function user_permissions_form() { global $special_user_bitfield; page_head('Manage user privileges'); start_table(); row1("Current special users", 99); echo "<tr><th>User</th>"; for ($i = 0; $i < S_NFLAGS; $i++) { echo "<th>" . $special_user_bitfield[$i] . "</th>\n"; } echo "<th> </th></tr>"; $result = _mysql_query("SELECT prefs.userid, prefs.special_user,, \n FROM forum_preferences as prefs, user \n WHERE CONVERT(special_user, DECIMAL) > 0 and"); $i = 0; while ($foo = _mysql_fetch_object($result)) { echo "<tr class=row{$i}>\n <td>{$foo->name} ({$foo->id})</td>\n <form action=\"user_permissions.php\" method=\"POST\">\n <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"userid\" value=\"{$foo->userid}\">\n "; for ($j = 0; $j < S_NFLAGS; $j++) { $bit = substr($foo->special_user, $j, 1); $c = $bit == 1 ? "checked" : ""; echo "<td>\n <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"role" . $j . "\" value=\"1\" {$c}>\n </td>\n "; } echo "<td><input class=\"btn btn-default\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Update\"></td>"; echo "</form></tr>\n"; $i = 1 - $i; } echo "\n <tr class=row{$i}>\n <form action=\"user_permissions.php\" method=\"POST\">\n <td>Add User ID:<input type=\"text\" name=\"userid\" size=\"6\"></td>\n "; for ($j = 0; $j < S_NFLAGS; $j++) { echo "<td>\n <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"role" . $j . "\" value=\"1\">\n </td>\n "; } echo "<td>\n <input class=\"btn btn-default\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Update\">\n </td>\n </form>\n </tr>\n "; end_table(); page_tail(); }
function show_installed_page($user) { $url = concierge_url($user, false); page_head("Add project"); echo "\n <iframe width=0 height=0 frameborder=0 src={$url}></iframe>\n To start running " . PROJECT . " on this computer:\n <ul>\n <li> Open the BOINC Manager.\n <li> Select <b>Add Project</b>.\n <li> You should see a welcome message; click OK.\n </ul>\n "; page_tail(); }
function show_stats($brand) { switch ($brand) { case 1: $x = "HTC Power to Give"; break; default: error_page("invalid brand"); } $hosts = BoincHost::enum("os_name='Android' and serialnum like '%{$x}%'"); $n = 0; $t = 0; $a = 0; foreach ($hosts as $h) { $t += $h->total_credit; $a += $h->expavg_credit; if ($h->expavg_credit > 0.1) { $n++; } } page_head("Stats for {$x}"); start_table(); row2("Active devices", $n); row2("Average daily credit", $a); row2("Total credit", $t); end_table(); page_tail(); }
function show_admins($user, $teamid) { page_head(tra("Add or remove Team Admins")); echo tra("You can select team members as 'Team Admins'. Team Admins can:") . "\n <ul>\n <li>" . tra("Edit team information (name, URL, description, country)") . "\n <li>" . tra("View the team's join/quit history") . "\n <li>" . tra("Moderate the team forum, if any (admins get email notification of moderation events and red X reports)") . "\n </ul>\n " . tra("Team Admins cannot:") . "\n <ul>\n <li>" . tra("Change the team founder") . "\n <li>" . tra("Remove members") . "\n <li>" . tra("Add or remove Team Admins") . "\n </ul>\n " . tra("If a Team Admin quits the team, they cease to be a Team Admin.") . "\n <br /><br />" . tra("We recommend that you select only people you know and trust very well as Team Admins."); $admins = BoincTeamAdmin::enum("teamid={$teamid}"); start_table(); if (count($admins) == 0) { row1(tra("There are currently no Team Admins")); } else { row1(tra("Current Team Admins"), 3); table_header(tra("Name"), tra("Became Team Admin on"), ""); foreach ($admins as $admin) { show_admin($user, $admin); } } end_table(); echo "\n <p>\n <form action=team_admins.php>\n <input type=hidden name=action value=add>\n <input type=hidden name=teamid value={$teamid}>\n "; echo form_tokens($user->authenticator); start_table(); row1(tra("Add Team Admin")); row2(tra("Email address of team member:"), "<input name=email_addr>"); row2("", "<input type=submit action value=\"" . tra("Add") . "\">"); end_table(); echo "</form>"; page_tail(); }
function show_item($y) { $d = gmdate("g:i A \\U\\T\\C, F d Y", $y[7]); $file = $y[0]; if (strstr($file, 'http://')) { $url = $file; } else { $url = "{$file}"; } page_head($y[1]); list_start(); list_item("Name<br><font size=-2>Click to download</font>", "<a href=\"{$url}\">" . $y[1] . '</a>'); if ($y[2]) { list_item("Version", $y[2]); } if ($y[3]) { list_item("Summary", $y[3]); } if ($y[4]) { list_item("Origin", '<a href=' . $y[4] . '>' . $y[4] . '</a>'); } if ($y[5]) { list_item("Platform", $y[5]); } if ($y[6]) { list_item("Description", $y[6]); } list_item("Date", $d); list_end(); page_tail(); }
function select_profile($cmd) { // Request for a random profile. // if ($cmd == "rand") { $profiles = array(); $pic = get_int('pic'); if ($pic == 0) { $profiles = BoincProfile::enum("has_picture=0", "limit 1000"); } else { if ($pic == 1) { $profiles = BoincProfile::enum("has_picture=1", "limit 1000"); } else { if ($pic == -1) { $profiles = BoincProfile::enum(null, "limit 1000"); } } } if (count($profiles) == 0) { page_head(tra("No profiles")); echo tra("No profiles matched your query."); page_tail(); exit; } shuffle($profiles); $userid = $profiles[0]->userid; header("Location: " . URL_BASE . "view_profile.php?userid={$userid}"); exit; } }
function show_result_page($success, $post, $thread, $choice) { if ($success) { if ($choice) { page_head('Input Recorded'); echo "<p>Your input has been successfully recorded. Thank you for your help.</p>"; } else { page_head('Vote Registered'); echo "<span class=\"title\">Vote Registered</span>"; echo "<p>Your rating has been successfully recorded. Thank you for your input.</p>"; } echo "<a href=\"forum_thread.php?nowrap=true&id=", $thread->id, "#", $post->id, "\">Return to thread</a>"; } else { page_head('Vote Submission Problem'); echo "<span class=\"title\">Vote submission failed</span>"; if ($post) { echo "<p>There was a problem recording your vote in our database. Please try again later.</p>"; echo "<a href=\"forum_thread.php?id=", $thread->id, "#", $post->id, "\">Return to thread</a>"; } else { echo "<p>There post you specified does not exist, or your rating was invalid.</p>"; } } page_tail(); exit; }
function show_admins($user, $teamid) { page_head("Add or remove Team Admins"); echo "\n\t\tYou can select team members as 'Team Admins'.\n\t\tTeam Admins can:\n\t\t<ul>\n\t\t<li>Edit team information (name, URL, description, country).</li>\n\t\t<li>View the team's join/quit history.</li>\n\t\t<li>Moderate the team forum, if any (admins get emails notification of moderation events and red X reports).</li>\n\t\t</ul>\n\t\tTeam Admins cannot:\n\t\t<ul>\n\t\t<li>Change the team founder.</li>\n\t\t<li>Remove members.</li>\n\t\t<li>Add or remove Team Admins.</li>\n\t\t</ul>\n\t\tIf a Team Admin quits the team, they cease to be a Team Admin.\n\t\t<p>\n\t\tWe recommend that you select only people\n\t\tyou know and trust very well as Team Admins.\n\t"; $admins = BoincTeamAdmin::enum("teamid={$teamid}"); start_table(); if (count($admins) == 0) { row1("There are currently no Team Admins"); } else { row1("Current Team Admins", 3); table_header("Name", "Became Team Admin on", ""); foreach ($admins as $admin) { show_admin($user, $admin); } } end_table(); echo ' <p> <form action="team_admins.php"> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="add"> <input type="hidden" name="teamid" value="$teamid"> '; echo form_tokens($user->authenticator); start_table(); row1("Add Team Admin"); row2('Email address of team member:', '<input name="email_addr">'); row2('', '<input type="submit" action value="Add">'); end_table(); echo "</form>"; page_tail(); }
function qcn_host_edit_error_page($errheader, $errtext) { page_head($errheader); echo "<BR>" . $errtext . "<BR><BR>"; echo "<FORM><INPUT TYPE=\"button\" VALUE=\"Back\" onClick=\"history.go(-1);return true;\"> </FORM>"; page_tail(); exit; }
function email_password($vol) { page_head("Emailing password"); echo "We're emailing your Help Volunteer password to {$vol->email_addr}."; page_tail(); $body = "Your BOINC Help Volunteer password is:\n{$vol->password}\n"; mail($vol->email_addr, "Help Volunteer info", $body, "From: BOINC"); }
function main() { page_head("Bossa apps"); start_table(); show_apps(); end_table(); page_tail(); }
function show_error($str) { page_head("Can't create account"); echo "{$str}<br>\n"; echo BoincDb::error(); echo "<p>Click your browser's <b>Back</b> button to try again.\n<p>\n"; page_tail(); exit; }
function delete_profile($user) { $result = BoincProfile::delete_aux("userid = {$user->id}"); if (!$result) { error_page("couldn't delete profile - please try again later"); } delete_user_pictures($user->id); page_head("Delete Confirmation"); $user->update("has_profile=0"); echo "Your profile has been deleted<br />"; page_tail(); }
function show_batches($user) { $batches = BoincBatch::enum("user_id={$user->id}"); page_head("Batches"); start_table(); table_header("Batch ID", "Submitted", "# jobs"); foreach ($batches as $batch) { echo "<tr>\n <td><a href=submit_status.php?action=show_batch&batch_id={$batch->id}>{$batch->id}</a></td>\n <td>" . time_str($batch->create_time) . "</td>\n <td>{$batch->njobs}</td>\n </tr>\n "; } end_table(); page_tail(); }
function unsubscribe($forum, $thread, $user) { BoincSubscription::delete($user->id, $thread->id); if (!BoincSubscription::lookup($user->id, $thread->id)) { page_head(tra("Unsubscription successful")); show_forum_header($user); show_title($forum, $thread); echo "<p>" . tra("You are no longer subscribed to %1. You will no longer receive notifications for this thread.", "<b>" . cleanup_title($thread->title) . "</b>"); } else { page_head(tra("Unsubscription failed")); echo "<p>" . tra("We are currently unable to unsubscribe you from %1. Please try again later..", "<b>" . cleanup_title($thread->title) . "</b>"); } echo "</p><p><br /><a href=\"forum_thread.php?id=" . $thread->id . "\">" . tra("Return to thread") . "</a></p>"; page_tail(); }
function login_with_auth($authenticator, $next_url, $perm) { $user = BoincUser::lookup_auth($authenticator); if (!$user) { page_head("Login failed"); echo "There is no account with that authenticator.\n Please <a href=get_passwd.php>try again</a>.\n "; page_tail(); } else { if (substr($user->authenticator, 0, 1) == 'x') { error_page("This account has been administratively disabled."); } else { Header("Location: {$next_url}"); send_cookie('auth', $authenticator, $perm); } } }
function reg_form() { $config = get_config(); $disable_acct = parse_bool($config, "disable_account_creation"); page_head("Register"); start_table(); echo "<tr><td>"; echo "<h3>Create an account</h3>"; create_account_form(0, "download.php"); echo "</td><td>"; echo "<h3>If you already have an account, log in</h3>"; login_form("download.php"); echo "</td></tr>"; end_table(); page_tail(); }
function list_files($user, $err_msg) { $dir = sandbox_dir($user); $d = opendir($dir); if (!$d) { error_page("Can't open sandbox directory"); } page_head("file sandbox for {$user->name}"); echo "\n <form action=sandbox.php method=post ENCTYPE=\"multipart/form-data\">\n <input type=hidden name=action value=upload_file>\n Upload a file to your sandbox:\n <p><input size=80 type=file name=new_file>\n <p> <input type=submit value=Upload>\n </form>\n <hr>\n "; if (strcmp($err_msg, "") != 0) { echo "<p>{$err_msg}<hr>"; } $files = array(); while (($f = readdir($d)) !== false) { if ($f == '.') { continue; } if ($f == '..') { continue; } $files[] = $f; } if (count($files) == 0) { echo "Your sandbox is currently empty."; } else { sort($files); start_table(); table_header("Name<br><span class=note>(click to view)</span>", "Modified", "Size (bytes)", "MD5", "Delete", "Download"); foreach ($files as $f) { $path = "{$dir}/{$f}"; list($error, $size, $md5) = sandbox_parse_link_file($path); if ($error) { table_row($f, "Can't parse link file", "", "<a href=sandbox.php?action=delete_files&name={$f}>delete</a>"); continue; } $p = sandbox_physical_path($user, $md5); if (!is_file($p)) { table_row($f, "Physical file not found", "", ""); continue; } $ct = time_str(filemtime($path)); table_row("<a href=sandbox.php?action=view_file&name={$f}>{$f}</a>", $ct, $size, $md5, button_text("sandbox.php?action=delete_file&name={$f}", "Delete"), button_text("sandbox.php?action=download_file&name={$f}", "Download")); } end_table(); } page_tail(); }
function show_admin_page($user, $team) { page_head(tra("Team administration for %1", $team->name)); echo "\n <ul>\n <li><a href=team_edit_form.php?teamid={$team->id}>" . tra("Edit team info") . "</a>\n <br><p class=\"text-muted\">" . tra("Change team name, URL, description, type, or country") . "</p>\n <li>\n " . tra("Member list:") . "\n <a href=team_email_list.php?teamid={$team->id}>" . tra("HTML") . "</a>\n · <a href=team_email_list.php?teamid={$team->id}&plain=1>" . tra("text") . "</a>\n <br><p class=\"text-muted\">" . tra("View member names and email addresses") . "</p>\n <li>" . tra("View change history:") . "\n <a href=team_delta.php?teamid={$team->id}>" . tra("HTML") . "</a>\n · <a href=team_delta.php?teamid={$team->id}&xml=1>" . tra("XML") . "</a>\n <br><p class=\"text-muted\">" . tra("See when members joined or quit this team") . "</p>\n "; // founder-only stuff follows // if ($team->userid == $user->id) { $tokens = url_tokens($user->authenticator); if ($team->ping_user > 0) { $user2 = BoincUser::lookup_id($team->ping_user); $deadline = date_str(transfer_ok_time($team)); echo "<li>\n <a href=team_change_founder_form.php?teamid={$team->id}><font color=red><strong>" . tra("Respond to foundership request.") . "</strong></font></a> " . tra("If you don't respond by %1, %2 may assume foundership of this team.", $deadline, $user2->name); } echo "\n <li><a href=team_remove_inactive_form.php?teamid={$team->id}>" . tra("Remove members") . "</a>\n <br><p class=\"text-muted\">" . tra("Remove inactive or unwanted members from this team") . "</p>\n <li><a href=team_change_founder_form.php?teamid={$team->id}>" . tra("Change founder") . "</a>\n <br><p class=\"text-muted\">" . tra("Transfer foundership to another member") . "</p>\n <li><a href=team_admins.php?teamid={$team->id}>" . tra("Add/remove Team Admins") . "</a>\n <br><p class=\"text-muted\">" . tra("Give selected team members Team Admin privileges") . "</p>\n\n <li><a href=team_manage.php?teamid={$team->id}&action=delete&{$tokens}>" . tra("Remove team") . "</a>\n <br><p class=\"text-muted\">" . tra("Allowed only if team has no members") . "</p>\n <li><a href=team_forum.php?teamid={$team->id}&cmd=manage>" . tra("Message board") . "</a>\n <br><p class=\"text-muted\">" . tra("Create or manage a team message board") . "</p>\n "; } echo "\n\n <p>\n <li>\n " . tra("To have this team created on all BOINC projects (current and future) you can make it into a %1BOINC-wide team%2.", "<a href=>", "</a>") . "\n <li>\n " . tra("Team admins are encouraged to join and participate in the Google %1boinc-team-founders%2 group.", "<a href=>", "</a>") . "\n </ul>\n "; page_tail(); }
function show_admin_page($user, $team) { page_head("Team administration for {$team->name}"); echo "\r\n\t\t<ul>\r\n\t\t<li><a href=team_edit_form.php?teamid={$team->id}>Edit team info</a>\r\n\t\t\t<br><span class=note>Change team name, URL, description, type, or country</span>\r\n\t\t<li>\r\n\t\t\tMember list:\r\n\t\t<a href=team_email_list.php?teamid={$team->id}>HTML</a>\r\n\t\t| <a href=team_email_list.php?teamid={$team->id}&plain=1>text</a>\r\n\t\t\t<br><span class=note> View member names and email addresses </span>\r\n\t\t<li>View change history:\r\n\t\t\t<a href=team_delta.php?teamid={$team->id}>HTML</a>\r\n\t\t\t| <a href=team_delta.php?teamid={$team->id}&xml=1>XML</a>\r\n\t\t\t<br><span class=note>See when members joined or quit this team</span>\r\n\t"; // founder-only stuff follows // if ($team->userid == $user->id) { $tokens = url_tokens($user->authenticator); if ($team->ping_user > 0) { $user2 = BoincUser::lookup_id($team->ping_user); $deadline = date_str(transfer_ok_time($team)); echo "<li>\r\n\t\t\t\t<a href=team_change_founder_form.php?teamid={$team->id}><font color=red><b>Respond to foundership request</b></font></a>. If you don't respond by {$deadline}, {$user2->name} may assume foundership of this team.\r\n\t\t\t"; } echo "\r\n\t\t\t<li><a href=team_remove_inactive_form.php?teamid={$team->id}>Remove members</a>\r\n\t\t\t\t<br><span class=note>Remove inactive or unwanted members from this team</span>\r\n\t\t\t<li><a href=team_change_founder_form.php?teamid={$team->id}>Change founder</a>\r\n\t\t\t\t<br><span class=note>Transfer foundership to another member</span>\r\n\t\t\t<li><a href=team_admins.php?teamid={$team->id}>Add/remove Team Admins</a>\r\n\t\t\t\t<br><span class=note>Give selected team members Team Admin privileges</span>\r\n\r\n\t\t\t<li><a href=team_manage.php?teamid={$team->id}&action=delete&{$tokens}>Remove team</a>\r\n\t\t\t\t<br><span class=note>Allowed only if team has no members</a>\r\n\t\t\t<li><a href=team_forum.php?teamid={$team->id}&cmd=manage>Message board</a>\r\n\t\t\t\t<br><span class=note>Create or manage team message board</span>\r\n\t\t"; } echo "\r\n\r\n\t\t<p>\r\n\t\t<li>\r\n\t\t\tTo have this team created on all BOINC projects\r\n\t\t\t(current and future) you can make it into a\r\n\t\t\t<a href=>BOINC-wide team</a>.\r\n\t\t<li>\r\n\t\t\tTeam admins are encouraged to join and participate in the Google\r\n\t\t\t<a href=>boinc-team-founders</a> group.\r\n\t\t<li>\r\n\t\t\tOther resources for BOINC team admins\r\n\t\t\tare available from a third-party site,\r\n\t\t\t<a href=></a>.\r\n\t</ul>\r\n\t"; page_tail(); }
function handle_create_form() { global $project, $auth; page_head("Create app"); echo "\n This form lets you specify parameters for a new application.\n\n <p>\n <form action=submit_example_app.php>\n <input type=hidden name=action value=create_action>\n "; start_table(); row2("Application name", "<input name=app_name value=\"enter name\">"); row2("Replication level", "<input name=replication_level value=1>"); row2("Beta flag", "<input name=is_beta type=checkbox checked=1>"); row2("Validator", "<select name=validator_type><option value=1 selected=1>Trivial</option>\n <option value=2>Bitwise</option></select>"); end_table(); start_table(); row2("Version number", "<input name=app_version value=\"1.0\">"); //Get list of registered platforms //--- //(tested on a local server) $link = mysql_connect("localhost", "boincadm", "") or die("Could not connect: " . mysql_error()); $q = mysql_query("use test24"); $q = mysql_query("select id,name from platform order by id"); $options_platforms = ""; while ($f = mysql_fetch_row($q)) { $options_platforms .= "<option value={$f['0']}>{$f['1']}</option>"; } //--- row2("Platform", "<select name=app_platform>" . $options_platforms . "</select>"); row2("Plan class", "<input name=plan_class value=\"(none)\">"); row2("Main program", "<input name=main_program type=file> <br/>\n <input name=is_boincapp type=checkbox checked> Native BOINC application"); if (isset($_GET['add_file'])) { $add_file = $_GET['add_file'] + 1; } else { $add_file = 1; } for ($i = 0; $i < $add_file; $i++) { row2("Additional file", "<input name=additional_file_{$i} type=file><br/>\n <input name=is_copyfile_{$i} type=checkbox checked>Copyfile"); } row2("", "<a href=?action=create_form&add_file={$add_file}>(more additional files)</a>"); row2("", "<input type=submit name=submit value=Submit>"); end_table(); echo "</form>\n"; echo "<p><a href=submit_example.php>Return to job control page</a>\n"; page_tail(); }
function validate() { $x = get_str("x"); $u = get_int("u"); $user = lookup_user_id($u); if (!$user) { error_page(tra("No such user.")); } $x2 = $user->signature; if ($x2 != $x) { error_page(tra("Error in URL data - can't validate email address")); } $result = $user->update("email_validated=1"); if (!$result) { error_page(tra("Database update failed - please try again later.")); } page_head(tra("Validate email address")); echo tra("The email address of your account has been validated."); page_tail(); }
function show_result_page($success, $post, $thread, $choice) { if ($success) { if ($choice) { page_head(tra("Input Recorded")); echo tra("Your input has been recorded. Thanks for your help."); } else { page_head(tra("Vote Registered")); echo tra("Your rating has been recorded. Thanks for your input."); } echo "<a href=\"forum_thread.php?nowrap=true&id=", $thread->id, "#", $post->id, "\">" . tra("Return to thread") . "</a>"; } else { page_head(tra("Vote Submission Problem")); if ($post) { echo "There was a problem recording your vote in our database. Please try again later."; echo "<a href=\"forum_thread.php?id=", $thread->id, "#", $post->id, "\">" . tra("Return to thread") . "</a>"; } else { echo "The post you specified does not exist, or your rating was invalid."; } } page_tail(); exit; }
language("Dutch", array(site("", "Dutch Power Cows\n </a>(also <a href=>forums</a>)"), site("", "SETI@Netherlands"), site("", ""))); language("English", array(site("", ""), site("", "The BOINC Bar"), site("", "Crunchers Inc."), site("", "Calm Chaos"), site("", "Team Phoenix Rising"), site("", "United Macs"), site("", "UK BOINC Team"), site("", "BOINC Confederation"), site("", "Free-DC"), site("", "TeAm Anandtech"), site("", "BOINC@Australia"), site("", "BOINC UK and Team Lookers"), site("", "BOINC Synergy"), site("", "Team Starfire World BOINC"))); //language("Estonian", array( //site("", ""), //site("", ""), //)); language("Finnish", array(site("", "Universe Examiners"))); language("French", array(site("", "Star Wars [FR]"), site("", "L'Alliance Francophone"))); language("German", array(site("", "crunchers@freiburg"), site("", "United Macs"), site("", "Rechenkraft"), site("", "SETI-Leipzig"), site("", "DC - Gemeinschaft"), site("", "BOINCcast (Podcast)"), site("", "BOINC@Heidelberg"), site("", ""), site("", "BOINC@Halle/Saale"), site("", "BOINC Confederation"), site("", "SETI.Germany"), site("", "Team Science and Research Hessen"), site("", ""))); //language("Hungarian", array( //site("", "HWSW SETI@home Team") //)); language("Italian", array(site("", "Calcolo Distribuito"), site("", "BOINC.Italy"), site("", "NGI forum"), site("", "BOINC-ITALIA"))); language("Japanese", array(site("", "translation by Komori Hitoshi"))); language("Korean", array(site("", "SETIKAH@KOREA"))); language("Polish", array(site("", "BOINC@Poland"), site("", "BOINC Polish National Team"), site("", "TomaszPawelTeam"))); language("Portuguese", array(site("", "SETIBR"))); //language("Romanian", array( // site( "", "SETI@home Romania") //)); language("Russian", array(site("", "BOINC group on"), site("", ""), site("", ""))); language("Slovak", array(site("", ""))); language("Spanish", array(site("", "Foros TitanesDC"), site("", "BOINC SETI Chile"), site("", "Computación Distribuida"), site("", "Noticias3D"), site("", "BOINC - Ecuador"), site("", "HispaSeti"))); //language("Turkish", array( //site("", ""), //site("", "") //)); language("Ukrainian", array(site("", "Ukraine - Distributed Computing"))); echo "\n</table>\n<p>\nIf you'd like to add a web site to this list, please\n<a>contact us</a>.\n\n<a name=video>\n<h2>BOINC-related videos</h2>\n\n<ul>\n<li> <a href=>David Anderson talks about BOINC</a> (2006)\n<li> <a href=>David Baker talks about Rosetta@home</a>\n</ul>\n"; page_tail();
} function show_create() { echo "\n <tr><td class=heading_left>\n <center>\n <span class=section_title>" . tra("Compute with BOINC") . "</span>\n <br>\n <b><a class=heading href=\"trac/wiki/ProjectMain\">" . tra("Documentation") . "</a></b>\n · <b><a class=heading href=\"trac/wiki/ServerUpdates\">" . tra("Software updates") . "</a></b>\n </center>\n </td></tr>\n <tr><td>\n <ul>\n <li>\n ", tra("%1Scientists%2: use BOINC to create a %3volunteer computing project%4, giving you the power of thousands of CPUs and GPUs.", "<b>", "</b>", "<a href=volunteer.php>", "</a>"), "<li>", tra("%1Universities%2: use BOINC to create a %3Virtual Campus Supercomputing Center%4.", "<b>", "</b>", "<a href=\"trac/wiki/VirtualCampusSupercomputerCenter\">", "</a>"), "<li>", tra("%1Companies%2: use BOINC for %3desktop Grid computing%4.", "<b>", "</b>", "<a href=dg.php>", "</a>"), " </ul>\n </td></tr>\n "; } function show_other() { echo "\n <tr><td class=heading_left>\n <center>\n <span class=section_title>" . tra("About BOINC") . "</span>\n </center>\n </td></tr>\n <tr><td>\n <table width=100%>\n <tr valign=top> <td>\n <center><font size=+1>Project</font></center>\n <ul>\n <li> <a href=\"dev/\">" . tra("Message boards") . "</a>\n <li> <a href=\"trac/wiki/EmailLists\">" . tra("Email lists") . "</a>\n <li> <a href=\"trac/wiki/BoincEvents\">" . tra("Events") . "</a>\n <li> <a href=logo.php>Logos and graphics</a>\n <li> <a href=\"trac/wiki/ProjectGovernance\">Governance</a>\n <li> <a href=\"trac/wiki/ProjectPeople\">Contact</a>\n </ul>\n </td><td>\n <center><font size=+1>Software</font></center>\n <ul>\n <li> <a href=trac/wiki/SourceCodeGit>" . tra("Source code") . "</a>\n <li> <a href=>Report bugs</a>\n <li> <a href=\"trac/wiki/SoftwareBuilding\">" . tra("Building BOINC") . "</a>\n <li> <a href=\"trac/wiki/SoftwareDevelopment\">" . tra("Design documents") . "</a>\n <li> <a href=\"trac/wiki/DevProcess\">" . tra("Development process") . "</a>\n <li> <a href=\"trac/wiki/DevProjects\">" . tra("Volunteer") . "</a>\n <li> <a href=\"trac/wiki/SoftwareAddon\">" . tra("APIs") . "</a>\n </ul>\n </td><td valign=top>\n\n <center><font size=+1>Contribute</font></center>\n <ul>\n <li> <a href=trac/wiki/ContributePage>Overview</a>\n <li> <a href=\"trac/wiki/DevProjects\">" . tra("Programming") . "</a>\n <li> <a href=\"trac/wiki/TranslateIntro\">" . tra("Translation") . "</a>\n <li> <a href=\"trac/wiki/AlphaInstructions\">" . tra("Testing") . "</a>\n <li> <a href=\"trac/wiki/WikiMeta\">" . tra("Documentation") . "</a>\n <li> <a href=\"\">" . tra("Publicity") . "</a>\n </ul>\n </td></tr></table>\n </td></tr>\n "; } function show_nsf() { echo "\n <tr><td>\n <img align=left hspace=8 src=nsf.gif alt=\"NSF logo\">\n BOINC is supported by the\n <a href=\"\">National Science Foundation</a>\n through awards SCI-0221529, SCI-0438443, SCI-0506411,\n PHY/0555655, and OCI-0721124.\n <span class=note>\n Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in\n this material are those of the author(s)\n and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.\n </span>\n </td></tr>\n "; } header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); html_tag(); $rh_col_width = 390; echo "\n <head>\n <link rel=\"shortcut icon\" href=\"logo/favicon.gif\">\n <link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"white.css\">\n <link href=\"\" rel=\"publisher\" />\n <title>BOINC</title>\n <meta name=description content=\"BOINC is an open-source software platform for computing using volunteered resources\">\n <meta name=keywords content=\"distributed scientific computing supercomputing grid SETI@home public computing volunteer computing \">\n </head>\n <body>\n <table width=\"100%\" border=0><tr>\n <td valign=top>\n <img hspace=20 vspace=6 align=left src=\"logo/www_logo.gif\" alt=\"BOINC logo\">\n </td>\n <td align=center>\n <span class=\"title\">\n " . sprintf(tra("Open-source software for volunteer computing")) . "\n </span><br><br>\n </td>\n <td width={$rh_col_width} align=right>\n"; search_form(); language_form(); echo "\n </td></tr>\n </table>\n\n <table width=\"100%\" border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4>\n <tr>\n <td valign=top>\n <table width=\"100%\" border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=8>\n"; show_participate(); show_create(); show_other(); //show_nsf(); echo "\n </table>\n </td>\n"; echo " <td valign=top width=390>\n"; show_participant(); show_news_items(); echo "\n </td></tr>\n </table>\n"; page_tail(true, true);
function fail($msg) { echo "Error: {$msg}"; page_tail(); exit; }
function show_simulation() { $scen = get_str("scen"); $sim = get_str("sim"); $dir = "scenarios/{$scen}/simulations/{$sim}"; if (!is_dir($dir)) { error_page("No such simulation"); } page_head("Simulation {$sim}"); start_table(); $userid = (int) file_get_contents("{$dir}/userid"); $user = BoincUser::lookup_id($userid); $date = date_str(filemtime($dir)); row2("Scenario", "<a href=sim_web.php?action=show_scenario&name={$scen}>{$scen}</a>"); row2("Who", $user->name); row2("When", $date); row2("Parameters", "<pre>" . file_get_contents("{$dir}/inputs.txt") . "</pre>"); row2("Results", "<pre>" . file_get_contents("{$dir}/results.txt") . "</pre>"); $x = file_get_contents("{$dir}/index.html"); $x = str_replace("<h3>Output files</h3>", "", $x); $x = str_replace("href=", "href=scenarios/{$scen}/simulations/{$sim}/", $x); row2("Output files", $x); $x = get_comments($dir); if ($x) { row2("Comments", $x); } echo "<form action=sim_web.php>\n <input type=hidden name=scen value={$scen}>\n <input type=hidden name=sim value={$sim}>\n <input type=hidden name=action value=add_comment>\n "; row2("<input type=submit value=\"Add comment\">", "<textarea name=comment></textarea>"); echo "</form>"; end_table(); page_tail(); }
function show_cpu_list($data) { page_head("CPU performance"); echo "\n This table shows peak CPU speed\n (based on Whetstone benchmarks)\n of computers participating in this project.\n <p>\n "; start_table(); row_heading_array(array("CPU model", "Number of computers", "Avg. cores/computer", "GFLOPS/core", "GFLOPs/computer")); $i = 0; $total_nhosts = 0; $total_gflops = 0; foreach ($data->cpus as $d) { row_array(array($d->model, $d->nhosts, number_format($d->mean_ncores, 2), number_format($d->p_fpops / 1000000000.0, 2), number_format($d->mean_ncores * $d->p_fpops / 1000000000.0, 2)), "row{$i}"); $total_nhosts += $d->nhosts; $total_gflops += $d->nhosts * $d->mean_ncores * $d->p_fpops / 1000000000.0; $i = 1 - $i; } row_array(array("Total", number_format($total_nhosts, 0) . " computers", "", "", number_format($total_gflops / 1000.0, 2) . " TeraFLOPS"), "row{$i}"); end_table(); echo "Generated " . time_str($data->time); page_tail(); }
function edit_action($forum) { $title = strip_tags(post_str('title')); $title = BoincDb::escape_string($title); $description = strip_tags(post_str('description')); $description = BoincDb::escape_string($description); $post_min_interval = post_int('post_min_interval'); $post_min_total_credit = post_int('post_min_total_credit'); $post_min_expavg_credit = post_int('post_min_expavg_credit'); $ret = $forum->update("title='{$title}', description='{$description}', post_min_interval={$post_min_interval}, post_min_total_credit={$post_min_total_credit}, post_min_expavg_credit={$post_min_expavg_credit}"); if ($ret) { page_head("Team Message Board Updated"); echo "Update successful"; page_tail(); } else { error_page("update failed"); } }
function handle_add_form() { page_head("Add user"); echo "\n <form action=manage_project.php>\n <input type=hidden name=action value=add_action>\n User ID: <input name=user_id>\n <br>\n <input type=submit value=OK>\n </form>\n "; page_tail(); }