コード例 #1
ファイル: lumiere.php プロジェクト: slomoaw/domopi
function automode()
    $statut = recover_statut();
    if ($statut != 2) {
コード例 #2
if (isset($count_user_files) && $count_user_files) {
    //Wenn überhaupt Public-Dateien vorhanden, dann Listing
    //Beginn Tabelle für Public Dateilisting
    echo "<table width=\"538\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n";
    echo "<tr><td colspan=\"2\"><img src=\"img/leer.gif\" width=\"1\" height=\"1\"></td></tr>\n";
    //Prüfen, für welche User überhaupt Public Files vorhanden sind
    $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_file.f_uid, " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_user.usr_login, " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_user.usr_name " . "FROM " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_file INNER JOIN " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_user ON " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_file.f_uid=" . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_user.usr_id " . "WHERE " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_file.f_public=1 AND " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_file.f_aktiv=1 AND " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_file.f_trash=0 " . "ORDER BY " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_user.usr_name, " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_user.usr_login;";
    if ($result = mysql_query($sql, $db) or die("error while browsing user's public files")) {
        $user_counter = 0;
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
            $pklapp_status = empty($_SESSION["pklapp"]["u" . $row["f_uid"]]) ? 1 : 0;
            $root_user_id = intval($row["f_uid"]);
            $user_naming = html($row["usr_name"] . " (" . $row["usr_login"] . ")");
            $count = "<img src=\"img/leer.gif\" width=\"2\" height=\"1\">" . "<a href=\"phpwcms.php?do=files&f=1&pklapp=u" . $row["f_uid"] . "|" . $pklapp_status . "\">" . on_off($pklapp_status, "\n" . $BL['be_fpublic_user'] . ": " . $user_naming, 0) . "</a>";
            //Aufbau der Zeile mit den Benutzerinfos
            if ($user_counter) {
                //Trennende blaue Tabellen-Zeile zwischen unterschiedlicghen Public Users
                echo "<tr><td colspan=\"2\"><img src=\"img/lines/line-lightgrey-dotted-538.gif\" height=\"1\" width=\"538\"></td></tr>\n";
                echo "<tr><td colspan=\"2\"><img src=\"img/leer.gif\" height=\"1\" width=\"1\"></td></tr>\n";
            echo "<tr bgcolor=\"#D8E4E9\"><td colspan=\"2\"><img src=\"img/leer.gif\" height=\"2\" width=\"1\"></td></tr>\n";
            //Abstand vor
            echo "<tr bgcolor=\"#D8E4E9\">\n";
            //Einleitung Tabellenzeile
            echo "<td width=\"488\" class=\"msglist\">";
            //Einleiten der Tabellenzelle
            echo $count . "<img src=\"img/leer.gif\" height=\"1\" width=\"" . ($vor + 6) . "\" border=\"0\"><img src=\"img/icons/user_zu.gif\" border=\"0\">";
            echo "<img src=\"img/leer.gif\" height=\"1\" width=\"5\"><strong>" . $user_naming . "</strong></td>\n";
            //Schließen Zelle 1. Spalte
コード例 #3
function list_public($pid, $dbcon, $vor, $zieldatei, $userID, $show_thumb = 1, $phpwcms)
    $pid = intval($pid);
    //Folder Listing für Public files
    $sql = "SELECT f_id, f_name FROM " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_file WHERE " . "f_pid=" . intval($pid) . " AND " . "f_public=1 AND f_aktiv=1 AND " . "f_uid=" . intval($userID) . " AND " . "f_kid=0 AND f_trash=0 ORDER BY f_sort, f_name";
    $result = mysql_query($sql, $dbcon);
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
        $dirname = html($row["f_name"]);
        //Ermitteln des Aufklappwertes
        $klapp_status = empty($_SESSION["pklapp"][$row["f_id"]]) ? 1 : 0;
        //Ermitteln, ob überhaupt abhängige Dateien/Ordner existieren
        $count_sql = "SELECT COUNT(f_id) FROM " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_file WHERE " . "f_pid=" . $row["f_id"] . " AND " . "f_uid=" . intval($userID) . " AND " . "f_public=1 AND f_aktiv=1 AND " . "f_trash=0 LIMIT 1";
        if ($count_result = mysql_query($count_sql, $dbcon)) {
            if ($count_row = mysql_fetch_row($count_result)) {
                $count = "<img src=\"img/leer.gif\" width=\"2\" height=\"1\">" . "<a href=\"" . $zieldatei . "&pklapp=" . $row["f_id"] . "|" . $klapp_status . "\">" . on_off($klapp_status, $dirname, 0) . "</a>";
                $count_wert = $count_row[0];
        //Aufbau der Zeile
        echo "<tr bgcolor=\"#EBF2F4\"><td colspan=\"2\"><img src=\"img/leer.gif\" height=\"1\" width=\"1\"></td></tr>\n";
        //Abstand vor
        echo "<tr bgcolor=\"#EBF2F4\">\n";
        //Einleitung Tabellenzeile
        echo "<td width=\"488\" class='msglist'>";
        //Einleiten der Tabellenzelle
        echo $count . "<img src=\"img/leer.gif\" height=\"1\" width=\"" . ($vor + 6) . "\" border=\"0\"><img src=\"img/icons/folder_zu.gif\" border=\"0\">";
        //Zellinhalt 1. Spalte
        echo "<img src=\"img/leer.gif\" height=\"1\" width=\"5\"><strong>" . $dirname;
        //Zellinhalt 1. Spalte Fortsetzung
        echo "</strong></td>\n";
        //Schließen Zelle 1. Spalte
        //Zelle 2. Spalte - vorgesehen für Buttons/Tasten Edit etc.
        echo "<td width=\"50\" align=\"right\" class=\"msglist\">";
        echo "<img src=\"img/leer.gif\" width=\"50\" height=\"1\">";
        echo "</td>\n";
        echo "</tr>\n";
        //Abschluss Tabellenzeile
        //Aufbau trennende Tabellen-Zeile
        echo "<tr bgcolor=\"#EBF2F4\"><td colspan=\"2\"><img src=\"img/leer.gif\" height=\"1\" width=\"1\"></td></tr>\n";
        //Abstand nach
        echo "<tr><td colspan=\"2\"><img src=\"img/leer.gif\" height=\"1\" width=\"1\"></td></tr>\n";
        //Trennlinie<img src='img/lines/line-lightgrey-dotted-538.gif'>
        //Weiter, wenn Unterstruktur
        if (!$klapp_status && $count_wert) {
            //$vor."<img src='img/leer.gif' height=1 width=18 border=0>"
            list_public($row["f_id"], $dbcon, $vor + 18, $zieldatei, $userID, $show_thumb, $phpwcms);
            //Listing eventuell im Verzeichnis enthaltener Dateien
            $file_sql = "SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_file WHERE f_pid=" . $row["f_id"] . " AND f_uid=" . intval($userID) . " AND f_public=1 AND f_aktiv=1 AND f_kid=1 AND f_trash=0 ORDER BY f_sort, f_name";
            if ($file_result = mysql_query($file_sql, $dbcon) or die("error while listing files")) {
                $file_durchlauf = 0;
                while ($file_row = mysql_fetch_array($file_result)) {
                    $filename = html($file_row["f_name"]);
                    if (!$file_durchlauf) {
                        //Aufbau der Zeile zum Einfließen der Filelisten-Tabelle
                        echo "<tr bgcolor=\"#F5F8F9\"><td colspan=\"2\"><table width=\"538\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n";
                    } else {
                        echo "<tr bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\"><td colspan=\"5\"><img src=\"img/leer.gif\" height=\"1\" width=\"1\"></td></tr>\n";
                    echo "<tr>\n";
                    echo "<td width=\"" . ($vor + 37) . "\" class=\"msglist\"><img src=\"img/leer.gif\" height=\"1\" width=\"" . ($vor + 37) . "\" border=\"0\"></td>\n";
                    echo "<td width=\"13\" class=\"msglist\">";
                    echo "<img src=\"img/icons/small_" . extimg($file_row["f_ext"]) . "\" border=\"0\"";
                    echo ' onmouseover="Tip(\'ID: ' . $file_row["f_id"] . '&lt;br&gt;Sort: ' . $file_row["f_sort"] . '\');" onmouseout="UnTip()" alt=""';
                    echo "></td>\n";
                    echo "<td width=\"" . (473 - $vor) . "\" class=\"msglist\"><img src=\"img/leer.gif\" height=\"1\" width=\"5\">";
                    echo "<a href=\"fileinfo.php?public&amp;fid=" . $file_row["f_id"];
                    echo "\" target=\"_blank\" onclick=\"flevPopupLink(this.href,'filedetail','scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=500,height=400',1);return document.MM_returnValue;\">";
                    echo $filename . "</a>";
                    echo "</td>\n";
                    echo "<td width=\"15\" align=\"right\" class=\"msglist\">";
                    echo "<a href=\"include/inc_act/act_download.php?pl=1&dl=" . $file_row["f_id"];
                    echo "\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"" . $GLOBALS['BL']['be_fprivfunc_dlfile'] . ": " . $filename . "\">";
                    echo "<img src=\"img/button/download_disc.gif\" border=0></a>";
                    echo "<img src=\"img/leer.gif\" width=\"2\" height=\"1\">";
                    echo "</td>\n";
                    //Ende Aufbau
                    echo "</tr>\n";
                    if ($_SESSION["wcs_user_thumb"]) {
                        $thumb_image = get_cached_image(array("target_ext" => $file_row["f_ext"], "image_name" => $file_row["f_hash"] . '.' . $file_row["f_ext"], "thumb_name" => md5($file_row["f_hash"] . $phpwcms["img_list_width"] . $phpwcms["img_list_height"] . $phpwcms["sharpen_level"] . $phpwcms['colorspace'])));
                        if ($thumb_image != false) {
                            echo "<tr>\n";
                            echo "<td width=\"" . ($vor + 37) . "\"><img src=\"img/leer.gif\" height=\"1\" width=\"" . ($vor + 37) . "\" border=\"0\"></td>\n";
                            echo "<td width=\"13\"><img src=\"img/leer.gif\" height=\"1\" width=\"1\" border=\"0\"></td>\n<td width=\"";
                            echo 473 - $vor . "\"><img src=\"img/leer.gif\" height=\"1\" width=\"6\"><a href=\"fileinfo.php?public&amp;fid=";
                            echo $file_row["f_id"] . "\" target=\"_blank\" onclick=\"flevPopupLink(this.href,'filedetail','scrollbars=";
                            echo "yes,resizable=yes,width=500,height=400',1); return document.MM_returnValue;\">";
                            echo '<img src="' . PHPWCMS_IMAGES . $thumb_image[0] . '" border="0" ' . $thumb_image[3];
                            echo ' onmouseover="Tip(\'ID: ' . $file_row["f_id"] . '\');" onmouseout="UnTip()" alt=""';
                            echo "></a></td>\n";
                            echo "<td width=\"15\"><img src=\"img/leer.gif\" height=\"1\" width=\"1\" border=\"0\"></td>\n</tr>\n";
                            echo "<tr><td colspan=\"4\"><img src=\"img/leer.gif\" height=\"2\" width=\"1\" border=\"0\"></td>\n</tr>\n";
                if ($file_durchlauf) {
                    //Abschluss der Filelisten-Tabelle
                    echo "</table>\n";
                    echo "<tr><td colspan=\"2\"><img src=\"img/leer.gif\" height=\"1\" width=\"1\"></td></tr>\n";
            //Ende Liste Dateien
        //Zaehler mitführen
    return $vor;
コード例 #4
ファイル: filebrowser.php プロジェクト: EDVLanger/phpwcms
function folder_list($pid, $dbcon, $vor, $zieldatei)
    global $current_dirname;
    $folder = $_SESSION["folder"];
    $pid = intval($pid);
    $userID = intval($_SESSION["wcs_user_id"]);
    $sql = "SELECT f_id, f_name, f_aktiv, f_public FROM " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_file WHERE " . "f_pid=" . intval($pid) . " AND f_aktiv=1 AND f_kid=0 AND f_trash=0 AND " . "(f_public=1 OR f_uid=" . $userID . ") ORDER BY f_sort, f_name";
    $result = mysql_query($sql, $dbcon);
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
        $dirname = html_specialchars($row["f_name"]);
        //Ermitteln des Aufolderwertes
        if (!isset($folder[$row["f_id"]])) {
            $folder[$row["f_id"]] = 0;
        $folder_status = true_false($folder[$row["f_id"]]);
        //Ermitteln, ob überhaupt abhängige Dateien/Ordner existieren
        $count_sql = "SELECT COUNT(f_id) FROM " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_file WHERE " . "f_pid=" . $row["f_id"] . " AND f_trash=0 AND f_aktiv=1 AND " . "(f_public=1 OR f_uid=" . $userID . ") LIMIT 1";
        if ($count_result = mysql_query($count_sql, $dbcon)) {
            if ($count_row = mysql_fetch_row($count_result)) {
                $count = '<img src="img/leer.gif" height="1" width="2" alt="" border="0" /><a href="' . $zieldatei . "folder=" . $row["f_id"] . '%7C' . $folder_status . '">' . on_off($folder_status, $dirname, 0) . '</a>';
                $count_wert = $count_row[0];
        $dirname = '<a href="' . $zieldatei . "files=" . $row["f_id"] . '" title="' . $GLOBALS['BL']['SHOW_FILES1'] . '">' . $dirname . '</a>';
        if ($row["f_id"] == $_SESSION["imgdir"]) {
            $bgcol = ' bgcolor="#FED83F"';
            $current_dirname = $row["f_name"];
        } else {
            $bgcol = '';
        //Aufbau der Zeile
        echo "<tr" . $bgcol . "><td colspan=\"2\"><img src=\"img/leer.gif\" height=\"2\" width=\"1\" alt=\"\" border=\"0\" /></td></tr>\n";
        //Abstand vor
        echo "<tr" . $bgcol . "><td class=\"msglist\" nowrap=\"nowrap\">";
        echo $count . "<img src=\"img/leer.gif\" height=\"1\" width=\"" . ($vor + 6) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /><img src=\"img/icons/folder_zu.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" />";
        //Zellinhalt 1. Spalte
        echo "<img src=\"img/leer.gif\" height=\"1\" width=\"5\" alt=\"\" border=\"0\" />" . $dirname . "</td><td><img src=\"img/leer.gif\" height=\"1\" width=\"5\" alt=\"\" border=\"0\" /></td></tr>\n";
        //Aufbau trennende Tabellen-Zeile
        echo "<tr" . $bgcol . "><td colspan=\"2\"><img src=\"img/leer.gif\" height=\"1\" width=\"1\" alt=\"\" border=\"0\" /></td></tr>\n";
        //Abstand nach
        echo "<tr bgcolor=\"#CDDEE4\"><td colspan=\"2\"><img src=\"img/leer.gif\" height=\"1\" width=\"1\" alt=\"\" border=\"0\" /></td></tr>\n";
        //Trennlinie<img src='img/lines/line-lightgrey-dotted-538.gif'>
        //Weiter, wenn Unterstruktur
        if (!$folder_status && $count_wert) {
            folder_list($row["f_id"], $dbcon, $vor + 18, $zieldatei);
            //, $userID
        //Zaehler mitführen
コード例 #5
function list_private($pid, $dbcon, $vor, $zieldatei, $userID, $cutID = 0, $show_thumb = 1, $phpwcms)
    $cutID = intval($cutID);
    $pid = intval($pid);
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_file f ";
    $sql .= "LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_user u ON u.usr_id=f.f_uid ";
    $sql .= "WHERE ";
    $sql .= "f.f_pid=" . intval($pid) . " AND ";
    if (empty($_SESSION["wcs_user_admin"])) {
        $sql .= "f.f_uid=" . intval($userID) . " AND ";
    $sql .= "f.f_kid=0 AND f.f_trash=0 ORDER BY f_sort, f_name";
    $result = mysql_query($sql, $dbcon);
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
        $dirname = html($row["f_name"]);
        if ($_SESSION["wcs_user_id"] != $row["f_uid"]) {
            $dirname .= ' (' . html($row["usr_login"]) . ')';
        //Ermitteln des Aufklappwertes
        $klapp_status = empty($_SESSION["klapp"][$row["f_id"]]) ? 1 : 0;
        //Ermitteln, ob überhaupt abhängige Dateien/Ordner existieren
        $count_sql = "SELECT COUNT(f_id) FROM " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_file WHERE ";
        $count_sql .= "f_pid=" . $row["f_id"] . " AND ";
        if (empty($_SESSION["wcs_user_admin"])) {
            $count_sql .= "f_uid=" . intval($userID) . " AND ";
        $count_sql .= "f_trash=0 LIMIT 1";
        if ($count_result = mysql_query($count_sql, $dbcon)) {
            if ($count_row = mysql_fetch_row($count_result)) {
                $count = '<img src="img/leer.gif" width="2" height="1">' . '<a href="' . $zieldatei . "&amp;klapp=" . $row["f_id"] . '%7C' . $klapp_status . '">' . on_off($klapp_status, $dirname, 0) . "</a>";
                // | = %7C
                $count_wert = $count_row[0];
        //Aufbau der Zeile
        echo '<tr bgcolor="#EBF2F4"><td colspan="2"><img src="img/leer.gif" height="1" width="1" alt="" /></td></tr>' . "\n";
        //Abstand vor
        echo "<tr bgcolor=\"#EBF2F4\">\n";
        //Einleitung Tabellenzeile
        echo "<td width=\"438\" class=\"msglist\">";
        //Einleiten der Tabellenzelle
        echo $count . "<img src=\"img/leer.gif\" height=\"1\" width=\"" . ($vor + 6) . "\" border=\"0\">";
        // Gallery status
        switch ($row["f_gallerystatus"]) {
            case 2:
                // gallery root dir
                echo '<img src="img/icons/folder_galleryroot.gif" border="0" alt="' . $GLOBALS['BL']['be_gallery_root'] . '" title="' . $GLOBALS['BL']['be_gallery_root'] . '" />';
            case 3:
                // gallery subdir
                echo '<img src="img/icons/folder_gallerysub.gif" border="0" alt="' . $GLOBALS['BL']['be_gallery_directory'] . '" title="' . $GLOBALS['BL']['be_gallery_directory'] . '" />';
                echo "<img src=\"img/icons/folder_zu.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" />";
        echo "<img src=\"img/leer.gif\" height=\"1\" width=\"5\"><strong>" . $dirname;
        //Zellinhalt 1. Spalte Fortsetzung
        echo "</strong></td>\n";
        //Schließen Zelle 1. Spalte
        //Zelle 2. Spalte - vorgesehen für Buttons/Tasten Edit etc.
        echo "<td width=\"100\" align=\"right\" class=\"msglist\">";
        //Button zum Uploaden einer Datei in dieses Verzeichnisses
        echo "<a href=\"" . $zieldatei . "&amp;upload=" . $row["f_id"] . "\" title=\"" . $GLOBALS['BL']['be_fprivfunc_upload'] . ": " . $dirname . "\">";
        echo "<img src=\"img/button/upload_13x13.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /></a>";
        if (!$cutID) {
            //Button zum Erzeugen eines Neuen Unterverzeichnisses
            echo "<a href=\"" . $zieldatei . "&amp;mkdir=" . $row["f_id"] . "\" title=\"" . $GLOBALS['BL']['be_fprivfunc_makenew'] . ": " . $dirname . "\">";
            echo "<img src=\"img/button/add_13x13.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /></a>";
        } else {
            //Button zum Einfügen der Clipboard-Datei in das Verzeichnis
            echo "<a href=\"include/inc_act/act_file.php?paste=" . $cutID . '%7C' . $row["f_id"] . "\" title=\"" . $GLOBALS['BL']['be_fprivfunc_paste'] . ": " . $dirname . "\">";
            echo "<img src=\"img/button/paste_13x13.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /></a>";
        //Button zum Bearbeiten des Verzeichnisses
        echo "<a href=\"" . $zieldatei . "&amp;editdir=" . $row["f_id"] . "\" title=\"" . $GLOBALS['BL']['be_fprivfunc_edit'] . ": " . $dirname . "\">";
        echo "<img src=\"img/button/edit_22x13.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /></a>";
        //Button zum Umschalten zwischen Aktiv/Inaktiv
        echo "<a href=\"include/inc_act/act_file.php?aktiv=" . $row["f_id"] . '%7C' . true_false($row["f_aktiv"]) . "\" title=\"" . $GLOBALS['BL']['be_fprivfunc_cactive'] . ": " . $dirname . "\">";
        echo "<img src=\"img/button/aktiv_12x13_" . $row["f_aktiv"] . ".gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /></a>";
        //Button zum Umschalten zwischen Public/Non-Public
        echo "<a href=\"include/inc_act/act_file.php?public=" . $row["f_id"] . '%7C' . true_false($row["f_public"]) . "\" title=\"" . $GLOBALS['BL']['be_fprivfunc_cpublic'] . ": " . $dirname . "\">";
        echo "<img src=\"img/button/public_12x13_" . $row["f_public"] . ".gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /></a>";
        echo "<img src=\"img/leer.gif\" width=\"5\" height=\"1\">";
        //Button zum Löschen des Verzeichnisses, wenn leer
        if (!$count_wert) {
            echo "<a href=\"include/inc_act/act_file.php?delete=" . $row["f_id"] . '%7C' . "9" . "\" title=\"" . $GLOBALS['BL']['be_fprivfunc_deldir'] . ": " . $dirname . "\" onclick=\"return confirm('" . $GLOBALS['BL']['be_fprivfunc_jsdeldir'] . " \\n[" . $dirname . "]? ');\">";
            echo "<img src=\"img/button/trash_13x13_1.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /></a>";
        } else {
            echo "<img src=\"img/button/trash_13x13_0.gif\" title=\"";
            echo str_replace('{VAL}', $dirname, $GLOBALS['BL']['be_fprivfunc_notempty']) . '" border="0" alt="" />';
        echo "<img src=\"img/leer.gif\" width=\"2\" height=\"1\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" />";
        echo "</td>\n";
        echo "</tr>\n";
        //Abschluss Tabellenzeile
        //Aufbau trennende Tabellen-Zeile
        echo "<tr bgcolor=\"#EBF2F4\"><td colspan=\"2\"><img src=\"img/leer.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /></td></tr>\n";
        //Abstand nach
        echo "<tr><td colspan=\"2\"><img src=\"img/leer.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /></td></tr>\n";
        //Trennlinie<img src='img/lines/line-lightgrey-dotted-538.gif'>
        //Weiter, wenn Unterstruktur
        if (!$klapp_status && $count_wert) {
            //$vor."<img src='img/leer.gif' height=1 width=18 border=0>"
            list_private($row["f_id"], $dbcon, $vor + 18, $zieldatei, $userID, $cutID, $show_thumb, $phpwcms);
            //Listing eventuell im Verzeichnis enthaltener Dateien
            $file_sql = "SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_file WHERE f_pid=" . $row["f_id"];
            if (empty($_SESSION["wcs_user_admin"])) {
                $file_sql .= " AND f_uid=" . $userID;
            $file_sql .= " AND f_kid=1 AND f_trash=0 ORDER BY f_sort, f_name";
            if ($file_result = mysql_query($file_sql, $dbcon) or die("error while listing files")) {
                $file_durchlauf = 0;
                while ($file_row = mysql_fetch_array($file_result)) {
                    $filename = html($file_row["f_name"]);
                    $file_row["edit"] = '<a href="' . $zieldatei . "&amp;editfile=" . $file_row["f_id"] . '" title="' . $GLOBALS['BL']['be_fprivfunc_editfile'] . ": " . $filename . '">';
                    if (!$file_durchlauf) {
                        //Aufbau der Zeile zum Einfließen der Filelisten-Tavbelle
                        echo "<tr bgcolor=\"#F5F8F9\"><td colspan=\"2\"><table width=\"538\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n";
                        echo "<!-- start file list: private-functions //-->\n";
                    } else {
                        echo "<tr bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\"><td colspan=\"5\"><img src=\"img/leer.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /></td></tr>\n";
                    echo "<tr>\n";
                    echo "<td width=\"" . ($vor + 37) . "\" class=\"msglist\"><img src=\"img/leer.gif\" height=\"1\" width=\"" . ($vor + 37) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /></td>\n";
                    echo "<td width=\"13\" class=\"msglist\">";
                    echo "<img src=\"img/icons/small_" . extimg($file_row["f_ext"]) . "\" border=\"0\" ";
                    echo 'onmouseover="Tip(\'ID: ' . $file_row["f_id"] . '&lt;br&gt;Sort: ' . $file_row["f_sort"];
                    echo '&lt;br&gt;Name: ' . html($file_row["f_name"]);
                    if ($file_row["f_copyright"]) {
                        echo '&lt;br&gt;&copy;: ' . html($file_row["f_copyright"]);
                    echo '\');" onmouseout="UnTip()" alt=""';
                    echo " /></td>\n";
                    echo "<td width=\"" . (388 - $vor) . "\" class=\"msglist\"><img src=\"img/leer.gif\" height=\"1\" width=\"5\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" />";
                    //echo "<a href=\"fileinfo.php?fid=".$file_row["f_id"];
                    //echo "\" target=\"_blank\" onclick=\"flevPopupLink(this.href,'filedetail','scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=500,height=400',1);return document.MM_returnValue;\">";
                    echo $file_row["edit"] . $filename . "</a></td>\n";
                    //Aufbauen Buttonleiste für jeweilige Datei
                    echo "<td width=\"100\" align=\"right\" class=\"msglist\">";
                    //Button zum Downloaden der Datei
                    echo "<a href=\"include/inc_act/act_download.php?dl=" . $file_row["f_id"] . "\"  target=\"_blank\" title=\"" . $GLOBALS['BL']['be_fprivfunc_dlfile'] . ": " . $filename . "\">" . "<img src=\"img/button/download_disc.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /></a>";
                    //Button zum Erzeugen eines Neuen Unterverzeichnisses
                    if ($cutID == $file_row["f_id"]) {
                        echo "<img src=\"img/button/cut_13x13_1.gif\" border=\"0\" title=\"" . $GLOBALS['BL']['be_fprivfunc_clipfile'] . ": " . $filename . "\" alt=\"\" />";
                    } else {
                        echo "<a href=\"" . $zieldatei . "&amp;cut=" . $file_row["f_id"] . "\" title=\"" . $GLOBALS['BL']['be_fprivfunc_cutfile'] . ": " . $filename . "\">";
                        echo "<img src=\"img/button/cut_13x13_0.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /></a>";
                    //Button zum Bearbeiten der Dateiinformationn
                    echo $file_row["edit"];
                    echo "<img src=\"img/button/edit_22x13.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /></a>";
                    //Button zum Umschalten zwischen Aktiv/Inaktiv
                    echo "<a href=\"include/inc_act/act_file.php?aktiv=" . $file_row["f_id"] . '%7C' . true_false($file_row["f_aktiv"]) . "\" title=\"" . $GLOBALS['BL']['be_fprivfunc_cactivefile'] . ": " . $filename . "\">";
                    echo "<img src=\"img/button/aktiv_12x13_" . $file_row["f_aktiv"] . ".gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /></a>";
                    //Button zum Umschalten zwischen Public/Non-Public
                    echo "<a href=\"include/inc_act/act_file.php?public=" . $file_row["f_id"] . '%7C' . true_false($file_row["f_public"]) . "\" title=\"" . $GLOBALS['BL']['be_fprivfunc_cpublicfile'] . ": " . $filename . "\">";
                    echo "<img src=\"img/button/public_12x13_" . $file_row["f_public"] . ".gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /></a>";
                    echo "<img src=\"img/leer.gif\" width=\"5\" height=\"1\">";
                    //Button zum Löschen der Datei
                    if ($file_row["f_uid"] == intval($_SESSION["wcs_user_id"])) {
                        //if user is owner then delete button is active
                        echo "<a href=\"include/inc_act/act_file.php?trash=" . $file_row["f_id"] . '%7C' . "1" . "\" title=\"" . $GLOBALS['BL']['be_fprivfunc_movetrash'] . ": " . $filename . "\" onclick=\"return confirm('" . $GLOBALS['BL']['be_fprivfunc_jsmovetrash1'] . "\\n[" . $filename . "]\\n" . $GLOBALS['BL']['be_fprivfunc_jsmovetrash2'] . "');\">" . "<img src=\"img/button/trash_13x13_1.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /></a>";
                    } else {
                        echo "<img src=\"img/button/trash_13x13_0.gif\" border=\"0\">";
                    echo "<img src=\"img/leer.gif\" width=\"2\" height=\"1\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" />";
                    echo "</td>\n";
                    //Ende Aufbau
                    echo "</tr>\n";
                    if ($_SESSION["wcs_user_thumb"]) {
                        // now try to get existing thumbnails or if not exists
                        // build new based on default thumbnail listing sizes
                        // build thumbnail image name
                        $thumb_image = get_cached_image(array("target_ext" => $file_row["f_ext"], "image_name" => $file_row["f_hash"] . '.' . $file_row["f_ext"], "thumb_name" => md5($file_row["f_hash"] . $phpwcms["img_list_width"] . $phpwcms["img_list_height"] . $phpwcms["sharpen_level"] . $phpwcms['colorspace'])));
                        if ($thumb_image != false) {
                            echo "<tr>\n";
                            echo "<td width=\"" . ($vor + 37) . "\"><img src=\"img/leer.gif\" height=\"1\" width=\"" . ($vor + 37) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /></td>\n";
                            echo "<td width=\"13\"><img src=\"img/leer.gif\" height=\"1\" width=\"1\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /></td>\n<td width=\"";
                            echo 388 - $vor . "\"><img src=\"img/leer.gif\" height=\"1\" width=\"6\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" />";
                            //<a href=\"fileinfo.php?fid=";
                            //echo $file_row["f_id"]."\" target=\"_blank\" onclick=\"flevPopupLink(this.href,'filedetail','scrollbars=";
                            //echo "yes,resizable=yes,width=500,height=400',1); return document.MM_returnValue;\">";
                            echo $file_row["edit"];
                            echo '<img src="' . PHPWCMS_IMAGES . $thumb_image[0] . '" border="0" ' . $thumb_image[3] . ' ';
                            echo 'onmouseover="Tip(\'ID: ' . $file_row["f_id"] . '&lt;br&gt;Sort: ' . $file_row["f_sort"];
                            echo '&lt;br&gt;Name: ' . html($file_row["f_name"]);
                            if ($file_row["f_copyright"]) {
                                echo '&lt;br&gt;&copy;: ' . html($file_row["f_copyright"]);
                            echo '\');" onmouseout="UnTip()" alt=""';
                            echo " /></a></td>\n";
                            echo "<td width=\"100\"><img src=\"img/leer.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /></td>\n</tr>\n";
                            echo "<tr><td colspan=\"4\"><img src=\"img/leer.gif\" height=\"2\" width=\"1\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /></td>\n</tr>\n";
                if ($file_durchlauf) {
                    //Abschluss der Filelisten-Tabelle
                    echo "</table>\n<!-- end file list: private-functions //-->\n";
                    echo "<tr><td colspan=\"2\"><img src=\"img/leer.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /></td></tr>\n";
            //Ende Liste Dateien
        //Zaehler mitführen
    return $vor;