public function allSubforums($forum_ids = null, $new_forum_ids = null) { if ($forum_ids === null) { $forum_ids = $new_forum_ids = [$this->forum_id]; } $new_forum_ids = model_pluck(static::whereIn('parent_id', $new_forum_ids), 'forum_id'); $new_forum_ids = array_map('intval', $new_forum_ids); $forum_ids = array_merge($forum_ids, $new_forum_ids); if (count($new_forum_ids) === 0) { return $forum_ids; } else { return $this->allSubforums($forum_ids, $new_forum_ids); } }
public static function summary($topic, $user) { $summary = ['options' => [], 'total' => 0, 'user_votes' => 0]; if ($topic->poll()->exists()) { $userVotes = []; if ($user !== null) { $userVotes = model_pluck($topic->pollVotes()->where('vote_user_id', $user->getKey()), 'poll_option_id'); } foreach ($topic->pollOptions as $poll) { $votedByUser = in_array($poll->poll_option_id, $userVotes, true); $summary['options'][$poll->poll_option_id] = ['textHTML' => $poll->optionTextHTML(), 'total' => $poll->poll_option_total, 'voted_by_user' => $votedByUser]; $summary['total'] += $poll->poll_option_total; $summary['user_votes'] += $votedByUser ? 1 : 0; } } return $summary; }
public function notifyReply($event) { $topic = $event->topic->fresh(); $userIds = model_pluck(TopicWatch::where(['topic_id' => $topic->topic_id, 'notify_status' => false]), 'user_id'); foreach (User::whereIn('user_id', $userIds)->get() as $user) { if (!present($user->user_email)) { continue; } if ($user->user_id === $topic->last_poster_id) { continue; } if (!priv_check_user($user, 'ForumTopicWatchAdd', $topic)->can()) { continue; } Mail::queue(['text' => i18n_view('')], compact('topic', 'user'), function ($message) use($topic, $user) { $message->to($user->user_email); $message->subject(trans('', ['title' => $topic->topic_title])); }); TopicWatch::where(['topic_id' => $topic->topic_id, 'user_id' => $user->user_id])->update(['notify_status' => true]); } }
public function groupIds() { if ($this->groupIds === null) { $this->groupIds = model_pluck($this->userGroups(), 'group_id'); } return $this->groupIds; }
public function scopeRoleAcl($query, $groupIds, $authOptionId) { $roleIds = model_pluck(AuthRole::where(['auth_setting' => 1, 'auth_option_id' => $authOptionId]), 'role_id'); return $query->where(['auth_setting' => 0])->whereIn('auth_role_id', $roleIds)->whereIn('group_id', $groupIds); }
public static function searchES(array $params = []) { extract($params); $count = config('osu.beatmaps.max', 50); $offset = max(0, $page - 1) * $count; $current_user = Auth::user(); $searchParams['index'] = config('osu.elasticsearch.index'); $searchParams['type'] = 'beatmaps'; $searchParams['size'] = $count; $searchParams['from'] = $offset; $searchParams['body']['sort'] = [$sort_field => ['order' => $sort_order]]; $searchParams['fields'] = ['id']; $matchParams = []; $shouldParams = []; if (presence($genre) !== null) { $matchParams[] = ['match' => ['genre_id' => (int) $genre]]; } if (presence($language) !== null) { $matchParams[] = ['match' => ['language_id' => (int) $language]]; } if (is_array($extra) && !empty($extra)) { foreach ($extra as $val) { switch ($val) { case 0: // video $matchParams[] = ['match' => ['video' => 1]]; break; case 1: // storyboard $matchParams[] = ['match' => ['storyboard' => 1]]; break; } } } if (presence($query) !== null) { $matchParams[] = ['query_string' => ['query' => $query]]; } if (!empty($rank)) { $klass = presence($mode) !== null ? Score\Best\Model::getClass(intval($mode)) : Score\Best\Combined::class; $scores = model_pluck($klass::forUser($current_user)->whereIn('rank', $rank), 'beatmapset_id'); $matchParams[] = ['ids' => ['type' => 'beatmaps', 'values' => $scores]]; } // TODO: This logic probably shouldn't be at the model level... maybe? if (presence($status) !== null) { switch ((int) $status) { case 0: // Ranked & Approved $shouldParams[] = [['match' => ['approved' => self::STATES['ranked']]], ['match' => ['approved' => self::STATES['approved']]]]; break; case 1: // Approved $matchParams[] = ['match' => ['approved' => self::STATES['approved']]]; break; case 2: // Favourites $favs = model_pluck($current_user->favouriteBeatmapsets(), 'beatmapset_id'); $matchParams[] = ['ids' => ['type' => 'beatmaps', 'values' => $favs]]; break; case 3: // Mod Requests $maps = model_pluck(ModQueue::select(), 'beatmapset_id'); $matchParams[] = ['ids' => ['type' => 'beatmaps', 'values' => $maps]]; $matchParams[] = ['match' => ['approved' => self::STATES['pending']]]; break; case 4: // Pending $shouldParams[] = [['match' => ['approved' => self::STATES['wip']]], ['match' => ['approved' => self::STATES['pending']]]]; break; case 5: // Graveyard $matchParams[] = ['match' => ['approved' => self::STATES['graveyard']]]; break; case 6: // My Maps $maps = model_pluck($current_user->beatmapsets(), 'beatmapset_id'); $matchParams[] = ['ids' => ['type' => 'beatmaps', 'values' => $maps]]; break; case 7: // Explicit Any break; default: // null, etc break; } } else { $matchParams[] = ['range' => ['approved' => ['gte' => self::STATES['pending']]]]; } if (presence($mode) !== null) { $matchParams[] = ['match' => ['playmode' => (int) $mode]]; } if (!empty($matchParams)) { $searchParams['body']['query']['bool']['must'] = $matchParams; } if (!empty($shouldParams)) { $searchParams['body']['query']['bool']['should'] = $shouldParams; $searchParams['body']['query']['bool']['minimum_should_match'] = 1; } try { $results = Es::search($searchParams); $beatmap_ids = array_map(function ($e) { return $e['_id']; }, $results['hits']['hits']); } catch (\Exception $e) { $beatmap_ids = []; } return $beatmap_ids; }
public function scopeWatchedByUser($query, $user) { return $query->with('forum')->whereIn('topic_id', model_pluck(TopicWatch::where('user_id', $user->user_id), 'topic_id'))->orderBy('topic_last_post_time', 'DESC'); }
public function scopeFriendsOf($query, $user) { $userIds = model_pluck($user->friends(), 'zebra_id'); $userIds[] = $user->user_id; return $query->whereIn('user_id', $userIds); }
public function scopeFriendsOf($query, $user) { return $query->whereIn('user_id', model_pluck($user->friends(), 'zebra_id')); }