コード例 #1
// setup api connection
$api_endpoint = "https://demo.docusign.net/api/3.0/api.asmx";
$api_wsdl = "api/APIService.wsdl";
$api_options = array('location' => $api_endpoint, 'trace' => true, 'features' => SOAP_SINGLE_ELEMENT_ARRAYS);
$api = new APIService($api_wsdl, $api_options);
// set credentials on the api object - if we have an integrator key then we prepend that to the UserID
if (isset($IntegratorsKey) && $IntegratorsKey != "") {
    $api->setCredentials($IntegratorsKey . $_SESSION["UserID"], $_SESSION["Password"]);
} else {
    $api->setCredentials($_SESSION["UserID"], $_SESSION["Password"]);
// main page loop
    if (isset($_POST["Submit"])) {
        // setup recipient. This varies depending on whether we have selected Embedded Signing or Embedded Sending
        $Recipient = makeRecipient();
        // set any selected security options on the recipient
        if (isset($_POST['AuthenticationMethod']) && $_POST["AuthenticationMethod"] == "IDLookup") {
            $Recipient->RequireIDLookup = true;
            $Recipient->IDCheckConfigurationName = "ID Check \$";
        if (isset($_POST['accessCode'])) {
            $Recipient->AccessCode = $_POST["accessCode"];
        if (isset($_POST['AuthenticationMethod']) && $_POST["AuthenticationMethod"] == "Phone") {
            $Recipient->RequireIDLookup = true;
            $Recipient->IDCheckConfigurationName = "Phone Auth \$";
            $Recipient->PhoneAuthentication->SenderProvidedNumbers->SenderProvidedNumber[0] = $_POST["authPhoneNumber"];
            $Recipient->PhoneAuthentication->RecipMayProvideNumber = true;
            $Recipient->PhoneAuthentication->RecordVoicePrint = true;
コード例 #2
 // Here we'll start building our Envelope object to send to docusign.
 // build CreateAndSendEnvelope and set basic properties
 $CreateAndSendEnvelopeParam = new CreateAndSendEnvelope();
 $CreateAndSendEnvelopeParam->Envelope->AccountId = $_SESSION["AccountID"];
 // EnvelopeIDStamping controls whether the EnvelopeID is printed on the final documents or not
 $CreateAndSendEnvelopeParam->Envelope->EnvelopeIDStamping = "true";
 $CreateAndSendEnvelopeParam->Envelope->Subject = "Loan Application";
 $CreateAndSendEnvelopeParam->Envelope->EmailBlurb = "Please sign the Loan application to start the application process.";
 // add our document. The php soap client will convert the file bytes to base64 encoding automatically when it sends the request
 $CreateAndSendEnvelopeParam->Envelope->Documents->Document->ID = "1";
 $CreateAndSendEnvelopeParam->Envelope->Documents->Document->Name = "Document";
 $CreateAndSendEnvelopeParam->Envelope->Documents->Document->PDFBytes = file_get_contents($pdffile);
 // initialize a Recipient object with typical values and then overwrite as needed
 $useEmbedded = $_SESSION["SigningLocation"] == "Embedded" ? true : false;
 $Recipient = makeRecipient($_POST["FirstName"], $_POST["LastName"], $_POST["Email"], $useEmbedded);
 // security checks - we'll alter the Recipient object based on the security settings
 if ($_SESSION["Authentication"] == "IDLookup") {
     if ($_POST["formid"] == "form1") {
         //only form1 has the address information so we'll prefill it
         $address2 = isset($_POST["Address2"]) ? $_POST["Address2"] : null;
         $Recipient = AddIDLookupToRecipient($Recipient, $_POST["Address1"], $address2, $_POST["City"], $_POST["State"], $_POST["ZIP"]);
     } else {
         // in this case the address information will be entered during the ID Lookup
         $Recipient = AddIDLookupToRecipient($Recipient);
 if ($_SESSION["Authentication"] == "Phone") {
     $Recipient = AddPhoneAuthToRecipient($Recipient, $_POST["Phone"]);
 if (isset($_SESSION["AccessCode"]) && strlen($_SESSION["AccessCode"]) > 0) {