コード例 #1
ファイル: pagesetup.php プロジェクト: bimbam123/quexf
function definetomap($zoom, $pid, $page)
    global $tb, $lr, $vh;
    $image = imagecreatefromstring($page['image']);
    $offset = offset($image, 0, 0, $page);
    $width = $page['width'];
    $height = $page['height'];
    //draw lines of corner edges
    $vert = true;
    $linewidth = 5;
    $lc = 0;
    foreach ($offset as $coord) {
        if ($vert == true) {
            $top = 0;
            if ($lc > 3) {
                $top = $height / $zoom - $height / 4 / $zoom;
            //drawing a vertical line so use $coord as $x
            print "<div style='position: absolute; top:" . $top . "px; left:" . $coord / $zoom . "px; width:" . $linewidth / $zoom . "px; height:" . $height / 4 / $zoom . "px; background-color: blue; opacity: 0.8;'></div>";
            $vert = false;
        } else {
            //drawing a horizontal line so use $coord as $y
            $left = 0;
            if ($lc == 3 || $lc == 7) {
                $left = $width / $zoom - $width / 4 / $zoom;
            print "<div style='position: absolute; top:" . $coord / $zoom . "px; left:" . $left . "px; width:" . $width / 4 / $zoom . "px; height:" . $linewidth / $zoom . "px; background-color: blue; opacity: 0.8;'></div>";
            $vert = true;
    foreach ($tb as $a) {
        foreach ($lr as $b) {
            foreach ($vh as $c) {
                $vname = "{$a}{$b}" . "_" . $c . "_";
                $tlx = $page[strtoupper($vname . "tlx")];
                $tly = $page[strtoupper($vname . "tly")];
                $brx = $page[strtoupper($vname . "brx")];
                $bry = $page[strtoupper($vname . "bry")];
                print "<div id='{$vname}' style='position: absolute; top:" . $tly / $zoom . "px; left: " . $tlx / $zoom . "px; width:" . ($brx - $tlx) / $zoom . "px; height:" . ($bry - $tly) / $zoom . "px; background-color: green; opacity: 0.6;' class='drsElement'><div class='drsMoveHandle'>" . $vname . "</div></div>";
    //Don't display barcode anymore as it is detected on a system level
    $vname = "barcode_";
    $tlx = constant(strtoupper($vname . "tlx"));
    $tly = constant(strtoupper($vname . "tly"));
    $brx = constant(strtoupper($vname . "brx"));
    $bry = constant(strtoupper($vname . "bry"));					
            $barcodeimage = crop($image,array("tlx" => BARCODE_TLX, "tly" => BARCODE_TLY, "brx" => BARCODE_BRX, "bry" => BARCODE_BRY));
    $barcode = barcode($barcodeimage);
    print "<div id='$vname'  style='position: absolute; top:" . $tly / $zoom. "px; left: " . $tlx / $zoom. "px; width:" . ($brx-$tlx)/ $zoom. "px; height:" . ($bry-$tly)/ $zoom. "px; background-color: brown; opacity: 0.6;' class='drsElement'><div class='drsMoveHandle'>" . $vname . "</div>$barcode</div>";
コード例 #2
ファイル: fdsnws_stats.php プロジェクト: SeisComP3/seiscomp3
function print_fdsnws_graph($d = null)
    if ($d === null) {
        $today = offset(date('Y-m-d'), -4);
    } else {
        $today = $d;
    $pieces = explode('-', $today);
    $display_year = $pieces[0];
    $imgfile = "../data/total-user-{$display_year}_fdsnws.svg";
    $txtfile = "../data/total-user-{$display_year}_fdsnws.txt";
    // Original is currently 960x480...
    print '<a href="' . $imgfile . '"><img width="480" height="240" src="' . $imgfile . '" alt="Total data download by fdsnws ' . $display_year . '" /></a>';
    print '<a href="' . "../data/sources-user-{$display_year}_fdsnws.svg" . '">Year to date by DCID</a>...';
    print '<br />';
    print '<p>Summary table for <a href="' . $txtfile . '">' . $display_year . '</a>';
    print '<br />';
コード例 #3
ファイル: details.php プロジェクト: dieterdreist/OpenLinkMap

OpenLinkMap Copyright (C) 2010 Alexander Matheisen
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
See http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OpenLinkMap for details.
require_once "functions.php";
// include translation file
$format = $_GET['format'];
$id = $_GET['id'];
$type = $_GET['type'];
// offset of user's timezone to UTC
$offset = offset($_GET['offset']);
$callback = $_GET['callback'];
// protection of sql injections
if (!isValidType($type) || !isValidId($id)) {
    echo "NULL";
// get the most important langs of the user
$langs = getLangs();
if ($_GET['lang']) {
    $langs[0] = $_GET['lang'];
if (!getDetails($db, $id, $type, $langs, $offset)) {
    echo "NULL";
コード例 #4
ファイル: api.php プロジェクト: advhamstrong/nZEDb
         showApiError(300, 'No such item (the guid you provided has no release in our database)');
     // Get individual NZB details.
 // Get individual NZB details.
 case 'd':
     if (!isset($_GET['id'])) {
         showApiError(200, 'Missing parameter (id is required for downloading an NZB)');
     $page->users->addApiRequest($uid, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
     $data = $releases->getByGuid($_GET['id']);
     $relData = [];
     if ($data) {
         $relData[] = $data;
     printOutput($relData, $outputXML, $page, offset());
     // Capabilities request.
 // Capabilities request.
 case 'c':
     //get categories
     $category = new Category(['Settings' => $page->settings]);
     $cats = $category->getForMenu();
     //insert cats into template variable
     $page->smarty->assign('parentcatlist', $cats);
     if ($outputXML) {
         //use apicaps.tpl if xml is requested
         $response = $page->smarty->fetch('apicaps.tpl');
         header('Content-type: text/xml');
         header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($response));
         echo $response;
コード例 #5
ファイル: pagetest.php プロジェクト: bimbam123/quexf
function definetomap($zoom, $pid, $filename)
    $tb = array('t', 'b');
    $lr = array('l', 'r');
    $vh = array('vert', 'hori');
    $el = array('tlx', 'tly', 'brx', 'bry');
    $image = imagecreatefrompng($filename . $pid . ".png");
    $width = imagesx($image);
    $height = imagesy($image);
    $page = defaultpage($width - 1, $height - 1);
    $offset = offset($image, false, 0, $page);
    //draw lines of corner edges
    $vert = true;
    $linewidth = 8;
    $lc = 0;
    foreach ($offset as $coord) {
        if ($vert == true) {
            $top = 0;
            if ($lc > 3) {
                $top = $height / $zoom - $height / 4 / $zoom;
            //drawing a vertical line so use $coord as $x
            print "<div style='position: absolute; top:" . $top . "px; left:" . $coord / $zoom . "px; width:" . $linewidth / $zoom . "px; height:" . $height / 4 / $zoom . "px; background-color: blue;'></div>";
            $vert = false;
        } else {
            //drawing a horizontal line so use $coord as $y
            $left = 0;
            if ($lc == 3 || $lc == 7) {
                $left = $width / $zoom - $width / 4 / $zoom;
            print "<div style='position: absolute; top:" . $coord / $zoom . "px; left:" . $left . "px; width:" . $width / 4 / $zoom . "px; height:" . $linewidth / $zoom . "px; background-color: blue;'></div>";
            $vert = true;
    foreach ($tb as $a) {
        foreach ($lr as $b) {
            foreach ($vh as $c) {
                $vname = "{$a}{$b}" . "_" . $c . "_";
                $tlx = $page[strtoupper($vname . "tlx")];
                $tly = $page[strtoupper($vname . "tly")];
                $brx = $page[strtoupper($vname . "brx")];
                $bry = $page[strtoupper($vname . "bry")];
                print "<div id='{$vname}' style='position: absolute; top:" . $tly / $zoom . "px; left: " . $tlx / $zoom . "px; width:" . ($brx - $tlx) / $zoom . "px; height:" . ($bry - $tly) / $zoom . "px; background-color: green; opacity: 0.6;' class='drsElement'><div class='drsMoveHandle'>" . $vname . "</div></div>";
    $btlx = floor(BARCODE_TLX_PORTION * $width);
    if ($btlx <= 0) {
        $btlx = 1;
    $btly = floor(BARCODE_TLY_PORTION * $height);
    if ($btly <= 0) {
        $btly = 1;
    $bbrx = floor(BARCODE_BRX_PORTION * $width);
    if ($bbrx <= 0) {
        $bbrx = 1;
    $bbry = floor(BARCODE_BRY_PORTION * $height);
    if ($bbry <= 0) {
        $bbry = 1;
    $barcodeimage = crop($image, array("tlx" => $btlx, "tly" => $btly, "brx" => $bbrx, "bry" => $bbry));
    $barcode = barcode($barcodeimage);
    if ($barcode === false) {
        $barcode = T_("NO BARCODE DETECTED");
    } else {
        if (strlen($barcode) != BARCODE_LENGTH_PID) {
            $barcode = T_("Detected but not BARCODE_LENGTH_PID length") . ": " . $barcode;
        } else {
            $barcode = T_("Detected") . ": " . $barcode;
    print "<div id='barcodebox'  style='position: absolute; top:" . $btly / $zoom . "px; left: " . $btlx / $zoom . "px; width:" . ($bbrx - $btlx) / $zoom . "px; height:" . ($bbry - $btly) / $zoom . "px; background-color: brown; opacity: 0.6;' class='drsElement'><div class='drsMoveHandle'>{$barcode}</div></div>";
コード例 #6
ファイル: functions.import.php プロジェクト: ddrmoscow/queXF
function newquestionnaire($filename, $desc = "", $type = "pngmono")
    global $db;
    if ($desc == "") {
        $desc = $filename;
    //generate temp file
    $tmp = tempnam(TEMPORARY_DIRECTORY, "FORM");
    //print "Creating PNG files<br/>";
    //use ghostscript to convert to PNG
    exec(GS_BIN . " -sDEVICE={$type} -r300 -sOutputFile=\"{$tmp}\"%d.png -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH \"{$filename}\"");
    //print("gs -sDEVICE=pngmono -r300 -sOutputFile=$tmp%d.png -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH $filename");
    //print "Creating PNG files<br/>";
    //add to questionnaire table
    //create form entry in DB
    $sql = "INSERT INTO questionnaires (qid,description,sheets)\r\n\t\tVALUES (NULL,'{$desc}',0)";
    $qid = $db->Insert_Id();
    //Number of imported pages
    $pages = 0;
    //read pages from 1 to n - stop when n does not exist
    $n = 1;
    $file = $tmp . $n . ".png";
    while (file_exists($file)) {
        //print "PAGE $n: ";
        //open file
        $data = file_get_contents($file);
        $image = imagecreatefromstring($data);
        $images = split_scanning($image);
        foreach ($images as $image) {
            //get the data from the image
            $data = ob_get_contents();
            $width = imagesx($image);
            $height = imagesy($image);
            $btlx = floor(BARCODE_TLX_PORTION * $width);
            if ($btlx <= 0) {
                $btlx = 1;
            $btly = floor(BARCODE_TLY_PORTION * $height);
            if ($btly <= 0) {
                $btly = 1;
            $bbrx = floor(BARCODE_BRX_PORTION * $width);
            if ($bbrx <= 0) {
                $bbrx = 1;
            $bbry = floor(BARCODE_BRY_PORTION * $height);
            if ($bbry <= 0) {
                $bbry = 1;
            $barcode = crop($image, array("tlx" => $btlx, "tly" => $btly, "brx" => $bbrx, "bry" => $bbry));
            //check for barcode
            $pid = barcode($barcode, 1, BARCODE_LENGTH_PID);
            //if failed try second location
            if (!$pid) {
                $btlx = floor(BARCODE_TLX_PORTION2 * $width);
                if ($btlx <= 0) {
                    $btlx = 1;
                $btly = floor(BARCODE_TLY_PORTION2 * $height);
                if ($btly <= 0) {
                    $btly = 1;
                $bbrx = floor(BARCODE_BRX_PORTION2 * $width);
                if ($bbrx <= 0) {
                    $bbrx = 1;
                $bbry = floor(BARCODE_BRY_PORTION2 * $height);
                if ($bbry <= 0) {
                    $bbry = 1;
                $barcode = crop($image, array("tlx" => $btlx, "tly" => $btly, "brx" => $bbrx, "bry" => $bbry));
                //check for barcode
                $pid = barcode($barcode, 1, BARCODE_LENGTH_PID2);
            if ($pid) {
                print T_("BARCODE") . ": {$pid}";
                //Don't do these calculations when importing as they need to be set up after the fact
                //calc offset
                //$offset = offset($image,0,0);
                //check if any edges were not detected
                //if (!in_array("",$offset))
                //calc rotation
                //$rotation = calcrotate($offset);
                $width = imagesx($image);
                $height = imagesy($image);
                $record = defaultpage($width - 1, $height - 1, $qid, $pid, $data);
                //get page edges
                $offset = offset($image, 0, 0, $record);
                $off = array("tlx", "tly", "trx", "try", "blx", "bly", "brx", "bry");
                //combine with key
                $offset = array_combine($off, $offset);
                $record = array_merge($record, $offset);
                $db->AutoExecute('pages', $record, 'INSERT');
                //save image to db including offset and rotation
                //$sql = "INSERT INTO pages
                //	(pid,qid,pidentifierbgid,pidentifierval,tlx,tly,trx,try,blx,bly,brx,bry,image,rotation,width,height)
                //	VALUES (NULL,'$qid','1','$pid','{$offset[0]}','{$offset[1]}','{$offset[2]}','{$offset[3]}','{$offset[4]}','{$offset[5]}','{$offset[6]}','{$offset[7]}','" . addslashes($data) . "','$rotation','$width','$height')";
                //print $sql;
                //if ($db->HasFailedTrans()) die($sql);
                //	$db->FailTrans();
                //	print "<p>" . T_("FAILED TO IMPORT AS COULD NOT DETECT ALL PAGE EDGES FOR PAGE") . ":$n</p>";
                //	break 2;
            } else {
                print T_("INVALID - IGNORING BLANK PAGE");
        $file = $tmp . $n . ".png";
    //no pages were imported - fail
    if ($pages <= 0) {
        print T_("Failed to import as no pages were detected");
    //check if we have created conflicting
    if ($db->CompleteTrans()) {
        $n = 1;
        $file = $tmp . $n . ".png";
        while (file_exists($file)) {
            //delete temp file
            $file = $tmp . $n . ".png";
        return $qid;
    } else {
        return array(false, $tmp);
コード例 #7
ファイル: functions.image.php プロジェクト: ddrmoscow/queXF
* Detect the rotation, scale and offset of the given image 
* Use the template page offsets for calculations of scale and offset
function detecttransforms($image, $page)
    $width = imagesx($image);
    $height = imagesy($image);
    $page = sanitizepage($page, $width, $height);
    $offset = offset($image, false, 0, $page);
    //correct offset if possible (multiple runs to correct for possible multiple errors)
    $offset = validate_offset($offset, $page);
    $offset = validate_offset($offset, $page);
    $offset = validate_offset($offset, $page);
    if (!in_array("", $offset)) {
        $centroid = calccentroid($offset);
        $rotate = calcrotate($offset);
        $rotate = $rotate - $page['rotation'];
        //rotate offset
        for ($i = 0; $i <= 6; $i += 2) {
            list($offset[$i], $offset[$i + 1]) = rotate($rotate, array($offset[$i], $offset[$i + 1]), $centroid);
        $scale = calcscale($page, $offset);
        //scale offset
        for ($i = 0; $i <= 6; $i += 2) {
            list($offset[$i], $offset[$i + 1]) = scale($scale, array($offset[$i], $offset[$i + 1]), $centroid);
        //calc offset
        $offsetxy = array();
        $offsetxy[0] = $page['tlx'] - $offset[0];
        $offsetxy[1] = $page['tly'] - $offset[1];
        //reverse all values
        $offsetxy[0] *= -1.0;
        $offsetxy[1] *= -1.0;
        $scale[0] = 1.0 / $scale[0];
        $scale[1] = 1.0 / $scale[1];
        $rotate *= -1.0;
        $transforms = array('offx' => $offsetxy[0], 'offy' => $offsetxy[1], 'scalex' => $scale[0], 'scaley' => $scale[1], 'centroidx' => $centroid[0], 'centroidy' => $centroid[1], 'costheta' => cos($rotate), 'sintheta' => sin($rotate), 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height);
        return $transforms;
    return array('offx' => 0, 'offy' => 0, 'scalex' => 1, 'scaley' => 1, 'centroidx' => 0, 'centroidy' => 0, 'costheta' => 1, 'sintheta' => 0, 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height);
    //return no transformation if all edges not detected
コード例 #8
ファイル: cassis.php プロジェクト: tantek/cassis
function auto_link()
    $isjs = js();
    $args = $isjs ? arguments : func_get_args();
    if (count($args) === 0) {
        return '';
    $t = $args[0];
    $do_embed = count($args) > 1 && $args[1] !== false;
    $do_link = count($args) < 3 || $args[2] !== false;
    $re = auto_link_re();
    $ms = preg_matches($re, $t);
    if (!$ms) {
        return $t;
    $mlen = count($ms);
    $sp = preg_split($re, $t);
    $t = "";
    $sp[0] = string($sp[0]);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $mlen; $i += 1) {
        $mi = $ms[$i];
        $spliti = $sp[$i];
        $t = strcat($t, $spliti);
        $sp[$i + 1] = string($sp[$i + 1]);
        if (substr($sp[$i + 1], 0, 1) === '/') {
            $sp[$i + 1] = substr($sp[$i + 1], 1, strlen($sp[$i + 1]) - 1);
            $mi = strcat($mi, '/');
        $spe = substr($spliti, -2, 2);
        if ((!$spe || !preg_match('/(?:\\=[\\"\\\']?|t;)/', $spe)) && substr(trim($sp[$i + 1]), 0, 3) !== '</a' && !contains('@charset@font@font-face@import@media@namespace@page@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ@', strcat($mi, '@'))) {
            $afterlink = '';
            $afterchar = substr($mi, -1, 1);
            while (contains('.!?,;"\')]}', $afterchar) && ($afterchar !== ')' || !contains($mi, '('))) {
                $afterlink = strcat($afterchar, $afterlink);
                $mi = substr($mi, 0, -1);
                $afterchar = substr($mi, -1, 1);
            $fe = 0;
            if ($do_embed) {
                $fe = strtolower(substr($mi, -4, 1) === '.' ? substr($mi, -4, 4) : substr($mi, -5, 5));
            $wmi = web_address_to_uri($mi, true);
            $prot = protocol_of_uri($wmi);
            $hn = hostname_of_uri($wmi);
            $pa = path_of_uri($wmi);
            $ih = is_http_uri($wmi);
            $ahref = '<span class="figure" style="text-align:left">';
            $enda = '</span>';
            if ($do_link) {
                $ahref = strcat('<a class="auto-link figure" href="', $wmi, '">');
                $enda = '</a>';
            if ($fe && ($fe === '.jpeg' || $fe === '.jpg' || $fe === '.png' || $fe === '.gif' || $fe === '.svg')) {
                $alt = strcat('a ', offset('photo', $mi) != 0 ? 'photo' : substr($fe, 1));
                $t = strcat($t, $ahref, '<img class="auto-embed" alt="', $alt, '" src="', $wmi, '"/>', $enda, $afterlink);
            } else {
                if ($fe && ($fe === '.mp4' || $fe === '.mov' || $fe === '.ogv' || $fe === '.webm')) {
                    $t = strcat($t, $ahref, '<video class="auto-embed" ', 'controls="controls" src="', $wmi, '"></video>', $enda, $afterlink);
                } else {
                    if ($hn === 'vimeo.com' && ctype_digit(substr($pa, 1))) {
                        if ($do_link) {
                            $t = strcat($t, '<a class="auto-link" href="', 'https:', relative_uri_hash($wmi), '">', $mi, '</a> ');
                        $t = strcat($t, '<iframe class="vimeo-player auto-embed figure" width="480" height="385" style="border:0" src="', 'https://player.vimeo.com/video/', substr($pa, 1), '"></iframe>', $afterlink);
                    } else {
                        if ($hn === 'youtu.be' || ($hn === 'youtube.com' || $hn === 'www.youtube.com') && ($yvid = offset('watch?v=', $mi)) !== 0) {
                            if ($hn === 'youtu.be') {
                                $yvid = substr($pa, 1);
                            } else {
                                $yvid = explode('&', substr($mi, $yvid + 7));
                                $yvid = $yvid[0];
                            if ($do_link) {
                                $t = strcat($t, '<a class="auto-link" href="', 'https:', relative_uri_hash($wmi), '">', $mi, '</a> ');
                            $t = strcat($t, '<iframe class="youtube-player auto-embed figure" width="480" height="385" style="border:0"  src="', 'https://www.youtube.com/embed/', $yvid, '"></iframe>', $afterlink);
                        } else {
                            if ($mi[0] === '@' && $do_link) {
                                if ($sp[$i + 1][0] === '.' && $spliti != '' && ctype_email_local(substr($spliti, -1, 1))) {
                                    $t = strcat($t, $mi, $afterlink);
                                } else {
                                    $t = strcat($t, '<a class="auto-link h-x-username" href="', $wmi, '">', $mi, '</a>', $afterlink);
                            } else {
                                if ($do_link) {
                                    $t = strcat($t, '<a class="auto-link" href="', $wmi, '">', $mi, '</a>', $afterlink);
                                } else {
                                    $t = strcat($t, $mi, $afterlink);
        } else {
            $t = strcat($t, $mi);
    return strcat($t, $sp[$mlen]);