> <tr <?php echo $bgcolor; ?> > <td><?php $ke = Explode("-", $entry[3]); echo " " . $ke[2] . ". " . $ke[1] . ". " . $ke[0] . ""; ?> </td> <td><?php member_link($entry[1]); ?> </td> <td><?php member_link($entry[2]); ?> </td> <td><?php echo "{$entry['4']}"; ?> </td> <td align=right><?php echo "{$entry['5']}"; ?> </td> </tr> </tbody> <?php $i++; }
<div class="no-post"> <p>本看板目前還沒有文章。</p> <p>現在就<a href="<?php echo OUT_PATH . $BD; ?> /post" title="發表文章">搶下第一篇</a>吧!</p> </div> <?php } else { ?> <ul id="post-board-list"> <?php foreach ($row as $list) { $list["comment_count"] = !empty($list["comment_count"]) ? '<span class="post-comment-count">' . $list["comment_count"] . '</span>' : ''; if ($list['post_author']) { $list['post_author'] = member_link(member_who($list['post_author'])); } else { $list['post_author'] = $list['post_author_nicename']; } $list['category'] = '***'; if (isset($_GET['to']) && $list['id'] == $_GET['to']) { ?> <li id="post-now-reading"> <span class="post-list-category"><?php echo $list['category']; ?> </span> <span class="post-list-title"><?php echo $list['post_title']; echo $list['comment_count']; ?>
<?php $page_title = '刪除文章「' . $post . '」的這則回覆? - ' . APP_NAME; include load_template('header'); $modify = $modify_time ? 'Modified by ' . $modify_who . ' at ' . $modify_time . ' ' : ''; $author = $author ? member_link($author) : $author_nicename; ?> <div id="comment-certify"> <div id="comment-form-actions"> <form name="comment-delete" method="POST" action="<?php echo OUT_PATH; ?> action/comment_delete" id="comment-form-delete"> <span id="comment-delete-certify">刪除文章「<?php echo $post; ?> 」的這則回覆?</span> <?php if (!member_check()) { ?> <label id="comment-form-pass" title="輸入密碼以驗證刪除權限">Password: <?php echo $input_password; ?> </label> <?php } ?> <input name="comment_delete_member" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $WHO; ?> ">
<ul id="comment-list"> <?php foreach ($row as $list) { $list['num'] = $list['num'] < 10 ? '0' . $list['num'] : $list['num']; $modify = $list['modify_time'] ? 'Modified by ' . $list['modify_who'] . ' at ' . $list['modify_time'] . ' ' : ''; $list['comment_author'] = $list['comment_author'] ? member_link($list['comment_author']) : $list['comment_author_nicename']; $post_author = $list['post_author'] ? ' comment-post-author' : ''; ?> <li class="comment-item<?php echo $post_author; ?> " id="comment-<?php echo $list['id']; ?> "> <img class="comment-item-avatar" src="<?php echo get_avatar($list['comment_author_email']); ?> " alt ="<?php echo $list['comment_author_nicename']; ?> "> <div class="comment-item-meta"> <span class="comment-item-number"><a href="#comment-<?php echo $list['id']; ?> "><?php echo $list['num']; ?> </a></span> <span class="comment-item-ip"><img src="<?php
<?php if (!$list) { ?> <div class="no-post"> <p>本網站目前還沒有文章。</p> </div> <?php } else { ?> <ul id="post-last-list"> <?php foreach ($list as $item) { $item["comment_count"] = !empty($item["comment_count"]) ? '<span class="post-comment-count">' . $item["comment_count"] . '</span>' : ''; $item['post_board_nicename'] = $board_info[$item['post_board']]['nicename']; if ($item['post_update_member']) { $item['post_author'] = member_link(member_who($item['post_update_member'])); } else { $item['post_author'] = $item['post_update_who']; } switch ($item["post_change"]) { case 'edit': $change = '<span class="post-last-change post-list-edit">修改</span>'; break; case 'reply': $change = '<span class="post-last-change post-list-reply">回覆</span>'; break; default: $change = '<span class="post-last-change post-list-write">發表</span>'; break; } ?>
function announces_listing_admin($sess, $dopon, $select, $lres, $view_number, $page, $cs, $cs1, $uoz, $rub, $pri, $keyword, $age) { $cs = "4"; $cs1 = "3"; // dark row - name ?> <col class="col_1"> <col class="col_2"> <col class="col_3"> <col class="col_4"> <col class="col_5"> <thead> <tr class="th_main"> <th><?php echo $lres; ?> </td> <th colspan="<?php echo $cs1; ?> "> </td> </tr> </thead> <?php $start = $page * $view_number; //first announce for view $sort = "ann_oq = '{$dopon}' and {$select}"; // mysql query // query for announces @($sqo = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM uniletim_announces WHERE {$sort} AND ul_group = '{$sess['4']}' ORDER BY ann_date DESC LIMIT {$start},{$view_number}")) or die($query_error); if (mysql_num_rows($sqo) == 0) { echo "<tr><td>" . _NO_ANNOUNCE . "</td></tr>\n"; } else { $i = 0; while ($roz = mysql_fetch_row($sqo)) { @($sqp = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM uniletim_subsections WHERE sub_id = '{$roz['3']}' AND ul_group = '{$sess['4']}'")); $rop = mysql_fetch_row($sqp); if ($i % 2 == 0) { $tb_class = ''; } else { $tb_class = " class=tb_dark"; } // announce text ?> <tbody <?php echo $tb_class; ?> > <tr class="tb_content" <?php echo $bgcolor; ?> > <td colspan="<?php echo $cs1; ?> "> <?php echo $roz[7]; ?> </td> <td align="right" <?php echo $bgcolor; ?> > <B><?php echo _FROM; ?> :</B><br /> <?php member_link($roz[1]); ?> </td> </tr> <tr class="tb_info"> <form method="post" action="index.php"> <td align="right" <?php echo $bgcolor; ?> > <select name="ann_sub" class="paticka"> <OPTION value="0"><?php echo _SELECT_SUB; ?> </OPTION><?php $pse = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM uniletim_subsections WHERE ul_group = '{$sess['4']}' ORDER BY sub_section"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($pse)) { $psr = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM uniletim_sections WHERE sec_id = '{$row['2']}' AND ul_group = '{$sess['4']}'"); $ror = mysql_fetch_row($psr); ?> <OPTION value="<?php echo "{$row['0']}"; ?> "<?php if ($row[0] == $roz[3]) { echo " selected"; } ?> ><?php echo "{$ror['1']} - {$row['1']}"; ?> </OPTION><?php } ?> </select> </td> <td align="right" <?php echo $bgcolor; ?> > <input type="hidden" name="rub" value="<?php echo $rub; ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="pri" value="<?php echo $pri; ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="view" value="admin"> <input type="hidden" name="sedid" value="<?php echo $roz[0]; ?> "> <input type="submit" class="paticka" value="<?php echo _CHANGE . " " . _SUBSECTION; ?> "> </td> </form> <form method="post" action="index.php?action=form&type=edit"> <td align="right" <?php echo $bgcolor; ?> > <input type="hidden" name="eid" value="<?php echo $roz[0]; ?> "> <input type="submit" class="paticka" value="<?php echo _CHANGE; ?> "> </b></td> </form> <form method="post" action="index.php?rub=<?php echo "{$rub}"; ?> &pri=<?php echo "{$pri}"; ?> &view=admin"> <td align="right" <?php echo $bgcolor; ?> > <input type="hidden" name="did" value="<?php echo $roz[0]; ?> "> <input type="submit" class="paticka" value="<?php echo _DELETE; ?> " onclick="return confirm('<?php echo _RLY_DLT_ANNO; ?> ')"> </b></td> </form> </tr> <?php if ($i == 10) { break; } $i++; } } ?> <tfoot> <tr class="th_sub"> <th><?php if ($sess[5] >= "2" & $usoz != "") { ?> <a HREF="index.php?action=form&type=new&dp=<?php echo "{$dopon}"; ?> &rub=<?php echo "{$rub}"; ?> &pri=<?php echo "{$pri}"; ?> &a_id=<?php echo "{$uoz}"; ?> "><?php echo _INSERT; ?> </A><?php } elseif ($sess[5] >= "2" & $dopon == "news") { ?> <a HREF="index.php?action=form&type=new&dp=<?php echo "{$dopon}"; ?> "><?php echo _INSERT; ?> </A><?php } else { ?> <a HREF="index.php?action=form&type=new&dp=<?php echo "{$dopon}"; ?> &rub=<?php echo "{$rub}"; ?> &pri=<?php echo "{$pri}"; ?> "><?php echo _INSERT; ?> </A><?php } ?> </th> <th colspan="<?php echo $cs1; ?> "align="right"><?php // paging of extracts $id = "ann_id"; $table = "uniletim_announces"; if (isset($uoz)) { $link = "index.php?action=user&uoz={$uoz}&page="; } elseif (isset($pri)) { $link = "index.php?rub={$rub}&pri={$pri}&page="; } else { $link = "index.php?rub={$rub}&keyword={$keyword}&age={$age}&view={$view}&page="; } page_counter($id, $table, $sort, $view_number, $sess, $link, $i, $page); ?> | </th> </tr> </tfoot> <?php }
?> <tbody <?php echo $tb_class; ?> > <tr <?php echo $bgcolor; ?> > <td><?php $ke = Explode("-", $entry[3]); echo " " . $ke[2] . ". " . $ke[1] . ". " . $ke[0] . ""; ?> </td> <td><?php member_link($entry[1]); ?> </td> <td><?php echo "{$entry['4']}"; ?> </td> <td align=right><?php echo "{$entry['5']}"; ?> </td> </tr> </tbody> <?php } $i++;
<?php foreach ($row as $list) { ?> <li class="member-list-item"> <img class="member-list-avatar" src="<?php echo get_avatar($list['member_email']); ?> " alt ="<?php echo $list['member_nicename']; ?> " title ="<?php echo $list['member_nicename']; ?> "> <span class="member-list-nicename"><?php echo member_link($list['id']); ?> </span> <span class="member-list-join_time">Since <?php echo $list['member_registered']; ?> </span> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> <?php if ($total_items > $items_page) { $list_pages = page_list($current_page, $total_pages, 2, OUT_PATH . 'members?', 'page'); ?>
function post_view($to) { $result = inget('`post_title`, `post_author`, `post_author_nicename`, `post_author_ip`, `post_author_email`, `post_content`, `post_date`, `post_modify`, `post_modify_member`, `post_modify_who`, `post_password`, `post_board`', 'posts', 'WHERE `id` = ' . $to); if ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $title = $row['post_title']; $board = board_info($row['post_board']); $board_nicename = $board['nicename']; $who = member_who(); $ip = long2ip($row['post_author_ip']); if ($row['post_author']) { $author = member_link($row['post_author']); $row['post_author_nicename'] = $who[$row['post_author']]['nicename']; $row['post_author_email'] = $who[$row['post_author']]['email']; } else { $author = $row['post_author_nicename']; } if ($row['post_modify']) { $mod_time = $row['post_modify']; if ($row['post_modify_member']) { $mod_who = member_link($row['post_modify_member']); } else { $mod_who = $row['post_modify_who']; } } if (member_check() && $_SESSION['member']['id'] == $row['post_author'] || $row['post_author'] == 0 && !member_check() && !empty($row['post_password'])) { $edit = TRUE; $delete = TRUE; } else { $edit = FALSE; $delete = FALSE; } include load_template('post_view'); } else { set_clue('本站並不存在此篇文章!'); //wait for notfound implement include load_page('notfound'); } }