You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ $basedir = dirname(__FILE__); $this_script = basename(__FILE__); require_once $basedir . '/OnlineSchemaChange.php'; require_once $basedir . '/dba_lib_foss.php'; define('CONNECTION_LIMIT', '500'); define('OSC_LOG_DIR', '/var/tmp/'); define('OSC_LOG_PREFIX', '__osclog_'); define('OLD_TABLE_PREFIX', '__osc_old_'); ini_set('mysql.connect_timeout', 20); ini_set('default_socket_timeout', 1800); ini_set('date.timezone', 'Asia/Chongqing'); if (function_exists('mysql_set_timeout')) { mysql_set_timeout(99999999); } $db_admin_user = '******'; $db_admin_pass = '******'; $backup_user = '******'; ////////////////////////////// // Main ////////////////////////////// $validate_arg_array = array("mode" => array("required" => 0, "value_expected" => 1, "default_val" => 'create', "help_alias" => "[ seed | statement | clean ]"), "ddl_file" => array("required" => 0, "value_expected" => 1, "help_alias" => "Required for mode statement.\n File with ALTER or CREATE statements"), "seed_tables" => array("required" => 0, "value_expected" => 1, "help_alias" => "Required for mode seed.\n Comma seperated list of tables for which schema\n should be replicated from seed db"), "seed_host" => array("required" => 0, "value_expected" => 1, "default_val" => null, "help_alias" => "Required for mode seed.\n Host with example of desired table structure"), "seed_db" => array("required" => 0, "value_expected" => 1, "default_val" => null, "help_alias" => "Required for mode seed.\n Schema with example of desired table structure"), "socket" => array("required" => 0, "value_expected" => 1, "default_val" => null, "help_alias" => "mysqld socket file (default is to run on all)"), "dbname" => array("required" => 0, "value_expected" => 1, "default_val" => null, "help_alias" => "Run on named database\n Default is all not like test, mysql, localinfo,\n snapshot%, %_restored"), "skip_fk_check" => array("required" => 0, "value_expected" => 0, "default_val" => null, "help_alias" => "Skip foreign key check (not advisable outside udb)"), "skip_trigger_check" => array("required" => 0, "value_expected" => 0, "default_val" => null, "help_alias" => "Skip trigger check (not advisable)"), "eliminate_dups" => array("required" => 0, "value_expected" => 0, "default_val" => null, "help_alias" => "Removes duplicate entries for PK/uniques.\n Dangerous if run on slaves before masters."), "eliminate_unused_columns" => array("required" => 0, "value_expected" => 0, "default_val" => null, "help_alias" => "Allows a column to be dropped if it is not\n the in the new schema"), "use_new_pk" => array("required" => 0, "value_expected" => 0, "default_val" => null, "help_alias" => "Use new tables PK for doing merging of data.\n This option will use more diskspace and be slower."), "create_missing_table" => array("required" => 0, "value_expected" => 0, "default_val" => 0, "help_alias" => "If this option is set the script will create\n a missing table"), "ignore_partition_differences" => array("required" => 0, "value_expected" => 0, "default_val" => 0, "help_alias" => "If this option is set the script will not consider\n differences in partitions in its view of whether a table\n is already in the desired state"), "tmpdir" => array("required" => 0, "value_expected" => 1, "default_val" => null, "help_alias" => "Directory to temporarily store data\n Default is schema data directory"), "verbose" => array("required" => 0, "value_expected" => 1, "default_val" => 1, "help_alias" => "A value of 0 only shows errors,\n 1 is the default and shows most interesting information,\n 2 is has more detail than is normally useful,\n 3 is very verbose and can break servers"), "long_trx_time" => array("required" => 0, "value_expected" => 1, "default_val" => 3600, "help_alias" => "Do not run OSC if a trx running longer than X exists"), "osc_class" => array("required" => 0, "value_expected" => 1, "default_val" => "OnlineSchemaChange", "help_alias" => "OnlineSchemaChange class to use instead of default"), "connection_limit" => array("required" => 0, "value_expected" => 1, "default_val" => CONNECTION_LIMIT, "help_alias" => "Wait to run if more than XXX connection exist\n DEFAULT is " . CONNECTION_LIMIT . " with a 10 minute timeout"), "scratch_schema" => array("required" => 0, "value_expected" => 1, "default_val" => "test", "help_alias" => "Schema to use instead of test for conversions of ALTERs\n into CREATE TABLE statements"), "accept_mysql_version" => array("required" => 0, "value_expected" => 0, "default_val" => null, "help_alias" => "Accept a version of MySQL that has not been white listed\n in the main OSC code"), "safe_compression_version" => array("required" => 0, "value_expected" => 1, "default_val" => "5.1.53", "help_alias" => "Strip InnoDB compression from CREATE TABLE statements\n if mysql is less than this version (default 5.1.53)")); if (!($arg_list = validate_args($validate_arg_array))) { gen_help($validate_arg_array); } if (auth_check() == false) { print "ERROR: You have to run this script as root user\n"; gen_help($validate_arg_array); exit(1);
<?php require_once ''; var_dump(mysql_set_timeout(10)); $conn = mysql_connect($host, $user, $passwd, true, 0, 20, 50); var_dump((bool) $conn);