function package_configs($keys = [], $default = null) : array { /** * If $default is not explicitly provided, it should not be passed to Package::getConfig(), * hence not simply calling getConfig($keys, $default), as explicitly passing $default = null * to getConfig() is different to omitting it */ return packages()->getConfig(...func_get_args()); }
$doc = nearestAirport($query); $airportCode = $doc['airport']; } else { $airportCode = $_GET['airport']; } if ($airportCode == 'JFK' && !isset($_GET['price'])) { echo file_get_contents('./includes/jfk.json'); } else { $query = array('Origin' => $airportCode); if (isset($_GET['price'])) { $query['JetBlue Package Price/Person'] = array('$lt' => floatval($_GET['price'])); } //$cursor = $packages->find($query,array('Destination'=>1,'JetBlue Package Price/Person'=>1,'_id'=>0)); //$fields=array('Destination'=>1,'JetBlue Package Price/Person'=>1,'_id'=>0); $fields = array('Destination' => 1, 'JetBlue Package Price/Person' => 1, '_id' => 0); $cursor = packages($query, $fields); $destinations = []; $destinations['Origin'] = $airportCode; foreach ($cursor as $key => $value) { if (!isset($destinations[$value['Destination']])) { $destinations[$value['Destination']] = $value; } else { if (floatval($destinations[$value['Destination']]['JetBlue Package Price/Person']) > floatval($value['JetBlue Package Price/Person'])) { $destinations[$value['Destination']] = $value; } } } foreach ($destinations as $key => $value) { if ($key != 'Origin') { $destinations[$key]["loc"] = $airportLocations[$value['Destination']]; $destinations[$key]['airport'] = $destinations[$key]['Destination'];
<?php $loader = (require 'vendor/autoload.php'); include 'vendor/composer/autoload_classmap.php'; define('FOLDER_CADENZA', $baseDir . '/vendor.src'); emptyFolder(FOLDER_CADENZA); $packages = packages($loader); foreach ($packages as $preffix => $paths) { $package = package($preffix); $folder = FOLDER_CADENZA . "/{$package}"; if (count($paths) > 1) { readfile(__DIR__ . '/message.txt'); exit; } $path = $paths[0]; if (inVendor($path)) { createLink($path, $folder); } } function packages($loader) { $methods = array('getPrefixes', 'getPrefixesPsr4', 'getFallbackDirs', 'getFallbackDirsPsr4', 'getClassMap'); $result = array(); foreach ($methods as $method) { if ($paths = $loader->{$method}()) { $result = array_merge($result, $paths); } } return $result; } function package($preffix)