ($now + $panther_config['o_feed_ttl'] * 60) . ';' . "\n\n" . '?>';
     panther_write_cache_file('cache_' . $cache_id . '.php', $content);
コード例 #25
ファイル: viewtopic.php プロジェクト: mtechnik/pantherforum
                    $users[] = colourize_group($user_online['ident'], $user_online['group_id'], $user_online['user_id']);
        } elseif (strpos($user_online['currently'], '?id') !== false) {
            if ($tid == $id) {
                if ($user_online['user_id'] == 1) {
                    $guests_in_topic[] = $user_online['ident'];
                } else {
                    $users[] = colourize_group($user_online['ident'], $user_online['group_id'], $user_online['user_id']);
    $render['guests'] = count($guests_in_topic);
    $render['users'] = count($users) > 0 ? implode(', ', $users) : $lang_online['no users'];
    $render['lang_online'] = $lang_online;
// Display quick post if enabled
if ($quickpost) {
    $render['quickpost_links'] = array('form_action' => panther_link($panther_url['new_reply'], array($id)), 'csrf_token' => generate_csrf_token('post.php'), 'bbcode' => panther_link($panther_url['help'], array('bbcode')), 'url' => panther_link($panther_url['help'], array('url')), 'img' => panther_link($panther_url['help'], array('img')), 'smilies' => panther_link($panther_url['help'], array('smilies')));
// Increment "num_views" for topic
if ($panther_config['o_topic_views'] == '1') {
    $db->run('UPDATE ' . $db->prefix . 'topics SET num_views=num_views+1 WHERE id=:id', array($id));
$tpl = load_template('topic.tpl');
echo $tpl->render($render);
($hook = get_extensions('topic_after_display')) ? eval($hook) : null;
$forum_id = $cur_topic['forum_id'];
$footer_style = 'viewtopic';
require PANTHER_ROOT . 'footer.php';
コード例 #26
ファイル: permissions.php プロジェクト: mtechnik/pantherforum
// Load the admin_permissions.php language file
require PANTHER_ROOT . 'lang/' . $admin_language . '/admin_permissions.php';
if (isset($_POST['form_sent'])) {
    confirm_referrer(PANTHER_ADMIN_DIR . '/permissions.php');
    $form = isset($_POST['form']) && is_array($_POST['form']) ? array_map('intval', $_POST['form']) : array();
    foreach ($form as $key => $input) {
        // Make sure the input is never a negative value
        if ($input < 0) {
            $input = 0;
        // Only update values that have changed
        if (array_key_exists('p_' . $key, $panther_config) && $panther_config['p_' . $key] != $input) {
            $update = array('conf_value' => $input);
            $data = array(':conf_name' => 'p_' . $key);
            $db->update('config', $update, 'conf_name=:conf_name', $data);
    // Regenerate the config cache
    if (!defined('FORUM_CACHE_FUNCTIONS_LOADED')) {
        require PANTHER_ROOT . 'include/cache.php';
    redirect(panther_link($panther_url['admin_permissions']), $lang_admin_permissions['Perms updated redirect']);
$page_title = array($panther_config['o_board_title'], $lang_admin_common['Admin'], $lang_admin_common['Permissions']);
define('PANTHER_ACTIVE_PAGE', 'admin');
require PANTHER_ROOT . 'header.php';
$tpl = load_template('admin_permissions.tpl');
echo $tpl->render(array('lang_admin_permissions' => $lang_admin_permissions, 'panther_config' => $panther_config, 'lang_admin_common' => $lang_admin_common, 'form_action' => panther_link($panther_url['admin_permissions']), 'csrf_token' => generate_csrf_token(PANTHER_ADMIN_DIR . '/permissions.php')));
require PANTHER_ROOT . 'footer.php';
コード例 #27
ファイル: maintenance.php プロジェクト: mtechnik/pantherforum
        // Regenerate the users info cache
        if (!defined('FORUM_CACHE_FUNCTIONS_LOADED')) {
            require PANTHER_ROOT . 'include/cache.php';
        redirect(panther_link($panther_url['admin_maintenance']), $lang_admin_maintenance['User created message']);
// Get the first post ID from the db
$ps = $db->select('posts', 'id', array(), '', 'id ASC LIMIT 1');
$first_id = $ps->rowCount() ? $ps->fetchColumn() : 0;
$page_title = array($panther_config['o_board_title'], $lang_admin_common['Admin'], $lang_admin_common['Maintenance']);
define('PANTHER_ACTIVE_PAGE', 'admin');
require PANTHER_ROOT . 'header.php';
$options = array();
$ps = $db->run('SELECT u.id, u.username, g.g_title FROM ' . $db->prefix . 'users AS u INNER JOIN ' . $db->prefix . 'groups AS g ON u.group_id=g.g_id WHERE u.id!=1 ORDER BY u.id ASC');
foreach ($ps as $result) {
    $options[] = array('id' => $result['id'], 'username' => $result['username'], 'group_title' => $result['g_title']);
$forums = $catgeories = array();
$ps = $db->run('SELECT c.id AS cid, c.cat_name, f.id AS fid, f.forum_name FROM ' . $db->prefix . 'categories AS c INNER JOIN ' . $db->prefix . 'forums AS f ON c.id=f.cat_id WHERE f.redirect_url IS NULL ORDER BY c.disp_position, c.id, f.disp_position');
foreach ($ps as $cur_forum) {
    if (!isset($categories[$cur_forum['cid']])) {
        $categories[$cur_forum['cid']] = array('id' => $cur_forum['cid'], 'name' => $cur_forum['cat_name']);
    $forums[] = array('category_id' => $cur_forum['cid'], 'name' => $cur_forum['forum_name'], 'id' => $cur_forum['fid']);
$tpl = load_template('admin_maintenance.tpl');
echo $tpl->render(array('lang_admin_maintenance' => $lang_admin_maintenance, 'lang_admin_common' => $lang_admin_common, 'lang_common' => $lang_common, 'form_action' => panther_link($panther_url['admin_maintenance']), 'csrf_token' => generate_csrf_token(PANTHER_ADMIN_DIR . '/maintenance.php'), 'options_link' => panther_link($panther_url['admin_options']), 'first_id' => $first_id, 'POST' => $_POST, 'panther_config' => $panther_config, 'errors' => $errors, 'options' => $options, 'forums' => $forums, 'categories' => $categories));
require PANTHER_ROOT . 'footer.php';
コード例 #28
ファイル: register.php プロジェクト: mtechnik/pantherforum
            $mailer->send($email1, $mail_tpl['subject'], $mail_tpl['message']);
            message(sprintf($lang_register['Reg email'], $panther_config['o_admin_email']), true);
        panther_setcookie($new_uid, $login_key, time() + $panther_config['o_timeout_visit']);
        redirect(panther_link($panther_url['index']), $lang_register['Reg complete']);
$page_title = array($panther_config['o_board_title'], $lang_register['Register']);
$required_fields = array('req_user' => $lang_common['Username'], 'req_password1' => $lang_common['Password'], 'req_password2' => $lang_prof_reg['Confirm pass'], 'req_email1' => $lang_common['Email'], 'req_email2' => $lang_common['Email'] . ' 2');
$focus_element = array('register', 'req_user');
if (!empty($panther_robots)) {
    $required_fields['answer'] = $lang_common['Robot title'];
($hook = get_extensions('register_before_header')) ? eval($hook) : null;
define('PANTHER_ACTIVE_PAGE', 'register');
require PANTHER_ROOT . 'header.php';
$timezone = isset($timezone) ? $timezone : $panther_config['o_default_timezone'];
$dst = isset($dst) ? $dst : $panther_config['o_default_dst'];
$email_setting = isset($email_setting) ? $email_setting : $panther_config['o_default_email_setting'];
($hook = get_extensions('register_before_submit')) ? eval($hook) : null;
$render = array('lang_register' => $lang_register, 'errors' => $errors, 'form_action' => panther_link($panther_url['register_register']), 'csrf_token' => generate_csrf_token(), 'lang_common' => $lang_common, 'lang_prof_reg' => $lang_prof_reg, 'POST' => $_POST, 'panther_config' => $panther_config, 'dst' => $dst, 'timezone' => $timezone, 'email_setting' => $email_setting, 'languages' => forum_list_langs());
if (!empty($panther_robots)) {
    $id = array_rand($panther_robots);
    $test = $panther_robots[$id];
    $render['robot_id'] = $id;
    $render['robot_test'] = $test;
$tpl = load_template('register.tpl');
echo $tpl->render($render);
($hook = get_extensions('register_after_output')) ? eval($hook) : null;
require PANTHER_ROOT . 'footer.php';
コード例 #29
ファイル: moderate.php プロジェクト: mtechnik/pantherforum
    $ps = $db->run('SELECT c.id AS cid, c.cat_name, f.id AS fid, f.forum_name FROM ' . $db->prefix . 'categories AS c INNER JOIN ' . $db->prefix . 'forums AS f ON c.id = f.cat_id WHERE f.redirect_url IS NULL ORDER BY c.disp_position, c.id, f.disp_position');
    foreach ($ps as $cur_forum) {
        if (!isset($categories[$cur_forum['cid']])) {
            $categories[$cur_forum['cid']] = array('name' => $cur_forum['cat_name'], 'id' => $cur_forum['cid']);
        $forums[] = array('id' => $cur_forum['fid'], 'name' => $cur_forum['forum_name'], 'category_id' => $cur_forum['cid']);
    $tpl = load_template('edit_action.tpl');
    echo $tpl->render(array('lang_admin_moderate' => $lang_admin_moderate, 'lang_admin_common' => $lang_admin_common, 'lang_common' => $lang_common, 'csrf_token' => generate_csrf_token(PANTHER_ADMIN_DIR . '/moderate.php'), 'form_action' => $action == 'add' ? panther_link($panther_url['admin_moderate_add']) : panther_link($panther_url['admin_moderate_edit'], array($id)), 'action' => $cur_action, 'categories' => $categories, 'forums' => $forums));
} else {
    if ($action == 'delete' && $id > '0') {
        $tpl = load_template('delete_action.tpl');
        echo $tpl->render(array('lang_admin_moderate' => $lang_admin_moderate, 'lang_admin_common' => $lang_admin_common, 'lang_common' => $lang_common, 'form_action' => panther_link($panther_url['admin_moderate_delete'], array($id)), 'csrf_token' => generate_csrf_token(PANTHER_ADMIN_DIR . '/moderate.php')));
    } else {
        $ps = $db->select('multi_moderation', 'COUNT(id)');
        $total = $ps->fetchColumn();
        $num_pages = ceil($total / 15);
        if ($page > $num_pages) {
            $page = 1;
        $start_from = 15 * ($page - 1);
        $ps = $db->select('multi_moderation', 'title, id', array(), '', 'id DESC LIMIT ' . $start_from . ', ' . $panther_config['o_disp_topics_default']);
        $actions = array();
        foreach ($ps as $action) {
            $actions[] = array('title' => $action['title'], 'edit_link' => panther_link($panther_url['admin_moderate_edit'], array($action['id'])), 'delete_link' => panther_link($panther_url['admin_moderate_delete'], array($action['id'])));
        $tpl = load_template('admin_moderate.tpl');
        echo $tpl->render(array('lang_admin_common' => $lang_admin_common, 'lang_admin_moderate' => $lang_admin_moderate, 'lang_common' => $lang_common, 'add_link' => panther_link($panther_url['admin_moderate_add']), 'pagination' => paginate($num_pages, $page, $panther_url['admin_moderate'] . '?'), 'actions' => $actions));
require PANTHER_ROOT . 'footer.php';
コード例 #30
ファイル: categories.php プロジェクト: mtechnik/pantherforum
                if ($cur_cat['name'] == '') {
                    message($lang_admin_categories['Must enter name message']);
                if ($cur_cat['order'] < 0) {
                    message($lang_admin_categories['Must enter integer message']);
                $update = array('cat_name' => $cur_cat['name'], 'disp_position' => $cur_cat['order']);
                $data = array(':id' => intval($cat_id));
                $db->update('categories', $update, 'id=:id', $data);
            // Regenerate the quick jump cache
            if (!defined('FORUM_CACHE_FUNCTIONS_LOADED')) {
                require PANTHER_ROOT . 'include/cache.php';
            redirect(panther_link($panther_url['admin_categories']), $lang_admin_categories['Categories updated redirect']);
$page_title = array($panther_config['o_board_title'], $lang_admin_common['Admin'], $lang_admin_common['Categories']);
define('PANTHER_ACTIVE_PAGE', 'admin');
require PANTHER_ROOT . 'header.php';
$categories = array();
$ps = $db->select('categories', 'id, cat_name, disp_position', array(), '', 'disp_position');
foreach ($ps as $cur_cat) {
    $categories[] = array('id' => $cur_cat['id'], 'name' => $cur_cat['cat_name'], 'disp_position' => $cur_cat['disp_position']);
$tpl = load_template('admin_categories.tpl');
echo $tpl->render(array('lang_admin_categories' => $lang_admin_categories, 'lang_admin_common' => $lang_admin_common, 'form_action' => panther_link($panther_url['admin_categories']), 'csrf_token' => generate_csrf_token(PANTHER_ADMIN_DIR . '/categories.php'), 'admin_forums' => panther_link($panther_url['admin_forums']), 'categories' => $categories));
require PANTHER_ROOT . 'footer.php';