function iThxp($t, $s, $p, $b, $m, $q, $y = "") { $img = ""; if ($s == $b) { $c = "a"; $img = "<img src=\"" . IMGR . "sort" . $m . ".png\" style=\"float:right\" />"; } else { $m = 0; $c = ""; } return "<td class=\"xth\"><button class=\"xlink{$c}\" " . ($y == "" ? "" : " style=\"" . $y . "\" ") . "title=\"Sort by " . strtolower($t) . "\" onclick=\"jumpTo('" . pageLinkp($p, $s, $m, $q) . "')\">" . $t . $img . "</button></td>"; }
<table cellspacing="4px" cellpadding="0" style="margin-top:2px"><tr> <td><a class="plink<?php echo $page > 1 ? "\" title=\"Go to previous page\" href=\"" . pageLinkp($page - 1, gets('sortby'), gets('mode'), gets('q')) : "o"; ?> "> < </a></td> <?php for ($n = 1; $n <= $nop; $n++) { ?> <td><a class="plink<?php echo $n != $page ? "\" title=\"Go to page {$n}\" href=\"" . pageLinkp($n, gets('sortby'), gets('mode'), gets('q')) : "a"; ?> "><?php echo $n; ?> </a></td> <?php } ?> <td><a class="plink<?php echo $page < $nop ? "\" title=\"Go to next page\" href=\"" . pageLinkp($page + 1, gets('sortby'), gets('mode'), gets('q')) : "o"; ?> "> > </a></td> </tr></table> <?php } ?> </td> </tr></table></div> <?php } else { }
function getCPageLinkp() { $pg = getsx('page'); $sb = getsx('sortby'); $sm = getsx('mode'); $q = getsx('q'); return pageLinkp($pg, $sb, $sm, $q); }