function saveToDatabase($object) { include "db.php"; mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass); mysql_select_db($dbname); $result = mysql_insert('android', $object); if (!$result) { die('Invalid query: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_close(); }
log_write('ready for database write, data: "' . $insert . '"' . NLtxt); // already loggedin? if ($user->login) { log_write('user logged in.. '); // update account $input = @mysql_update("UPDATE `registers` SET " . $insert . " WHERE `username` = '" . mysql_rescue($user->name) . "'"); $mysql_err = @mysql_error(); log_write('row updated for "' . $user->name . '", errors: "' . $mysql_err . '"' . NLtxt); } else { log_write('new user, not logged in.. '); // new registration $input = @mysql_insert("INSERT INTO `registers` SET " . $insert); $mysql_err = @mysql_error(); log_write('row inserted for "' . $_POST['emailaddress'] . '", errors: "' . $mysql_err . '"' . NLtxt); // also create a page $create_person = mysql_insert("INSERT INTO `pages` (`title`, `type`) VALUES('" . mysql_rescue($registration['nickname']) . "', 'person')"); // login require_once './user.php'; $user->set_login($registration['nickname']); $user->login(); // save joined info $user->move_joined(); } // go next if ($input !== false) { $user->delete_cookie('login', 'show'); set_register_state($user, $register_state, 2); } log_write('send next screen to "' . $user->name . '" (' . $registration['emailaddress'] . ')' . NLtxt); // reload page to prevent double submitting registration_reload();
if ($delete && $action == 1) { mysql_delete("DELETE FROM `znote_changelog` WHERE `id`='{$delete}' LIMIT 1;"); echo "<h2>Changelog message deleted!</h2>"; $updateCache = true; } } else { if ($status) { // POST update if ($changelogId > 0) { mysql_update("UPDATE `znote_changelog` SET `text`='{$changelogText}' WHERE `id`='{$changelogId}' LIMIT 1;"); echo "<h2>Changelog message updated!</h2>"; $updateCache = true; } else { // POST create $time = time(); mysql_insert("INSERT INTO `znote_changelog` (`text`, `time`, `report_id`, `status`) VALUES ('{$changelogText}', '{$time}', '0', '35');"); echo "<h2>Changelog message created!</h2>"; $updateCache = true; } } } if ($action === 2) { $old = mysql_select_single("SELECT `text` FROM `znote_changelog` WHERE `id`='{$changelogId}' LIMIT 1;"); } // HTML to create or update ?> <h3>Add or update changelog</h3> <form action="" method="POST"> <input name="changelogId" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $action === 2 ? $changelogId : 0; ?>
// Submit Data to mySQL database // Josh de Leeuw // Tangi75: Adapted from // -> store the whole json data into a single field instead of splitting it include 'database_connect.php'; # TODO : this is where you should define your database connection parameters! function mysql_insert($table, $inserts) { $values = array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', array_values($inserts)); $keys = array_keys($inserts); $sql_query = 'INSERT INTO `' . $table . '` (`' . implode('`,`', $keys) . '`) VALUES (\'' . implode('\',\'', $values) . '\')'; //var_dump($sql_query); return mysql_query($sql_query); } $to_insert = array(); // Get the data object from json $to_insert['json'] = $_POST['json']; // get the optional data $opt_data = $_POST['opt_data']; $opt_data_names = array_keys($opt_data); // Add any optional, static parameters that got passed in (like subject id, experiment or condition) for ($j = 0; $j < count($opt_data_names); $j++) { $to_insert[$opt_data_names[$j]] = $opt_data[$opt_data_names[$j]]; } $result = mysql_insert($data_table, $to_insert); // Confirm the results if (!$result) { die('Invalid query: ' . mysql_error()); } else { print "Successful insert!"; }
foreach ($players as $char) { // Check if player have skills $skills = mysql_select_single("SELECT `value` FROM `player_skills` WHERE `player_id`='" . $char['id'] . "' AND `skillid`='2' LIMIT 1;"); // If he dont have any skills if ($skills === false) { $Sfixed++; // Loop through every skill id and give him default skills. $query = "INSERT INTO `player_skills` (`player_id`, `skillid`, `value`, `count`) VALUES "; for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) { if ($i != 6) { $query .= "('" . $char['id'] . "', '{$i}', '10', '0'), "; } else { $query .= "('" . $char['id'] . "', '{$i}', '10', '0');"; } } mysql_insert($query); } else { $Salready++; } } ?> <h1>Script run status:</h1> <p>Players detected: <?php echo $Splayers; ?> </p> <p>Players already fixed: <?php echo $Salready; ?> </p> <p><b>Repaired player accounts: <?php
// Character Gender mysql_insert("INSERT INTO `znote_shop_orders` (`account_id`, `type`, `itemid`, `count`, `time`) VALUES ('{$cid}', '" . $buy['type'] . "', '" . $buy['itemid'] . "', '" . $buy['count'] . "', '{$time}')"); echo '<font color="green" size="4">You now have access to change character gender on your characters. Visit <a href="myaccount.php">My Account</a> to select character and change the gender.</font>'; } else { if ($buy['type'] == 4) { // Character Name mysql_insert("INSERT INTO `znote_shop_orders` (`account_id`, `type`, `itemid`, `count`, `time`) VALUES ('{$cid}', '" . $buy['type'] . "', '" . $buy['itemid'] . "', '" . $buy['count'] . "', '{$time}')"); echo '<font color="green" size="4">You now have access to change character name on your characters. Visit <a href="myaccount.php">My Account</a> to select character and change the name.</font>'; } else { mysql_insert("INSERT INTO `znote_shop_orders` (`account_id`, `type`, `itemid`, `count`, `time`) VALUES ('{$cid}', '" . $buy['type'] . "', '" . $buy['itemid'] . "', '" . $buy['count'] . "', '{$time}')"); echo '<font color="green" size="4">Your order is ready to be delivered. Write this command in-game to get it: [!shop].<br>Make sure you are in depot and can carry it before executing the command!</font>'; } } } // No matter which type, we will always log it. mysql_insert("INSERT INTO `znote_shop_logs` (`account_id`, `player_id`, `type`, `itemid`, `count`, `points`, `time`) VALUES ('{$cid}', '0', '" . $buy['type'] . "', '" . $buy['itemid'] . "', '" . $buy['count'] . "', '" . $buy['points'] . "', '{$time}')"); } else { echo '<font color="red" size="4">You need more points, this offer cost ' . $buy['points'] . ' points.</font>'; } //var_dump($buy); //echo '<font color="red" size="4">'. $_POST['buy'] .'</font>'; } if ($shop['enabled']) { ?> <h1>Shop Offers</h1> <?php if (!empty($_POST['buy'])) { if ($user_znote_data['points'] >= $buy['points']) { ?> <td>You have <?php
function unjoin($title, $force_cookie = false) { global $log; if ($this->login && $force_cookie != true) { $result = mysql_insert("DELETE FROM `joined` WHERE `username` = '" . mysql_rescue($this->name) . "' AND `event_title` = '" . mysql_rescue($title) . "'"); $log .= '[ un-joined ' . $title . ' as ' . $this->name . ': ' . $result . '(' . mysql_error() . ') ]'; } else { $title = str_replace(' ', '_', $title); $result = $this->delete_cookie('joined', $title); $log .= '[ un-joined ' . $title . ' in cookie ]'; } return $result; }
$NombrePadre = $_POST["NombrePadre"]; $OcupacionPadre = $_POST["OcupacionPadre"]; $EmpresaPadre = $_POST["EmpresaPadre"]; $SueldoPadre = $_POST["SueldoPadre"]; $NombreMadre = $_POST["NombreMadre"]; $OcupacionMadre = $_POST["OcupacionMadre"]; $EmpresaMadre = $_POST["EmpresaMadre"]; $SueldoMadre = $_POST["SueldoMadre"]; $OtrosEstudios = $_POST["OtrosEstudios"]; $SuspendidoEstudios = $_POST["SuspendidoEstudios"]; $MateriasReprobadas = $_POST["MateriasReprobadas"]; $ApoyoEconomico = $_POST["ApoyoEconomico"]; $EnteroEscuela = $_POST["EnteroEscuela"]; $PorqueEstudiarCR = $_POST["PorqueEstudiarCR"]; $PorqueEstudiarEnfermeria = $_POST["PorqueEstudiarEnfermeria"]; $OtrasCarrerasPosibles = $_POST["OtrasCarrerasPosibles"]; $RegistroCeneval = $_POST["RegistroCeneval"]; $RegistroEscuela = $_POST["RegistroEscuela"]; $ExamenPsicometrico = $_POST["ExamenPsicometrico"]; $Entrevisto = $_POST["Entrevisto"]; $Contrasena = $_POST["Contrasena"]; $CelularPadre = $_POST["celularPadre"]; $CelularMadre = $_POST["celularMadre"]; $result = mysql_insert("alumno", array('contra_alumno' => password_hash($Contrasena, PASSWORD_DEFAULT), 'a_nombre' => $nombres, 'a_apellidpaterno' => $APaterno, 'a_apellidomaterno' => $AMaterno, 'a_fechanac' => $FechaNacimiento, 'a_lugarnac' => $LugarNacimiento, 'a_nacionalidad' => $Nacionalidad, 'a_sexo' => $Sexo, 'a_estadocivil' => $EstadoCivil, 'a_gposanguineo' => $GrupoSanguineo, 'a_rh' => $RH, 'a_curp' => $CURP, 'a_servmedico' => $ServicioMedico, 'a_trabajo' => $ActualmenteLaborando, 'a_enfermedades' => $Enfermedades, 'a_alergias' => $Alergias, 'a_debilidadmotriz' => $DebilidadMotriz, 'a_domicilio' => $Direccion, 'a_cp' => $CP, 'a_colonia' => $Colonia, 'a_municipio' => $Municipio, 'a_numlocal' => $Telefono, 'a_email' => $Email, 'a_nompapa' => $NombrePadre, 'a_ocupacionpapa' => $OcupacionPadre, 'a_empresapapa' => $EmpresaPadre, 'a_sueldopapa' => $SueldoPadre, 'a_nommama' => $NombreMadre, 'a_ocupacionmama' => $OcupacionMadre, 'a_empresamama' => $EmpresaMadre, 'a_sueldomama' => $SueldoMadre, 'a_otrosestudios' => $OtrosEstudios, 'a_suspencionestudios' => $SuspendidoEstudios, 'a_matreprobadas' => $MateriasReprobadas, 'a_aval' => $ApoyoEconomico, 'a_promocionesc' => $EnteroEscuela, 'a_objcruzroja' => $PorqueEstudiarCR, 'a_objenfermeria' => $PorqueEstudiarEnfermeria, 'a_otracarrera' => $OtrasCarrerasPosibles, 'a_ceneval' => $RegistroCeneval, 'a_regescuela' => $RegistroEscuela, 'a_psicometrico' => $ExamenPsicometrico, 'a_entrevista' => $Entrevisto, 'a_fecharegistro' => date("Y-m-d"), 'a_celPadre' => $CelularPadre, 'a_celMadre' => $CelularMadre)); $newId = mysql_insert_id(); if ($result) { $alertMsg = "Nuevo alumno agregado satisfactoriamente con matricula: a{$newId}"; } else { $alertMsg = "Algo salio mal: " . mysql_error(); } echo "<script language=\"javascript\">\n\t\t\t\talert(\"{$alertMsg}\");\n\t\t\t\twindow.location.href = \"../../vistas/menus/menuAdmin.php\"\n\t\t\t</script>";
if ($inv['id'] == $targetGuild) { $status = true; } } } $check_guild = get_guild_name($gid); foreach ($check_guild as $guild) { if ($guild['name'] == $_POST['warinvite']) { $status = true; } } $wars = mysql_select_multi("SELECT `id`, `guild1`, `guild2`, `status` FROM `guild_wars` WHERE (`guild1` = '{$gid}' OR `guild1` = '{$targetGuild}') AND (`guild2` = '{$gid}' OR `guild2` = '{$targetGuild}') AND `status` IN (0, 1);"); if ($status == false && $wars == false) { guild_war_invitation($gid, $targetGuild); $limit = empty($_POST['limit']) ? 100 : (int) $_POST['limit']; mysql_insert("INSERT INTO `znote_guild_wars` (`limit`) VALUES ('{$limit}');"); header('Location: guilds.php?name=' . $_GET['name']); exit; } else { echo '<font color="red" size="4">This guild has already been invited to war(or you\'re trying to invite your own).</FONT>'; } } else { echo '<font color="red" size="4">That guild name does not exist.</font>'; } } if (!empty($_POST['cancel_war_invite'])) { cancel_war_invitation($_POST['cancel_war_invite'], $gid); header('Location: guilds.php?name=' . $_GET['name']); exit; } if (!empty($_POST['reject_war_invite'])) {
$db_pass = "******"; //echo date("Y-M-d H:i:s")."<br/>"; $conn = mysql_connect($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass) or die("cannot connect!" . mysql_error()); $db = mysql_select_db("eve202_zumbafest", $conn); $sql = "select id,email,notification_count,date_created from leads"; $rs = mysql_query($sql); //checking if email exists $is_existing = false; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($rs, MYSQL_NUM)) { // printf("ID: %s,email: %s,notification_count: %s,date_created: %s<br/>", $row[0], $row[1],$row[2],$row[3]); if (trim($row[1]) == trim($emailAddr)) { $is_existing = true; } } if ($is_existing == false) { mysql_insert('leads', array('email' => $emailAddr, 'notification_count' => 0, 'date_created' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"))); } mysql_free_result($rs); //EOC: Storing in databse /* //BOC: storing in JSON file $inp = file_get_contents('../json/emails.json'); $tempArray = json_decode($inp); if(!in_array($emailAddr,$tempArray)){ array_push($tempArray, $emailAddr); $jsonData = json_encode($tempArray); file_put_contents('../json/emails.json', $jsonData);
/** * Adds a link to the links table * * @params int $form ID of linking page * @params int $to ID of target page * @return int|bool LinkID on sucess, false on fail */ function add_link($from, $to) { if ($from == $to) { return false; } if (mysql_exists('links', array('from' => $from, 'to' => $to))) { return false; } else { return mysql_insert('links', array('from' => $from, 'to' => $to)); } }
$paidPoints = $pointsValue; } } if ($paidMoney == 0) { $status = false; } // Wrong ammount of money if ($payment_currency != $paypal['currency']) { $status = false; } // Wrong currency // Verify that the user havent messed around with POST data if ($status) { // transaction log mysql_insert("INSERT INTO `znote_paypal` VALUES ('', '{$txn_id}', '{$payer_email}', '{$custom}', '" . $paidMoney . "', '" . $paidPoints . "')"); // Process payment $data = mysql_select_single("SELECT `points` AS `old_points` FROM `znote_accounts` WHERE `account_id`='{$custom}';"); // Give points to user $new_points = $data['old_points'] + $paidPoints; mysql_update("UPDATE `znote_accounts` SET `points`='{$new_points}' WHERE `account_id`='{$custom}'"); } } else { $pmail = $paypal['email']; mysql_insert("INSERT INTO `znote_paypal` VALUES ('', '{$txn_id}', 'ERROR: Wrong mail. Received: {$receiver_email}, configured: {$pmail}', '0', '0', '0')"); } } } } else { // Something is wrong mysql_insert("INSERT INTO `znote_paypal` VALUES ('', '{$txn_id}', 'ERROR: Invalid data. {$postdata}', '0', '0', '0')"); }
<?php include "../../includes/sessionAdmin.php"; include "../../includes/conexion.php"; include "../../includes/mysql_util.php"; //Variables $nombres = $_POST["nombres"]; $APaterno = $_POST["APaterno"]; $AMaterno = $_POST["AMaterno"]; $FechaNacimiento = $_POST["FechaNacimiento"]; $CURP = $_POST["CURP"]; $Enfermedades = $_POST["Enfermedades"]; $Alergias = $_POST["Alergias"]; $Telefono = $_POST["Telefono"]; $Email = $_POST["Email"]; $contrasena = $_POST["Contrasena"]; $result = mysql_insert("administrador", array('contra_administrador' => password_hash($contrasena, PASSWORD_DEFAULT), 'd_nombre' => $nombres, 'd_apellidopaterno' => $APaterno, 'd_apellidomaterno' => $AMaterno, 'd_fechanac' => $FechaNacimiento, 'd_curp' => $CURP, 'd_enfermedades' => $Enfermedades, 'd_alergias' => $Alergias, 'd_numlocal' => $Telefono, 'd_email' => $Email)); if ($result) { $alertMsg = "Nuevo administrador agregado satisfactoriamente"; } else { $alertMsg = "Algo salio mal: " . mysql_error(); } echo "<script language=\"javascript\">\r\n\t\t\t\talert(\"{$alertMsg}\");\r\n\t\t\t\twindow.location.href = \"../../vistas/menus/menuAdmin.php\"\r\n\t\t\t</script>";
<input type="text" name="title" value="" placeholder="Title"><br /> <textarea name="text" id="area1" cols="75" rows="10" placeholder="Contents..." style="width: 100%"></textarea><br /> <input type="submit" value="Create News"> </form> <?php if ($count === 0) { echo "<font size='6' color='red'>ERROR: NO GMs or Tutors on this account!</font>"; } } // Insert news if ($action === 'i') { echo '<font color="green"><b>News created successfully!</b></font>'; list($charid, $title, $text) = array((int) $_POST['selected_char'], mysql_znote_escape_string($_POST['title']), mysql_znote_escape_string($_POST['text'])); $date = time(); mysql_insert("INSERT INTO `znote_news` (`title`, `text`, `date`, `pid`) VALUES ('{$title}', '{$text}', '{$date}', '{$charid}');"); // Reload the cache. $cache = new Cache('engine/cache/news'); $news = fetchAllNews(); $cache->setContent($news); $cache->save(); } // Save if ($action === 's') { echo '<font color="green"><b>News successfully updated!</b></font>'; list($title, $text) = array(mysql_znote_escape_string($_POST['title']), mysql_znote_escape_string($_POST['text'])); mysql_update("UPDATE `znote_news` SET `title`='{$title}',`text`='{$text}' WHERE `id`='{$id}';"); $cache = new Cache('engine/cache/news'); $news = fetchAllNews(); $cache->setContent($news); $cache->save();
$ads = $_POST['content']; //update ad if ($_POST['edit']) { //$sql='update crx_ads set keywords="'.mysql_real_escape_string($keywords).'",host="'.mysql_real_escape_string($host).'", pattern="'.mysql_real_escape_string($pattern).'",get_ad_method="'.mysql_real_escape_string($get_ad_method).'",place_ad_method="'.mysql_real_escape_string($place_ad_method).'", ad_content="'.mysql_real_escape_string($ads).'" where id="'.mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['edit']).'"'; //$logs[]=htmlspecialchars($sql); //$rs=mysql_query($sql,$conn); $rs = mysql_update("crx_ads", array("keywords" => $keywords, "host" => $host, "pattern" => $pattern, "get_ad_method" => $get_ad_method, "place_ad_method" => $place_ad_method, "ad_content" => $ads), 'id="' . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['edit']) . '"'); if ($rs) { $logs[] = 'updated advertising with ID=' . $_POST['edit']; } else { $logs[] = mysql_error(); } } else { //$sql='insert into crx_ads set keywords="'.mysql_real_escape_string($keywords).'",host="'.mysql_real_escape_string($host).'", pattern="'.mysql_real_escape_string($pattern).'",get_ad_method="'.mysql_real_escape_string($get_ad_method).'",place_ad_method="'.mysql_real_escape_string($place_ad_method).'", ad_content="'.mysql_real_escape_string($ads).'"'; //$rs=mysql_query($sql,$conn); $rs = mysql_insert("crx_ads", array("keywords" => $keywords, "host" => $host, "pattern" => $pattern, "get_ad_method" => $get_ad_method, "place_ad_method" => $place_ad_method, "ad_content" => $ads)); if ($rs) { $logs[] = 'Add new advertising successful.'; } else { $logs[] = mysql_error(); } } } //delete ad if (isset($_GET['del'])) { $rs = mysql_query('delete from crx_ads where id="' . mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['del']) . '"'); if ($rs) { $logs[] = 'delete ad with ID=' . $_GET['del']; } else { $logs[] = mysql_error(); }
$raw_opt_data = $_POST['opt_data']; if (isset($raw_opt_data)) { $opt_data = str_replace('\\"', '"', $raw_opt_data); $opt_data = json_decode($opt_data, true); $opt_data_names = array_keys($opt_data); } else { $opt_data_names = NULL; $opt_data = NULL; } // for each element in the trials array, insert the row into the mysql table $trials = $trials_obj[0]; for ($i = 0; $i < count($trials); $i++) { $to_insert = (array) $trials[$i]; // add any optional, static parameters that got passed in (like subject id or condition) for ($j = 0; $j < count($opt_data_names); $j++) { $to_insert[$opt_data_names[$j]] = $opt_data[$opt_data_names[$j]]; } $result = mysql_insert($tab, $to_insert); } // confirm the results if (!$result) { /*$doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->loadHTML(nl2br("<script> console.log('hey this is fail')</script>\n")); echo $doc->saveHTML();*/ //include('phpError.html'); echo json_encode(array("fail" => "1")); die('Invalid query: ' . mysql_error()); } else { echo json_encode(array("fail" => "0")); print "successful insert!"; }
function insert_torrent($torrent) { //$row = array('id', 'tid','filename', 'name', 'small_descr', 'url','dl_url','length','descr', 'type','imdb', 'downloaded','uploaded', 'completed'); $row = array(); $row['id'] = ''; $row['tid'] = sqlesc($torrent['tid']); $row['filename'] = sqlesc($torrent['filename']); $row['name'] = sqlesc($torrent['name']); $row['small_descr'] = sqlesc($torrent['small_descr']); $row['url'] = sqlesc($torrent['url']); $row['dl_url'] = sqlesc($torrent['dl_url']); $row['length'] = sqlesc($torrent['length']); $row['descr'] = sqlesc($torrent['descr']); $row['type'] = sqlesc($torrent['type']); $row['imdb'] = sqlesc($torrent['url']); $row['downloaded'] = sqlesc($torrent['downloaded']); $row['uploaded'] = sqlesc($torrent['uploaded']); $row['completed'] = sqlesc($torrent['completed']); $row['hash'] = sqlesc($torrent['hash']); //$query_tail=sprintf("values(%d,%d,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%d,%s,%s,%s,%s,%d,%d,%d)",$row['id'],$row['tid'],$row['filename'],$row['name'],$row['small_descr'],$row['url'],$row['dl_url'],$row['length'],$row['descr'],$row['type'],$row['imdb'],$row['downloaded'],$row['uploaded'],$row['completed']); //echo $query_tail; //$ret=mysql_query("insert into torrents('id', 'filename', 'name', 'small_descr', 'url','dl_url','length','descr', 'type','imdb', 'downloaded','uploaded', 'completed') ".$query_tail) or sqlerr(__FILE__,__LINE__) ; $ret = mysql_insert("torrents", $torrent); return $ret; }
$status = false; foreach ($charData as $char) { if ($char['guild'] == $category['guild_id']) { $status = true; } } if (!$status) { $access = false; } } if ($category['closed'] > 0) { $access = false; } } if ($access) { mysql_insert("INSERT INTO `znote_forum_threads`\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(`forum_id`, `player_id`, `player_name`, `title`, `text`, `created`, `updated`, `sticky`, `hidden`, `closed`) \n\t\t\t\t\t\tVALUES (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'{$create_thread_category}', \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'{$create_thread_cid}', \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . $charData[$create_thread_cid]['name'] . "', \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'{$create_thread_title}', \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'{$create_thread_text}', \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . time() . "', \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . time() . "', \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'0', '0', '0');"); SendGet(array('cat' => $create_thread_category), 'forum.php'); } else { echo '<p><b><font color="red">Permission to create thread denied.</font></b></p>'; } } else { echo 'Category does not exist.'; } } else { ?> <font class="forumCooldown" color="red">Antispam: You need to wait <?php echo $user_znote_data['cooldown'] - time(); ?> seconds before you can create or post.</font> <?php }
} // Update their password so they are sha1 encrypted mysql_update("UPDATE `accounts` SET `password`='{$p_pass}' WHERE `id`='{$old}';"); $updated_pass += 1; } } } // validate players if ($all_account !== false) { $time = time(); foreach ($all_account as $all) { $chars = user_character_list_player_id($all); if ($chars !== false) { // since char list is not false, we found a character list // Lets loop through the character list foreach ($chars as $c) { // Is character not compatible yet? if (user_character_is_compatible($c) == 0) { // Then lets make it compatible: mysql_insert("INSERT INTO `znote_players` (`player_id`, `created`, `hide_char`, `comment`) VALUES ('{$c}', '{$time}', '0', '')"); $updated_char += 1; } } } } } echo "<br><b><font color=\"green\">SUCCESS</font></b><br><br>"; echo 'Updated accounts: ' . $updated_acc . '<br>'; echo 'Updated characters: : ' . $updated_char . '<br>'; echo 'Detected:' . $updated_pass . ' accounts with plain passwords. These passwords has been given sha1 encryption.<br>'; echo '<br>All accounts and characters are compatible with Znote AAC<br>';
$values = array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', array_values($inserts)); $keys = array_keys($inserts); mysql_select_db('appitechture'); $result = mysql_query('INSERT INTO `contacts` (`' . implode('`,`', $keys) . '`) VALUES (\'' . implode('\',\'', $values) . '\')'); if (!$result) { die('Invalid Query: ' . mysql_error()); } return $result; } function db_test() { if ($conn === false) { die(print_r(mysql_errors(), true)); } } function notify() { $to = '*****@*****.**'; $subject = 'New Contact Form Submission from ' . $_POST['name'] . ' on'; $message = $_POST['details']; mail($to, $subject, $message); } if (isset($_POST['name'])) { $f = "\n <div class='container marketing'>\n <div class='row'>\n <div class='col-lg-12'>\n <p>Thank you for contacting us. We will be in touch within 2 business days.</p>\n </div><!-- /.col-lg-4 -->\n </div><!-- /.row -->\n </div> "; db_test(); mysql_insert(array('contact_name' => $_POST['name'], 'contact_email' => $_POST['email'], 'contact_phone' => $_POST['phone'])); notify(); } else { $f = ''; } echo "\n<head>\n <meta charset='utf-8'>\n <meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no'>\n <meta name='description' content=''>\n <meta name='author' content='jdavis' >\n <link rel='shortcut icon' href='favicon.ico'>\n <link rel='apple-touch-icon' href='apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png'/>\n\n <title>Appitechture</title>\n\n <!-- Bootstrap core CSS -->\n <link href='assets/css/bootstrap.css' rel='stylesheet'>\n\n <!-- HTML5 shim and Respond.js IE8 support of HTML5 elements and media queries -->\n <!--[if lt IE 9]>\n <script src='assets/js/html5shiv.js'></script>\n <script src='assets/js/respond.min.js'></script>\n <![endif]-->\n\n <!-- Custom styles for this template -->\n <link href='assets/css/responsive-style.css' rel='stylesheet'>\n\n <!-- Google Analytics -->\n <script>\n (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){\n (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),\n m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m)\n })(window,document,'script','//','ga');\n\n ga('create', 'UA-30492032-1', 'auto');\n ga('send', 'pageview');\n\n </script>\n</head>\n\n\n<!-- NAVBAR\n================================================== -->\n<body>\n\n<div class='navbar-wrapper'>\n <div class='container'>\n\n <div class='navbar navbar-inverse navbar-fixed-top'>\n <div class='container'>\n <div class='navbar-header'>\n <a class='navbar-brand' href='#'><img src='assets/images/Appitechture Logo White.png' style='width: 65%; height: 65%' /></a>\n <button type='button' class='navbar-toggle' data-toggle='collapse' data-target='.navbar-collapse'>\n <span class='icon-bar'></span>\n <span class='icon-bar'></span>\n <span class='icon-bar'></span>\n </button>\n </div>\n <div class='navbar-collapse collapse'>\n </br>\n <ul class='nav navbar-nav'>\n <li><a href='index'>Home</a></li>\n <li><a href='services.php'>Services</a></li>\n <li><a href='about.php'>About Us</a></li>\n <li><a href='contact.php'>Contact Us</a></li>\n </ul>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n\n </div>\n</div> </br></br></br></br></br></br>" . $f . "\n\n<!-- FEEDBACK FORM -->\n <div class='pads'>\n <form action='contact.php' method='POST' role='form'>\n <div class='form-group'>\n <label for='name'>Name</label>\n <input type='text' class='form-control' name='name' placeholder='Enter your name'>\n </div>\n <div class='form-group'>\n <label for='email'>Email Address</label>\n <input type='email' class='form-control' name='email' placeholder='Enter your email address'>\n </div>\n <div class='form-group'>\n <label for='phone'>Phone Number</label>\n <input type='phone' class='form-control' name='phone' placeholder='Enter your phone number'>\n </div>\n <div class='form-group'>\n <label for='details'>Details</label>\n <textarea class='form-control' name='details' placeholder='How can we help you?' rows='8'></textarea>\n </div>\n <button type='submit' class='btn btn-primary'>Submit</button>\n </form>\n </div><!-- end: Content -->\n</div><!--/row-->\n</div><!--/container-->\n</div><!-- /.marketing -->\n<div class='clearfix'></div>\n\n <a id='install'><hr class='featurette-divider'></a>\n <!-- FOOTER -->\n <footer>\n <p class='pull-right'><a href='#'>Back to top</a></p>\n <p>© 2014 Appitechture, LLC</p>\n </footer>\n\n</div><!-- /.container -->\n\n<!-- Bootstrap core JavaScript\n================================================== -->\n<!-- Placed at the end of the document so the pages load faster -->\n<script src='assets/js/jquery.js'></script>\n<script src='assets/js/holder.js'></script>\n<script src='js/carousel.js'></script>\n<script src='js/collapse.js'></script>\n<script src='js/dropdown.js'></script>\n<script src='js/transition.js'></script>\n<script src='js/scrollspy.js'></script>\n<script src='js/affix.js'></script>\n<script src='js/alert.js'></script>\n<script src='js/button.js'></script>\n<script src='js/modal.js'></script>\n<script src='js/popover.js'></script>\n<script src='js/tab.js'></script>\n<script src='js/tooltip.js'></script>\n</body>\n</html>";
function znote_visitor_insert_detailed_data($type) { $type = (int) $type; /* type 0 = normal visits type 1 = register form type 2 = character creation type 3 = fetch highscores type 4 = search character */ $time = time(); $ip = ip2long(getIP()); if (user_logged_in()) { $acc = (int) getSession('user_id'); mysql_insert("INSERT INTO `znote_visitors_details` (`ip`, `time`, `type`, `account_id`) VALUES ('{$ip}', '{$time}', '{$type}', '{$acc}')"); } else { mysql_insert("INSERT INTO `znote_visitors_details` (`ip`, `time`, `type`, `account_id`) VALUES ('{$ip}', '{$time}', '{$type}', '0')"); } }
function emailTemplate_addToDB($record) { if (!$record['template_id']) { dieAsCaller(__FUNCTION__ . ": No 'template_id' set in options"); } // check if template id exists $templateExists = mysql_count('_email_templates', array('template_id' => $record['template_id'])); if ($templateExists) { return false; } // get placeholder text $placeholderText = ''; if (is_array($record['placeholders'])) { if ($record['placeholders']) { // if array isn't empty // hijack emailTemplate_replacePlaceholders() get us a placeholder list (including server placeholders) from placeholder array $placeholderText = array_value(emailTemplate_replacePlaceholders(array(), array_combine($record['placeholders'], $record['placeholders'])), 1); } } else { $placeholderText = $record['placeholders']; } // add template $colsToValues = array('createdDate=' => 'NOW()', 'createdByUserNum' => '0', 'updatedDate=' => 'NOW()', 'updatedByUserNum' => '0', 'template_id' => $record['template_id'], 'description' => $record['description'], 'from' => $record['from'], 'reply-to' => @$record['from'], 'to' => $record['to'], 'cc' => @$record['cc'], 'bcc' => @$record['bcc'], 'subject' => $record['subject'], 'html' => $record['html'], 'placeholders' => $placeholderText); mysql_insert('_email_templates', $colsToValues, true); // set notice //if ($showNotice) { // notice(t("Adding email template:"). htmlencode($colsToValues['template_id']). "<br/>\n"); //} }
function _errorlog_logErrorRecord($logType, $logData) { // limit errors logged per session (to prevent infinite loops from logging infinite errors) $maxErrorsPerPage = 25; $maxErrorsReached = false; static $totalErrorsLogged = 0; $totalErrorsLogged++; if ($totalErrorsLogged > $maxErrorsPerPage + 1) { return; } // ignore any errors after max error limit if ($totalErrorsLogged > $maxErrorsPerPage) { $maxErrorsReached = true; } // get summary of CMS user data $CMS_USER = getCurrentUserFromCMS(); $subsetFields = array(); foreach (array('num', 'username') as $field) { if (isset($CMS_USER[$field])) { $subsetFields[$field] = $CMS_USER[$field]; } } $subsetFields['_tableName'] = 'accounts'; $cms_user_summary = print_r($subsetFields, true); // get summary of WEB user data $WEB_USER = getCurrentUser(); $subsetFields = array(); foreach (array('num', 'username') as $field) { if (isset($WEB_USER[$field])) { $subsetFields[$field] = $WEB_USER[$field]; } } $subsetFields['_tableName'] = accountsTable(); $web_user_summary = print_r($subsetFields, true); // create error message if ($maxErrorsReached) { $errorMessage = t(sprintf("Max error limit reached! Only the first %s errors per page will be logged.", $maxErrorsPerPage)); } else { if (isset($logData['errno'])) { $errorName = _errorLog_erronoToConstantName($logData['errno']); } else { $errorName = 'UNKNOWN_ERROR'; } $errorMessage = "{$errorName}: " . (isset($logData['errstr']) ? $logData['errstr'] : ''); } // create $logDataSummary without $logDataSummary = $logData; if (array_key_exists('errcontext', $logData)) { $logDataSummary['errcontext'] = "*** in symbol table field above ***"; } // create log record data $colsToValues = array('dateLogged=' => 'NOW()', 'updatedDate=' => 'NOW()', 'updatedByuserNum' => '0', 'error' => $errorMessage, 'url' => thisPageUrl(), 'filepath' => isset($logData['errfile']) ? $logData['errfile'] : '', 'line_num' => isset($logData['errline']) ? $logData['errline'] : '', 'user_cms' => isset($CMS_USER['num']) ? $cms_user_summary : '', 'user_web' => isset($WEB_USER['num']) ? $web_user_summary : '', 'http_user_agent' => isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] : '', 'remote_addr' => isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : '', 'request_vars' => print_r($_REQUEST, true), 'get_vars' => print_r($_GET, true), 'post_vars' => print_r($_POST, true), 'cookie_vars' => print_r($_COOKIE, true), 'session_vars' => isset($_SESSION) ? print_r($_SESSION, true) : '', 'server_vars' => print_r($_SERVER, true), 'symbol_table' => isset($logData['errcontext']) ? print_r($logData['errcontext'], true) : '', 'raw_log_data' => print_r($logDataSummary, true), 'email_sent' => 0); // insert record $newRecordNum = mysql_insert('_error_log', utf8_force($colsToValues, true)); // remove old log records $maxRecords = 900; $buffer = 100; // only erase records when we're this many over (to avoid erasing records every time) if (mysql_count('_error_log') > $maxRecords + $buffer) { $oldestRecordToSave_query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['TABLE_PREFIX']}_error_log` ORDER BY `num` DESC LIMIT 1 OFFSET " . ($maxRecords - 1); $oldestRecordToSave = mysql_get_query($oldestRecordToSave_query); if (!empty($oldestRecordToSave['num'])) { mysql_delete('_error_log', null, "num < {$oldestRecordToSave['num']}"); } } // send email update if ($GLOBALS['SETTINGS']['advanced']['phpEmailErrors']) { register_shutdown_function('_errorlog_sendEmailAlert'); } }
function guild_war_invitation($cid, $gid) { $cid = (int) $cid; $gid = (int) $gid; $gname = get_guild_name($cid); $ename = get_guild_name($gid); $time = time(); mysql_insert("INSERT INTO `guild_wars` (`guild1`, `guild2`, `name1`, `name2`, `status`, `started`, `ended`) VALUES ('{$cid}', '{$gid}', '{$gname}', '{$ename}', '0', '{$time}', '0');"); }
echo "<h2>Changelog message created!</h2>"; $updatechangelog = true; } if ($updatechangelog) { // Cache changelog $cache = new Cache('engine/cache/changelog'); $cache->setContent(mysql_select_multi("SELECT `id`, `text`, `time`, `report_id`, `status` FROM `znote_changelog` ORDER BY `id` DESC;")); $cache->save(); } } // If we should give user price if ($price > 0) { $account = mysql_select_single("SELECT `a`.`id`, `a`.`email` FROM `accounts` AS `a` \n INNER JOIN `players` AS `p` ON `p`.`account_id` = `a`.`id`\n WHERE `p`.`name` = '{$playerName}' LIMIT 1;"); if ($account !== false) { // transaction log mysql_insert("INSERT INTO `znote_paypal` VALUES ('', '{$reportId}', 'report@admin." . $user_data['name'] . " to " . $account['email'] . "', '" . $account['id'] . "', '0', '" . $price . "')"); // Process payment $data = mysql_select_single("SELECT `points` AS `old_points` FROM `znote_accounts` WHERE `account_id`='" . $account['id'] . "';"); // Give points to user $new_points = $data['old_points'] + $price; mysql_update("UPDATE `znote_accounts` SET `points`='{$new_points}' WHERE `account_id`='" . $account['id'] . "'"); // Remind GM that he sent points to character echo "<font color='green' size='5'>" . $playerName . " has been granted " . $price . " points for his reports.</font>"; } } // GET logic (Edit report data and specify how many [if any] points to give to user) } elseif (!empty($_GET)) { // Fetch GET data $action = getValue($_GET['action']); $playerName = getValue($_GET['name']); $reportId = getValue($_GET['id']);
function cron_dispatcher() { // runs due or overdue jobs // get last cron.php run time $cronLastRunTime = $GLOBALS['SETTINGS']['bgtasks_lastRun']; $thisCronRunTime = time(); // call log function if cron jobs exit or die register_shutdown_function('cron_logErrorsOnDieOrExit'); // run cron tasks $dispatchedTaskCounter = 0; foreach (getCronList() as $cron) { //print "DEBUG: Checking... " .$cron['function']. " => " .$cron['expression']. "\n"; // get last job run time and oldest time to check $jobLastLogRecord = mysql_get('_cron_log', null, ' function = "' . mysql_escape($cron['function']) . '" ORDER BY num DESC'); $jobLastRunTime = strtotime($jobLastLogRecord['createdDate']); $oldestTimeToCheck = max($cronLastRunTime, $jobLastRunTime); // get most recent valid run time (from now to the last time cron.php ran) $lastScheduleRunTime = cronExpression_getLastScheduledTime($cron['expression'], $oldestTimeToCheck, $cronExprParseErrors); $skipTask = false; if (!$lastScheduleRunTime && !$cronExprParseErrors) { $skipTask = true; } // skip if no scheduled runtime found since last cronrun (and no errors which might have caused that) if ($lastScheduleRunTime && $lastScheduleRunTime <= $cronLastRunTime) { $skipTask = true; } // skip if scheduled to run, but not quite yet (if scheduled time is blank then there was an error) if ($thisCronRunTime - 60 < $jobLastRunTime) { $skipTask = true; } // don't run jobs more than once a minute if ($skipTask) { if (!inCLI()) { print "Skipping {$cron['activity']}, function: {$cron['function']} (not scheduled to run again yet)\n"; } continue; } // Add log entry for job $hasLock = mysql_get_lock($cron['function']); // get a lock for this specific function if ($cronExprParseErrors) { $summary = $cronExprParseErrors; } elseif (!$hasLock) { $summary = t('Aborting, task still running from last time.'); } else { $summary = t('Running...'); } $jobLogNum = mysql_insert('_cron_log', array('createdDate=' => 'NOW()', 'function' => $cron['function'], 'activity' => $cron['activity'], 'summary' => $summary, 'completed' => 0)); // skip if errors parsing cronExpression or getting lock if ($cronExprParseErrors || !$hasLock) { continue; } // execute function $dispatchedTaskCounter++; if (!inCLI()) { print "Running {$cron['activity']}, function: {$cron['function']}\n"; } ob_start(); $startTime = microtime(true); $GLOBALS['CRON_JOB_START'] = $startTime; // store job num in a global so we can update it after die/exit with cron_logErrorsOnDieOrExit $GLOBALS['CRON_JOB_LOG_NUM'] = $jobLogNum; // store job num in a global so we can update it after die/exit with cron_logErrorsOnDieOrExit $summary = call_user_func($cron['function'], array('note' => 'this $info array is for future use')); $GLOBALS['CRON_JOB_LOG_NUM'] = ''; $endTime = microtime(true); $output = ob_get_clean(); // update job log entry mysql_update('_cron_log', $jobLogNum, null, array('completed' => 1, 'summary' => $summary, 'output' => $output, 'runtime' => sprintf("%0.2f", $endTime - $startTime))); mysql_release_lock($cron['function']); } // update lastrun time $GLOBALS['SETTINGS']['bgtasks_lastRun'] = time(); saveSettings(); }
<?php require_once 'engine/init.php'; include 'layout/overall/header.php'; protect_page(); admin_only($user_data); // Declare as int $view = isset($_GET['view']) && (int) $_GET['view'] > 0 ? (int) $_GET['view'] : false; if ($view !== false) { if (!empty($_POST['reply_text'])) { sanitize($_POST['reply_text']); // Save ticket reply on database $query = array('tid' => $view, 'username' => getValue($_POST['username']), 'message' => getValue($_POST['reply_text']), 'created' => time()); $fields = '`' . implode('`, `', array_keys($query)) . '`'; $data = '\'' . implode('\', \'', $query) . '\''; mysql_insert("INSERT INTO `znote_tickets_replies` ({$fields}) VALUES ({$data})"); mysql_update("UPDATE `znote_tickets` SET `status`='Staff-Reply' WHERE `id`='{$view}' LIMIT 1;"); } $ticketData = mysql_select_single("SELECT * FROM znote_tickets WHERE id='{$view}' LIMIT 1;"); ?> <h1>View Ticket #<?php echo $ticketData['id']; ?> </h1> <table class="znoteTable ThreadTable table table-striped"> <tr class="yellow"> <th> <?php echo getClock($ticketData['creation'], true); ?> - Created by:
<?php session_start(); include 'functions.php'; $code = $_REQUEST['code']; //sub $subcode = $_REQUEST['subCode']; //subcode $sender = $_REQUEST['mobile']; $servNum = $_REQUEST['serviceNumber']; //service number $mess = $_REQUEST['info']; //message //generate code $code = RandomString(10); if (count(select_sql('select * from crx_demo_users where phone="' . $sender . '"'))) { //update mysql_update('crx_demo_users', array('verify' => '1', 'activation_code' => $code), 'phone="' . $sender . '"'); } else { //add new demo //add user to crx_demo_users table $id = mysql_insert('crx_demo_users', array('phone' => $sender, 'verify' => '1', 'activation_code' => $code)); //add advertising data to crx_ads mysql_insert('crx_ads', array('user' => $id)); } //0 là sms dạng text $resp = "0|Your Code:" . $code . ' Login URL:'; echo $resp;
require 'config.php'; require 'engine/database/connect.php'; // check that the request comes from PayGol server if (!in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], array('', '', ''))) { header("HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden"); die("Error: Unknown IP"); } // get the variables from PayGol system $message_id = $_GET['message_id']; $service_id = $_GET['service_id']; $shortcode = $_GET['shortcode']; $keyword = $_GET['keyword']; $message = $_GET['message']; $sender = $_GET['sender']; $operator = $_GET['operator']; $country = $_GET['country']; $custom = $_GET['custom']; $points = $_GET['points']; $price = $_GET['price']; $currency = $_GET['currency']; $paygol = $config['paygol']; $new_points = $paygol['points']; // Update logs: mysql_insert("INSERT INTO `znote_paygol` VALUES ('', '{$custom}', '{$price}', '{$new_points}', '{$message_id}', '{$service_id}', '{$shortcode}', '{$keyword}', '{$message}', '{$sender}', '{$operator}', '{$country}', '{$currency}')"); // Fetch points $account = mysql_select_single("SELECT `points` FROM `znote_accounts` WHERE `account_id`='{$custom}';"); // Calculate new points $new_points = $account['points'] + $new_points; // Update new points mysql_update("UPDATE `znote_accounts` SET `points`='{$new_points}' WHERE `account_id`='{$custom}'");
<?php include "../../includes/sessionAdmin.php"; include "../../includes/conexion.php"; include "../../includes/mysql_util.php"; $semestre = $_POST["semestre"]; $nombre = $_POST["nombre"]; $objetivoCurso = $_POST["objetivoCurso"]; $unidades = $_POST["unidades"]; $dias = ""; $horaInicio = $_POST["horaInicio"]; $horaFinal = $_POST["horaTerminacion"]; if (isset($_POST['dias'])) { foreach ($_POST['dias'] as $dia) { $dias = $dias . "," . $dia; } } $isPrioridadAlta = $_POST['isPrioridadAlta']; $maestroResponsable = $_POST['maestroResponsable']; $lugar = $_POST['lugar']; $result = mysql_insert("curso", array('cu_nombre' => $nombre, 'id_semestre' => $semestre, 'cu_objetivo' => $objetivoCurso, 'cu_numunidades' => $unidades, 'cu_fecharegistro' => date("Y-m-d"), 'cu_horaInicio' => $horaInicio, 'cu_horaFinal' => $horaFinal, 'cu_dias' => $dias, 'cu_isPrioridadAlta' => $isPrioridadAlta, 'cu_aula' => $lugar, 'cu_maestroresp' => $maestroResponsable)); if ($result) { $newId = mysql_insert_id(); $alertMsg = "Nuevo curso agregado satisfactoriamente con matricula {$newId}"; } else { $alertMsg = "Algo salio mal: " . mysql_error(); } echo "<script language=\"javascript\">\n\t\t\t\talert(\"{$alertMsg}\");\n\t\t\t\twindow.location.href = \"../../vistas/menus/menuAdmin.php\"\n\t\t\t</script>";