<?php } ?> </td><td> <input type="text" name="invoice_invoice_payment[<?php echo $invoice_payment_id; ?> ][method]" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($invoice_payment_data['method']); ?> " size="20"> </td> <td nowrap=""> <?php echo '<input type="text" name="invoice_invoice_payment[' . $invoice_payment_id . '][amount]" value="' . number_out($invoice_payment_data['amount']) . '" id="' . $invoice_payment_id . 'invoice_paymentamount" class="currency">'; ?> <?php echo print_select_box(get_multiple('currency', '', 'currency_id'), 'invoice_invoice_payment[' . $invoice_payment_id . '][currency_id]', $invoice_payment_data['currency_id'], '', false, 'code'); ?> </td> <td> <?php $notes = ''; $details = false; if (isset($invoice_payment_data['data']) && $invoice_payment_data['data']) { $details = @unserialize($invoice_payment_data['data']); if ($details && isset($details['custom_notes'])) { $notes = $details['custom_notes'];
public static function save_invoice($invoice_id, $data) { if (!(int) $invoice_id && isset($data['job_id']) && $data['job_id']) { $linkedjob = module_job::get_job($data['job_id']); $data['currency_id'] = $linkedjob['currency_id']; $data['customer_id'] = $linkedjob['customer_id']; } if ($invoice_id) { // used when working out the hourly rate fix below $original_invoice_data = self::get_invoice($invoice_id); } else { $original_invoice_data = 0; } $invoice_id = update_insert("invoice_id", $invoice_id, "invoice", $data); if ($invoice_id) { module_cache::clear('invoice'); // save the invoice tax rates (copied to finance.php) if (isset($data['tax_ids']) && isset($data['tax_names']) && $data['tax_percents']) { $existing_taxes = get_multiple('invoice_tax', array('invoice_id' => $invoice_id), 'invoice_tax_id', 'exact', 'order'); $order = 1; foreach ($data['tax_ids'] as $key => $val) { if (isset($data['tax_percents'][$key]) && $data['tax_percents'][$key] == 0) { // we are not saving this particular tax item because it has a 0% tax rate } else { if ((int) $val > 0 && isset($existing_taxes[$val])) { // this means we are trying to update an existing record on the invoice_tax table, we confirm this id matches this invoice. $invoice_tax_id = $val; unset($existing_taxes[$invoice_tax_id]); // so we know which ones to remove from the end. } else { $invoice_tax_id = false; // create new record } $invoice_tax_data = array('invoice_id' => $invoice_id, 'percent' => isset($data['tax_percents'][$key]) ? $data['tax_percents'][$key] : 0, 'amount' => 0, 'name' => isset($data['tax_names'][$key]) ? $data['tax_names'][$key] : 'TAX', 'order' => $order++, 'increment' => isset($data['tax_increment_checkbox']) && $data['tax_increment_checkbox'] ? 1 : 0); $invoice_tax_id = update_insert('invoice_tax_id', $invoice_tax_id, 'invoice_tax', $invoice_tax_data); } } foreach ($existing_taxes as $existing_tax) { delete_from_db('invoice_tax', array('invoice_id', 'invoice_tax_id'), array($invoice_id, $existing_tax['invoice_tax_id'])); } } $invoice_data = self::get_invoice($invoice_id); if (!$invoice_data) { set_error('No permissions to access invoice.'); return $invoice_id; } // check for new invoice_items or changed invoice_items. $invoice_items = self::get_invoice_items($invoice_id, $invoice_data); if (isset($data['invoice_invoice_item']) && is_array($data['invoice_invoice_item'])) { foreach ($data['invoice_invoice_item'] as $invoice_item_id => $invoice_item_data) { $invoice_item_id = (int) $invoice_item_id; if (!is_array($invoice_item_data)) { continue; } if ($invoice_item_id > 0 && !isset($invoice_items[$invoice_item_id])) { continue; } // wrong invoice_item save - will never happen. if (!isset($invoice_item_data['description']) || $invoice_item_data['description'] == '') { if ($invoice_item_id > 0) { // remove invoice_item. $sql = "DELETE FROM `" . _DB_PREFIX . "invoice_item` WHERE invoice_item_id = '{$invoice_item_id}' AND invoice_id = {$invoice_id} LIMIT 1"; query($sql); } continue; } // add / save this invoice_item. $invoice_item_data['invoice_id'] = $invoice_id; // what type of task is this? $invoice_task_type = isset($invoice_item_data['manual_task_type']) && $invoice_item_data['manual_task_type'] >= 0 ? $invoice_item_data['manual_task_type'] : $invoice_data['default_task_type']; $invoice_item_data['hours_mins'] = 0; if (isset($invoice_item_data['hours']) && $invoice_task_type == _TASK_TYPE_HOURS_AMOUNT) { } if (isset($invoice_item_data['hours']) && $invoice_task_type == _TASK_TYPE_HOURS_AMOUNT && function_exists('decimal_time_in')) { $invoice_item_data['hours'] = decimal_time_in($invoice_item_data['hours']); if (strpos($invoice_item_data['hours'], ':') !== false) { $invoice_item_data['hours_mins'] = str_replace(":", ".", $invoice_item_data['hours']); } } else { if (isset($invoice_item_data['hours']) && strlen($invoice_item_data['hours'])) { $invoice_item_data['hours'] = number_in($invoice_item_data['hours']); } else { $invoice_item_data['hours'] = 0; } } // number formatting //print_r($invoice_item_data); if (isset($invoice_item_data['hourly_rate']) && strlen($invoice_item_data['hourly_rate'])) { $invoice_item_data['hourly_rate'] = number_in($invoice_item_data['hourly_rate'], module_config::c('task_amount_decimal_places', -1)); } //print_r($invoice_item_data);exit; // somenew hacks here to support out new method of creating an item. // the 'amount' column is never edited any more // this column is now always automatically calculated based on // 'hours' and 'hourly_rate' if (!isset($invoice_item_data['amount'])) { if ($invoice_task_type == _TASK_TYPE_AMOUNT_ONLY) { // ignore the quantity field all together. $invoice_item_data['amount'] = $invoice_item_data['hourly_rate']; $invoice_item_data['hourly_rate'] = 0; } else { if (isset($invoice_item_data['hourly_rate']) && strlen($invoice_item_data['hourly_rate']) > 0) { // if we have inputted an hourly rate (ie: not left empty) if (isset($invoice_item_data['hours']) && strlen($invoice_item_data['hours']) == 0) { // no hours entered (eg: empty) so we treat whatever was in 'hourly_rate' as the amount $invoice_item_data['amount'] = $invoice_item_data['hourly_rate']; } else { if (isset($invoice_item_data['hours']) && strlen($invoice_item_data['hours']) > 0) { // hours inputted, along with hourly rate. work out the new amount. $invoice_item_data['amount'] = round($invoice_item_data['hours'] * $invoice_item_data['hourly_rate'], module_config::c('currency_decimal_places', 2)); } } } } } if ($invoice_task_type == _TASK_TYPE_HOURS_AMOUNT) { if ($invoice_item_data['hourly_rate'] == $invoice_data['hourly_rate'] || isset($original_invoice_data['hourly_rate']) && $invoice_item_data['hourly_rate'] == $original_invoice_data['hourly_rate']) { $invoice_item_data['hourly_rate'] = -1; } } // remove the amount of it equals the hourly rate. /*if(isset($invoice_item_data['amount']) && isset($invoice_item_data['hours']) && $invoice_item_data['amount'] > 0 && $invoice_item_data['hours'] > 0){ if($invoice_item_data['amount'] - ($invoice_item_data['hours'] * $data['hourly_rate']) == 0){ unset($invoice_item_data['amount']); } }*/ // check if we haven't unticked a non-hourly invoice_item /*if(isset($invoice_item_data['completed_t']) && $invoice_item_data['completed_t'] && !isset($invoice_item_data['completed'])){ $invoice_item_data['completed'] = 0; }*/ if (!isset($invoice_item_data['taxable_t'])) { $invoice_item_data['taxable'] = module_config::c('task_taxable_default', 1); } else { if (isset($invoice_item_data['taxable_t']) && $invoice_item_data['taxable_t'] && !isset($invoice_item_data['taxable'])) { $invoice_item_data['taxable'] = 0; } } if (!strlen($invoice_item_data['hours'])) { $invoice_item_data['hours'] = 0; } $invoice_item_data['hourly_rate'] = number_out($invoice_item_data['hourly_rate'], false, module_config::c('task_amount_decimal_places', -1)); $invoice_item_data['hours'] = number_out($invoice_item_data['hours']); $invoice_item_data['amount'] = number_out($invoice_item_data['amount']); update_insert('invoice_item_id', $invoice_item_id, 'invoice_item', $invoice_item_data); } } $last_payment_time = 0; if (isset($data['invoice_invoice_payment']) && is_array($data['invoice_invoice_payment'])) { foreach ($data['invoice_invoice_payment'] as $invoice_payment_id => $invoice_payment_data) { $invoice_payment_id = (int) $invoice_payment_id; if (!is_array($invoice_payment_data)) { continue; } if (isset($invoice_payment_data['amount'])) { $invoice_payment_data['amount'] = number_in($invoice_payment_data['amount']); // toggle between 'normal' and 'refund' payment types if (isset($invoice_payment_data['payment_type'])) { if ($invoice_payment_data['amount'] < 0 && $invoice_payment_data['payment_type'] == _INVOICE_PAYMENT_TYPE_NORMAL) { // this is a refund. $invoice_payment_data['payment_type'] = _INVOICE_PAYMENT_TYPE_REFUND; } else { if ($invoice_payment_data['payment_type'] == _INVOICE_PAYMENT_TYPE_REFUND) { $invoice_payment_data['payment_type'] = _INVOICE_PAYMENT_TYPE_NORMAL; } } } } // check this invoice payment actually matches this invoice. $invoice_payment_data_existing = false; if ($invoice_payment_id > 0) { $invoice_payment_data_existing = get_single('invoice_payment', array('invoice_payment_id', 'invoice_id'), array($invoice_payment_id, $invoice_id)); if (!$invoice_payment_data_existing || $invoice_payment_data_existing['invoice_payment_id'] != $invoice_payment_id || $invoice_payment_data_existing['invoice_id'] != $invoice_id) { $invoice_payment_id = 0; $invoice_payment_data_existing = false; } } if (!isset($invoice_payment_data['amount']) || $invoice_payment_data['amount'] == '' || $invoice_payment_data['amount'] == 0) { // || $invoice_payment_data['amount'] <= 0 if ($invoice_payment_id > 0) { // if this is a customer credit payment, return that back to the customer account. if ($invoice_payment_data_existing && $invoice_data['customer_id']) { switch ($invoice_payment_data_existing['payment_type']) { case _INVOICE_PAYMENT_TYPE_CREDIT: module_customer::add_credit($invoice_data['customer_id'], $invoice_payment_data_existing['amount'], 'Refunded credit from invoice payment'); break; } } // remove invoice_payment. $sql = "DELETE FROM `" . _DB_PREFIX . "invoice_payment` WHERE invoice_payment_id = '{$invoice_payment_id}' AND invoice_id = {$invoice_id} LIMIT 1"; query($sql); // delete any existing transactions from the system as well. hook_handle_callback('invoice_payment_deleted', $invoice_payment_id, $invoice_id); } continue; } if (!$invoice_payment_id && (!isset($_REQUEST['add_payment']) || $_REQUEST['add_payment'] != 'go')) { continue; // not saving a new one. } // add / save this invoice_payment. $invoice_payment_data['invoice_id'] = $invoice_id; // $invoice_payment_data['currency_id'] = $invoice_data['currency_id']; $last_payment_time = max($last_payment_time, strtotime(input_date($invoice_payment_data['date_paid']))); if (isset($invoice_payment_data['custom_notes'])) { $details = @unserialize($invoice_payment_data['data']); if (!is_array($details)) { $details = array(); } $details['custom_notes'] = $invoice_payment_data['custom_notes']; $invoice_payment_data['data'] = serialize($details); } $invoice_payment_data['amount'] = number_out($invoice_payment_data['amount']); update_insert('invoice_payment_id', $invoice_payment_id, 'invoice_payment', $invoice_payment_data); } } if (!$last_payment_time) { $last_payment_time = strtotime(date('Y-m-d')); } // check if the invoice has been paid module_cache::clear('invoice'); //module_cache::clear_cache(); // this helps fix the bug where part payments are not caulcated a correct paid date. $invoice_data = self::get_invoice($invoice_id); if (!$invoice_data) { set_error('No permissions to access invoice.'); return $invoice_id; } if ((!$invoice_data['date_paid'] || $invoice_data['date_paid'] == '0000-00-00') && $invoice_data['total_amount_due'] <= 0 && ($invoice_data['total_amount_paid'] > 0 || $invoice_data['discount_amount'] > 0) && (!$invoice_data['date_cancel'] || $invoice_data['date_cancel'] == '0000-00-00')) { // find the date of the last payment history. // if the sent date is null also update that. $date_sent = $invoice_data['date_sent']; if (!$date_sent || $date_sent == '0000-00-00') { $date_sent = date('Y-m-d', $last_payment_time); } update_insert("invoice_id", $invoice_id, "invoice", array('date_paid' => date('Y-m-d', $last_payment_time), 'date_sent' => $date_sent, 'status' => _l('Paid'))); // hook for our ticketing plugin to mark a priority support ticket as paid. // or anything else down the track. module_cache::clear('invoice'); handle_hook('invoice_paid', $invoice_id); if (module_config::c('invoice_automatic_receipt', 1)) { // send receipt to customer. self::email_invoice_to_customer($invoice_id); } } if ($invoice_data['total_amount_due'] > 0) { // update the status to unpaid. update_insert("invoice_id", $invoice_id, "invoice", array('date_paid' => '', 'status' => $invoice_data['status'] == _l('Paid') ? module_config::s('invoice_status_default', 'New') : $invoice_data['status'])); } if (class_exists('module_extra', false) && module_extra::is_plugin_enabled()) { module_extra::save_extras('invoice', 'invoice_id', $invoice_id); } if ($invoice_data['customer_id']) { //module_cache::clear_cache(); module_cache::clear('invoice'); module_customer::update_customer_status($invoice_data['customer_id']); } hook_handle_callback('invoice_saved', $invoice_id, $invoice_data); } module_cache::clear('invoice'); module_cache::clear('job'); return $invoice_id; }
echo $hours_value !== false ? $hours_value : '-'; } } } if ($show_split_hours) { echo '<br/>'; if ($task_data['staff_hours'] == 0 && $task_data['manual_task_type'] == _TASK_TYPE_AMOUNT_ONLY) { // only amount, no hours or qty } else { // are the logged hours different to the billed hours? // are we completed too? if ($task_data['staff_hours'] != 0) { if ($task_data['manual_task_type'] == _TASK_TYPE_HOURS_AMOUNT && function_exists('decimal_time_out')) { $hours_value = decimal_time_out($task_data['staff_hours']); } else { $hours_value = number_out($task_data['staff_hours'], true); } } else { $hours_value = false; } if ($percentage == 1 && $task_data['completed'] < $task_data['staff_hours']) { echo '<span class="">'; echo $hours_value !== false ? $hours_value : '-'; echo '</span>'; } else { if ($percentage == 1 && $task_data['completed'] > $task_data['staff_hours']) { echo '<span class="">'; echo $hours_value !== false ? $hours_value : '-'; echo '</span>'; } else { echo $hours_value !== false ? $hours_value : '-';
?> </td> </tr> <tr> <th> <?php _e('Payment Amount'); ?> </th> <td> <?php if (module_config::c('invoice_allow_payment_amount_adjustment', 1)) { echo currency('<input type="text" name="payment_amount" value="' . number_out($invoice['total_amount_due']) . '" class="currency">', true, $invoice['currency_id']); } else { echo dollar($invoice['total_amount_due'], true, $invoice['currency_id']); echo '<input type="hidden" name="payment_amount" value="' . number_out($invoice['total_amount_due']) . '">'; } ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <input type="submit" name="pay" value="<?php _e('Make Payment'); ?> " class="submit_button save_button"> </td> </tr> </tbody>
_h('The default is hourly rate + amount. This will show the "Hours" column along with an "Amount" column. Inputing a number of hours will auto complete the price based on the job hourly rate. <br>Quantity and Amount will allow you to input a Quantity (eg: 2) and an Amount (eg: $100) and the final price will be $200 (Quantity x Amount). The last option "Amount Only" will just have the amount column for manual input of price. Change the advanced setting "default_task_type" between 0, 1 and 2 to change the default here.'); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <th> <?php _e('Discount Amount'); ?> </th> <td> <?php echo !module_security::is_page_editable() ? '<span class="currency">' . dollar($job['discount_amount'], true, $job['currency_id']) . '</span>' : currency('<input type="text" name="discount_amount" value="' . number_out($job['discount_amount']) . '" class="currency">'); ?> <?php _h('Here you can apply a before tax discount to this job. You can name this anything, eg: DISCOUNT, CREDIT, REFUND, etc..'); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <th> <?php _e('Discount Name'); ?> </th>
public function process() { $errors = array(); if (isset($_REQUEST['butt_del']) && $_REQUEST['butt_del'] && $_REQUEST['job_id']) { $data = self::get_job($_REQUEST['job_id']); if (module_form::confirm_delete('job_id', _l("Really delete job: %s", $data['name']), self::link_open($_REQUEST['job_id']))) { $this->delete_job($_REQUEST['job_id']); set_message("job deleted successfully"); redirect_browser($this->link_open(false)); } } else { if ("ajax_job_list" == $_REQUEST['_process']) { $customer_id = isset($_REQUEST['customer_id']) ? (int) $_REQUEST['customer_id'] : 0; $res = module_job::get_jobs(array('customer_id' => $customer_id)); $options = array(); foreach ($res as $row) { $options[$row['job_id']] = $row['name']; } echo json_encode($options); exit; } else { if ("ajax_create_invoice" == $_REQUEST['_process']) { $job_id = (int) $_REQUEST['job_id']; $job = self::get_job($job_id, true); $job_tasks = self::get_tasks($job_id); if (!$job || $job['job_id'] != $job_id) { exit; } // no permissions. if (!module_invoice::can_i('create', 'Invoices')) { exit; } // no permissions ob_start(); ?> <p><?php _e('Please select which tasks to generate an invoice for:'); ?> </p> <ul> <?php foreach ($job['uninvoiced_task_ids'] as $task_id) { if (isset($job_tasks[$task_id])) { ?> <li> <input type="checkbox" id="invoice_create_task_<?php echo $task_id; ?> " data-taskid="<?php echo $task_id; ?> " class="invoice_create_task" name="invoice_task_id[<?php echo $task_id; ?> ]" value="1" <?php echo $job_tasks[$task_id]['fully_completed'] ? 'checked' : ''; ?> > <label for="invoice_create_task_<?php echo $task_id; ?> "> (#<?php echo $job_tasks[$task_id]['task_order']; ?> ) <?php echo htmlspecialchars($job_tasks[$task_id]['description']); ?> </label> </li> <?php } } ?> </ul> <?php $html = ob_get_clean(); echo $html; exit; } else { if ("ajax_task" == $_REQUEST['_process']) { // we are requesting editing a task. $job_id = (int) $_REQUEST['job_id']; $job = self::get_job($job_id, true); $job_tasks = self::get_tasks($job_id); if (!$job || $job['job_id'] != $job_id) { exit; } // no permissions. if (!self::can_i('edit', 'Job Tasks')) { exit; } // no permissions if (isset($_REQUEST['toggle_completed'])) { $task_id = (int) $_REQUEST['task_id']; $task_data = $job_tasks[$task_id]; $result = array(); if ($task_data && $task_data['job_id'] == $job_id) { if ($task_data['invoiced'] && $task_data['fully_completed']) { // dont allow to 'uncompleted' fully completed invoice tasks } else { // it is editable. $task_data['fully_completed_t'] = 1; $task_data['fully_completed'] = $task_data['fully_completed'] ? 0 : 1; // save a single job task $this->save_job_tasks($job_id, array('job_task' => array($task_id => $task_data))); $result['success'] = 1; $result['job_id'] = $job_id; $result['task_id'] = $task_id; $result['message'] = $task_data['fully_completed'] ? _l('Task marked as complete') : _l('Task marked as incomplete'); $email_status = self::send_job_task_email($job_id, $result['task_id'], 'toggle'); if ($email_status !== false) { $result['message'] .= is_array($email_status) && isset($email_status['message']) ? $email_status['message'] : _l(' and email sent to customer'); } } } echo json_encode($result); exit; } else { if (isset($_REQUEST['delete_task_log_id']) && (int) $_REQUEST['delete_task_log_id'] > 0) { $task_id = (int) $_REQUEST['task_id']; $task_log_id = (int) $_REQUEST['delete_task_log_id']; $sql = "DELETE FROM `" . _DB_PREFIX . "task_log` WHERE task_id = '{$task_id}' AND task_log_id = '{$task_log_id}' LIMIT 1"; query($sql); echo 'done'; } else { if (isset($_REQUEST['update_task_order'])) { // updating the task orders for this task.. $task_order = (array) $_REQUEST['task_order']; foreach ($task_order as $task_id => $new_order) { if ((int) $new_order > 0 && isset($job_tasks[$task_id])) { update_insert('task_id', $task_id, 'task', array('task_order' => (int) $new_order)); } } echo 'done'; } else { $task_id = (int) $_REQUEST['task_id']; $task_data = $job_tasks[$task_id]; $task_editable = !$task_data['invoiced']; $job_task_creation_permissions = module_job::get_job_task_creation_permissions(); // todo - load this select box in via javascript from existing one on page. $staff_members = module_user::get_staff_members(); $staff_member_rel = array(); foreach ($staff_members as $staff_member) { $staff_member_rel[$staff_member['user_id']] = $staff_member['name']; } // new different formats for job data. $task_data['manual_task_type_real'] = $task_data['manual_task_type']; if ((!isset($task_data['manual_task_type']) || $task_data['manual_task_type'] < 0) && isset($job['default_task_type'])) { // use the job task type $task_data['manual_task_type'] = $job['default_task_type']; } $percentage = self::get_percentage($task_data); if (isset($_REQUEST['get_preview'])) { $after_task_id = $task_id; // this will put it right back where it started. $previous_task_id = 0; $job_tasks = self::get_tasks($job_id); $show_hours_summary = false; foreach ($job_tasks as $k => $v) { if ($v['manual_task_type'] < 0) { $job_tasks[$k]['manual_task_type'] = $job['default_task_type']; } if ($job_tasks[$k]['manual_task_type'] == _TASK_TYPE_HOURS_AMOUNT) { $show_hours_summary = true; } } foreach ($job_tasks as $k => $v) { // find out where this new task position is! if ($k == $task_id) { $after_task_id = $previous_task_id; break; } $previous_task_id = $k; } $create_invoice_button = ''; //if($job['total_amount_invoicable'] > 0 && module_invoice::can_i('create','Invoices')){ if (count($job['uninvoiced_task_ids']) && module_invoice::can_i('create', 'Invoices')) { //href="'.module_invoice::link_generate('new',array('arguments'=>array( 'job_id' => $job_id, ))).'" $create_invoice_button = '<a class="submit_button save_button uibutton job_generate_invoice_button" onclick="return ucm.job.generate_invoice();">' . _l('Create Invoice') . '</a>'; } $result = array('task_id' => $task_id, 'after_task_id' => $after_task_id, 'html' => self::generate_task_preview($job_id, $job, $task_id, $task_data), 'summary_html' => self::generate_job_summary($job_id, $job, $show_hours_summary), 'create_invoice_button' => $create_invoice_button); echo json_encode($result); } else { $show_task_numbers = module_config::c('job_show_task_numbers', 1) && $job['auto_task_numbers'] != 2; ob_start(); include 'pages/ajax_task_edit.php'; $result = array('task_id' => $task_id, 'hours' => isset($_REQUEST['hours']) ? (double) $_REQUEST['hours'] : 0, 'html' => ob_get_clean()); echo json_encode($result); } } } } exit; } else { if ("save_job_tasks_ajax" == $_REQUEST['_process']) { // do everything via ajax. trickery! // dont bother saving the job. it's already created. $job_id = (int) $_REQUEST['job_id']; $job_data = self::get_job($job_id); if (!$job_id || !$job_data || $job_data['job_id'] != $job_id) { set_error('Permission denied'); exit; } $result = $this->save_job_tasks($job_id, $_POST); $job_data = self::get_job($job_id, false); //if(!$job_data || $job_data['job_id'] != $job_id) $new_status = self::update_job_completion_status($job_id); $new_status = addcslashes(htmlspecialchars($new_status), "'"); //module_cache::clear_cache(); $new_job_data = self::get_job($job_id, false); // we now have to edit the parent DOM to reflect these changes. // what were we doing? adding a new task? editing an existing task? switch ($result['status']) { case 'created': // we added a new task. // add a new task to the bottom (OR MID WAY!) through the task list. if ((int) $result['task_id'] > 0) { // support for job task completion email. $email_status = self::send_job_task_email($job_id, $result['task_id'], 'created'); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> parent.refresh_task_preview(<?php echo (int) $result['task_id']; ?> ); parent.clear_create_form(); parent.ucm.add_message('<?php _e('New task created successfully'); echo is_array($email_status) && isset($email_status['message']) ? $email_status['message'] : ($email_status ? _l(' and email sent to customer') : ''); ?> '); parent.ucm.display_messages(true); <?php if ($job_data['status'] != $new_status) { ?> parent.jQuery('#status').val('<?php echo $new_status; ?> ').change();<?php } ?> <?php if ($new_job_data['date_completed'] != $job_data['date_completed']) { ?> parent.jQuery('#date_completed').val('<?php echo print_date($new_job_data['date_completed']); ?> ').change();<?php } ?> </script> <?php } else { set_error('New task creation failed.'); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> top.location.href = '<?php echo $this->link_open($_REQUEST['job_id']); ?> &added=true'; </script> <?php } break; case 'deleted': // we deleted a task. set_message('Task removed successfully'); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> top.location.href = '<?php echo $this->link_open($_REQUEST['job_id']); ?> '; <?php if ($job_data['status'] != $new_status) { ?> parent.jQuery('#status').val('<?php echo $new_status; ?> ').change();<?php } ?> </script> <?php break; case 'error': set_error('Something happened while trying to save a task. Unknown error.'); // something happened, refresh the parent browser frame ?> <script type="text/javascript"> top.location.href = '<?php echo $this->link_open($_REQUEST['job_id']); ?> '; </script> <?php break; case 'edited': // we changed a task (ie: completed?); // update this task above. if ((int) $result['task_id'] > 0) { $email_status = self::send_job_task_email($job_id, $result['task_id'], 'edited'); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> parent.canceledittask(); //parent.refresh_task_preview(<?php echo (int) $result['task_id']; ?> ); parent.ucm.add_message('<?php _e('Task saved successfully'); echo is_array($email_status) && isset($email_status['message']) ? $email_status['message'] : ($email_status ? _l(' and email sent to customer') : ''); ?> '); parent.ucm.display_messages(true); <?php if ($job_data['status'] != $new_status) { ?> parent.jQuery('#status').val('<?php echo $new_status; ?> ').change();<?php } ?> <?php if ($new_job_data['date_completed'] != $job_data['date_completed']) { ?> parent.jQuery('#date_completed').val('<?php echo print_date($new_job_data['date_completed']); ?> ').change();<?php } ?> </script> <?php } else { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> parent.canceledittask(); parent.ucm.add_error('<?php _e('Unable to save task'); ?> '); parent.ucm.display_messages(true); <?php if ($job_data['status'] != $new_status) { ?> parent.jQuery('#status').val('<?php echo $new_status; ?> ').change();<?php } ?> </script> <?php } break; default: ?> <script type="text/javascript"> parent.ucm.add_error('<?php _e('Unable to save task. Please check required fields.'); ?> '); parent.ucm.display_messages(true); </script> <?php break; } exit; } else { if ("save_job" == $_REQUEST['_process']) { $job_id = (int) $_REQUEST['job_id']; if ((int) $job_id > 0) { $original_job_data = self::get_job($job_id, false); if (!$original_job_data || $original_job_data['job_id'] != $job_id) { $original_job_data = array(); $job_id = false; } } else { $original_job_data = array(); $job_id = false; } // check create permissions. if (!$job_id && !self::can_i('create', 'Jobs')) { // user not allowed to create jobs. set_error('Unable to create new Jobs'); redirect_browser(self::link_open(false)); } else { if ($job_id && !self::can_i('edit', 'Jobs')) { // user not allowed to create jobs. set_error('Unable to edit Jobs'); redirect_browser(self::link_open(false)); } } $job_id = $this->save_job($job_id, $_POST); // look for the new tasks flag. if (isset($_REQUEST['default_task_list_id']) && isset($_REQUEST['default_tasks_action'])) { switch ($_REQUEST['default_tasks_action']) { case 'insert_default': if ((int) $_REQUEST['default_task_list_id'] > 0) { $default = self::get_default_task($_REQUEST['default_task_list_id']); $task_data = $default['task_data']; $new_task_data = array('job_task' => array()); foreach ($task_data as $task) { $task['job_id'] = $job_id; if ($task['date_due'] && $task['date_due'] != '0000-00-00') { $diff_time = strtotime($task['date_due']) - $task['saved_time']; $task['date_due'] = date('Y-m-d', time() + $diff_time); } $new_task_data['job_task'][] = $task; } $this->save_job_tasks($job_id, $new_task_data); } break; case 'save_default': $new_default_name = trim($_REQUEST['default_task_list_id']); if ($new_default_name != '') { // time to save it! $task_data = self::get_tasks($job_id); $cached_task_data = array(); foreach ($task_data as $task) { unset($task['task_id']); unset($task['date_done']); unset($task['invoice_id']); unset($task['task_order']); unset($task['create_user_id']); unset($task['update_user_id']); unset($task['date_created']); unset($task['date_updated']); $task['saved_time'] = time(); $cached_task_data[] = $task; /*$cached_task_data[] = array( 'hours' => $task['hours'], 'amount' => $task['amount'], 'billable' => $task['billable'], 'fully_completed' => $task['fully_completed'], 'description' => $task['description'], 'long_description' => $task['long_description'], 'date_due' => $task['date_due'], 'user_id' => $task['user_id'], 'approval_required' => $task['approval_required'], 'task_order' => $task['task_order'], 'saved_time' => time(), );*/ } self::save_default_tasks((int) $_REQUEST['default_task_list_id'], $new_default_name, $cached_task_data); unset($task_data); } break; } } // check if we are generating any renewals if (isset($_REQUEST['generate_renewal']) && $_REQUEST['generate_renewal'] > 0) { $new_job_id = $this->renew_job($job_id); set_message("Job renewed successfully"); redirect_browser($this->link_open($new_job_id)); } if (isset($_REQUEST['butt_create_deposit']) && isset($_REQUEST['job_deposit']) && $_REQUEST['job_deposit'] > 0) { if (strpos($_REQUEST['job_deposit'], '%') !== false) { $job_data = module_job::get_job($job_id); $percent = (int) str_replace('%', '', $_REQUEST['job_deposit']); $_REQUEST['job_deposit'] = number_out($job_data['total_amount'] * ($percent / 100)); } // create an invoice for this job. $url = module_invoice::link_generate('new', array('arguments' => array('job_id' => $job_id, 'as_deposit' => 1, 'amount_due' => number_in($_REQUEST['job_deposit']), 'description' => str_replace('{JOB_NAME}', $_POST['name'], module_config::c('job_deposit_text', 'Deposit for job: {JOB_NAME}'))))); redirect_browser($url); } set_message("Job saved successfully"); redirect_browser(isset($_REQUEST['_redirect']) && !empty($_REQUEST['_redirect']) ? $_REQUEST['_redirect'] : $this->link_open($job_id)); } } } } } } if (!count($errors)) { redirect_browser($_REQUEST['_redirect']); exit; } print_error($errors, true); }
<input type="hidden" name="job_task[<?php echo $task_id; ?> ][completed]" value="<?php echo $task_data['completed']; ?> "> <br/> <?php // show a log of any existing hours against this task. $task_logs = module_job::get_task_log($task_id); foreach ($task_logs as $task_log) { if (function_exists('decimal_time_out')) { $hours_value = decimal_time_out($task_log['hours']); } else { $hours_value = number_out($task_log['hours'], true); } echo _l('%s hrs <span class="text_shrink">%s</a> - <span class="text_shrink">%s</span>', $hours_value, print_date($task_log['log_time'], true), $staff_member_rel[$task_log['create_user_id']]); ?> <a href="#" class="error_text" onclick="return delete_task_hours(<?php echo $task_id; ?> ,<?php echo $task_log['task_log_id']; ?> );">x</a> <?php echo '<br/>'; } } ?> </div>
<?php if (!isset($search['type']) || $search['type'] == 'ie' || $search['type'] == 'e') { ?> <th id="sort_debit"><?php _e('Sub-Total'); ?> </th> <?php if (isset($available_debit_taxes[$currency_id])) { foreach ($available_debit_taxes[$currency_id] as $tax_percent => $tf) { ?> <th id="sort_debit_tax"><?php _e('Tax %s%%', number_out($tax_percent, true)); ?> </th> <?php } } ?> <th id="sort_debit_total"><?php _e('Total'); ?> </th> <?php } ?>
$row_replace['item_date'] .= print_date($task['date_done']); }else{ // check if quote has a date. if(isset($quote['date_create']) && $quote['date_create'] != '0000-00-00'){ $row_replace['item_date'] .= print_date($quote['date_create']); } } } }*/ if ($quote_item_data['manual_task_type'] == _TASK_TYPE_AMOUNT_ONLY) { $row_replace['item_qty_or_hours'] = '-'; } else { if ($quote_item_data['manual_task_type'] == _TASK_TYPE_HOURS_AMOUNT && function_exists('decimal_time_out')) { $hours_value = decimal_time_out($quote_item_data['hours']); } else { $hours_value = number_out($quote_item_data['hours'], true); } $row_replace['item_qty_or_hours'] = $hours_value ? $hours_value : '-'; } if ($quote_item_data['task_hourly_rate'] != 0) { $row_replace['item_amount_or_rate'] = dollar($quote_item_data['task_hourly_rate'], true, $quote['currency_id'], $task_decimal_places_trim, $task_decimal_places); } else { $row_replace['item_amount_or_rate'] = '-'; } $row_replace['item_total'] = dollar($quote_item_data['quote_item_amount'], true, $quote['currency_id']); // taxes per item if (isset($quote_item_data['taxes']) && is_array($quote_item_data['taxes']) && $quote_item_data['taxable'] && class_exists('module_finance', false)) { // this passes off the tax calculation to the 'finance' class, which modifies 'amount' to match the amount of tax applied here. $this_taxes = module_finance::sanatise_taxes($quote_item_data['taxes'], $quote_item_data['quote_item_amount']); $this_taxes_amounts = array(); $this_taxes_rates = array();
if (true || $job['total_sub_amount'] != $job['total_sub_amount_taxable']) { $rows[] = array('label' => _l('Taxable Amount:'), 'value' => '<span class="currency">' . dollar($job['total_sub_amount_taxable'], true, $job['currency_id']) . '</span>'); } foreach ($job['taxes'] as $job_tax) { $rows[] = array('label' => _l('Tax:'), 'value' => '<span class="currency">' . dollar($job_tax['amount'], true, $job['currency_id']) . '</span>', 'extra' => $job_tax['name'] . ' = ' . number_out($job_tax['percent'], module_config::c('tax_trim_decimal', 1), module_config::c('tax_decimal_places', module_config::c('currency_decimal_places', 2))) . '%'); } } } else { if ($job['discount_type'] == _DISCOUNT_TYPE_AFTER_TAX) { $rows[] = array('label' => _l('Sub Total:'), 'value' => '<span class="currency">' . dollar($job['total_sub_amount'], true, $job['currency_id']) . '</span>'); if (!$hide_tax) { if ($job['total_sub_amount'] != $job['total_sub_amount_taxable']) { $rows[] = array('label' => _l('Taxable Amount:'), 'value' => '<span class="currency">' . dollar($job['total_sub_amount_taxable'], true, $job['currency_id']) . '</span>'); } foreach ($job['taxes'] as $job_tax) { $rows[] = array('label' => _l('Tax:'), 'value' => '<span class="currency">' . dollar($job_tax['amount'], true, $job['currency_id']) . '</span>', 'extra' => $job_tax['name'] . ' = ' . number_out($job_tax['percent'], module_config::c('tax_trim_decimal', 1), module_config::c('tax_decimal_places', module_config::c('currency_decimal_places', 2))) . '%'); } if ($job['discount_amount'] > 0 || isset($job['fees']) && count($job['fees'])) { $rows[] = array('label' => _l('Sub Total:'), 'value' => '<span class="currency">' . dollar($job['total_sub_amount'] + $job['total_tax'], true, $job['currency_id']) . '</span>'); } } if ($job['discount_amount'] > 0) { //if(($discounts_allowed || $job['discount_amount']>0) && (!($job_locked && module_security::is_page_editable()) || $job['discount_amount']>0)){ $rows[] = array('label' => htmlspecialchars(_l($job['discount_description'])), 'value' => '<span class="currency">' . dollar($job['discount_amount'], true, $job['currency_id']) . '</span>'); } } } // any fees? if (isset($job['fees']) && count($job['fees'])) { foreach ($job['fees'] as $fee) { $rows[] = array('label' => $fee['description'], 'value' => '<span class="currency">' . dollar($fee['total'], true, $job['currency_id']) . '</span>');
function dollar($number, $show_currency = true, $currency_id = false, $trim_decimals = false, $decimal_places = false) { return currency(number_out($number, $trim_decimals, $decimal_places), $show_currency, $currency_id); }
<?php } else { if ($task_data['hours'] == 0 && $task_data['manual_task_type'] == _TASK_TYPE_AMOUNT_ONLY) { // no hour input } else { echo $hours_value; } } ?> </td> <td nowrap=""> <?php if ($task_editable) { ?> <?php echo currency('<input type="text" name="quote_task[' . $quote_task_id . '][amount]" value="' . ($task_data['amount'] != 0 ? number_out($task_data['amount'], $task_decimal_places_trim, $task_decimal_places) : number_out($task_data['hours'] * $quote['hourly_rate'], $task_decimal_places_trim, $task_decimal_places)) . '" id="' . $quote_task_id . 'taskamount" class="currency" tabindex="13">'); ?> <?php } else { ?> <?php echo $task_data['amount'] != 0 ? dollar($task_data['amount'], true, $quote['currency_id'], $task_decimal_places_trim, $task_decimal_places) : dollar($task_data['hours'] * $quote['hourly_rate'], true, $quote['currency_id'], $task_decimal_places_trim, $task_decimal_places); ?> <?php } ?> </td> <?php if (module_config::c('quote_allow_staff_assignment', 1)) { $colspan++; ?>
$row_replace['item_date'] .= print_date($task['date_done']); } else { // check if invoice has a date. if (isset($invoice['date_create']) && $invoice['date_create'] != '0000-00-00') { $row_replace['item_date'] .= print_date($invoice['date_create']); } } } } if ($invoice_item_data['manual_task_type'] == _TASK_TYPE_AMOUNT_ONLY) { $row_replace['item_qty_or_hours'] = '-'; } else { if ($invoice_item_data['manual_task_type'] == _TASK_TYPE_HOURS_AMOUNT && function_exists('decimal_time_out')) { $hours_value = decimal_time_out($invoice_item_data['hours']); } else { $hours_value = number_out($invoice_item_data['hours'], true); } $row_replace['item_qty_or_hours'] = $hours_value ? $hours_value : '-'; } if ($invoice_item_data['task_hourly_rate'] != 0) { $row_replace['item_amount_or_rate'] = dollar($invoice_item_data['task_hourly_rate'], true, $invoice['currency_id'], $task_decimal_places_trim, $task_decimal_places); } else { $row_replace['item_amount_or_rate'] = '-'; } $row_replace['item_total'] = dollar($invoice_item_data['invoice_item_amount'], true, $invoice['currency_id']); // taxes per item if (isset($invoice_item_data['taxes']) && is_array($invoice_item_data['taxes']) && $invoice_item_data['taxable'] && class_exists('module_finance', false)) { // this passes off the tax calculation to the 'finance' class, which modifies 'amount' to match the amount of tax applied here. foreach ($invoice_item_data['taxes'] as $key => $val) { if (isset($val['amount'])) { unset($invoice_item_data['taxes'][$key]['amount']);
function form_drawInput($args){ if (is_array($args["value"]) && is_callable($args["value"])){ $value = call_user_func($args["value"]); }elseif(is_array($args["value"]) and ($args["value"]["type"] == "arr_rows" or $args["value"]["type"] == "arr_values")){ //do nothing. }elseif(is_array($args["value"]) && is_object($args["value"][0])){ $value = $args["value"][0]->$args["value"][1]($args["value"][2]); }else{ if ($args["value"] === null && array_key_exists("default", $args)){ $value = $args["default"]; }else{ $value = $args["value"]; } } if (is_array($value)){ $value = null; } if (is_null($value) and array_key_exists("default", $args)){ $value = $args["default"]; } if ($value and $args["value_callback"]){ if (array_key_exists(1, $args["value_callback"])){ $value = call_user_func($args["value_callback"][0], $value, $args["value_callback"][1]); }else{ $value = call_user_func($args["value_callback"][0], $value); } } if (!$args["type"]){ $f3 = substr($args["name"], 0, 3); if ($f3 == "che"){ $args["type"] = "checkbox"; }elseif($f3 == "tex"){ $args["type"] = "text"; }elseif($f3 == "sel" or array_key_exists("opts", $args)){ $args["type"] = "select"; }elseif($f3 == "fil"){ $args["type"] = "file"; }elseif($f3 == "rad"){ $args["type"] = "radio"; } } if (!$args["id"]){ $id = $args["name"]; }else{ $id = $args["id"]; } if (!$args["type"]){ $args["type"] = "text"; } if ($args["type"] == "password" and !$args["class"]){ $args["class"] = "input_text"; } if (!$args["class"]){ $args["class"] = "input_" . $args["type"]; } if ($args["colspan"]){ $colspan_cont = $args["colspan"] - 1; } $classes_tr = array(); if ($args["classes_tr"]){ $classes_tr = array_merge($classes_tr, $args["classes_tr"]); } if (!array_key_exists("tr", $args) or $args["tr"]){ if (!empty($classes_tr)){ ?><tr class="<?php echo implode(" ", $classes_tr); ?> "><? }else{ ?><tr><? } } if ($args["title"]){ $title_html = htmlspecialchars($args["title"]); }elseif($args["title_html"]){ $title_html = $args["title_html"]; } if ($args["div"]){ $title_html = "<div>" . $title_html . "</div>"; } $css = array(); $td_html = "<td class=\"tdc\""; if ($args["td_width"]){ $css["width"] = $args["td_width"]; } if ($args["align"]){ $css["text-align"] = $args["align"]; } if (!empty($css)){ $td_html .= " style=\""; foreach($css as $key => $val){ $td_html .= $key . ": " . $val . ";"; } $td_html .= "\""; } if ($colspan_cont > 1){ $td_html .= " colspan=\"" . $colspan_cont . "\""; } $td_html .= ">"; if ($args["div"]){ $td_end_html = "</div></td>"; $td_html .= "<div>"; }else{ $td_end_html = "</td>"; } $js_tags = ""; $js_tags_arr = array("onkeyup", "onkeydown", "onchange"); foreach($js_tags_arr AS $js_tag){ if ($args[$js_tag]){ $js_tags .= " " . $js_tag . "=\"" . $args[$js_tag] . "\""; } } if (array_key_exists("autocomplete", $args) and !$args["autocomplete"]){ $js_tags .= " autocomplete=\"off\""; } if ($args["type"] == "numeric"){ $value = number_out($value, $args["decis"]); } if ($args["classes"]){ $classes = $args["classes"]; }else{ $classes = array(); } $classes[] = $args["class"]; $args["class"] = implode(" ", $classes); if ($args["type"] == "spacer"){ ?><td colspan="2"> </td><? }elseif($args["type"] == "checkbox"){ ?> <td colspan="2" class="tdcheck"> <input<?if ($args["disabled"]){?> disabled<?}?> type="<?php echo $args["type"]; ?> " name="<?php echo $args["name"]; ?> " id="<?php echo $id; ?> "<?if ($value){?> checked="checked"<?}?><?php echo $js_tags; ?> /> <label for="<?php echo $id; ?> "><?php echo $title_html; ?> </label> </td> <? }elseif($args["type"] == "select"){ $etags = ""; if ($args["multiple"]){ $etags .= " multiple=\"multiple\""; } if ($args["height"]){ $etags .= " height=\"" . htmlspecialchars($args["height"]) . "\""; } if (is_null($value) and is_array($args["value"])){ $value = $args["value"]; } ?> <td class="tdt"> <?php echo $title_html; ?> </td> <?php echo $td_html; ?> <select<?php echo $etags; ?> <?if ($args["size"]){?> size="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($args["size"]); ?> "<?}?> name="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($args["name"]); ?> " id="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($id); ?> " class="<?php echo $args["class"]; ?> "<?php echo $js_tags; ?> > <?php echo select_drawOpts($args["opts"], $value); ?> </select> <?if ($args["moveable"]){?> <div style="padding-top: 3px;"> <input type="button" value="<?php echo _("Up"); ?> " onclick="select_moveup($('#<?php echo $id; ?> '));" /> <input type="button" value="<?php echo _("Down"); ?> " onclick="select_movedown($('#<?php echo $id; ?> '));" /> </div> <?}?> <?php echo $td_end_html; ?> <? }elseif($args["type"] == "imageupload"){ if ($args["filetype"]){ $ftype = $args["filetype"]; }else{ $ftype = "jpg"; } if (!$value){ $fn = null; }else{ $fn = $args["path"] . "/" . $value . 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"_" . $value; ?> <td class="tdt" colspan="2"> <input type="radio" id="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($id); ?> " name="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($args["name"]); ?> " value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($args["value"]); ?> "<?if ($args["checked"]){?> checked="checked"<?}?><?php echo $js_tags; ?> /> <label for="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($id); ?> "> <?php echo $title_html; ?> </label> </td> <? }elseif($args["type"] == "info"){ ?> <td class="tdt"> <?php echo $title_html; ?> </td> <?php echo $td_html; ?> <?php echo $value; ?> <?php echo $td_end_html; ?> <? }elseif($args["type"] == "plain"){ ?> <td class="tdt"> <?php echo $title_html; ?> </td> <?php echo $td_html; ?> <?php echo htmlspecialchars($value); ?> <?php echo $td_end_html; ?> <? }elseif($args["type"] == "headline"){ ?> <td class="tdheadline" colspan="2"> <?php echo $title_html; ?> </td> <? }else{ ?> <td class="tdt"> <?php echo $title_html; ?> </td> <?php echo $td_html; ?> <input type="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($args["type"]); ?> "<?if ($args["disabled"]){?> disabled<?}?><?if ($args["maxlength"]){?> maxlength="<?php echo $args["maxlength"]; ?> "<?}?> class="<?php echo $args["class"]; ?> " id="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($id); ?> " name="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($args["name"]); ?> " value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($value); ?> "<?php echo $js_tags; ?> /> <?php echo $td_end_html; ?> <? } if (!array_key_exists("tr", $args) or $args["tr"]){ ?></tr><? } if ($args["descr"]){ $descr = $args["descr"]; if ($args["div"]){ $descr = "<div class=\"tdd\">" . $descr . "</div>"; } ?> <tr> <td colspan="2"<?if (!$args["div"]){?> class="tdd"<?}?>> <?php echo $descr; ?> </td> </tr> <? } }
?> </td> <td> <span class="currency"> <?php echo dollar($job_tax['amount'], true, $job['currency_id']); ?> </span> </td> <td> <?php echo $job_tax['name']; ?> = <?php echo number_out($job_tax['percent'], module_config::c('tax_trim_decimal', 1), module_config::c('tax_decimal_places', module_config::c('currency_decimal_places', 2))) . '%'; ?> </td> <td colspan="<?php echo $colspan - 1; ?> "> </td> </tr> <?php } } ?> <tr> <td colspan="2">
<div class="dynamic_block"> <input type="hidden" name="tax_ids[]" class="dynamic_clear" value="<?php echo isset($tax['finance_tax_id']) ? (int) $tax['finance_tax_id'] : 0; ?> "> <input type="text" name="tax_names[]" class="dynamic_clear" value="<?php echo isset($tax['name']) ? htmlspecialchars($tax['name']) : ''; ?> " style="width:30px;" autocomplete="off"> @ <input type="text" name="tax_percents[]" class="dynamic_clear tax_percent" value="<?php echo isset($tax['percent']) ? htmlspecialchars(number_out($tax['percent'])) : ''; ?> " style="width:35px;" autocomplete="off">% <input type="hidden" name="tax_amount[]" class="dynamic_clear tax_amount_input" value="<?php echo isset($tax['amount']) ? htmlspecialchars(number_out($tax['amount'])) : ''; ?> "> (<?php echo currency('<span class="tax_amount">' . dollar($tax['amount'], false, $finance['currency_id']) . '</span>', true, $finance['currency_id']); ?> ) <a href="#" class="add_addit" onclick="seladd(this); ucm.finance.update_finance_total(); return false;">+</a> <a href="#" class="remove_addit" onclick="selrem(this); ucm.finance.update_finance_total(); return false;">-</a> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <script type="text/javascript">