stickyThreadByID($post['id'], intval($_GET['setsticky'])); threadUpdated($post['id']); $text .= manageInfo('Thread No.' . $post['id'] . ' ' . (intval($_GET['setsticky']) == 1 ? 'stickied' : 'un-stickied') . '.'); } else { fancyDie("Sorry, there doesn't appear to be a thread with that ID."); } } else { fancyDie("Form data was lost. Please go back and try again."); } } elseif (isset($_GET["rawpost"])) { $onload = manageOnLoad("rawpost"); $text .= manageRawPostForm(); } elseif (isset($_GET["logout"])) { $_SESSION['tinyib'] = ''; session_destroy(); die('--> --> --><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=' . $returnlink . '?manage">'); } if ($text == '') { $text = manageStatus(); } } else { $onload = manageOnLoad('login'); $text .= manageLogInForm(); } echo managePage($text, $onload); } elseif (!file_exists('index.html') || countThreads() == 0) { rebuildIndexes(); } if ($redirect) { echo '--> --> --><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="' . (isset($slow_redirect) ? '3' : '0') . ';url=' . (is_string($redirect) ? $redirect : 'index.html') . '">'; }
$aSortBy = array('id' => _AM_XHELP_TEXT_ID, 'description' => _AM_XHELP_TEXT_DESCRIPTION, 'state' => _AM_XHELP_TEXT_STATE); $aOrderBy = array('ASC' => _AM_XHELP_TEXT_ASCENDING, 'DESC' => _AM_XHELP_TEXT_DESCENDING); $aLimitBy = array('10' => 10, '15' => 15, '20' => 20, '25' => 25, '50' => 50, '100' => 100); $op = 'default'; if (isset($_REQUEST['op'])) { $op = $_REQUEST['op']; } switch ($op) { case "deleteStatus": deleteStatus(); break; case "editStatus": editStatus(); break; case "manageStatus": manageStatus(); break; default: header("Location: " . XHELP_ADMIN_URL . "/index.php"); break; } function deleteStatus() { if (isset($_GET['statusid'])) { $statusid = intval($_GET['statusid']); } else { header("Location: " . XHELP_ADMIN_URL . "/status.php?op=manageStatus"); } $hTickets =& xhelpGetHandler('ticket'); $hStatus =& xhelpGetHandler('status'); $status =& $hStatus->get($statusid);