コード例 #1
<p>The best way to advertise your offer is to use Neobux banner ads. You will be exposing your splash page to millions of Neobux users, and will build your list quickly. If you don’t have a budget, however, use traffic exchanges and DownlineRefs advertising.</p>

<p>Remember all the promotion methods we mentioned in the earlier chapters? We are going to use those methods to promote your capture page, and only your capture page. Since our goal is to build a list, advertising anything else is going to be a waste of time. </p>

<p>All your hard work will pay off at this point. Once you begin advertising and promotions, you will watch your sign up rate increase steadily, virtually overnight, and watch the referrals pour in. Now that you have a system in place, you no longer need to promote 10 PTC’s (or even more), instead, you only promote 1 capture page. </p>

<p>This is the part that you can call “fun” because it is the easiest thing to do. Be glad that you are building a list – now you have an ongoing source of referrals. You know your referrals are people in your list, and you no longer have to find them or track them down. </p>

<p><b>Use a Free Gift as Bait</b></p>

<p>People go on the internet primarily to do research, and they are suckers for free info. All you have to do is give a free ebook as an incentive to join your list. And on top of that, you already have the info to give them…you can use our Neobux Basics ebook!</p>

<p>If you don’t have Neobux Basics yet, get it here:<br />
echo outsideLink('http://neobuxultimatestrategy.com/basics');

<p><b>Free Promotion Credits</b></p>

<p>The ultimate strategy works because it utilizes advertising options such as EaysHits4U, and other traffic exchanges, and DownlineRefs. These programs allow you to build a downline and doing so will get you free credits. Those credits will then be used to advertise your list. The more people in your list, the bigger your downline will grow within these programs.</p>

<p>If you do it right, your list will practically grow itself. So, in addition to promoting PTC’s, make sure you promote traffic exchanges and DownlineRefs in your list. </p>

<p><b>Shortening Your URLs</b></p>

<p>Your capture page is going to look something like this:</p>

コード例 #2
<h1>Content is Locked </h1>

<hr color="#25569a" size="4" />


<p>This content is accessible only to the customers of PTC Mini-Sites. 
To get the next level membership, get the PTC Mini-Sites here: <br />
echo outsideLink('http://neobuxultimatestrategy.com/minisite/');

コード例 #3

<p>Money Maker Group<br />
echo outsideLink('http://www.moneymakergroup.com/forums.html');

<p>Emoney Space<br />
echo outsideLink('http://www.emoneyspace.com/forum');

<p>Money Fan Club<br />
echo outsideLink('http://www.moneyfanclub.com');

<p>Top Gold Forum<br />
echo outsideLink('http://topgoldforum.com');

<p>The Free Ad Forum <br />
echo outsideLink('http://www.thefreeadforum.com');
コード例 #4
<hr />

<p>Best PTC Paying<br />
echo outsideLink('http://www.bestptcpaying.com');

<p>Best PTC Paying is a banner advertising site. Their rates are affordable, and you can pay
	daily, weekly, or monthly.</p>

<hr />

<p>Neobux Referrals<br />
echo outsideLink('http://wannacredit.com/neobux.html');

<p>This is a referral buying service where you pay a one time fee and get a set number of referrals.
    At the time of writing, their rate is $32 for one day of exposure.</p>


<p align="center"><b>Using Linkrand</b></p>

<center><img src="images/linkgrandOrder.jpg" class="clickable" /></center>

<p>When you go to linkgrand.com, you will see this screen. It is very simple to use, what you see is what you get. Put your link text into the field, and in the link url, put in your referral link. Then, pick the funding option that best suits your budget. You can also enter a different amount if you want to spend more money. </p>
コード例 #5
<p><b>Personalize and Brand Yourself</b><br />
When writing newsletters, please consider that your readers are people who don't want to read too much. You're writing an article, not an essay. It is true when they say "less is more". But you are not giving your subscribers less, you are giving them value for their time. If you personalize your newsletters, you are more likely to keep the reader's attention, because people relate to other people.</p>

<p>Being an anonymous salesman may seem "cool", but that is not the best way to build a list. You can still get results being anonymous, but you will not build a loyal base of followers. You can only achieve that by personalizing your newsletters and branding yourself.</p>

<p><b>Keep it Simple, Keep it Interesting</b><br />
If you want people to believe you, you don't need to write a whole essay. Several paragraphs is more than enough to prove your point. What you want to do is keep things simple and have a clear message. Also, keep things interesting by adding pictures - they truly are worth a thousand words. If your newsletters are colorful and fun, then people will look forward to reading your articles, because it doesn't feel like work.</p>

<p>You may consider adding a famous quote, or maybe a silly joke just to keep things light. Let me give you an example. There is an internet marketing named Chase Swift who has several newsletters with thousands of subscribers. He has a short comic at the end of every email. This is what makes him unique and stands out from the crowd, and thus he is branding himself.</p>

<p><b>Be the Master of Your Tools</b><br />
In order to become successful, you must become the master of your tools. How will you build a list if you get stuck in TrafficWave (or some other auto responder you use) and you don’t know how to do certain things? You need to spend a few hours every week learning the system so you can use it efficiently.</p>

<p>Luckily for you, TrafficWave has training videos designed to teach you how to use their service. <br />
echo outsideLink('http://www.trafficwave.net/videos/');

<p>At the very least, you should learn the fundamentals of TrafficWave. After all, it is a business tool that you are going to use over and over. So you might as well master it now so you can have an easier time in the future.</p>

<p><b>Don’t Sell Too Much</b><br />
What you want to do is ask your subscribers to join your PTC sites as your referral several times over the course of the newsletter. Since they trust you and like you, they will join under you. <i>They will trust you if you give them free information</i>. This will happen automatically as they receive your newsletters.</p>

<p>Imagine having that kind of influence with your list, a group of people who trust you and will follow whatever you do. Once you have your audience, you can advertise as many sites as you want. But don’t sell too often, or people will get annoyed. If they are annoyed, then they will un-subscribe from you and you are guaranteed to fail.</p>

<p>What you want to do is soft selling – a technique developed by internet marketing gurus. If you just give people a link, then it is obvious you just want to sell, and people will be turned off by that. I will give you 2 examples of selling, one is bad selling, and the other, the correct way, is soft selling.</p>

<p>How NOT to Sell Something</p>

<div class="textBox" id="textBox1" style="width: 400px"><h2>Bad Selling</h2>