コード例 #1
ファイル: global.html.php プロジェクト: atarubi/nuke-viet
 function nv_block_data_config_html_submit($module, $lang_block)
     $xhtml = filter_text_textarea('htmlcontent', '', NV_ALLOWED_HTML_TAGS);
     $return = array();
     $return['error'] = array();
     $return['config'] = array();
     $return['config']['htmlcontent'] = defined('NV_EDITOR') ? nv_editor_nl2br($xhtml) : nv_nl2br($xhtml, '<br />');
     return $return;
コード例 #2
 * BoldKeywordInStr()
 * @param mixed $str
 * @param mixed $keyword
 * @return
function BoldKeywordInStr($str, $keyword, $logic)
    global $db;
    $str = nv_br2nl($str);
    $str = nv_nl2br($str, " ");
    $str = nv_unhtmlspecialchars(strip_tags(trim($str)));
    $str = $db->unfixdb($str);
    $pos = false;
    if ($logic == 'AND') {
        $array_keyword = array($keyword, nv_EncString($keyword));
    } else {
        $keyword .= " " . nv_EncString($keyword);
        $array_keyword = explode(" ", $keyword);
        $array_keyword = array_unique($array_keyword);
    foreach ($array_keyword as $k) {
        if (preg_match("/^(.*?)" . preg_quote($k) . "/uis", $str, $matches)) {
            $strlen = nv_strlen($str);
            $kstrlen = nv_strlen($k);
            $residual = $strlen - 300;
            if ($residual > 0) {
                $lstrlen = nv_strlen($matches[1]);
                $rstrlen = $strlen - $lstrlen - $kstrlen;
                $medium = round((300 - $kstrlen) / 2);
                if ($lstrlen <= $medium) {
                    $str = nv_clean60($str, 300);
                } elseif ($rstrlen <= $medium) {
                    $str = nv_substr($str, $residual, 300);
                    $str = nv_substr_clean($str, 'l');
                } else {
                    $str = nv_substr($str, $lstrlen - $medium, $strlen - $lstrlen + $medium);
                    $str = nv_substr($str, 0, 300);
                    $str = nv_substr_clean($str, 'lr');
            $pos = true;
    if (!$pos) {
        return nv_clean60($str, 300);
    $pattern = array();
    foreach ($array_keyword as $k) {
        $pattern[] = "/(" . preg_quote($k) . ")/uis";
    $str = preg_replace($pattern, "{\\1}", $str);
    $str = str_replace(array("{", "}"), array("<span class=\"keyword\">", "</span>"), $str);
    return $str;
コード例 #3
ファイル: functions.php プロジェクト: lzhao18/nukeviet
 * BoldKeywordInStr()
 * @param mixed $str
 * @param mixed $keyword
 * @return
function BoldKeywordInStr($str, $keyword, $logic)
    $str = nv_br2nl($str);
    $str = nv_nl2br($str, ' ');
    $str = nv_unhtmlspecialchars(strip_tags(trim($str)));
    $pos = false;
    if ($logic == 'AND') {
        $array_keyword = array($keyword, nv_EncString($keyword));
    } else {
        $keyword .= ' ' . nv_EncString($keyword);
        $array_keyword = explode(' ', $keyword);
        $array_keyword = array_unique($array_keyword);
    foreach ($array_keyword as $k) {
        if (preg_match('/^(.*?)' . nv_preg_quote($k) . '/uis', $str, $matches)) {
            $strlen = nv_strlen($str);
            $kstrlen = nv_strlen($k);
            $residual = $strlen - 300;
            if ($residual > 0) {
                $lstrlen = nv_strlen($matches[1]);
                $rstrlen = $strlen - $lstrlen - $kstrlen;
                $medium = round((300 - $kstrlen) / 2);
                if ($lstrlen <= $medium) {
                    $str = nv_clean60($str, 300);
                } elseif ($rstrlen <= $medium) {
                    $str = nv_substr($str, $residual, 300);
                    $str = nv_substr_clean($str, 'l');
                } else {
                    $str = nv_substr($str, $lstrlen - $medium, $strlen - $lstrlen + $medium);
                    $str = nv_substr($str, 0, 300);
                    $str = nv_substr_clean($str, 'lr');
            $pos = true;
    if (!$pos) {
        return nv_clean60($str, 300);
    $pattern = array();
    foreach ($array_keyword as $k) {
        $pattern[] = '/(' . nv_preg_quote($k) . ')/uis';
    $str = preg_replace($pattern, '{\\1}', $str);
    $str = str_replace(array('{', '}'), array('<span class="keyword">', '</span>'), $str);
    return $str;
コード例 #4
ファイル: addfun.php プロジェクト: hpleduit/module-nvtools
function nv_write_lang_mod_admin($mod, $lang, $arr_new_lang)
    global $funname;
    if (!empty($arr_new_lang)) {
        if (file_exists(NV_ROOTDIR . '/modules/' . $mod . '/language/admin_' . $lang . '.php')) {
            $content_lang = file_get_contents(NV_ROOTDIR . '/modules/' . $mod . '/language/admin_' . $lang . '.php');
            $content_lang = trim($content_lang);
            $content_lang = rtrim($content_lang, '?>');
        } else {
            $content_lang = "<?php\n\n";
            $content_lang .= "/**\n";
            $content_lang .= "* @Project NUKEVIET 4.x\n";
            $content_lang .= "* @Author VINADES.,JSC (contact@vinades.vn)\n";
            $content_lang .= "* @Copyright (C) " . date("Y") . " VINADES.,JSC. All rights reserved\n";
            $content_lang .= "* @Language " . $language_array[$dirlang]['name'] . "\n";
            $content_lang .= "* @License CC BY-SA (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/)\n";
            $content_lang .= "* @Createdate " . gmdate("M d, Y, h:i:s A", time()) . "\n";
            $content_lang .= "*/\n";
            $content_lang .= "\nif( ! defined( 'NV_ADMIN' ) or ! defined( 'NV_MAINFILE' ) )";
            $content_lang .= " die( 'Stop!!!' );\n\n";
            $array_translator['info'] = isset($array_translator['info']) ? $array_translator['info'] : "";
            $content_lang .= "\$lang_translator['author'] = 'VINADES.,JSC (contact@vinades.vn)';\n";
            $content_lang .= "\$lang_translator['createdate'] = '" . date('d/m/Y, H:i') . "';\n";
            $content_lang .= "\$lang_translator['copyright'] = 'Copyright (C) ' . date( 'Y' ) . ' VINADES.,JSC. All rights reserved';\n";
            $content_lang .= "\$lang_translator['info'] = '';\n";
            $content_lang .= "\$lang_translator['langtype'] = 'lang_module';\n";
            $content_lang .= "\n";
        $content_lang .= "\n\n//Lang for function " . $funname . "\n";
        foreach ($arr_new_lang as $lang_key => $lang_value) {
            $lang_value = nv_unhtmlspecialchars($lang_value);
            $lang_value = str_replace("\\'", "'", $lang_value);
            $lang_value = str_replace("'", "\\'", $lang_value);
            $lang_value = nv_nl2br($lang_value);
            $lang_value = str_replace('<br />', '<br />', $lang_value);
            $content_lang .= "\$lang_module['" . $lang_key . "'] = '" . $lang_value . "';\n";
        if (!is_writable(NV_ROOTDIR . '/modules/' . $mod . '/language/admin_' . $lang . '.php')) {
            if (substr($sys_info['os'], 0, 3) != 'WIN') {
                chmod(NV_ROOTDIR . '/modules/' . $mod . '/language/admin_' . $lang . '.php', 0777);
        file_put_contents(NV_ROOTDIR . '/modules/' . $mod . '/language/admin_' . $lang . '.php', $content_lang, LOCK_EX);
コード例 #5
ファイル: main.php プロジェクト: atarubi/nuke-viet
 $fcode = filter_text_input('fcode', 'post', '');
 $check_valid_email = nv_check_valid_email($femail);
 if (empty($fname)) {
     $error = $lang_module['error_fullname'];
 } elseif (!empty($check_valid_email)) {
     $error = $check_valid_email;
 } elseif (empty($ftitle)) {
     $error = $lang_module['error_title'];
 } elseif (empty($fcon)) {
     $error = $lang_module['error_content'];
 } elseif (!isset($array_rows[$fpart])) {
     $error = $lang_module['error_part'];
 } elseif (!nv_capcha_txt($fcode)) {
     $error = $lang_module['error_captcha'];
 } else {
     $fcon = nv_nl2br($fcon);
     $sender_id = intval(defined('NV_IS_USER') ? $user_info['userid'] : 0);
     $sql = "INSERT INTO `" . NV_PREFIXLANG . "_" . $module_data . "_send` VALUES \n            (NULL , " . $fpart . ", " . $db->dbescape($ftitle) . ", " . $db->dbescape($fcon) . ", \n            " . NV_CURRENTTIME . ", " . $sender_id . ", " . $db->dbescape($fname) . ", " . $db->dbescape($femail) . ", \n            " . $db->dbescape($fphone) . ", " . $db->dbescape($client_info['ip']) . ", 0, 0, '', 0, 0);";
     $website = "<a href=\"" . $global_config['site_url'] . "\">" . $global_config['site_name'] . "</a>";
     $fcon .= "<br /><br />----------------------------------------<br /><br />";
     if (empty($fphone)) {
         $fcon .= sprintf($lang_module['sendinfo'], $website, $fname, $femail, $client_info['ip'], $array_rows[$fpart]['full_name']);
     } else {
         $fcon .= sprintf($lang_module['sendinfo2'], $website, $fname, $femail, $fphone, $client_info['ip'], $array_rows[$fpart]['full_name']);
     nv_SendMail2User($fpart, $fcon, $ftitle, $femail, $fname);
     $url = NV_BASE_SITEURL . "index.php?" . NV_LANG_VARIABLE . "=" . NV_LANG_DATA;
     $contents .= call_user_func("sendcontact", $url);
     include NV_ROOTDIR . "/includes/header.php";
     echo nv_site_theme($contents);
コード例 #6
ファイル: read.php プロジェクト: lzhao18/nukeviet
 * nv_admin_read_lang()
 * @param mixed $dirlang
 * @param mixed $idfile
 * @return error read file
function nv_admin_read_lang($dirlang, $module, $admin_file = 1)
    global $db, $global_config, $include_lang, $lang_module;
    $include_lang = '';
    $modules_exit = nv_scandir(NV_ROOTDIR . '/modules', $global_config['check_module']);
    if ($module == 'global' and preg_match('/^block\\.global\\.([a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\_]+)\\.php$/', $admin_file, $m)) {
        $include_lang = NV_ROOTDIR . '/language/' . $dirlang . '/' . $admin_file;
        $admin_file = 'block.global.' . $m[1];
    } elseif (preg_match('/^block\\.(global|module)\\.([a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\_]+)\\_' . $dirlang . '\\.php$/', $admin_file, $m)) {
        $include_lang = NV_ROOTDIR . '/modules/' . $module . '/language/' . $admin_file;
        $admin_file = 'block.' . $m[1] . '.' . $m[2];
    } elseif ($module == 'global' and $admin_file == 1) {
        $include_lang = NV_ROOTDIR . '/language/' . $dirlang . '/admin_' . $module . '.php';
    } elseif ($module == 'global' and $admin_file == 0) {
        $include_lang = NV_ROOTDIR . '/language/' . $dirlang . '/' . $module . '.php';
    } elseif ($module == 'install' and $admin_file == 0) {
        $include_lang = NV_ROOTDIR . '/language/' . $dirlang . '/' . $module . '.php';
    } elseif (in_array($module, $modules_exit) and $admin_file == 1) {
        $include_lang = NV_ROOTDIR . '/modules/' . $module . '/language/admin_' . $dirlang . '.php';
    } elseif (in_array($module, $modules_exit) and $admin_file == 0) {
        $include_lang = NV_ROOTDIR . '/modules/' . $module . '/language/' . $dirlang . '.php';
    } elseif (file_exists(NV_ROOTDIR . '/language/' . $dirlang . '/admin_' . $module . '.php')) {
        $admin_file = 1;
        $include_lang = NV_ROOTDIR . '/language/' . $dirlang . '/admin_' . $module . '.php';
    if ($include_lang != '' and file_exists($include_lang)) {
        $lang_module_temp = $lang_module;
        $lang_module = array();
        $lang_global = array();
        $lang_block = array();
        $lang_translator = array();
        include $include_lang;
        $sth = $db->prepare('SELECT idfile, langtype FROM ' . NV_LANGUAGE_GLOBALTABLE . '_file WHERE module = :module AND admin_file= :admin_file');
        $sth->bindParam(':module', $module, PDO::PARAM_STR);
        $sth->bindParam(':admin_file', $admin_file, PDO::PARAM_STR);
        list($idfile, $langtype) = $sth->fetch(3);
        if (empty($idfile)) {
            $langtype = isset($lang_translator['langtype']) ? strip_tags($lang_translator['langtype']) : 'lang_module';
            $lang_translator_save = array();
            $lang_translator_save['author'] = isset($lang_translator['author']) ? strip_tags($lang_translator['author']) : 'VINADES.,JSC (contact@vinades.vn)';
            $lang_translator_save['createdate'] = isset($lang_translator['createdate']) ? strip_tags($lang_translator['createdate']) : date('d/m/Y, H:i');
            $lang_translator_save['copyright'] = isset($lang_translator['copyright']) ? strip_tags($lang_translator['copyright']) : 'Copyright (C) ' . date('Y') . ' VINADES.,JSC. All rights reserved';
            $lang_translator_save['info'] = isset($lang_translator['info']) ? strip_tags($lang_translator['info']) : '';
            $lang_translator_save['langtype'] = $langtype;
            $author = var_export($lang_translator_save, true);
            $data = array();
            $data['module'] = $module;
            $data['admin_file'] = $admin_file;
            $data['langtype'] = $langtype;
            $data['author'] = $author;
            $idfile = $db->insert_id('INSERT INTO ' . NV_LANGUAGE_GLOBALTABLE . '_file (module, admin_file, langtype, author_' . $dirlang . ') VALUES (:module, :admin_file, :langtype, :author)', 'idfile', $data);
            if (empty($idfile)) {
                nv_info_die($lang_global['error_404_title'], $lang_global['error_404_title'], 'error read file: ' . str_replace(NV_ROOTDIR . '/', '', $include_lang));
        } else {
            $lang_translator_save = array();
            $langtype = isset($lang_translator['langtype']) ? strip_tags($lang_translator['langtype']) : 'lang_module';
            $lang_translator_save['author'] = isset($lang_translator['author']) ? strip_tags($lang_translator['author']) : 'VINADES.,JSC (contact@vinades.vn)';
            $lang_translator_save['createdate'] = isset($lang_translator['createdate']) ? strip_tags($lang_translator['createdate']) : date('d/m/Y, H:i');
            $lang_translator_save['copyright'] = isset($lang_translator['copyright']) ? strip_tags($lang_translator['copyright']) : 'Copyright (C) ' . date('Y') . ' VINADES.,JSC. All rights reserved';
            $lang_translator_save['info'] = isset($lang_translator['info']) ? strip_tags($lang_translator['info']) : '';
            $lang_translator_save['langtype'] = $langtype;
            $author = var_export($lang_translator_save, true);
            try {
                $sth = $db->prepare('UPDATE ' . NV_LANGUAGE_GLOBALTABLE . '_file SET author_' . $dirlang . '= :author WHERE idfile= ' . $idfile);
                $sth->bindParam(':author', $author, PDO::PARAM_STR, strlen($author));
            } catch (PDOException $e) {
                nv_info_die($lang_global['error_404_title'], $lang_global['error_404_title'], $e->getMessage());
        $temp_lang = array();
        switch ($langtype) {
            case 'lang_global':
                $temp_lang = $lang_global;
            case 'lang_module':
                $temp_lang = $lang_module;
            case 'lang_block':
                $temp_lang = $lang_block;
        $add_field = true;
        $array_lang_key = array();
        $array_lang_value = array();
        $columns_array = $db->columns_array(NV_LANGUAGE_GLOBALTABLE . '_file');
        foreach ($columns_array as $row) {
            if (substr($row['field'], 0, 7) == 'author_' and $row['field'] != 'author_' . $dirlang) {
                $array_lang_key[] = str_replace('author_', 'lang_', $row['field']);
                $array_lang_value[] = '';
        $string_lang_key = implode(', ', $array_lang_key);
        $string_lang_value = '';
        if ($string_lang_key != '') {
            $string_lang_key = ', ' . $string_lang_key;
            $string_lang_value = implode("', '", $array_lang_value);
            $string_lang_value = ", '" . $string_lang_value . "'";
        $read_type = intval($global_config['read_type']);
        $sth_is = $db->prepare('INSERT INTO ' . NV_LANGUAGE_GLOBALTABLE . ' (idfile, lang_key, lang_' . $dirlang . ', update_' . $dirlang . ') VALUES (:idfile, :lang_key, :lang_value, ' . NV_CURRENTTIME . ')');
        $sth_ud = $db->prepare('UPDATE ' . NV_LANGUAGE_GLOBALTABLE . ' SET lang_' . $dirlang . ' = :lang_value, update_' . $dirlang . ' = ' . NV_CURRENTTIME . ' WHERE idfile = :idfile AND lang_key = :lang_key');
        while (list($lang_key, $lang_value) = each($temp_lang)) {
            $check_type_update = false;
            $lang_key = trim($lang_key);
            $lang_value = nv_nl2br($lang_value);
            $lang_value = preg_replace("/<br\\s*\\/>/", '<br />', $lang_value);
            $lang_value = preg_replace("/<\\/\\s*br\\s*>/", '<br />', $lang_value);
            if ($read_type == 0 or $read_type == 1) {
                try {
                    $sth_is->bindParam(':idfile', $idfile, PDO::PARAM_INT);
                    $sth_is->bindParam(':lang_key', $lang_key, PDO::PARAM_STR);
                    $sth_is->bindParam(':lang_value', $lang_value, PDO::PARAM_STR);
                    if ($read_type == 0 and !$sth_is->rowCount()) {
                        $check_type_update = true;
                } catch (PDOException $e) {
                    if ($read_type == 0) {
                        $check_type_update = true;
            if ($read_type == 2 or $check_type_update) {
                $sth_ud->bindParam(':idfile', $idfile, PDO::PARAM_INT);
                $sth_ud->bindParam(':lang_key', $lang_key, PDO::PARAM_STR);
                $sth_ud->bindParam(':lang_value', $lang_value, PDO::PARAM_STR);
        $lang_module = $lang_module_temp;
        return '';
    } else {
        $include_lang = '';
        return $lang_module['nv_error_exit_module'] . ' : ' . $module;
コード例 #7
ファイル: cat.php プロジェクト: syphuonglam/creative-portal
         Header("Location: " . NV_BASE_ADMINURL . "index.php?" . NV_NAME_VARIABLE . "=" . $module_name . "&" . NV_OP_VARIABLE . "=" . $op . "");
     } else {
         $error = $lang_module['errorsave'];
 } elseif ($catid > 0 and !empty($title)) {
     $check_exit = 0;
     if ($parentid != $parentid_old) {
         list($check_exit) = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT count(*) FROM `" . NV_PREFIXLANG . "_" . $module_data . "_rows` WHERE `catid` = '" . $catid . "'"));
     if (intval($check_exit) > 0) {
         $error = "error delete cat";
     } else {
         $description = nv_nl2br($description, '<br />');
         $query = "UPDATE `" . NV_PREFIXLANG . "_" . $module_data . "_cat` SET `parentid`=" . $db->dbescape($parentid) . ", `title`=" . $db->dbescape($title) . ", `catimage` =  " . $db->dbescape($catimage) . ", `alias` =  " . $db->dbescape($alias) . ", `description`=" . $db->dbescape($description) . ", `keywords`= " . $db->dbescape($keywords) . ", `edit_time`=UNIX_TIMESTAMP( ) WHERE `catid` =" . $catid . "";
         if ($db->sql_affectedrows() > 0) {
             if ($parentid != $parentid_old) {
                 list($weight) = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT max(`weight`) FROM `" . NV_PREFIXLANG . "_" . $module_data . "_cat` WHERE `parentid`=" . $db->dbescape($parentid) . ""));
                 $weight = intval($weight) + 1;
                 $sql = "UPDATE `" . NV_PREFIXLANG . "_" . $module_data . "_cat` SET `weight`=" . $weight . " WHERE `catid`=" . intval($catid);
                 nv_insert_logs(NV_LANG_DATA, $module_name, 'log_edit_cat', "catid " . $catid, $admin_info['userid']);
コード例 #8
 * begin: post data 
if ($nv_Request->get_int('save', 'post') == 1) {
    $data['catid'] = $nv_Request->get_int('catid', 'post', 0);
    $data['roomid'] = $nv_Request->get_int('roomid', 'post', 0);
    $data['fieldid'] = $nv_Request->get_int('fieldid', 'post', 0);
    $data['type'] = $nv_Request->get_int('type', 'post', 0);
    $data['title'] = $nv_Request->get_string('title', 'post', '', 0);
    $data['keywords'] = $nv_Request->get_string('keywords', 'post', '', 1);
    $alias = $nv_Request->get_string('alias', 'post', '');
    $data['alias'] = $alias == "" ? change_alias($data['title']) : change_alias($alias);
    $hometext = $nv_Request->get_string('hometext', 'post', '');
    $data['hometext'] = nv_nl2br(nv_htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($hometext)), '<br />');
    $data['otherpath'] = $nv_Request->get_string('otherpath', 'post', '');
    $bodytext = $nv_Request->get_string('bodytext', 'post', '');
    $data['bodytext'] = defined('NV_EDITOR') ? nv_nl2br($bodytext, '') : nv_nl2br(nv_htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($bodytext)), '<br />');
    $data['sign'] = $nv_Request->get_string('sign', 'post', '');
    $signtime = $nv_Request->get_string('signtime', 'post', 0);
    $data['organid'] = $nv_Request->get_int('organid', 'post', 0);
    if (!empty($signtime) and !preg_match("/^([0-9]{1,2})\\/([0-9]{1,2})\\/([0-9]{4})\$/", $signtime)) {
        $signtime = "";
    if (empty($signtime)) {
        $data['signtime'] = 0;
    } else {
        $phour = date('H');
        $pmin = date('i');
        preg_match("/^([0-9]{1,2})\\/([0-9]{1,2})\\/([0-9]{4})\$/", $signtime, $m);
        $data['signtime'] = mktime($phour, $pmin, 0, $m[2], $m[1], $m[3]);
コード例 #9
ファイル: edit.php プロジェクト: lzhao18/nukeviet
     $error = $lang_module['edit_error_email_exist'];
 } elseif (!empty($_user['password1']) and ($check_pass = nv_check_valid_pass($_user['password1'], NV_UPASSMAX, NV_UPASSMIN)) != '') {
     $error = $check_pass;
 } elseif (!empty($_user['password1']) and $_user['password1'] != $_user['password2']) {
     $error = $lang_module['edit_error_password'];
 } elseif (empty($_user['question'])) {
     $error = $lang_module['edit_error_question'];
 } elseif (empty($_user['answer'])) {
     $error = $lang_module['edit_error_answer'];
 } else {
     $query_field = array();
     if (!empty($array_field_config)) {
         require NV_ROOTDIR . '/modules/users/fields.check.php';
     if (empty($error)) {
         $_user['sig'] = nv_nl2br($_user['sig'], '<br />');
         if ($_user['gender'] != 'M' and $_user['gender'] != 'F') {
             $_user['gender'] = '';
         if (preg_match('/^([0-9]{1,2})\\/([0-9]{1,2})\\/([0-9]{4})$/', $_user['birthday'], $m)) {
             $_user['birthday'] = mktime(0, 0, 0, $m[2], $m[1], $m[3]);
         } else {
             $_user['birthday'] = 0;
         $password = !empty($_user['password1']) ? $crypt->hash_password($_user['password1'], $global_config['hashprefix']) : $row['password'];
         // Check photo
         if ($_user['delpic'] or empty($photo)) {
             if (!empty($_user['photo'])) {
                 $tmp_photo = NV_ROOTDIR . '/' . NV_TEMP_DIR . '/' . $_user['photo'];
                 if (!file_exists($tmp_photo)) {
                     $_user['photo'] = '';
コード例 #10
ファイル: user_add.php プロジェクト: atarubi/nuke-viet
 } elseif ($db->sql_numrows($db->sql_query("SELECT `userid` FROM `" . NV_USERS_GLOBALTABLE . "` WHERE `email`=" . $db->dbescape($_user['email']))) != 0) {
     $error = $lang_module['edit_error_email_exist'];
 } elseif ($db->sql_numrows($db->sql_query("SELECT `userid` FROM `" . NV_USERS_GLOBALTABLE . "_reg` WHERE `email`=" . $db->dbescape($_user['email']))) != 0) {
     $error = $lang_module['edit_error_email_exist'];
 } elseif ($db->sql_numrows($db->sql_query("SELECT `userid` FROM `" . NV_USERS_GLOBALTABLE . "_openid` WHERE `email`=" . $db->dbescape($_user['email']))) != 0) {
     $error = $lang_module['edit_error_email_exist'];
 } elseif (($check_pass = nv_check_valid_pass($_user['password1'], NV_UPASSMAX, NV_UPASSMIN)) != "") {
     $error = $check_pass;
 } elseif ($_user['password1'] != $_user['password2']) {
     $error = $lang_module['edit_error_password'];
 } elseif (empty($_user['question'])) {
     $error = $lang_module['edit_error_question'];
 } elseif (empty($_user['answer'])) {
     $error = $lang_module['edit_error_answer'];
 } else {
     $_user['sig'] = nv_nl2br($_user['sig'], "<br />");
     if ($_user['gender'] != "M" and $_user['gender'] != "F") {
         $_user['gender'] = "";
     if (preg_match("/^([0-9]{1,2})\\.([0-9]{1,2})\\.([0-9]{4})\$/", $_user['birthday'], $m)) {
         $_user['birthday'] = mktime(0, 0, 0, $m[2], $m[1], $m[3]);
     } else {
         $_user['birthday'] = 0;
     $data_in_groups = !empty($_user['in_groups']) ? implode(',', $_user['in_groups']) : '';
     $password = $crypt->hash($_user['password1']);
     $sql = "INSERT INTO `" . NV_USERS_GLOBALTABLE . "` (\n        `userid`, `username`, `md5username`, `password`, `email`, `full_name`, `gender`, `birthday`, `sig`, `regdate`, \n        `website`, `location`, `yim`, `telephone`, `fax`, `mobile`, `question`, `answer`, `passlostkey`, `view_mail`, \n        `remember`, `in_groups`, `active`, `checknum`, `last_login`, `last_ip`, `last_agent`, `last_openid`) \n        VALUES(\n\t\tNULL, \n\t\t" . $db->dbescape($_user['username']) . ",\n\t\t" . $db->dbescape(md5($_user['username'])) . ",\n\t\t" . $db->dbescape($password) . ",\n\t\t" . $db->dbescape($_user['email']) . ",\n\t\t" . $db->dbescape($_user['full_name']) . ",\n\t\t" . $db->dbescape($_user['gender']) . ",\n\t\t" . $_user['birthday'] . ",\n\t\t" . $db->dbescape($_user['sig']) . ",\n\t\t" . NV_CURRENTTIME . ",\n\t\t" . $db->dbescape($_user['website']) . ",\n\t\t" . $db->dbescape($_user['location']) . ",\n\t\t" . $db->dbescape($_user['yim']) . ",\n\t\t" . $db->dbescape($_user['telephone']) . ",\n\t\t" . $db->dbescape($_user['fax']) . ",\n\t\t" . $db->dbescape($_user['mobile']) . ",\n\t\t" . $db->dbescape($_user['question']) . ",\n\t\t" . $db->dbescape($_user['answer']) . ",\n\t\t'', \n        " . $_user['view_mail'] . ", \n        1, \n        " . $db->dbescape_string($data_in_groups) . ", \n        1, '', 0, '', '', '')";
     $userid = $db->sql_query_insert_id($sql);
     if ($userid) {
         nv_insert_logs(NV_LANG_DATA, $module_name, 'log_add_user', "userid " . $userid, $admin_info['userid']);
         if (isset($_FILES['photo']) and is_uploaded_file($_FILES['photo']['tmp_name'])) {
コード例 #11
ファイル: add.php プロジェクト: NukeVlad/module-download
     $is_error = true;
     $error = $lang_module['file_error_title'];
 } elseif ($is_exists) {
     $is_error = true;
     $error = $lang_module['file_title_exists'];
 } elseif (!empty($array['author_email']) and ($check_valid_email = nv_check_valid_email($array['author_email'])) != '') {
     $is_error = true;
     $error = $check_valid_email;
 } elseif (!empty($array['author_url']) and !nv_is_url($array['author_url'])) {
     $is_error = true;
     $error = $lang_module['file_error_author_url'];
 } elseif (empty($array['fileupload']) and empty($array['linkdirect'])) {
     $is_error = true;
     $error = $lang_module['file_error_fileupload'];
 } else {
     $array['introtext'] = !empty($array['introtext']) ? nv_nl2br($array['introtext'], '<br />') : '';
     $array['fileupload'] = !empty($array['fileupload']) ? implode('[NV]', $array['fileupload']) : '';
     if (!empty($array['linkdirect'])) {
         $array['linkdirect'] = array_map('nv_nl2br', $array['linkdirect']);
         $array['linkdirect'] = implode('[NV]', $array['linkdirect']);
     } else {
         $array['linkdirect'] = '';
     $sql = "INSERT INTO " . NV_PREFIXLANG . "_" . $module_data . " (catid, title, alias, description, introtext, uploadtime, updatetime, user_id, user_name, author_name, author_email, author_url, fileupload, linkdirect, version, filesize, fileimage, status, copyright, view_hits, download_hits, groups_comment, groups_view, groups_download, comment_hits, rating_detail) VALUES (\n\t\t\t " . $array['catid'] . ",\n\t\t\t :title,\n\t\t\t :alias ,\n\t\t\t :description ,\n\t\t\t :introtext ,\n\t\t\t " . NV_CURRENTTIME . ",\n\t\t\t " . NV_CURRENTTIME . ",\n\t\t\t " . $admin_info['admin_id'] . ",\n\t\t\t :username,\n\t\t\t :author_name ,\n\t\t\t :author_email ,\n\t\t\t :author_url ,\n\t\t\t :fileupload ,\n\t\t\t :linkdirect ,\n\t\t\t :version ,\n\t\t\t " . $array['filesize'] . ",\n\t\t\t :fileimage ,\n\t\t\t 1,\n\t\t\t :copyright ,\n\t\t\t 0, 0,\n\t\t\t :groups_comment ,\n\t\t\t :groups_view ,\n\t\t\t :groups_download ,\n\t\t\t 0, '')";
     $data_insert = array();
     $data_insert['title'] = $array['title'];
     $data_insert['alias'] = $array['alias'];
     $data_insert['description'] = $array['description'];
     $data_insert['introtext'] = $array['introtext'];
     $data_insert['username'] = $admin_info['username'];
     $data_insert['author_name'] = $array['author_name'];
コード例 #12
ファイル: comment.php プロジェクト: atarubi/nuke-viet
 $array = array();
 $is_error = false;
 $error = "";
 if ($nv_Request->isset_request('submit', 'post')) {
     $array['subject'] = filter_text_input('subject', 'post', '', 1);
     $array['comment'] = filter_text_textarea('comment', '', NV_ALLOWED_HTML_TAGS);
     $array['admin_reply'] = filter_text_input('admin_reply', 'post', '', 1);
     $array['admin_id'] = (int) $row['admin_id'];
     if (empty($array['subject'])) {
         $is_error = true;
         $error = $lang_module['comment_edit_error1'];
     } elseif (empty($array['comment'])) {
         $is_error = true;
         $error = $lang_module['comment_edit_error2'];
     } else {
         $array['comment'] = nv_nl2br($array['comment'], "<br />");
         if (!empty($array['admin_reply']) and $array['admin_reply'] != $row['admin_reply']) {
             $array['admin_id'] = $admin_info['admin_id'];
         $sql = "UPDATE `" . NV_PREFIXLANG . "_" . $module_data . "_comments` SET \n            `subject`=" . $db->dbescape($array['subject']) . ", \n            `comment`=" . $db->dbescape($array['comment']) . ", \n            `admin_reply`=" . $db->dbescape($array['admin_reply']) . ", \n            `admin_id`=" . $array['admin_id'] . " \n            WHERE `id`=" . $id;
         $result = $db->sql_query($sql);
         if (!$result) {
             $is_error = true;
             $error = $lang_module['file_error1'];
         } else {
             Header("Location: " . NV_BASE_ADMINURL . "index.php?" . NV_NAME_VARIABLE . "=" . $module_name . "&" . NV_OP_VARIABLE . "=comment&status=" . $row['status']);
 } else {
コード例 #13
ファイル: admin.functions.php プロジェクト: atarubi/nuke-viet
    $url = $nv_Request->get_string('url', 'post', '');
    $is_myurl = $nv_Request->get_int('is_myurl', 'post', 0);
    if (empty($url)) {
    $url = rawurldecode($url);
    if ($is_myurl) {
        $url = substr($url, strlen(NV_BASE_SITEURL));
        $url = NV_ROOTDIR . '/' . $url;
        if (!file_exists($url)) {
    } else {
        $url = trim($url);
        $url = nv_nl2br($url, "<br />");
        $url = explode("<br />", $url);
        $url = array_map("trim", $url);
        foreach ($url as $l) {
            if (!empty($l)) {
                if (!nv_is_url($l)) {
                if (!nv_check_url($l)) {
コード例 #14
ファイル: main.php プロジェクト: syphuonglam/creative-portal
if ($submit) {
    $array_config = array();
    $array_config['site_theme'] = filter_text_input('site_theme', 'post', '', 1, 255);
    $array_config['site_name'] = filter_text_input('site_name', 'post', '', 1, 255);
    $array_config['site_logo'] = filter_text_input('site_logo', 'post', '', 1, 255);
    if (!in_array($array_config['site_logo'], $images)) {
        $array_config['site_logo'] = "logo.png";
    $array_config['site_home_module'] = filter_text_input('site_home_module', 'post', '', 1, 255);
    $array_config['site_description'] = filter_text_input('site_description', 'post', '', 1, 255);
    $array_config['disable_site'] = $nv_Request->get_int('disable_site', 'post');
    $array_config['disable_site_content'] = filter_text_textarea('disable_site_content', '', NV_ALLOWED_HTML_TAGS);
    if (empty($array_config['disable_site_content'])) {
        $array_config['disable_site_content'] = $lang_global['disable_site_content'];
    $array_config['disable_site_content'] = nv_nl2br($array_config['disable_site_content'], '<br />');
    // dung de save vao csdl
    foreach ($array_config as $config_name => $config_value) {
        $db->sql_query("UPDATE `" . NV_CONFIG_GLOBALTABLE . "` \r\n        SET `config_value`=" . $db->dbescape($config_value) . " \r\n        WHERE `config_name` = " . $db->dbescape($config_name) . " \r\n        AND `lang` = '" . NV_LANG_DATA . "' AND `module`='global' \r\n        LIMIT 1");
    if ($array_config['site_theme'] != $global_config['site_theme']) {
        $global_config['site_theme'] = $array_config['site_theme'];
    if (empty($errormess)) {
        Header('Location: ' . NV_BASE_ADMINURL . 'index.php?' . NV_NAME_VARIABLE . '=' . $module_name . '&rand=' . nv_genpass());
    } else {
        $sql = $db->constructQuery("SELECT `module`, `config_name`, `config_value` FROM `" . NV_CONFIG_GLOBALTABLE . "` \r\n        WHERE `lang`=[s] OR `lang`=[s] ORDER BY `module` ASC", 'sys', NV_LANG_DATA);
        $result = $db->sql_query($sql);
コード例 #15
ファイル: read.php プロジェクト: atarubi/nuke-viet
 * nv_admin_read_lang()
 * @param mixed $dirlang
 * @param mixed $idfile
 * @return error read file
function nv_admin_read_lang($dirlang, $module, $admin_file = 1)
    global $db, $global_config, $include_lang, $lang_module;
    $include_lang = "";
    $modules_exit = nv_scandir(NV_ROOTDIR . "/modules", $global_config['check_module']);
    if ($module == "global" and preg_match("/^block\\.global\\.([a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\_]+)\\.php\$/", $admin_file, $m)) {
        $include_lang = NV_ROOTDIR . "/language/" . $dirlang . "/" . $admin_file;
        $admin_file = 'block.global.' . $m[1];
    } elseif (preg_match("/^block\\.(global|module)\\.([a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\_]+)\\_" . $dirlang . "\\.php\$/", $admin_file, $m)) {
        $include_lang = NV_ROOTDIR . "/modules/" . $module . "/language/" . $admin_file;
        $admin_file = 'block.' . $m[1] . '.' . $m[2];
    } elseif ($module == "global" and $admin_file == 1) {
        $include_lang = NV_ROOTDIR . "/language/" . $dirlang . "/admin_" . $module . ".php";
    } elseif ($module == "global" and $admin_file == 0) {
        $include_lang = NV_ROOTDIR . "/language/" . $dirlang . "/" . $module . ".php";
    } elseif ($module == "install" and $admin_file == 0) {
        $include_lang = NV_ROOTDIR . "/language/" . $dirlang . "/" . $module . ".php";
    } elseif (in_array($module, $modules_exit) and $admin_file == 1) {
        $include_lang = NV_ROOTDIR . "/modules/" . $module . "/language/admin_" . $dirlang . ".php";
    } elseif (in_array($module, $modules_exit) and $admin_file == 0) {
        $include_lang = NV_ROOTDIR . "/modules/" . $module . "/language/" . $dirlang . ".php";
    } elseif (file_exists(NV_ROOTDIR . "/language/" . $dirlang . "/admin_" . $module . ".php")) {
        $admin_file = 1;
        $include_lang = NV_ROOTDIR . "/language/" . $dirlang . "/admin_" . $module . ".php";
    if ($include_lang != "" and file_exists($include_lang)) {
        $lang_module_temp = $lang_module;
        $lang_module = array();
        $lang_global = array();
        $lang_block = array();
        $lang_translator = array();
        include $include_lang;
        list($idfile, $langtype) = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT idfile, langtype FROM `" . NV_LANGUAGE_GLOBALTABLE . "_file` WHERE `module` =" . $db->dbescape($module) . " AND `admin_file`=" . $db->dbescape($admin_file)));
        if (intval($idfile) == 0) {
            $langtype = isset($lang_translator['langtype']) ? strip_tags($lang_translator['langtype']) : "lang_module";
            $lang_translator_save = array();
            $lang_translator_save['author'] = isset($lang_translator['author']) ? strip_tags($lang_translator['author']) : "VINADES.,JSC (contact@vinades.vn)";
            $lang_translator_save['createdate'] = isset($lang_translator['createdate']) ? strip_tags($lang_translator['createdate']) : date("d/m/Y, H:i");
            $lang_translator_save['copyright'] = isset($lang_translator['copyright']) ? strip_tags($lang_translator['copyright']) : "Copyright (C) 2010 VINADES.,JSC. All rights reserved";
            $lang_translator_save['info'] = isset($lang_translator['info']) ? strip_tags($lang_translator['info']) : "";
            $lang_translator_save['langtype'] = $langtype;
            //$author = base64_encode( serialize( $lang_translator_save ) );
            $author = var_export($lang_translator_save, true);
            $idfile = $db->sql_query_insert_id("INSERT INTO `" . NV_LANGUAGE_GLOBALTABLE . "_file` (`idfile`, `module`, `admin_file`, `langtype`, `author_" . $dirlang . "`) VALUES (NULL, " . $db->dbescape($module) . ", " . $db->dbescape($admin_file) . ", " . $db->dbescape($langtype) . ", '" . mysql_real_escape_string($author) . "')");
            if (!$idfile) {
                nv_info_die($lang_global['error_404_title'], $lang_global['error_404_title'], "Error insert file: " . $filelang);
        } else {
            $lang_translator_save = array();
            $langtype = isset($lang_translator['langtype']) ? strip_tags($lang_translator['langtype']) : "lang_module";
            $lang_translator_save['author'] = isset($lang_translator['author']) ? strip_tags($lang_translator['author']) : "VINADES.,JSC (contact@vinades.vn)";
            $lang_translator_save['createdate'] = isset($lang_translator['createdate']) ? strip_tags($lang_translator['createdate']) : date("d/m/Y, H:i");
            $lang_translator_save['copyright'] = isset($lang_translator['copyright']) ? strip_tags($lang_translator['copyright']) : "Copyright (C) 2010 VINADES.,JSC. All rights reserved";
            $lang_translator_save['info'] = isset($lang_translator['info']) ? strip_tags($lang_translator['info']) : "";
            $lang_translator_save['langtype'] = $langtype;
            //$author = base64_encode( serialize( $lang_translator_save ) );
            $author = var_export($lang_translator_save, true);
            $sql = "UPDATE `" . NV_LANGUAGE_GLOBALTABLE . "_file` SET `author_" . $dirlang . "` = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($author) . "' WHERE `idfile` = '" . $idfile . "'";
        $temp_lang = array();
        switch ($langtype) {
            case 'lang_global':
                $temp_lang = $lang_global;
            case 'lang_module':
                $temp_lang = $lang_module;
            case 'lang_block':
                $temp_lang = $lang_block;
        $result = $db->sql_query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `" . NV_LANGUAGE_GLOBALTABLE . "_file`");
        $add_field = true;
        $array_lang_key = array();
        $array_lang_value = array();
        while ($row = $db->sql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
            if (substr($row['Field'], 0, 7) == "author_" and $row['Field'] != "author_" . $dirlang) {
                $array_lang_key[] = str_replace("author_", "lang_", $row['Field']);
                $array_lang_value[] = "";
        $string_lang_key = implode("`, `", $array_lang_key);
        $string_lang_value = "";
        if ($string_lang_key != "") {
            $string_lang_key = ", `" . $string_lang_key . "`";
            $string_lang_value = implode("', '", $array_lang_value);
            $string_lang_value = ", '" . $string_lang_value . "'";
        $read_type = intval($global_config['read_type']);
        while (list($lang_key, $lang_value) = each($temp_lang)) {
            $check_type_update = false;
            $lang_key = trim($lang_key);
            $lang_value = nv_nl2br($lang_value);
            $lang_value = str_replace('<br  />', '<br />', $lang_value);
            $lang_value = str_replace('<br />', '<br />', $lang_value);
            if ($read_type == 0 or $read_type == 1) {
                $sql = "INSERT INTO `" . NV_LANGUAGE_GLOBALTABLE . "` (`id`, `idfile`, `lang_key`, `lang_" . $dirlang . "`, `update_" . $dirlang . "` " . $string_lang_key . ") VALUES (NULL, '" . $idfile . "', '" . mysql_real_escape_string($lang_key) . "', '" . mysql_real_escape_string($lang_value) . "',  UNIX_TIMESTAMP( ) " . $string_lang_value . ")";
                if (!$db->sql_query_insert_id($sql) and $read_type == 0) {
                    $check_type_update = true;
            if ($read_type == 2 or $check_type_update) {
                $sql = "UPDATE `" . NV_LANGUAGE_GLOBALTABLE . "` SET `lang_" . $dirlang . "` = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($lang_value) . "',  `update_" . $dirlang . "` =  UNIX_TIMESTAMP( ) WHERE `idfile` = '" . $idfile . "' AND `lang_key` = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($lang_key) . "' LIMIT 1";
        $lang_module = $lang_module_temp;
        return "";
    } else {
        $include_lang = "";
        return $lang_module['nv_error_exit_module'] . " : " . $module;
コード例 #16
		FROM ' . TABLE_PHOTO_NAME . '_category  
		WHERE category_id=' . $data['category_id'])->fetch();
        $caption = $lang_module['category_edit'];
    } else {
        $caption = $lang_module['category_add'];
    if ($nv_Request->get_int('save', 'post') == 1) {
        $data['category_id'] = $nv_Request->get_int('category_id', 'post', 0);
        $data['parentid_old'] = $nv_Request->get_int('parentid_old', 'post', 0);
        $data['parent_id'] = $nv_Request->get_int('parent_id', 'post', 0);
        $data['inhome'] = $nv_Request->get_int('inhome', 'post', 0);
        $data['status'] = $nv_Request->get_int('status', 'post', 0);
        $data['name'] = nv_substr($nv_Request->get_title('name', 'post', '', ''), 0, 255);
        $data['alias'] = nv_substr($nv_Request->get_title('alias', 'post', '', ''), 0, 255);
        $description = $nv_Request->get_string('description', 'post', '');
        $data['description'] = defined('NV_EDITOR') ? nv_nl2br($description, '') : nv_nl2br(nv_htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($description)), '<br />');
        $data['meta_title'] = nv_substr($nv_Request->get_title('meta_title', 'post', '', ''), 0, 255);
        $data['meta_description'] = nv_substr($nv_Request->get_title('meta_description', 'post', '', ''), 0, 255);
        $data['meta_keyword'] = nv_substr($nv_Request->get_title('meta_keyword', 'post', '', ''), 0, 255);
        $data['layout'] = nv_substr($nv_Request->get_title('layout', 'post', '', ''), 0, 255);
        if (empty($data['name'])) {
            $error['name'] = $lang_module['category_error_name'];
        if (!empty($error) && !isset($error['warning'])) {
            $error['warning'] = $lang_module['category_error_warning'];
        $_groups_post = $nv_Request->get_array('groups_view', 'post', array());
        $data['groups_view'] = !empty($_groups_post) ? implode(',', nv_groups_post(array_intersect($_groups_post, array_keys($groups_list)))) : '';
        $stmt = $db->prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . TABLE_PHOTO_NAME . '_category WHERE category_id !=' . $data['category_id'] . ' AND alias= :alias');
        $stmt->bindParam(':alias', $data['alias'], PDO::PARAM_STR);
コード例 #17
ファイル: write.php プロジェクト: atarubi/nuke-viet
 * nv_admin_write_lang()
 * @param mixed $dirlang
 * @param mixed $idfile
 * @return error write file
function nv_admin_write_lang($dirlang, $idfile)
    global $db, $language_array, $global_config, $include_lang, $lang_module, $array_lang_exit, $array_lang_no_check;
    list($module, $admin_file, $langtype, $author_lang) = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT `module`, `admin_file`, `langtype`, `author_" . $dirlang . "` FROM `" . NV_LANGUAGE_GLOBALTABLE . "_file` WHERE `idfile` ='" . intval($idfile) . "'"));
    if (!empty($dirlang) and !empty($module)) {
        if (empty($author_lang)) {
            $array_translator = array();
            $array_translator['author'] = "";
            $array_translator['createdate'] = "";
            $array_translator['copyright'] = "";
            $array_translator['info'] = "";
            $array_translator['langtype'] = $langtype;
        } else {
            eval('$array_translator = ' . $author_lang . ';');
        $include_lang = "";
        $modules_exit = nv_scandir(NV_ROOTDIR . "/modules", $global_config['check_module']);
        if ($module == "global" and preg_match("/^block\\.global\\.([a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\_]+)\$/", $admin_file)) {
            $include_lang = NV_ROOTDIR . "/language/" . $dirlang . "/" . $admin_file . ".php";
        } elseif (in_array($module, $modules_exit) and preg_match("/^block\\.(global|module)\\.([a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\_]+)\$/", $admin_file)) {
            $include_lang = NV_ROOTDIR . "/modules/" . $module . "/language/" . $admin_file . "_" . $dirlang . ".php";
        } elseif (in_array($module, $modules_exit) and $admin_file == 1) {
            $include_lang = NV_ROOTDIR . "/modules/" . $module . "/language/admin_" . $dirlang . ".php";
        } elseif (in_array($module, $modules_exit) and $admin_file == 0) {
            $include_lang = NV_ROOTDIR . "/modules/" . $module . "/language/" . $dirlang . ".php";
        } elseif ($module == "global" and $admin_file == 1) {
            $include_lang = NV_ROOTDIR . "/language/" . $dirlang . "/admin_" . $module . ".php";
        } elseif ($module == "global" and $admin_file == 0) {
            $include_lang = NV_ROOTDIR . "/language/" . $dirlang . "/" . $module . ".php";
        } elseif ($module == "install" and $admin_file == 0) {
            $include_lang = NV_ROOTDIR . "/language/" . $dirlang . "/" . $module . ".php";
        } else {
            $admin_file = 1;
            $include_lang = NV_ROOTDIR . "/language/" . $dirlang . "/admin_" . $module . ".php";
        if ($include_lang == "") {
            return $lang_module['nv_error_write_module'] . " : " . $module;
        } else {
            if (preg_match("/^(0?\\d|[1-2]{1}\\d|3[0-1]{1})[\\-\\/\\.]{1}(0?\\d|1[0-2]{1})[\\-\\/\\.]{1}(19[\\d]{2}|20[\\d]{2})[\\-\\/\\.\\,\\s]{2}(0?\\d|[1]{1}\\d|2[0-4]{1})[\\-\\/\\.\\:]{1}([0-5]?[0-9])\$/", $array_translator['createdate'], $m)) {
                $createdate = mktime($m[4], $m[5], 0, $m[2], $m[1], $m[3]);
            } elseif (preg_match("/^(0?\\d|[1-2]{1}\\d|3[0-1]{1})[\\-\\/\\.]{1}(0?\\d|1[0-2]{1})[\\-\\/\\.]{1}(19[\\d]{2}|20[\\d]{2})\$/", $array_translator['createdate'], $m)) {
                $createdate = mktime(0, 0, 0, $m[2], $m[1], $m[3]);
            } else {
                $createdate = time();
            $content_lang_no_tran = "";
            $content_lang = "<?php\n\n";
            $content_lang .= "/**\n";
            $content_lang .= "* @Project NUKEVIET 3.x\n";
            $content_lang .= "* @Author VINADES.,JSC (contact@vinades.vn)\n";
            $content_lang .= "* @Copyright (C) " . date("Y") . " VINADES.,JSC. All rights reserved\n";
            $content_lang .= "* @Language " . $language_array[$dirlang]['name'] . "\n";
            $content_lang .= "* @Createdate " . gmdate("M d, Y, h:i:s A", $createdate) . "\n";
            $content_lang .= "*/\n";
            if ($admin_file) {
                $content_lang .= "\nif( ! defined( 'NV_ADMIN' ) or ! defined( 'NV_MAINFILE' ) ) ";
            } else {
                $content_lang .= "\nif( ! defined( 'NV_MAINFILE' ) ) ";
            $content_lang .= " die( 'Stop!!!' );\n\n";
            $array_translator['info'] = isset($array_translator['info']) ? $array_translator['info'] : "";
            $content_lang .= "\$lang_translator['author'] = '" . $array_translator['author'] . "';\n";
            $content_lang .= "\$lang_translator['createdate'] = '" . $array_translator['createdate'] . "';\n";
            $content_lang .= "\$lang_translator['copyright'] = '" . $array_translator['copyright'] . "';\n";
            $content_lang .= "\$lang_translator['info'] = '" . $array_translator['info'] . "';\n";
            $content_lang .= "\$lang_translator['langtype'] = '" . $array_translator['langtype'] . "';\n";
            $content_lang .= "\n";
            $content_lang_no_check = "";
            $numrows = 0;
            if (in_array("vi", $array_lang_exit) and in_array("en", $array_lang_exit) and $dirlang != "vi" and $dirlang != "en") {
                $sql = "SELECT `lang_key`, `lang_vi`, `lang_en`, `lang_" . $dirlang . "`, `update_" . $dirlang . "` FROM `" . NV_LANGUAGE_GLOBALTABLE . "` WHERE `idfile`='" . $idfile . "' ORDER BY `id` ASC";
                $result = $db->sql_query($sql);
                while (list($lang_key, $lang_value_vi, $lang_value_en, $lang_value, $update_time) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) {
                    if ($lang_value != "") {
                        $lang_value = nv_unhtmlspecialchars($lang_value);
                        $lang_value = str_replace("\\'", "'", $lang_value);
                        $lang_value = str_replace("'", "\\'", $lang_value);
                        $lang_value = nv_nl2br($lang_value);
                        $lang_value = str_replace('<br  />', '<br />', $lang_value);
                        $content_temp = "\$" . $langtype . "['" . $lang_key . "'] = '{$lang_value}';\n";
                        $content_temp .= "/*\n";
                        if ($dirlang != "vi" and !empty($lang_value_vi)) {
                            $lang_value_vi = nv_unhtmlspecialchars($lang_value_vi);
                            $lang_value_vi = str_replace("\\'", "'", $lang_value_vi);
                            $lang_value_vi = str_replace("'", "\\'", $lang_value_vi);
                            $lang_value_vi = nv_nl2br($lang_value_vi);
                            $lang_value_vi = str_replace('<br  />', '<br />', $lang_value_vi);
                            $content_temp .= "\t vietnam:\t  " . $lang_value_vi . "\n";
                        if ($dirlang != "en" and !empty($lang_value_en)) {
                            $lang_value_en = nv_unhtmlspecialchars($lang_value_en);
                            $lang_value_en = str_replace("\\'", "'", $lang_value_en);
                            $lang_value_en = str_replace("'", "\\'", $lang_value_en);
                            $lang_value_en = nv_nl2br($lang_value_en);
                            $lang_value_en = str_replace('<br  />', '<br />', $lang_value_en);
                            $content_temp .= "\t english:\t  " . $lang_value_en . "\n";
                        $content_temp .= "*/\n\n";
                        if ($update_time > 0) {
                            $content_lang .= $content_temp;
                        } else {
                            $content_lang_no_check .= $content_temp;
                if (!empty($content_lang_no_check)) {
                    $content_lang .= "\n\n/*---------------------------------------- Language untested ----------------------------------------------*/\n";
                    $content_lang .= $content_lang_no_check;
                    $array_lang_no_check[] = $include_lang;
            } else {
                $sql = "SELECT `lang_key`, `lang_" . $dirlang . "` FROM `" . NV_LANGUAGE_GLOBALTABLE . "` WHERE `idfile`='" . $idfile . "' ORDER BY `id` ASC";
                $result = $db->sql_query($sql);
                while (list($lang_key, $lang_value) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) {
                    if ($lang_value != "") {
                        $lang_value = nv_unhtmlspecialchars($lang_value);
                        $lang_value = str_replace("\\'", "'", $lang_value);
                        $lang_value = str_replace("'", "\\'", $lang_value);
                        $lang_value = nv_nl2br($lang_value);
                        $lang_value = str_replace('<br  />', '<br />', $lang_value);
                        $content_lang .= "\$" . $langtype . "['" . $lang_key . "'] = '{$lang_value}';\n";
            if ($numrows) {
                $content_lang .= "\n";
                $content_lang .= "?>";
                $number_bytes = file_put_contents($include_lang, $content_lang, LOCK_EX);
                if (empty($number_bytes)) {
                    $errfile = str_replace(NV_ROOTDIR, "", str_replace('\\', '/', $include_lang));
                    return $lang_module['nv_error_write_file'] . " : " . $errfile;
        return "";
    } else {
        return $lang_module['nv_error_exit_module'] . " : " . $module;
コード例 #18
ファイル: edit_plan.php プロジェクト: nukeplus/nuke
 $title = nv_htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($nv_Request->get_string('title', 'post', '')));
 $description = defined('NV_EDITOR') ? $nv_Request->get_string('description', 'post', '') : strip_tags($nv_Request->get_string('description', 'post', ''));
 $form = $nv_Request->get_string('form', 'post', 'sequential');
 if (!in_array($form, $forms)) {
     $form = 'sequential';
 $width = $nv_Request->get_int('width', 'post', 0);
 $height = $nv_Request->get_int('height', 'post', 0);
 if (empty($title)) {
     $error = $lang_module['title_empty'];
 } elseif ($width < 50 or $height < 50) {
     $error = $lang_module['size_incorrect'];
 } else {
     if (!empty($description)) {
         $description = defined('NV_EDITOR') ? nv_nl2br($description, '') : nv_nl2br(nv_htmlspecialchars($description), '<br />');
     list($blang_old, $form_old) = $db->query('SELECT blang, form FROM ' . NV_BANNERS_GLOBALTABLE . '_plans WHERE id=' . intval($id))->fetch(3);
     $stmt = $db->prepare('UPDATE ' . NV_BANNERS_GLOBALTABLE . '_plans SET blang= :blang, title= :title, description= :description, form= :form, width=' . $width . ', height=' . $height . ' WHERE id=' . $id);
     $stmt->bindParam(':blang', $blang, PDO::PARAM_STR);
     $stmt->bindParam(':title', $title, PDO::PARAM_STR);
     $stmt->bindParam(':description', $description, PDO::PARAM_STR);
     $stmt->bindParam(':form', $form, PDO::PARAM_STR);
     if ($form_old != $form or $blang_old != $blang) {
     nv_insert_logs(NV_LANG_DATA, $module_name, 'log_edit_plan', 'planid ' . $id, $admin_info['userid']);
     Header('Location: ' . NV_BASE_ADMINURL . 'index.php?' . NV_LANG_VARIABLE . '=' . NV_LANG_DATA . '&' . NV_NAME_VARIABLE . '=' . $module_name . '&' . NV_OP_VARIABLE . '=info_plan&id=' . $id);
コード例 #19
ファイル: write.php プロジェクト: nukeviet/nukeviet
 * nv_admin_write_lang()
 * @param mixed $dirlang
 * @param mixed $idfile
 * @return error write file
function nv_admin_write_lang($dirlang, $idfile)
    global $db, $language_array, $global_config, $include_lang, $lang_module, $array_lang_exit, $array_lang_no_check;
    list($module, $admin_file, $langtype, $author_lang) = $db->query('SELECT module, admin_file, langtype, author_' . $dirlang . ' FROM ' . NV_LANGUAGE_GLOBALTABLE . '_file WHERE idfile =' . intval($idfile))->fetch(3);
    if (!empty($dirlang) and !empty($module)) {
        if (empty($author_lang)) {
            $array_translator = array();
            $array_translator['author'] = '';
            $array_translator['createdate'] = '';
            $array_translator['copyright'] = '';
            $array_translator['info'] = '';
            $array_translator['langtype'] = $langtype;
        } else {
            eval('$array_translator = ' . $author_lang . ';');
        $include_lang = '';
        $modules_exit = nv_scandir(NV_ROOTDIR . '/modules', $global_config['check_module']);
        if ($module == 'global' and preg_match('/^block\\.global\\.([a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\_]+)$/', $admin_file)) {
            $include_lang = NV_ROOTDIR . '/includes/language/' . $dirlang . '/' . $admin_file . '.php';
        } elseif (in_array($module, $modules_exit) and preg_match('/^block\\.(global|module)\\.([a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\_]+)$/', $admin_file)) {
            $include_lang = NV_ROOTDIR . '/modules/' . $module . '/language/' . $admin_file . '_' . $dirlang . '.php';
        } elseif (in_array($module, $modules_exit) and $admin_file == 1) {
            $include_lang = NV_ROOTDIR . '/modules/' . $module . '/language/admin_' . $dirlang . '.php';
        } elseif (in_array($module, $modules_exit) and $admin_file == 0) {
            $include_lang = NV_ROOTDIR . '/modules/' . $module . '/language/' . $dirlang . '.php';
        } elseif ($module == 'global' and $admin_file == 1) {
            $include_lang = NV_ROOTDIR . '/includes/language/' . $dirlang . '/admin_' . $module . '.php';
        } elseif ($module == 'global' and $admin_file == 0) {
            $include_lang = NV_ROOTDIR . '/includes/language/' . $dirlang . '/' . $module . '.php';
        } elseif ($module == 'install' and $admin_file == 0) {
            $include_lang = NV_ROOTDIR . '/includes/language/' . $dirlang . '/' . $module . '.php';
        } else {
            $admin_file = 1;
            $include_lang = NV_ROOTDIR . '/includes/language/' . $dirlang . '/admin_' . $module . '.php';
        if ($include_lang == '') {
            return $lang_module['nv_error_write_module'] . ' : ' . $module;
        } else {
            if (preg_match('/^(0?\\d|[1-2]{1}\\d|3[0-1]{1})[\\-\\/\\.]{1}(0?\\d|1[0-2]{1})[\\-\\/\\.]{1}(19[\\d]{2}|20[\\d]{2})[\\-\\/\\.\\,\\s]{2}(0?\\d|[1]{1}\\d|2[0-4]{1})[\\-\\/\\.\\:]{1}([0-5]?[0-9])$/', $array_translator['createdate'], $m)) {
                $createdate = mktime($m[4], $m[5], 0, $m[2], $m[1], $m[3]);
            } elseif (preg_match('/^(0?\\d|[1-2]{1}\\d|3[0-1]{1})[\\-\\/\\.]{1}(0?\\d|1[0-2]{1})[\\-\\/\\.]{1}(19[\\d]{2}|20[\\d]{2})$/', $array_translator['createdate'], $m)) {
                $createdate = mktime(0, 0, 0, $m[2], $m[1], $m[3]);
            } else {
                $createdate = time();
            $content_lang_no_tran = '';
            $content_lang = "<?php\n\n";
            $content_lang .= "/**\n";
            $content_lang .= "* @Project NUKEVIET 4.x\n";
            $content_lang .= "* @Author VINADES.,JSC (contact@vinades.vn)\n";
            $content_lang .= "* @Copyright (C) " . date("Y") . " VINADES.,JSC. All rights reserved\n";
            $content_lang .= "* @Language " . $language_array[$dirlang]['name'] . "\n";
            $content_lang .= "* @License CC BY-SA (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/)\n";
            $content_lang .= "* @Createdate " . gmdate("M d, Y, h:i:s A", $createdate) . "\n";
            $content_lang .= "*/\n";
            if ($admin_file) {
                $content_lang .= "\nif (! defined('NV_ADMIN') or ! defined('NV_MAINFILE')) {";
            } else {
                $content_lang .= "\nif (! defined('NV_MAINFILE')) {";
            $content_lang .= "\n    die( 'Stop!!!' );\n}\n\n";
            $array_translator['info'] = isset($array_translator['info']) ? $array_translator['info'] : "";
            $content_lang .= "\$lang_translator['author'] = '" . $array_translator['author'] . "';\n";
            $content_lang .= "\$lang_translator['createdate'] = '" . $array_translator['createdate'] . "';\n";
            $content_lang .= "\$lang_translator['copyright'] = '" . $array_translator['copyright'] . "';\n";
            $content_lang .= "\$lang_translator['info'] = '" . $array_translator['info'] . "';\n";
            $content_lang .= "\$lang_translator['langtype'] = '" . $array_translator['langtype'] . "';\n";
            $content_lang .= "\n";
            $content_lang_no_check = '';
            $numrows = 0;
            if (in_array('vi', $array_lang_exit) and in_array('en', $array_lang_exit) and $dirlang != 'vi' and $dirlang != 'en') {
                $result = $db->query('SELECT lang_key, lang_vi, lang_en, lang_' . $dirlang . ', update_' . $dirlang . ' FROM ' . NV_LANGUAGE_GLOBALTABLE . ' WHERE idfile=' . $idfile . ' ORDER BY id ASC');
                while (list($lang_key, $lang_value_vi, $lang_value_en, $lang_value, $update_time) = $result->fetch(3)) {
                    if ($lang_value != '') {
                        $lang_value = nv_unhtmlspecialchars($lang_value);
                        $lang_value = str_replace("\\'", "'", $lang_value);
                        $lang_value = str_replace("'", "\\'", $lang_value);
                        $lang_value = nv_nl2br($lang_value);
                        $lang_value = str_replace('<br />', '<br />', $lang_value);
                        $content_temp = "\$" . $langtype . "['" . $lang_key . "'] = '{$lang_value}';\n";
                        if ($update_time > 0) {
                            $content_lang .= $content_temp;
                        } else {
                            $content_lang_no_check .= $content_temp;
                if (!empty($content_lang_no_check)) {
                    $content_lang .= "\n\n/*---------------------------------------- Language untested ----------------------------------------------*/\n";
                    $content_lang .= $content_lang_no_check;
                    $array_lang_no_check[] = $include_lang;
            } else {
                $result = $db->query('SELECT lang_key, lang_' . $dirlang . ' FROM ' . NV_LANGUAGE_GLOBALTABLE . ' WHERE idfile=' . $idfile . ' ORDER BY id ASC');
                while (list($lang_key, $lang_value) = $result->fetch(3)) {
                    if ($lang_value != '') {
                        $lang_value = nv_unhtmlspecialchars($lang_value);
                        $lang_value = str_replace("\\'", "'", $lang_value);
                        $lang_value = str_replace("'", "\\'", $lang_value);
                        $lang_value = nv_nl2br($lang_value);
                        $lang_value = str_replace('<br />', '<br />', $lang_value);
                        $content_lang .= "\$" . $langtype . "['" . $lang_key . "'] = '" . $lang_value . "';\n";
            if ($numrows) {
                $number_bytes = file_put_contents($include_lang, trim($content_lang), LOCK_EX);
                if (empty($number_bytes)) {
                    $errfile = str_replace(NV_ROOTDIR, '', str_replace('\\', '/', $include_lang));
                    return $lang_module['nv_error_write_file'] . ' : ' . $errfile;
        return '';
    } else {
        return $lang_module['nv_error_exit_module'] . ' : ' . $module;
コード例 #20
ファイル: content.php プロジェクト: NukeVietCMS/CodeWeb
     } else {
         $rowcontent['homeimgthumb'] = 2;
 } elseif (nv_is_url($rowcontent['homeimgfile'])) {
     $rowcontent['homeimgthumb'] = 3;
 } else {
     $rowcontent['homeimgfile'] = '';
 if (!array_key_exists($rowcontent['imgposition'], $array_imgposition)) {
     $rowcontent['imgposition'] = 1;
 if (!array_key_exists($rowcontent['topicid'], $array_topic_module)) {
     $rowcontent['topicid'] = 0;
 $bodyhtml = $nv_Request->get_string('bodyhtml', 'post', '');
 $rowcontent['bodyhtml'] = defined('NV_EDITOR') ? nv_nl2br($bodyhtml, '') : nv_nl2br(nv_htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($bodyhtml)), '<br />');
 $rowcontent['keywords'] = $nv_Request->get_title('keywords', 'post', '', 1);
 if (empty($rowcontent['title'])) {
     $error = $lang_module['error_title'];
 } elseif (empty($rowcontent['listcatid'])) {
     $error = $lang_module['error_cat'];
 } elseif (trim(strip_tags($rowcontent['bodyhtml'])) == '') {
     $error = $lang_module['error_bodytext'];
 } elseif (!nv_capcha_txt($fcode)) {
     $error = $lang_module['error_captcha'];
 } else {
     if ($array_post_user['postcontent'] && $nv_Request->isset_request('status1', 'post')) {
         $rowcontent['status'] = 1;
     } elseif ($nv_Request->isset_request('status0', 'post')) {
         $rowcontent['status'] = 5;
     } elseif ($nv_Request->isset_request('status4', 'post')) {
コード例 #21
    $url = $nv_Request->get_string('url', 'post', '');
    $is_myurl = $nv_Request->get_int('is_myurl', 'post', 0);
    if (empty($url)) {
    $url = rawurldecode($url);
    if ($is_myurl) {
        $url = substr($url, strlen(NV_BASE_SITEURL));
        $url = NV_ROOTDIR . '/' . $url;
        if (!file_exists($url)) {
    } else {
        $url = trim($url);
        $url = nv_nl2br($url, '<br />');
        $url = explode('<br />', $url);
        $url = array_map('trim', $url);
        foreach ($url as $l) {
            if (!empty($l)) {
                if (!nv_is_url($l)) {
                if (!nv_check_url($l)) {
コード例 #22
$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
unset($sql, $result);
$row['error'] = "";
$row['action'] = nv_url_rewrite(NV_BASE_SITEURL . "index.php?" . NV_LANG_VARIABLE . "=" . NV_LANG_DATA . "&amp;" . NV_NAME_VARIABLE . "=" . $module_name . "&amp;" . NV_OP_VARIABLE . "=reportlink-" . $row['alias'] . "-" . $id, true);
$row['id'] = $id;
if ($id) {
    $check = false;
    if ($submit and $report_id) {
        $sql = "SELECT `type` FROM `" . NV_PREFIXLANG . "_" . $module_data . "_report` WHERE `id`='" . $report_id . "'";
        $result = $db->sql_query($sql);
        $rows = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
        $report = $nv_Request->get_int('report', 'post');
        $report_note = filter_text_input('report_note', 'post', '', 1, 255);
        $row['report_note'] = $report_note;
        if ($report == 0 and empty($report_note)) {
            $row['error'] = $lang_module['error'];
        } elseif (!empty($report_note) and !isset($report_note[9])) {
            $row['error'] = $lang_module['error_word_min'];
        } elseif ($rows['type'] == $report) {
            $check = true;
        } else {
            $report_note = nv_nl2br($report_note);
            $sql = "INSERT INTO `" . NV_PREFIXLANG . "_" . $module_data . "_report` (`id`, `type`, `report_time`, `report_userid`, `report_ip`, `report_browse_key`, `report_browse_name`, `report_os_key`, `report_os_name`, `report_note`) VALUE ('" . $report_id . "', '" . $report . "', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), '0', " . $db->dbescape_string($client_info['ip']) . ", " . $db->dbescape_string($client_info['browser']['key']) . ", " . $db->dbescape_string($client_info['browser']['name']) . ", " . $db->dbescape_string($client_info['client_os']['key']) . ", " . $db->dbescape_string($client_info['client_os']['name']) . ", " . $db->dbescape_string($report_note) . ")";
            $check = $db->sql_query($sql);
    $contents = call_user_func("report", $row, $check);
} else {
    die("you don't permission to access!!!");
コード例 #23
ファイル: vmodule.php プロジェクト: nukeviet/nukeviet
        $array_site_cat_module = explode(',', $_module);
$title = $note = $modfile = $error = '';
$modules_site = nv_scandir(NV_ROOTDIR . '/modules', $global_config['check_module']);
if ($nv_Request->get_title('checkss', 'post') == NV_CHECK_SESSION) {
    $title = $nv_Request->get_title('title', 'post', '', 1);
    $modfile = $nv_Request->get_title('module_file', 'post', '', 1);
    $note = $nv_Request->get_title('note', 'post', '', 1);
    $title = strtolower(change_alias($title));
    $modules_admin = nv_scandir(NV_ROOTDIR . '/' . NV_ADMINDIR, $global_config['check_module']);
    $error = $lang_module['vmodule_exit'];
    if (!empty($title) and !empty($modfile) and !in_array($title, $modules_site) and !in_array($title, $modules_admin) and preg_match($global_config['check_module'], $title) and preg_match($global_config['check_module'], $modfile)) {
        $version = '';
        $author = '';
        $note = nv_nl2br($note, '<br />');
        $module_data = preg_replace('/(\\W+)/i', '_', $title);
        if (empty($array_site_cat_module) or in_array($modfile, $array_site_cat_module)) {
            try {
                $sth = $db->prepare('INSERT INTO ' . $db_config['prefix'] . '_setup_extensions (type, title, is_sys, is_virtual, basename, table_prefix, version, addtime, author, note) VALUES ( \'module\', :title, 0, 0, :basename, :table_prefix, :version, ' . NV_CURRENTTIME . ', :author, :note)');
                $sth->bindParam(':title', $title, PDO::PARAM_STR);
                $sth->bindParam(':basename', $modfile, PDO::PARAM_STR);
                $sth->bindParam(':table_prefix', $module_data, PDO::PARAM_STR);
                $sth->bindParam(':version', $version, PDO::PARAM_STR);
                $sth->bindParam(':author', $author, PDO::PARAM_STR);
                $sth->bindParam(':note', $note, PDO::PARAM_STR);
                if ($sth->execute()) {
                    nv_insert_logs(NV_LANG_DATA, $module_name, $lang_module['vmodule_add'] . ' ' . $module_data, '', $admin_info['userid']);
                    Header('Location: ' . NV_BASE_ADMINURL . 'index.php?' . NV_LANG_VARIABLE . '=' . NV_LANG_DATA . '&' . NV_NAME_VARIABLE . '=' . $module_name . '&' . NV_OP_VARIABLE . '=setup&setmodule=' . $title . '&checkss=' . md5($title . NV_CHECK_SESSION));
コード例 #24
 $sql = "UPDATE `" . NV_AUTHORS_GLOBALTABLE . "` SET `edittime`=" . NV_CURRENTTIME . ",  `is_suspend`=" . $new_suspend . ", `susp_reason`=" . $db->dbescape(serialize($susp_reason)) . " WHERE `admin_id`=" . $admin_id;
 if ($db->sql_query($sql)) {
     if (!empty($sendmail)) {
         $title = sprintf($lang_module['suspend_sendmail_title'], $global_config['site_name']);
         $my_sig = !empty($admin_info['sig']) ? $admin_info['sig'] : "All the best";
         $my_mail = $admin_info['view_mail'] ? $admin_info['email'] : $global_config['site_email'];
         if ($new_suspend) {
             $message = sprintf($lang_module['suspend_sendmail_mess1'], $global_config['site_name'], nv_date("d/m/Y H:i", NV_CURRENTTIME), $new_reason, $my_mail);
         } else {
             $message = sprintf($lang_module['suspend_sendmail_mess0'], $global_config['site_name'], nv_date("d/m/Y H:i", NV_CURRENTTIME), $last_reason['info']);
         $message = trim($message);
         $mess = $message;
         $mess .= "\r\n\r\n............................\r\n\r\n";
         $mess .= nv_EncString($message);
         $mess = nv_nl2br($mess, "<br />");
         $xtpl = new XTemplate("message.tpl", NV_ROOTDIR . "/themes/" . $global_config['admin_theme'] . "/system");
         $xtpl->assign('SITE_CHARSET', $global_config['site_charset']);
         $xtpl->assign('SITE_NAME', $global_config['site_name']);
         $xtpl->assign('SITE_SLOGAN', $global_config['site_description']);
         $xtpl->assign('SITE_EMAIL', $global_config['site_email']);
         $xtpl->assign('SITE_FONE', $global_config['site_phone']);
         $xtpl->assign('SITE_URL', $global_config['site_url']);
         $xtpl->assign('TITLE', $title);
         $xtpl->assign('CONTENT', $mess);
         $xtpl->assign('AUTHOR_SIG', $my_sig);
         $xtpl->assign('AUTHOR_NAME', $admin_info['username']);
         $xtpl->assign('AUTHOR_POS', $admin_info['position']);
         $xtpl->assign('AUTHOR_EMAIL', $my_mail);
         $content = $xtpl->text('main');
コード例 #25
ファイル: cat.php プロジェクト: nukeplus/shops
    if (preg_match('/^cat\\_form\\_([a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\_]+)\\.tpl$/', $_form, $m)) {
        $cat_form_exit[] = $m[1];
if (!empty($savecat)) {
    $field_lang = nv_file_table($table_name);
    $data['catid'] = $nv_Request->get_int('catid', 'post', 0);
    $data['typeprice'] = $nv_Request->get_int('typeprice', 'post', 2);
    $data['parentid_old'] = $nv_Request->get_int('parentid_old', 'post', 0);
    $data['parentid'] = $nv_Request->get_int('parentid', 'post', 0);
    $data['title'] = nv_substr($nv_Request->get_title('title', 'post', '', 1), 0, 255);
    $data['title_custom'] = nv_substr($nv_Request->get_title('title_custom', 'post', '', 1), 0, 255);
    $data['keywords'] = nv_substr($nv_Request->get_title('keywords', 'post', '', 1), 0, 255);
    $data['alias'] = nv_substr($nv_Request->get_title('alias', 'post', '', 1), 0, 255);
    $data['description'] = $nv_Request->get_string('description', 'post', '');
    $data['description'] = nv_nl2br(nv_htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($data['description'])), '<br />');
    $data['descriptionhtml'] = $nv_Request->get_editor('descriptionhtml', '', NV_ALLOWED_HTML_TAGS);
    $data['viewdescriptionhtml'] = $nv_Request->get_int('viewdescriptionhtml', 'post', 0);
    $data['cat_allow_point'] = $nv_Request->get_int('cat_allow_point', 'post', 0);
    $data['cat_number_point'] = $nv_Request->get_int('cat_number_point', 'post', 0);
    $data['cat_number_product'] = $nv_Request->get_int('cat_number_product', 'post', 0);
    $data['alias'] = $data['alias'] == '' ? change_alias($data['title']) : change_alias($data['alias']);
    // Cat mo ta cho chinh xac
    if (strlen($data['description']) > 255) {
        $data['description'] = nv_clean60($data['description'], 250);
    $_groups_post = $nv_Request->get_array('groups_view', 'post', array());
    $data['groups_view'] = !empty($_groups_post) ? implode(',', nv_groups_post(array_intersect($_groups_post, array_keys($groups_list)))) : '';
    if ($data['title'] == '') {
        $error = $lang_module['error_cat_name'];
コード例 #26
 $alias = filter_text_input('alias', 'post', '', 1);
 $parentid = $nv_Request->get_int('parentid', 'post', 0);
 $alias = $alias == "" ? change_alias($title) : change_alias($alias);
 $url = filter_text_input('url', 'post', '');
 $image = filter_text_input('image', 'post', '');
 if (!nv_is_url($image) and file_exists(NV_DOCUMENT_ROOT . $image)) {
     $lu = strlen(NV_BASE_SITEURL . NV_UPLOADS_DIR . "/");
     if (substr($image, 0, $lu) == NV_BASE_SITEURL . NV_UPLOADS_DIR . "/") {
         $image = substr($image, $lu);
 $admin_phone = "";
 $admin_email = "";
 $note = "";
 $description = filter_text_textarea('description', '', NV_ALLOWED_HTML_TAGS);
 $description = defined('NV_EDITOR') ? nv_editor_nl2br($description) : nv_nl2br($description, '<br />');
 $status = $nv_Request->get_int('status', 'post') == 1 ? 1 : 0;
 //check url
 if (empty($url) || !nv_is_url($url) || !check_url($id, $url)) {
     $error = $lang_module['error_url'];
 } elseif (empty($title)) {
     $error = $lang_module['error_title'];
 } elseif (strip_tags($description) == "") {
     $error = $lang_module['error_description'];
 } else {
     if ($id > 0) {
         $query = "UPDATE `" . NV_PREFIXLANG . "_" . $module_data . "_rows` SET `catid`=" . $catid . ", `title`=" . $db->dbescape($title) . ", `alias` =  " . $db->dbescape($alias) . ", `url` =  " . $db->dbescape($url) . ", `urlimg` =  " . $db->dbescape($image) . ", `description`=" . $db->dbescape($description) . ", `edit_time` = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), `status`=" . $status . " WHERE `id` =" . $id . "";
         if ($db->sql_affectedrows() > 0) {
             nv_insert_logs(NV_LANG_DATA, $module_name, 'log_edit_content', "id " . $id, $admin_info['userid']);
             Header("Location: " . NV_BASE_ADMINURL . "index.php?" . NV_NAME_VARIABLE . "=" . $module_name . "");
コード例 #27
     $value = strip_tags($value, $allowed_html_tags);
     $value = nv_nl2br($value, '<br />');
     if ($row_f['match_type'] == 'regex') {
         if (!preg_match("/" . $row_f['match_regex'] . "/", $value)) {
             $error = sprintf($lang_module['field_match_type_error'], $row_f['title']);
     } elseif ($row_f['match_type'] == 'callback') {
         if (function_exists($row_f['func_callback'])) {
             if (!call_user_func($row_f['func_callback'], $value)) {
                 $error = sprintf($lang_module['field_match_type_error'], $row_f['title']);
         } else {
             $error = "error function not exists " . $row_f['func_callback'];
     $value = $row_f['question_type'] == 'textarea' ? nv_nl2br($value, '<br />') : nv_editor_nl2br($value);
     $strlen = nv_strlen($value);
     if ($strlen < $row_f['min_length'] or $strlen > $row_f['max_length']) {
         $error = sprintf($lang_module['field_min_max_error'], $row_f['title'], $row_f['min_length'], $row_f['max_length']);
 } elseif ($row_f['question_type'] == 'checkbox' or $row_f['question_type'] == 'multiselect') {
     $temp_value = array();
     $row_f['question_choices'] = unserialize($row_f['question_choices']);
     foreach ($value as $value_i) {
         if (isset($row_f['question_choices'][$value_i])) {
             $temp_value[] = $value_i;
     $value = implode(',', $temp_value);
 } elseif ($row_f['question_type'] == 'select' or $row_f['question_type'] == 'radio') {
     $row_f['question_choices'] = unserialize($row_f['question_choices']);
コード例 #28
ファイル: main.php プロジェクト: syphuonglam/creative-portal
     list($is_exists) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
 if (empty($array['title'])) {
     $is_error = true;
     $error = $lang_module['faq_error_title'];
 } elseif ($is_exists) {
     $is_error = true;
     $error = $lang_module['faq_title_exists'];
 } elseif (empty($array['question'])) {
     $is_error = true;
     $error = $lang_module['faq_error_question'];
 } elseif (empty($array['answer'])) {
     $is_error = true;
     $error = $lang_module['faq_error_answer'];
 } else {
     $array['question'] = nv_nl2br($array['question'], "<br />");
     $array['answer'] = nv_editor_nl2br($array['answer']);
     if (defined('IS_EDIT')) {
         if ($array['catid'] != $row['catid']) {
             $sql = "SELECT MAX(weight) AS new_weight FROM `" . NV_PREFIXLANG . "_" . $module_data . "` WHERE `catid`=" . $array['catid'];
             $result = $db->sql_query($sql);
             list($new_weight) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
             $new_weight = (int) $new_weight;
         } else {
             $new_weight = $row['weight'];
         $sql = "UPDATE `" . NV_PREFIXLANG . "_" . $module_data . "` SET \r\n                `catid`=" . $array['catid'] . ", \r\n                `title`=" . $db->dbescape($array['title']) . ", \r\n                `alias`=" . $db->dbescape($alias) . ", \r\n                `question`=" . $db->dbescape($array['question']) . ", \r\n                `answer`=" . $db->dbescape($array['answer']) . ", \r\n                `weight`=" . $new_weight . " \r\n                WHERE `id`=" . $id;
         $result = $db->sql_query($sql);
         if (!$result) {
             $is_error = true;
コード例 #29
if (!defined('NV_IS_FILE_ADMIN')) {
$page_title = $lang_module['playlists'];
$error = '';
$savecat = 0;
list($playlist_id, $title, $alias, $description, $image, $keywords, $status, $private_mode) = array(0, '', '', '', '', '', 1, 1);
$savecat = $nv_Request->get_int('savecat', 'post', 0);
if (!empty($savecat)) {
    $playlist_id = $nv_Request->get_int('playlist_id', 'post', 0);
    $title = $nv_Request->get_title('title', 'post', '', 1);
    $keywords = $nv_Request->get_title('keywords', 'post', '', 1);
    $alias = $nv_Request->get_title('alias', 'post', '');
    $description = $nv_Request->get_string('description', 'post', '');
    $description = nv_nl2br(nv_htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($description)), '<br/>');
    $alias = $alias == '' ? change_alias($title) : change_alias($alias);
    $status = $nv_Request->get_int('status', 'post', 0);
    $private_mode = $nv_Request->get_int('private_mode', 'post', 0);
    $image = $nv_Request->get_string('image', 'post', '');
    if (is_file(NV_DOCUMENT_ROOT . $image)) {
        $lu = strlen(NV_BASE_SITEURL . NV_UPLOADS_DIR . '/' . $module_upload . '/img/');
        $image = substr($image, $lu);
    } else {
        $image = '';
    if (empty($title)) {
        $error = $lang_module['error_name'];
    } elseif ($playlist_id == 0) {
        $weight = $db->query("SELECT max(weight) FROM " . NV_PREFIXLANG . "_" . $module_data . "_playlist_cat")->fetchColumn();
        $weight = intval($weight) + 1;
コード例 #30
     $error = $lang_module['file_error_title'];
 } elseif ($is_exists) {
     $is_error = true;
     $error = $lang_module['file_title_exists'];
 } elseif (!empty($array['author_email']) and ($check_valid_email = nv_check_valid_email($array['author_email'])) != '') {
     $is_error = true;
     $error = $check_valid_email;
 } elseif (!empty($array['author_url']) and !nv_is_url($array['author_url'])) {
     $is_error = true;
     $error = $lang_module['file_error_author_url'];
 } elseif (empty($array['fileupload']) and empty($array['linkdirect']) and empty($array['fileupload2'])) {
     $is_error = true;
     $error = $lang_module['file_error_fileupload'];
 } else {
     $alias = change_alias($array['title']);
     $array['introtext'] = nv_nl2br($array['introtext'], '<br />');
     if ($row['user_id']) {
         $array['user_name'] = $row['user_name'];
     if (!empty($array['fileupload2'])) {
         $array['fileupload'] = $array['fileupload2'];
     } elseif (!empty($array['fileupload'])) {
         $fileupload = $array['fileupload'];
         $array['fileupload'] = array();
         foreach ($fileupload as $file) {
             $file = NV_UPLOADS_DIR . $file;
             $newfile = basename($file);
             if (preg_match('/(.*)(\\.[a-zA-Z0-9]{32})(\\.[a-zA-Z]+)$/', $newfile, $m)) {
                 $newfile = $m[1] . $m[3];
             $newfile2 = $newfile;