if (isset($_REQUEST['t'])) { $pageWhere .= '&t=' . $_REQUEST['t']; $where = ' And types=:types'; $placeholder[':types'] = $_REQUEST['t']; } $placeholder[':is_complete'] = $isComplete; try { $pageSize = 5; $page = isset($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : 1; $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cl_jobs WHERE is_complete=:is_complete" . $where; $s = $pdo->prepare($sql); $s->execute($placeholder); $rowCount = $s->fetch(); $pageTotal = ceil(intval($rowCount) / $pageSize); $offset = ($page - 1) * $pageSize; $pagination = outputPagination($page, $pageTotal, 8, $pageWhere); $select = 'SELECT id, detail, start_date, completed_date, types'; $from = ' From cl_jobs'; $where = ' WHERE true AND is_complete=:is_complete' . $where; $order = ' ORDER BY start_date DESC'; $limit = " LIMIT {$offset}, {$pageSize}"; $sql = $select . $from . $where . $order . $limit; $s = $pdo->prepare($sql); $s->execute($placeholder); while ($row = $s->fetch()) { $jobs[] = array('id' => $row['id'], 'detail' => $row['detail'], 'start_date' => $row['start_date'], 'completed_date' => $row['completed_date'], 'types' => $row['types']); } include 'jobs.html.php'; } catch (PDOException $e) { $output = 'Error fetching jobs: ' . $e->getMessage(); include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/huaqiao/src/templates/output.html.php';
$minetype = $file['minetype']; $filedata = $file['filedata']; $disposition = 'attachment'; header('Content-length: ' . strlen($filedata)); header("Content-type: application/octet-steams"); header("Content-disposition: {$disposition};filename={$filename}"); echo $filedata; exit; } include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/huaqiao/include/dbConnection.inc.php'; include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/huaqiao/lib/paginate.php'; try { $pageSize = 1; $page = isset($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : 1; $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM record"; $result = $pdo->query($sql); $rowCount = $result->fetchColumn(); $pageTotal = ceil(intval($rowCount) / $pageSize); $offset = ($page - 1) * $pageSize; $pagination = outputPagination($page, $pageTotal); $sql = "SELECT record.id AS id, name, content, filestore.id AS fileid, filename FROM record LEFT JOIN filestore ON recordid = record.id LIMIT {$offset}, {$pageSize}"; $result = $pdo->query($sql); while ($row = $result->fetch()) { $records[] = array('id' => $row['id'], 'name' => $row['name'], 'content' => $row['content'], 'fileid' => $row['fileid'], 'filename' => $row['filename']); } include 'records.html.php'; } catch (PDOException $e) { $output = 'Error fetching daily: ' . $e->getMessage(); include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/huaqiao/src/templates/output.html.php'; exit; }
$s->execute(); } catch (PDOException $e) { $output = 'ERROR editing daily ' . $e->getMessage(); include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/huaqiao/src/templates/output.html.php'; exit; } header('Location: .?editDaily&id=' . $_POST['id'] . '&done=edit'); exit; } include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/huaqiao/include/dbConnection.inc.php'; include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/huaqiao/lib/paginate.php'; try { $pageSize = 5; $page = isset($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : 1; $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Daily"; $result = $pdo->query($sql); $rowCount = $result->fetchColumn(); $pageTotal = ceil(intval($rowCount) / $pageSize); $offset = ($page - 1) * $pageSize; $pagination = outputPagination($page, $pageTotal, 8, 'cid=10'); $sql = "SELECT id, Date, Weather, Comment FROM Daily ORDER BY Date DESC LIMIT {$offset}, {$pageSize}"; $result = $pdo->query($sql); while ($row = $result->fetch()) { $dailys[] = array('id' => $row['id'], 'date' => $row['Date'], 'weather' => $row['Weather'], 'comment' => $row['Comment']); } include 'dailys.html.php'; } catch (PDOException $e) { $output = 'Error fetching daily: ' . $e->getMessage(); include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/huaqiao/src/templates/output.html.php'; exit; }