public static function new_ban($mask, $reason, $length = false, $ban_board = false, $mod_id = false, $post = false) { global $mod, $pdo, $board; if ($mod_id === false) { $mod_id = isset($mod['id']) ? $mod['id'] : -1; } $range = self::parse_range($mask); $mask = self::range_to_string($range); $query = prepare("INSERT INTO ``bans`` VALUES (NULL, :ipstart, :ipend, :time, :expires, :board, :mod, :reason, 0, :post)"); $query->bindValue(':ipstart', $range[0]); if ($range[1] !== false && $range[1] != $range[0]) { $query->bindValue(':ipend', $range[1]); } else { $query->bindValue(':ipend', null, PDO::PARAM_NULL); } $query->bindValue(':mod', $mod_id); $query->bindValue(':time', time()); if ($reason !== '') { $reason = escape_markup_modifiers($reason); markup($reason); $query->bindValue(':reason', $reason); } else { $query->bindValue(':reason', null, PDO::PARAM_NULL); } if ($length) { if (is_int($length) || ctype_digit($length)) { $length = time() + $length; } else { $length = self::parse_time($length); } $query->bindValue(':expires', $length); } else { $query->bindValue(':expires', null, PDO::PARAM_NULL); } if ($ban_board) { $query->bindValue(':board', $ban_board); } else { $query->bindValue(':board', null, PDO::PARAM_NULL); } if ($post) { $post['board'] = $board['uri']; $query->bindValue(':post', json_encode($post)); } else { $query->bindValue(':post', null, PDO::PARAM_NULL); } $query->execute() or error(db_error($query)); if (isset($mod['id']) && $mod['id'] == $mod_id) { modLog('Created a new ' . ($length > 0 ? preg_replace('/^(\\d+) (\\w+?)s?$/', '$1-$2', until($length)) : 'permanent') . ' ban on ' . ($ban_board ? '/' . $ban_board . '/' : 'all boards') . ' for ' . (filter_var($mask, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP) !== false ? "<a href=\"?/IP/{$mask}\">{$mask}</a>" : $mask) . ' (<small>#' . $pdo->lastInsertId() . '</small>)' . ' with ' . ($reason ? 'reason: ' . utf8tohtml($reason) . '' : 'no reason')); } return $pdo->lastInsertId(); }
function unban($id) { $query = prepare("DELETE FROM `bans` WHERE `id` = :id"); $query->bindValue(':id', $id); $query->execute() or error(db_error($query)); modLog("Removed ban #{$id}"); }
function clean($pid = false) { global $board, $config; $offset = round($config['max_pages'] * $config['threads_per_page']); // I too wish there was an easier way of doing this... $query = prepare(sprintf("SELECT `id` FROM ``posts_%s`` WHERE `thread` IS NULL ORDER BY `sticky` DESC, `bump` DESC LIMIT :offset, 9001", $board['uri'])); $query->bindValue(':offset', $offset, PDO::PARAM_INT); $query->execute() or error(db_error($query)); while ($post = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { deletePost($post['id'], false, false); if ($pid) { modLog("Automatically deleting thread #{$post['id']} due to new thread #{$pid}"); } } // Bump off threads with X replies earlier, spam prevention method if ($config['early_404']) { $offset = round($config['early_404_page'] * $config['threads_per_page']); $query = prepare(sprintf("SELECT `id` AS `thread_id`, (SELECT COUNT(`id`) FROM ``posts_%s`` WHERE `thread` = `thread_id`) AS `reply_count` FROM ``posts_%s`` WHERE `thread` IS NULL ORDER BY `sticky` DESC, `bump` DESC LIMIT :offset, 9001", $board['uri'], $board['uri'])); $query->bindValue(':offset', $offset, PDO::PARAM_INT); $query->execute() or error(db_error($query)); while ($post = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { if ($post['reply_count'] < $config['early_404_replies']) { deletePost($post['thread_id'], false, false); if ($pid) { modLog("Automatically deleting thread #{$post['thread_id']} due to new thread #{$pid} (early 404 is set, #{$post['thread_id']} had {$post['reply_count']} replies)"); } } } } }
if (!$options['quiet']) { echo "Creating index pages...\n"; } buildIndex(); if ($options['quick']) { continue; } // do no more if ($options['full']) { $query = query(sprintf("SELECT `id` FROM ``posts_%s``", $board['uri'])) or error(db_error()); while ($post = $query->fetch()) { if (!$options['quiet']) { echo "Rebuilding #{$post['id']}...\n"; } rebuildPost($post['id']); } } $query = query(sprintf("SELECT `id` FROM ``posts_%s`` WHERE `thread` IS NULL", $board['uri'])) or error(db_error()); while ($post = $query->fetch()) { if (!$options['quiet']) { echo "Rebuilding #{$post['id']}...\n"; } buildThread($post['id']); } } if (!$options['quiet']) { printf("Complete! Took %g seconds\n", microtime(true) - $start); } unset($board); modLog('Rebuilt everything using tools/rebuild.php');
$xmlData = array('maintenance' => array('activeUser' => array('userId' => (int) $user['userId'], 'userName' => $user['userName']), 'errStr' => $errStr, 'errDesc' => $errDesc, 'response' => array())); /* Start Processing */ if ($user['adminDefs']['modPrivs']) { switch ($request['action']) { case 'disableSystem': if (file_exists('.tempStop')) { echo container('Error', 'FIM has already been stopped.'); } else { modLog('disable', ''); touch('.tempStop'); echo container('', 'FIM has been stopped.'); } break; case 'enableSystem': if (file_exists('.tempStop')) { modLog('enable', ''); unlink('.tempStop'); echo container('', 'FIM has been re-enabled.'); } else { echo container('Error', 'FIM is already running.'); } break; case 'updatePostFormatCache': echo container('Error', 'Not yet coded.'); break; case 'updatePostCountCache': $limit = 20; $offset = intval($_GET['page']) * $limit; $nextpage = intval($_GET['page']) + 1; $records = dbRows("SELECT * FROM {$sqlPrefix}ping LIMIT {$limit} OFFSET {$offset}", 'id'); foreach ($records as $id => $record) {
$query->bindValue(':body', sprintf($config['mod']['ban_message'], utf8tohtml($_POST['message']))); $query->execute() or error(db_error($query)); // Rebuild thread $query = prepare(sprintf("SELECT `thread` FROM `posts_%s` WHERE `id` = :id", $board['uri'])); $query->bindValue(':id', $post, PDO::PARAM_INT); $query->execute() or error(db_error($query)); $thread = $query->fetch(); if ($thread['thread']) { buildThread($thread['thread']); } else { buildThread($post); } // Rebuild board buildIndex(); // Record the action modLog("Attached a public ban message for post #{$post}: " . $_POST['message']); } // Redirect if (isset($_POST['continue'])) { header('Location: ' . $_POST['continue'], true, $config['redirect_http']); } elseif (isset($board)) { header('Location: ?/' . sprintf($config['board_path'], $boardName) . $config['file_index'], true, $config['redirect_http']); } else { header('Location: ?/', true, $config['redirect_http']); } } } elseif (preg_match('/^\\/' . $regex['board'] . 'move\\/(\\d+)$/', $query, $matches)) { $boardName =& $matches[1]; $postID = $matches[2]; // Open board if (!openBoard($boardName)) {
$thread = $thread_query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } if ($password != '' && $post['password'] != $password && (!$thread || $thread['password'] != $password)) { error($config['error']['invalidpassword']); } if ($post['time'] > time() - $config['delete_time'] && (!$thread || $thread['password'] != $password)) { error(sprintf($config['error']['delete_too_soon'], until($post['time'] + $config['delete_time']))); } if (isset($_POST['file'])) { // Delete just the file deleteFile($id); modLog("User deleted file from his own post #{$id}"); } else { // Delete entire post deletePost($id); modLog("User deleted his own post #{$id}"); } _syslog(LOG_INFO, 'Deleted post: ' . '/' . $board['dir'] . $config['dir']['res'] . sprintf($config['file_page'], $post['thread'] ? $post['thread'] : $id) . ($post['thread'] ? '#' . $id : '')); } } buildIndex(); $is_mod = isset($_POST['mod']) && $_POST['mod']; $root = $is_mod ? $config['root'] . $config['file_mod'] . '?/' : $config['root']; if (!isset($_POST['json_response'])) { header('Location: ' . $root . $board['dir'] . $config['file_index'], true, $config['redirect_http']); } else { header('Content-Type: text/json'); echo json_encode(array('success' => true)); } // We are already done, let's continue our heavy-lifting work in the background (if we run off FastCGI) if (function_exists('fastcgi_finish_request')) {
function mod_report_dismiss($id, $all = false) { global $config; $query = prepare("SELECT `post`, `board`, `ip` FROM ``reports`` WHERE `id` = :id"); $query->bindValue(':id', $id); $query->execute() or error(db_error($query)); if ($report = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $ip = $report['ip']; $board = $report['board']; $post = $report['post']; } else { error($config['error']['404']); } if (!$all && !hasPermission($config['mod']['report_dismiss'], $board)) { error($config['error']['noaccess']); } if ($all && !hasPermission($config['mod']['report_dismiss_ip'], $board)) { error($config['error']['noaccess']); } if ($all) { $query = prepare("DELETE FROM ``reports`` WHERE `ip` = :ip"); $query->bindValue(':ip', $ip); } else { $query = prepare("DELETE FROM ``reports`` WHERE `id` = :id"); $query->bindValue(':id', $id); } $query->execute() or error(db_error($query)); if ($all) { modLog("Dismissed all reports by <a href=\"?/IP/{$ip}\">{$ip}</a>"); } else { modLog("Dismissed a report for post #{$id}", $board); } header('Location: ?/reports', true, $config['redirect_http']); }
function mod_8_settings($b) { global $config, $mod; //if ($b === 'infinity' && $mod['type'] !== ADMIN) // error('Settings temporarily disabled for this board.'); if (!in_array($b, $mod['boards']) and $mod['boards'][0] != '*') { error($config['error']['noaccess']); } if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['edit_settings'], $b)) { error($config['error']['noaccess']); } if (!openBoard($b)) { error("Could not open board!"); } $possible_languages = array_diff(scandir('inc/locale/'), array('..', '.', '.tx', '')); if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { $board_type = $_POST['board_type']; $imgboard = $board_type == 'imgboard'; $txtboard = $board_type == 'txtboard'; $fileboard = $board_type == 'fileboard'; $title = $_POST['title']; $subtitle = $_POST['subtitle']; $country_flags = isset($_POST['country_flags']) ? 'true' : 'false'; $field_disable_name = isset($_POST['field_disable_name']) ? 'true' : 'false'; $enable_embedding = isset($_POST['enable_embedding']) ? 'true' : 'false'; $force_image_op = $imgboard && isset($_POST['force_image_op']) ? 'true' : 'false'; $disable_images = $txtboard ? 'true' : 'false'; $poster_ids = isset($_POST['poster_ids']) ? 'true' : 'false'; $show_sages = isset($_POST['show_sages']) ? 'true' : 'false'; $auto_unicode = isset($_POST['auto_unicode']) ? 'true' : 'false'; $strip_combining_chars = isset($_POST['strip_combining_chars']) ? 'true' : 'false'; $allow_roll = isset($_POST['allow_roll']) ? 'true' : 'false'; $image_reject_repost = isset($_POST['image_reject_repost']) ? 'true' : 'false'; $image_reject_repost_in_thread = isset($_POST['image_reject_repost_in_thread']) ? 'true' : 'false'; $early_404 = isset($_POST['early_404']) ? 'true' : 'false'; $allow_delete = isset($_POST['allow_delete']) ? 'true' : 'false'; $allow_flash = $imgboard && isset($_POST['allow_flash']) ? '$config[\'allowed_ext_files\'][] = \'swf\';' : ''; $allow_pdf = $imgboard && isset($_POST['allow_pdf']) ? '$config[\'allowed_ext_files\'][] = \'pdf\';' : ''; $code_tags = isset($_POST['code_tags']) ? '$config[\'additional_javascript\'][] = \'js/code_tags/run_prettify.js\';$config[\'markup\'][] = array("/\\[code\\](.+?)\\[\\/code\\]/ms", "<code><pre class=\'prettyprint\' style=\'display:inline-block\'>\\$1</pre></code>");' : ''; $katex = isset($_POST['katex']) ? '$config[\'katex\'] = true;$config[\'additional_javascript\'][] = \'js/katex/katex.min.js\'; $config[\'markup\'][] = array("/\\[tex\\](.+?)\\[\\/tex\\]/ms", "<span class=\'tex\'>\\$1</span>"); $config[\'additional_javascript\'][] = \'js/katex-enable.js\';' : ''; $user_flags = isset($_POST['user_flags']) ? "if (file_exists('{$b}/flags.php')) { include 'flags.php'; }\n" : ''; $captcha = isset($_POST['captcha']) ? 'true' : 'false'; $force_subject_op = isset($_POST['force_subject_op']) ? 'true' : 'false'; $force_flag = isset($_POST['force_flag']) ? 'true' : 'false'; $tor_posting = isset($_POST['tor_posting']) ? 'true' : 'false'; $tor_image_posting = isset($_POST['tor_image_posting']) ? 'true' : 'false'; $robot_enable = isset($_POST['robot_enable']) ? 'true' : 'false'; $new_thread_capt = isset($_POST['new_thread_capt']) ? 'true' : 'false'; $oekaki = ($imgboard || $fileboard) && isset($_POST['oekaki']) ? 'true' : 'false'; $view_bumplock = isset($_POST['view_bumplock']) ? '-1' : 'MOD'; if ($tor_image_posting === 'true' && isset($_POST['meta_noindex'])) { error('Please index your board to enable this.'); } if ($_POST['locale'] !== 'en' && in_array($_POST['locale'], $possible_languages)) { $locale = "\$config['locale'] = '{$_POST['locale']}.UTF-8';"; } else { $locale = ''; } if (isset($_POST['max_images']) && (int) $_POST['max_images'] && (int) $_POST['max_images'] <= 5) { $_POST['max_images'] = (int) $_POST['max_images']; $multiimage = "\$config['max_images'] = {$_POST['max_images']};\n\t\t\t\t\t \$config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/multi-image.js';"; } else { $multiimage = ''; } if (isset($_POST['custom_assets'])) { $assets = "\$config['custom_assets'] = true;\n\t\t\t\t \$config['spoiler_image'] = 'static/assets/{$b}/spoiler.png';\n\t\t\t\t \$config['image_deleted'] = 'static/assets/{$b}/deleted.png';\n\t\t\t\t \$config['no_file_image'] = 'static/assets/{$b}/no-file.png';\n\t\t\t\t"; } else { $assets = ''; } $file_board = ''; if ($fileboard) { $force_image_op = true; $file_board = "\$config['threads_per_page'] = 30;\n\t\t\t\t\t \$config['file_board'] = true;\n\t\t\t\t\t \$config['threads_preview'] = 0;\n\t\t\t\t \$config['threads_preview_sticky'] = 0;\n\t\t\t\t\t \$config['allowed_ext_files'] = array();\n"; if (isset($_POST['allowed_type'])) { foreach ($_POST['allowed_type'] as $val) { if (in_array($val, $config['fileboard_allowed_types'])) { $file_board .= "\$config['allowed_ext_files'][] = '{$val}';\n"; } } } if (isset($_POST['allowed_ext_op'])) { $file_board .= "\$config['allowed_ext_op'] = \$config['allowed_ext_files'];\n"; if (isset($_POST['allowed_ext_op_video'])) { $file_board .= "\$config['allowed_ext_op'][] = 'webm';\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\$config['allowed_ext_op'][] = 'mp4';\n"; } } if (isset($_POST['tag_id'])) { $file_board .= "\$config['allowed_tags'] = array();\n"; foreach ($_POST['tag_id'] as $id => $v) { $file_board .= "\$config['allowed_tags']["; $file_board .= 'base64_decode("'; $file_board .= base64_encode($_POST['tag_id'][$id]); $file_board .= '")'; $file_board .= "] = "; $file_board .= 'base64_decode("'; $file_board .= base64_encode($_POST['tag_desc'][$id]); $file_board .= '")'; $file_board .= ";\n"; } } } $anal_filenames = $fileboard && isset($_POST['anal_filenames']) ? "\$config['filename_func'] = 'filename_func';\n" : ''; $anonymous = base64_encode($_POST['anonymous']); $blotter = base64_encode(purify_html(html_entity_decode($_POST['blotter']))); $add_to_config = @file_get_contents($b . '/extra_config.php'); $replace = ''; if (isset($_POST['replace'])) { if (sizeof($_POST['replace']) > 200 || sizeof($_POST['with']) > 200) { error(_('Sorry, max 200 wordfilters allowed.')); } if (count($_POST['replace']) == count($_POST['with'])) { foreach ($_POST['replace'] as $i => $r) { if ($r !== '') { $w = $_POST['with'][$i]; if (strlen($w) > 255) { error(sprintf(_('Sorry, %s is too long. Max replacement is 255 characters'), utf8tohtml($w))); } $replace .= '$config[\'wordfilters\'][] = array(base64_decode(\'' . base64_encode($r) . '\'), base64_decode(\'' . base64_encode($w) . '\'));'; } } } if (is_billion_laughs($_POST['replace'], $_POST['with'])) { error(_('Wordfilters may not wordfilter previous wordfilters. For example, if a filters to bb and b filters to cc, that is not allowed.')); } } if (isset($_POST['hour_max_threads']) && (int) $_POST['hour_max_threads'] > 0 && (int) $_POST['hour_max_threads'] < 101) { $hour_max_threads = (int) $_POST['hour_max_threads']; } else { $hour_max_threads = 'false'; } if (isset($_POST['max_pages'])) { $mp = (int) $_POST['max_pages']; if ($mp > 25 || $mp < 1) { $max_pages = 15; } else { $max_pages = $mp; } } else { $max_pages = 15; } if (isset($_POST['reply_limit'])) { $rl = (int) $_POST['reply_limit']; if ($rl > 750 || $rl < 250 || $rl % 25) { $reply_limit = 250; } else { $reply_limit = $rl; } } else { $reply_limit = 250; } if (isset($_POST['max_newlines'])) { $mn = (int) $_POST['max_newlines']; if ($mn < 20 || $mn > 300) { $max_newlines = 0; } else { $max_newlines = $mn; } } else { $max_newlines = 0; } if (isset($_POST['min_body'])) { $mb = (int) $_POST['min_body']; if ($mb < 0 || $mb > 1024) { $min_body = 0; } else { $min_body = $mb; } } else { $min_body = 0; } if (!(strlen($title) < 40)) { error('Invalid title'); } if (!(strlen($subtitle) < 200)) { error('Invalid subtitle'); } $query = prepare('UPDATE ``boards`` SET `title` = :title, `subtitle` = :subtitle, `indexed` = :indexed, `public_bans` = :public_bans, `public_logs` = :public_logs, `8archive` = :8archive WHERE `uri` = :uri'); $query->bindValue(':title', $title); $query->bindValue(':subtitle', $subtitle); $query->bindValue(':uri', $b); $query->bindValue(':indexed', !isset($_POST['meta_noindex'])); $query->bindValue(':public_bans', isset($_POST['public_bans'])); $query->bindValue(':public_logs', (int) $_POST['public_logs']); $query->bindValue(':8archive', isset($_POST['8archive'])); $query->execute() or error(db_error($query)); $config_file = <<<EOT <?php \$config['country_flags'] = {$country_flags}; \$config['field_disable_name'] = {$field_disable_name}; \$config['enable_embedding'] = {$enable_embedding}; \$config['force_image_op'] = {$force_image_op}; \$config['disable_images'] = {$disable_images}; \$config['poster_ids'] = {$poster_ids}; \$config['show_sages'] = {$show_sages}; \$config['auto_unicode'] = {$auto_unicode}; \$config['strip_combining_chars'] = {$strip_combining_chars}; \$config['allow_roll'] = {$allow_roll}; \$config['image_reject_repost'] = {$image_reject_repost}; \$config['image_reject_repost_in_thread'] = {$image_reject_repost_in_thread}; \$config['early_404'] = {$early_404}; \$config['allow_delete'] = {$allow_delete}; \$config['anonymous'] = base64_decode('{$anonymous}'); \$config['blotter'] = base64_decode('{$blotter}'); \$config['stylesheets']['Custom'] = 'board/{$b}.css'; \$config['default_stylesheet'] = array('Custom', \$config['stylesheets']['Custom']); \$config['captcha']['enabled'] = {$captcha}; \$config['force_subject_op'] = {$force_subject_op}; \$config['force_flag'] = {$force_flag}; \$config['tor_posting'] = {$tor_posting}; \$config['tor_image_posting'] = {$tor_image_posting}; \$config['robot_enable'] = {$robot_enable}; \$config['new_thread_capt'] = {$new_thread_capt}; \$config['hour_max_threads'] = {$hour_max_threads}; \$config['reply_limit'] = {$reply_limit}; \$config['max_pages'] = {$max_pages}; \$config['max_newlines'] = {$max_newlines}; \$config['oekaki'] = {$oekaki}; \$config['min_body'] = {$min_body}; \$config['mod']['view_bumplock'] = {$view_bumplock}; {$code_tags} {$katex} {$replace} {$multiimage} {$allow_flash} {$allow_pdf} {$user_flags} {$assets} {$locale} {$anal_filenames} {$file_board} if (\$config['disable_images']) \t\$config['max_pages'] = 10000; {$add_to_config} EOT; // Clean up our more expression() or off-site URLs. $clean_css = preg_replace('/expression\\s*\\(/', '', $_POST['css']); $matched = array(); preg_match_all("#{$config['link_regex']}#im", $clean_css, $matched); if (isset($matched[0])) { foreach ($matched[0] as $match) { $match_okay = false; foreach ($config['allowed_offsite_urls'] as $allowed_url) { if (strpos($match, $allowed_url) !== false && strpos($match, '#') === false && strpos($match, '?') === false && strpos($match, ';') === false) { $match_okay = true; } } if ($match_okay !== true) { error(sprintf(_("Off-site link \"%s\" is not allowed in the board stylesheet"), $match)); } } } //Filter out imports from sites with potentially unsafe content $match_imports = '@import[^;]*'; $matched = array(); preg_match_all("#{$match_imports}#im", $clean_css, $matched); $unsafe_import_urls = array(''); if (isset($matched[0])) { foreach ($matched[0] as $match) { $match_okay = true; foreach ($unsafe_import_urls as $unsafe_import_url) { if (strpos($match, $unsafe_import_url) !== false && strpos($match, '#') === false) { $match_okay = false; } } if ($match_okay !== true) { error(sprintf(_("Potentially unsafe import \"%s\" is not allowed in the board stylesheet"), $match)); } } } $query = query('SELECT `uri`, `title`, `subtitle` FROM ``boards`` WHERE `8archive` = TRUE'); file_write('8archive.json', json_encode($query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))); file_write($b . '/config.php', $config_file); file_write('stylesheets/board/' . $b . '.css', $clean_css); $_config = $config; unset($config['wordfilters']); // Faster than openBoard and bypasses cache...we're trusting the PHP output // to be safe enough to run with every request, we can eval it here. eval(str_replace('flags.php', "{$b}/flags.php", preg_replace('/^\\<\\?php$/m', '', $config_file))); // czaks: maybe reconsider using it, now that config is cached? // be smarter about rebuilds...only some changes really require us to rebuild all threads if ($_config['captcha']['enabled'] != $config['captcha']['enabled'] || $_config['new_thread_capt'] != $config['new_thread_capt'] || $_config['captcha']['extra'] != $config['captcha']['extra'] || $_config['blotter'] != $config['blotter'] || $_config['field_disable_name'] != $config['field_disable_name'] || $_config['show_sages'] != (isset($config['show_sages']) && $config['show_sages'])) { buildIndex(); $query = query(sprintf("SELECT `id` FROM ``posts_%s`` WHERE `thread` IS NULL", $b)) or error(db_error()); while ($post = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { buildThread($post['id']); } } modLog('Edited board settings', $b); } $query = prepare('SELECT * FROM boards WHERE uri = :board'); $query->bindValue(':board', $b); $query->execute() or error(db_error($query)); $board = $query->fetchAll()[0]; // Clean the cache if ($config['cache']['enabled']) { cache::delete('board_' . $board['uri']); cache::delete('all_boards'); cache::delete('config_' . $board['uri']); cache::delete('events_' . $board['uri']); unlink('tmp/cache/locale_' . $board['uri']); } $css = @file_get_contents('stylesheets/board/' . $board['uri'] . '.css'); mod_page(_('Board configuration'), 'mod/settings.html', array('board' => $board, 'css' => prettify_textarea($css), 'token' => make_secure_link_token('settings/' . $board['uri']), 'languages' => $possible_languages, 'allowed_urls' => $config['allowed_offsite_urls'])); }
function mod_edit_page($id) { global $config, $mod, $board; $query = prepare('SELECT * FROM ``pages`` WHERE `id` = :id'); $query->bindValue(':id', $id); $query->execute() or error(db_error($query)); $page = $query->fetch(); if (!$page) { error(_('Could not find the page you are trying to edit.')); } if (!$page['board'] && $mod['boards'][0] !== '*') { error($config['error']['noaccess']); } if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['edit_pages'], $page['board'])) { error($config['error']['noaccess']); } if ($page['board'] && !openBoard($page['board'])) { error($config['error']['noboard']); } if (isset($_POST['method'], $_POST['content'])) { $content = $_POST['content']; $method = $_POST['method']; $page['type'] = $method; if (!in_array($method, array('markdown', 'html', 'infinity'))) { error(_('Unrecognized page markup method.')); } switch ($method) { case 'markdown': $write = purify_html(markdown($content)); break; case 'html': if (hasPermission($config['mod']['rawhtml'])) { $write = $content; } else { $write = purify_html($content); } break; case 'infinity': $c = $content; markup($content); $write = $content; $content = $c; } if (!isset($write) or !$write) { error(_('Failed to mark up your input for some reason...')); } $query = prepare('UPDATE ``pages`` SET `type` = :method, `content` = :content WHERE `id` = :id'); $query->bindValue(':method', $method); $query->bindValue(':content', $content); $query->bindValue(':id', $id); $query->execute() or error(db_error($query)); $fn = ($board['uri'] ? $board['uri'] . '/' : '') . $page['name'] . '.html'; $body = "<div class='ban'>{$write}</div>"; $html = Element('page.html', array('config' => $config, 'body' => $body, 'title' => utf8tohtml($page['title']))); file_write($fn, $html); modLog("Edited page {$page['name']} <span class='unimportant'>(#{$page['id']})</span>"); } if (!isset($content)) { $query = prepare('SELECT `content` FROM ``pages`` WHERE `id` = :id'); $query->bindValue(':id', $id); $query->execute() or error(db_error($query)); $content = $query->fetchColumn(); } mod_page(sprintf(_('Editing static page: %s'), $page['name']), 'mod/edit_page.html', array('page' => $page, 'token' => make_secure_link_token("edit_page/{$id}"), 'content' => prettify_textarea($content), 'board' => $board)); }
public static function new_ban($mask, $reason, $length = false, $ban_board = false, $mod_id = false, $post = false) { global $config, $mod, $pdo, $board; if ($mod_id === false) { $mod_id = isset($mod['id']) ? $mod['id'] : -1; } if (!in_array($ban_board, $mod['boards']) && $mod['boards'][0] != '*') { error($config['error']['noaccess']); } $range = self::parse_range($mask); $mask = self::range_to_string($range); $query = prepare("INSERT INTO ``bans`` VALUES (NULL, :ipstart, :ipend, :time, :expires, :board, :mod, :reason, 0, :post)"); $query->bindValue(':ipstart', $range[0]); if ($range[1] !== false && $range[1] != $range[0]) { $query->bindValue(':ipend', $range[1]); } else { $query->bindValue(':ipend', null, PDO::PARAM_NULL); } $query->bindValue(':mod', $mod_id); $query->bindValue(':time', time()); if ($reason !== '') { $reason = escape_markup_modifiers($reason); markup($reason); $query->bindValue(':reason', $reason); } else { $query->bindValue(':reason', null, PDO::PARAM_NULL); } if ($length) { if (is_int($length) || ctype_digit($length)) { $length = time() + $length; } else { $length = self::parse_time($length); } $query->bindValue(':expires', $length); } else { $query->bindValue(':expires', null, PDO::PARAM_NULL); } if ($ban_board) { $query->bindValue(':board', $ban_board); } else { $query->bindValue(':board', null, PDO::PARAM_NULL); } if ($post) { $post['board'] = $board['uri']; $match_urls = '(?xi)\\b((?:https?://|www\\d{0,3}[.]|[a-z0-9.\\-]+[.][a-z]{2,4}/)(?:[^\\s()<>]+|\\(([^\\s()<>]+|(\\([^\\s()<>]+\\)))*\\))+(?:\\(([^\\s()<>]+|(\\([^\\s()<>]+\\)))*\\)|[^\\s`!()\\[\\]{};:\'".,<>?«»“”‘’]))'; $matched = array(); preg_match_all("#{$match_urls}#im", $post['body_nomarkup'], $matched); if (isset($matched[0]) && $matched[0]) { $post['body'] = str_replace($matched[0], '###Link-Removed###', $post['body']); $post['body_nomarkup'] = str_replace($matched[0], '###Link-Removed###', $post['body_nomarkup']); } $query->bindValue(':post', json_encode($post)); } else { $query->bindValue(':post', null, PDO::PARAM_NULL); } $query->execute() or error(db_error($query)); if (isset($mod['id']) && $mod['id'] == $mod_id) { modLog('Created a new ' . ($length > 0 ? preg_replace('/^(\\d+) (\\w+?)s?$/', '$1-$2', until($length)) : 'permanent') . ' ban on ' . ($ban_board ? '/' . $ban_board . '/' : 'all boards') . ' for ' . (filter_var($mask, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP) !== false ? "<a href=\"?/IP/{$mask}\">{$mask}</a>" : $mask) . ' (<small>#' . $pdo->lastInsertId() . '</small>)' . ' with ' . ($reason ? 'reason: ' . utf8tohtml($reason) . '' : 'no reason')); } if (!$config['cron_bans']) { rebuildThemes('bans'); } return $pdo->lastInsertId(); }
)); TODO */ } break; case 'delete': $fileData = $database->getFile($request['fileId']); if ($user['adminDefs']['modImages'] || $user['userId'] == $fileData['userId']) { $database->modLog('deleteImage', $request['fileId']); $database->update("{$sqlPrefix}files", array('deleted' => 1), array('fileId' => $request['fileId'])); } else { throw new Exception('noPerm'); } break; case 'undelete': $fileData = $database->getFile($request['fileId']); if ($user['adminDefs']['modImages']) { modLog('undeleteImage', $request['fileId']); $database->update("{$sqlPrefix}files", array('deleted' => 0), array('fileId' => $request['fileId'])); } else { throw new Exception('noPerm'); } break; case 'flag': // TODO: Allows users to flag images that are not appropriate for a room. break; } $database->endTransaction(); /* Update Data for Errors */ if ($config['dev']) { $xmlData['request'] = $request; } /* Output Data */