function smarty_function_htmlwarrior_init($params, &$smarty) { global $htmlwarrior, $smarty; $path_code = $htmlwarrior->config['path_code']; $output = ''; if ($htmlwarrior->config['live'] || $htmlwarrior->config['devmode']) { if ($params['position'] == 'top') { $bu = $htmlwarrior->config['baseurl'] . '/'; $output = '<base href="' . $bu . '" />' . "\n"; } } if ($htmlwarrior->config['live'] || !$htmlwarrior->config['devmode']) { $output .= '__htmlwarrior_remove_line__'; return $output; } if (!isset($params['position'])) { $params['position'] = 'top'; } if ($params['position'] == 'top') { $output .= html_javascript($path_code . '/admin/scripts/htmlwarrior_site_helpers', false) . "\n"; $output .= html_javascript($path_code . '/admin/scripts/htmlwarrior_site_init.php', false) . "\n"; $output .= '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . $path_code . '/admin/style/_style_site.css" media="all" title="" />'; } elseif ($params['position'] == 'bottom') { require_once 'includes/pagelist.php'; require_once 'includes/imageoverlay.php'; require_once 'includes/actionlist.php'; $output .= pagelist($_GET['template_list_opened']); $output .= imageoverlay(); $output .= actionlist(); // load our scripts at the very end so we have overview of the page $output .= html_javascript($path_code . '/admin/scripts/externals/jquery', false) . "\n"; $output .= html_javascript($path_code . '/admin/scripts/externals/jquery-ui', false) . "\n"; $output .= html_javascript($path_code . '/admin/scripts/externals/jquery.cookie', false) . "\n"; $output .= html_javascript($path_code . '/admin/scripts/htmlwarrior_site', false) . "\n"; } $a_output = explode("\n", $output); $first_line = true; foreach ($a_output as $key => $var) { if (!$first_line) { $a_output[$key] = $params['indent'] . $var; } else { $first_line = false; $a_output[$key] = $var; } } // fix: remove lines with only spaces $a_outputFinal = array(); foreach ($a_output as $key => $var) { if (trim($var) != '') { $a_outputFinal[$key] = $var; } } return implode("\n", $a_outputFinal); }
function smarty_function_smartysh_init($params, &$smarty) { global $smartysh, $smarty, $debug; if ($smartysh->config["live"]) { return "__smartysh_remove_line__"; } if (!isset($params["position"])) { $params["position"] = "top"; } $output = ""; if ($params["position"] == "top") { $output .= html_javascript("../.." . $smartysh->config["path_code"] . "/scripts/smartysh_helpers") . "\n"; $output .= html_javascript("../.." . $smartysh->config["path_code"] . "/scripts/smartysh_init.php") . "\n"; $output .= '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . $smartysh->config["path_code"] . '/admin/style/_style_site.css" media="screen, projection, print" title="" />'; } elseif ($params["position"] == "bottom") { require_once "includes/pagelist.php"; require_once "includes/actionlist.php"; $output .= pagelist($_GET["template_list_opened"]); $output .= actionlist(); // load our scripts at the very end so we have overview of the page $output .= html_javascript("../.." . $smartysh->config["path_code"] . "/admin/scripts/externals/jquery") . "\n"; $output .= html_javascript("../.." . $smartysh->config["path_code"] . "/admin/scripts/externals/jquery-ui") . "\n"; $output .= html_javascript("../.." . $smartysh->config["path_code"] . "/admin/scripts/externals/jquery.cookie") . "\n"; $output .= html_javascript("../.." . $smartysh->config["path_code"] . "/scripts/psdOverlay") . "\n"; } $a_output = explode("\n", $output); $first_line = true; foreach ($a_output as $key => $var) { if (!$first_line) { $a_output[$key] = $params["indent"] . $var; } else { $first_line = false; $a_output[$key] = $var; } } // fix: remove lines with only spaces $a_outputFinal = array(); foreach ($a_output as $key => $var) { if (trim($var) != "") { $a_outputFinal[$key] = $var; } } return implode("\n", $a_outputFinal); }
images/star<?php echo $r['rindex']; ?> .gif"></soan></p> </div> </li> <?php } } ?> </ul> </div> <div class="p"><?php echo pagelist($total, $pagesize, $page, ""); ?> </div> </div> </div> <div class="clear"> </div> <?php include template('footer'); ?> </form> </body> </html>
function filelist($phpvars, $page) { global $FilesPerPage, $TimeZoneCorrection; $cnt = count($phpvars['files']); $pagecount = pagecount($cnt, $FilesPerPage); if ($page > $pagecount) { $page = $pagecount; } if ($page < 1) { $page = 1; } echo '<div class = "block"><center>Files for downloading</center><br>'; echo '<table width="100%">'; echo '<tr><td colspan="7"></td><td>name</td><td width="50" align="right">age</td><td width="60" align="right">total</td></tr>'; foreach (array_slice($phpvars['files'], ($page - 1) * $FilesPerPage, $FilesPerPage) as $cur_queued) { $paused = $cur_queued['Paused']; if ($paused) { echo '<tr class="pausedgroup">'; } else { echo '<tr class="unpausedgroup">'; } echo '<td width="10"><a href="javascript:updatestatus(\'status.php?action=filedelete&offset=0&id=' . $cur_queued['ID'] . '\')"><IMG src=images/cancel.gif width=15 height=15 alt="remove file" title="remove file"></a></td>'; echo '<td width="10"><a href="javascript:updatestatus(\'status.php?action=filemovetop&offset=0&id=' . $cur_queued['ID'] . '\')"><IMG src=images/first.gif width=15 height=15 alt="move file to top in queue" title="move file to top in queue"></a></td>'; echo '<td width="10"><a href="javascript:updatestatus(\'status.php?action=filemoveoffset&offset=-1&id=' . $cur_queued['ID'] . '\')"><IMG src=images/up.gif width=15 height=15 alt="move file up" title="move file up"></a></td>'; echo '<td width="10"><a href="javascript:updatestatus(\'status.php?action=filemoveoffset&offset=1&id=' . $cur_queued['ID'] . '\')"><IMG src=images/down.gif width=15 height=15 alt="move file down" title="move file down"></a></td>'; echo '<td width="10"><a href="javascript:updatestatus(\'status.php?action=filemovebottom&offset=0&id=' . $cur_queued['ID'] . '\')"><IMG src=images/last.gif width=15 height=15 alt="move file to bottom in queue" title="move file to bottom in queue"></a></td>'; echo '<td width="10"><a href="javascript:updatestatus(\'status.php?action=filepause&offset=0&id=' . $cur_queued['ID'] . '\')"><IMG src=images/pause.gif width=15 height=15 alt="pause file" title="pause file"></a></td>'; echo '<td width="10"><a href="javascript:updatestatus(\'status.php?action=fileresume&offset=0&id=' . $cur_queued['ID'] . '\')"><IMG src=images/resume.gif width=15 height=15 alt="resume file" title="resume file"></a></td>'; echo "<td>" . namereplace($cur_queued['NZBNicename']) . "/" . namereplace($cur_queued['Filename']) . "</td>"; echo '<td align="right">' . formatAge($cur_queued['PostTime'] + $TimeZoneCorrection * 60 * 60) . '</td>'; echo "<td align=right>" . round1($cur_queued['FileSizeLo'] / 1024 / 1024) . " MB</td>"; echo '</tr>'; } echo '</table>'; if ($cnt > $FilesPerPage) { pagelist($cnt, $page, $FilesPerPage, 'page'); } echo '</div>'; }
" target="_blank"><?php echo $r['title']; ?> </a></h1> <p><?php echo $r['about']; ?> </p> <span><a href="<?php echo url("special.php?action=view&sid={$r['sid']}"); ?> " target="_blank">查看详情>></a></span> </dd> </dl> <?php } } ?> <div style="clear: both"> </div> </div> <div> <? echo pagelist($total,$pagesize,$page,"");; ?> </div> </div> <?php include template('footer'); ?> </form> </body> </html>
function history($phpvars, $page) { global $HistoryPerPage, $NewHistoryFirst, $HistoryTimeFormat, $TimeZoneCorrection; $cnt = count($phpvars['history']); $pagecount = pagecount($cnt, $HistoryPerPage); if ($page > $pagecount) { $page = $pagecount; } if ($page < 1) { $page = 1; } $history = $phpvars['history']; if (!$NewHistoryFirst) { $history = array_reverse($history); } echo '<div class = "block"><center>History</center><br>'; echo '<table width="100%">'; echo '<tr><td></td><td colspan="3">name</td><td>category</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td></td><td width="60" align="right">size</td><td width="40" align="right">files </td><td width="80">Par Status</td><td width="80">Script Status</td></tr>'; foreach ($history as $hist) { echo '<tr><td colspan="8" width="100%"><table class="tableline" width="100%"><tr><td></td></tr></table></td></tr>'; echo '<tr>'; echo '<td width="10"><a href="?action=historydelete&offset=0&id=' . $hist['NZBID'] . '"><IMG src="images/cancel.gif" width="15" height="15" alt="remove from history" title="remove from history"></a></td>'; echo '<td colspan="4" valign="top" class="date">' . date($HistoryTimeFormat, $hist['HistoryTime'] + $TimeZoneCorrection * 60 * 60) . '</td>'; echo '<td valign="top"><span class="category">' . $hist['Category'] . '</span></td>'; echo '</tr>'; echo '<tr>'; echo '<td width="10"></td>'; echo '<td colspan="4" valign="top">' . $hist['NZBNicename'] . '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; echo '<tr>'; echo '<td width="10"></td>'; echo '<td valign="top" align="right">' . formatSizeMB($hist['FileSizeMB']) . '</td>'; echo '<td valign="top" align="right">' . $hist['FileCount'] . ' </td>'; echo '<td valign="top"><span class="' . $hist['ParStatus'] . '">' . $hist['ParStatus'] . '</span></td>'; echo '<td valign="top"><span class="' . $hist['ScriptStatus'] . '">' . $hist['ScriptStatus'] . '</span></td>'; echo "</tr>"; } echo '</table>'; if ($cnt > $HistoryPerPage) { pagelist($cnt, $page, $HistoryPerPage, 'page'); } else { echo '<br>'; } echo '</div><br>'; }
} $pg_out = ""; $pg_out .= "<div align='center'> Page:"; $pg_out .= pagelist($pagenum, $pagelimit, $ttl_imgs); $pg_out .= "</div>\n"; $pg_out .= "<div align='center'><table border='1' cellspacing='10' cellpadding='10' bordercolor='#666666' bordercolordark='#FFFFFF'>\n"; $ln = 1; for ($l = $pg_st; $l < $pg_ed; $l++) { if ($ln == '1') { $pg_out .= "<tr><td align='center'><img src='" . $url . $mylist[$l] . "' width='125' height='193' border='0'><br>"; $pg_out .= "<div id='foot'>" . $url . $mylist[$l] . "</div></td>\n"; $ln = 0; } else { if ($ln == '2') { $pg_out .= "<td align='center'><img src='" . $url . $mylist[$l] . "' width='125' height='193' border='0'><br>"; $pg_out .= "<div id='foot'>" . $url . $mylist[$l] . "</div></td>\n"; $ln = 0; } else { $pg_out .= "<td align='center'><img src='" . $url . $mylist[$l] . "' width='125' height='193' border='0'><br>"; $pg_out .= "<div id='foot'>" . $url . $mylist[$l] . "</div></td></tr>\n"; $ln = 1; } } } $pg_out .= "</table></div>\n"; $pg_out .= "<div align='center'> Page:"; $pg_out .= pagelist($pagenum, $pagelimit, $ttl_imgs); $pg_out .= "</div>\n"; $title = 'Character Images'; $output = $pg_out; draw_page('charimg.php');
function get_list_tag($temp, $id, $cid, $p) { preg_match_all('/<luocms([\\s\\S]*?)>([\\s\\S]*?)<\\/luocms>/', $temp, $list_tag); $list_tagmax = count($list_tag[0]); //echo $list_tagmax; for ($l = 0; $l < $list_tagmax; $l++) { $attr = $list_tag[1][$l]; $code = $list_tag[0][$l]; preg_match_all('/([A-Za-z]{3,})=([\'|\\"])(.*?)(\\2)/', $attr, $codelist); $tempcodeMax = count($codelist[0]); $l_src = 'content'; $l_cid = ''; $l_num = 10; $l_type = ''; // 属性变量清空 for ($j = 0; $j < $tempcodeMax; $j++) { $attrName = strtolower($codelist[1][$j]); // 属性名称 $attrValue = strtolower($codelist[3][$j]); // 属性对应值 switch ($attrName) { // 属性赋值 case "src": $l_src = $attrValue; break; case "cid": $l_cid = $attrValue; break; case "fid": $l_fid = $attrValue; break; case "num": $l_num = $attrValue; break; // 需要判断是否有效数量,是才赋值 // 需要判断是否有效数量,是才赋值 case "type": $l_type = $attrValue; break; case "iscommend": $l_iscommend = $attrValue; break; } } // 根据根据各属性的值生成相应的SQL语句 $sql_limit = "LIMIT 0,{$l_num}"; if ($l_type == 'list') { $l_num_start = ($p - 1) * $l_num; $sql_limit = "LIMIT {$l_num_start},{$l_num}"; } $sql_order = "ORDER BY id desc"; switch ($l_src) { case "class": $sql_table = '{pre}class'; $sql_field = 'id,fid,son,sons,name,style,title_u,title_bold,title_em'; $sql_order = "ORDER BY id asc"; break; case "content": $sql_table = '{pre}content'; $sql_field = 'id,title,content,style,cid,title_bold,title_em,title_u,state,picture,dateline,count'; break; case "booklist": $sql_table = '{pre}booklist'; $sql_field = "id,name,email,content,replay,replaytime,state"; break; case "link": $sql_table = '{pre}link'; $sql_field = 'id,name,url,content,addtime,state'; break; case "tags": $sql_table = ''; $sql_field = ''; break; } //$sql="SELECT * FROM luo_$l_src"; switch ($l_type) { case "picture": $sql_where = "ispicture=1"; break; case "hot": if (!empty($cid)) { $sql_where = "cid in ({$cid})"; } else { $sql_where = ""; } $sql_order = "ORDER BY count desc"; break; case "top": if (!empty($l_iscommend)) { if (!empty($cid)) { $sql_where = "iscommend={$l_iscommend} and cid in ({$cid})"; } else { $sql_where = "iscommend={$l_iscommend}"; } } else { if (!empty($cid)) { $sql_where = "iscommend = 2 or (iscommend = 1 and cid in ({$cid}))"; } else { $sql_where = "iscommend > 0"; } } $sql_order = "ORDER BY iscommend desc,count desc,id desc"; break; case "list": $sql_where = ""; $sql_order = "ORDER BY rank asc,id desc"; break; case "menu": $sql_where = "rank>=0 and fid=0"; $sql_order = "ORDER BY id asc"; break; case "booklist": $sql_where = "state=1"; break; } // cid 处理(and) //echo $id; if (strlen($l_fid) > 0) { if (strlen($sql_where) > 0) { $sql_where = ' and ' . $sql_where; } $sql_where = 'fid in (' . $l_fid . ')' . $sql_where; } if (strlen($l_cid) > 0) { if (strlen($sql_where) > 0) { $sql_where = ' and ' . $sql_where; } $sql_where = 'cid in (' . $l_cid . ')' . $sql_where; } if ($l_type == 'list') { if (strlen($sql_where) > 0) { $sql_where = ' and ' . $sql_where; } if (isset($cid)) { $sql_where = 'cid in (' . get_sons($GLOBALS[cid]) . ')' . $sql_where; } } if ($l_src == 'link') { if (strlen($sql_where) > 0) { $sql_where = ' and ' . $sql_where; } $sql_where = 'state = 1' . $sql_where; } if ($l_src == 'booklist') { if (strlen($sql_where) > 0) { $sql_where = ' and ' . $sql_where; } $sql_where = 'state = 1' . $sql_where; } // WHERE 关键字是否需要加上 if (strlen($sql_where) > 0) { $sql_where = ' WHERE ' . $sql_where; } $sqlstr = $this->get_sql("SELECT {$sql_field} FROM {$sql_table} {$sql_where} {$sql_order} {$sql_limit}"); //echo $sqlstr."<br>"; $sql_field = ""; $sql_table = ""; $sql_where = ""; $sql_order = ""; $sql_limit = ""; //替换数据 $temp = str_replace($code, $this->getdata($sqlstr, $code), $temp); //替换分页标签 $url = empty($cid) ? 'index' : $this->get_tpl_name($cid, 'template') . '-' . $cid; $cid_temp = empty($cid) ? '' : get_sons($cid); $var_pagelist = pagelist($cid_temp, $l_num, $url, $p); $temp = str_replace('{pagelist}', $var_pagelist, $temp); $var_gbook_pagelist = gbook_pagelist($cid_temp, $l_num, $url, $p); $temp = str_replace('{gbookpagelist}', $var_gbook_pagelist, $temp); //清空临时变量 $l_src = ""; $l_cid = ""; $l_fid = ""; $l_num = ""; $l_type = ""; } return $temp; }
function list_tag($str, $id, $p, $row) { preg_match_all('/{list(.*){\\/list}/isU', $str, $p_arr); foreach ($p_arr[0] as $k => $v) { $search = ''; $search[] = $v; preg_match('/{list(.*)}(.*){\\/list}/isU', $v, $p_attr); preg_match_all('/{(.*)\\/}/isU', $p_attr[2], $list_attr); $list_attr = $list_attr[1]; $rel_arr = pagelist($id, $p, $row); for ($i = 0; $i < count($rel_arr); $i++) { $search_rel = ''; $replace_rel = ''; foreach ($rel_arr[$i] as $a => $b) { if (in_array($a, $list_attr)) { $search_rel[] = '{' . $a . '/}'; $replace_rel[] = $b; } $search_rel['url'] = '{url/}'; $replace_rel['url'] = 'show.php?id=' . $rel_arr[$i]['id']; } $list .= str_replace($search_rel, $replace_rel, $p_attr[2]); } $str = str_replace($search, $list, $str); //$page_no=pages_tag($total_page); //$str=str_replace('{page/}',$page_no,$str); } return $str; }