public function delete() { $deleted = $this->delete_record(); if ($deleted) { return mapi_report_message('Your content was sucessfully deleted.', 'success'); } }
static function do_login() { if (!self::cookie_support()) { return null; } $current_visitor = self::details(); if (!isset($current_visitor['ip']) || !isset($current_visitor['browser'])) { return null; } $user = new M_User(MGet::string('user'), true); if ($user && $user->is_enabled() && $user->compare_pass(MGet::string('pass'))) { if (strlen($user->get_username()) > 0) { $username = $user->get_username(); } else { return null; } $msession = mapi_random(24); $time = date_format(new DateTime('now'), 'Y-m-d H:i:s'); $rand = $username . ' ' . $msession; self::send_auth_cookie($rand, $time, $current_visitor['browser']); $user->update_lastlogin($rand, $time, $current_visitor['browser']); header('Location: ' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); exit(0); } mapi_report_message('Invalid username/password.', 'error'); }
protected function set_vars($event) { if (!is_object($event)) { return null; } if ($this->text) { $event->text = MPurifier::clean($this->text); } else { $event->text = null; } if ($this->start && MValidate::date($this->start)) { $event->start = $this->start; } else { return mapi_report_message('Not a valid start date.'); } if ($this->end && MValidate::date($this->end)) { $event->end = $this->end; } else { return mapi_report_message('Not a valid end date.'); } $start = new DateTime($event->start); $end = new DateTime($event->end); if (!$end > $start) { return mapi_report_message('Event end is before it\'s starting time.'); } return true; }
static function change_password($id, $newuser = false) { if (!MGet::string('user_pass')) { return null; } $user = self::get_user($id); if ($user) { if (MGet::string('user_pass') != MGet::string('user_pass_repeat')) { return mapi_report_message('Passwords do not match'); } $user->change_password(MGet::string('user_pass'), $newuser); } }
static function change_password() { if (!MGet::string('user_pass')) { return null; } $profile = self::get_profile(); if ($profile) { if (MGet::string('user_pass') != MGet::string('user_pass_repeat')) { return mapi_report_message('Passwords do not match'); } $profile->change_password(MGet::string('user_pass'), false); } }
protected function set_vars($post) { if (!$post || !is_object($post)) { return null; } if ($this->text) { $post->text = MPurifier::clean($this->text); } else { $this->text = ''; } if ($this->url && MValidate::url($this->url)) { $post->url = urlencode($this->url); } else { return mapi_report_message('Not a valid url.'); } return true; }
static function install_widget($name) { if (!MExtension::check_widget($name)) { return mapi_report_message('Not a valid widget.'); } $markdown = MExtension::markdown('widget', $name); $widget = ORM::for_table('widgets')->create(); if ($widget) { $widget->name = strval($name); $widget->title = strval($markdown['title']); $widget->version = strval($markdown['version']); if (isset($markdown['description'])) { $widget->description = $markdown['description']; } $widget->enabled = 1; if ($widget->save()) { return mapi_report_message('Widget sucessfully installed.', 'success'); } else { return mapi_report_message('There was an error installing your widget.'); } } }
static function install_template($name) { if (!MExtension::check_template($name)) { return mapi_report_message('Not a valid template.'); } $markdown = MExtension::markdown('template', $name); $template = ORM::for_table('templates')->create(); if ($template) { $template->name = strval($name); $template->title = strval($markdown['title']); $template->version = strval($markdown['version']); if (isset($markdown['description'])) { $template->description = $markdown['description']; } $template->enabled = 1; if ($template->save()) { return mapi_report_message('The template was sucessfully installed.', 'success'); } else { return mapi_report_message('There was an error installing your template.'); } } print_r($module); }
private function setup_object($user, $newuser = false) { if (!$user || !is_object($user)) { return null; } if ($this->group_id && MValidate::id($this->group_id)) { $user->group_id = $this->group_id; } else { return mapi_report_message('Not a valid group.'); } if ($this->username && MValidate::username($this->username)) { $user->username = $this->username; } else { return mapi_report_message('Not a valid username.'); } if (!$newuser) { if (!mapi_check_double('users', 'username', $this->username)) { return mapi_report_message('Username not available.'); } } if ($this->email && MValidate::email($this->email)) { $user->email = $this->email; } else { return mapi_report_message('Not a valid email address.'); } if ($this->name && MValidate::title($this->name)) { $user->name = $this->name; } else { return mapi_report_message('Not a valid name.'); } if ($this->enabled && 1 == $this->enabled) { $user->enabled = 1; } else { $user->enabled = 0; } return true; }
function mapi_report($message = null, $type = 'warning') { mapi_report_message($message, $type); }
private function setup_object($meta) { if (isset($this->name) && isset($this->value)) { if (MValidate::meta_name($this->name)) { $meta->name = $this->name; } else { return mapi_report_message('Not a valid meta name: ' . $this->name); } if (MValidate::meta_value($this->value)) { $meta->value = $this->value; } else { return mapi_report_message('Not a valid meta value: ' . $this->value); } } return true; }
private function setup_object($page, $newpage = false) { if (!$page || !is_object($page)) { return null; } if ($this->title && MValidate::title($this->title)) { $page->title = $this->title; } else { echo $this->title; return mapi_report_message('Not a valid page title.'); } $page->name = $this->name; if ($newpage) { if (!mapi_check_double('pages', 'name', $this->name)) { return mapi_report_message('Page with that name already exists.'); } } if (in_array($this->type, $this->types)) { $page->type = $this->type; } else { $page->type = 'url'; } if ($this->url && MValidate::url($this->url)) { $page->url = $this->url; } else { return mapi_report_message('Not a valid url.'); } if ($this->blank && 1 == $this->blank) { $page->blank = 1; } else { $page->blank = 0; } if ($this->enabled && 1 == $this->enabled) { $page->enabled = 1; } else { $page->enabled = 0; } return true; }
private function setup_object($record, $new = false) { if (!$record || !is_object($record)) { return null; } if ($this->title && MValidate::title($this->title)) { $record->title = $this->title; } else { return mapi_report_message('Not a valid content title: ' . $this->title); } if ($this->license && MValidate::id($this->license) && in_array($this->license, mapi_available_ids('licenses'))) { $record->license = $this->license; } else { return mapi_report_message('Not a valid content license: ' . $this->license); } $record->name = $this->name; if ($new) { if (!mapi_check_double('contents', 'name', $this->name)) { return mapi_report_message('Content with that name already exists: ' . $this->name); } } if ($this->address && MValidate::address($this->address)) { $record->address = $this->address; } else { return mapi_report_message('Not a valid content address: ' . $this->address); } if (isset($this->meta_name)) { if ($this->meta_name && MValidate::meta_name($this->meta_name)) { $record->meta_name = $this->meta_name; } else { return mapi_report_message('Not a valid meta name: ' . $this->meta_name); } } if (isset($this->meta_value)) { if ($this->meta_value && MValidate::meta_value($this->meta_value)) { $record->meta_value = $this->meta_value; } else { return mapi_report_message('Not a valid meta value: ' . $this->meta_value); } } if ($this->lat && MValidate::coord($this->lat)) { $record->lat = $this->lat; } else { return mapi_report_message('Not a valid latitude.'); } if ($this->lng && MValidate::coord($this->lng)) { $record->lng = $this->lng; } else { return mapi_report_message('Not a valid longitude.'); } if ($this->hits && $this->hits > 0) { $record->hits = intval($this->hits); } if ($this->parent) { $record->parent = intval($this->parent); } if ($this->language) { $record->language = strval($this->language); } if ($this->translation && 1 == $this->translation) { $record->translation = 1; } if ($this->enabled && 1 == $this->enabled) { $record->enabled = 1; } else { $record->enabled = 0; } return true; }
private function setup_object($menu, $newmenu) { if (!$menu || !is_object($menu)) { return null; } if ($this->title && MValidate::title($this->title)) { $menu->title = $this->title; } else { return mapi_report_message('Not a valid title.'); } $menu->name = $this->name; if ($newmenu) { if (!mapi_check_double('menus', 'name', $this->name)) { return mapi_report_message('Menu with that name already exists.'); } } $menu->pages = $this->save_pages(); if ($this->enabled && 1 == $this->enabled) { $menu->enabled = 1; } else { $menu->enabled = 0; } return true; }
private function setup_object($category, $new = false) { if (!$category || !is_object($category)) { return null; } if ($this->title && MValidate::title($this->title)) { $category->title = $this->title; } else { return mapi_report_message('Not a valid category title: ' . $this->title); } $category->name = $this->name; if ($new) { if (!mapi_check_double('categories', 'name', $this->name)) { return mapi_report_message('Category with that name already exists: ' . $this->name); } } $category->contents = $this->save_contents(); if ($this->flagship) { if (MValidate::id($this->flagship)) { $category->flagship = $this->flagship; } else { return mapi_report_message('Not a valid flagship product.'); } } if ($this->enabled && 1 == $this->enabled) { $category->enabled = 1; } else { $category->enabled = 0; } return true; }