コード例 #1
function formulaires_configurer_relayeur_verifier_dist()
    $erreurs = array();
    $http_proxy = relayeur_saisie_ou_config(_request('http_proxy'), lire_config('http_proxy', ''));
    $http_noproxy = _request('http_noproxy');
    if ($http_proxy and !tester_url_absolue($http_proxy)) {
        $erreurs['http_proxy'] = _T('info_url_proxy_pas_conforme');
    if (!isset($erreurs['http_proxy']) and _request('tester_proxy')) {
        if (!$http_proxy) {
            $erreurs['http_proxy'] = _T('info_obligatoire');
        } else {
            $test_proxy = _request('test_proxy');
            $t = parse_url($test_proxy);
            if (!@$t['host']) {
                $erreurs['test_proxy'] = _T('info_adresse_non_indiquee');
            } else {
                // pour aide, couper, lang
                $info = "";
                if (!need_proxy($t['host'], $http_proxy, $http_noproxy)) {
                    $info = "<strong>" . _T('page_pas_proxy') . "</strong><br />";
                // il faut fausser le proxy actuel pour faire le test !
                $cur_http_proxy = $GLOBALS['meta']['http_proxy'];
                $cur_http_noproxy = $GLOBALS['meta']['http_noproxy'];
                $GLOBALS['meta']['http_proxy'] = $http_proxy;
                $GLOBALS['meta']['http_noproxy'] = $http_noproxy;
                $page = recuperer_page($test_proxy, true);
                $GLOBALS['meta']['http_proxy'] = $cur_http_proxy;
                $GLOBALS['meta']['http_noproxy'] = $cur_http_noproxy;
                if ($page) {
                    $erreurs['message_ok'] = _T('info_proxy_ok') . "<br />{$info}\n<tt>" . couper(entites_html($page), 300) . "</tt>";
                    $erreurs['message_erreur'] = '';
                } else {
                    $erreurs['message_erreur'] = $info . _T('info_impossible_lire_page', array('test_proxy' => "<tt>{$test_proxy}</tt>")) . " <b><tt>" . no_password_proxy_url($http_proxy) . "</tt></b>." . aide('confhttpproxy');
    return $erreurs;
コード例 #2
ファイル: relayeur.php プロジェクト: rhertzog/lcs
function configuration_relayeur_post ($http_proxy, $http_noproxy, $test_proxy, $tester_proxy) 
	// http_proxy : ne pas prendre en compte la modif si le password est '****'
	if (preg_match(',:\*\*\*\*@,', $http_proxy))
		$http_proxy = $GLOBALS['meta']['http_proxy'];

	$retour = $page = '';

	if ($tester_proxy AND preg_match(",https?://,", $http_proxy)) {
		$t = parse_url($test_proxy);

		if (!@$t['host']) {
			$retour = _T('info_adresse_non_indiquee');
		} elseif (!need_proxy($t['host'])) {

			$retour = "<p>"._T('page_pas_proxy')."</p>\n";
		} elseif ($page = recuperer_page($test_proxy, true)) {
			include_spip('inc/texte'); // pour aide, couper, lang
			$retour = "<p>"._T('info_proxy_ok')."</p>\n<tt>"
			. couper(entites_html($page),300)."</tt>";
		} else	$retour = _T('info_impossible_lire_page',
					array('test_proxy' => $test_proxy))
			. " <tt>".no_password_proxy_url($http_proxy)."</tt>."
			. aide('confhttpproxy');

	if ($http_proxy !== NULL) {
		ecrire_meta('http_proxy', $http_proxy);
	if ($http_noproxy !== NULL) {
		ecrire_meta('http_noproxy', $http_noproxy);
	if ($page) {
		$retour .= install_verifier_htaccess();
	return $retour;
コード例 #3
ファイル: distant.php プロジェクト: loorenzooo/aslfc
function lance_requete($method, $scheme, $user, $host, $path, $port, $noproxy, $refuse_gz = false, $referer = '', $datas = "", $vers = "HTTP/1.0", $date = '')
    $proxy_user = '';
    $http_proxy = need_proxy($host);
    if ($user) {
        $user = urlencode($user[0]) . ":" . urlencode($user[1]);
    if ($http_proxy) {
        $path = ($scheme == 'ssl' ? 'https://' : "{$scheme}://") . (!$user ? '' : "{$user}@") . "{$host}" . ($port != 80 ? ":{$port}" : "") . $path;
        $t2 = @parse_url($http_proxy);
        $first_host = $t2['host'];
        if (!($port = $t2['port'])) {
            $port = 80;
        if ($t2['user']) {
            $proxy_user = base64_encode($t2['user'] . ":" . $t2['pass']);
    } else {
        $first_host = $noproxy . $host;
    $f = @fsockopen($first_host, $port);
    spip_log("Recuperer {$path} sur {$first_host}:{$port} par {$f}");
    if (!$f) {
        return false;
    $site = $GLOBALS['meta']["adresse_site"];
    $req = "{$method} {$path} {$vers}\r\n" . "Host: {$host}\r\n" . "User-Agent: " . _INC_DISTANT_USER_AGENT . "\r\n" . ($refuse_gz ? '' : "Accept-Encoding: " . _INC_DISTANT_CONTENT_ENCODING . "\r\n") . (!$site ? '' : "Referer: {$site}/{$referer}\r\n") . (!$date ? '' : "If-Modified-Since: " . (gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", $date) . " GMT\r\n")) . (!$user ? '' : "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode($user) . "\r\n") . (!$proxy_user ? '' : "Proxy-Authorization: Basic {$proxy_user}\r\n") . (!strpos($vers, '1.1') ? '' : "Keep-Alive: 300\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\n");
    #	spip_log("Requete\n$req");
    fputs($f, $req);
    fputs($f, $datas ? $datas : "\r\n");
    return $f;
コード例 #4
 * Lancer la requete proprement dite
 * @param string $method
 *   type de la requete (GET, HEAD, POST...)
 * @param string $scheme
 *   protocole (http, tls, ftp...)
 * @param array $user
 *   couple (utilisateur, mot de passe) en cas d'authentification http
 * @param string $host
 *   nom de domaine
 * @param string $path
 *   chemin de la page cherchee
 * @param string $port
 *   port utilise pour la connexion
 * @param bool $noproxy
 *   protocole utilise si requete sans proxy
 * @param bool $refuse_gz
 *   refuser la compression GZ
 * @param string $referer
 *   referer
 * @param string $datas
 *   donnees postees
 * @param string $vers
 *   version HTTP
 * @param int|string $date
 *   timestamp pour entente If-Modified-Since
 * @return bool|resource
 *   false|int si echec
 *   resource socket vers l'url demandee
function lance_requete($method, $scheme, $user, $host, $path, $port, $noproxy, $refuse_gz = false, $referer = '', $datas = "", $vers = "HTTP/1.0", $date = '')
    $proxy_user = '';
    $http_proxy = need_proxy($host);
    if ($user) {
        $user = urlencode($user[0]) . ":" . urlencode($user[1]);
    $connect = "";
    if ($http_proxy) {
        if (defined('_PROXY_HTTPS_VIA_CONNECT') and $scheme == "tls") {
            $path_host = (!$user ? '' : "{$user}@") . $host . ($port != 80 ? ":{$port}" : "");
            $connect = "CONNECT " . $path_host . " {$vers}\r\n" . "Host: {$path_host}\r\n" . "Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n";
        } else {
            $path = ($scheme == 'tls' ? 'https://' : "{$scheme}://") . (!$user ? '' : "{$user}@") . "{$host}" . ($port != 80 ? ":{$port}" : "") . $path;
        $t2 = @parse_url($http_proxy);
        $first_host = $t2['host'];
        if (!($port = $t2['port'])) {
            $port = 80;
        if ($t2['user']) {
            $proxy_user = base64_encode($t2['user'] . ":" . $t2['pass']);
    } else {
        $first_host = $noproxy . $host;
    if ($connect) {
        $streamContext = stream_context_create(array('ssl' => array('verify_peer' => false, 'allow_self_signed' => true)));
        $f = @stream_socket_client("tcp://{$first_host}:{$port}", $errno, $errstr, _INC_DISTANT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT, $streamContext);
        spip_log("Recuperer {$path} sur {$first_host}:{$port} par {$f} (via CONNECT)", "connect");
        if (!$f) {
            spip_log("Erreur connexion {$errno} {$errstr}", _LOG_ERREUR);
            return $errno;
        stream_set_timeout($f, _INC_DISTANT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT);
        fputs($f, $connect);
        fputs($f, "\r\n");
        $res = fread($f, 1024);
        if (!$res or !count($res = explode(' ', $res)) or $res[1] !== '200') {
            spip_log("Echec CONNECT sur {$first_host}:{$port}", "connect" . _LOG_INFO_IMPORTANTE);
            return false;
        // important, car sinon on lit trop vite et les donnees ne sont pas encore dispo
        stream_set_blocking($f, true);
        // envoyer le handshake
        stream_socket_enable_crypto($f, true, STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_SSLv23_CLIENT);
        spip_log("OK CONNECT sur {$first_host}:{$port}", "connect");
    } else {
        $ntry = 3;
        do {
            $f = @fsockopen($first_host, $port, $errno, $errstr, _INC_DISTANT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT);
        } while (!$f and $ntry-- and $errno !== 110 and sleep(1));
        spip_log("Recuperer {$path} sur {$first_host}:{$port} par {$f}");
        if (!$f) {
            spip_log("Erreur connexion {$errno} {$errstr}", _LOG_ERREUR);
            return $errno;
        stream_set_timeout($f, _INC_DISTANT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT);
    $site = isset($GLOBALS['meta']["adresse_site"]) ? $GLOBALS['meta']["adresse_site"] : '';
    $req = "{$method} {$path} {$vers}\r\n" . "Host: {$host}\r\n" . "User-Agent: " . _INC_DISTANT_USER_AGENT . "\r\n" . ($refuse_gz ? '' : "Accept-Encoding: " . _INC_DISTANT_CONTENT_ENCODING . "\r\n") . (!$site ? '' : "Referer: {$site}/{$referer}\r\n") . (!$date ? '' : "If-Modified-Since: " . (gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", $date) . " GMT\r\n")) . (!$user ? '' : "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode($user) . "\r\n") . (!$proxy_user ? '' : "Proxy-Authorization: Basic {$proxy_user}\r\n") . (!strpos($vers, '1.1') ? '' : "Keep-Alive: 300\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\n");
    #	spip_log("Requete\n$req");
    fputs($f, $req);
    fputs($f, $datas ? $datas : "\r\n");
    return $f;
コード例 #5
function migration_lance_requete($method, $scheme, $user, $host, $path, $port, $noproxy, $refuse_gz=false, $referer = '', $datas="", $vers="HTTP/1.0", $date='') {

	$proxy_user = '';
	$http_proxy = need_proxy($host);
	if ($user) $user = urlencode($user[0]).":".urlencode($user[1]);

	if ($http_proxy) {
		$path = "$scheme://"
			. (!$user ? '' : "$user@")
			. "$host" . (($port != 80) ? ":$port" : "") . $path;
		$t2 = @parse_url($http_proxy);
		$first_host = $t2['host'];
		if (!($port = $t2['port'])) $port = 80;
		if ($t2['user'])
			$proxy_user = base64_encode($t2['user'] . ":" . $t2['pass']);
	} else $first_host = $noproxy.$host;

	$f = @fsockopen($first_host, $port);
	spip_log("Recuperer $path sur $first_host:$port par $f");
	if (!$f) return false;

	$site = $GLOBALS['meta']["adresse_site"];

	$req = "$method $path $vers\r\n"
	. "Host: $host\r\n"
	. "User-Agent: " . _INC_DISTANT_USER_AGENT . "\r\n"
	. ($refuse_gz ? '' : ("Accept-Encoding: " . _INC_DISTANT_CONTENT_ENCODING . "\r\n"))
	. (!$site ? '' : "Referer: $site/$referer\r\n")
	. (!$date ? '' : "If-Modified-Since: " . (gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", $date)  ." GMT\r\n"))
	. (!$user ? '' : ("Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode($user) ."\r\n"))
	. (!$proxy_user ? '' : "Proxy-Authorization: Basic $proxy_user\r\n")
	. (!strpos($vers, '1.1') ? '' : "Keep-Alive: 300\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\n");

#	spip_log("Requete\n$req");
	fputs($f, $req);
	fputs($f, $datas ? $datas : "\r\n");
	return $f;