コード例 #1
  * @covers Patchwork\PHP\Override\Mbstring::mb_strpos
  * @covers Patchwork\PHP\Override\Mbstring::mb_stripos
  * @covers Patchwork\PHP\Override\Mbstring::mb_strrpos
  * @covers Patchwork\PHP\Override\Mbstring::mb_strripos
 function testmb_strpos()
     $this->assertSame(false, @mb_strpos('abc', ''));
     $this->assertSame(false, @mb_strpos('abc', 'a', -1));
     $this->assertSame(false, mb_strpos('abc', 'd'));
     $this->assertSame(false, mb_strpos('abc', 'a', 3));
     $this->assertSame(1, mb_strpos('한국어', '국'));
     $this->assertSame(3, mb_stripos('DÉJÀ', 'à'));
     $this->assertSame(false, mb_strrpos('한국어', ''));
     $this->assertSame(1, mb_strrpos('한국어', '국'));
     $this->assertSame(3, mb_strripos('DÉJÀ', 'à'));
     $this->assertSame(1, mb_stripos('aςσb', 'ΣΣ'));
     $this->assertSame(1, mb_strripos('aςσb', 'ΣΣ'));
     $this->assertSame(false, @p::mb_strpos('abc', ''));
     $this->assertSame(false, @p::mb_strpos('abc', 'a', -1));
     $this->assertSame(false, p::mb_strpos('abc', 'd'));
     $this->assertSame(false, p::mb_strpos('abc', 'a', 3));
     $this->assertSame(1, p::mb_strpos('한국어', '국'));
     $this->assertSame(3, p::mb_stripos('DÉJÀ', 'à'));
     $this->assertSame(false, p::mb_strrpos('한국어', ''));
     $this->assertSame(1, p::mb_strrpos('한국어', '국'));
     $this->assertSame(3, p::mb_strripos('DÉJÀ', 'à'));
     $this->assertSame(1, p::mb_stripos('aςσb', 'ΣΣ'));
     $this->assertSame(1, p::mb_strripos('aςσb', 'ΣΣ'));
コード例 #2
ファイル: EndsWith.php プロジェクト: dez-php/Validation
 protected function validateEquals($input)
     if (is_array($input)) {
         return end($input) == $this->endValue;
     return mb_strripos($input, $this->endValue, -1, $enc = mb_detect_encoding($input)) === mb_strlen($input, $enc) - mb_strlen($this->endValue, $enc);
コード例 #3
  * LastIndexOf
 public function execute()
     if ($this->isCaseInsensitive()) {
         return mb_strripos($this->getValue(), $this->needle, $this->fromIndex);
     } else {
         return mb_strrpos($this->getValue(), $this->needle, $this->fromIndex);
コード例 #4
 public function formatShortString($string, $maxlen = 200, $separator = '...')
     $string = preg_replace('#<(?:br|p|hr|div)#', ' $0', $string);
     $string = strip_tags($string);
     $len = mb_strlen($string, 'UTF-8') > $maxlen ? mb_strripos(mb_substr($string, 0, $maxlen, 'UTF-8'), ' ', 0, 'UTF-8') : $maxlen;
     $cutStr = mb_substr($string, 0, $len, 'UTF-8');
     return mb_strlen($string, 'UTF-8') > $maxlen ? '' . $cutStr . $separator : '' . $cutStr . '';
コード例 #5
ファイル: func.php プロジェクト: arestotel/project
function cutString($string, $maxlen)
    //обрезает красиво строку, убирает теги, добавляя ... в конце
    $string = strip_tags($string);
    $len = mb_strlen($string) > $maxlen ? mb_strripos(mb_substr($string, 0, $maxlen), ' ') : $maxlen;
    $cutStr = mb_substr($string, 0, $len);
    return mb_strlen($string) > $maxlen ? $cutStr . '...' : $cutStr;
コード例 #6
ファイル: Helper.php プロジェクト: Sywooch/forums
 public static function utf8_strripos($haystack, $needle, $offset)
     if (UTF8_MBSTRING) {
         self::_fixMbStrrposPhp52($haystack, $offset);
         return mb_strripos($haystack, $needle, $offset);
     } else {
         return strripos($haystack, $needle, $offset);
コード例 #7
  * @param Response $response
  * @param string   $editorHtml
 private function injectEditor(Response $response, $editorHtml)
     $html = $response->getContent();
     $pos = mb_strripos($html, '</body>');
     if (false === $pos) {
     $html = mb_substr($html, 0, $pos) . $editorHtml . mb_substr($html, $pos);
 protected function injectCookieBar(Response $response)
     $content = $response->getContent();
     $pos = mb_strripos($content, '</body>');
     if (false !== $pos) {
         $toolbar = sprintf("\n%s\n", $this->cookieService->render());
         $content = mb_substr($content, 0, $pos) . $toolbar . mb_substr($content, $pos);
コード例 #9
 protected function fixEmbeddedAttachments($message, $oldID, $newID)
     if (mb_strripos($message, '[attach]' . $oldID . '[/attach]') !== false || mb_strripos($message, '[attach=' . $oldID . ']') !== false || mb_strripos($message, '[attach=' . $oldID . ',') !== false) {
         $message = str_ireplace('[attach]' . $oldID . '[/attach]', '[attach]' . $newID . '[/attach]', $message);
         $message = str_ireplace('[attach=' . $oldID . ']', '[attach=' . $newID . ']', $message);
         $message = str_ireplace('[attach=' . $oldID . ',', '[attach=' . $newID . ',', $message);
         return $message;
     return false;
コード例 #10
ファイル: stock.php プロジェクト: Alexander711/naav1
  * Генерация слов по которым найдена акция
  * @param $news
  * @return $this
 public function get_words($news)
     $words = array();
     foreach ($this->_original_words as $word) {
         if (mb_strripos($news->title, $word) !== FALSE or mb_strripos($news->text, $word) !== FALSE) {
             $words[] = $word;
     $words = array_unique($words);
     return View::factory('frontend/search/search_words')->set('words', $words);
コード例 #11
  * Обрезание текста по длине с поиском последнего полностью вмещающегося слова и удалением лишних крайних знаков пунктуации.
  * @author Agel_Nash <*****@*****.**>
  * @version 0.1
  * @param string $html HTML текст
  * @param integer $len максимальная длина строки
  * @param string $encoding кодировка
  * @return string
 public static function mb_trim_word($html, $len, $encoding = 'UTF-8')
     $text = trim(preg_replace('|\\s+|', ' ', strip_tags($html)));
     $text = mb_substr($text, 0, $len + 1, $encoding);
     if (mb_substr($text, -1, null, $encoding) == ' ') {
         $out = trim($text);
     } else {
         $out = mb_substr($text, 0, mb_strripos($text, ' ', null, $encoding), $encoding);
     return preg_replace("/(([\\.,\\-:!?;\\s])|(&\\w+;))+\$/ui", "", $out);
コード例 #12
  * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response $response
 protected function injectToolbar(Response $response)
     $content = $response->getContent();
     $pos = mb_strripos($content, '</body>');
     if (FALSE !== $pos) {
         if ($token = $response->headers->get('X-Debug-Token')) {
             $loader = ['#theme' => 'webprofiler_loader', '#token' => $token, '#profiler_url' => $this->urlGenerator->generate('webprofiler.toolbar', ['profile' => $token])];
             $content = mb_substr($content, 0, $pos) . $this->renderer->renderRoot($loader) . mb_substr($content, $pos);
コード例 #13
ファイル: xyz-functions.php プロジェクト: bichttn/bichttn
 function xyz_fbap_string_limit($string, $limit)
     $space = " ";
     $appendstr = " ...";
     if (mb_strlen($string) <= $limit) {
         return $string;
     if (mb_strlen($appendstr) >= $limit) {
         return '';
     $string = mb_substr($string, 0, $limit - mb_strlen($appendstr));
     $rpos = mb_strripos($string, $space);
     if ($rpos === false) {
         return $string . $appendstr;
     } else {
         return mb_substr($string, 0, $rpos) . $appendstr;
コード例 #14
  * Soft cutting for string
  * @param   string  $string     Source string
  * @param   integer $soft       Soft cutting position
  * @param   integer $hard       Hard cutting position
  * @param   integer $strategy   Cutting strategy [optional]
  * @param   boolean $strip      Strip tags in source [optional]
  * @param   string  $encoding   Source encoding [optional]
  * @return  string  Cutted string
 public static function softCut($string, $soft, $hard, $strategy = self::CUT_STRATEGY_MIN, $strip = true, $encoding = 'utf-8')
     if ($strip) {
         $string = strip_tags($string);
     if (mb_strlen($string) <= $soft) {
         return $string;
     $cut = mb_substr($string, 0, $hard, $encoding);
     $pos = $strategy == self::CUT_STRATEGY_MIN ? mb_stripos($cut, ' ', $soft, $encoding) : mb_strripos($cut, ' ', $soft, $encoding);
     if ($pos === false) {
         $pos = $strategy == self::CUT_STRATEGY_MIN ? mb_stripos($cut, '&nbsp;', $soft, $encoding) : mb_strripos($cut, '&nbsp;', $soft, $encoding);
     if ($pos === false) {
         $pos = $strategy == self::CUT_STRATEGY_MIN ? mb_stripos($cut, ' ', $soft, $encoding) : mb_strripos($cut, ' ', $soft, $encoding);
     if ($pos === false) {
         return $cut;
     return mb_substr($string, 0, $pos, $encoding);
コード例 #15
 private static function grapheme_position($s, $needle, $offset, $mode)
     if (!preg_match('/./us', $needle .= '')) {
         return false;
     if (!preg_match('/./us', $s .= '')) {
         return false;
     if ($offset > 0) {
         $s = self::grapheme_substr($s, $offset);
     } elseif ($offset < 0) {
         $offset = 0;
     switch ($mode) {
         case 0:
             $needle = iconv_strpos($s, $needle, 0, 'UTF-8');
         case 1:
             $needle = mb_stripos($s, $needle, 0, 'UTF-8');
         case 2:
             $needle = iconv_strrpos($s, $needle, 'UTF-8');
             $needle = mb_strripos($s, $needle, 0, 'UTF-8');
     return $needle ? self::grapheme_strlen(iconv_substr($s, 0, $needle, 'UTF-8')) + $offset : $needle;
コード例 #16
ファイル: bug52931.php プロジェクト: badlamer/hhvm

$string = '<body>Umlauttest öüä</body>';
var_dump(strripos($string, '</body>'));
var_dump(mb_strripos($string, '</body>'));
コード例 #17
  * Generates parameters for the GIS data editor from the value of the GIS column.
  * This method performs common work.
  * More specific work is performed by each of the geom classes.
  * @param string $value value of the GIS column
  * @return array parameters for the GIS editor from the value of the GIS column
  * @access protected
 protected function generateParams($value)
     $srid = 0;
     $wkt = '';
     if (preg_match("/^'" . $geom_types . "\\(.*\\)',[0-9]*\$/i", $value)) {
         $last_comma = mb_strripos($value, ",");
         $srid = trim(mb_substr($value, $last_comma + 1));
         $wkt = trim(mb_substr($value, 1, $last_comma - 2));
     } elseif (preg_match("/^" . $geom_types . "\\(.*\\)\$/i", $value)) {
         $wkt = $value;
     return array('srid' => $srid, 'wkt' => $wkt);
コード例 #18
ファイル: bug45923.php プロジェクト: badlamer/hhvm
var_dump(strrpos("abc abc abc", "abc", -1));
var_dump(strrpos("abc abc abc", "abc", -3));
var_dump(strrpos("abc abc abc", "abc", -6));
var_dump(mb_strrpos("●○◆ ●○◆ ●○◆", "●○◆", 0));
var_dump(mb_strrpos("●○◆ ●○◆ ●○◆", "●○◆", 3));
var_dump(mb_strrpos("●○◆ ●○◆ ●○◆", "●○◆", 6));
var_dump(mb_strrpos("●○◆ ●○◆ ●○◆", "●○◆", 9));
var_dump(mb_strrpos("●○◆ ●○◆ ●○◆", "●○◆", 11));
var_dump(mb_strrpos("●○◆ ●○◆ ●○◆", "●○◆", 12));
var_dump(mb_strrpos("●○◆ ●○◆ ●○◆", "●○◆", -1));
var_dump(mb_strrpos("●○◆ ●○◆ ●○◆", "●○◆", -3));
var_dump(mb_strrpos("●○◆ ●○◆ ●○◆", "●○◆", -6));
var_dump(strripos("abc abc abc", "abc", 0));
var_dump(strripos("abc abc abc", "abc", 3));
var_dump(strripos("abc abc abc", "abc", 6));
var_dump(strripos("abc abc abc", "abc", 9));
var_dump(strripos("abc abc abc", "abc", 11));
var_dump(strripos("abc abc abc", "abc", 12));
var_dump(strripos("abc abc abc", "abc", -1));
var_dump(strripos("abc abc abc", "abc", -3));
var_dump(strripos("abc abc abc", "abc", -6));
var_dump(mb_strripos("●○◆ ●○◆ ●○◆", "●○◆", 0));
var_dump(mb_strripos("●○◆ ●○◆ ●○◆", "●○◆", 3));
var_dump(mb_strripos("●○◆ ●○◆ ●○◆", "●○◆", 6));
var_dump(mb_strripos("●○◆ ●○◆ ●○◆", "●○◆", 9));
var_dump(mb_strripos("●○◆ ●○◆ ●○◆", "●○◆", 11));
var_dump(mb_strripos("●○◆ ●○◆ ●○◆", "●○◆", 12));
var_dump(mb_strripos("●○◆ ●○◆ ●○◆", "●○◆", -1));
var_dump(mb_strripos("●○◆ ●○◆ ●○◆", "●○◆", -3));
var_dump(mb_strripos("●○◆ ●○◆ ●○◆", "●○◆", -6));
コード例 #19
ファイル: String.php プロジェクト: titon/utility-old
  * Grab the index of the last matched character.
  * @param string $string
  * @param string $needle
  * @param bool $strict
  * @param int $offset
  * @return int
 public static function lastIndexOf($string, $needle, $strict = true, $offset = 0)
     if ($strict) {
         return mb_strrpos($string, $needle, $offset);
     return mb_strripos($string, $needle, $offset);
コード例 #20
  * testUsingMbStrripos method
  * @return void
 public function testUsingMbStrripos()
     $string = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789';
     $find = 'F';
     $result = mb_strripos($string, $find);
     $expected = 5;
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $string = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQFRSTUVWXYZ0123456789';
     $find = 'F';
     $result = mb_strripos($string, $find, 6);
     $expected = 17;
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $find = 'Å';
     $result = mb_strripos($string, $find);
     $expected = 5;
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $find = 'Å';
     $result = mb_strripos($string, $find, 6);
     $expected = 24;
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $find = 'ÓÔ';
     $result = mb_strripos($string, $find);
     $expected = 19;
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $find = 'Ċ';
     $result = mb_strripos($string, $find);
     $expected = 5;
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $find = 'Ċ';
     $result = mb_strripos($string, $find, 6);
     $expected = 32;
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $string = '!"#$%&\'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~';
     $find = 'F';
     $result = mb_strripos($string, $find);
     $expected = 69;
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $string = '¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬­®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈ';
     $find = 'µ';
     $result = mb_strripos($string, $find);
     $expected = 20;
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $string = 'ÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿĀāĂ㥹ĆćĈĉĊċČčĎďĐđĒēĔĕĖėĘęĚěĜĝĞğĠġĢģĤĥĦħĨĩĪīĬ';
     $find = 'é';
     $result = mb_strripos($string, $find);
     $expected = 32;
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $string = 'ĭĮįİıIJijĴĵĶķĸĹĺĻļĽľĿŀŁłŃńŅņŇňʼnŊŋŌōŎŏŐőŒœŔŕŖŗŘřŚśŜŝŞşŠšŢţŤťŦŧŨũŪūŬŭŮůŰűŲųŴŵŶŷŸŹźŻżŽžſƀƁƂƃƄƅƆƇƈƉƊƋƌƍƎƏƐ';
     $find = 'Ņ';
     $result = mb_strripos($string, $find);
     $expected = 25;
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $string = 'ƑƒƓƔƕƖƗƘƙƚƛƜƝƞƟƠơƢƣƤƥƦƧƨƩƪƫƬƭƮƯưƱƲƳƴƵƶƷƸƹƺƻƼƽƾƿǀǁǂǃDŽDždžLJLjljNJNjnjǍǎǏǐǑǒǓǔǕǖǗǘǙǚǛǜǝǞǟǠǡǢǣǤǥǦǧǨǩǪǫǬǭǮǯǰDZDzdzǴ';
     $find = 'Ƹ';
     $result = mb_strripos($string, $find);
     $expected = 40;
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $string = 'ƑƒƓƔƕƖƗƘƙƚƛƜƝƞƟƠơƢƣƤƥƦƧƨƩƪƫƬƭƮƯưƱƲƳƴƵƶƷƸƹƺƻƼƽƾƿǀǁǂǃDŽDždžLJLjljNJNjnjǍǎǏǐǑǒǓǔǕǖǗǘǙǚǛǜǝǞǟǠǡǢǣǤǥǦǧǨǩǪǫǬǭǮǯǰDZDzdzǴ';
     $find = 'ƹ';
     $result = mb_strripos($string, $find);
     $expected = 40;
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $string = 'əɚɛɜɝɞɟɠɡɢɣɤɥɦɧɨɩɪɫɬɭɮɯɰɱɲɳɴɵɶɷɸɹɺɻɼɽɾɿʀʁʂʃʄʅʆʇʈʉʊʋʌʍʎʏʐʑʒʓʔʕʖʗʘʙʚʛʜʝʞʟʠʡʢʣʤʥʦʧʨʩʪʫʬʭʮʯʰʱʲʳʴʵʶʷʸʹʺʻʼ';
     $find = 'ʀ';
     $result = mb_strripos($string, $find);
     $expected = 39;
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $find = 'Ї';
     $result = mb_strripos($string, $find);
     $expected = 7;
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $string = 'МНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыь';
     $find = 'Р';
     $result = mb_strripos($string, $find);
     $expected = 36;
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $string = 'МНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыь';
     $find = 'р';
     $result = mb_strripos($string, $find, 5);
     $expected = 36;
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $string = 'فقكلمنهوىيًٌٍَُ';
     $find = 'ن';
     $result = mb_strripos($string, $find);
     $expected = 5;
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $string = '✰✱✲✳✴✵✶✷✸✹✺✻✼✽✾✿❀❁❂❃❄❅❆❇❈❉❊❋❌❍❎❏❐❑❒❓❔❕❖❗❘❙❚❛❜❝❞';
     $find = '✿';
     $result = mb_strripos($string, $find);
     $expected = 15;
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $string = '⺀⺁⺂⺃⺄⺅⺆⺇⺈⺉⺊⺋⺌⺍⺎⺏⺐⺑⺒⺓⺔⺕⺖⺗⺘⺙⺛⺜⺝⺞⺟⺠⺡⺢⺣⺤⺥⺦⺧⺨⺩⺪⺫⺬⺭⺮⺯⺰⺱⺲⺳⺴⺵⺶⺷⺸⺹⺺⺻⺼⺽⺾⺿⻀⻁⻂⻃⻄⻅⻆⻇⻈⻉⻊⻋⻌⻍⻎⻏⻐⻑⻒⻓⻔⻕⻖⻗⻘⻙⻚⻛⻜⻝⻞⻟⻠';
     $find = '⺐';
     $result = mb_strripos($string, $find);
     $expected = 16;
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $string = '⽅⽆⽇⽈⽉⽊⽋⽌⽍⽎⽏⽐⽑⽒⽓⽔⽕⽖⽗⽘⽙⽚⽛⽜⽝⽞⽟⽠⽡⽢⽣⽤⽥⽦⽧⽨⽩⽪⽫⽬⽭⽮⽯⽰⽱⽲⽳⽴⽵⽶⽷⽸⽹⽺⽻⽼⽽⽾⽿';
     $find = '⽤';
     $result = mb_strripos($string, $find);
     $expected = 31;
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $string = '눡눢눣눤눥눦눧눨눩눪눫눬눭눮눯눰눱눲눳눴눵눶눷눸눹눺눻눼눽눾눿뉀뉁뉂뉃뉄뉅뉆뉇뉈뉉뉊뉋뉌뉍뉎뉏뉐뉑뉒뉓뉔뉕뉖뉗뉘뉙뉚뉛뉜뉝뉞뉟뉠뉡뉢뉣뉤뉥뉦뉧뉨뉩뉪뉫뉬뉭뉮뉯뉰뉱뉲뉳뉴뉵뉶뉷뉸뉹뉺뉻뉼뉽뉾뉿늀늁늂늃늄';
     $find = '눻';
     $result = mb_strripos($string, $find);
     $expected = 26;
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $string = 'ﹰﹱﹲﹳﹴ﹵ﹶﹷﹸﹹﹺﹻﹼﹽﹾﹿﺀﺁﺂﺃﺄﺅﺆﺇﺈﺉﺊﺋﺌﺍﺎﺏﺐﺑﺒﺓﺔﺕﺖﺗﺘﺙﺚﺛﺜﺝﺞﺟﺠﺡﺢﺣﺤﺥﺦﺧﺨﺩﺪﺫﺬﺭﺮﺯﺰ';
     $find = 'ﺞ';
     $result = mb_strripos($string, $find);
     $expected = 46;
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $string = 'ﺱﺲﺳﺴﺵﺶﺷﺸﺹﺺﺻﺼﺽﺾﺿﻀﻁﻂﻃﻄﻅﻆﻇﻈﻉﻊﻋﻌﻍﻎﻏﻐﻑﻒﻓﻔﻕﻖﻗﻘﻙﻚﻛﻜﻝﻞﻟﻠﻡﻢﻣﻤﻥﻦﻧﻨﻩﻪﻫﻬﻭﻮﻯﻰﻱﻲﻳﻴﻵﻶﻷﻸﻹﻺﻻﻼ';
     $find = 'ﻞ';
     $result = mb_strripos($string, $find);
     $expected = 45;
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $string = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
     $find = 'k';
     $result = mb_strripos($string, $find);
     $expected = 10;
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $string = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
     $find = 'k';
     $result = mb_strripos($string, $find);
     $expected = 10;
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $string = 'abcdefghijklmnoppqrstuvwxyz';
     $find = 'pp';
     $result = mb_strripos($string, $find);
     $expected = 15;
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $string = '。「」、・ヲァィゥェォャュョッーアイウエオカキク';
     $find = 'ア';
     $result = mb_strripos($string, $find);
     $expected = 16;
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $string = 'ケコサシスセソタチツテトナニヌネノハヒフヘホマミムメモヤユヨラリルレロワン゙';
     $find = 'ハ';
     $result = mb_strripos($string, $find);
     $expected = 17;
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $string = 'Ĥēĺļŏ, Ŵőřļď!';
     $find = 'ő';
     $result = mb_strripos($string, $find);
     $expected = 8;
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $string = 'Ĥēĺļŏ, Ŵőřļď!';
     $find = 'ő';
     $result = mb_strripos($string, $find);
     $expected = 8;
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $string = 'Hello, World!';
     $find = 'o';
     $result = mb_strripos($string, $find);
     $expected = 8;
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $string = 'Hello, World!';
     $find = 'o';
     $result = mb_strripos($string, $find, 5);
     $expected = 8;
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $string = 'čini';
     $find = 'n';
     $result = mb_strripos($string, $find);
     $expected = 2;
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $string = 'čini';
     $find = 'n';
     $result = mb_strripos($string, $find);
     $expected = 2;
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $string = 'moći';
     $find = 'ć';
     $result = mb_strripos($string, $find);
     $expected = 2;
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $string = 'moći';
     $find = 'ć';
     $result = mb_strripos($string, $find);
     $expected = 2;
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $string = 'državni';
     $find = 'ž';
     $result = mb_strripos($string, $find);
     $expected = 2;
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $string = '把百度设为首页';
     $find = '设';
     $result = mb_strripos($string, $find);
     $expected = 3;
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $string = '一二三周永龍';
     $find = '周';
     $result = mb_strripos($string, $find);
     $expected = 3;
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $string = 'državni';
     $find = 'dž';
     $result = mb_strripos($string, $find);
コード例 #21
ファイル: Intl.php プロジェクト: Thomvh/turbine
 protected static function grapheme_position($s, $needle, $offset, $mode)
     if ($offset > 0) {
         $s = (string) self::grapheme_substr($s, $offset);
     } else {
         if ($offset < 0) {
             $offset = 0;
     if ('' === (string) $needle) {
         return false;
     if ('' === (string) $s) {
         return false;
     switch ($mode) {
         case 0:
             $needle = iconv_strpos($s, $needle, 0, 'UTF-8');
         case 1:
             $needle = mb_stripos($s, $needle, 0, 'UTF-8');
         case 2:
             $needle = iconv_strrpos($s, $needle, 'UTF-8');
             $needle = mb_strripos($s, $needle, 0, 'UTF-8');
     return $needle ? self::grapheme_strlen(iconv_substr($s, 0, $needle, 'UTF-8')) + $offset : $needle;
コード例 #22
 * Checks if the String [$haystack] ends with [$needle]
 * @param string $haystack Input string.
 * @param string $needle Needed char or string
 * @param bool $caseSensitive
 * @return bool
function endsWith($haystack, $needle, $caseSensitive = false)
    if ($caseSensitive) {
        return mb_strrpos($haystack, $needle) === mb_strlen($haystack) - mb_strlen($needle);
    return mb_strripos($haystack, $needle) === mb_strlen($haystack) - mb_strlen($needle);
コード例 #23
ファイル: mb_strripos_error1.php プロジェクト: badlamer/hhvm

/* Prototype  : int mb_strripos(string haystack, string needle [, int offset [, string encoding]])
 * Description: Finds position of last occurrence of a string within another, case insensitive 
 * Source code: ext/mbstring/mbstring.c
 * Alias to functions: 
 * Test how mb_strripos behaves when passed an incorrect number of arguments
echo "*** Testing mb_strripos() : error conditions ***\n";
//Test mb_strripos with one more than the expected number of arguments
echo "\n-- Testing mb_strripos() function with more than expected no. of arguments --\n";
$haystack = 'string_val';
$needle = 'string_val';
$offset = 10;
$encoding = 'string_val';
$extra_arg = 10;
var_dump(mb_strripos($haystack, $needle, $offset, $encoding, $extra_arg));
// Testing mb_strripos with one less than the expected number of arguments
echo "\n-- Testing mb_strripos() function with less than expected no. of arguments --\n";
$haystack = 'string_val';
echo "Done";
コード例 #24
ファイル: Mongonode.php プロジェクト: schpill/thin
 private function parseQuery($query)
     $groupBy = array();
     $orderBy = array();
     $orderDir = array();
     $wheres = array();
     $limit = 0;
     $offset = 0;
     $query = preg_replace('/\\s+/u', ' ', $query);
     $query = preg_replace('/[\\)`\\s]from[\\(`\\s]/ui', ' FROM ', $query);
     if (preg_match('/(limit([0-9\\s\\,]+)){1}$/ui', $query, $matches)) {
         $query = str_ireplace(Arrays::first($matches), '', $query);
         $tmp = explode(',', $matches[2]);
         if (isset($tmp[1])) {
             $offset = (int) trim(Arrays::first($tmp));
             $limit = (int) trim($tmp[1]);
         } else {
             $offset = 0;
             $limit = (int) trim(Arrays::first($tmp));
     if (preg_match('/(order\\sby([^\\(\\)]+)){1}$/ui', $query, $matches)) {
         $query = str_ireplace(Arrays::first($matches), '', $query);
         $tmp = explode(',', $matches[2]);
         foreach ($tmp as $item) {
             $item = trim($item);
             $direct = mb_strripos($item, ' desc') == mb_strlen($item) - 5 || mb_strripos($item, '`desc') == mb_strlen($item) - 5 ? 'desc' : 'asc';
             $item = str_ireplace(array(' asc', ' desc', '`asc', '`desc', '`'), '', $item);
             $orderBy[] = $item;
             $orderDir[] = Inflector::upper($direct);
     if (preg_match('/(group\\sby([^\\(\\)]+)){1}$/ui', $query, $matches)) {
         $query = str_ireplace(Arrays::first($matches), '', $query);
         $tmp = explode(',', $matches[2]);
         foreach ($tmp as $item) {
             $item = trim($item);
             $groupBy[] = $item;
     $tmp = preg_replace_callback('/\\( (?> [^)(]+ | (?R) )+ \\)/xui', array($this, 'queryParamsCallback'), $query);
     $words = explode(' ', $query);
     $method = Inflector::lower(Arrays::first($words));
     $parts = explode(' where ', Inflector::lower($query));
     if (2 == count($parts)) {
         $whs = Arrays::last($parts);
         $whs = str_replace(array(' and ', ' or ', ' xor ', ' && ', ' || ', ' | '), array(' AND ', ' OR ', ' XOR ', ' AND ', ' OR ', ' XOR '), $whs);
         $wheres['AND'] = strstr($whs, ' AND ') ? explode(' AND ', $whs) : array();
         $wheres['OR'] = strstr($whs, ' OR ') ? explode(' OR ', $whs) : array();
         $wheres['XOR'] = strstr($whs, ' XOR ') ? explode(' XOR ', $whs) : array();
     return array('method' => $method, 'wheres' => $wheres, 'groupBy' => $groupBy, 'orderBy' => $orderBy, 'orderDir' => $orderDir, 'limit' => $limit, 'offset' => $offset);
コード例 #25
ファイル: xcrud.php プロジェクト: jccarrizo/git-hub-proyect
 protected function parse_query_params()
     $query = preg_replace('/\\s+/u', ' ', $this->query);
     $query = preg_replace('/[\\)`\\s]from[\\(`\\s]/ui', ' FROM ', $query);
     if (preg_match('/(limit([0-9\\s\\,]+)){1}$/ui', $query, $matches)) {
         $query = str_ireplace($matches[0], '', $query);
         if (!$this->ajax_request) {
             $tmp = explode(',', $matches[2]);
             if (isset($tmp[1])) {
                 $this->start = (int) trim($tmp[0]);
                 $this->limit = (int) trim($tmp[1]);
             } else {
                 $this->start = 0;
                 $this->limit = (int) trim($tmp[0]);
     if (preg_match('/(order\\sby([^\\(\\)]+)){1}$/ui', $query, $matches)) {
         $query = str_ireplace($matches[0], '', $query);
         if (!$this->ajax_request) {
             $tmp = explode(',', $matches[2]);
             foreach ($tmp as $item) {
                 $item = trim($item);
                 $direct = mb_strripos($item, ' desc') == mb_strlen($item) - 5 || mb_strripos($item, '`desc') == mb_strlen($item) - 5 ? 'desc' : 'asc';
                 $item = str_ireplace(array(' asc', ' desc', '`asc', '`desc', '`'), '', $item);
                 $this->order_by[$item] = $direct;
     $tmp = preg_replace_callback('/\\( (?> [^)(]+ | (?R) )+ \\)/xui', array($this, 'query_params_callback'), $query);
     $from_pos = mb_strpos($tmp, ' FROM ');
     $this->total_query = mb_substr($query, $from_pos);
     $query = mb_substr($query, 0, $from_pos) . ',(0) AS `primary_key`' . mb_substr($query, $from_pos);
     return $query;
コード例 #26
 * Finds the position of last occurrence (case insensitive) of a string in a string.
 * @param string $haystack                The string from which to get the position of the last occurrence.
 * @param string $needle                The string to be found.
 * @param int $offset (optional)        $offset may be specified to begin searching an arbitrary position. Negative values will stop searching at an arbitrary point prior to the end of the string.
 * @param string $encoding (optional)    The used internally by this function character encoding. If it is omitted, the platform character set will be used by default.
 * @return mixed                        Returns the numeric position of the first occurrence (case insensitive) of $needle in the $haystack, or FALSE if $needle is not found.
 * Note: The first character's position is 0, the second character position is 1, and so on.
 * This function is aimed at replacing the functions strripos() and mb_strripos() for human-language strings.
 * @link http://php.net/manual/en/function.strripos
 * @link http://php.net/manual/en/function.mb-strripos
function api_strripos($haystack, $needle, $offset = 0, $encoding = null)
    return mb_strripos($haystack, $needle, $offset, $encoding);
コード例 #27
ファイル: mb_strripos_basic2.php プロジェクト: badlamer/hhvm
echo "*** Testing mb_strripos() : basic functionality***\n";
//ascii strings
$ascii_haystacks = array('abc defabc   def', 'ABC DEFABC   DEF', 'Abc dEFaBC   Def');
$ascii_needles = array('DE', 'de', 'De', 'dE');
//greek strings in UTF-8
$greek_lower = base64_decode('zrrOu868zr3Ovs6/z4DPgSDOus67zrzOvc6+zr/PgA==');
$greek_upper = base64_decode('zprOm86czp3Ons6fzqDOoSDOms6bzpzOnc6ezp/OoA==');
$greek_mixed = base64_decode('zrrOu868zr3Ovs6fzqDOoSDOus67zpzOnc6+zr/OoA==');
$greek_haystacks = array($greek_lower, $greek_upper, $greek_mixed);
$greek_nlower = base64_decode('zrzOvc6+zr8=');
$greek_nupper = base64_decode('zpzOnc6ezp8=');
$greek_nmixed1 = base64_decode('zpzOnc6+zr8=');
$greek_nmixed2 = base64_decode('zrzOvc6+zp8=');
$greek_needles = array($greek_nlower, $greek_nupper, $greek_nmixed1, $greek_nmixed2);
// try the basic options
echo "\n -- ASCII Strings --\n";
foreach ($ascii_needles as $needle) {
    foreach ($ascii_haystacks as $haystack) {
        var_dump(mb_strripos($haystack, $needle));
        var_dump(mb_strripos($haystack, $needle, 14));
echo "\n -- Greek Strings --\n";
foreach ($greek_needles as $needle) {
    foreach ($greek_haystacks as $haystack) {
        var_dump(mb_strripos($haystack, $needle));
        var_dump(mb_strripos($haystack, $needle, 12));
echo "Done";
コード例 #28
ファイル: fUTF8.php プロジェクト: hibble/printmaster
  * Finds the last position (in characters) of the search value in the string - case is ignored when doing performing a match
  * @param  string  $haystack  The string to search in
  * @param  string  $needle    The string to search for. This match will be done in a case-insensitive manner.
  * @param  integer $offset    The character position to start searching from. A negative value will stop looking that many characters from the end of the string
  * @return mixed  The integer character position of the last occurence of the needle or `FALSE` if no match
 public static function irpos($haystack, $needle, $offset = 0)
     // We get better performance falling back for ASCII strings
     if (!self::detect($haystack)) {
         return strripos($haystack, $needle, $offset);
     if (self::$mbstring_available === NULL) {
     if (self::$mbstring_available && function_exists('mb_strripos')) {
         return mb_strripos($haystack, $needle, $offset, 'UTF-8');
     $haystack = self::lower($haystack);
     $needle = self::lower($needle);
     return self::rpos($haystack, $needle, $offset);
コード例 #29
ファイル: access.php プロジェクト: olucao/owncloud-core
  * checks if the given DN is part of the given base DN(s)
  * @param string $dn the DN
  * @param string[] $bases array containing the allowed base DN or DNs
  * @return bool
 private function isDNPartOfBase($dn, $bases)
     $belongsToBase = false;
     $bases = $this->sanitizeDN($bases);
     foreach ($bases as $base) {
         $belongsToBase = true;
         if (mb_strripos($dn, $base, 0, 'UTF-8') !== mb_strlen($dn, 'UTF-8') - mb_strlen($base, 'UTF-8')) {
             $belongsToBase = false;
         if ($belongsToBase) {
     return $belongsToBase;
コード例 #30
ファイル: UserAction.class.php プロジェクト: nick-strohm/WCF
  * @see	\wcf\data\ISearchAction::getSearchResultList()
 public function getSearchResultList()
     $searchString = $this->parameters['data']['searchString'];
     $excludedSearchValues = array();
     if (isset($this->parameters['data']['excludedSearchValues'])) {
         $excludedSearchValues = $this->parameters['data']['excludedSearchValues'];
     $list = array();
     if ($this->parameters['data']['includeUserGroups']) {
         $accessibleGroups = UserGroup::getAccessibleGroups();
         foreach ($accessibleGroups as $group) {
             $groupName = $group->getName();
             if (!in_array($groupName, $excludedSearchValues)) {
                 $pos = mb_strripos($groupName, $searchString);
                 if ($pos !== false && $pos == 0) {
                     $list[] = array('label' => $groupName, 'objectID' => $group->groupID, 'type' => 'group');
     // find users
     $userProfileList = new UserProfileList();
     $userProfileList->getConditionBuilder()->add("username LIKE ?", array($searchString . '%'));
     if (!empty($excludedSearchValues)) {
         $userProfileList->getConditionBuilder()->add("username NOT IN (?)", array($excludedSearchValues));
     $userProfileList->sqlLimit = 10;
     foreach ($userProfileList as $userProfile) {
         $list[] = array('icon' => $userProfile->getAvatar()->getImageTag(16), 'label' => $userProfile->username, 'objectID' => $userProfile->userID, 'type' => 'user');
     return $list;