// add page type $page_types = array("type_name" => "page_poli_products", "type_title" => "Produs Plastic", "type_desc" => "Adaugarea unuei pagini de produs mase plastice", "type_icon" => "tags"); CONTENT::add_page_type($page_types); }); /* * uninstall the plugin */ EVENTS::add_action("uninstall_plugin_" . pPBUC, function () { // remove installed page type CONTENT::remove_page_type("page_poli_products"); }); /* * run plugin */ EVENTS::add_action("run_plugin_" . pPBUC, function () { if (!on_admin()) { URL::route("/", function () { TPL::thing("head", "title", "Adeko Distributions"); }); EVENTS::add_action("view_page_page_poli_products", function () { // routed URL::routed(true); // get caracteristici CONTENT::$current['content_text'] = object2array(json_decode(CONTENT::$current['content_text'])); if (isset(CONTENT::$current['content_text']['caracteristici'])) { CONTENT::$current['content_text']['caracteristici'] = CONTENT::$current['content_text']['caracteristici']; } else { CONTENT::$current['content_text']['caracteristici'] = array(); } if (!isset(CONTENT::$current['content_text']['descriere'])) { CONTENT::$current['content_text']['descriere'] = '';
} // general assign TPL::assign("admin_url", ADMIN_URL); TPL::assign("base_url", BASE_URL); // run plugins foreach (DRAWLINE::plugins_list(true) as $plugin) { if (file_exists(FOLDER_PLUGINS . $plugin . DS . "index.php")) { include_once FOLDER_PLUGINS . $plugin . DS . "index.php"; EVENTS::do_action("run_plugin_" . $plugin); } else { LOGS::write("Not found plugin " . $plugin . " on the server."); } } EVENTS::do_action("before_render"); // start render if (OPTIONS::website("maintenance_mode") == '1' && !on_admin() && !PERMISSIONS::check("access_admin")) { if (TPL::check_template("page_maintenance")) { TPL::render("page_maintenance"); TPL::draw(true); } else { echo '<h1>This website is in maintenance!</h1>'; } } elseif (TPL::render() != "") { TPL::draw(true); } else { if (!URL::routed()) { show_404(); } } EVENTS::do_action("after_render"); //print_array(LOGS::export("html"));