コード例 #1
function b_news_randomnews_show($options)
    include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/news/include/functions.php';
    $myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance();
    $block = array();
    $block['sort'] = $options[0];
    $tmpstory = new NewsStory();
    $restricted = news_getmoduleoption('restrictindex');
    $dateformat = news_getmoduleoption('dateformat');
    $infotips = news_getmoduleoption('infotips');
    if ($dateformat == '') {
        $dateformat = 's';
    if ($options[4] == 0) {
        $stories = $tmpstory->getRandomNews($options[1], 0, $restricted, 0, 1, $options[0]);
    } else {
        $topics = array_slice($options, 4);
        $stories = $tmpstory->getRandomNews($options[1], 0, $restricted, $topics, 1, $options[0]);
    if (count($stories) == 0) {
        return '';
    foreach ($stories as $story) {
        $news = array();
        $title = $story->title();
        if (strlen($title) > $options[2]) {
            $title = xoops_substr($title, 0, $options[2] + 3);
        $news['title'] = $title;
        $news['id'] = $story->storyid();
        $news['date'] = formatTimestamp($story->published(), $dateformat);
        $news['hits'] = $story->counter();
        $news['rating'] = $story->rating();
        $news['votes'] = $story->votes();
        $news['author'] = sprintf("%s %s", _POSTEDBY, $story->uname());
        $news['topic_title'] = $story->topic_title();
        $news['topic_color'] = '#' . $myts->displayTarea($story->topic_color);
        if ($options[3] > 0) {
            $html = $story->nohtml() == 1 ? 0 : 1;
            $news['teaser'] = news_truncate_tagsafe($myts->displayTarea($story->hometext, $html), $options[3] + 3);
            $news['infotips'] = '';
        } else {
            $news['teaser'] = '';
            if ($infotips > 0) {
                $news['infotips'] = ' title="' . news_make_infotips($story->hometext()) . '"';
            } else {
                $news['infotips'] = '';
        $block['stories'][] = $news;
    $block['lang_read_more'] = _MB_READMORE;
    return $block;
コード例 #2
 * Dispay a block where news moderators can show news that need to be moderated.
function b_news_topics_moderate()
    include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/news/class/class.newsstory.php';
    include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/news/include/functions.php';
    $block = array();
    $dateformat = news_getmoduleoption('dateformat');
    $infotips = news_getmoduleoption('infotips');
    $storyarray = NewsStory::getAllSubmitted(0, true, news_getmoduleoption('restrictindex'));
    if (count($storyarray) > 0) {
        $block['lang_story_title'] = _MB_TITLE;
        $block['lang_story_date'] = _MB_POSTED;
        $block['lang_story_author'] = _MB_POSTER;
        $block['lang_story_action'] = _MB_ACTION;
        $block['lang_story_topic'] = _MB_TOPIC;
        $myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance();
        foreach ($storyarray as $newstory) {
            $title = $newstory->title();
            $htmltitle = '';
            if ($infotips > 0) {
                $story['infotips'] = news_make_infotips($newstory->hometext());
                $htmltitle = ' title="' . $story['infotips'] . '"';
            if (!isset($title) || $title == '') {
                $linktitle = "<a href='" . XOOPS_URL . "/modules/news/index.php?op=edit&amp;storyid=" . $newstory->storyid() . "' target='_blank'" . $htmltitle . ">" . _AD_NOSUBJECT . "</a>";
            } else {
                $linktitle = "<a href='" . XOOPS_URL . "/modules/news/submit.php?op=edit&amp;storyid=" . $newstory->storyid() . "' target='_blank'" . $htmltitle . ">" . $title . "</a>";
            $story = array();
            $story['title'] = $linktitle;
            $story['date'] = formatTimestamp($newstory->created(), $dateformat);
            $story['author'] = "<a href='" . XOOPS_URL . "/userinfo.php?uid=" . $newstory->uid() . "'>" . $newstory->uname() . "</a>";
            $story['action'] = "<a href='" . XOOPS_URL . "/modules/news/admin/index.php?op=edit&amp;storyid=" . $newstory->storyid() . "'>" . _EDIT . "</a> - <a href='" . XOOPS_URL . "/modules/news/admin/index.php?op=delete&amp;storyid=" . $newstory->storyid() . "'>" . _MB_DELETE . "</a>";
            $story['topic_title'] = $newstory->topic_title();
            $story['topic_color'] = '#' . $myts->displayTarea($newstory->topic_color);
            $block['stories'][] =& $story;
    return $block;
コード例 #3
function b_news_bigstory_show()
    include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/news/include/functions.php';
    include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/news/class/class.newsstory.php';
    $myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance();
    $restricted = news_getmoduleoption('restrictindex');
    $dateformat = news_getmoduleoption('dateformat');
    $infotips = news_getmoduleoption('infotips');
    $block = array();
    $onestory = new NewsStory();
    $stories = $onestory->getBigStory(1, 0, $restricted, 0, 1, true, 'counter');
    if (count($stories) == 0) {
        $block['message'] = _MB_NEWS_NOTYET;
    } else {
        foreach ($stories as $key => $story) {
            $htmltitle = '';
            if ($infotips > 0) {
                $block['infotips'] = news_make_infotips($story->hometext());
                $htmltitle = ' title="' . $block['infotips'] . '"';
            $block['htmltitle'] = $htmltitle;
            $block['message'] = _MB_NEWS_TMRSI;
            $block['story_title'] = $story->title('Show');
            $block['story_id'] = $story->storyid();
            $block['story_date'] = formatTimestamp($story->published(), $dateformat);
            $block['story_hits'] = $story->counter();
            $block['story_rating'] = $story->rating();
            $block['story_votes'] = $story->votes();
            $block['story_author'] = $story->uname();
            $block['story_text'] = $story->hometext();
            $block['story_topic_title'] = $story->topic_title();
            $block['story_topic_color'] = '#' . $myts->displayTarea($story->topic_color);
    return $block;
コード例 #4
ファイル: news_top.php プロジェクト: trabisdementia/xuups
 * Notes about the spotlight :
 * If you have restricted topics on index page (in fact if the program must completly respect the permissions) and if
 * the news you have selected to be viewed in the spotlight can't be viewed by someone then the spotlight is not visible !
 * This is available in the classical and in the tabbed view.
 * But if you have uncheck the option "Restrict topics on index page", then the news will be visible but users without
 * permissions will be rejected when they will try to read news content.
 * Also, if you have selected a tabbed view and wanted to use the Spotlight but did not choosed a story, then the block
 * will switch to the "most recent news" mode (the visible news will be searched according to the permissions)
function b_news_top_show($options)
    global $xoopsConfig;
    include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/news/include/functions.php';
    $myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance();
    $block = array();
    $displayname = news_getmoduleoption('displayname');
    $tabskin = news_getmoduleoption('tabskin');
    if (file_exists(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/news/language/' . $xoopsConfig['language'] . '/main.php')) {
        include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/news/language/' . $xoopsConfig['language'] . '/main.php';
    } else {
        include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/news/language/english/main.php';
    $block['displayview'] = $options[8];
    $block['tabskin'] = $tabskin;
    $block['imagesurl'] = XOOPS_URL . '/modules/news/images/';
    $restricted = news_getmoduleoption('restrictindex');
    $dateformat = news_getmoduleoption('dateformat');
    $infotips = news_getmoduleoption('infotips');
    $newsrating = news_getmoduleoption('ratenews');
    if ($dateformat == '') {
        $dateformat = 's';
    $perm_verified = false;
    $news_visible = true;
    // Is the spotlight visible ?
    if ($options[4] == 1 && $restricted && $options[5] == 0) {
        $perm_verified = true;
        $permittedtopics = news_MygetItemIds();
        $permstory = new NewsStory($options[6]);
        if (!in_array($permstory->topicid(), $permittedtopics)) {
            $usespotlight = false;
            $news_visible = false;
            $topicstitles = array();
        $options[4] == 0;
    // Try to see what tabs are visibles (if we are in restricted view of course)
    if ($options[8] == 2 && $restricted && $options[14] != 0) {
        $topics2 = array();
        $permittedtopics = news_MygetItemIds();
        $topics = array_slice($options, 14);
        foreach ($topics as $onetopic) {
            if (in_array($onetopic, $permittedtopics)) {
                $topics2[] = $onetopic;
        $before = array_slice($options, 0, 14);
        $options = array_merge($before, $topics2);
    if ($options[8] == 2) {
        // Tabbed view ********************************************************************************************
        $defcolors[1] = array('#F90', '#FFFFFF', '#F90', '#C60', '#999');
        // Bar Style
        $defcolors[2] = array('#F90', '#FFFFFF', '#F90', '#AAA', '#666');
        // Beveled
        $defcolors[3] = array('#F90', '#FFFFFF', '', '#789', '#789');
        // Classic
        $defcolors[4] = array('#F90', '#FFFFFF', '', '', '');
        // Folders
        $defcolors[5] = array('#F90', '#FFFFFF', '#CCC', 'inherit', '#999');
        // MacOs
        $defcolors[6] = array('#F90', '#FFFFFF', '#FFF', '#DDD', '#999');
        // Plain
        $defcolors[7] = array('#F90', '#FFFFFF', '', '', '');
        // Rounded
        $defcolors[8] = array('#F90', '#FFFFFF', '#F90', '#930', '#C60');
        // ZDnet
        $myurl = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
        if (substr($myurl, strlen($myurl) - 1, 1) == '/') {
            $myurl .= 'index.php';
        $myurl .= '?';
        foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) {
            if ($key != 'NewsTab') {
                $myurl .= $key . '=' . $value . '&';
        $block['url'] = $myurl;
        $tabscount = 0;
        $usespotlight = false;
        if (isset($_GET['NewsTab'])) {
            $_SESSION['NewsTab'] = intval($_GET['NewsTab']);
            $currenttab = intval($_GET['NewsTab']);
        } elseif (isset($_SESSION['NewsTab'])) {
            $currenttab = intval($_SESSION['NewsTab']);
        } else {
            $currenttab = 0;
        $tmpstory = new NewsStory();
        $topic = new NewsTopic();
        $topicstitles = array();
        if ($options[4] == 1) {
            // Spotlight enabled
            $topicstitles[0] = _MB_NEWS_SPOTLIGHT_TITLE;
            $usespotlight = true;
        if ($options[5] == 0 && $restricted) {
            // Use a specific news and we are in restricted mode
            if (!$perm_verified) {
                $permittedtopics = news_MygetItemIds();
                $permstory = new NewsStory($options[6]);
                if (!in_array($permstory->topicid(), $permittedtopics)) {
                    $usespotlight = false;
                    $topicstitles = array();
            } else {
                if (!$news_visible) {
                    $usespotlight = false;
                    $topicstitles = array();
        $block['use_spotlight'] = $usespotlight;
        if (isset($options[14]) && $options[14] != 0) {
            // Topic to use
            $topics = array_slice($options, 14);
            $tabscount += count($topics);
            $topicstitles = $topic->getTopicTitleFromId($topics, $topicstitles);
        $tabs = array();
        if ($usespotlight) {
            $tabs[] = array('id' => 0, 'title' => _MB_NEWS_SPOTLIGHT_TITLE);
        if (count($topics) > 0) {
            foreach ($topics as $onetopic) {
                if (isset($topicstitles[$onetopic])) {
                    $tabs[] = array('id' => $onetopic, 'title' => $topicstitles[$onetopic]['title'], 'picture' => $topicstitles[$onetopic]['picture']);
        $block['tabs'] = $tabs;
        $block['current_is_spotlight'] = false;
        $block['current_tab'] = $currenttab;
        $block['use_rating'] = $newsrating;
        if ($currenttab == 0 && $usespotlight) {
            // Spotlight or not ?
            $block['current_is_spotlight'] = true;
            if ($options[5] == 0 && $options[6] == 0) {
                // If the story to use was no selected then we switch to the "recent news" mode.
                $options[5] = 1;
            if ($options[5] == 0) {
                // Use a specific news
                if (!isset($permstory)) {
                } else {
                    $tmpstory = $permstory;
            } else {
                // Use the most recent news
                $stories = array();
                $stories = $tmpstory->getAllPublished(1, 0, $restricted, 0, 1, true, $options[0]);
                if (count($stories) > 0) {
                    $firststory = $stories[0];
                } else {
                    $block['use_spotlight'] = false;
            $spotlight = array();
            $spotlight['title'] = $tmpstory->title();
            if ($options[7] != '') {
                $spotlight['image'] = sprintf("<a href='%s'>%s</a>", XOOPS_URL . '/modules/news/article.php?storyid=' . $tmpstory->storyid(), $myts->displayTarea($options[7], $tmpstory->nohtml));
            $spotlight['text'] = $tmpstory->hometext();
            // Added 16 february 2007 *****************************************
            $story_user = null;
            $story_user = new XoopsUser($tmpstory->uid());
            if (is_object($story_user)) {
                $spotlight['avatar'] = XOOPS_UPLOAD_URL . '/' . $story_user->getVar('user_avatar');
            // ****************************************************************
            $spotlight['id'] = $tmpstory->storyid();
            $spotlight['date'] = formatTimestamp($tmpstory->published(), $dateformat);
            $spotlight['hits'] = $tmpstory->counter();
            $spotlight['rating'] = number_format($tmpstory->rating(), 2);
            $spotlight['votes'] = $tmpstory->votes();
            if (strlen(xoops_trim($tmpstory->bodytext())) > 0) {
                $spotlight['read_more'] = true;
            } else {
                $spotlight['read_more'] = false;
            $spotlight['readmore'] = sprintf("<a href='%s'>%s</a>", XOOPS_URL . '/modules/news/article.php?storyid=' . $tmpstory->storyid(), _MB_READMORE);
            $spotlight['title_with_link'] = sprintf("<a href='%s'>%s</a>", XOOPS_URL . '/modules/news/article.php?storyid=' . $tmpstory->storyid(), $tmpstory->title());
            if ($tmpstory->votes() == 1) {
                $spotlight['number_votes'] = _NW_ONEVOTE;
            } else {
                $spotlight['number_votes'] = sprintf(_NW_NUMVOTES, $tmpstory->votes());
            $spotlight['votes_with_text'] = sprintf(_NW_NUMVOTES, $tmpstory->votes());
            $spotlight['topicid'] = $tmpstory->topicid();
            $spotlight['topic_title'] = $tmpstory->topic_title();
            // Added, topic's image and description
            $spotlight['topic_image'] = XOOPS_URL . '/modules/news/images/topics/' . $tmpstory->topic_imgurl();
            $spotlight['topic_description'] = $myts->displayTarea($tmpstory->topic_description, 1);
            if ($displayname != 3) {
                $spotlight['author'] = sprintf("%s %s", _POSTEDBY, $tmpstory->uname());
                $spotlight['author_with_link'] = sprintf("%s <a href='%s'>%s</a>", _POSTEDBY, XOOPS_URL . '/userinfo.php?uid=' . $tmpstory->uid(), $tmpstory->uname());
            } else {
                $spotlight['author'] = '';
                $spotlight['author_with_link'] = '';
            $spotlight['author_id'] = $tmpstory->uid();
            // Create the summary table under the spotlight text
            if (isset($options[14]) && $options[14] == 0) {
                // Use all topics
                $stories = $tmpstory->getAllPublished($options[1], 0, $restricted, 0, 1, true, $options[0]);
            } else {
                // Use some topics
                $topics = array_slice($options, 14);
                $stories = $tmpstory->getAllPublished($options[1], 0, $restricted, $topics, 1, true, $options[0]);
            if (count($stories) > 0) {
                foreach ($stories as $key => $story) {
                    $news = array();
                    $title = $story->title();
                    if (strlen($title) > $options[2]) {
                        $title = xoops_substr($title, 0, $options[2] + 3);
                    $news['title'] = $title;
                    $news['id'] = $story->storyid();
                    $news['date'] = formatTimestamp($story->published(), $dateformat);
                    $news['hits'] = $story->counter();
                    $news['rating'] = number_format($story->rating(), 2);
                    $news['votes'] = $story->votes();
                    $news['topicid'] = $story->topicid();
                    $news['topic_title'] = $story->topic_title();
                    $news['topic_color'] = '#' . $myts->displayTarea($story->topic_color);
                    if ($displayname != 3) {
                        $news['author'] = sprintf("%s %s", _POSTEDBY, $story->uname());
                    } else {
                        $news['author'] = '';
                    if ($options[3] > 0) {
                        $html = $story->nohtml() == 1 ? 0 : 1;
                        $news['teaser'] = news_truncate_tagsafe($myts->displayTarea($story->hometext(), $html), $options[3] + 3);
                    } else {
                        $news['teaser'] = '';
                    if ($infotips > 0) {
                        $news['infotips'] = ' title="' . news_make_infotips($story->hometext()) . '"';
                    } else {
                        $news['infotips'] = '';
                    $news['title_with_link'] = sprintf("<a href='%s'%s>%s</a>", XOOPS_URL . '/modules/news/article.php?storyid=' . $story->storyid(), $news['infotips'], $title);
                    $spotlight['news'][] = $news;
            $block['spotlight'] = $spotlight;
        } else {
            if ($tabscount > 0) {
                $topics = array_slice($options, 14);
                $thetopic = $currenttab;
                $stories = $tmpstory->getAllPublished($options[1], 0, $restricted, $thetopic, 1, true, $options[0]);
                // Added, topic's image and description
                $block['topic_image'] = XOOPS_URL . '/modules/news/images/topics/' . $topic->topic_imgurl();
                $block['topic_description'] = $topic->topic_description();
                $smallheader = array();
                $stats = $topic->getTopicMiniStats($thetopic);
                $smallheader[] = sprintf("<a href='%s'>%s</a>", XOOPS_URL . '/modules/news/index.php?storytopic=' . $thetopic, _MB_READMORE);
                $smallheader[] = sprintf("%u %s", $stats['count'], _NW_ARTICLES);
                $smallheader[] = sprintf("%u %s", $stats['reads'], _READS);
                if (count($stories) > 0) {
                    foreach ($stories as $key => $story) {
                        $news = array();
                        $title = $story->title();
                        if (strlen($title) > $options[2]) {
                            $title = news_truncate_tagsafe($title, $options[2] + 3);
                        if ($options[7] != '') {
                            $news['image'] = sprintf("<a href='%s'>%s</a>", XOOPS_URL . '/modules/news/article.php?storyid=' . $story->storyid(), $myts->displayTarea($options[7], $story->nohtml));
                        if ($options[3] > 0) {
                            $html = $story->nohtml() == 1 ? 0 : 1;
                            $news['text'] = news_truncate_tagsafe($myts->displayTarea($story->hometext(), $html), $options[3] + 3);
                        } else {
                            $news['text'] = '';
                        if ($story->votes() == 1) {
                            $news['number_votes'] = _NW_ONEVOTE;
                        } else {
                            $news['number_votes'] = sprintf(_NW_NUMVOTES, $story->votes());
                        if ($infotips > 0) {
                            $news['infotips'] = ' title="' . news_make_infotips($story->hometext()) . '"';
                        } else {
                            $news['infotips'] = '';
                        $news['title'] = sprintf("<a href='%s' %s>%s</a>", XOOPS_URL . '/modules/news/article.php?storyid=' . $story->storyid(), $news['infotips'], $title);
                        $news['id'] = $story->storyid();
                        $news['date'] = formatTimestamp($story->published(), $dateformat);
                        $news['hits'] = $story->counter();
                        $news['rating'] = number_format($story->rating(), 2);
                        $news['votes'] = $story->votes();
                        $news['topicid'] = $story->topicid();
                        $news['topic_title'] = $story->topic_title();
                        $news['topic_color'] = '#' . $myts->displayTarea($story->topic_color);
                        if ($displayname != 3) {
                            $news['author'] = sprintf("%s %s", _POSTEDBY, $story->uname());
                        } else {
                            $news['author'] = '';
                        $news['title_with_link'] = sprintf("<a href='%s'%s>%s</a>", XOOPS_URL . '/modules/news/article.php?storyid=' . $story->storyid(), $news['infotips'], $title);
                        $block['news'][] = $news;
                    $block['smallheader'] = $smallheader;
        $block['lang_on'] = _ON;
        // on
        $block['lang_reads'] = _READS;
        // reads
        // Default values
        $block['color1'] = $defcolors[$tabskin][0];
        $block['color2'] = $defcolors[$tabskin][1];
        $block['color3'] = $defcolors[$tabskin][2];
        $block['color4'] = $defcolors[$tabskin][3];
        $block['color5'] = $defcolors[$tabskin][4];
        if (xoops_trim($options[9]) != '') {
            $block['color1'] = $options[9];
        if (xoops_trim($options[10]) != '') {
            $block['color2'] = $options[10];
        if (xoops_trim($options[11]) != '') {
            $block['color3'] = $options[11];
        if (xoops_trim($options[12]) != '') {
            $block['color4'] = $options[12];
        if (xoops_trim($options[13]) != '') {
            $block['color5'] = $options[13];
    } else {
        // ************************ Classical view **************************************************************************************************************
        $tmpstory = new NewsStory();
        if (isset($options[14]) && $options[14] == 0) {
            $stories = $tmpstory->getAllPublished($options[1], 0, $restricted, 0, 1, true, $options[0]);
        } else {
            $topics = array_slice($options, 14);
            $stories = $tmpstory->getAllPublished($options[1], 0, $restricted, $topics, 1, true, $options[0]);
        if (!count($stories)) {
            return '';
        $topic = new NewsTopic();
        foreach ($stories as $key => $story) {
            $news = array();
            $title = $story->title();
            if (strlen($title) > $options[2]) {
                $title = xoops_substr($title, 0, $options[2] + 3);
            //if spotlight is enabled and this is either the first article or the selected one
            if ($options[5] == 0 && $options[4] == 1 && ($options[6] > 0 && $options[6] == $story->storyid() || $options[6] == 0 && $key == 0)) {
                $spotlight = array();
                $visible = true;
                if ($restricted) {
                    $permittedtopics = news_MygetItemIds();
                    if (!in_array($story->topicid(), $permittedtopics)) {
                        $visible = false;
                if ($visible) {
                    $spotlight['title'] = $title;
                    if ($options[7] != '') {
                        $spotlight['image'] = sprintf("<a href='%s'>%s</a>", XOOPS_URL . '/modules/news/article.php?storyid=' . $story->storyid(), $myts->displayTarea($options[7], $story->nohtml));
                    // Added 16 february 2007 *****************************************
                    $story_user = null;
                    $story_user = new XoopsUser($story->uid());
                    if (is_object($story_user)) {
                        $spotlight['avatar'] = XOOPS_UPLOAD_URL . '/' . $story_user->getVar('user_avatar');
                    // ****************************************************************
                    $spotlight['text'] = $story->hometext();
                    $spotlight['id'] = $story->storyid();
                    $spotlight['date'] = formatTimestamp($story->published(), $dateformat);
                    $spotlight['hits'] = $story->counter();
                    $spotlight['rating'] = $story->rating();
                    $spotlight['votes'] = $story->votes();
                    $spotlight['topicid'] = $story->topicid();
                    $spotlight['topic_title'] = $story->topic_title();
                    $spotlight['topic_color'] = '#' . $myts->displayTarea($story->topic_color);
                    // Added, topic's image and description
                    $spotlight['topic_image'] = XOOPS_URL . '/modules/news/images/topics/' . $story->topic_imgurl();
                    $spotlight['topic_description'] = $myts->displayTarea($story->topic_description, 1);
                    if (strlen(xoops_trim($story->bodytext())) > 0) {
                        $spotlight['read_more'] = true;
                    } else {
                        $spotlight['read_more'] = false;
                    if ($displayname != 3) {
                        $spotlight['author'] = sprintf("%s %s", _POSTEDBY, $story->uname());
                    } else {
                        $spotlight['author'] = '';
                $block['spotlight'] = $spotlight;
            } else {
                $news['title'] = $title;
                $news['id'] = $story->storyid();
                $news['date'] = formatTimestamp($story->published(), $dateformat);
                $news['hits'] = $story->counter();
                $news['rating'] = $story->rating();
                $news['votes'] = $story->votes();
                $news['topicid'] = $story->topicid();
                $news['topic_title'] = $story->topic_title();
                $news['topic_color'] = '#' . $myts->displayTarea($story->topic_color);
                if ($displayname != 3) {
                    $news['author'] = sprintf("%s %s", _POSTEDBY, $story->uname());
                } else {
                    $news['author'] = '';
                if ($options[3] > 0) {
                    $html = $story->nohtml() == 1 ? 0 : 1;
                    $news['teaser'] = news_truncate_tagsafe($myts->displayTarea($story->hometext(), $html), $options[3] + 3);
                    $news['infotips'] = '';
                } else {
                    $news['teaser'] = '';
                    if ($infotips > 0) {
                        $news['infotips'] = ' title="' . news_make_infotips($story->hometext()) . '"';
                    } else {
                        $news['infotips'] = '';
                $block['stories'][] = $news;
        // If spotlight article was not in the fetched stories
        if (!isset($spotlight) && $options[4]) {
            $block['use_spotlight'] = true;
            $visible = true;
            if ($options[5] == 0 && $restricted) {
                // Use a specific news and we are in restricted mode
                $permittedtopics = news_MygetItemIds();
                $permstory = new NewsStory($options[6]);
                if (!in_array($permstory->topicid(), $permittedtopics)) {
                    $visible = false;
            if ($options[5] == 0) {
                // Use a specific news
                if ($visible) {
                    $spotlightArticle = new NewsStory($options[6]);
                } else {
                    $block['use_spotlight'] = false;
            } else {
                // Use the most recent news
                $stories = array();
                $stories = $tmpstory->getAllPublished(1, 0, $restricted, 0, 1, true, $options[0]);
                if (count($stories) > 0) {
                    $firststory = $stories[0];
                    $spotlightArticle = new NewsStory($firststory->storyid());
                } else {
                    $block['use_spotlight'] = false;
            if ($block['use_spotlight'] == true) {
                $spotlight = array();
                $spotlight['title'] = xoops_substr($spotlightArticle->title(), 0, $options[2] - 1);
                if ($options[7] != '') {
                    $spotlight['image'] = sprintf("<a href='%s'>%s</a>", XOOPS_URL . '/modules/news/article.php?storyid=' . $spotlightArticle->storyid(), $myts->displayTarea($options[7], $spotlightArticle->nohtml));
                // Added 16 february 2007 *****************************************
                $story_user = null;
                $story_user = new XoopsUser($spotlightArticle->uid());
                if (is_object($story_user)) {
                    $spotlight['avatar'] = XOOPS_UPLOAD_URL . '/' . $story_user->getVar('user_avatar');
                // ****************************************************************
                $spotlight['topicid'] = $spotlightArticle->topicid();
                $spotlight['topic_title'] = $spotlightArticle->topic_title();
                $spotlight['topic_color'] = '#' . $myts->displayTarea($spotlightArticle->topic_color);
                $spotlight['text'] = $spotlightArticle->hometext();
                $spotlight['id'] = $spotlightArticle->storyid();
                $spotlight['date'] = formatTimestamp($spotlightArticle->published(), $dateformat);
                $spotlight['hits'] = $spotlightArticle->counter();
                $spotlight['rating'] = $spotlightArticle->rating();
                $spotlight['votes'] = $spotlightArticle->votes();
                // Added, topic's image and description
                $spotlight['topic_image'] = XOOPS_URL . '/modules/news/images/topics/' . $spotlightArticle->topic_imgurl();
                $spotlight['topic_description'] = $myts->displayTarea($spotlightArticle->topic_description, 1);
                if ($displayname != 3) {
                    $spotlight['author'] = sprintf("%s %s", _POSTEDBY, $spotlightArticle->uname());
                } else {
                    $spotlight['author'] = '';
                if (strlen(xoops_trim($spotlightArticle->bodytext())) > 0) {
                    $spotlight['read_more'] = true;
                } else {
                    $spotlight['read_more'] = false;
                $block['spotlight'] = $spotlight;
    if (isset($permstory)) {
    $block['lang_read_more'] = $myts->htmlSpecialChars(_MB_READMORE);
    $block['lang_orderby'] = $myts->htmlSpecialChars(_MB_NEWS_ORDER);
    // "Order By"
    $block['lang_orderby_date'] = $myts->htmlSpecialChars(_MB_NEWS_DATE);
    // Published date
    $block['lang_orderby_hits'] = $myts->htmlSpecialChars(_MB_NEWS_HITS);
    // Number of Hits
    $block['lang_orderby_rating'] = $myts->htmlSpecialChars(_MB_NEWS_RATE);
    // Rating
    $block['sort'] = $options[0];
    // "published" or "counter" or "rating"
    return $block;
コード例 #5
    $xoopsTpl->assign('lang_views', _NW_VIEWS);
    // must adjust the selected time to server timestamp
    $timeoffset = $useroffset - $xoopsConfig['server_TZ'];
    $monthstart = mktime(0 - $timeoffset, 0, 0, $frommonth, 1, $fromyear);
    $monthend = mktime(23 - $timeoffset, 59, 59, $frommonth + 1, 0, $fromyear);
    $monthend = $monthend > time() ? time() : $monthend;
    $count = 0;
    $news = new NewsStory();
    $storyarray = $news->getArchive($monthstart, $monthend, $restricted);
    $count = count($storyarray);
    if (is_array($storyarray) && $count > 0) {
        foreach ($storyarray as $article) {
            $story = array();
            $htmltitle = '';
            if ($infotips > 0) {
                $story['infotips'] = news_make_infotips($article->hometext());
                $htmltitle = ' title="' . $story['infotips'] . '"';
            $story['title'] = "<a href='" . XOOPS_URL . '/modules/news/index.php?storytopic=' . $article->topicid() . "'>" . $article->topic_title() . "</a>: <a href='" . XOOPS_URL . "/modules/news/article.php?storyid=" . $article->storyid() . "'" . $htmltitle . ">" . $article->title() . "</a>";
            $story['counter'] = $article->counter();
            $story['date'] = formatTimestamp($article->published(), $dateformat, $useroffset);
            $story['print_link'] = XOOPS_URL . '/modules/news/print.php?storyid=' . $article->storyid();
            $story['mail_link'] = 'mailto:?subject=' . sprintf(_NW_INTARTICLE, $xoopsConfig['sitename']) . '&amp;body=' . sprintf(_NW_INTARTFOUND, $xoopsConfig['sitename']) . ':  ' . XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $xoopsModule->dirname() . '/article.php?storyid=' . $article->storyid();
            $xoopsTpl->append('stories', $story);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('lang_printer', _NW_PRINTERFRIENDLY);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('lang_sendstory', _NW_SENDSTORY);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('lang_storytotal', sprintf(_NW_THEREAREINTOTAL, $count));
} else {
    $xoopsTpl->assign('show_articles', false);
コード例 #6
  * Function used to prepare an article to be showned
 function prepare2show($filescount)
     include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/news/include/functions.php';
     global $xoopsUser, $xoopsConfig, $xoopsModuleConfig;
     $myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance();
     $infotips = news_getmoduleoption('infotips');
     $story = array();
     $story['id'] = $this->storyid();
     $story['poster'] = $this->uname();
     $story['author_name'] = $this->uname();
     $story['author_uid'] = $this->uid();
     if ($story['poster'] != false) {
         $story['poster'] = "<a href='" . XOOPS_URL . "/userinfo.php?uid=" . $this->uid() . "'>" . $story['poster'] . "</a>";
     } else {
         if ($xoopsModuleConfig['displayname'] != 3) {
             $story['poster'] = $xoopsConfig['anonymous'];
     if ($xoopsModuleConfig['ratenews']) {
         $story['rating'] = number_format($this->rating(), 2);
         if ($this->votes == 1) {
             $story['votes'] = _NW_ONEVOTE;
         } else {
             $story['votes'] = sprintf(_NW_NUMVOTES, $this->votes);
     $story['posttimestamp'] = $this->published();
     $story['posttime'] = formatTimestamp($story['posttimestamp'], news_getmoduleoption('dateformat'));
     $story['topic_description'] = $myts->displayTarea($this->topic_description);
     $auto_summary = '';
     $tmp = '';
     $auto_summary = $this->auto_summary($this->bodytext(), $tmp);
     $story['text'] = $this->hometext();
     $story['text'] = str_replace('[summary]', $auto_summary, $story['text']);
     $introcount = strlen($story['text']);
     $fullcount = strlen($this->bodytext());
     $totalcount = $introcount + $fullcount;
     $morelink = '';
     if ($fullcount > 1) {
         $morelink .= '<a href="' . XOOPS_URL . '/modules/news/article.php?storyid=' . $this->storyid() . '';
         $morelink .= '">' . _NW_READMORE . '</a>';
         $morelink .= ' | ' . sprintf(_NW_BYTESMORE, $totalcount);
         if (XOOPS_COMMENT_APPROVENONE != $xoopsModuleConfig['com_rule']) {
             $morelink .= ' | ';
     if (XOOPS_COMMENT_APPROVENONE != $xoopsModuleConfig['com_rule']) {
         $ccount = $this->comments();
         $morelink .= '<a href="' . XOOPS_URL . '/modules/news/article.php?storyid=' . $this->storyid() . '';
         $morelink2 = '<a href="' . XOOPS_URL . '/modules/news/article.php?storyid=' . $this->storyid() . '';
         if ($ccount == 0) {
             $morelink .= '">' . _NW_COMMENTS . '</a>';
         } else {
             if ($fullcount < 1) {
                 if ($ccount == 1) {
                     $morelink .= '">' . _NW_READMORE . '</a> | ' . $morelink2 . '">' . _NW_ONECOMMENT . '</a>';
                 } else {
                     $morelink .= '">' . _NW_READMORE . '</a> | ' . $morelink2 . '">';
                     $morelink .= sprintf(_NW_NUMCOMMENTS, $ccount);
                     $morelink .= '</a>';
             } else {
                 if ($ccount == 1) {
                     $morelink .= '">' . _NW_ONECOMMENT . '</a>';
                 } else {
                     $morelink .= '">';
                     $morelink .= sprintf(_NW_NUMCOMMENTS, $ccount);
                     $morelink .= '</a>';
     $story['morelink'] = $morelink;
     $story['adminlink'] = '';
     $approveprivilege = 0;
     if (news_is_admin_group()) {
         $approveprivilege = 1;
     if ($xoopsModuleConfig['authoredit'] == 1 && (is_object($xoopsUser) && $xoopsUser->getVar('uid') == $this->uid())) {
         $approveprivilege = 1;
     if ($approveprivilege) {
         $story['adminlink'] = $this->adminlink();
     $story['mail_link'] = 'mailto:?subject=' . sprintf(_NW_INTARTICLE, $xoopsConfig['sitename']) . '&amp;body=' . sprintf(_NW_INTARTFOUND, $xoopsConfig['sitename']) . ':  ' . XOOPS_URL . '/modules/news/article.php?storyid=' . $this->storyid();
     $story['imglink'] = '';
     $story['align'] = '';
     if ($this->topicdisplay()) {
         $story['imglink'] = $this->imglink();
         $story['align'] = $this->topicalign();
     if ($infotips > 0) {
         $story['infotips'] = ' title="' . news_make_infotips($this->hometext()) . '"';
     } else {
         $story['infotips'] = '';
     $story['title'] = "<a href='" . XOOPS_URL . "/modules/news/article.php?storyid=" . $this->storyid() . "'" . $story['infotips'] . ">" . $this->title() . "</a>";
     $story['hits'] = $this->counter();
     if ($filescount > 0) {
         $story['files_attached'] = true;
         $story['attached_link'] = "<a href='" . XOOPS_URL . '/modules/news/article.php?storyid=' . $this->storyid() . "' title='" . _NW_ATTACHEDLIB . "'><img src='" . XOOPS_URL . '/modules/news/images/attach.gif' . "' title='" . _NW_ATTACHEDLIB . "'></a>";
     } else {
         $story['files_attached'] = false;
         $story['attached_link'] = '';
     return $story;
コード例 #7
ファイル: article.php プロジェクト: trabisdementia/xuups
if (news_getmoduleoption('showsummarytable')) {
    $xoopsTpl->assign('showsummary', true);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('lang_other_story', _NW_OTHER_ARTICLES);
    $count = 0;
    $tmparticle = new NewsStory();
    $infotips = news_getmoduleoption('infotips');
    $sarray = $tmparticle->getAllPublished($cfg['article_summary_items_count'], 0, $xoopsModuleConfig['restrictindex']);
    if (count($sarray) > 0) {
        foreach ($sarray as $onearticle) {
            $htmltitle = '';
            $tooltips = '';
            $htmltitle = '';
            if ($infotips > 0) {
                $tooltips = news_make_infotips($onearticle->hometext());
                $htmltitle = ' title="' . $tooltips . '"';
            $xoopsTpl->append('summary', array('story_id' => $onearticle->storyid(), 'htmltitle' => $htmltitle, 'infotips' => $tooltips, 'story_title' => $onearticle->title(), 'story_hits' => $onearticle->counter(), 'story_published' => formatTimestamp($onearticle->published, $dateformat)));
    $xoopsTpl->assign('summary_count', $count);
} else {
    $xoopsTpl->assign('showsummary', false);
 * Show a link to go to the previous article and to the next article
 * According to a module's option "showprevnextlink" ("Show Previous and Next link ?")
 * you can display, at the bottom of each article, two links used to navigate thru stories.
コード例 #8
if ($articlescount > 0) {
    foreach ($articlelist as $article) {
        if ($oldtopic != $article['topicid']) {
            if (count($articlestpl) > 0) {
                $topic_link = sprintf("<a href='%s'>%s</a>", XOOPS_URL . '/modules/news/index.php?storytopic=' . $oldtopic, $oldtopictitle);
                $xoopsTpl->append('topics', array('topic_id' => $oldtopic, 'topic_count_articles' => sprintf(_AM_NEWS_TOTAL, $count_articles), 'topic_count_reads' => $count_reads, 'topic_color' => $oldtopiccolor, 'topic_title' => $oldtopictitle, 'topic_link' => $topic_link, 'news' => $articlestpl));
            $oldtopic = $article['topicid'];
            $oldtopictitle = $article['topic_title'];
            $oldtopiccolor = '#' . $myts->displayTarea($article['topic_color']);
            $articlestpl = array();
            $count_articles = $count_reads = 0;
        $htmltitle = '';
        if ($infotips > 0) {
            $htmltitle = ' title="' . news_make_infotips($article['hometext']) . '"';
        $count_reads += $article['counter'];
        $articlestpl[] = array('id' => $article['storyid'], 'hometext' => $article['hometext'], 'title' => $article['title'], 'hits' => $article['counter'], 'created' => formatTimestamp($article['created'], $dateformat), 'article_link' => sprintf("<a href='%s'%s>%s</a>", XOOPS_URL . '/modules/news/article.php?storyid=' . $article['storyid'], $htmltitle, $article['title']), 'published' => formatTimestamp($article['published'], $dateformat), 'rating' => $article['rating']);
$topic_link = sprintf("<a href='%s'>%s</a>", XOOPS_URL . '/modules/news/index.php?storytopic=' . $oldtopic, $oldtopictitle);
$xoopsTpl->append('topics', array('topic_id' => $oldtopic, 'topic_title' => $oldtopictitle, 'topic_link' => $topic_link, 'news' => $articlestpl));
$xoopsTpl->assign('xoops_pagetitle', _MI_NEWSBYTHISAUTHOR . ' - ' . $authname . ' - ' . $myts->htmlSpecialChars($xoopsModule->name()));
$xoopsTpl->assign('advertisement', news_getmoduleoption('advertisement'));
 * Create the meta datas
$meta_description = _MI_NEWSBYTHISAUTHOR . ' - ' . $authname . ' - ' . $myts->htmlSpecialChars($xoopsModule->name());