public function withdraw() { import("ORG.Loan.Escrow"); $loan = new Escrow(); if ($loan->withdrawVerify($_POST)) { $orders = $_POST['OrderNo']; $id = substr($orders, 12); $vo = M('member_withdraw')->field('uid,withdraw_money,withdraw_fee,withdraw_status, loanno')->where("id={$id}")->find(); $uid = $vo['uid']; if ($_POST['ResultCode'] == '88' && !$vo['withdraw_status']) { // 成功 $FreeLimit = $_POST['FreeLimit']; $FeeWithdraws = $_POST['FeeWithdraws']; $Amount = $_POST['Amount']; $updata['withdraw_status'] = 1; $updata['second_fee'] = $_POST['FeeWithdraws']; $updata['withdraw_fee'] = $FeeWithdraws; $updata['loanno'] = $_POST['LoanNo']; $xid = M('member_withdraw')->where("uid={$vo['uid']} AND id={$id}")->save($updata); if ($xid) { $amoney = $_POST['Amount'] - $_POST['FeeWithdraws']; memberMoneyLog($uid, 29, $_POST['Amount'], "提现成功,扣除实际手续费" . $FeeWithdraws . "元,到帐金额" . $amoney . "元", '0', '@网站管理员@', 0); MTip('chk6', $uid); echo "SUCCESS"; notifyMsg('提现', $_POST, 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'SUCCESS'); exit; } } elseif ($_POST['ResultCode'] == '89' && $vo['withdraw_status'] == 1) { //退回资金 $updata['withdraw_status'] = 2; $xid = M('member_withdraw')->where("uid={$uid} AND id={$id}")->save($updata); if ($xid) { memberMoneyLog($uid, 5, $_POST['Amount'], "提现退回资金{$_POST['Amount']}元", '0', '@网站管理员@', 0); notifyMsg('提现退回', $_POST, 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'SUCCESS'); echo "SUCCESS"; exit; } } notifyMsg('提现', $_POST, 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], ''); } }
<?php require_once "admin_conn.php"; require_once "../inc/pinyin.php"; require_once "./score/DouBanParseScore.php"; require_once "./parse/NotificationsManager.php"; $parse_appid_restkey = (require dirname(__FILE__) . '/parse/test_app_config.php'); $parse_appid_restkey_baidu = (require dirname(__FILE__) . '/parse/test_baidu_app_config.php'); chkLogin(); $action = be("all", "action"); $_SESSION["upfolder"] = "../upload/vod"; switch ($action) { case "notifyMsg": notifyMsg(); break; default: headAdmin("实时推送管理"); main(); break; } dispseObj(); function main() { global $db, $template, $cache; $loginname = getCookie("adminname"); $keyword = be("all", "keyword"); $stype = be("all", "stype"); $area = be("all", "area"); $topic = be("all", "topic"); $level = be("all", "level"); $from = be("all", "from");
/** ** 转账 ** **/ public function transfer() { import("ORG.Loan.Escrow"); $loan = new Escrow(); if ($loan->loanVerify($_POST) && $_POST['ResultCode'] == 88) { if (empty($_POST['Action'])) { //空为冻结 暂不处理 notifyMsg('转账冻结', $_POST, 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'SUCCESS'); echo "SUCCESS"; exit; } elseif (intval($_POST['Action']) == 1) { $loan_list = json_decode(urldecode($_POST['LoanJsonList']), true); isset($loan_list[0]) ? $transfer_info = $loan_list[0] : ($transfer_info = $loan_list); $orders = $transfer_info['OrderNo']; $transfer = M('transfer')->field('status, loanno, uid')->where("orders='{$orders}'")->find(); if ($transfer['status'] != 1) { $arr['status'] = 1; $arr['loanno'] = $transfer_info['LoanNo']; if (M('transfer')->where("orders='{$orders}'")->save($arr)) { if (membermoneylog($transfer['uid'], 7, $transfer_info['Amount'], $transfer_info['Remark'], 0, "@网站管理员@")) { notifyMsg('转账', $_POST, 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'SUCCESS'); echo "SUCCESS"; exit; } else { $arr['status'] = 0; //$arr['loanno'] = $transfer['LoanNo']; M('transfer')->where("orders='{$orders}'")->save($arr); notifyMsg('转账', $_POST, 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'ERROR'); } } } } notifyMsg('转账', $_POST, 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], ''); } }
/** * 企业直投还款 * */ public function edetail() { if ($_POST['ResultCode'] == '88') { import("ORG.Loan.Escrow"); $loan = new Escrow(); if ($loan->loanVerify($_POST)) { if (intval($_POST['Action']) == 1) { $info = explode("_", $_POST['Remark1']); if (repaymentEnterprise($info[0], $info[1]) == 'TRUE') { notifyMsg('直投还款', $_POST, 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'SUCCESS'); echo 'SUCCESS'; exit; } } else { notifyMsg('直投还款冻结', $_POST, 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'SUCCESS'); echo 'SUCCESS'; exit; } notifyMsg('直投还款', $_POST, 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], ''); } } }