コード例 #1
ファイル: town.class.php プロジェクト: nandor/myGreenTown
 function __construct($townID)
     $this->db = @mysql_get("SELECT * FROM town WHERE `id` = '{$townID}';");
     $this->id = $this->db['id'];
     $this->name = $this->db['name'];
     //Initialize size
     $this->sizeX = $this->db['size'] >> 8;
     $this->sizeY = $this->db['size'] & 255;
     //Initialize quests and technologies
     $this->questDone = array();
     $this->questProg = array();
     $this->techRes = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < 32; $i++) {
         for ($j = 0; $j < 8; $j++) {
             $this->questDone[$i * 8 + 7 - $j] = ord($this->db['questDone'][$i]) >> $j & 1;
             $this->questProg[$i * 8 + 7 - $j] = ord($this->db['questProgress'][$i]) >> $j & 1;
             $this->techRes[$i * 8 + 7 - $j] = ord($this->db['techRes'][$i]) >> $j & 1;
     //Initialize the map
     $arr = $this->db['map'];
     $this->map = array();
     $this->tleft = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < $this->sizeX * $this->sizeY; $i++) {
         $this->map[$i] = (int) ord($arr[2 * $i]);
         $this->tleft[$i] = (int) ord($arr[2 * $i + 1]);
     $this->fact = array();
     $this->numBld = array();
     $this->bldLvl = array();
     $this->lastUpdate = strtotime($this->db['lastUpdated']);
     $this->scoreBase = 0;
     $this->scorePol = 0;
     $this->scoreUnemploy = 0;
     $this->scoreWaste = 0;
     $this->scoreGreen = 0;
     $this->trashProd = 0;
     $this->trashRecl = 0;
     $this->fact['score'] = $this->db['score'];
     $this->fact['budget'] = $this->db['budget'];
     $this->fact['goods'] = $this->db['goods'];
コード例 #2
function _generatePasswordResetCode($userNum, $dayModifier = 0)
    $userNum = (int) $userNum;
    // load user
    $user = mysql_get(accountsTable(), $userNum);
    if (!$user) {
        die(__FUNCTION__ . ": User #{$userNum} not found!");
    // create reset code
    $yearAndDay = date('Y-z', strtotime("+{$dayModifier} day"));
    // 2011-123
    $resetCode = sha1($userNum . $user['password'] . $yearAndDay . $user['createdDate']);
    // Note: We use unique values from the user record so the resetCode can't be guessed or calculated.
    // ... createdDate is added since it's unlikely to be known and adds entrpoy in the event the password field is blank.
    return $resetCode;
コード例 #3
ファイル: usr.class.php プロジェクト: nandor/myGreenTown
	Initialise the user from cookies or session
function initUser()
    if (!isset($_SESSION)) {
    if (isset($_COOKIE['userName']) && isset($_COOKIE['userPass'])) {
        $usr_db = mysql_get("SELECT * FROM user WHERE `name` = '{$_COOKIE['userName']}' AND `pass` = '{$_COOKIE['userPass']}'");
        $_SESSION['usr'] = new User($usr_db);
        if ($usr_db && $_SESSION['usr']) {
            return $_SESSION['usr'];
        } else {
            return false;
    } else {
        if (isset($_SESSION['usr'])) {
            $usr_db = mysql_get("SELECT * FROM user WHERE `id` = '{$_SESSION['usr']}'");
            return new User($usr_db);
        } else {
            return false;
コード例 #4
ファイル: login.php プロジェクト: nandor/myGreenTown
    @file login.php
    @author Licker Nandor
    @brief Login handling
include 'include/lang.php';
include 'include/config.php';
include 'include/usr.class.php';
include 'include/db.php';
if (!isset($_POST['user']) || !isset($_POST['pass']) || !isset($_POST['rem'])) {
    echo "0";
$user = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['user']);
$pass = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['pass']);
$rem = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['rem']);
//Check if the user exists and the right password was given
$usr_db = mysql_get("SELECT * FROM user WHERE `name` = '{$user}' AND `pass` = '{$pass}'");
if ($usr_db == FALSE) {
    echo "1";
$_SESSION['usr'] = $usr_db['id'];
$usr = new User($usr_db);
//Set the cookies if necessary
if ($rem == "true") {
    setCookie("userName", $usr->name, time() + 3600000);
    setCookie("userPass", $usr->pass, time() + 3600000);
echo $usr->toJSON();
コード例 #5
function cron_logErrorsOnDieOrExit()
    if (!@$GLOBALS['CRON_JOB_LOG_NUM']) {
    $summary = t("Returned errors");
    $output = ob_get_clean();
    $runtime = sprintf("%0.2f", microtime(true) - $GLOBALS['CRON_JOB_START']);
    // update job log entry
    mysql_update('_cron_log', $GLOBALS['CRON_JOB_LOG_NUM'], null, array('summary' => $summary, 'output' => $output, 'runtime' => $runtime));
    // send email
    $secondsAgo = time() - $GLOBALS['SETTINGS']['bgtasks_lastEmail'];
    if ($secondsAgo >= 60 * 60) {
        // don't email more than once an hour
        // get email placeholders
        $cronLog = mysql_get('_cron_log', $GLOBALS['CRON_JOB_LOG_NUM']);
        $placeholders = array('bgtask.date' => $cronLog['createdDate'], 'bgtask.activity' => $cronLog['activity'], 'bgtask.summary' => nl2br(htmlencode($cronLog['summary'])), 'bgtask.completed' => $cronLog['completed'], 'bgtask.function' => $cronLog['function'], 'bgtask.output' => nl2br(htmlencode($cronLog['output'])), 'bgtask.runtime' => $cronLog['runtime'], 'bgtask.function' => $cronLog['function'], 'bgtasks.logsUrl' => realUrl("?menu=_cron_log", $GLOBALS['SETTINGS']['adminUrl']), 'bgtasks.settingsUrl' => realUrl("?menu=admin&action=general#background-tasks", $GLOBALS['SETTINGS']['adminUrl']));
        // send message
        $errors = sendMessage(emailTemplate_loadFromDB(array('template_id' => 'CMS-BGTASK-ERROR', 'placeholders' => $placeholders)));
        if ($errors) {
            die("Mail Error: {$errors}");
        // update last emailed time
        $GLOBALS['SETTINGS']['bgtasks_lastEmail'] = time();
コード例 #6
function emailTemplate_loadFromDB($options)
    // set defaults
    if (!@$options['template_table']) {
        $options['template_table'] = '_email_templates';
    // v2.50
    // error checking
    if (!$options['template_id']) {
        dieAsCaller(__FUNCTION__ . ": No 'template_id' set in options");
    if (!$options['placeholders']) {
        dieAsCaller(__FUNCTION__ . ": No 'placeholders' set in options");
    // load template
    $template = array();
    if (!$template) {
        // try and load custom translated TEMPLATE-ID with language suffix first, eg: MY-TEMPLATE-FR
        $template = mysql_get($options['template_table'], null, array('template_id' => $options['template_id'] . '-' . strtoupper($GLOBALS['SETTINGS']['language'])));
    if (!$template) {
        // if not found, try loading default template next
        $template = mysql_get($options['template_table'], null, array('template_id' => $options['template_id']));
    if (!$template) {
        // if not found, re-add default templates and try again unless template wasn't added or was removed
        $template = mysql_get($options['template_table'], null, array('template_id' => $options['template_id']));
    if (!$template) {
        // otherwise, die with error
        dieAsCaller(__FUNCTION__ . ": Couldn't find email template_id '" . htmlencode($options['template_id']) . "'");
    // get email values
    $emailHeaders = array();
    $emailHeaders['from'] = coalesce(@$options['override-from'], $template['from']);
    $emailHeaders['to'] = coalesce(@$options['override-to'], $template['to']);
    if ($template['reply-to'] || @$options['override-reply-to']) {
        $emailHeaders['headers']['Reply-To'] = coalesce(@$options['override-reply-to'], $template['reply-to']);
    if ($template['cc'] || @$options['override-cc']) {
        $emailHeaders['headers']['CC'] = coalesce(@$options['override-cc'], $template['cc']);
    if ($template['bcc'] || @$options['override-bcc']) {
        $emailHeaders['headers']['BCC'] = coalesce(@$options['override-bcc'], $template['bcc']);
    $emailHeaders['subject'] = coalesce(@$options['override-subject'], $template['subject']);
    $emailHeaders['disabled'] = coalesce(@$options['override-disabled'], @$template['disabled']);
    $emailHeaders['html'] = coalesce(@$options['override-html'], $template['html']);
    // v2.51
    $passThruFields = array('attachments', 'headers', 'logging');
    foreach ($passThruFields as $field) {
        if (!array_key_exists($field, $options)) {
        $emailHeaders[$field] = $options[$field];
    // replace placeholders
    list($emailHeaders, $textPlaceholderList) = emailTemplate_replacePlaceholders($emailHeaders, @$options['placeholders']);
    // update template placeholder list
    if ($template['placeholders'] != $textPlaceholderList) {
        mysql_update($options['template_table'], $template['num'], null, array('placeholders' => $textPlaceholderList));
    // error checking
    if (!$emailHeaders['from']) {
        die(__FUNCTION__ . ": No 'From' set by program or email template id '" . htmlencode($options['template_id']) . "'");
    if (!$emailHeaders['to']) {
        die(__FUNCTION__ . ": No 'To' set by program or email template id '" . htmlencode($options['template_id']) . "'");
    if (!$emailHeaders['subject']) {
        die(__FUNCTION__ . ": No 'Subject' set by program or email template id '" . htmlencode($options['template_id']) . "'");
    if (!$emailHeaders['html']) {
        die(__FUNCTION__ . ": No 'Message HTML' found by program or email template id '" . htmlencode($options['template_id']) . "'");
    // add html header/footer
    if (@$options['addHeaderAndFooter'] !== false) {
        // added in 2.50
        $htmlTitle = htmlencode($emailHeaders['subject']);
        $header = <<<__HTML__
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

<style type="text/css">
  p { margin-bottom: 1em; }

        // ***NOTE*** style tag is for Yahoo Mail which otherwise drops paragraph spacing - http://www.email-standards.org/blog/entry/yahoo-drops-paragraph-spacing/
        // ... having a defined <title></title> helps get by spam filters
        $footer = <<<__HTML__
        $emailHeaders['html'] = $header . $emailHeaders['html'] . $footer;
    return $emailHeaders;
コード例 #7
ファイル: ranking.php プロジェクト: nandor/myGreenTown

include 'include/lang.php';
include 'include/config.php';
include 'include/db.php';
// Retrieve the number of existing towns
$db_res = mysql_get("SELECT COUNT(`id`) FROM `town`");
$numTowns = intval($db_res['COUNT(`id`)']);
<div id = "ranking">
    <script type = "text/javascript">
        function loadFrom (page) {
	        newItemsPerPage = parseInt (($("#rank_body").height () - 50) / 22 - 1);
	        $.getJSON ("getrank.php?pos=" + (itemsPerPage * page) + "&cnt=" + newItemsPerPage, function (json)
	            $("#rank_table").html ('<tr><th style = "width: 60px;"><? echo __("Rank");?></th><th style = "width: 270px;"><? echo __("Name");?></th><th><? echo __("Score");?></th></tr>');
	            for (var i = 0; i < json.length; ++i) {
	                $("#rank_table").append ("<tr onclick = 'loadTown (" + json[i].id + ")'><td>" + (itemsPerPage * page + i + 1) + "</td><td>" + json[i].name + "</td><td tid = " + json[i].id + ">" + json[i].score + "</td></tr>");					
	        page = parseInt (page * itemsPerPage / newItemsPerPage);
	        numPage = parseInt (numItems / newItemsPerPage) + 1;
	        $("#rank_control").html ("");
			for (var i = 1; i <= min (3, numPage); ++i) {
			    $("#rank_control").append ("<span id = '" + (i - 1) + "'>" + i + "</span>");
			if (page > 6)
コード例 #8
ファイル: query.php プロジェクト: nandor/myGreenTown
        $percent = $_GET['perc'];
        mysql_query("UPDATE `user` SET `car_percent` = {$percent} WHERE `id` = " . $usr->id . ";");
        echo '1';
    case 'update':
        echo $usr->towns[$_SESSION['town']]->getMapDataJSON();
    case 'sendmail':
        if (!isset($_POST['to']) || !isset($_POST['title']) || !isset($_POST['txt'])) {
            echo "Error";
        $_POST['to'] = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['to']);
        $_POST['txt'] = strip_tags(mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['txt']));
        $_POST['title'] = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['title']);
        $from = $usr->towns[$_SESSION['town']]->name;
        $rcpt = mysql_get("SELECT id FROM town WHERE `name` = '{$_POST['to']}';");
        if ($rcpt['id'] <= 0) {
            echo "Invalid recipient!";
        mysql_query("INSERT INTO mail(`from`, `to`, `title`, `text`) VALUES('{$from}', '{$rcpt['id']}', '{$_POST['title']}', '{$_POST['txt']}');");
        echo "<span style = 'color:green'>" . __("Message sent!") . "</span>";
        echo "0";
コード例 #9
    foreach ($cronRecords as $record) {
                <tr class="listRow <?php 
        echo @++$cronTaskCounter % 2 ? 'listRowOdd' : 'listRowEven';
        echo htmlencode($record['function']);
        echo htmlencode($record['activity']);
        $latestLog = mysql_get('_cron_log', null, ' function = "' . mysql_escape($record['function']) . '" ORDER BY num DESC');
        echo prettyDate($latestLog['createdDate']);
        echo htmlencode($record['expression']);
} else {
コード例 #10
if (!@$_REQUEST['num']) {
    $preSaveTempId = uniqid('x');
### load record
$num = (int) @$_REQUEST['num'];
// error checking
if ($escapedTableName == '') {
    die("no tablename specified!");
if ($num != (int) $num) {
    die("record number value must be an integer!");
// load record
$GLOBALS['RECORD'] = array();
if ($num) {
    $GLOBALS['RECORD'] = mysql_get($tableName, $num);
doAction('record_preedit', $tableName, @$_REQUEST['num']);
$previewUrl = coalesce(@$schema['_previewPage'], @$schema['_detailPage']);
if ($previewUrl) {
    $previewUrl = PREFIX_URL . $previewUrl . '?' . urlencode(t('preview')) . '-9999999999';
// note that 9999999999 is a special number which getRecords() uses to know this is a preview request
$showPreviewButton = !@$schema['_disablePreview'] && $previewUrl;

<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php