function my_team($attrs, $content = null, $shortcodename = "") { $dir = get_template_directory() . "/images/sociable/team-social/"; $sociables_icons = mytheme_listImage($dir); $sociables = array_values($sociables_icons); $attributes = array('name' => '', 'image' => '', 'role' => ''); foreach ($sociables as $sociable) { $attributes[$sociable] = ''; } extract(shortcode_atts($attributes, $attrs)); $image = empty($image) ? IAMD_BASE_URL . "images/dummy-images/team.jpg" : $image; $image = "<div class='image'><img src='{$image}' alt='member-image' /></div>"; $name = empty($name) ? "" : "<h4>{$name}</h4>"; $role = empty($role) ? "" : "<h6>{$role}</h6>"; $s = ""; $path = IAMD_BASE_URL . "/images/sociable/"; foreach ($sociables as $sociable) { $img = array_search($sociable, $sociables_icons); $s .= empty(${$sociable}) ? "" : "<li><a href='{${$sociable}}' target='_blank'> <img src='{$path}hover/{$img}' alt='{$sociable}'/> <img src='{$path}team-social/{$img}' alt='{$sociable}'/></a></li>"; } $s = !empty($s) ? "<ul class='social-icons'>{$s}</ul>" : ""; $out = '<div class="team">'; $out .= $image . $name . $role . $s; $out .= '</div>'; return $out; }
function mytheme_color_picker() { $patterns_url = IAMD_FW_URL . "theme_options/images/pattern/"; $skins_url = IAMD_BASE_URL . "images/style-picker/"; $patterns = ""; $patterns_array = mytheme_listImage(TEMPLATEPATH . "/images/style-picker/patterns/"); foreach ($patterns_array as $k => $v) { $img = IAMD_BASE_URL . "images/style-picker/patterns/" . $k; $patterns .= '<li>'; $patterns .= "<a id='{$v}' href='' title=''>"; $patterns .= "<img src='{$img}' alt='{$v}' title='{$v}' width='30' height='30' />"; $patterns .= '</a>'; $patterns .= '</li>'; } $colors = ""; foreach (getFolders(get_template_directory() . "/skins") as $skin) { $img = $skins_url . $skin . ".jpg"; $colors .= '<li>'; $colors .= '<a id="' . $skin . '" href="" title="">'; $colors .= '<img src="' . $img . '" alt="color-' . $skin . '" title="color-' . $skin . '"/>'; $colors .= '</a>'; $colors .= '</li>'; } $str = '<!-- **Delicate Style Picker Wrapper** -->'; $str .= '<div class="delicate-style-picker-wrapper">'; $str .= ' <a href="" title="" class="style-picker-ico"> <img src="' . IAMD_BASE_URL . 'images/style-picker/picker-icon.png" alt="" title="" /> </a>'; $str .= ' <div id="delicate-style-picker">'; $str .= ' <h2>' . __('Select Your Style', 'dt_delicate') . '</h2>'; $str .= ' <h3>' . __('Choose your layout', 'dt_delicate') . '</h3>'; $str .= ' <ul class="layout-picker">'; $str .= ' <li> <a id="fullwidth" href="" title="" class="selected"> <img src="' . IAMD_BASE_URL . 'images/style-picker/fullwidth.jpg" alt="" title="" /> </a> </li>'; $str .= ' <li> <a id="boxed" href="" title=""> <img src="' . IAMD_BASE_URL . 'images/style-picker/boxed.jpg" alt="" title="" /> </a> </li>'; $str .= ' </ul>'; $str .= ' <div class="hr"> </div>'; $str .= ' <div id="pattern-holder" style="display:none;">'; $str .= ' <h3>' . __('Patterns for Boxed Layout', 'dt_delicate') . '</h3>'; $str .= ' <ul class="pattern-picker">'; $str .= $patterns; $str .= ' </ul>'; $str .= ' <div class="hr"> </div>'; $str .= ' </div>'; $str .= ' <h3>' . __('Color scheme', 'dt_delicate') . '</h3>'; $str .= ' <ul class="color-picker">'; $str .= $colors; $str .= ' </ul>'; $str .= ' </div>'; $str .= '</div><!-- **Delicate Style Picker Wrapper - End** -->'; echo $str; }
/** mytheme_sociables_selection() * Objective: * Returns selection box. **/ function mytheme_sociables_selection($name = '', $selected = "") { $dir = get_template_directory() . "/images/sociable/"; $sociables = mytheme_listImage($dir); $name = !empty($name) ? "name='mytheme[social][{$name}][icon]'" : ''; $out = "<select class='social-select' {$name}>"; #name attribute will be added to this by jQuery menuAdd() foreach ($sociables as $key => $value) { $s = selected($key, $selected, false); $v = ucwords($value); $out .= "<option value='{$key}' {$s} >{$v}</option>"; } $out .= "</select>"; return $out; }
<!-- In-built BG Patterns starts--> <div class="bg-pattern" <?php echo $bg_pattern; ?> > <div class="hr_invisible"> </div> <h6> <?php _e('Choose Patterns', 'dt_delicate'); ?> </h6> <!-- Pattern Sets Start --> <div class="bpanel-option-set"> <ul class="bpanel-layout-set"> <?php $pattrens = mytheme_listImage(IAMD_FW . "theme_options/images/patterns/"); foreach ($pattrens as $key => $value) { $class = $key == mytheme_option('appearance', 'boxed-layout-pattern') ? " class='selected' " : ""; echo "<li>"; echo "<a href='#' rel='{$key}' {$class}><img width='80px' height='80px' src='" . IAMD_FW_URL . "theme_options/images/patterns/{$key}' /></a>"; echo "</li>"; } ?> </ul> <input id="mytheme[appearance][boxed-layout-pattern]" name="mytheme[appearance][boxed-layout-pattern]" type="hidden" value="<?php echo mytheme_option('appearance', 'boxed-layout-pattern'); ?> "/> <p class="note"> <?php _e('Choose background pattern, you can add patterns by placing the png files in the folder ', 'dt_delicate');