function syncSpamUserPref() { global $gbl, $sgbl, $ghtml; // The parent can be either a domain or a user. CHeck for the @ sign. if (csa($this->main->nname, "@")) { list($user, $domain) = explode("@", $this->main->nname); } else { $domain = $this->main->nname; $user = null; } $sysuser = mmail__qmail::getUserGroup($domain); // --- issue #578/#721 - missing in version 6.1.6 // $mailpath = "/home/lxadmin/mail"; $mailpath = mmail__qmail::getDir($domain); if ($user) { // $prefpath = "$mailpath/domains/{$domain}/{$user}/"; $prefpath = "{$mailpath}/{$user}/"; } else { return; } $prefdir = dirname($prefpath); if (!lxfile_exists(dirname($prefpath))) { lxuser_mkdir($sysuser, dirname($prefpath)); } $wname = fix_nname_to_be_variable($this->main->nname); $fdata = null; $cutoff = $this->main->spam_hit / 10 + 0.2; $fdata .= "spam_cutoff {$cutoff}\n"; $fdata .= "spam_subject_tag={$this->main->subject_tag}\n"; $fdata .= "wordlist R,user,{$wname}.wordlist.db,1\n"; $fdata .= "wordlist R,system,wordlist.db,2\n"; $fdata .= "wordlist R,system,kloxo.wordlist.db,3\n"; lxuser_put_contents($sysuser, $prefpath, $fdata); if (!lxfile_real("/var/bogofilter/{$wname}.wordlist.db")) { new_process_cmd($sysuser, null, "bogofilter -d /var/bogofilter/ --wordlist=R,user,{$wname}.wordlist.db,1 -n < /etc/my.cnf"); } lxfile_touch("/var/bogofilter/wordlist.db"); // Using generic because spamassasin is used on windows too. Or at least can be used. //lxfile_generic_chown("/var/bogofilter", mmail__qmail::getUserGroup($domain)); }
function zipFile() { foreach ($this->main->zip_file_list as &$_t_f) { $_t_f = coreFfile::removeLeadingSlash($_t_f); $_t_f = basename($_t_f); $_t_f = "\"{$_t_f}\""; } $list = implode(" ", $this->main->zip_file_list); $oldir = getcwd(); $fullpath = expand_real_root($this->main->fullpath); /* $fz = $fullpath . "/" . $this->main->zip_file_f; if (lxfile_exists($fz)) { throw new lxexception('file_exists', 'zip_file_f', $this->main->zip_file_f); } */ $date = date("M-d-H"); //check_file_if_owned_by_and_throw("NewArchive-$", $this->main->__username_o); $ret = new_process_cmd($this->main->__username_o, $fullpath, "zip -qu -r NewArchive-{$date} {$list}"); return "{$fullpath}/NewArchive-{$date}.zip"; }
function lxshell_user_return($username, $cmd) { global $sgbl; $start = 2; $arglist = array(); $nargs = @func_num_args(); if ($nargs > 0) { for ($i = $start; $i < $nargs; $i++) { $arglist[] = isset($transforming_func) ? $transforming_func(func_get_arg($i)) : func_get_arg($i); } } $cmd = getShellCommand($cmd, $arglist); $ret = new_process_cmd($username, null, $cmd); return $ret; }
/** * Executes an external program or command as given user * * @param $username * @param $cmd command to execute * @return depends on executed command */ function lxuser_return($username, $cmd) { global $sgbl; $start = 2; eval($sgbl->arg_getting_string); $cmd = getShellCommand($cmd, $arglist); $ret = new_process_cmd($username, null, $cmd); return $ret; }
function lxshell_unzip($username, $dir, $file, $filelist = null) { $dir = expand_real_root($dir); $file = expand_real_root($file); $files = null; if ($filelist) { foreach ($filelist as &$__nf) { $__nf = "'{$__nf}'"; } $files = implode(" ", $filelist); } if ($file[0] !== '/') { $fullpath = getcwd() . "/{$file}"; } else { $fullpath = $file; } $ztype = os_getZipType($fullpath); if ($ztype === 'tgz') { $command = "tar -xzf"; } else { if ($ztype === 'tar') { $command = "tar -xf"; } else { $command = "unzip -oq"; } } $fcmd = "{$command} {$fullpath} {$files}"; $fcmd = str_replace(";", "", $fcmd); $ret = new_process_cmd($username, $dir, "nice -n 15 {$fcmd}"); return $ret; }
function new_process_cp_rec($user, $src, $dst) { $src = expand_real_root($src); $dst = expand_real_root($dst); $cmd = "cp -a '{$src}' '{$dst}'"; new_process_cmd($user, null, $cmd); }
/** * Executes an external program or command as given user * * @param string $username * @param string $cmd command to execute * @return string depends on executed command */ function lxuser_return($username, $cmd) { global $sgbl; $start = 2; $arglist = array(); for ($i = $start; $i < func_num_args(); $i++) { if (isset($transforming_func)) { $arglist[] = $transforming_func(func_get_arg($i)); } else { $arglist[] = func_get_arg($i); } } $cmd = getShellCommand($cmd, $arglist); $ret = new_process_cmd($username, null, $cmd); return $ret; }