Customer registration tt($src) function - link for entering translations: The source should be always in English. */ $node = $items['customer_registration_node']; ?> <!--[a30_10_hero.tpl.php]<br>--> <style> #hero_wrapper{ background: url('<?php echo nim($node, 'hero_background_image'); ?> '); background-size: cover; background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat; } </style> <div id="hero_root"> <div id="hero_wrapper" class="home_hero bg_cover"> <div class="content_inner hero_inner with_bottom_space"> <div class="hero_content"> <h1 class="hero_title bold"><?php echo drupal_get_title(); ?> </h1>
<span><span class="icon-arrow_left text-yellow"></span><a class="default_link" href="/<?php echo $language->language; ?> /node/<?php echo $overview_nid; ?> "><?php echo tt('Back to overview'); ?> </a></span> <hr> <!-- Go to to customize your tools --> <div class="addthis_sharing_toolbox"></div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- <img src="<?php echo nim($node, 'news_image'); ?> "> -->
<title>Modul 5 responsi Web</title> </head> <body> <h1> Fungsi Void </h1> <?php function name($text = "Angga") { echo "Hai {$text} <br>"; } function nim($text = "1415015022") { echo "NIM kamu {$text} <br>"; } name(); nim(); ?> <br> <h2> Aritmatika </h2> <?php function tambah($a, $b) { echo "<br>"; $hasil = $a + $b; return $hasil; } function kurang($a, $b) { echo "<br>"; $hasil = $a - $b;
?> <!-- [a89_50_content.tpl.php] --> <style> #hero_wrapper_about{ background: url('<?php echo nim($node, 'about_background_image_1'); ?> '); background-size: cover; background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat; } #hero_wrapper_about_2{ background: url('<?php echo nim($node, 'about_background_image_2'); ?> '); background-size: cover; background-position: center 25%; background-repeat: no-repeat; } </style> <div id="about_page_root"> <div class="about_page_wrapper"> <div id="personal_wrapper" class="default_page_inner content_inner mobile_padding padding"> <div class="pageblock_title"> <h2 class="bold text-yellow"><?php echo tt('Subtitle reason 1');
$product_page_node = $items['product_page_node']; $testimonial_node = !empty($items['testimonial_node']) ? $items['testimonial_node'] : false; ?> <!--[a20_40_testimonial.tpl.php] <em><?php echo $product_page_node->nid; ?> </em><br>--> <div id="testimonial_root" class="background_gray"> <div id="testimonial_wrapper"> <div class="content_inner testimonial_inner ae_wrapper"> <style> .testimonial_image{ background: url('<?php echo nim($testimonial_node, 'testimonial_image'); ?> '); background-size: cover; background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat; } </style> <? if ( $testimonial_node ){ ?> <div class="testimonial_wrapper"> <div class="testimonial_image bg_cover"></div> <div class="testimonial_body"><?php echo nsv($testimonial_node, 'body'); ?> </div>
Homepage tt($src) function - link for entering translations: The source should be always in English. */ $node = $items['homepage_node']; ?> <!--[a10_40_outro.tpl.php]<br>--> <div id="outro_root"> <style type="text/css"> #outro_wrapper{ background: url('<?php echo nim($node, 'outro_background_image'); ?> '); background-size: cover; background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat; } </style> <div id="outro_wrapper" class="bg_cover"> <div class="content_inner outro_inner"> <div class="outro_content"> <h3 class="bold text-white"><?php echo nsv($node, 'outro_title'); ?> </h3> <p class="bold"><a href="<?php