function __construct($global_settings) { if (is_null($global_settings)) { require_once "resources/classes/global_settings.php"; $global_settings = new global_settings(); } elseif (!is_a($global_settings, 'global_settings')) { throw new Exception('The parameter $global_settings must be a global_settings object (or a subclass of)'); } $this->global_settings = $global_settings; if (is_dir("/etc/fusionpbx")) { $this->config_php = "/etc/fusionpbx/config.php"; } elseif (is_dir("/usr/local/etc/fusionpbx")) { $this->config_php = "/usr/local/etc/fusionpbx/config.php"; } elseif (is_dir($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . PROJECT_PATH . "/resources")) { $this->config_php = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . PROJECT_PATH . "/resources/config.php"; } else { $this->config_php = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . PROJECT_PATH . "/resources/config.php"; } $this->config_php = normalize_path_to_os($this->config_php); }
function recursive_delete($dir) { $dst = normalize_path_to_os($dst); //$this->write_debug("del /S /F /Q \"$dir\""); exec("del /S /F /Q \"{$dir}\""); clearstatcache(); }
public function create_config_lua() { //define the database connection as global global $db; //send progress $this->write_progress("\tCreating " . $this->config_lua); //set the directories $path = dirname($this->config_lua); $parent_dir = basename($path); if ($parent_dir == 'resources' and !file_exists($path)) { $this->write_progress("\t... creating missing '{$path}'"); if (!mkdir($path, 0755, true)) { throw new Exception("Failed to create the missing resources directory '{$path}'"); } } //get the odbc information $sql = "select count(*) as num_rows from v_databases "; $sql .= "where database_driver = 'odbc' "; if (strlen($order_by) > 0) { $sql .= "order by {$order_by} {$order} "; } $prep_statement = $db->prepare($sql); if ($prep_statement) { $prep_statement->execute(); $row = $prep_statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); unset($prep_statement); if ($row['num_rows'] > 0) { $odbc_num_rows = $row['num_rows']; $sql = "select * from v_databases "; $sql .= "where database_driver = 'odbc' "; $prep_statement = $db->prepare(check_sql($sql)); $prep_statement->execute(); $result = $prep_statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_NAMED); foreach ($result as &$row) { $dsn_name = $row["database_name"]; $dsn_username = $row["database_username"]; $dsn_password = $row["database_password"]; break; //limit to 1 row } unset($prep_statement); } else { $odbc_num_rows = '0'; } } //config.lua $fout = fopen($this->config_lua, "w"); if (!$fout) { throw new Exception("Failed to open '" . $this->config_lua . "' for writing"); } $tmp = "\n"; $tmp .= "--set the variables\n"; if (strlen($this->global_settings->switch_sounds_dir()) > 0) { $tmp .= normalize_path_to_os("\tsounds_dir = [[" . $this->global_settings->switch_sounds_dir() . "]];\n"); } if (strlen($this->global_settings->switch_phrases_vdir()) > 0) { $tmp .= normalize_path_to_os("\tphrases_dir = [[" . $this->global_settings->switch_phrases_vdir() . "]];\n"); } if (strlen($this->global_settings->switch_db_dir()) > 0) { $tmp .= normalize_path_to_os("\tdatabase_dir = [[" . $this->global_settings->switch_db_dir() . "]];\n"); } if (strlen($this->global_settings->switch_recordings_dir()) > 0) { $tmp .= normalize_path_to_os("\trecordings_dir = [[" . $this->global_settings->switch_recordings_dir() . "]];\n"); } if (strlen($this->global_settings->switch_storage_dir()) > 0) { $tmp .= normalize_path_to_os("\tstorage_dir = [[" . $this->global_settings->switch_storage_dir() . "]];\n"); } if (strlen($this->global_settings->switch_voicemail_vdir()) > 0) { $tmp .= normalize_path_to_os("\tvoicemail_dir = [[" . $this->global_settings->switch_voicemail_vdir() . "]];\n"); } if (strlen($this->global_settings->switch_script_dir()) > 0) { $tmp .= normalize_path_to_os("\tscripts_dir = [[" . $this->global_settings->switch_script_dir() . "]];\n"); } $tmp .= normalize_path_to_os("\tphp_dir = [[" . PHP_BINDIR . "]];\n"); if (substr(strtoupper(PHP_OS), 0, 3) == "WIN") { $tmp .= "\tphp_bin = \"php.exe\";\n"; } else { $tmp .= "\tphp_bin = \"php\";\n"; } $tmp .= normalize_path_to_os("\tdocument_root = [[" . $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . PROJECT_PATH . "]];\n"); $tmp .= "\n"; if (strlen($this->global_settings->db_type()) > 0 || strlen($dsn_name) > 0) { $tmp .= "--database information\n"; $tmp .= "\tdatabase = {}\n"; $tmp .= "\tdatabase[\"type\"] = \"" . $this->global_settings->db_type() . "\";\n"; $tmp .= "\tdatabase[\"name\"] = \"" . $this->global_settings->db_name() . "\";\n"; $tmp .= normalize_path_to_os("\tdatabase[\"path\"] = [[" . $this->global_settings->db_path() . "]];\n"); if (strlen($dsn_name) > 0) { $tmp .= "\tdatabase[\"system\"] = \"odbc://" . $dsn_name . ":" . $dsn_username . ":" . $dsn_password . "\";\n"; $tmp .= "\tdatabase[\"switch\"] = \"odbc://freeswitch:" . $dsn_username . ":" . $dsn_password . "\";\n"; } elseif ($this->global_settings->db_type() == "pgsql") { $db_host = $this->global_settings->db_host(); if ($db_host == 'localhost') { $db_host = ''; } // lua cannot resolve localhost if (filter_var($db_host, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP)) { $host_type = "hostaddr"; } else { $host_type = "host"; } $tmp .= "\tdatabase[\"system\"] = \"pgsql://" . $host_type . "=" . $db_host . " port=" . $this->global_settings->db_port() . " dbname=" . $this->global_settings->db_name() . " user="******" password="******" options='' application_name='" . $this->global_settings->db_name() . "'\";\n"; $tmp .= "\tdatabase[\"switch\"] = \"pgsql://" . $host_type . "=" . $db_host . " port=" . $this->global_settings->db_port() . " dbname=freeswitch user="******" password="******" options='' application_name='freeswitch'\";\n"; } elseif ($this->global_settings->db_type() == "sqlite") { $tmp .= "\tdatabase[\"system\"] = \"sqlite://" . $this->global_settings->db_path() . "/" . $this->global_settings->db_name() . "\";\n"; $tmp .= "\tdatabase[\"switch\"] = \"sqlite://" . $_SESSION['switch']['db']['dir'] . "\";\n"; } elseif ($this->global_settings->db_type() == "mysql") { $tmp .= "\tdatabase[\"system\"] = \"\";\n"; $tmp .= "\tdatabase[\"switch\"] = \"\";\n"; } $tmp .= "\n"; } $tmp .= "--set defaults\n"; $tmp .= "\texpire = {}\n"; $tmp .= "\texpire[\"directory\"] = \"3600\";\n"; $tmp .= "\texpire[\"dialplan\"] = \"3600\";\n"; $tmp .= "\texpire[\"languages\"] = \"3600\";\n"; $tmp .= "\texpire[\"sofia.conf\"] = \"3600\";\n"; $tmp .= "\texpire[\"acl.conf\"] = \"3600\";\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "--set xml_handler\n"; $tmp .= "\txml_handler = {}\n"; $tmp .= "\txml_handler[\"fs_path\"] = false;\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "--set the debug options\n"; $tmp .= "\tdebug[\"params\"] = false;\n"; $tmp .= "\tdebug[\"sql\"] = false;\n"; $tmp .= "\tdebug[\"xml_request\"] = false;\n"; $tmp .= "\tdebug[\"xml_string\"] = false;\n"; $tmp .= "\tdebug[\"cache\"] = false;\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "--additional info\n"; $tmp .= "\tdomain_count = " . $this->global_settings->domain_count() . ";\n"; $tmp .= normalize_path_to_os("\ttemp_dir = [[" . $this->global_settings->switch_temp_dir() . "]];\n"); if (isset($_SESSION['domain']['dial_string']['text'])) { $tmp .= "\tdial_string = \"" . $_SESSION['domain']['dial_string']['text'] . "\";\n"; } $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "--include local.lua\n"; $tmp .= "\trequire(\"resources.functions.file_exists\");\n"; $tmp .= "\tif (file_exists(\"/etc/fusionpbx/local.lua\")) then\n"; $tmp .= "\t\tdofile(\"/etc/fusionpbx/local.lua\");\n"; $tmp .= "\telseif (file_exists(\"/usr/local/etc/fusionpbx/local.lua\")) then\n"; $tmp .= "\t\tdofile(\"/usr/local/etc/fusionpbx/local.lua\");\n"; $tmp .= "\telseif (file_exists(scripts_dir..\"/resources/local.lua\")) then\n"; $tmp .= "\t\trequire(\"resources.local\");\n"; $tmp .= "\tend\n"; fwrite($fout, $tmp); unset($tmp); fclose($fout); }
echo "<b>" . $text['header-sys-status'] . "</b>"; echo "<br><br>"; echo "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n"; echo "<tr>\n"; echo "\t<th class='th' colspan='2' align='left'>" . $text['title-sys-info'] . "</th>\n"; echo "</tr>\n"; if (permission_exists('system_view_info')) { echo "<tr>\n"; echo "\t<td width='20%' class=\"vncell\" style='text-align: left;'>\n"; echo "\t\t" . $text['label-version'] . "\n"; echo "\t</td>\n"; echo "\t<td class=\"row_style1\">\n"; echo "\t\t" . software_version() . "\n"; echo "\t</td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n"; $git_path = normalize_path_to_os($_SERVER['PROJECT_ROOT'] . "/.git"); if (file_exists($git_path)) { $git_exe = 'git'; if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'SUN') { $git_exe = shell_exec('which git'); } $git_branch = shell_exec($git_exe . ' --git-dir=' . $git_path . ' name-rev --name-only HEAD'); rtrim($git_branch); $git_commit = shell_exec($git_exe . ' --git-dir=' . $git_path . ' rev-parse HEAD'); rtrim($git_commit); $git_origin = shell_exec($git_exe . ' --git-dir=' . $git_path . ' config --get remote.origin.url'); rtrim($git_commit); echo "<tr>\n"; echo "\t<td width='20%' class=\"vncell\" style='text-align: left;'>\n"; echo "\t\t" . $text['label-git_info'] . "\n"; echo "\t</td>\n";
echo "<b>" . $text['header-sys-status'] . "</b>"; echo "<br><br>"; echo "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n"; echo "<tr>\n"; echo "\t<th class='th' colspan='2' align='left'>" . $text['title-sys-info'] . "</th>\n"; echo "</tr>\n"; if (permission_exists('system_view_info')) { echo "<tr>\n"; echo "\t<td width='20%' class=\"vncell\" style='text-align: left;'>\n"; echo "\t\t" . $text['label-version'] . "\n"; echo "\t</td>\n"; echo "\t<td class=\"row_style1\">\n"; echo "\t\t" . software_version() . "\n"; echo "\t</td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n"; $git_path = normalize_path_to_os($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/.git"); if (file_exists($git_path)) { $git_branch = shell_exec('git --git-dir=' . $git_path . ' name-rev --name-only HEAD'); rtrim($git_branch); $git_commit = shell_exec('git --git-dir=' . $git_path . ' rev-parse HEAD'); rtrim($git_commit); $git_origin = shell_exec('git --git-dir=' . $git_path . ' config --get remote.origin.url'); rtrim($git_commit); echo "<tr>\n"; echo "\t<td width='20%' class=\"vncell\" style='text-align: left;'>\n"; echo "\t\t" . $text['label-git_info'] . "\n"; echo "\t</td>\n"; echo "\t<td class=\"row_style1\">\n"; echo "\t\t" . $text['label-git_branch'] . " " . $git_branch . "<br>\n"; echo "\t\t" . $text['label-git_commit'] . " " . $git_commit . "<br>\n"; echo "\t\t" . $text['label-git_origin'] . " " . $git_origin . "<br>\n";