 * Render the page
 * @since 0.8.5
function mgjp_mv_render_extra_activation_steps_page()
    wp_enqueue_style('mgjp-mv-eas-page', plugins_url('css/mv-eas-page.css', __FILE__), 'all', null);
    global $is_apache;
    $home_path = get_home_path();
    $rewrite_rules_enabled = mgjp_mv_check_rewrite_rules();
    $eas_supported = $is_apache;
    if (isset($_POST['enable_mediavault'])) {
        if ($rewrite_rules_enabled) {
        <div class="updated">
            printf(esc_html__('Media Vault was successfully enabled! Congrats! Now go protect some %s!', 'media-vault'), '<a href="upload.php">' . esc_html__('files', 'media-vault') . '</a>');
            update_site_option('mgjp_mv_enabled', true);
        } else {
        <div class="error">
            esc_html_e('Media Vault could not be enabled because the rewrite rules have not been set up correctly. Please verify that you have gone through and correctly completed each of the steps below and try again.', 'media-vault');

    <div class="wrap">

        <img class="mgjp-mv-icon" alt="Media Vault Logo" src="<?php 
    echo plugins_url('imgs/media-vault-logo.png', __FILE__);
    _e('Media Vault Activation Helper', 'media-vault');

    if ($rewrite_rules_enabled && get_site_option('mgjp_mv_enabled')) {

        printf(esc_html__('This page and the Media Vault Activation Helper will now no longer appear in your WordPress admin as you don\'t need them anymore! Congratulations, your setup is currently fully configured for Media Vault to function. You can now go and protect any of your %s or try %s to the Media Vault protected folder. Also don\'t forget to check out the plugin\'s %s. Thank you for using Media Vault.', 'media-vault'), '<a href="upload.php">' . esc_html__('Media files', 'media-vault') . '</a>', '<a href="media-new.php">' . esc_html__('uploading new files', 'media-vault') . '</a>', '<a href="options-media.php#mgjp_mv_settings_section">' . esc_html__('settings', 'media-vault') . '</a>');

        if (!$eas_supported) {
            printf(esc_html__('Note: You have clearly successfully ported the Apache rewrite rules to run on your server technology, which was not supported by the Media Vault Activation Helper. If you are certain about your configuration, please consider posting the full method you used on the Media Vault %s. If such a post does not already exist of course! Thank you!', 'media-vault'), '<a href="http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/media-vault" target="_blank">' . esc_html__('support forum', 'media-vault') . '</a>');

    } else {

        esc_html_e('Normally, Media Vault would automatically set up the necessary rewrite rules for the plugin to protect your files.', 'media-vault');
        echo ' ';
        if (!$is_apache) {
            $errors['Notapache'] = sprintf(esc_html_x('you are not on an %s', 'as in: "you are not on an Apache webserver"', 'media-vault'), '<b>Apache Server</b>');
        if (is_multisite()) {
            $errors['Multisite'] = sprintf(esc_html_x('you are running a %s installation', 'as in: "you are on a WordPress Multisite installation"', 'media-vault'), '<b>WordPress MultiSite</b>');
        if (!isset($errors) && !get_option('permalink_structure')) {
            $errors['Nopretty'] = sprintf(esc_html_x('you do not have %s enabled', 'as in: "you do not have Pretty Permalinks enabled"', 'media-vault'), '<a href="http://codex.wordpress.org/Introduction_to_Blogging#Pretty_Permalinks" target="_blank">' . esc_html__('Pretty Permalinks') . '</a>');
        if (!isset($errors) && !is_writable($home_path . '.htaccess')) {
            $errors['Nonwritable'] = sprintf(esc_html__('the site\'s %s file is not writable', 'as in: "the site\'s .htaccess file is not writable "', 'media-vault'), '<code>.htaccess</code>');
        if (isset($errors)) {
            $error_txt = '';
            $last_error = array_pop($errors);
            if (count($errors) > 0) {
                $error_txt .= implode(', ', $errors) . ' ' . esc_html__('and', 'media-vault') . ' ';
            $error_txt .= $last_error . ',';
            printf(esc_html_x('However, because %s the plugin was unable to successfully update the rewrite rules for this site programmatically.', 'as in: "Because *you are running WordPress MultiSite* Media Vault cannot do it automatically"', 'media-vault'), $error_txt);
        } else {
            esc_html_e('However for some reason the plugin was unable to successfully update the rewrite rules for this site.', 'media-vault');
        echo ' ';
        echo wp_kses(__('In order to manually fully activate Media Vault on your setup please <strong>carefully</strong> follow the instructions below:', 'media-vault'), array('strong' => array()), false);


        if ($is_apache && !got_mod_rewrite()) {
            esc_html_e('Important', 'media-vault');
!:</strong> <?php 
            printf(esc_html__('Media Vault %s the %s module to be installed and enabled on your %s server.', 'media-vault'), '<strong>' . esc_html__('requires') . '</strong>', '<code>mod_rewrite</code>', '<strong>Apache</strong>');


        if ($eas_supported) {
            $rewrite_file_type = '<code>.htaccess</code>';
            $rewrite_file_loc = '<code>' . $home_path . '</code>';
            $rewrite_rule_loc = sprintf(wp_kses(__('<strong>in the WordPress rewrite block</strong> (the WordPress block usually starts with %s and ends with %s), <strong>just below</strong> the line reading %s', 'media-vault'), array('strong' => array()), false), '<code># BEGIN WordPress</code>', '<code># END WordPress</code>', '<code>RewriteRule ^index\\.php$ - [L]</code>');
            if (!is_multisite() && !get_option('permalink_structure')) {
                $rewrite_rule_loc = __('<strong>above</strong> any other rewrite rules in the file.', 'media-vault');
                printf(wp_kses(__('Media Vault works best with %s enabled, so it is strongly recommended that you %s! If, however, you really <i>really</i> want to use ugly permalinks, then...', 'media-vault'), array('i' => array()), false), '<a href="http://codex.wordpress.org/Introduction_to_Blogging#Pretty_Permalinks" target="_blank">' . esc_html__('Pretty Permalinks', 'media-vault') . '</a>', '<a href="http://codex.wordpress.org/Using_Permalinks" target="_blank">' . esc_html__('enable them', 'media-vault') . '</a>');
                echo "\n";
            printf(esc_html__('Add the following to your %s file in %s', 'media-vault'), $rewrite_file_type, $rewrite_file_loc);
            echo ' ', $rewrite_rule_loc;
        } else {
            esc_html_e('Sorry, the Media Vault Activation Helper does not currently support your server setup. This does not necessarily mean that Media Vault cannot work with your setup, just that, for now, there are no simple steps to follow. Currently Apache is the only server software that is supported by the Activation Helper. Support for more is being added in future updates of the plugin. You can try the plugin\'s support forum for more help.', 'media-vault');
            esc_html_e('Below are what the rewrite rules would look like if you were running WordPress on an Apache server. Feel free to try and port these to your own server technology. If you believe you have correctly set up the necessary rewrites to emulate the behaviour of the below rules, then click on the "Enable Media Vault" button below. If Media Vault verifies that the rules you implemented are functioning correctly it will enable the rest of the plugin.', 'media-vault');

        $rewrite_rules = mgjp_mv_get_the_rewrite_rules();
            <textarea class="code" readonly="readonly" cols="125" rows="<?php 
        echo count($rewrite_rules);
        echo esc_textarea(implode("\n", $rewrite_rules));


        esc_html_e('Once you have completed the above steps, press the "Enable Media Vault" button below.', 'media-vault');
            <form method="post" action="plugins.php?page=mgjp-mv-eas">
        submit_button(__('Enable Media Vault', 'media-vault'), 'primary', 'enable_mediavault', false);




コード例 #2
 * Add the plugin rewrite rules to the WP rewrite
 * rules being written in the sitewide .htaccess file
 * @since 0.8.5
 * @uses mgjp_mv_get_the_rewrite_rules()
 * @param $rules string String containing all rewrite rules to be written in htaccess
 * @return string String containing all rewrite rules to be written in htaccess
 *                including Media Vault custom rewrite rules
function mgjp_mv_add_plugin_rewrite_rules($rules)
    $pattern = "RewriteRule ^index\\.php\$ - [L]\n";
    return str_replace($pattern, "{$pattern}\n" . implode("\n", mgjp_mv_get_the_rewrite_rules()) . "\n\n", $rules);