function add_333_consecutive_sub20() { global $lists, $WHERE; #--- Get ... $results = dbQuery("\n SELECT personName, personId, value1, value2, value3, value4, value5\n FROM Results result, Competitions competition\n {$WHERE} 1\n AND eventId = '333'\n AND = competitionId\n ORDER BY personId, year, month, day, roundId\n "); foreach (structureBy($results, 'personId') as $personResults) { extract($personResults[0]); #--- Collect all values of this person, add a DNF at the end. $values = array(); foreach ($personResults as $personResult) { foreach (range(1, 5) as $i) { $v = $personResult["value{$i}"]; if ($v > 0 || $v == -1) { $values[] = $v; } } } $values[] = -1; #--- Find longest streak. $streak = array(); $bestStreak = array(); foreach ($values as $v) { if ($v > 0 && $v < 2000) { $streak[] = $v; } else { if (count($streak) >= count($bestStreak)) { $bestStreak = $streak; } $ongoingStreak = $streak; $streak = array(); } } #--- Build the data for the person. if ($bestStreak) { $persons[] = analyzeSub20Streak($personId, $personName, $bestStreak); } if ($ongoingStreak) { $ongoing[] = analyzeSub20Streak($personId, $personName, $ongoingStreak); } } #--- Sort and cut. usort($persons, 'compareSub20Streaks'); usort($ongoing, 'compareSub20Streaks'); $persons = array_slice($persons, 0, 10); $ongoing = array_slice($ongoing, 0, 10); $persons = array_map('formatSub20Streak', $persons); $ongoing = array_map('formatSub20Streak', $ongoing); #--- Specify the list. $lists[] = array("sub20_streak_3x3", "3x3x3 longest sub20 streak", "all-time / ongoing", "[P] Person [N] Length [N] Best [N] Average [N] Worst [T] | [P] Person [N] Length [N] Best [N] Average [N] Worst [T]", my_merge($persons, $ongoing)); }
<?php for ($s = 9; $s >= 5; $s--) { $temp[] = dbQuery("\n SELECT *\n FROM (\n SELECT personId,\n sum((value1 between 1 and {$s}99) + (value2 between 1 and {$s}99) + (value3 between 1 and {$s}99) + (value4 between 1 and {$s}99) + (value5 between 1 and {$s}99) ) ctr\n FROM (SELECT * FROM Results WHERE eventId='333' AND best<1000) helper\n GROUP BY personId) helper2\n WHERE ctr > 0\n ORDER BY ctr DESC, personId\n LIMIT 10\n "); } $lists[] = array("subx_3x3_solves", "Most Sub-X solves in Rubik's Cube", "", "[P] Name [N] <10 [T] | [P] Name [N] <9 [T] | [P] Name [N] <8 [T] | [P] Name [N] <7 [T] | [P] Name [N] <6", my_merge($temp[0], $temp[1], $temp[2], $temp[3], $temp[4]), "");
<?php if (!isset($onlyProvideFunctions)) { #--- Get event ranks $ranksSingle = getRanks('Single'); $ranksAverage = getRanks('Average'); #--- Sum of 3x3/4x4/5x5 ranks, single and average list($single) = sumOfRanks('Single', array('333', '444', '555'), $ranksSingle); list($average) = sumOfRanks('Average', array('333', '444', '555'), $ranksAverage); $lists[] = array("sum_ranks_345", "Sum of 3x3/4x4/5x5 ranks", "Single | Average", "[P] Person [N] Sum [n] 3x3 [n] 4x4 [n] 5x5 [T] | [P] Person [N] Sum [n] 3x3 [n] 4x4 [n] 5x5", my_merge($single, $average)); #--- Sum of all single ranks list($rows, $header) = sumOfRanks('Single', getAllEventIds(), $ranksSingle); $lists[] = array("sum_ranks_single", "Sum of all single ranks", "", $header, $rows); #--- Sum of all average ranks list($rows, $header) = sumOfRanks('Average', getAllEventIds(), $ranksAverage); $lists[] = array("sum_ranks_average", "Sum of all average ranks", "", $header, $rows); } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- function getRanks($sourceName, $regionId = '') { #---------------------------------------------------------------------- #--- Build query for the requested region $query = "SELECT eventId, personId, worldRank FROM Ranks{$sourceName}"; if (in_array($regionId, getAllUsedCountriesIds())) { $query = "SELECT eventId, personId, countryRank FROM Ranks{$sourceName}, Persons WHERE AND subId=1 AND countryId='{$regionId}'"; } if (in_array($regionId, getAllUsedContinentIds())) { $query = "SELECT eventId, personId, continentRank FROM Ranks{$sourceName}, Persons, Countries WHERE AND subId=1 AND AND continentId='{$regionId}'"; } #--- Process the personal records, build ranks[event][person] foreach (dbQuery($query) as $row) {
<?php $persons = dbQuery("\n SELECT personId, count(DISTINCT competition.countryId) numberOfCountries\n FROM Results result, Competitions competition\n {$WHERE} = competitionId\n AND competition.countryId NOT REGEXP '^X[A-Z]{1}\$'\n GROUP BY personId\n ORDER BY numberOfCountries DESC, personName\n LIMIT 10\n"); $events = dbQuery("\n SELECT eventId, count(DISTINCT competition.countryId) numberOfCountries\n FROM Results result, Competitions competition\n {$WHERE} = competitionId\n AND competition.countryId NOT REGEXP '^X[A-Z]{1}\$'\n GROUP BY eventId\n ORDER BY numberOfCountries DESC, eventId\n LIMIT 10\n"); $competitions = dbQuery("\n SELECT competitionId, count(DISTINCT result.countryId) numberOfCountries\n FROM Results result\n WHERE result.countryId NOT REGEXP '^X[A-Z]{1}\$'\n GROUP BY competitionId\n ORDER BY numberOfCountries DESC, competitionId\n LIMIT 10\n"); $lists[] = array("most_countries", "Most Countries", "", "[P] Person [N] Countries [T] | [E] Event [N] Countries [T] | [C] Competition [N] Countries", my_merge($persons, $events, $competitions), "[Person] In how many countries the person participated. [Event] In how many countries the event has been offered. [Competition] Of how many countries persons participated.");
static function json_array_merge($arr1, $arr2) { $keys = array_keys($arr2); foreach ($keys as $key) { if (isset($arr1[$key]) && is_array($arr1[$key]) && is_array($arr2[$key])) { $arr1[$key] = my_merge($arr1[$key], $arr2[$key]); } else { $arr1[$key] = $arr2[$key]; } } return $arr1; }
$averageBound = 1181; #--- Fetch all results that have a chance to be in the top 100 $candidates = dbQuery("\n SELECT personId,\n value1, value2, value3, value4, value5,\n average\n FROM Results\n WHERE eventId='333' AND (best>0 AND best<={$singleBound} OR average>0 AND average<={$averageBound})\n"); #--- Extract (person,single) pairs and (person,average) pairs foreach ($candidates as $candidate) { if ($candidate['average'] > 0) { $personAveragePairs[] = array($candidate['personId'], $candidate['average']); } for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++) { if ($candidate["value{$i}"] > 0) { $personSinglePairs[] = array($candidate['personId'], $candidate["value{$i}"]); } } } #--- Build and add this statistic $lists[] = array("appearances_top100_3x3", "Appearances in Rubik's Cube top 100 results", "Single | Average", "[P] Person [N] Appearances [T] | [P] Person [N] Appearances", my_merge(countTop100Appearances($personSinglePairs), countTop100Appearances($personAveragePairs))); #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # helper... #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function countTop100Appearances($personValuePairs) { usort($personValuePairs, create_function('$a,$b', 'return $a[1]-$b[1];')); for ($i = 0; $i < 100 || $i < count($personValuePairs) && $personValuePairs[$i][1] == $personValuePairs[$i - 1][1]; $i++) { if (!isset($appearances[$personValuePairs[$i][0]])) { $appearances[$personValuePairs[$i][0]] = 0; } $appearances[$personValuePairs[$i][0]]++; } arsort($appearances); foreach ($appearances as $personId => $counter) { $result[] = array($personId, $counter);
<?php #--- Get event ranks $ranksSingle = getRecentRanks('best'); $ranksAverage = getRecentRanks('average'); #--- Sum of 3x3/4x4/5x5 ranks, single and average list($single) = sumOfRecentRanks('Single', array('333', '444', '555'), $ranksSingle); list($average) = sumOfRecentRanks('Average', array('333', '444', '555'), $ranksAverage); $lists[] = array("sum_recent_ranks_345", "Sum of recent 3x3/4x4/5x5 ranks", "Single | Average - considering results since {$sinceDateHtml}", "[P] Person [N] Sum [n] 3x3 [n] 4x4 [n] 5x5 [T] | [P] Person [N] Sum [n] 3x3 [n] 4x4 [n] 5x5", my_merge($single, $average)); #--- Sum of all single ranks list($rows, $header) = sumOfRecentRanks('Single', getAllEventIds(), $ranksSingle); $lists[] = array("sum_recent_ranks_single", "Sum of recent single ranks", "considering results since {$sinceDateHtml}", $header, $rows); #--- Sum of all average ranks list($rows, $header) = sumOfRecentRanks('Average', getAllEventIds(), $ranksAverage); $lists[] = array("sum_recent_ranks_average", "Sum of recent average ranks", "considering results since {$sinceDateHtml}", $header, $rows); #---------------------------------------------------------------------- function getRecentRanks($sourceId) { #---------------------------------------------------------------------- global $WHERE, $sinceDateCondition; #--- Get all personal records sorted by event and value $records = dbQuery("\n SELECT personId, eventId, min({$sourceId}) value\n FROM Results result, Competitions competition\n {$WHERE}\n AND {$sinceDateCondition}\n AND {$sourceId}>0\n GROUP BY eventId, personId\n ORDER BY eventId, value\n "); #--- Append a sentinel $records[] = array('nobody', 'ThisWillCauseTheFinishEventCodeForTheLastEvent'); #--- Process the personal records, build ranks[event][person] foreach ($records as $record) { list($personId, $eventId, $value) = $record; #--- At new events, finish the previous and reset for the new one if ($eventId != $currentEventId) { #--- Memorize the previous event's ranks (if any, and if that event is official) if ($currentEventId && in_array($currentEventId, getAllEventIds())) {
<?php $events = dbQuery("\n SELECT eventId, count(DISTINCT personId) numberOfPersons\n FROM Results\n {$WHERE} 1\n GROUP BY eventId\n ORDER BY numberOfPersons DESC, eventId\n LIMIT 10\n"); $competitions = dbQuery("\n SELECT competitionId, count(DISTINCT personId) numberOfPersons\n FROM Results\n {$WHERE} 1\n GROUP BY competitionId\n ORDER BY numberOfPersons DESC, competitionId\n LIMIT 10\n"); $countries = dbQuery("\n SELECT countryId, count(DISTINCT personId) numberOfPersons\n FROM Results\n {$WHERE} 1\n GROUP BY countryId\n ORDER BY numberOfPersons DESC, countryId\n LIMIT 10\n"); $lists[] = array("most_persons", "Most Persons", "", "[E] Event [N] Persons [T] | [C] Competition [N] Persons [T] | [T] Country [N] Persons", my_merge($events, $competitions, $countries), "[Event] How many persons participated in the event. [Competition] How many persons participated in the competition. [Country] How many citizens of this country participated.");
<?php $solves = polishMostSolvesAttempts("\n SELECT personId,\n competitionId whereId,\n count(value1>0 or null)+\n count(value2>0 or null)+\n count(value3>0 or null)+\n count(value4>0 or null)+\n count(value5>0 or null) solves,\n count(value1 and value1<>-2 or null)+\n count(value2 and value2<>-2 or null)+\n count(value3 and value3<>-2 or null)+\n count(value4 and value4<>-2 or null)+\n count(value5 and value5<>-2 or null) attempts\n FROM Results\n GROUP BY personId, competitionId\n ORDER BY solves DESC, attempts\n LIMIT 50\n"); $attempts = polishMostSolvesAttempts("\n SELECT personId,\n year whereId,\n count(value1>0 or null)+\n count(value2>0 or null)+\n count(value3>0 or null)+\n count(value4>0 or null)+\n count(value5>0 or null) solves,\n count(value1 and value1<>-2 or null)+\n count(value2 and value2<>-2 or null)+\n count(value3 and value3<>-2 or null)+\n count(value4 and value4<>-2 or null)+\n count(value5 and value5<>-2 or null) attempts\n FROM Results, Competitions competition\n WHERE = competitionId\n GROUP BY personId, year\n ORDER BY solves DESC, attempts\n LIMIT 50\n"); function polishMostSolvesAttempts($query) { $result = array(); foreach (dbQuery($query) as $row) { list($personId, $whereId, $ctr, $attempts) = $row; if (!isset($listed[$personId]) && count($result) < 10) { $result[] = array($personId, "<b>{$ctr}</b> / {$attempts}", $whereId); $listed[$personId] = true; } } return $result; } $lists[] = array("most_solves", "Most solves in one competition or year", "", "[P] Person [n] Solves [C] Competition [T] | [P] Person [n] Solves [N] Year", my_merge($solves, $attempts));
<?php $persons = dbQuery("\n SELECT personId, count(distinct eventId) worldRecordEvents\n FROM Results\n {$WHERE} regionalSingleRecord='WR' or regionalAverageRecord='WR'\n GROUP BY personId\n ORDER BY worldRecordEvents DESC, personName\n LIMIT 10\n"); $countries = dbQuery("\n SELECT countryId, count(distinct eventId) worldRecordEvents\n FROM Results\n {$WHERE} regionalSingleRecord='WR' or regionalAverageRecord='WR'\n GROUP BY countryId\n ORDER BY worldRecordEvents DESC, countryId\n LIMIT 10\n"); $competitions = dbQuery("\n SELECT competitionId, count(distinct eventId) worldRecordEvents\n FROM Results\n {$WHERE} regionalSingleRecord='WR' or regionalAverageRecord='WR'\n GROUP BY competitionId\n ORDER BY worldRecordEvents DESC, competitionId\n LIMIT 10\n"); $lists[] = array("wrs_in_most_events", "World records in most events", "current and past", "[P] Person [N] Events [T] | [C] Competition [N] Events [T] | [T] Country [N] Events", my_merge($persons, $competitions, $countries));
<?php $person = dbQuery("\n SELECT personId, count(DISTINCT competitionId) numberOfCompetitions\n FROM Results\n GROUP BY personId\n ORDER BY numberOfCompetitions DESC, personId\n LIMIT 10\n"); $event = dbQuery("\n SELECT eventId, count(DISTINCT competitionId) numberOfCompetitions\n FROM Results\n GROUP BY eventId\n ORDER BY numberOfCompetitions DESC, eventId\n LIMIT 10\n"); $country = dbQuery("\n SELECT countryId, count(*) numberOfCompetitions\n FROM Competitions\n WHERE showAtAll\n AND datediff( year*10000+month*100+day, curdate() ) < 0\n GROUP BY countryId\n ORDER BY numberOfCompetitions DESC, countryId\n LIMIT 10\n"); $lists[] = array("most_competitions", "Most Competitions", "", "[P] Person [N] Competitions [T] | [E] Event [N] Competitions [T] | [T] Country [N] Competitions", my_merge($person, $event, $country), "[Person] In how many competitions the person participated. [Event] In how many competitions the event was included. [Country] How many competitions took place in the country.");
<?php $just3x3 = dbQuery("\n SELECT\n personId,\n count(pos=1 or null) gold,\n count(pos=2 or null) silver,\n count(pos=3 or null) bronze\n FROM Results\n {$WHERE} roundId IN ('f', 'c') AND eventId='333'\n GROUP BY personId\n ORDER BY gold DESC, silver DESC, bronze DESC, personName\n LIMIT 10\n"); $overall = dbQuery("\n SELECT\n personId,\n count(pos=1 or null) gold,\n count(pos=2 or null) silver,\n count(pos=3 or null) bronze\n FROM Results\n {$WHERE} roundId IN ('f', 'c') AND best>0\n GROUP BY personId\n ORDER BY gold DESC, silver DESC, bronze DESC, personName\n LIMIT 10\n"); $lists[] = array("medal_collection", "Best \"medal collection\"", "3x3x3 and overall", "[P] Person [N] Gold [n] Silver [n] Bronze [T] | [P] Person [N] Gold [n] Silver [n] Bronze", my_merge($just3x3, $overall));