コード例 #1
ファイル: plus.fun.php プロジェクト: polarlight1989/08cms
function caccsql($fname, $ids, $smode = 0)
    if (!$ids || !$fname) {
        return '';
    if (!is_array($ids)) {
        $ids = array($ids);
    return $fname . ' ' . multi_str($ids);
コード例 #2
ファイル: counter.fun.php プロジェクト: polarlight1989/08cms
function cn_statsum()
    global $db, $tblprefix, $timestamp, $cotypestats, $cnodestatcircle, $cotypes, $subsites, $acatalogs;
    $cachetimefile = M_ROOT . './dynamic/stats/cotypesum_time.cac';
    if (empty($cotypestats) || $timestamp - @filemtime($cachetimefile) < $cnodestatcircle * 3600) {
    $statarr = array_filter(explode(',', $cotypestats));
    if (!$statarr) {
    if (in_array('ca', $statarr)) {
        $query = $db->query("SELECT caid,COUNT(aid) AS archives,SUM(clicks) AS clicks FROM {$tblprefix}archives GROUP BY caid");
        while ($item = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
            $db->query("UPDATE {$tblprefix}catalogs SET archives='{$item['archives']}',clicks='{$item['clicks']}' WHERE caid='{$item['caid']}'", 'UNBUFFERED');
        foreach ($acatalogs as $k1 => $v1) {
            $ids = cnsonids($k1, $acatalogs);
            if (count($ids) > 1) {
                $row = $db->fetch_one("SELECT SUM(archives) AS archives,SUM(clicks) AS clicks FROM {$tblprefix}catalogs WHERE caid " . multi_str($ids));
                $db->query("UPDATE {$tblprefix}catalogs SET archives='{$row['archives']}',clicks='{$row['clicks']}' WHERE caid='{$k1}'", 'UNBUFFERED');
        $sids = array_keys($subsites);
        $sids[] = 0;
        foreach ($sids as $v) {
            updatecache('catalogs', '', $v);
    foreach ($cotypes as $k => $v) {
        if (!$v['self_reg'] && in_array($k, $statarr)) {
            $coclasses = read_cache('coclasses', $k);
            foreach ($coclasses as $k1 => $v1) {
                if ($cnsql = cnsql($k, $k1, '')) {
                    $row = $db->fetch_one("SELECT COUNT(aid) AS archives,SUM(clicks) AS clicks FROM {$tblprefix}archives WHERE {$cnsql}");
                    $db->query("UPDATE {$tblprefix}coclass SET archives='{$row['archives']}',clicks='{$row['clicks']}' WHERE ccid='{$k1}'", 'UNBUFFERED');
            foreach ($coclasses as $k1 => $v1) {
                $ids = cnsonids($k1, $coclasses);
                if (count($ids) > 1 && ($cnsql = cnsql($k, $ids, ''))) {
                    $row = $db->fetch_one("SELECT SUM(archives) AS archives,SUM(clicks) AS clicks FROM {$tblprefix}coclass WHERE {$cnsql}");
                    $db->query("UPDATE {$tblprefix}coclass SET archives='{$row['archives']}',clicks='{$row['clicks']}' WHERE ccid='{$k1}'", 'UNBUFFERED');
            updatecache('coclasses', $k);
    if (@($fp = fopen($cachetimefile, 'w'))) {
コード例 #3
     $selectid = array();
     $npage = empty($npage) ? 1 : $npage;
     if (empty($pages)) {
         $counts = $db->result_one("SELECT count(*) FROM {$tblprefix}purchases cu LEFT JOIN {$tblprefix}archives a ON (a.aid=cu.aid) {$wheresql}");
         $pages = @ceil($counts / $atpp);
     if ($npage <= $pages) {
         $fromstr = empty($fromid) ? "" : "cid<{$fromid}";
         $nwheresql = !$wheresql ? $fromstr ? "WHERE {$fromstr}" : "" : $wheresql . ($fromstr ? " AND " : "") . $fromstr;
         $query = $db->query("SELECT cid FROM {$tblprefix}purchases cu LEFT JOIN {$tblprefix}archives a ON (a.aid=cu.aid) {$nwheresql} ORDER BY cu.cid DESC LIMIT 0,{$atpp}");
         while ($item = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
             $selectid[] = $item['cid'];
 $db->query("DELETE FROM {$tblprefix}purchases WHERE cid " . multi_str($selectid) . " AND oid=0", 'SILENT');
 if (!empty($select_all)) {
     if ($npage <= $pages) {
         $fromid = min($selectid);
         $transtr = '';
         $transtr .= "&select_all=1";
         $transtr .= "&pages={$pages}";
         $transtr .= "&npage={$npage}";
         $transtr .= "&barcsedit=1";
         $transtr .= "&fromid={$fromid}";
         amessage('operating', "?entry=purchases&action=purchasesedit{$param_suffix}&page={$page}{$filterstr}{$transtr}", $pages, $npage, "<a href=\"?entry=purchases&action=purchasesedit{$param_suffix}&page={$page}{$filterstr}\">", '</a>');
 adminlog(lang('gooliadm'), lang('goolisdmope'));
 amessage('goolisopefin', "?entry=purchases&action=purchasesedit{$param_suffix}&page={$page}{$filterstr}");
コード例 #4
 $keyword = empty($keyword) ? '' : $keyword;
 $qstate = empty($qstate) ? '' : trim($qstate);
 $wheresql = '';
 $fromsql = "FROM {$tblprefix}farchives";
 if (!empty($fcaid)) {
     if (!in_array(-1, $a_fcaids) && !in_array($fcaid, $a_fcaids)) {
         $no_list = 1;
     } else {
         $wheresql .= ($wheresql ? ' AND ' : '') . "fcaid='{$fcaid}'";
 } elseif (!in_array(-1, $a_fcaids)) {
     if (!$a_fcaids) {
         $nolist = 1;
     } else {
         $wheresql .= ($wheresql ? ' AND ' : '') . "fcaid " . multi_str($a_fcaids);
 if ($checked != -1) {
     if ($u_checked != -1 && $checked != $u_checked) {
         $no_list = true;
     } else {
         $wheresql .= ($wheresql ? ' AND ' : '') . "checked='{$checked}'";
 } elseif ($u_checked != -1) {
     $wheresql .= ($wheresql ? ' AND ' : '') . "checked='{$u_checked}'";
 if ($valid != -1) {
     if ($u_valid != -1 && $valid != $u_valid) {
コード例 #5
ファイル: mtrans.inc.php プロジェクト: polarlight1989/08cms
         $itemstr .= "<tr class=\"txt\">\n" . "<td class=\"txtC w50\"><input class=\"checkbox\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"delete[{$row['trid']}]\" value=\"{$row['trid']}\"></td>\n" . "<td class=\"txtL\">{$row['mname']}</td>\n" . "<td class=\"txtC\">" . $mchannels[$row['fromid']]['cname'] . "</td>\n" . "<td class=\"txtC\">" . $mchannels[$row['toid']]['cname'] . "</td>\n" . "<td class=\"txtC w50\">{$checkstr}</td>\n" . "<td class=\"txtC w70\">{$createdatestr}</td>\n" . "<td class=\"txtC w30\">{$detailstr}</td>\n" . "</tr>\n";
     $counts = $db->result_one("SELECT count(*) FROM {$tblprefix}mtrans {$wheresql}");
     $multi = multi($counts, $atpp, $page, "?entry=mtrans&action=mtransedit{$filterstr}");
     tabheader(lang('memchanaltli'), '', '', 8);
     trcategory(array("<input class=\"checkbox\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"chkdel\" onclick=\"checkall(this.form,'delete','chkdel')\">" . lang('del'), lang('member_cname'), lang('sourcechannel'), lang('targetchannel'), "<input class=\"checkbox\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"chkcheck\" onclick=\"checkall(this.form,'checkid','chkcheck')\">" . lang('check'), lang('add_date'), lang('detail')));
     echo $itemstr;
     echo $multi;
     echo "<input class=\"button\" type=\"submit\" name=\"bmtransedit\" value=\"" . lang('submit') . "\">";
 } else {
     if (empty($delete) && empty($checkid)) {
         amessage('selectaltrec', "?entry=mtrans&action=mtransedit&page={$page}{$filterstr}");
     if (!empty($delete)) {
         $db->query("DELETE FROM {$tblprefix}mtrans WHERE trid " . multi_str($delete));
     if (!empty($checkid)) {
         $actuser = new cls_userinfo();
         foreach ($checkid as $trid) {
             if (empty($delete) || !in_array($trid, $delete)) {
                 if ($minfos = $db->fetch_one("SELECT * FROM {$tblprefix}mtrans WHERE trid='{$trid}' AND checked='0'")) {
                     $minfos = array_merge($minfos, $minfos['contentarr'] ? unserialize($minfos['contentarr']) : array());
                     $actuser->activeuser($minfos['mid'], 2);
                     $omchid = $minfos['fromid'];
                     $mchid = $minfos['toid'];
                     $mchannel = $mchannels[$mchid];
                     foreach (array('additems') as $var) {
                         ${$var} = $mchannel[$var] ? explode(',', $mchannel[$var]) : array();
コード例 #6
ファイル: comments.inc.php プロジェクト: polarlight1989/08cms
     $query = $db->query("SELECT aid,mid FROM {$tblprefix}comments WHERE cid " . multi_str($selectid));
     while ($row = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
         $aedit->arc_nums('comments', -1, 1);
         $actuser->basedeal('comment', 0, 1, 1);
     $db->query("DELETE FROM {$tblprefix}comments WHERE cid " . multi_str($selectid), 'UNBUFFERED');
 } else {
     if (!empty($arcdeal['check'])) {
         $db->query("UPDATE {$tblprefix}comments SET checked='1' WHERE cid " . multi_str($selectid));
     if (!empty($arcdeal['uncheck'])) {
         $db->query("UPDATE {$tblprefix}comments SET checked='0' WHERE cid " . multi_str($selectid));
 if (!empty($select_all)) {
     if ($npage <= $pages) {
         $fromid = min($selectid);
         $transtr = '';
         $transtr .= "&select_all=1";
         $transtr .= "&pages={$pages}";
         $transtr .= "&npage={$npage}";
         $transtr .= "&barcsedit=1";
         $transtr .= "&fromid={$fromid}";
         amessage('operating', "?entry=comments&action=commentsedit&page={$page}{$param_suffix}{$filterstr}{$transtr}{$parastr}&dealstr={$dealstr}", $pages, $npage, "<a href=\"?entry=comments&action=commentsedit&page={$page}{$param_suffix}{$filterstr}\">", '</a>');
コード例 #7
ファイル: loadold.inc.php プロジェクト: polarlight1989/08cms
 $caids = array(-1);
 if (!empty($caid)) {
     $caids = cnsonids($caid, $catalogs);
     $wheresql .= " AND a.caid " . multi_str($caids);
 if ($nsid != -1) {
     if (!empty($u_sids) && !in_array($nsid, $u_sids)) {
         $no_list = true;
     } else {
         $wheresql .= " AND a.sid='{$nsid}'";
 } elseif (!empty($u_sids)) {
     $wheresql .= " AND a.sid " . multi_str($u_sids);
 $keyword && ($wheresql .= " AND (a.mname LIKE '%" . str_replace(array(' ', '*'), '%', addcslashes($keyword, '%_')) . "%' OR a.subject LIKE '%" . str_replace(array(' ', '*'), '%', addcslashes($keyword, '%_')) . "%')");
 $filterstr = '';
 foreach (array('nimuid', 'caid', 'chid', 'keyword') as $k) {
     ${$k} && ($filterstr .= "&{$k}=" . rawurlencode(stripslashes(${$k})));
 foreach (array('nsid') as $k) {
     ${$k} != -1 && ($filterstr .= "&{$k}=" . ${$k});
 $wheresql = empty($no_list) ? $wheresql : 'WHERE 1=0';
 //echo $wheresql;
 if (!submitcheck('bloadold')) {
     if (empty($u_tplname)) {
コード例 #8
         $gather->gather_guid($guid, 0);
 } elseif ($arcdeal == 'output') {
     $progress = new Progress();
     $c_upload = new cls_upload();
     $gather = new cls_gather();
     foreach ($selectid as $guid) {
 } elseif ($arcdeal == 'abover') {
     $gmissions[$gsid]['sonid'] && $db->query("UPDATE {$tblprefix}gurls SET abover='{$arcabover}' WHERE guid " . multi_str($selectid), 'UNBUFFERED');
 } elseif ($arcdeal == 'regather') {
     $db->query("UPDATE {$tblprefix}gurls SET gatherdate=0,outputdate=0 WHERE guid " . multi_str($selectid), 'UNBUFFERED');
 empty($progress) || $progress->hide();
 if (!empty($select_all)) {
     if ($npage <= $pages) {
         $fromid = min($selectid);
         $transtr = '';
         $transtr .= "&select_all=1";
         $transtr .= "&pages={$pages}";
         $transtr .= "&npage={$npage}";
         $transtr .= "&barcsedit=1";
         $transtr .= "&fromid={$fromid}";
         amessage(lang('operating') . "<br>" . lang('all') . " {$pages} " . lang('page0') . "," . lang('dealing') . " {$npage} " . lang('page0') . "<br><br>\n\t\t\t\t<a href=\"?entry=gmissions&action=contentsoption&gsid={$gsid}{$filterstr}{$param_suffix}\">>>" . lang('pause') . "</a>", "?entry=gmissions&action=contentsoption&gsid={$gsid}&page={$page}{$filterstr}{$transtr}{$parastr}&arcdeal={$arcdeal}{$param_suffix}", 200);
コード例 #9
 if ($mchid) {
     if (!empty($u_mchids) && !in_array($mchid, $u_mchids)) {
         $no_list = true;
     } else {
         $wheresql .= ($wheresql ? ' AND ' : '') . "m.mchid='{$mchid}'";
 } elseif (!empty($u_mchids)) {
     $wheresql .= ($wheresql ? ' AND ' : '') . "m.mchid " . multi_str($u_mchids);
 if ($cuid) {
     if (!empty($u_cuids) && !in_array($cuid, $u_cuids)) {
         $no_list = true;
     $wheresql .= ($wheresql ? ' AND ' : '') . "cu.cuid ='{$cuid}'";
 } elseif (!empty($u_cuids)) {
     $wheresql .= ($wheresql ? ' AND ' : '') . "cu.cuid " . multi_str($u_cuids);
 if ($checked != -1) {
     if ($u_checked != -1 && $checked != $u_checked) {
         $no_list = true;
     } else {
         $wheresql .= ($wheresql ? ' AND ' : '') . "cu.checked='{$checked}'";
 } elseif ($u_checked != -1) {
     $wheresql .= ($wheresql ? ' AND ' : '') . "cu.checked='{$u_checked}'";
 $keyword && ($wheresql .= ($wheresql ? ' AND ' : '') . "cu.mname LIKE '%" . str_replace(array(' ', '*'), '%', addcslashes($keyword, '%_')) . "%'");
 $filterstr = '';
 foreach (array('nauid', 'mchid', 'cuid', 'keyword') as $k) {
コード例 #10
ファイル: arcs.php プロジェクト: polarlight1989/08cms
     $caids = in_array(-1, $caids) ? $a_caids : array_intersect($caids, $a_caids);
 if (!$caids) {
     $no_list = true;
 } elseif (!in_array(-1, $caids) && ($cnsql = cnsql(0, $caids, 'a.'))) {
     $wheresql .= " AND {$cnsql}";
 if ($chid) {
     if (!empty($u_chids) && !in_array($chid, $u_chids)) {
         $no_list = true;
     } else {
         $wheresql .= " AND a.chid='{$chid}'";
 } elseif (!empty($u_chids)) {
     $wheresql .= " AND a.chid " . multi_str($u_chids);
 if ($status != -1) {
     switch ($status) {
         case '0':
             $wheresql .= " AND a.checked=1";
         case '1':
             $wheresql .= " AND a.checked=0 AND s.overupdate=0";
         case '2':
             $wheresql .= " AND s.overupdate!=0";
コード例 #11
ファイル: albums.php プロジェクト: polarlight1989/08cms
    $no_list = 1;
$filterstr = '';
foreach (array('chid', 'nchid', 'isopen', 'keyword', 'field_id', 'show_id', 'win_id') as $k) {
    ${$k} && ($filterstr .= "&{$k}=" . rawurlencode(stripslashes(${$k})));
$wheresql = "WHERE checked=1 AND abover=0";
$fromsql = "FROM {$tblprefix}archives";
if ($nchid) {
    if (!in_array($nchid, $nchids)) {
        $no_list = 1;
    } else {
        $wheresql .= " AND chid={$nchid}";
} else {
    $wheresql .= " AND chid " . multi_str($nchids);
if (!$isopen) {
    if ($memberid) {
        $wheresql .= " AND mid='{$memberid}'";
    } else {
        $no_list = 1;
$keyword && ($wheresql .= " AND (mname LIKE '%" . str_replace(array(' ', '*'), '%', addcslashes($keyword, '%_')) . "%' OR subject LIKE '%" . str_replace(array(' ', '*'), '%', addcslashes($keyword, '%_')) . "%')");
$wheresql = empty($no_list) ? $wheresql : 'WHERE 1=0';
echo form_str('choosealbum', "?win_id={$win_id}&field_id={$field_id}&show_id={$show_id}&page={$page}");
echo "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" class=\"txt txtleft\">";
echo lang('keyword') . "&nbsp; <input class=\"text\" name=\"keyword\" type=\"text\" value=\"{$keyword}\" size=\"8\" style=\"vertical-align: middle;\">&nbsp; ";
$chidsarr = array('0' => lang('all_channel'));
コード例 #12
ファイル: static.inc.php プロジェクト: polarlight1989/08cms
 $staticmode = empty($staticmode) ? 0 : max(0, intval($staticmode));
 $numperpic = empty($numperpic) ? 20 : min(500, max(20, intval($numperpic)));
 $caid = max(0, intval(@$caid));
 $mainline = max(0, intval(@$mainline));
 $cnlevel = max(0, intval(@$cnlevel));
 if (!isset($ptypestr)) {
     $ptypes = empty($ptypes) ? array() : $ptypes;
     $ptypestr = implode(',', $ptypes);
 } else {
     $ptypes = explode(',', $ptypestr);
 $fromsql = "FROM {$tblprefix}cnodes";
 $wheresql = "WHERE sid={$sid} AND inconfig=1";
 $mainline && ($wheresql .= " AND mainline='{$mainline}'");
 $cnlevel && ($wheresql .= " AND cnlevel='{$cnlevel}'");
 $caid && ($wheresql .= " AND caid " . multi_str(cnsonids($caid, $catalogs)));
 $filterstr = '';
 foreach (array('staticmode', 'ptypestr', 'numperpic', 'caid', 'mainline', 'cnlevel') as $k) {
     $filterstr .= "&{$k}=" . rawurlencode(${$k});
 if (!submitcheck('bcnodes')) {
     url_nav(lang('staticadmin'), $urlsarr, 'cnodes');
     tabheader(lang('crecatcnodpagsta'), 'archives', "?entry={$entry}&action={$action}{$param_suffix}");
     trbasic(lang('stacremo'), '', makeradio('staticmode', array('0' => lang('pascresta'), '1' => lang('actcresta'), '2' => lang('repstaurl')), $staticmode), '');
     $ptypearr = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i <= $cn_max_addno; $i++) {
         $ptypearr[$i] = $i ? lang('addp') . $i : lang('index');
     trbasic(lang('choatpaty'), '', makecheckbox('ptypes[]', $ptypearr, $ptypes), '');
     trbasic(lang('numperpic20_500'), 'numperpic', $numperpic);
コード例 #13
 while ($item = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
     $items[$item['ufid']] = $item;
 $actuser = new cls_userinfo();
 foreach ($items as $item) {
     if ($item['thumbed']) {
         $actuser->updateuptotal(ceil(@filesize(local_file($item['url']) . '.s.jpg') / 1024), 'reduce');
         @unlink(local_file($item['url']) . '.s.jpg');
     $actuser->updateuptotal(ceil($item['size'] / 1024), 'reduce', '1');
 $db->query("DELETE FROM {$tblprefix}userfiles WHERE ufid " . multi_str(array_keys($items)), 'UNBUFFERED');
 if (!empty($select_all)) {
     if ($npage <= $pages) {
         $fromid = min(array_keys($items));
         $transtr = '';
         $transtr .= "&select_all=1";
         $transtr .= "&pages={$pages}";
         $transtr .= "&npage={$npage}";
         $transtr .= "&buserfilesedit=1";
         $transtr .= "&fromid={$fromid}";
         amessage('operating', "?entry=userfiles&action=userfilesedit&page={$page}{$filterstr}{$transtr}", $pages, $npage, "<a href=\"?entry=userfiles&action=userfilesedit&page={$page}{$filterstr}\">", '</a>');
 adminlog(lang('uploadattadm'), lang('attalistdeloper'));
コード例 #14
ファイル: pmsend.inc.php プロジェクト: polarlight1989/08cms
    trbasic(lang('pmtonames'), 'pmnew[tonames]', empty($tonames) ? '' : $tonames, 'btext');
    trbasic(lang('pmcontent'), 'pmnew[content]', '', 'btextarea');
    $submitstr = '';
    $submitstr .= makesubmitstr('pmnew[title]', 1, 0, 0, 80);
    $submitstr .= makesubmitstr('pmnew[tonames]', 1, 0, 0, 100);
    $submitstr .= makesubmitstr('pmnew[content]', 1, 0, 0, 1000);
    $submitstr .= tr_regcode('pm');
} else {
    if (!regcode_pass('pm', empty($regcode) ? '' : trim($regcode))) {
        mcmessage('regcodeerror', M_REFERER);
    $pmnew['title'] = trim($pmnew['title']);
    $pmnew['tonames'] = trim($pmnew['tonames']);
    $pmnew['content'] = trim($pmnew['content']);
    if (empty($pmnew['title']) || empty($pmnew['content']) || empty($pmnew['tonames'])) {
        mcmessage('pmdatamissing', M_REFERER);
    $tonames = array_filter(explode(',', $pmnew['tonames']));
    if ($tonames) {
        $query = $db->query("SELECT mid FROM {$tblprefix}members WHERE mname " . multi_str($tonames) . " ORDER BY mid");
        $sqlstr = '';
        while ($user = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
            $sqlstr .= ($sqlstr ? ',' : '') . "('{$pmnew['title']}','{$pmnew['content']}','{$user['mid']}','{$memberid}','" . $curuser->info['mname'] . "','{$timestamp}')";
        $sqlstr && $db->query("INSERT INTO {$tblprefix}pms (title,content,toid,fromid,fromuser,pmdate) VALUES {$sqlstr}");
    mcmessage('pmsendfinish', '?action=pmsend');
コード例 #15
ファイル: members.inc.php プロジェクト: polarlight1989/08cms
     $midarr && $db->query("DELETE FROM {$tblprefix}members WHERE mid " . multi_str($midarr), 'UNBUFFERED');
     $midarr && $db->query("DELETE FROM {$tblprefix}members_sub WHERE mid " . multi_str($midarr), 'UNBUFFERED');
     foreach ($mchannels as $k => $v) {
         $midarr && $db->query("DELETE FROM {$tblprefix}members_{$k} WHERE mid " . multi_str($midarr), 'UNBUFFERED');
 } else {
     if (!empty($arcdeal['check'])) {
         $db->query("UPDATE {$tblprefix}members SET checked='1' WHERE mid " . multi_str($selectid) . ($backamember ? '' : " AND grouptype2=0"));
     } elseif (!empty($arcdeal['uncheck'])) {
         $db->query("UPDATE {$tblprefix}members SET checked='0' WHERE mid " . multi_str($selectid) . " AND isfounder != 1" . ($backamember ? '' : " AND grouptype2=0"));
     if (!empty($arcdeal['arcallowance'])) {
         $db->query("UPDATE {$tblprefix}members SET arcallowance='" . max(0, intval($arcarcallowance)) . "' WHERE mid " . multi_str($selectid));
     if (!empty($arcdeal['cuallowance'])) {
         $db->query("UPDATE {$tblprefix}members SET cuallowance='" . max(0, intval($arccuallowance)) . "' WHERE mid " . multi_str($selectid));
     $actuser = new cls_userinfo();
     foreach ($selectid as $id) {
         foreach ($grouptypes as $k => $v) {
             if ($v['mode'] < 2 && !empty($arcdeal['gtid' . $k]) && ($backamember || $k != 2)) {
                 $actuser->handgrouptype($k, ${"arcugid{$k}"}, -1);
 if (!empty($select_all)) {
コード例 #16
ファイル: search.php プロジェクト: polarlight1989/08cms
    $filterstr .= ($filterstr ? '&' : '') . 'searchword=' . rawurlencode(stripslashes($searchword));
$searchmode = empty($searchmode) ? 'subject' : trim($searchmode);
if (!in_array($searchmode, array('subject', 'keywords', 'fulltxt', 'mname'))) {
    $searchmode = 'subject';
if (!$chid) {
    $nochids = empty($nochids) ? '' : trim($nochids);
    if ($nochids) {
        $_da['nochids'] = $nochids;
        $filterstr .= ($filterstr ? '&' : '') . "nochids=" . $nochids;
        $nochids = explode(',', $nochids);
        if ($nochids) {
            $wherestr .= " AND a.chid " . multi_str($nochids, 1);
    $_da['chid'] = 0;
    $_da['channel'] = '';
    if ($searchmode == 'fulltxt') {
        $searchmode = 'subject';
    $a_field = new cls_field();
    $fields =& $initfields;
    foreach ($fields as $k => $field) {
        if ($field['available'] && $field['issearch']) {
            $a_field->field = $field;
            $a_field->deal_search($a_field->field['tbl'] == 'main' ? "a." : "c.");
コード例 #17
ファイル: sitemap.inc.php プロジェクト: polarlight1989/08cms
        $datastr .= "  <url>\n" . "    <loc>" . htmlspecialchars(view_arcurl($archive)) . "</loc>\n" . "    <lastmod>" . date('Y-m-d', $archive['createdate']) . "</lastmod>\n" . "    <changefreq>yearly</changefreq>\n" . "    <priority>" . ($archive['clicks'] > 1000 ? '0.5' : '0.3') . "</priority>\n" . "  </url>\n";
    $datastr .= "</urlset>";
} elseif ($sitemap['ename'] == 'baidu') {
    include_once M_ROOT . "./include/arcedit.cls.php";
    $sqlstr = "WHERE checked=1 AND salecp=''";
    if (!empty($sitemap['setting']['indays'])) {
        $sqlstr .= " AND createdate>" . ($timestamp - 86400 * $sitemap['setting']['indays']);
    if (empty($sitemap['setting']['chsource'])) {
        $sqlstr .= " AND chid " . multi_str($chids);
    } else {
        $sqlstr .= " AND chid " . multi_str($sitemap['setting']['chids']);
    if (!empty($sitemap['setting']['casource'])) {
        $sqlstr .= " AND caid " . multi_str($sitemap['setting']['caids']);
    foreach ($cotypes as $coid => $cotype) {
        if (!empty($sitemap['setting']['cosource' . $coid])) {
            if ($cnsql = cnsql($coid, $sitemap['setting']['ccids' . $coid], '')) {
                $sqlstr .= " AND {$cnsql}";
    $life = empty($sitemap['setting']['life']) ? 0 : $sitemap['setting']['life'];
    $datastr = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"{$mcharset}\"?>\n" . "<document>\n" . "  <webSite>" . htmlspecialchars($cms_abs) . "</webSite>\n" . "  <webMaster>{$adminemail}</webMaster>\n" . "  <updatePeri>" . $life * 60 . "</updatePeri>\n";
    $query = $db->query("SELECT aid FROM {$tblprefix}archives {$sqlstr} ORDER BY aid DESC LIMIT 0,100");
    $aedit = new cls_arcedit();
    while ($row = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
        $aid = $row['aid'];
コード例 #18
ファイル: search.inc.php プロジェクト: polarlight1989/08cms
    $tempids = son_ids($catalogs, $caid, $tempids);
    $wherestr .= " AND a.caid " . multi_str($tempids);
    $filterstr .= ($filterstr ? '&' : '') . "caid={$caid}";
foreach ($cotypes as $k => $v) {
    ${"ccid{$k}"} = empty(${"ccid{$k}"}) ? 0 : max(0, intval(${"ccid{$k}"}));
    $item["ccid{$k}"] = ${"ccid{$k}"};
    $item['ccid' . $k . 'title'] = '';
    if (${"ccid{$k}"}) {
        $coclasses = read_cache('coclasses', $k);
        $item['ccid' . $k . 'title'] = $coclasses[${"ccid{$k}"}]['title'];
        $tempids = array(${"ccid{$k}"});
        $tempids = son_ids($coclasses, ${"ccid{$k}"}, $tempids);
        if (empty($cotype['self_reg'])) {
            $wherestr .= " AND a.ccid{$k} " . multi_str($tempids);
        } else {
            $tempstr = self_sqlstr($k, $tempids, 'a.');
            $tempstr && ($wherestr .= ' AND ' . $tempstr);
        $filterstr .= ($filterstr ? '&' : '') . "ccid{$k}=" . ${"ccid{$k}"};
$indays = empty($indays) ? 0 : max(0, intval($indays));
$item['indays'] = $indays;
if ($indays) {
    $wherestr .= " AND a.createdate>'" . ($timestamp - 86400 * $indays) . "'";
    $filterstr .= ($filterstr ? '&' : '') . "indays={$indays}";
コード例 #19
ファイル: searchs.inc.php プロジェクト: polarlight1989/08cms
     $tempids = array();
     $tempids = son_ids($catalogs, $caid, $tempids);
     $caids = array_merge($caids, $tempids);
     $wherestr .= ($wherestr ? ' AND ' : '') . "a.caid " . multi_str($caids);
 foreach ($cotypes as $coid => $cotype) {
     if (!$chid || !$cotype['chids'] || !in_array($chid, explode(',', $cotype['chids']))) {
         if (${"ccid{$coid}"}) {
             $filterstr .= ($filterstr ? '&' : '') . "ccid{$coid}=" . ${"ccid{$coid}"};
             $ccids = array(${"ccid{$coid}"});
             $tempids = array();
             $coclasses = read_cache('coclasses', $coid);
             $tempids = son_ids($coclasses, ${"ccid{$coid}"}, $tempids);
             $ccids = array_merge($ccids, $tempids);
             if (empty($cotype['self_reg'])) {
                 $wherestr .= ($wherestr ? ' AND ' : '') . "a.ccid{$coid} " . multi_str($ccids);
             } else {
                 $tempstr = self_sqlstr($coid, $ccids, 'a.');
                 $tempstr && ($wherestr .= (!$wherestr ? '' : ' AND ') . $tempstr);
 if ($chid) {
     $filterstr .= ($filterstr ? '&' : '') . "chid={$chid}";
     $customtable = "archives_{$chid}";
     $fromstr .= ' LEFT JOIN {$tblprefix}' . $customtable . ' AS c ON (a.aid=c.aid)';
     $wherestr .= ($wherestr ? ' AND ' : '') . "a.chid='{$chid}'";
     $a_field = new cls_field();
     $fields = read_cache('fields', $chid);
コード例 #20
ファイル: pays.inc.php プロジェクト: polarlight1989/08cms
         $nwheresql = !$wheresql ? $fromstr ? "WHERE {$fromstr}" : "" : $wheresql . ($fromstr ? " AND " : "") . $fromstr;
         $query = $db->query("SELECT pid FROM {$tblprefix}pays {$nwheresql} ORDER BY pid DESC LIMIT 0,{$atpp}");
         while ($item = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
             $selectid[] = $item['pid'];
 if (!empty($arcdeal['delete'])) {
     $db->query("DELETE FROM {$tblprefix}pays WHERE pid " . multi_str($selectid) . " AND (receivedate=0 OR transdate>0)", 'SILENT');
 } else {
     if (!empty($arcdeal['receive'])) {
         $db->query("UPDATE {$tblprefix}pays SET receivedate='" . (empty($arcreceive) ? 0 : $timestamp) . "' WHERE pid " . multi_str($selectid) . " AND transdate=0", 'SILENT');
     if (!empty($arcdeal['trans'])) {
         $auser = new cls_userinfo();
         $query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$tblprefix}pays WHERE pid " . multi_str($selectid));
         while ($item = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
             if (!$item['amount'] || !$item['receivedate'] || $item['transdate']) {
             $auser->updatecrids(array(0 => $item['amount']), 1, lang('cashsav'));
             $db->query("UPDATE {$tblprefix}pays SET transdate='{$timestamp}' WHERE pid='{$item['pid']}'", 'SILENT');
 if (!empty($select_all)) {
     if ($npage <= $pages) {
コード例 #21
    tabheader($listname . lang('list'), '', '', 11);
    trcategory(array("<input class=\"checkbox\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"chkall\" onclick=\"checkall(this.form, 'selectid', 'chkall')\">", lang('id'), lang('srcmember'), lang('uclass'), lang('check'), lang('addtime'), lang('reply0'), lang('read'), lang('detail')));
    echo $itemstr;
    echo $multi;
    $ucidsarr = array('0' => lang('cancelcoclass')) + $ucidsarr;
    $checkedarr = array('0' => lang('uncheck'), '1' => lang('check'));
    trbasic(lang('choose_item'), '', "<input class=\"checkbox\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"arcdeal[delete]\" value=\"1\">&nbsp;" . lang('delete') . $listname, '');
    trbasic("<input class=\"checkbox\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"arcdeal[check]\" value=\"1\">&nbsp;" . lang('check'), 'arcchecked', makeradio('arcchecked', $checkedarr, 1), '');
    trbasic("<input class=\"checkbox\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"arcdeal[ucid]\" value=\"1\">&nbsp;" . lang('uclass'), 'arcucid', makeoption($ucidsarr), 'select');
} else {
    if (empty($arcdeal)) {
        mcmessage('selectoperateitem', "?action=amcomments&page={$page}{$filterstr}");
    if (empty($selectid)) {
        mcmessage('selectcomment', "?action=amcomments&page={$page}{$filterstr}");
    if (!empty($arcdeal['delete'])) {
        $db->query("DELETE FROM {$tblprefix}mcomments WHERE mid='{$memberid}' AND cid " . multi_str($selectid));
    } else {
        if (!empty($arcdeal['check'])) {
            $db->query("UPDATE {$tblprefix}mcomments SET checked='{$arcchecked}' WHERE mid='{$memberid}' AND cid " . multi_str($selectid));
        if (!empty($arcdeal['ucid'])) {
            $db->query("UPDATE {$tblprefix}mcomments SET ucid='{$arcucid}' WHERE mid='{$memberid}' AND cid " . multi_str($selectid));
    mcmessage('commentadminfinish', "?action=amcomments&page={$page}{$filterstr}");
コード例 #22
 $fcaid = empty($fcaid) ? 0 : max(0, intval($fcaid));
 $checked = isset($checked) ? $checked : '-1';
 $valid = isset($valid) ? $valid : '-1';
 $keyword = empty($keyword) ? '' : $keyword;
 $qstate = empty($qstate) ? '' : trim($qstate);
 $wheresql = "mid='{$memberid}'";
 $fromsql = "FROM {$tblprefix}farchives";
 if ($fcaid) {
     if (!empty($u_caids) && !in_array($fcaid, $u_caids)) {
         $no_list = 1;
     } else {
         $wheresql .= " AND fcaid='{$fcaid}'";
 } elseif (!empty($u_caids)) {
     $wheresql .= " AND fcaid " . multi_str($u_caids);
 if ($checked != -1) {
     if ($u_checked != -1 && $checked != $u_checked) {
         $no_list = true;
     } else {
         $wheresql .= " AND checked='{$checked}'";
 } elseif ($u_checked != -1) {
     $wheresql .= " AND checked='{$u_checked}'";
 if ($valid != -1) {
     if ($u_valid != -1 && $valid != $u_valid) {
         $no_list = true;
コード例 #23
ファイル: offers.inc.php プロジェクト: polarlight1989/08cms
 $valid = isset($valid) ? $valid : '-1';
 $keyword = empty($keyword) ? '' : $keyword;
 $wheresql = "cu.mid='{$memberid}'";
 $fromsql = "FROM {$tblprefix}offers cu LEFT JOIN {$tblprefix}archives a ON a.aid=cu.aid";
 $caids = array();
 if ($caid) {
     $caids = cnsonids($caid, $catalogs);
     if (!empty($u_caids)) {
         $caids = array_intersect($caids, $u_caids);
 } elseif (!empty($u_caids)) {
     $caids = $u_caids;
 if ($caids) {
     $wheresql .= " AND a.caid " . multi_str($caids);
 } elseif (!empty($u_caids)) {
     $no_list = true;
 if ($checked != -1) {
     if ($u_checked != -1 && $checked != $u_checked) {
         $no_list = true;
     } else {
         $wheresql .= " AND cu.checked='{$checked}'";
 } elseif ($u_checked != -1) {
     $wheresql .= " AND cu.checked='{$u_checked}'";
 if ($valid != -1) {
コード例 #24
ファイル: cnodes.inc.php プロジェクト: polarlight1989/08cms
     $db->query("DELETE {$fromsql} WHERE cnid " . multi_str($selectid), 'UNBUFFERED');
 } else {
     if (!empty($cndeal['addnum'])) {
         $db->query("UPDATE {$tblprefix}cnodes SET addnum='" . min(empty($cn_max_addno) ? 0 : $cn_max_addno, max(0, intval($cnaddnum))) . "' WHERE cnid " . multi_str($selectid));
     $tplarr = $wtplarr = $urlarr = $staticarr = $periodarr = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i <= $cn_max_addno; $i++) {
         foreach (array('tpl', 'wtpl', 'url', 'static', 'period') as $var) {
             if (!empty($cndeal[$var . $i])) {
                 ${$var . 'arr'}[$i] = ${'cn' . $var . $i};
     if ($tplarr || $wtplarr || $urlarr || $staticarr || $periodarr) {
         $query = $db->query("SELECT * {$fromsql} WHERE cnid " . multi_str($selectid));
         while ($cnode = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
             if (!empty($cndeal['addnum'])) {
                 $cnode['addnum'] = min(empty($cn_max_addno) ? 0 : $cn_max_addno, max(0, intval($cnaddnum)));
             $sqlstr = '';
             foreach (array('tpl', 'wtpl', 'url', 'static', 'period') as $var) {
                 if (${$var . 'arr'}) {
                     $vars = $var . 's';
                     alter_cnode($cnode, ${$var . 'arr'}, $vars);
                     $sqlstr .= ($sqlstr ? ',' : '') . "{$vars}='{$cnode[$vars]}'";
             $sqlstr && $db->query("UPDATE {$tblprefix}cnodes SET {$sqlstr} WHERE cnid='{$cnode['cnid']}'");
コード例 #25
    echo "<input class=\"button\" type=\"submit\" name=\"barcsedit\" value=\"" . lang('delete') . "\"></form>";
} else {
    empty($selectid) && mcmessage('selectfavoritearc', $forward);
    $query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$tblprefix}favorites WHERE mid={$memberid} AND aid " . multi_str($selectid) . " ORDER BY aid DESC");
    while ($item = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
        $items[$item['aid']] = $item;
    $aedit = new cls_arcedit();
    foreach ($items as $item) {
        $aedit->arc_nums('favorites', -1, 1);
        $curuser->basedeal('favorite', 0, 1);
    $db->query("DELETE FROM {$tblprefix}favorites WHERE aid " . multi_str(array_keys($items)), 'UNBUFFERED');
    if (!empty($select_all)) {
        if ($npage <= $pages) {
            $fromid = min(array_keys($items));
            $transtr = '';
            $transtr .= "&select_all=1";
            $transtr .= "&pages={$pages}";
            $transtr .= "&npage={$npage}";
            $transtr .= "&barcsedit=1";
            $transtr .= "&fromid={$fromid}";
            mcmessage('operating', "?action=favorites{$transtr}&forward=" . urlencode($forward), $pages, $npage, "<a href=\"{$forward}\">", '</a>');
    mcmessage('favoritedelsucceed', "?action=comments&page={$page}{$filterstr}");
コード例 #26
        $selectid = array();
        $npage = empty($npage) ? 1 : $npage;
        if (empty($pages)) {
            $itemcount = $db->result_one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$tblprefix}subscribes s LEFT JOIN {$tblprefix}archives a ON a.aid=s.aid {$wheresql}");
            $pages = @ceil($itemcount / $mrowpp);
        if ($npage <= $pages) {
            $fromstr = empty($fromid) ? "" : "s.id<{$fromid}";
            $nwheresql = !$wheresql ? $fromstr ? "WHERE {$fromstr}" : "" : $wheresql . ($fromstr ? " AND " : "") . $fromstr;
            $query = $db->query("SELECT s.id FROM {$tblprefix}subscribes s LEFT JOIN {$tblprefix}archives a ON a.aid=s.aid {$nwheresql} ORDER BY s.id DESC LIMIT 0,{$mrowpp}");
            while ($item = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
                $selectid[] = $item['id'];
    $selectid && $db->query("DELETE FROM {$tblprefix}subscribes WHERE id " . multi_str($selectid), 'UNBUFFERED');
    if (!empty($select_all)) {
        if ($npage <= $pages) {
            $fromid = min($selectid);
            $transtr = '';
            $transtr .= "&select_all=1";
            $transtr .= "&pages={$pages}";
            $transtr .= "&npage={$npage}";
            $transtr .= "&barcsedit=1";
            $transtr .= "&fromid={$fromid}";
            mcmessage('operating' . "<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t" . lang('all') . " {$pages} " . lang('page0') . "," . lang('dealing') . " {$npage} " . lang('page0') . "<br><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<a href=\"{$forward}\">>>" . lang('pause') . "</a>", "?action=subscribes{$transtr}&forward=" . urlencode($forward), 500);
    mcmessage('subscribedelsucceed', "?action=subscribes&page={$page}{$filterstr}");
コード例 #27
ファイル: fields.cls.php プロジェクト: polarlight1989/08cms
 function deal_search($fpre = '')
     if (!$this->field['available'] || !$this->field['issearch']) {
     $fn = $this->field['ename'];
     global ${$fn}, ${$fn . 'str'}, ${$fn . 'from'}, ${$fn . 'to'}, ${$fn . '_0'}, ${$fn . '_1'}, ${$fn . 'diff'};
     if ($this->field['datatype'] == 'select') {
         if ($this->field['issearch'] == '1') {
             if (${$fn} != '') {
                 $this->searchstr = $fpre . $fn . "='" . ${$fn} . "'";
                 $this->filterstr = $fn . "=" . rawurlencode(stripslashes(${$fn}));
         } else {
             if (!empty(${$fn})) {
                 ${$fn . 'str'} = implode("\t", ${$fn});
             } elseif (!empty(${$fn . 'str'})) {
                 ${$fn} = explode("\t", ${$fn . 'str'});
             } else {
                 ${$fn . 'str'} = '';
             if (${$fn . 'str'} != '') {
                 $this->searchstr = $fpre . $fn . " " . multi_str(${$fn});
                 $this->filterstr = $fn . "str=" . rawurlencode(stripslashes(${$fn . 'str'}));
     } elseif ($this->field['datatype'] == 'mselect') {
         if ($this->field['issearch'] == '1') {
             if (${$fn} != '') {
                 $this->searchstr = $fpre . $fn . " LIKE '%" . str_replace(array(' ', '*'), '%', addcslashes(${$fn}, '%_')) . "%'";
                 $this->filterstr = $fn . "=" . rawurlencode(stripslashes(${$fn}));
         } else {
             if (!empty(${$fn})) {
                 ${$fn . 'str'} = implode("\t", ${$fn});
             } elseif (!empty(${$fn . 'str'})) {
                 ${$fn} = explode("\t", ${$fn . 'str'});
             } else {
                 ${$fn . 'str'} = '';
             if (${$fn . 'str'} != '') {
                 foreach (${$fn} as $v) {
                     $this->searchstr .= ($this->searchstr ? ' OR ' : '') . $fpre . $fn . " LIKE '%" . str_replace(array(' ', '*'), '%', addcslashes($v, '%_')) . "%'";
                 $this->searchstr = '(' . $this->searchstr . ')';
                 $this->filterstr = $fn . "str=" . rawurlencode(stripslashes(${$fn . 'str'}));
     } elseif ($this->field['datatype'] == 'text') {
         ${$fn} = empty(${$fn}) ? '' : cutstr(trim(${$fn}), 20, '');
         if (${$fn} != '') {
             $this->searchstr = $this->field['issearch'] == 1 ? $fpre . $fn . "='" . ${$fn} . "'" : $fpre . $fn . " LIKE '%" . str_replace(array(' ', '*'), '%', addcslashes(${$fn}, '%_')) . "%'";
             $this->filterstr = $fn . "=" . rawurlencode(stripslashes(${$fn}));
     } elseif ($this->field['datatype'] == 'cacc') {
         if (${$fn} = empty(${$fn}) ? 0 : max(0, intval(${$fn}))) {
             $arr = $this->field['length'] ? read_cache('coclasses', $this->field['length']) : read_cache('acatalogs');
             $this->searchstr = caccsql($fpre . $fn, $this->field['issearch'] == 1 ? array(${$fn}) : cnsonids(${$fn}, $arr), $this->field['max']);
             $this->filterstr = $fn . "=" . ${$fn};
     } elseif ($this->field['datatype'] == 'map') {
         if (${$fn . 'diff'} = empty(${$fn . 'diff'}) ? 0 : abs(${$fn . 'diff'})) {
             $this->searchstr = mapsql(${$fn . '_0'}, ${$fn . '_1'}, ${$fn . 'diff'}, $this->field['issearch'], $fpre . $fn);
             $this->filterstr = $fn . '_0=' . ${$fn . '_0'} . '&' . $fn . '_1=' . ${$fn . '_1'} . '&' . $fn . 'diff=' . ${$fn . 'diff'};
     } elseif (in_array($this->field['datatype'], array('int', 'float', 'date'))) {
         if ($this->field['issearch'] == '1') {
             ${$fn} = trim(${$fn});
             if ($this->field['datatype'] == 'date' && !isdate(${$fn}) || in_array($this->field['datatype'], array('int', 'float')) && !is_numeric(${$fn})) {
                 ${$fn} = '';
             if (${$fn} != '') {
                 $this->field['datatype'] == 'int' && (${$fn} = intval(${$fn}));
                 $this->field['datatype'] == 'float' && (${$fn} = floatval(${$fn}));
                 $this->searchstr = $this->field['datatype'] == 'date' ? $fpre . $fn . "='" . strtotime(${$fn}) . "'" : $fpre . $fn . "='" . ${$fn} . "'";
                 $this->filterstr = $fn . "=" . rawurlencode(${$fn});
         } else {
             ${$fn . 'from'} = trim(${$fn . 'from'});
             if ($this->field['datatype'] == 'date' && !isdate(${$fn . 'from'}) || in_array($this->field['datatype'], array('int', 'float')) && !is_numeric(${$fn . 'from'})) {
                 ${$fn . 'from'} = '';
             if (${$fn . 'from'} != '') {
                 $this->field['datatype'] == 'int' && (${$fn . 'from'} = intval(${$fn . 'from'}));
                 $this->field['datatype'] == 'float' && (${$fn . 'from'} = floatval(${$fn . 'from'}));
                 $this->searchstr = $this->field['datatype'] == 'date' ? $fpre . $fn . ">='" . strtotime(${$fn . 'from'}) . "'" : $fpre . $fn . ">='" . ${$fn . 'from'} . "'";
                 $this->filterstr = $fn . "from=" . rawurlencode(${$fn . 'from'});
             ${$fn . 'to'} = trim(${$fn . 'to'});
             if ($this->field['datatype'] == 'date' && !isdate(${$fn . 'to'}) || in_array($this->field['datatype'], array('int', 'float')) && !is_numeric(${$fn . 'to'})) {
                 ${$fn . 'to'} = '';
             if (${$fn . 'to'} != '') {
                 $this->field['datatype'] == 'int' && (${$fn . 'to'} = intval(${$fn . 'to'}));
                 $this->field['datatype'] == 'float' && (${$fn . 'to'} = floatval(${$fn . 'to'}));
                 $this->searchstr .= ($this->searchstr ? " AND " : "") . $fpre . $fn . "<'" . ($this->field['datatype'] == 'date' ? strtotime(${$fn . 'to'}) : ${$fn . 'to'}) . "'";
                 $this->filterstr .= ($this->filterstr ? '&' : '') . $fn . "to=" . rawurlencode(${$fn . 'to'});
コード例 #28
ファイル: setting.php プロジェクト: polarlight1989/08cms
function alter_purchase()
    global $db, $tblprefix, $mconfigsnew, $channels, $commus;
    $chids = array();
    foreach ($channels as $k => $v) {
        if (@$commus[$v['cuid']]['cclass'] == 'purchase') {
            $chids[] = $k;
    if ($chids) {
        $db->query("UPDATE {$tblprefix}fields SET available=" . (empty($mconfigsnew['enablestock']) ? 0 : 1) . " WHERE ename='storage' AND chid " . multi_str($chids));
        foreach ($chids as $chid) {
            updatecache('fields', $chid);
コード例 #29
ファイル: mreports.inc.php プロジェクト: polarlight1989/08cms
     $selectid = array();
     $npage = empty($npage) ? 1 : $npage;
     if (empty($pages)) {
         $arccount = $db->result_one("SELECT count(*) {$fromsql} {$wheresql}");
         $pages = @ceil($arccount / $atpp);
     if ($npage <= $pages) {
         $fromstr = empty($fromid) ? "" : "cid<{$fromid}";
         $nwheresql = !$wheresql ? $fromstr ? "WHERE {$fromstr}" : "" : $wheresql . ($fromstr ? ' AND ' : '') . $fromstr;
         $query = $db->query("SELECT cid,mname {$fromsql} {$nwheresql} ORDER BY cid DESC LIMIT 0,{$atpp}");
         while ($item = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
             $selectid[] = $item['cid'];
 $db->query("DELETE FROM {$tblprefix}mreports WHERE cid " . multi_str($selectid), 'UNBUFFERED');
 if (!empty($select_all)) {
     if ($npage <= $pages) {
         $fromid = min($selectid);
         $transtr = '';
         $transtr .= "&select_all=1";
         $transtr .= "&pages={$pages}";
         $transtr .= "&npage={$npage}";
         $transtr .= "&barcsedit=1";
         $transtr .= "&fromid={$fromid}";
         amessage('operating', "?entry={$entry}&action={$action}&page={$page}{$filterstr}{$transtr}{$parastr}&dealstr={$dealstr}", $pages, $npage, "<a href=\"?entry={$entry}&action={$action}&page={$page}{$filterstr}\">", '</a>');
 adminlog(lang('member_admin'), lang('member_list_admin'));
 amessage('memberoperatefinish', "?entry={$entry}&action={$action}&page={$page}{$filterstr}");
コード例 #30
ファイル: archives.inc.php プロジェクト: polarlight1989/08cms
                $aedit->archive['checked'] && $aedit->archive['needupdate'] && $aedit->updatefield('needupdate', 0, 'sub');
            if (!empty($arcdeal['readd'])) {
            if (!empty($arcdeal['abover'])) {
                $aedit->updatefield('abover', 1, 'main');
            if (!empty($arcdeal['unabover'])) {
                $aedit->updatefield('abover', 0, 'main');
            if (!empty($arcdeal['close'])) {
                $aedit->updatefield('closed', 1, 'main');
            if (!empty($arcdeal['validperiod'])) {
                $arcvalidperiod = empty($arcvalidperiod) ? 0 : max(0, intval($arcvalidperiod));
        if (!empty($arcdeal['ucid'])) {
            $db->query("UPDATE {$tblprefix}archives SET ucid='{$arcucid}' WHERE aid " . multi_str($selectid), 'SILENT');
        mcmessage('archiveoperatefinish', axaction(2, "?action=archives{$filterstr}&page={$page}"));
} else {
    include M_ROOT . $u_tplname;