<?php include_once "_common.php"; if (!$bo_table) { die("데이터가 없습니다."); } include_once "{$board_skin_path}/mw.lib/mw.skin.basic.lib.php"; if ($is_admin != "super") { die("접근 권한이 없습니다."); } $sql = "select * from {$write_table} where ca_name = '{$ca_name}' and wr_is_comment = 0 "; $qry = sql_query($sql); $cnt = 0; while ($write = sql_fetch_array($qry)) { mw_delete_row($board, $write); //echo "$row[wr_subject]\n"; $cnt++; } echo "{$ca_name}분류의 게시물 {$cnt}건을 삭제했습니다."; exit;
include_once $mw_syndi_path . '/_config.php'; include_once $mw_syndi_path . '/_lib.php'; } if ($is_all_delete or $is_all_move) { $all_board_sql = "select * from {$g4['board_table']} "; $all_board_qry = sql_query($all_board_sql); while ($all_board_row = sql_fetch_array($all_board_qry)) { if ($is_ip) { $all_write_sql = "select * from {$g4['write_prefix']}{$all_board_row['bo_table']} where mb_id = '' and wr_ip = '{$mb_id}' order by wr_num"; } else { $all_write_sql = "select * from {$g4['write_prefix']}{$all_board_row['bo_table']} where mb_id = '{$mb_id}' order by wr_num"; } $all_write_qry = sql_query($all_write_sql); while ($all_write_row = sql_fetch_array($all_write_qry)) { if ($is_all_delete or $all_write_row[wr_is_comment]) { mw_delete_row($all_board_row, $all_write_row, "no"); } elseif ($is_all_move) { if ($all_board_row['bo_table'] == $move_table) { continue; } mw_move($all_board_row, $all_write_row[wr_id], $move_table, 'move'); } if ($intercept_ip and !strstr($config[cf_intercept_ip], $all_write_row[wr_ip])) { $config[cf_intercept_ip] = trim($config[cf_intercept_ip]) . "\n{$all_write_row['wr_ip']}"; sql_query("update {$g4['config_table']} set cf_intercept_ip = '{$config['cf_intercept_ip']}'"); } if (function_exists('mw_syndi_set_feed')) { mw_syndi_set_feed($all_board_row['bo_table'], $all_write_row['wr_id'], '', 'd'); } } // write row
$mb = get_member($write[mb_id]); if ($member[mb_id] == $board[bo_admin]) { // 자신이 관리하는 게시판인가? if ($member[mb_level] >= $mb[mb_level]) { // 자신의 레벨이 크거나 같다면 통과 } else { continue; } } else { continue; } } else { if ($member[mb_id] && $member[mb_id] == $write[mb_id]) { } else { if ($wr_password && !$write[mb_id] && sql_password($wr_password) == $write[wr_password]) { } else { continue; } } } } } // 나머지는 삭제 불가 $w = 'd'; include $board_skin_path . '/mw.proc/naver_syndi.php'; mw_delete_row($board, $write, "no"); } @(include_once "{$board_skin_path}/delete_all.tail.skin.php"); //goto_url($g4['bbs_path']."/board.php?bo_table=$bo_table&page=$page" . $qstr); goto_url(mw_seo_url($bo_table, 0, "&page={$page}" . $qstr)); exit;
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ include_once "_common.php"; header("Content-Type: text/html; charset={$g4['charset']}"); if (!$bo_table) { die("bo_table 이 없습니다."); } if (!$is_admin) { die("관리자만 실행할 수 있습니다."); } if (!$token or get_session("ss_delete_token") != $token) { die("토큰 에러로 실행 불가합니다."); } include_once "{$board_skin_path}/mw.lib/mw.skin.basic.lib.php"; $chk_comment_id = explode(",", $comment_id); for ($i = 0, $m = count($chk_comment_id); $i < $m; $i++) { $write = sql_fetch(" select * from {$write_table} where wr_id = '{$chk_comment_id[$i]}' "); if ($write[wr_id]) { mw_delete_row($board, $write, 'no'); } } echo "ok"; exit; //goto_url("$g4[bbs_path]/board.php?bo_table=$bo_table&wr_id=$wr_id&sfl=$sfl&stx=$stx&page=$page");