コード例 #1
ファイル: plugin.php プロジェクト: elizabethcb/Daily-Globe
 * Sends out newsletters.
 * I recipients is an array of subscribers, other parameters are ignored and a test
 * batch is started. This parameter has priority over all.
 * If continue is true, the system try to continue a previous batch keeping its
 * configuration (eg. if it was a simulation or not).
 * If continue is false, simulate indicates if the batch is a simulation and forces
 * the subscriber's email to a test one, as specified in the configuration.
 * Return true if the batch is completed.
function newsletter_send_batch()
    global $wpdb;
    newsletter_info(__FUNCTION__, 'Start');
    $options = get_option('newsletter');
    $options_email = get_option('newsletter_email');
    $batch = get_option('newsletter_batch');
    if ($batch == null || !is_array($batch)) {
        newsletter_error(__FUNCTION__, 'No batch found');
    newsletter_debug(__FUNCTION__, "Batch:\n" . print_r($last, true));
    // Batch have to contain 'id' which is the starting id, 'simulate' boolean
    // to indicate if is a simulation or not, 'scheduled' if it's a scheduled
    // sending process. 'list' is the list number, required.
    // If 'id' = 0 it's a new seding process.
    if (!isset($batch['id'])) {
        newsletter_error(__FUNCTION__, 'Batch "id" parameter not present');
        return false;
    if (!isset($batch['list'])) {
        newsletter_error(__FUNCTION__, 'Batch "list" parameter not present');
        return false;
    if (!isset($batch['simulate'])) {
        newsletter_error(__FUNCTION__, 'Batch "simulate" parameter not present');
        return false;
    if (!isset($batch['scheduled'])) {
        newsletter_error(__FUNCTION__, 'Batch "scheduled" parameter not present');
        return false;
    $id = (int) $batch['id'];
    $list = (int) $batch['list'];
    $simulate = (bool) $batch['simulate'];
    $scheduled = (bool) $batch['scheduled'];
    // Used to avoid echo
    if ($scheduled) {
        $max = $options_email['scheduler_max'];
        if (!is_numeric($max)) {
            $max = 10;
    } else {
        $max = $options_email['max'];
        if (!is_numeric($max)) {
            $max = 0;
    $query = "select * from " . $wpdb->prefix . "newsletter where status='C' and list=" . $list . " and id>" . $id . " order by id";
    if ($max > 0) {
        $query .= " limit " . $max;
    $recipients = $wpdb->get_results($query);
    // For a new batch save some info
    if ($id == 0) {
        $batch['total'] = $wpdb->get_var("select count(*) from " . $wpdb->prefix . "newsletter where status='C' and list=" . $list);
        $batch['sent'] = 0;
        $batch['completed'] = false;
        $batch['message'] = '';
    // Not all hosting provider allow this...
    $start_time = time();
    $max_time = (int) (ini_get('max_execution_time') * 0.8);
    $db_time = time();
    if (!$scheduled) {
        echo 'Sending to: <br />';
    if (isset($options_email['novisual'])) {
        $message = $options_email['message'];
    } else {
        $message = '<html><head><style type="text/css">' . newsletter_get_theme_css($options_email['theme']) . '</style></head><body>' . $options_email['message'] . '</body></html>';
    $idx = 0;
    add_action('phpmailer_init', 'newsletter_phpmailer_init');
    if (newsletter_has_extras('1.0.4')) {
    foreach ($recipients as $r) {
        $url = newsletter_add_qs($options['url'], 'na=u&amp;ni=' . $r->id . '&amp;nt=' . $r->token);
        $m = newsletter_replace_url($message, 'UNSUBSCRIPTION_URL', $url);
        $m = newsletter_replace($m, $r);
        if (defined('NEWSLETTER_EXTRAS') && isset($options_email['track'])) {
            $m = newsletter_relink($m, $r->id, $options_email['name']);
        $s = $options_email['subject'];
        $s = newsletter_replace($s, $r);
        if ($simulate) {
            $x = newsletter_mail($options_email['simulate_email'], $s, $m, true);
        } else {
            $x = newsletter_mail($r->email, $s, $m, true);
        if (!$scheduled) {
            echo htmlspecialchars($r->name) . ' (' . $r->email . ') ';
            if ($x) {
                echo '[OK] - ';
                newsletter_debug(__FUNCTION__, 'Sent to ' . $r->id . ' success');
            } else {
                echo '[KO] - ';
                newsletter_debug(__FUNCTION__, 'Sent to ' . $r->id . ' failed');
        $batch['id'] = $r->id;
        // Try to avoid database timeout
        if (time() - $db_time > 15) {
            newsletter_debug(__FUNCTION__, 'Batch saving to avoid database timeout');
            $db_time = time();
            $batch['message'] = 'Temporary saved batch to avoid database timeout';
            if (!update_option('newsletter_batch', $batch)) {
                newsletter_error(__FUNCTION__, 'Unable to save to database, saving on file system');
                newsletter_error(__FUNCTION__, "Batch:\n" . print_r($batch, true));
                remove_action('phpmailer_init', 'newsletter_phpmailer_init');
                if (newsletter_has_extras('1.0.4')) {
                return false;
        // Check for the max emails per batch
        if ($max != 0 && $idx >= $max) {
            newsletter_info(__FUNCTION__, 'Batch saving due to max emails limit reached');
            $batch['message'] = 'Batch max emails limit reached (it is ok)';
            if (!update_option('newsletter_batch', $batch)) {
                newsletter_error(__FUNCTION__, 'Unable to save to database, saving on file system');
                newsletter_error(__FUNCTION__, "Batch:\n" . print_r($batch, true));
                remove_action('phpmailer_init', 'newsletter_phpmailer_init');
                if (newsletter_has_extras('1.0.4')) {
                return false;
            remove_action('phpmailer_init', 'newsletter_phpmailer_init');
            if (newsletter_has_extras('1.0.4')) {
            return true;
        // Timeout check, max time is zero if set_time_limit works
        if ($max_time != 0 && time() - $start_time > $max_time) {
            newsletter_info(__FUNCTION__, 'Batch saving due to max time limit reached');
            $batch['message'] = 'Batch max time limit reached (it is ok)';
            if (!update_option('newsletter_batch', $batch)) {
                newsletter_error(__FUNCTION__, 'Unable to save to database, saving on file system');
                newsletter_error(__FUNCTION__, "Batch:\n" . print_r($last, true));
                remove_action('phpmailer_init', 'newsletter_phpmailer_init');
                if (newsletter_has_extras('1.0.4')) {
                return false;
            remove_action('phpmailer_init', 'newsletter_phpmailer_init');
            if (newsletter_has_extras('1.0.4')) {
            return true;
    // All right (incredible!)
    newsletter_info(__FUNCTION__, 'Sending completed!');
    $batch['completed'] = true;
    $batch['message'] = '';
    if (!update_option('newsletter_batch', $batch)) {
        newsletter_error(__FUNCTION__, 'Unable to save to database, saving on file system');
        newsletter_error(__FUNCTION__, "Batch:\n" . print_r($last, true));
        remove_action('phpmailer_init', 'newsletter_phpmailer_init');
        if (newsletter_has_extras('1.0.4')) {
        return false;
    remove_action('phpmailer_init', 'newsletter_phpmailer_init');
    if (newsletter_has_extras('1.0.4')) {
    return true;
コード例 #2
    delete_option('newsletter_batch', array());
if (isset($_POST['scheduled_simulate']) && check_admin_referer()) {
    $options = stripslashes_deep($_POST['options']);
    update_option('newsletter_email', $options);
    newsletter_send_scheduled(0, true);
if (isset($_POST['scheduled_send']) && check_admin_referer()) {
    $options = stripslashes_deep($_POST['options']);
    update_option('newsletter_email', $options);
    newsletter_send_scheduled(0, false);
if (isset($_POST['restore']) && check_admin_referer()) {
    $batch = newsletter_load_batch_file();
    update_option('newsletter_batch', $batch);
// Theme style
$css_url = null;
$theme_dir = newsletter_get_theme_dir($options['theme']);
if (file_exists($theme_dir . '/style.css')) {
    $css_url = newsletter_get_theme_url($options['theme']) . '/style.css';
$nc = new NewsletterControls($options, 'composer');
if (!isset($options['novisual'])) {
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php 
    echo get_option('siteurl');
<script type="text/javascript">