function get_vrdat_os($a_iface) { include "config.php"; $iface_file = $data_dir . "iface.os"; if (file_exists($iface_file)) { unlink($iface_file); } file_put_contents($iface_file, "", FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX); $vlans_file = $data_dir . "vlans.os"; if (file_exists($vlans_file)) { unlink($vlans_file); } file_put_contents($vlans_file, "", FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX); $route_file = $data_dir . "route.os"; if (file_exists($route_file)) { unlink($route_file); } file_put_contents($route_file, "", FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX); foreach ($a_iface as $iface) { unset($data_route); exec($ifconfig . " | grep 'flags\\|inet ' | awk '\$2~/^flags/{_1=\$1;getline;if(\$1~/^inet/){print _1\"\"\$2\"-\"\$4}}' | sed s/:/-/ | grep " . $iface . ".", $data_route); unset($data_addr); exec($netstat . " -rn -f inet -W | grep " . $iface . ". | awk '{ print \$1,\$7 }'", $data_addr); foreach ($data_route as $a_data) { $s_data = explode("-", $a_data); $cou = count($s_data); if ($cou == 3) { $arr_iface = explode(".", $s_data[0]); if (count($arr_iface) == 2) { $siface = $arr_iface[0]; $svlan = $arr_iface[1]; $sip = $s_data[1]; $smask = netmask2cidr(long2ip($s_data[2])); file_put_contents($iface_file, $siface . "." . $svlan . "-" . $sip . "/" . $smask . chr(10), FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX); } } } foreach ($data_addr as $row) { $srow = explode(" ", $row); $cou = count($srow); if ($cou == 2) { $arr_iface = explode(".", $srow[1]); if (count($arr_iface) == 2) { $siface = $arr_iface[0]; $svlan = $arr_iface[1]; $arr_network = explode("/", $srow[0]); $sip = $arr_network[0]; $smask = $arr_network[1]; file_put_contents($route_file, $siface . "." . $svlan . "-" . $sip . "/" . $smask . chr(10), FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX); file_put_contents($vlans_file, $siface . "." . $svlan . chr(10), FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX); } } } } }
function is_ipv4_valid($ipv4_address, $ipv4_prefixlen = NULL) { if (strpos($ipv4_address, '/') !== FALSE) { list($ipv4_address, $ipv4_prefixlen) = explode('/', $ipv4_address); } if (strpos($ipv4_prefixlen, '.')) { $ipv4_prefixlen = netmask2cidr($ipv4_prefixlen); } // False if prefix less or equal 0 and more 32 if (is_numeric($ipv4_prefixlen) && ($ipv4_prefixlen < '0' || $ipv4_prefixlen > '32')) { return FALSE; } // False if invalid IPv4 syntax if (!Net_IPv4::validateIP($ipv4_address)) { return FALSE; } // False if if ($ipv4_address == '') { return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
function dhcpserver_config($dhcpserver, $ch, $connect_url, $connect_api) { include "config.php"; $func_role = basename(__FILE__) . " " . __FUNCTION__; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $connect_url . "get_dhcpserver_config"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "{\"id_dhcp_server\":\"" . $dhcpserver . "\",\"api\":\"" . $connect_api . "\"}"); $return = curl_exec($ch); if (curl_errno($ch)) { echo system_addlog($func_role, "1", "Curl error: " . curl_error($ch)); } else { $httpcode = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); if ($httpcode == "200") { $result_json = json_decode($return, true); $iface = $result_json["iface"]; $includes_comx = $result_json["comx"]; $includes_docx = $result_json["docx"]; $includes_main = $result_json["main"]; // Configure DHCP server if (file_exists($dhcpserver_config)) { unlink($dhcpserver_config); } if ($iface == "auto") { $iface = "eth0"; } $a_iface = explode(",", $iface); file_put_contents($dhcpserver_config, "DHCPDARGS=\"" . implode(" ", $a_iface) . "\"" . chr(10), FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX); echo message_addlog($func_role, "File " . $dhcpserver_config . " was created with interfaces '" . $iface . "'"); // Configure DHCP file if (file_exists($dhcp_config)) { unlink($dhcp_config); } echo message_addlog($func_role, "Create file " . $dhcp_config); foreach ($includes_main as $row) { file_put_contents($dhcp_config, $row . chr(10), FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX); } file_put_contents($dhcp_config, "shared-network viva {" . chr(10), FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX); foreach ($a_iface as $row) { unset($data); $s_row = explode(chr(10), $row); $s_iface = $s_row[0]; exec($ifconfig . " " . $s_iface . " | grep 'inet ' | awk '{print (\$2,\$4)}'", $data); foreach ($data as $row) { $srow = explode(" ", $row); $s_ipaddr = $srow[0]; $s_mask = long2ip($srow[1]); $s_cidr = netmask2cidr($s_mask); $s_network = get_network($s_ipaddr, $s_cidr); file_put_contents($dhcp_config, "subnet " . $s_network . " netmask " . $s_mask . " { }" . chr(10), FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX); echo message_addlog($func_role, "Network " . $s_network . "/" . $s_cidr . " was added to file " . $dhcp_config); } } foreach ($includes_comx as $row) { if ($row > 0) { $comx_file = "dhcpd_comx_" . $row . ".conf"; file_put_contents($dhcp_config, "include \"" . $dhcp_dir . $comx_file . "\";" . chr(10), FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX); echo message_addlog($func_role, "Include file " . $comx_file . " to file " . $dhcp_config); } } foreach ($includes_docx as $row) { if ($row > 0) { $docx_file = "dhcpd_docx_" . $row . ".conf"; file_put_contents($dhcp_config, "include \"" . $dhcp_dir . $docx_file . "\";" . chr(10), FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX); echo message_addlog($func_role, "Include file " . $docx_file . " to file " . $dhcp_config); } } file_put_contents($dhcp_config, "}" . chr(10), FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX); // select all old files which were included to DHCP config and delete them unset($data); exec($ls . " -al " . $dhcp_dir . " | grep dhcpd_ | awk '{print (\$9)}'", $data); foreach ($data as $row) { unlink($dhcp_dir . $row); echo message_addlog($func_role, "File " . $dhcp_dir . $row . " was deleted"); } // create includes for comx if (count($includes_comx) > 0) { foreach ($includes_comx as $row) { if ($row > 0) { get_dhcpserver_include($row, "comx", $ch, $connect_url, $connect_api); } } } // create includes for docx if (count($includes_docx) > 0) { foreach ($includes_docx as $row) { if ($row > 0) { get_dhcpserver_include($row, "docx", $ch, $connect_url, $connect_api); } } } dhcpserver_restart(); } else { $last_url = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL); echo system_addlog($func_role, "1", "Error [" . $httpcode . "] " . $last_url); } } }
$rango = strpos($range, $cad); $datosh["rango"] = null; if (is_bool($rango)) { preg_match_all('/(\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3})/', $range, $matches); $datosh["rango"] = $matches[1][0] . "->" . $matches[1][1]; //substr($des, $descrip, -1); } $des = fgets($file); $cad = "#"; $pos = strpos($des, $cad); $datosh["descripción"] = null; if (!is_bool($pos)) { $datosh["descripción"] = strtoupper(substr($des, $pos + 1, -1)); $datosh["descripción"] = trim($datosh["descripción"], " \t."); } $datosh["netmask2cidr"] = netmask2cidr($datosh['mascara']); $redSubnet = $datosh["RED"] . "/" . $datosh["netmask2cidr"]; $rango = getEachIpInRange($redSubnet); $numRedes = count($rango); $datosh["rangodeipmin"] = $rango[0]; $datosh["rangodeipmax"] = $rango[$numRedes - 1]; $hosts[] = $datosh; } ////IF // print_r($datosh); } //whileee echo json_encode($hosts); fclose($file); break; case $action === 'GuardarRed':
$endpt = array(); $endpt['local'] = hex2ip($entry['cipSecEndPtLocalAddr1']); $ip2 = hex2ip($entry['cipSecEndPtLocalAddr2']); switch ($entry['cipSecEndPtLocalType']) { case 'ipSubnet': $endpt['local'] .= '/' . netmask2cidr($ip2); break; case 'ipAddrRange': $endpt['local'] .= ' - ' . $ip2; break; } $endpt['remote'] = hex2ip($entry['cipSecEndPtRemoteAddr1']); $ip2 = hex2ip($entry['cipSecEndPtRemoteAddr2']); switch ($entry['cipSecEndPtRemoteType']) { case 'ipSubnet': $endpt['remote'] .= '/' . netmask2cidr($ip2); break; case 'ipAddrRange': $endpt['remote'] .= ' - ' . $ip2; break; } $tunnel_endpt_json[$index_endpt] = $endpt; } $tunnel_endpt_json = json_encode($tunnel_endpt_json); $tunnel_endpt_hash = md5($tunnel_endpt_json); // Hash for index $tunnel_json = array(); foreach ($json_oids as $oid) { if (isset($tunnel[$oid])) { $tunnel_json[$oid] = $tunnel[$oid]; }