コード例 #1
function image_tag($size, $route, $upcoming_stops)
    if ($route == 'boston_all' || $route == 'cambridge_all') {
        // these don't have maps
        // should save this info somewhere else instead of hard coding here
        return '';
    $base = $route;
    if (count($upcoming_stops) > 0) {
        $base .= '-';
        foreach ($upcoming_stops as $nextStop) {
            $base .= strtolower(num2letter($nextStop));
    return '<img src="images/' . $size . '/' . $base . '.gif" width="' . $size . '" height="' . $size . '" id="mapimage" alt="Map" />';
コード例 #2
  * Extract the numeric IDs used in the given formula and generate a set of letter aliases for them.
  * Aliases will be generated in the order they appear in the formula.
  * Example:
  * var_dump(CFormulaHelper::getFormulaIds('1 or (2 and 3) or 2'));
  * // array(1 => 'A', 2 => 'B', 3 => 'C')
  * @param string $formula	a formula with numeric IDs
  * @return array
 public static function getFormulaIds($formula)
     $matches = array();
     preg_match_all('/\\d+/', $formula, $matches);
     $ids = array_keys(array_flip($matches[0]));
     $i = 0;
     $formulaIds = array();
     foreach ($ids as $id) {
         $formulaIds[$id] = num2letter($i);
     return $formulaIds;
コード例 #3
 * Builds expression html tree
 * @param array $expressionTree output of getExpressionTree() function
 * @param array $next           parameter only for recursive call; should be empty array
 * @param int $letterNum        parameter only for recursive call; should be 0
 * @param int $level            parameter only for recursive call
 * @param string $operand       parameter only for recursive call
 * @return bool                 returns true if element is found, false - otherwise
function buildExpressionHtmlTree(array $expressionTree, array &$next, &$letterNum, $level = 0, $operand = null)
    $treeList = array();
    $outline = '';
    $lastKey = key($expressionTree);
    foreach ($expressionTree as $key => $element) {
        switch ($element['type']) {
            case 'operand':
                $next[$level] = $key != $lastKey;
                $expr = expressionLevelDraw($next, $level);
                $expr[] = SPACE;
                $expr[] = italic($element['operand'] == '&' ? _('AND') : _('OR'));
                $levelDetails = array('list' => $expr, 'id' => $element['id'], 'expression' => array('value' => $element['expression']));
                $levelErrors = expressionHighLevelErrors($element['expression']);
                if (count($levelErrors) > 0) {
                    $levelDetails['expression']['levelErrors'] = $levelErrors;
                $treeList[] = $levelDetails;
                list($subOutline, $subTreeList) = buildExpressionHtmlTree($element['elements'], $next, $letterNum, $level + 1, $element['operand']);
                $treeList = array_merge($treeList, $subTreeList);
                $outline .= $level == 0 ? $subOutline : '(' . $subOutline . ')';
                if ($operand !== null && $next[$level]) {
                    $outline .= ' ' . $operand . ' ';
            case 'expression':
                $next[$level] = $key != $lastKey;
                $letter = num2letter($letterNum++);
                $outline .= $letter;
                if ($operand !== null && $next[$level]) {
                    $outline .= ' ' . $operand . ' ';
                if (defined('NO_LINK_IN_TESTING')) {
                    $url = new CSpan($element['expression']);
                } else {
                    $expressionId = 'expr_' . $element['id'];
                    $url = new CSpan($element['expression'], 'link');
                    $url->setAttribute('id', $expressionId);
                    $url->setAttribute('onclick', 'javascript: copy_expression("' . $expressionId . '");');
                $expr = expressionLevelDraw($next, $level);
                $expr[] = SPACE;
                $expr[] = bold($letter);
                $expr[] = SPACE;
                $expr[] = $url;
                $levelDetails = array('list' => $expr, 'id' => $element['id'], 'expression' => array('value' => $element['expression']));
                $levelErrors = expressionHighLevelErrors($element['expression']);
                if (count($levelErrors) > 0) {
                    $levelDetails['expression']['levelErrors'] = $levelErrors;
                $treeList[] = $levelDetails;
    return array($outline, $treeList);
コード例 #4
 $operationConditionsTable->setHeader(array(_('Label'), _('Name'), _('Action')));
 $i = 0;
 foreach ($this->data['new_operation']['opconditions'] as $opcondition) {
     if (!isset($opcondition['conditiontype'])) {
         $opcondition['conditiontype'] = 0;
     if (!isset($opcondition['operator'])) {
         $opcondition['operator'] = 0;
     if (!isset($opcondition['value'])) {
         $opcondition['value'] = 0;
     if (!str_in_array($opcondition['conditiontype'], $allowed_opconditions)) {
     $label = num2letter($i);
     $operationConditionsTable->addRow(array('(' . $label . ')', get_condition_desc($opcondition['conditiontype'], $opcondition['operator'], $opcondition['value']), array(new CButton('remove', _('Remove'), 'javascript: removeOperationCondition(' . $i . ');', 'link_menu'), new CVar('new_operation[opconditions][' . $i . '][conditiontype]', $opcondition['conditiontype']), new CVar('new_operation[opconditions][' . $i . '][operator]', $opcondition['operator']), new CVar('new_operation[opconditions][' . $i . '][value]', $opcondition['value']))), null, 'opconditions_' . $i);
     $grouped_opconditions[$opcondition['conditiontype']][] = $label;
 if ($operationConditionsTable->itemsCount() > 1) {
     switch ($this->data['new_operation']['evaltype']) {
         case ACTION_EVAL_TYPE_AND:
             $group_op = $glog_op = _('and');
         case ACTION_EVAL_TYPE_OR:
             $group_op = $glog_op = _('or');
             $group_op = _('or');
             $glog_op = _('and');
コード例 #5
$delayFlexTable->addRow([(new CButton('interval_add', _('Add')))->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_BTN_LINK)->addClass('element-table-add')]);
$itemFormList->addRow(_('Custom intervals'), (new CDiv($delayFlexTable))->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_TABLE_FORMS_SEPARATOR)->setAttribute('style', 'min-width: ' . ZBX_TEXTAREA_STANDARD_WIDTH . 'px;'), 'row_flex_intervals')->addRow(_('Keep lost resources period (in days)'), (new CTextBox('lifetime', $this->data['lifetime'], false, 64))->setWidth(ZBX_TEXTAREA_SMALL_WIDTH))->addRow(_('Allowed hosts'), (new CTextBox('trapper_hosts', $this->data['trapper_hosts']))->setWidth(ZBX_TEXTAREA_STANDARD_WIDTH), 'row_trapper_hosts')->addRow(_('Description'), (new CTextArea('description', $this->data['description']))->setWidth(ZBX_TEXTAREA_STANDARD_WIDTH));
// status
$enabledCheckBox = (new CCheckBox('status', ITEM_STATUS_ACTIVE))->setChecked($this->data['status'] == ITEM_STATUS_ACTIVE);
$itemFormList->addRow(_('Enabled'), $enabledCheckBox);
 * Condition tab
$conditionFormList = new CFormList();
// type of calculation
$conditionFormList->addRow(_('Type of calculation'), [new CComboBox('evaltype', $this->data['evaltype'], null, [CONDITION_EVAL_TYPE_AND_OR => _('And/Or'), CONDITION_EVAL_TYPE_AND => _('And'), CONDITION_EVAL_TYPE_OR => _('Or'), CONDITION_EVAL_TYPE_EXPRESSION => _('Custom expression')]), (new CDiv())->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_FORM_INPUT_MARGIN), (new CSpan(''))->setId('expression'), (new CTextBox('formula', $this->data['formula']))->setWidth(ZBX_TEXTAREA_STANDARD_WIDTH)->setId('formula')->setAttribute('placeholder', 'A or (B and C) &hellip;')], 'conditionRow');
// macros
$conditionTable = (new CTable())->setId('conditions')->setAttribute('style', 'width: 100%;')->setHeader([_('Label'), _('Macro'), '', _('Regular expression'), _('Action')]);
$conditions = $this->data['conditions'];
if (!$conditions) {
    $conditions = [['macro' => '', 'value' => '', 'formulaid' => num2letter(0)]];
} else {
    $conditions = CConditionHelper::sortConditionsByFormulaId($conditions);
// fields
foreach ($conditions as $i => $condition) {
    // formula id
    $formulaId = [new CSpan($condition['formulaid']), new CVar('conditions[' . $i . '][formulaid]', $condition['formulaid'])];
    // macro
    $macro = (new CTextBox('conditions[' . $i . '][macro]', $condition['macro'], false, 64))->setWidth(ZBX_TEXTAREA_MACRO_WIDTH)->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_UPPERCASE)->addClass('macro')->setAttribute('placeholder', '{#MACRO}')->setAttribute('data-formulaid', $condition['formulaid']);
    // value
    $value = (new CTextBox('conditions[' . $i . '][value]', $condition['value'], false, 255))->setWidth(ZBX_TEXTAREA_MACRO_VALUE_WIDTH)->setAttribute('placeholder', _('regular expression'));
    // delete button
    $deleteButtonCell = [(new CButton('conditions_' . $i . '_remove', _('Remove')))->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_BTN_LINK)->addClass('element-table-remove')];
    $row = [$formulaId, $macro, new CSpan(_('matches')), $value, (new CCol($deleteButtonCell))->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_NOWRAP)];
    $conditionTable->addRow($row, 'form_row');
コード例 #6
$conditionFormList = new CFormList('conditionlist');
// type of calculation
$formula = new CTextBox('formula', $this->data['formula'], ZBX_TEXTBOX_STANDARD_SIZE);
$formula->attr('id', 'formula');
$formula->attr('placeholder', 'A or (B and C) &hellip;');
if ($this->data['evaltype'] != CONDITION_EVAL_TYPE_EXPRESSION) {
$conditionFormList->addRow(_('Type of calculation'), array(new CComboBox('evaltype', $this->data['evaltype'], null, array(CONDITION_EVAL_TYPE_AND_OR => _('And/Or'), CONDITION_EVAL_TYPE_AND => _('And'), CONDITION_EVAL_TYPE_OR => _('Or'), CONDITION_EVAL_TYPE_EXPRESSION => _('Custom expression'))), new CSpan('', $this->data['evaltype'] == CONDITION_EVAL_TYPE_EXPRESSION ? 'hidden' : '', 'expression'), $formula), count($this->data['conditions']) < 2, 'conditionRow');
// macros
$conditionTable = new CTable('', 'formElementTable');
$conditionTable->attr('id', 'conditions');
$conditionTable->addRow(array(_('Label'), _('Macro'), SPACE, _('Regular expression'), SPACE));
$conditions = $this->data['conditions'];
if (!$conditions) {
    $conditions = array(array('macro' => '', 'value' => '', 'formulaid' => num2letter(0)));
} else {
    $conditions = CConditionHelper::sortConditionsByFormulaId($conditions);
// fields
foreach ($conditions as $i => $condition) {
    // formula id
    $formulaId = array(new CSpan($condition['formulaid']), new CVar('conditions[' . $i . '][formulaid]', $condition['formulaid']));
    // macro
    $macro = new CTextBox('conditions[' . $i . '][macro]', $condition['macro'], 30, false, 64);
    $macro->setAttribute('placeholder', '{#MACRO}');
    $macro->setAttribute('data-formulaid', $condition['formulaid']);
    // value
    $value = new CTextBox('conditions[' . $i . '][value]', $condition['value'], 40, false, 255);
    $value->setAttribute('placeholder', _('regular expression'));
コード例 #7
 * Builds expression html tree
 * @param array 	$expressionTree 	output of getExpressionTree() function
 * @param array 	$next           	parameter only for recursive call; should be empty array
 * @param int 		$letterNum      	parameter only for recursive call; should be 0
 * @param int 		$level          	parameter only for recursive call
 * @param string 	$operator       	parameter only for recursive call
 * @return array	array containing the trigger expression formula as the first element and an array describing the
 *					expression tree as the second
function buildExpressionHtmlTree(array $expressionTree, array &$next, &$letterNum, $level = 0, $operator = null)
    $treeList = [];
    $outline = '';
    $lastKey = key($expressionTree);
    foreach ($expressionTree as $key => $element) {
        switch ($element['type']) {
            case 'operator':
                $next[$level] = $key != $lastKey;
                $expr = expressionLevelDraw($next, $level);
                $expr[] = SPACE;
                $expr[] = $element['operator'] === 'and' ? _('And') : _('Or');
                $levelDetails = ['list' => $expr, 'id' => $element['id'], 'expression' => ['value' => $element['expression']]];
                $levelErrors = expressionHighLevelErrors($element['expression']);
                if (count($levelErrors) > 0) {
                    $levelDetails['expression']['levelErrors'] = $levelErrors;
                $treeList[] = $levelDetails;
                list($subOutline, $subTreeList) = buildExpressionHtmlTree($element['elements'], $next, $letterNum, $level + 1, $element['operator']);
                $treeList = array_merge($treeList, $subTreeList);
                $outline .= $level == 0 ? $subOutline : '(' . $subOutline . ')';
                if ($operator !== null && $next[$level]) {
                    $outline .= ' ' . $operator . ' ';
            case 'expression':
                $next[$level] = $key != $lastKey;
                $letter = num2letter($letterNum++);
                $outline .= $letter;
                if ($operator !== null && $next[$level]) {
                    $outline .= ' ' . $operator . ' ';
                if (defined('NO_LINK_IN_TESTING')) {
                    $url = $element['expression'];
                } else {
                    $expressionId = 'expr_' . $element['id'];
                    $url = (new CSpan($element['expression']))->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_LINK_ACTION)->setId($expressionId)->onClick('javascript: copy_expression("' . $expressionId . '");');
                $expr = expressionLevelDraw($next, $level);
                $expr[] = SPACE;
                $expr[] = bold($letter);
                $expr[] = SPACE;
                $expr[] = $url;
                $levelDetails = ['list' => $expr, 'id' => $element['id'], 'expression' => ['value' => $element['expression']]];
                $levelErrors = expressionHighLevelErrors($element['expression']);
                if (count($levelErrors) > 0) {
                    $levelDetails['expression']['levelErrors'] = $levelErrors;
                $treeList[] = $levelDetails;
    return [$outline, $treeList];