function pagelines_ajax_callback() { global $wpdb; // this is how you get access to the database if ($_POST['type']) { $save_type = $_POST['type']; } else { $save_type = null; } //Uploads if ($save_type == 'upload') { $clickedID = $_POST['data']; // Acts as the name $filename = $_FILES[$clickedID]; $filename['name'] = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9._\\-]/', '', $filename['name']); $override['test_form'] = false; $override['action'] = 'wp_handle_upload'; $uploaded_file = wp_handle_upload($filename, $override); $upload_tracking[] = $clickedID; pagelines_update_option($clickedID, $uploaded_file['url']); if (!empty($uploaded_file['error'])) { echo 'Upload Error: ' . $uploaded_file['error']; } else { echo $uploaded_file['url']; } // Is the Response } elseif ($save_type == 'image_reset') { $id = $_POST['data']; // Acts as the name pagelines_update_option($id, null); } die; }
function pagelines_ajax_callback() { global $wpdb; // this is how you get access to the database if($_POST['type']){ $save_type = $_POST['type']; }else $save_type = null; //Uploads if( $save_type == 'upload' ) { $clickedID = $_POST['data']; // Acts as the name $arr_file_type = wp_check_filetype( basename( $_FILES[$clickedID]['name'])); $uploaded_file_type = $arr_file_type['type']; // Set an array containing a list of acceptable formats $allowed_file_types = array( 'image/jpg','image/jpeg','image/gif','image/png', 'image/x-icon' ); if( in_array( $uploaded_file_type, $allowed_file_types ) ) { $filename = $_FILES[$clickedID]; $filename['name'] = preg_replace( '/[^a-zA-Z0-9._\-]/', '', $filename['name'] ); $override['test_form'] = false; $override['action'] = 'wp_handle_upload'; $uploaded_file = wp_handle_upload( $filename, $override ); $upload_tracking[] = $clickedID; pagelines_update_option( $clickedID , $uploaded_file['url'] ); $name = 'PageLines- ' .addslashes( $filename['name'] ); $attachment = array( 'post_mime_type' => $uploaded_file_type, 'post_title' => $name, 'post_content' => '', 'post_status' => 'inherit' ); $attach_id = wp_insert_attachment( $attachment, $uploaded_file['file'] ); $attach_data = wp_generate_attachment_metadata( $attach_id, $uploaded_file['file'] ); wp_update_attachment_metadata( $attach_id, $attach_data ); } else { $uploaded_file['error'] = 'Unsupported file type!'; } if( !empty( $uploaded_file['error'] ) ) { echo 'Upload Error: ' . $uploaded_file['error']; } else { echo $uploaded_file['url']; // Is the Response } } elseif( $save_type == 'image_reset' ){ $id = $_POST['data']; // Acts as the name pagelines_update_option( $id, null ); } die(); }
function __construct( $theme, $version ){ $bad_users = array( 'admin', 'root', 'test', 'testing', ''); $this->theme = $theme; $this->version = $version; $this->username = get_pagelines_option( 'lp_username' ); $this->password = get_pagelines_option( 'lp_password' ); if ( in_array( strtolower( $this->username ), $bad_users ) ) { pagelines_update_option( 'lp_username', '' ); pagelines_update_option( 'lp_password', '' ); $this->username = ''; $this->password = ''; $this->pagelines_clear_update_transient(); } }
/** * * @TODO do * */ function pagelines_process_reset_options($option_array = null) { if (isset($_POST['pl_reset_settings']) && current_user_can('edit_themes')) { do_action('extend_flush'); if (isset($_POST['the_pl_setting']) && !isset($_POST['reset_callback'])) { update_option($_POST['the_pl_setting'], array()); } if (isset($_POST['reset_callback'])) { call_user_func($_POST['reset_callback']); } } $option_array = isset($option_array) ? $option_array : get_option_array(); foreach ($option_array as $menuitem => $options) { foreach ($options as $oid => $o) { if (isset($o['type']) && $o['type'] == 'reset' && ploption($oid)) { call_user_func($o['callback']); // Set the 'reset' option back to not set !important pagelines_update_option($oid, null); wp_redirect(admin_url(PL_SETTINGS_URL . '&reset=true&opt_id=' . $oid)); exit; } } } }
function reset_layout_to_default(){ $dlayout = new PageLinesLayout; $layout_map = $dlayout->default_layout_setup(); pagelines_update_option('layout', $layout_map); }
function pagelines_process_reset_options() { foreach (get_option_array() as $menuitem => $options) { foreach ($options as $optionid => $o) { if ($o['type'] == 'reset' && pagelines_option($optionid)) { call_user_func($o['callback']); // Set the 'reset' option back to not set !important pagelines_update_option($optionid, null); wp_redirect(admin_url('admin.php?page=pagelines&reset=true&opt_id=' . $optionid)); exit; } } } }
/** * * * Write Dynamic CSS to file * * @package PageLines Core * @subpackage Sections * @since 1.2.0 * */ function pagelines_build_dynamic_css( $trigger = 'N/A' ){ // Create directories and folders for storing dynamic files if(!file_exists(PAGELINES_DCSS) ) { if ( false === pagelines_make_uploads() ); { pagelines_update_option( 'inline_dynamic_css', true ); return; } } // Write to dynamic files if ( is_writable(PAGELINES_DCSS) && !is_multisite() ){ $pagelines_dynamic_css = new PageLinesCSS; $pagelines_dynamic_css->create('texturize'); pagelines_make_uploads($pagelines_dynamic_css->css ."\n\n/* Trigger: ". $trigger . '*/'); } }
function _get_image_upload_option($optionid, $option_settings, $optionvalue = '') { if (get_option($optionid)) { pagelines_update_option($optionid, get_option($optionid)); update_option($optionid, null); } ?> <p> <label class="context" for="<?php echo $optionid; ?> "><?php echo $option_settings['inputlabel']; ?> </label><br/> <input class="regular-text uploaded_url" type="text" name="<?php pagelines_option_name($optionid); ?> " value="<?php echo esc_url(pagelines_option($optionid)); ?> " /><br/><br/> <span id="<?php echo $optionid; ?> " class="image_upload_button button">Upload Image</span> <span title="<?php echo $optionid; ?> " id="reset_<?php echo $optionid; ?> " class="image_reset_button button">Remove</span> <input type="hidden" class="ajax_action_url" name="wp_ajax_action_url" value="<?php echo admin_url("admin-ajax.php"); ?> " /> <input type="hidden" class="image_preview_size" name="img_size_<?php echo $optionid; ?> " value="<?php echo $option_settings['imagepreview']; ?> "/> </p> <?php if (pagelines_option($optionid)) { ?> <img class="pagelines_image_preview" id="image_<?php echo $optionid; ?> " src="<?php echo pagelines_option($optionid); ?> " style="width:<?php echo $option_settings['imagepreview']; ?> px"/> <?php } ?> <?php }