/** * Function takes in an sql statement and returns data as an array. When calling, always alias * resuts returned from stored function as 'dataArray' */ function executeQuery($SQLstatement, $parserFunction = "defaultFunction") { $conn = $GLOBALS['oracle_connection']; if (!$conn) { return array('error' => oci_error()); } $preparedStatement = oci_parse($conn, $SQLstatement); //Prepare statement $success = oci_execute($preparedStatement); //execute preparedStatement if (!$success) { return array('error' => oci_error($preparedStatement)); } $arrayOfDataReturned = array(); //Array containing all data returned from result set $currentRecord; //temp user for each result set while ($functionResults = oci_fetch_array($preparedStatement, OCI_ASSOC)) { //Get first class in result set /**Calls variable function; SEE: http://www.php.net/manual/en/functions.variable-functions.php**/ $currentRecord = $parserFunction($functionResults); //Convert information array to class array_push($arrayOfDataReturned, $currentRecord); //push created object into all classes array //echo($allStudentClasses[0]->term + "<br />"); } oci_free_statement($preparedStatement); return $arrayOfDataReturned; }
public function getDetalle() { $sql = "SELECT trigger_name, trigger_type, triggering_event, table_name, status, description, trigger_body FROM user_triggers WHERE trigger_name = UPPER(:v_trigger_name)"; $stmt = oci_parse($this->getConnection(), $sql); oci_bind_by_name($stmt, ":v_trigger_name", $this->objectName); if (!@oci_execute($stmt)) { $e = oci_error($stmt); $this->setMensaje("Error al obtener los datos del trigger '{$this->objectName}' de la tabla user_triggers - {$e['message']}"); return false; } $row = oci_fetch_array($stmt, OCI_ASSOC | OCI_RETURN_NULLS); if (empty($row)) { $this->setMensaje("No se pudo encontrar el trigger especificado en la tabla user_triggers"); return false; } $this->triggerType = $row['TRIGGER_TYPE']; $this->triggeringEvent = $row['TRIGGERING_EVENT']; $this->affectedTable = $row['TABLE_NAME']; $this->triggerStatus = $row['STATUS']; $this->description = $row['DESCRIPTION']; $this->triggerSql = $row['TRIGGER_BODY']; if ($this->triggerStatus != 'ENABLED') { $this->setMensaje("El trigger se encuentra inhabilitado"); return false; } return true; }
/** * @see ResultSet::next() */ function next() { // no specific result position available // Returns an array, which corresponds to the next result row or FALSE // in case of error or there is no more rows in the result. $this->fields = oci_fetch_array($this->result, $this->fetchmode + OCI_RETURN_NULLS + OCI_RETURN_LOBS); if (!$this->fields) { // grab error via array $error = oci_error($this->result); if (!$error) { // end of recordset $this->afterLast(); return false; } else { throw new SQLException('Error fetching result', $error['code'] . ': ' . $error['message']); } } // Oracle returns all field names in uppercase and associative indices // in the result array will be uppercased too. if ($this->fetchmode === ResultSet::FETCHMODE_ASSOC && $this->lowerAssocCase) { $this->fields = array_change_key_case($this->fields, CASE_LOWER); } // Advance cursor position $this->cursorPos++; return true; }
public function testConnection($db_info) { if (!$this->isValid($db_info)) { return false; } foreach ($db_info as $key => $value) { if (empty($db_info[$key])) { unset($db_info[$key]); } } if ($db_info['db_oracle_type'] == 'tns') { $connect = @oci_connect($db_info['db_user'], $db_info['db_password'], $db_info['db_net_service_name']); if (!$connect) { $error = oci_error(); throw new \Exception($error['message'], $error['code']); } } else { $dsn = $db_info['db_host']; $dsn .= ':' . $db_info['db_port']; $dsn .= '/' . $db_info['db_service_name']; $connect = @oci_connect($db_info['db_user'], $db_info['db_password'], $dsn); if (!$connect) { $error = oci_error(); throw new \Exception($error['message'], $error['code']); } } return true; }
/** * Obtiene el SQL de la funcion especificada * @return String or false */ protected function getObjectSql() { if ($this->remote) { $sql = "select line, text from all_source where name = UPPER(:v_function_name) and type = :v_object_type order by name, type, line"; } else { $sql = "select line, text from user_source where name = UPPER(:v_function_name) and type = :v_object_type order by name, type, line"; } $stmt = oci_parse($this->getConnection(), $sql); oci_bind_by_name($stmt, ":v_function_name", $this->objectName); oci_bind_by_name($stmt, ":v_object_type", $this->objectType); if (!@oci_execute($stmt)) { $e = oci_error($stmt); $this->setMensaje("Error al obtener el SQL del objeto {$this->objectType} '{$this->objectName}' - {$e['message']}"); return false; } $sqlResult = ''; while ($row = oci_fetch_array($stmt, OCI_ASSOC | OCI_RETURN_NULLS)) { $sqlResult .= $row['TEXT']; } $this->sourceSql = $sqlResult; if (empty($sqlResult)) { $this->setMensaje("No se pudo obtener el SQL del objeto {$this->objectType} '{$this->objectName}'"); return false; } return $this->sourceSql; }
function executePlainSQL($cmdstr) { //takes a plain (no bound variables) SQL command and executes it //echo "<br>running ".$cmdstr."<br>"; global $db_conn, $success; $statement = OCIParse($db_conn, $cmdstr); //There is a set of comments at the end of the file that describe some of the OCI specific functions and how they work if (!$statement) { $e = OCI_Error($db_conn); // For OCIParse errors pass the // connection handle echo "<div class='alert alert-danger' role='alert'>"; echo "<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-exclamation-sign' aria-hidden='true'></span>"; echo "<span class='sr-only'>Error:</span>"; echo htmlentities($e['message']); echo "<br>Cannot parse the following command: " . $cmdstr . "<br>"; echo "</div>"; $success = False; } $r = OCIExecute($statement, OCI_DEFAULT); if (!$r) { #echo "<br>Cannot execute the following command: " . $cmdstr . "<br>"; $e = oci_error($statement); // For OCIExecute errors pass the statementhandle echo "<div class='alert alert-danger' role='alert'>"; echo "<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-exclamation-sign' aria-hidden='true'></span>"; echo "<span class='sr-only'>Error:</span>"; echo htmlentities($e['message']); echo "<br>Cannot execute the following command: " . $cmdstr . "<br>"; echo "</div>"; $success = False; } else { } return $statement; }
public function getError() { set_error_handler($this->getErrorHandler()); $error = oci_error($this->resource); restore_error_handler(); return $error; }
/** * Excecutes a statement * * @return boolean */ public function query($sql, array $params = array()) { $this->numRows = 0; $this->numFields = 0; $this->rowsAffected = 0; $this->arrayResult = null; $this->result = $stid = oci_parse($this->dbconn, $sql); # Bound variables if (count($params)) { foreach ($params as $var => $value) { oci_bind_by_name($stid, $var, $value); } } $r = $this->transac_mode ? @oci_execute($stid, OCI_NO_AUTO_COMMIT) : @oci_execute($stid, OCI_COMMIT_ON_SUCCESS); if (!$r) { $error = oci_error($this->result); $this->error($error["code"], $error["message"]); if (count($this->errors)) { throw new Exception($error["message"], $error["code"]); } else { throw new Exception("Unknown error!"); } } # This should be before of getArrayResult() because oci_fetch() is incremental. $this->rowsAffected = oci_num_rows($stid); $rows = $this->getArrayResult(); $this->numRows = count($rows); $this->numFields = oci_num_fields($stid); if ($this->transac_mode) { $this->transac_result = is_null($this->transac_result) ? $this->result : $this->transac_result && $this->result; } return $this->result; }
function executePlainSQL($cmdstr) { //takes a plain (no bound variables) SQL command and executes it //echo "<br>running ".$cmdstr."<br>"; global $db_conn, $success; $statement = OCIParse($db_conn, $cmdstr); //There is a set of comments at the end of the file that describe some of the OCI specific functions and how they work if (!$statement) { echo "<br>Cannot parse the following command: " . $cmdstr . "<br>"; $e = OCI_Error($db_conn); // For OCIParse errors pass the // connection handle echo htmlentities($e['message']); $success = False; } $r = OCIExecute($statement, OCI_DEFAULT); if (!$r) { echo "<br>Cannot execute the following command: " . $cmdstr . "<br>"; $e = oci_error($statement); // For OCIExecute errors pass the statementhandle echo htmlentities($e['message']); $success = False; } else { } return $statement; }
protected function query($query, $returnresult = false) { if (!$this->isConnected()) { $this->connect(); } if ($this->isConnected()) { $this->myLog->log(LOG_DEBUG, 'DB query is: ' . $query); # OCI mode $result = oci_parse($this->dbh, $query); if (!oci_execute($result)) { $this->myLog->log(LOG_INFO, 'Database query error: ' . preg_replace('/\\n/', ' ', print_r(oci_error($result), true))); $this->dbh = Null; return false; } $this->result = $result; if ($returnresult) { return $this->result; } else { return true; } } else { $this->myLog->log(LOG_CRIT, 'No database connection'); return false; } }
public function buscarPorProcedimiento() { $sql = "SELECT job, to_char(last_date, 'DD/MM/YYYY') last_date, last_sec, to_char(next_date, 'DD/MM/YYYY') next_date, next_sec, interval, failures, what from user_jobs WHERE UPPER(what) LIKE UPPER('%' || :v_procedure_name || '%')"; $stmt = oci_parse($this->getConnection(), $sql); oci_bind_by_name($stmt, ":v_procedure_name", $this->objectName); if (!@oci_execute($stmt)) { $e = oci_error($stmt); $this->setMensaje("Error al obtener los datos del job que ejecuta el proceso '{$this->objectName}' de la tabla user_jobs - {$e['message']}"); $this->setEstado(false); } $row = oci_fetch_array($stmt, OCI_ASSOC | OCI_RETURN_NULLS); if (empty($row)) { $this->setEstado(false); } $this->jobId = $row['JOB']; $this->lastDate = $row['LAST_DATE']; $this->lastSec = $row['LAST_SEC']; $this->nextDate = $row['NEXT_DATE']; $this->nextSec = $row['NEXT_SEC']; $this->interval = $row['INTERVAL']; $this->failures = $row['FAILURES']; $this->jobSql = $row['WHAT']; $this->setEstado(true); return $this->getEstado(); }
public function getById($id) { $this->conex = DataBase::getInstance(); $stid = oci_parse($this->conex, "SELECT *\n\t\t\tFROM FISC_CIUDADANO WHERE ID_CIUDADANO=:id"); if (!$stid) { $e = oci_error($this->conex); trigger_error(htmlentities($e['message'], ENT_QUOTES), E_USER_ERROR); } // Realizar la lógica de la consulta oci_bind_by_name($stid, ':id', $id); $r = oci_execute($stid); if (!$r) { $e = oci_error($stid); trigger_error(htmlentities($e['message'], ENT_QUOTES), E_USER_ERROR); } // Obtener los resultados de la consulta $alm = new FiscCiudadano(); while ($fila = oci_fetch_array($stid, OCI_ASSOC + OCI_RETURN_NULLS)) { $it = new ArrayIterator($fila); while ($it->valid()) { $alm->__SET(strtolower($it->key()), $it->current()); $it->next(); } } //Libera los recursos oci_free_statement($stid); // Cierra la conexión Oracle oci_close($this->conex); //retorna el resultado de la consulta return $alm; }
public function getUserObjectData() { $sql = "SELECT object_name, object_type, TO_CHAR(created, 'DD/MM/YYYY') AS created, TO_CHAR(last_ddl_time, 'DD/MM/YYYY') AS last_ddl_time, status FROM user_objects WHERE object_name = UPPER(:v_obj_name) AND object_type = UPPER(:v_obj_type)"; $stmt = oci_parse($this->getConnection(), $sql); oci_bind_by_name($stmt, ":v_obj_name", $this->objectName); oci_bind_by_name($stmt, ":v_obj_type", $this->objectType); if (!@oci_execute($stmt)) { $e = oci_error($stmt); $this->setMensaje("Error al obtener los datos del objeto '{$this->objectName}' de la tabla user_objects - {$e['message']}"); return false; } $row = @oci_fetch_array($stmt, OCI_ASSOC | OCI_RETURN_NULLS); if (empty($row)) { $this->setMensaje("No se pudo encontrar el objeto '{$this->objectName}' en la tabla user_objects"); return false; } $this->fechaCreacion = $row['CREATED']; $this->fechaModificacion = $row['LAST_DDL_TIME']; $this->oracleStatus = $row['STATUS']; if ($this->oracleStatus != 'VALID') { $this->setMensaje("El objeto '{$this->objectName}' tiene el estado '{$this->oracleStatus}' en la tabla user_objects"); return false; } return true; }
public function open_connection() { $connection_string = "(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)\n (HOST = " . DB_SERVER . ")(PORT = " . DB_PORT . ")))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=" . DB_NAME . ")))"; $this->connection = oci_connect(DB_USER, DB_PASS, $connection_string); if (!$this->connection) { die("Database connection failed: " . oci_error()); } }
function log_if_error($resource) { if (!$resource) { $error = oci_error(); echo $error['message']; exit; } }
protected static function oci_error($resource = null) { $error = isset($resource) ? oci_error($resource) : oci_error(); if ($error === FALSE) { $error = array('message' => 'No error is found'); } return $error; }
private function __construct() { $this->con = oci_connect($this->user, $this->pass); if (!$this->con) { $m = oci_error(); exit('Connect Error ' . $m['message']); } }
public function __construct(array $config) { $this->_connection = oci_connect($config['username'], $config['password'], $config['host'] . ":" . $config['port'] . "/" . $config['instance_name'], $config['charset']); if (!$this->_connection) { $e = oci_error(); trigger_error(htmlentities($e['message'], ENT_QUOTES), E_USER_ERROR); } }
public function get_ams_student($student_id = NULL) { $conn = oci_connect('AMS_QUERIES', 'Oo_Hecha1_rohm3', '//'); if (!$conn) { $e = oci_error(); trigger_error(htmlentities($e['message'], ENT_QUOTES), E_USER_ERROR); } else { if ($student_id == NULL) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM GAOWNER.VIEW_STUDENT_DETAILS"; } else { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM GAOWNER.VIEW_STUDENT_DETAILS WHERE STUDENT_NO LIKE \'%' . $student_id . '%\''; } $rs4 = oci_parse($conn, $sql); oci_execute($rs4); $rows = oci_num_rows($rs4); $t = 0; while (OCIFetch($rs4)) { $t++; $name1 = ociresult($rs4, "SURNAME"); $dob = ociresult($rs4, "DOB"); $gender = ociresult($rs4, "GENDER"); $oname1 = ociresult($rs4, "OTHER_NAMES"); $STUDENT_NO = ociresult($rs4, "STUDENT_NO"); $COURSES = ociresult($rs4, "COURSES"); $GUARDIAN_NAME1 = ociresult($rs4, "GUARDIAN_NAME"); $MOBILE_NO = ociresult($rs4, "MOBILE_NO"); $EMAIL = ociresult($rs4, "EMAIL"); $FACULTIES = ociresult($rs4, "FACULTIES"); // details to be saved $name = str_replace("'", "", "{$name1}"); $oname = str_replace("'", "", "{$oname1}"); $GUARDIAN_NAME = str_replace("'", "", "{$GUARDIAN_NAME1}"); if (!empty($STUDENT_NO)) { $exists = $this->student_exists($STUDENT_NO); $data = array('title' => '', 'Surname' => $name, 'Other_names' => $oname, 'DOB' => $dob, 'contact' => $MOBILE_NO, 'gender' => $gender, 'student_Number' => $STUDENT_NO, 'courses' => $FACULTIES, 'GUARDIAN_NAME' => $GUARDIAN_NAME, 'faculty' => $FACULTIES); if (!$exists) { $this->db->insert('student', $data); } else { $this->db->where('student_Number', $STUDENT_NO); $this->db->update('student', $data); } $date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); // data for patients patient date, visit type, strath number created by and modified by fields if ($student_id != NULL) { $patient_data = array('patient_number' => $this->create_patient_number(), 'patient_date' => $date, 'visit_type_id' => 1, 'strath_no' => $STUDENT_NO, 'created_by' => $this->session->userdata('personnel_id'), 'modified_by' => $this->session->userdata('personnel_id')); $this->db->insert('patients', $patient_data); return $this->db->insert_id(); } } else { $this->session->set_userdata("error_message", "Student could not be found"); return FALSE; } } if ($student_id != NULL) { return TRUE; } } }
function connect() { $conn = oci_connect('olexson', 'yohatdog4'); if (!$conn) { $e = oci_error(); trigger_error(htmlentities($e['message'], ENT_QUOTES), E_USER_ERROR); } return $conn; }
/** * Construct method where configuration is applied * @param string $dbIdent Identifier of connection parameters section in config file */ public function __construct($dbIdent) { $connData = Pokelio_Global::getConfig('DATABASES', 'Pokelio')->{$dbIdent}; $this->connection = oci_connect($connData->USER, $connData->PASSWORD, $connData->DSN); if (!$this->connection) { $e = oci_error(); trigger_error("Error connecting to database." . NL . htmlentities($e['message'], ENT_QUOTES) . NL); } }
/** * Méthode de connection à la base Oracle * * @return void */ private final function _connect() { trigger_error('start', E_USER_NOTICE); trigger_error('service ' . $this->getInput('servicename'), E_USER_NOTICE); if (!($this->handle = oci_connect($this->getSpecialProperty('login'), $this->getSpecialProperty('password'), $this->getInput('servicename')))) { trigger_error('Erreur connexion oracle ' . serialize(oci_error()), E_USER_ERROR); } trigger_error('end', E_USER_NOTICE); }
function connect() { $conn = oci_connect('username', 'password'); if (!$conn) { $e = oci_error(); trigger_error(htmlentities($e['message'], ENT_QUOTES), E_USER_ERROR); } return $conn; }
public function connect() { $conf = c("db.write"); $conn_str = sprintf("(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP) (HOST = %s)(PORT = %s)) (CONNECT_DATA= (SID = %s)))", $conf['dbhost'], $conf['dbport'], $conf['dbname']); self::$link = oci_pconnect($con_user, $con_pwd, $conn_str, str_replace("-", "", $con_charset)); if (!self::$link) { throw_exception(oci_error()); } }
function connect() { $conn = oci_connect('yunita', 'yenchi12'); if (!$conn) { $e = oci_error(); trigger_error(htmlentities($e['message'], ENT_QUOTES), E_USER_ERROR); } return $conn; }
function connect() { //please enter your oracle login info $conn = oci_connect('bwcheung', 'bc4784387'); if (!$conn) { $e = oci_error(); trigger_error(htmlentities($e['message'], ENT_QUOTES), E_USER_ERROR); } return $conn; }
function ExecuterRequete($cur) { $r = oci_execute($cur); if (!$r) { $e = oci_error($r); echo htmlentities($e['message']); exit; } return $r; }
public function connect($params) { $conn = @oci_connect($params["username"], $params["password"], $params["server"], 'UTF8'); if (!$conn) { $e = oci_error(); trigger_error(htmlentities($e['message'], ENT_QUOTES), E_USER_ERROR); } $this->connect_shared($params); return $conn; }
public function InsertInto($conn, $sql) { $execute = oci_execute($parse); if ($execute) { $this->resultQuery .= "SUKSES"; } else { $this->resultQuery .= "GAGAL" . oci_error(); } return $this->resultQuery; }
function __construct() { $this->con = oci_connect(DB_USER, DB_PASS, DB_HOST); if (!$this->con) { $e = oci_error(); // For oci_connect errors do not pass a handle trigger_error(htmlentities($e['message']), E_USER_ERROR); } $this->stmt = "very simple"; }