コード例 #1
function mo_openid_troubleshoot_info()
<td style="vertical-align:top;width:65%;">
	<div class="mo_openid_table_layout">
    if (!mo_openid_is_customer_registered()) {
		<div style="display:block;margin-top:10px;color:red;background-color:rgba(251, 232, 0, 0.15);padding:5px;border:solid 1px rgba(255, 0, 9, 0.36);">
		Please <a href="<?php 
        echo add_query_arg(array('tab' => 'register'), $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
">Register or Login with miniOrange</a> to enable Social Login and Social Sharing. miniOrange takes care of creating applications for you so that you don't have to worry about creating applications in each social network.
				<table width="100%">

			<p>If any section is not opening, press CTRL + F5 to clear cache.<p>
			<h3><a  id="openid_question_plugin" class="mo_openid_title_panel" >Site Issue</a></h3>
			<div class="mo_openid_help_desc" hidden="" id="openid_question_plugin_desc">
				<h4><a  id="openid_question14">I installed the plugin and my website stopped working. How can I recover my site?</a></h4>
				<div  id="openid_question14_desc">
					There must have been a server error on your website. To get your website back online:<br/>
						<li>Open FTP access and look for plugins folder under wp-content.</li>
						<li>Change the extension folder name miniorange-login-openid to miniorange-login-openid1</li>
						<li>Check your website. It must have started working.</li>
						<li>Change the folder name back to miniorange-login-openid.</li>
				For any further queries, please submit a query on right hand side in our <b>Support Section</b>.

			<h3><a  id="openid_question_curl" class="mo_openid_title_panel" >cURL</a></h3>
			<div class="mo_openid_help_desc" hidden="" id="openid_question_curl_desc">
			<h4><a  id="openid_question1"  >How to enable PHP cURL extension? (Pre-requisite)</a></h4>
			<div  id="openid_question1_desc">
			cURL is enabled by default but in case you have disabled it, follow the steps to enable it
				<li>Open php.ini(it's usually in /etc/ or in php folder on the server).</li>
				<li>Search for extension=php_curl.dll. Uncomment it by removing the semi-colon( ; ) in front of it.</li>
				<li>Restart the Apache Server.</li>
			For any further queries, please submit a query on right hand side in our <b>Support Section</b>.

			<h4><a  id="openid_question9"  >I am getting error - curl_setopt(): CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION cannot be activated when an open_basedir is set</a></h4>
			<div   id="openid_question9_desc">
				Just setsafe_mode = Off in your php.ini file (it's usually in /etc/ on the server). If that's already off, then look around for the open_basedir in the php.ini file, and change it to open_basedir = .
				<h3><a  id="openid_question_otp" class="mo_openid_title_panel" >OTP and Forgot Password</a></h3>
				  <div class="mo_openid_help_desc" hidden="" id="openid_question_otp_desc">
					<h4><a  id="openid_question7"  >I did not recieve OTP. What should I do?</a></h4>
					<div  id="openid_question7_desc">
						The OTP is sent as an email to your email address with which you have registered with miniOrange. If you can't see the email from miniOrange in your mails, please make sure to check your SPAM folder. <br/><br/>If you don't see an email even in SPAM folder, please verify your account using your mobile number. You will get an OTP on your mobile number which you need to enter on the page. If none of the above works, please contact us using the Support form on the right.
					<h4><a  id="openid_question8"  >After entering OTP, I get Invalid OTP. What should I do?</a></h4>
					<div  id="openid_question8_desc">
						Use the <b>Resend OTP</b> option to get an additional OTP. Plese make sure you did not enter the first OTP you recieved if you selected <b>Resend OTP</b> option to get an additional OTP. Enter the latest OTP since the previous ones expire once you click on Resend OTP. <br/><br/>If OTP sent on your email address are not working, please verify your account using your mobile number. You will get an OTP on your mobile number which you need to enter on the page. If none of the above works, please contact us using the Support form on the right.
					<h4><a  id="openid_question5" >I forgot the password of my miniOrange account. How can I reset it?</a></h4>
					<div  id="openid_question5_desc">
						There are two cases according to the page you see -<br><br/>
						1. <b>Login with miniOrange</b> screen: You should click on <b>forgot password</b> link. You will get your new password on your email address which you have registered with miniOrange . Now you can login with the new password.<br><br/>
						2. <b>Register with miniOrange</b> screen: Enter your email ID and any random password in <b>password</b> and <b>confirm password</b> input box. This will redirect you to <b>Login with miniOrange</b> screen. Now follow first step.
					<h3><a  id="openid_question_login" class="mo_openid_title_panel" >Social Login</a></h3>
					<div class="mo_openid_help_desc" hidden="" id="openid_question_login_desc">
					<h4><a  id="openid_question2"  >How to add login icons to frontend login page?</a></h4>
					<div   id="openid_question2_desc">
					You can add social login icons to frontend login page using our shortcode [miniorange_social_login]. Refer to 'Shortcode' tab to add customizations to Shortcode.
					<h4><a  id="openid_question4"  >How can I put social login icons on a page without using widgets?</a></h4>
					<div  id="openid_question4_desc">
					You can add social login icons to any page or custom login page using 'social login shortcode' [miniorange_social_login]. Refer to 'Shortcode' tab to add customizations to Shortcode.
					<h4><a  id="openid_question12" >Social Login icons are not added to login/registration form.</a></h3>
					<div  id="openid_question12_desc">
					Your login/registration form may not be wordpress's default login/registration form. In this case you can add social login icons to custom login/registration form using 'social login shortcode' [miniorange_social_login]. Refer to 'Shortcode' tab to add customizations to Shortcode.  
					<h4><a  id="openid_question3"  >How can I redirect to my blog page after login?</a></h4>
					<div  id="openid_question3_desc">
					You can select one of the options from <b>Redirect URL after login</b> of <b>Display Option</b> section under <b>Social Login</b> tab. <br>
					1. Same page where user logged in <br>
					2. Homepage <br>
					3. Account Dsahboard <br>
					4. Custom URL - Example: https://www.example.com <br>
				<h3><a  id="openid_question_sharing" class="mo_openid_title_panel" >Social Sharing</a></h3>
					<div class="mo_openid_help_desc" hidden="" id="openid_question_sharing_desc">
					<h4><a  id="openid_question6"  >Is it possible to show sharing icons below the post content?</a></h4>
					<div  id="openid_question6_desc">
						You can put social sharing icons before the content, after the content or both before and after the content. Go to <b>Sharing tab</b> , check <b>Blog post</b> checkbox and select one of three(before, after, both) options available. Save settings.
					<h4><a  id="openid_question10" >Why is sharing with some applications not working?</a></h4>
					<div  id="openid_question10_desc">
						This issue arises if your website is not publicly hosted. Facebook, for example looks for the URL to generate its preview for sharing. That does not work on localhost or any privately hosted URL.

					<h4><a  id="openid_question13" >Facebook sharing is showing the wrong image. How do I change the image?</a></h4>
					<div  id="openid_question13_desc">
						The image is selected by Facebook and it is the part of Facebook sharing feature. We provide Facebook with webpage URL. It generates the entire preview of webpage using that URL.<br/><br/>
						To set an image for the page, set it as a meta tag in <head> of your webpage.<br/>
						<b>< meta property="og:image" content="http://example.com/image.jpg" ></b><br/><br/>
						If the problem still persists, please contact us using the Support form on the right.
			<h3><a  id="openid_question_logout" class="mo_openid_title_panel" >Logout Redirection</a></h3>
					<div class="mo_openid_help_desc" hidden="" id="openid_question_logout_desc">
					<h4><a  id="openid_question11"  >After logout I am redirected to blank page</a></h4>
					<div  id="openid_question11_desc">
					Your theme and Social Login plugin may conflict during logout. To resolve it you need to uncheck <b>Enable Logout Redirection</b> checkbox under <b>Display Option</b> of <b>Social Login</b> tab. 
		<td style="vertical-align:top;padding-left:1%;">
    echo miniorange_openid_support();
コード例 #2
function mo_register_openid()
    if (isset($_GET['tab']) && $_GET['tab'] !== 'register') {
        $active_tab = $_GET['tab'];
    } else {
        if (mo_openid_is_customer_registered()) {
            $active_tab = 'login';
        } else {
            $active_tab = 'register';
    if (mo_openid_is_curl_installed() == 0) {
		<p style="color:red;">(Warning: <a href="http://php.net/manual/en/curl.installation.php" target="_blank">PHP CURL extension</a> is not installed or disabled) Please go to Troubleshooting for steps to enable curl.</p>
    if (!mo_openid_is_extension_installed('mcrypt')) {
		<div id="help_openid_mcrypt_title" class="mo_openid_title_panel">
			<div style="color:red;" class="mo_openid_help_title">(Warning: PHP mcrypt extension is not installed or disabled) (Why we need it?)</div>
		<div id="help_openid_mcrypt" class="mo_openid_help_desc" hidden>
			PHP Mcrypt extension is required to Encrypt Social Login in such a way as to make it unreadable by anyone except those possessing special knowledge (usually referred to as a "key") that allows them to change the information back to its original, readable form.
			Encryption is important because it allows you to securely protect your users Social Login details that you don't want anyone else to have access to.
<div id="tab">
	<h2 class="nav-tab-wrapper">
    if (!mo_openid_is_customer_registered()) {
			<a class="nav-tab <?php 
        echo $active_tab == 'register' ? 'nav-tab-active' : '';
" href="<?php 
        echo add_query_arg(array('tab' => 'register'), $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
">Account Setup</a>
		<a class="nav-tab <?php 
    echo $active_tab == 'login' ? 'nav-tab-active' : '';
" href="<?php 
    echo add_query_arg(array('tab' => 'login'), $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
">Social Login</a>
		<a class="nav-tab <?php 
    echo $active_tab == 'share' ? 'nav-tab-active' : '';
" href="<?php 
    echo add_query_arg(array('tab' => 'share'), $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
">Social Sharing</a>
		<a class="nav-tab <?php 
    echo $active_tab == 'shortcode' ? 'nav-tab-active' : '';
" href="<?php 
    echo add_query_arg(array('tab' => 'shortcode'), $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
		<a class="nav-tab <?php 
    echo $active_tab == 'pricing' ? 'nav-tab-active' : '';
" href="<?php 
    echo add_query_arg(array('tab' => 'pricing'), $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
">Licensing Plans</a>
		<a class="nav-tab <?php 
    echo $active_tab == 'help' ? 'nav-tab-active' : '';
" href="<?php 
    echo add_query_arg(array('tab' => 'help'), $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
">Help & Troubleshooting</a>

<div id="mo_openid_settings">

	<div class="mo_container">
		<div id="mo_openid_msgs"></div>
			<table style="width:100%;">
					<td style="vertical-align:top;width:65%;">

    if ($active_tab == 'share') {
    } else {
        if ($active_tab == 'register') {
            if (get_option('mo_openid_verify_customer') == 'true') {
            } else {
                if (trim(get_option('mo_openid_admin_email')) != '' && trim(get_option('mo_openid_admin_api_key')) == '' && get_option('mo_openid_new_registration') != 'true') {
                } else {
                    if (get_option('mo_openid_registration_status') == 'MO_OTP_DELIVERED_SUCCESS' || get_option('mo_openid_registration_status') == 'MO_OTP_VALIDATION_FAILURE' || get_option('mo_openid_registration_status') == 'MO_OTP_DELIVERED_FAILURE') {
                    } else {
                        if (!mo_openid_is_customer_registered()) {
        } else {
            if ($active_tab == 'login') {
            } else {
                if ($active_tab == 'shortcode') {
                } else {
                    if ($active_tab == 'pricing') {
                    } else {
                        if ($active_tab == 'help') {
					<td style="vertical-align:top;padding-left:1%;">
    echo miniorange_openid_support();