コード例 #1
function coolcode_run(&$message, &$coolcode_matches, $allow_mycode = 'yes')
    if ($allow_mycode == 'no' || empty($coolcode_matches)) {
    global $lang;
    $langvars = array('c' => 'C Code', 'cpp' => 'C++ Code', 'java' => 'Java Code', 'js' => 'Javascript Code', 'bat' => 'Batch Script', 'sql' => 'SQL Code', 'vb' => 'Visual Basic Code', 'html' => 'HTML Code', 'xml' => 'XML Code', 'php' => $lang->php_code, 'ini' => 'INI', 'code' => $lang->code);
    require_once MYBB_ROOT . 'inc/highlighter.php';
    $codes = array();
    foreach ($coolcode_matches as $text) {
        $code = trim(strtr($text[3], array("" => '', "" => '')), "\n\r");
        $lines = substr_count($code, "\n");
            $start = 1;
            $start = intval(substr($text[2],1));
            if($start < 1) $start = 1;
        $linetext = implode("\n", range($start, $start+$lines));
        $text[1] = strtolower($text[1]);
        if ($text[1] != 'code') {
            $func = $text[1] . '_highlight';
            // disallow use of our special characters
            $code .= "\n";
            $code = str_replace(get_placeholder(8), 'class', substr($func($code), 0, -1));
            // add & strip extra newline
        } else {
            $code = htmlspecialchars_uni($code);
                $codes[] = "</p>\n<div class=\"code_header\">{$langvars[$text[1]]}\n</div>
                    <div class=\"code_body\" style=\"padding: 0; margin: 0;\">
                    <table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"1\" style=\"padding: 0;\">
                    <tr><td style=\"text-align: right; width: 4em;\"><div style=\"font-family: courier new, monospaced; line-height: 1.2em;\"><pre style=\"margin: 0;\">$linetext</pre></div></td>
                    <td><div style=\"font-family: courier new, monospaced; line-height: 1.2em;\"><pre style=\"margin: 0;\">$code</pre></div></td></tr></table></div>\n<p>\n";*/
        $codes[] = "</p>\n<div><div class=\"code_header\"><input type=\"button\" class=\"button\" style=\"float: right; margin-top: -2px;\" value=\"Select\" onClick=\"selectObj(this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].getElementsByTagName('pre')[0])\" />{$langvars[$text[1]]}\n</div>\n\n            <div class=\"code_body\" style=\"line-height: 1.25em;\">\n\n            <pre>{$code}</pre></div></div>\n<p>\n";
        //$message = preg_replace("#\x00#", $code, $message, 1);
    $message = our_str_replace("", $codes, $message);
コード例 #2
function generic_highlight(&$code, $blocks = array(), $secondaries = array(), $tertiaries = array(), $keywords = array(), $callback = '')
    $placeholders = array();
    for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
        $placeholders[$i] = get_placeholder($i);
    // this will parse out "block" codes, ie comments and quotes
    $block_matches = array();
    $replaced_blocks = array();
    //$key_map = array();
    foreach ($blocks as $key => $binfo) {
        //$binfo['key'] = $key;
        preg_match_all($binfo['pattern'], $code, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE | PREG_SET_ORDER);
        foreach ($matches as $match) {
            $block_matches[$match[0][1]] = array(0 => $key, 1 => $match);
            //$key_map[$match[0][1]] = $key;
    // now that we have the sorted array, perform replacements
    $offset = 0;
    $codetemp = $code;
    $code = '';
    //$count = 0;
    do {
        $redo = false;
        foreach ($block_matches as $pos => $minfo) {
            $text =& $minfo[1][0][0];
            $binfo =& $blocks[$minfo[0]];
            // is this a "passed" block?
            if ($pos < $offset) {
                // if the close of the block is also passed, skip the whole thing
                //  -OR there's no more matches
                if ($pos + strlen($text) < $offset || !preg_match($binfo['pattern'], $codetemp)) {
                // otherwise, we'll have to try and re-match everything :(
                preg_match_all($binfo['pattern'], $codetemp, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE | PREG_SET_ORDER);
                //$code .= $codetemp;
                // remove all current blocks for this pattern
                $block_matches = array_filter($block_matches, create_function('$a', 'return $a[0]!=\'' . $minfo[0] . '\';'));
                //foreach($block_matches as $pos2 => $minfo2)
                //  if($minfo2[0] == $minfo[0])
                //      unset($block_matches[$pos2]);
                // re-assign matches
                foreach ($matches as $match) {
                    $block_matches[$match[0][1] + $offset] = array(0 => $minfo[0], 1 => $match);
                // restart the whole process
                $redo = true;
                //$offset = 0;
                //$codetemp = $code;
                //$code = '';
            if (isset($binfo['replacement'])) {
                $replaced_blocks[] = preg_replace($binfo['pattern'], $binfo['replacement'], $text);
            } elseif (isset($binfo['soffset']) || isset($binfo['eoffset'])) {
                $replaced_blocks[] = offset_join_htmlspecialchars($text, $binfo['prefix'], $binfo['suffix'], $binfo['soffset'], $binfo['eoffset']);
            } else {
                $replaced_blocks[] = $binfo['prefix'] . htmlspecialchars($text) . $binfo['suffix'];
            $ph = $placeholders[0];
            if (isset($binfo['keepprefix'])) {
                $ph = $minfo[1][$binfo['keepprefix']][0] . $ph;
            if (isset($binfo['keepsuffix'])) {
                $ph .= $minfo[1][$binfo['keepsuffix']][0];
            $code .= substr($codetemp, 0, $pos - $offset) . $ph;
            $len = strlen($text);
            $codetemp = substr($codetemp, $pos + $len - $offset);
            $offset = $pos + $len;
            //$code .= substr($codetemp, $offset, $pos-$offset).$placeholders[0];
            //$offset = $pos + strlen($text);
            //$len = strlen($text);
            //$code = substr_replace($code, $placeholders[0], $pos-$offset, $len);
            //$offset += $len - strlen($placeholders[0]);
            // we're done with this block
    } while ($redo);
    //$code .= substr($codetemp, $offset);
    $code .= $codetemp;
    $i = -1;
    $secondary_matches = array();
    if ($callback) {
        $callback($code, $secondary_matches);
        $i = count($secondary_matches) - 1;
    foreach ($secondaries as $secondary) {
        preg_match_all($secondary['pattern'], $code, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE | PREG_SET_ORDER);
        $codetemp = $code;
        $offset = 0;
        $code = '';
        foreach ($matches as $match) {
            if (isset($secondary['replacement'])) {
                $secondary_matches[$i][] = preg_replace($secondary['pattern'], $secondary['replacement'], $match[0][0]);
            } elseif (isset($secondary['soffset']) || isset($secondary['eoffset'])) {
                $secondary_matches[$i][] = offset_join_htmlspecialchars($match[0][0], $secondary['prefix'], $secondary['suffix'], $secondary['soffset'], $secondary['eoffset']);
            } else {
                $secondary_matches[$i][] = $secondary['prefix'] . htmlspecialchars($match[0][0]) . $secondary['suffix'];
            $ph = $placeholders[$i + 1];
            if (isset($secondary['keepprefix'])) {
                $ph = $match[$secondary['keepprefix']][0] . $ph;
            if (isset($secondary['keepsuffix'])) {
                $ph .= $match[$secondary['keepsuffix']][0];
            //$code .= substr($codetemp, 0, $match[0][1]-$offset).$ph;
            //$len = strlen($match[0][0]);
            //$codetemp = substr($codetemp, $match[0][1]+$len - $offset);
            //$offset = $match[0][1] + $len;
            $code .= substr($codetemp, $offset, $match[0][1] - $offset) . $ph;
            $offset = $match[0][1] + strlen($match[0][0]);
            //$len = strlen($match[0][0]);
            //$code = substr_replace($code, $ph, $match[0][1]-$offset, $len);
            //$offset += $len - strlen($placeholders[$i+1]);
        //$code .= $codetemp;
        $code .= substr($codetemp, $offset);
    //$code .= $codetemp;
    $code = htmlspecialchars($code);
    foreach ($tertiaries as $tertiary) {
        $code = preg_replace($tertiary['pattern'], $tertiary['replacement'], $code);
    foreach ($keywords as $kinfo) {
        if (isset($kinfo['case']) && $kinfo['case']) {
            $func = 'strpos';
        } else {
            $func = 'stripos';
        if (isset($kinfo['bsfunc'])) {
            $bsfunc = $kinfo['bsfunc'];
        } else {
            $bsfunc = 'is_variablechar';
        if (isset($kinfo['befunc'])) {
            $befunc = $kinfo['befunc'];
        } else {
            $befunc = 'is_variablechar';
        foreach ($kinfo['keywords'] as $word) {
            $codetemp = $code;
            $code = '';
            while (($pos = $func($codetemp, $word)) !== false) {
                $endpos = strlen($word) + $pos;
                // below line is required to preserve case
                $myword = substr($codetemp, $pos, strlen($word));
                // check boundaries
                //die(var_dump(array($codetemp{$pos-1}, $codetemp{$endpos}, $pos)));
                if ((!$pos || !$bsfunc($codetemp[$pos - 1])) && (!isset($codetemp[$endpos]) || !$befunc($codetemp[$endpos]))) {
                    $code .= substr($codetemp, 0, $pos) . $kinfo['prefix'] . $myword . $kinfo['suffix'];
                } else {
                    $code .= substr($codetemp, 0, $pos) . $myword;
                $codetemp = substr($codetemp, $endpos);
            $code .= $codetemp;
    while ($i--) {
        if (!empty($secondary_matches[$i])) {
            $code = our_str_replace($placeholders[$i + 1], $secondary_matches[$i], $code);
    // replace back quotes/comments etc
    if (!empty($replaced_blocks)) {
        $code = our_str_replace($placeholders[0], $replaced_blocks, $code);
    return $code;