function output($section_name, $config, $op, $return = false) { $id = rtrim($this->get_fieldid($section_name), '_'); $id = ltrim($id, 'op_'); $one_col = op_get_var($config, 'one_col', false); $add_class = op_get_var($config, 'container_class'); if (!empty($add_class)) { $add_class = ' ' . $add_class; } $default = op_get_var($config, 'default_layout', array()); if (!is_array($default)) { $default = unserialize(base64_decode($default)); } return op_page_layout($id, false, $id . '_area', 'editable-area' . $add_class, $default, $one_col); }
function save_preset() { global $wpdb; $preset = op_post('preset'); if (!is_array($preset)) { $preset = array(); } $type = op_get_var($preset, 'preset_type', 'new'); switch ($type) { case 'new': $title = op_get_var($preset, 'preset_new'); if (empty($title)) { exit(json_encode(array('error' => __('You must provide a preset title', OP_SN)))); } break; case 'overwrite': $id = op_get_var($preset, 'preset_save', 0); if ($id < 1) { exit(json_encode(array('error' => __('You must select a preset to overwrite', OP_SN)))); } break; } $this->save_page(); $update = array(); $layouts = op_post('layouts'); if (!is_array($layouts)) { $layouts = array(); } $layouts = array_keys($layouts); $new_layouts = array(); foreach ($layouts as $layout) { $new_layouts[$layout] = op_page_layout($layout, true); } $update['layouts'] = base64_encode(serialize($new_layouts)); $new_settings = array(); $settings = apply_filters('op_export_settings_array', array('membership', 'theme', 'header_layout', 'feature_area', 'feature_title', 'footer_area', 'color_scheme_template', 'typography', 'color_scheme_advanced', 'mobile_redirect', 'seo', 'scripts', 'fb_share', 'lightbox', 'exit_redirect', 'launch_gateway', 'launch_funnel')); foreach ($settings as $setting) { if ($conf = op_page_option($setting)) { $new_settings[$setting] = base64_encode(serialize($conf)); } } $update['settings'] = base64_encode(serialize($new_settings)); if ($type == 'new') { $wpdb->insert($wpdb->prefix . 'optimizepress_presets', array_merge(array('name' => $title), $update)); $current = $wpdb->insert_id; } else { $wpdb->update($wpdb->prefix . 'optimizepress_presets', $update, array('id' => $id)); $current = $id; } echo json_encode(array('preset_dropdown' => $this->_get_presets_drop($current))); exit; }
function op_init_page($id) { global $wp_query; define('OP_PAGEBUILDER', true); define('OP_PAGEBUILDER_ID', $id); do_action('op_pre_init_page'); require_once OP_ASSETS . 'live_editor.php'; wp_enqueue_script('jquery', false, false, OP_VERSION); //If jQuery version is higher than 1.9 we require jQuery migrate plugin (which is by default registered in WP versions that come with jQuery 1.9 or higher) if (wp_script_is('jquery-migrate', 'registered')) { wp_enqueue_script(OP_SN . '-noconflict-js', OP_JS . 'jquery/jquery.noconflict' . OP_SCRIPT_DEBUG . '.js', array('jquery', 'jquery-migrate'), OP_VERSION); } else { wp_enqueue_script(OP_SN . '-noconflict-js', OP_JS . 'jquery/jquery.noconflict' . OP_SCRIPT_DEBUG . '.js', array('jquery'), OP_VERSION); } wp_enqueue_script(OP_SN . '-loadScript', OP_JS . 'jquery/jquery.loadScript' . OP_SCRIPT_DEBUG . '.js', array(OP_SN . '-noconflict-js'), OP_VERSION); op_init_page_theme(); if (have_posts()) { the_post(); } $GLOBALS['op_content_layout'] = op_page_layout('body', false, 'content_area', ''); $GLOBALS['op_footer_layout'] = ''; if (op_page_option('footer_area', 'enabled') == 'Y' && op_page_option('footer_area', 'large_footer', 'enabled') == 'Y') { $GLOBALS['op_footer_layout'] = op_page_layout('footer', false, 'footer_area'); } do_action('op_after_init_page'); }
function op_init_page($id) { global $wp_query; define('OP_PAGEBUILDER', true); define('OP_PAGEBUILDER_ID', $id); do_action('op_pre_init_page'); require_once OP_ASSETS . 'live_editor.php'; wp_enqueue_script('jquery'); wp_enqueue_script('loadScript', OP_JS . 'jquery/jquery.loadScript.js'); op_init_page_theme(); if (have_posts()) { the_post(); } $GLOBALS['op_content_layout'] = op_page_layout('body', false, 'content_area', ''); $GLOBALS['op_footer_layout'] = ''; if (op_page_option('footer_area', 'enabled') == 'Y' && op_page_option('footer_area', 'large_footer', 'enabled') == 'Y') { $GLOBALS['op_footer_layout'] = op_page_layout('footer', false, 'footer_area', 'fixed-width'); } do_action('op_after_init_page'); }