$textBody .= 'Address: ' . $sAddress . PHP_EOL; $textBody .= 'Address 2: ' . $sAddress2 . PHP_EOL; $textBody .= 'City: ' . $sCity . PHP_EOL; $textBody .= 'State: ' . $sState . PHP_EOL; $textBody .= 'Zip: ' . $nZip . PHP_EOL; $textBody .= 'Message: ' . $sComments . PHP_EOL; $mail->Subject = 'Website Contact Form'; $mail->Body = $htmlBody; $mail->AltBody = $textBody; $mail->AddReplyTo($sEmail, $sFirstName . ' ' . $sLastName); $bSent = $mail->Send(); if (!$bSent) { debug('Mail Error: ' . $mail->ErrorInfo); error('There was a problem trying to send you message.'); } $sql = makeInsertSql('contact', $aPost); mysql_query($sql) or debug('Query failed: ' . mysql_error()); } function writeHeader() { } function writeContent() { global $aStates, $isPost, $sFirstName, $sLastName, $sEmail, $nPhone, $sAddress, $sAddress2, $sCity, $sState, $nZip, $sComments, $bSent; if ($bSent) { echo '<p>Thank you for contacting us.</p>'; } else { addField(makeInput('First Name', 'con_firstname', $sFirstName), true); addField(makeInput('Last Name', 'con_lastname', $sLastName), true); addField(makeEmail('Email Address', 'con_email', $sEmail), true); addField(makeInput('Telephone', 'con_phone', $nPhone, 'size="13"'));
$sAddress = $rs['use_address']; $sAddress2 = $rs['use_address2']; $sCity = $rs['use_city']; $sState = $rs['use_state']; $nZip = $rs['use_zip']; $bAdmin = $rs['use_admin']; $bActive = $rs['use_active']; } //If there is data posted to this page, processes it. if ($isPost) { $aPost['use_phone'] = getNumbers($aPost['use_phone']); $aPost['use_zip'] = getNumbers($aPost['use_zip']); if (isset($aPost['use_id'])) { $sql = makeUpdateSql('users', $aPost, 'use_id = ' . $aPost['use_id']); } else { $sql = makeInsertSql('users', $aPost); } if (mysql_query($sql)) { success($aPost['use_name'] . ' was updated.'); redirect('user.php'); } else { error('Query failed: ' . mysql_error()); } } function writeHeader() { } function writeContent() { global $sId, $aStates, $isPost, $sName, $sEmail, $nPhone, $sAddress, $sAddress2, $sCity, $sState, $nZip, $bAdmin, $bActive; if (!empty($sId)) {