function form() { $data = initializeData($this, "Form"); $data['page_url'] = main_url() . 'leave_credits'; $leave = ''; $dp = ''; $stat = ''; $dept = ''; if (isset($_GET['id'])) { if (!empty($_GET['id'])) { $data['data'] = $this->mod->getObjectById($this->table, 'id', $_GET['id']); $leave = $data['data'][0]->leave_types_id; $dept = $this->mod->getEmpTypeOfLeaveCredit($data['data'][0]->id); $stat = $this->mod->getStatOfLeaveCredit($data['data'][0]->id); $dept = $dept[0]->id; $stat = $stat[0]->id; } } $sJs = 'class="form-control form-text"'; $list1 = $this->emp_types_model->getObjectList(''); $list2 = $this->status_model->getObjectList(''); $data['emptypes_list'] = genEmpTypesListUI($this, $list1, $dept); $data['status_list'] = genStatusListUI($this, $list2, $stat); $this->load->model('leave_types_model'); $list2 = $this->leave_types_model->getObjectList(''); $data['leave'] = generateSelectUI($this, $list2, 'leave_types_id', 'id', 'title', $leave, $sJs); renderPage($this, $this->table . '/form', $data); }
function center() { $file = $this->uri->rsegment(3, ''); $url = 'user/user_main/index'; if ($file == 'inbox') { $url = 'user/message/inbox'; } $rs = $this->comm->find("member", array('username' => $this->username, 'password' => $this->password), "", "userid,username,password,loginip,logintime,logintimes"); if ($rs) { $logintimes = intval($rs['logintimes']) + 1; $udata = array('loginip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'logintime' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], 'lastip' => $rs['loginip'], 'lasttime' => $rs['logintime'], 'logintimes' => $logintimes); $this->comm->update("member", array("userid" => $rs['userid']), $udata); $this->load->library('encrypt'); $hash_1 = $this->encrypt->sha1($rs['username'] . time()); $hash_2 = $this->encrypt->sha1($rs['password'] . time()); $username = $this->encrypt->encode($rs['username'], $hash_1); $password = $this->encrypt->encode($rs['password'], $hash_2); $this->load->helper('cookie'); $site = $this->config->item('site'); set_cookie('username', $username, 3600, ".{$site['site_url']}"); set_cookie('password', $password, 3600, ".{$site['site_url']}"); set_cookie('hash_1', $hash_1, 3600, ".{$site['site_url']}"); set_cookie('hash_2', $hash_2, 3600, ".{$site['site_url']}"); } redirect(main_url(site_url($url))); }
function form() { $data = initializeData($this, "Department Form"); $data['page_url'] = main_url() . 'departments'; if (isset($_GET['id'])) { if (!empty($_GET['id'])) { $data['data'] = $this->mod->getObjectById($this->table, 'id', $_GET['id']); } } renderPage($this, $this->table . '/form', $data); }
function form() { $data = initializeData($this, "Rank Form"); $data['page_url'] = main_url() . 'ranks'; if (isset($_GET['id'])) { if (!empty($_GET['id'])) { $data['data'] = $this->mod->getObjectById($this->table, 'id', $_GET['id']); } } $sJs = 'class="form-control form-text"'; renderPage($this, $this->table . '/form', $data); }
function initializeData($context, $page) { $data['assets'] = asset_url(); $data['main_url'] = main_url(); $data['flash'] = ''; $data['page'] = 'Records'; $data['username'] = getUsername($context); $data['uxid'] = getUserId($context); $data['timeunit'] = getEmployeeTimeUnit($context); $data['uxrl'] = getRole($context); $data['title_here'] = $page; return $data; }
function getpage($p) { $data = initializeData($this, "Leave Transactions"); $data['page_url'] = main_url() . 'leave_transactions'; if ($p == 'form') { $this->load->model('leave_credits_model'); $list2 = $this->leave_credits_model->getLeaveCreditsByEmployee(getUserId($this), 1); $sJs = 'class="form-control form-text"'; $data['leave_list'] = generateSelectUI($this, $list2, 'leave_credits_id', 'id', 'title', '', $sJs); } $data['eid'] = $this->mod->getEmploymentId(getUserId($this)); renderPage($this, $this->table . '/' . $p, $data); }
function form() { $data = initializeData($this, "Employee Types Form"); $data['page_url'] = main_url() . 'emp_types'; $da = ''; if (isset($_GET['id'])) { if (!empty($_GET['id'])) { $data['data'] = $this->mod->getObjectById($this->table, 'id', $_GET['id']); $da = $data['data'][0]->time_unit; } } $sJs = 'class="form-control form-text"'; $data['time_unit_list'] = form_dropdown('time_unit', array('h' => 'Hours', 'd' => 'Days'), $da, $sJs); renderPage($this, $this->table . '/form', $data); }
function form() { $data = initializeData($this, "Role Form"); $data['page_url'] = main_url() . 'roles'; $r = ''; if (isset($_GET['id'])) { if (!empty($_GET['id'])) { $data['data'] = $this->mod->getObjectById($this->table, 'id', $_GET['id']); $r = $data['data'][0]->role_code; } } $sJs = 'class="form-control form-text"'; $rolecodelist = $this->mod->getEnumValues('roles', 'roles', 'role_code'); $data['rolecode_list'] = form_dropdown('role_code', $rolecodelist, $r, $sJs); renderPage($this, $this->table . '/form', $data); }
function form() { $data = initializeData($this, "Form"); $data['page_url'] = main_url() . 'emp_types_stat'; $empt = ''; $stat = ''; if (isset($_GET['id'])) { if (!empty($_GET['id'])) { $data['data'] = $this->mod->getObjectById($this->table, 'id', $_GET['id']); $empt = $data['data'][0]->emp_types_id; $stat = $data['data'][0]->status_id; } } $emptlist = $this->emp_types_model->getObjectList(''); $statuslist = $this->status_model->getObjectList(''); $data['emptypes_list'] = genEmpTypesListUI($this, $emptlist, $empt); $data['status_list'] = genStatusListUI($this, $statuslist, $stat); renderPage($this, $this->table . '/form', $data); }
public function upload_mediaplan_pdf() { //print_r($_REQUEST);die; require_once PHYSICAL_PATH . "smtpmail/PHPMailerAutoload.php"; $six_digit_random_number = ''; $customer_username = ''; $documentdeal1 = ''; $contact_personid = $this->input->post('contact_person_name'); $ListingUserid = $this->input->post('ListingUserid'); if (!empty($_FILES["pdf_file"]["name"]) != '') { $config['upload_path'] = 'file/mediaplan_pdf/'; $config['allowed_types'] = 'gif|jpg|png|pdf|jpeg|doc|txt|docx'; $config['max_size'] = 1024 * 8; $config['encrypt_name'] = TRUE; $this->load->library('upload', $config); $status = ""; $msg = ""; $file_element_name = 'pdf_file'; if (!$this->upload->do_upload($file_element_name)) { //echo $this->upload->display_errors(); $status = 'error'; $msg = $this->upload->display_errors('', ''); } else { $data = $this->upload->data(); if ($data) { $documentdeal1 = $data['file_name']; $documentdeal_original = $_FILES["pdf_file"]["name"]; } else { unlink($data['full_path']); $status = "error"; $msg = "Something went wrong when saving the file, please try again."; $documentdeal1 = ''; } } } $adminemail = $this->getadmin_email(); $admin_email = $adminemail->field_value; $site_name = $this->get_sitename(); $site_name_value = $site_name->field_value; $this->db->where("username", ""); $this->db->where("password", ""); $this->db->where("id", $ListingUserid); $select_customer = $this->db->get('customers'); //echo $this->db->last_query();die; if ($select_customer->num_rows() > 0) { //echo "generate"; $six_digit_random_number = mt_rand(100000, 999999); $customer_username = $this->customers_model->random_genrate(6); } else { //echo " not generate"; $this->db->where("id", $ListingUserid); $select_new = $this->db->get('customers'); //if($select_new->num_rows() > 0) //{ $newuser = $select_new->row(); $six_digit_random_number = $newuser->password; $customer_username = $newuser->username; //} } //die; $count = sizeof($contact_personid); if ($count > 0) { for ($j = 0; $j < $count; $j++) { $GetContact = $this->customers_model->getonecontactperson($contact_personid[$j]); $contact_email = $GetContact->contact_person_email; //$contact_email1='*****@*****.**'; $getcustomer_id = $GetContact->customer_id; $inarray = array('user_id' => $ListingUserid, 'contact_id' => $contact_personid[$j], 'send_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'file_name' => $documentdeal1, 'file_name_original' => $documentdeal_original); $this->db->insert('customer_pdf', $inarray); $link = main_url() . 'mediahelp/index.php/login'; $head = "Mediaplan detaljer"; //$this->load->library('email'); $msg = 'Hi,<br/>'; $msg .= 'Below is your login details:<br/>'; $msg .= 'Username : '******'<br/>'; $msg .= 'Password : '******'<br/>'; $msg .= 'Click here to login : '******'<br/>'; $body_final = $msg; // $this->email->from($admin_email,$site_name_value); // $this->email->to($contact_email); // $this->email->subject($head); // $this->email->message($body_final); // $this->email->send(); $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->isSMTP(); // Set mailer to use SMTP $mail->Host = ''; // Specify main and backup SMTP servers $mail->SMTPAuth = true; // Enable SMTP authentication $mail->Username = '******'; // SMTP username $mail->Password = '******'; // SMTP password $mail->SMTPSecure = 'tls'; // Enable encryption, 'ssl' also accepted $mail->From = '*****@*****.**'; $mail->FromName = $site_name_value; //echo "****".$customeremail;die; $config['upload_path'] = 'file/order_file/'; //$mail->WordWrap = 50; // Set word wrap to 50 characters //$mail->addAttachment($config['upload_path'].$documentdeal); $mail->addAddress($contact_email); // Add a recipient $mail->isHTML(true); $mail->Subject = $head; $mail->Body = $body_final; $mail->send(); } $this->db->where("id", $ListingUserid); $this->db->where("username", ""); $this->db->where("password", ""); $select_customer = $this->db->get('customers'); // echo $this->db->last_query(); die; if ($select_customer->num_rows() != 0) { $this->db->where("id", $getcustomer_id); $arrinsert = array("username" => $customer_username, "password" => $six_digit_random_number); $r = $this->db->update('customers', $arrinsert); } $updateuser = array('accept_status' => 0); $this->db->where("id", $getcustomer_id); $update_customer = $this->db->update('customers', $updateuser); } }
if ($k == 0) { ?> <div class="status_right211"> <?php } elseif ($k == 1) { ?> <?php } else { ?> <div class="status_right211 status_right211_noline"> <?php } ?> <div class="status_right2_2"> <A href="<?php echo main_url(site_url('content/index/' . $v['itemid'] . '/' . $v['linkurl'])); ?> " target="_blank"><?php echo $v['title']; ?> </A> <p class="status_right2_2_p"><?php echo mb_substr(strip_tags($v['introduce']), 0, 65, "utf-8"); ?> ...</p> <p class="status_right2_line"><span class="status_right2_2_left">replies(<b><?php echo $v['replies']; ?> </b>)</span><span class="status_right2_2_left">browse(<b><?php echo $v['hits']; ?>
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public function upload_mediaplan_pdf() { $six_digit_random_number = ''; $customer_username = ''; $documentdeal1 = ''; $contact_personid = $this->input->post('contact_person_name'); $ListingUserid = $this->input->post('ListingUserid'); if (!empty($_FILES["pdf_file"]["name"]) != '') { $config['upload_path'] = 'file/mediaplan_pdf/'; $config['allowed_types'] = 'gif|jpg|png|pdf|jpeg|doc|txt|docx'; $config['max_size'] = 1024 * 8; $config['encrypt_name'] = TRUE; $this->load->library('upload', $config); $status = ""; $msg = ""; $file_element_name = 'pdf_file'; if (!$this->upload->do_upload($file_element_name)) { //echo $this->upload->display_errors(); $status = 'error'; $msg = $this->upload->display_errors('', ''); } else { $data = $this->upload->data(); if ($data) { $documentdeal1 = $data['file_name']; $documentdeal_original = $_FILES["pdf_file"]["name"]; } else { unlink($data['full_path']); $status = "error"; $msg = "Something went wrong when saving the file, please try again."; $documentdeal1 = ''; } } } $adminemail = $this->getadmin_email(); $admin_email = $adminemail->field_value; $site_name = $this->get_sitename(); $site_name_value = $site_name->field_value; $this->db->where("username", ""); $this->db->where("password", ""); $this->db->where("id", $ListingUserid); $select_customer = $this->db->get('customers'); //echo $this->db->last_query();die; if ($select_customer->num_rows() > 0) { //echo "generate"; $six_digit_random_number = mt_rand(100000, 999999); $customer_username = $this->customers_model->random_genrate(6); } else { //echo " not generate"; $this->db->where("id", $ListingUserid); $select_new = $this->db->get('customers'); //if($select_new->num_rows() > 0) //{ $newuser = $select_new->row(); $six_digit_random_number = $newuser->password; $customer_username = $newuser->username; //} } //die; $count = sizeof($contact_personid); if ($count > 0) { for ($j = 0; $j < $count; $j++) { $GetContact = $this->customers_model->getonecontactperson($contact_personid[$j]); $contact_email = $GetContact->contact_person_email; //$contact_email1='*****@*****.**'; $getcustomer_id = $GetContact->customer_id; $inarray = array('user_id' => $ListingUserid, 'contact_id' => $contact_personid[$j], 'send_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'file_name' => $documentdeal1, 'file_name_original' => $documentdeal_original); $this->db->insert('customer_pdf', $inarray); $link = main_url() . 'mediahelp/index.php/login'; $head = "Mediaplan detaljer"; $this->load->library('email'); $msg = 'Hi,<br/>'; $msg .= 'Below is your login details:<br/>'; $msg .= 'Username : '******'<br/>'; $msg .= 'Password : '******'<br/>'; $msg .= 'Click here to login : '******'<br/>'; $body_final = $msg; $this->email->from($admin_email, $site_name_value); $this->email->to($contact_email); $this->email->subject($head); $this->email->message($body_final); $this->email->send(); } $this->db->where("id", $ListingUserid); $this->db->where("username", ""); $this->db->where("password", ""); $select_customer = $this->db->get('customers'); // echo $this->db->last_query(); die; if ($select_customer->num_rows() != 0) { $this->db->where("id", $getcustomer_id); $arrinsert = array("username" => $customer_username, "password" => $six_digit_random_number); $r = $this->db->update('customers', $arrinsert); } $updateuser = array('accept_status' => 0); $this->db->where("id", $getcustomer_id); $update_customer = $this->db->update('customers', $updateuser); } }
<div class="top3"><div class="Browse"><b>Browse by Location :</b> <?php foreach ($country as $ct) { $c = strtolower($ct); echo "<a href='#' rel='nofollow'><i><img src='", base_url("/skin/images/country/{$c}.png"), "' width='20' height='13' /></i></a><a href='#' rel='nofollow'>", $ct, "</a>"; } ?> <div class="clear"></div></div></div> <div class="main"> <div class="crumb"><a href="<?php echo main_url(site_url()); ?> " rel="nofollow">Home</a>><a href="<?php echo main_url(site_url("sitemap/index")); ?> ">Site Map</a><?php if ($stitle) { ?> ><b><h1><?php echo $stitle; ?> </h1></b><?php } ?> </div> <div class="list_class"> <div class="site_map"> <div class="list_main"> <div class="site_map1"><b>Products (<?php echo $byname == "0" ? "0-9" : $byname; ?>
public function index() { $this->load->helper('inflector'); $site = $this->config->item("site"); $data['site'] = $site; $itemid = intval($this->uri->rsegment(3, 0)); if (!$itemid) { show_404(); die; } $this->load->model('sell_model', 'sell'); $product = $this->sell->getSellCommon('*', "itemid='{$itemid}'", '', '', '', 1); if ($product) { header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently"); header("Location: " . main_url(site_url("sell_detail/" . __FUNCTION__ . "/" . $itemid . "/" . $product['linkurl']))); die; } else { show_404(); die; } $sell_linkurl = $this->uri->rsegment(4, ''); if (!$sell_linkurl or stripos($sell_linkurl, $product['linkurl']) === false) { header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently"); header("Location: " . main_url(site_url("sell_detail/" . __FUNCTION__ . "/" . $itemid . "/" . $product['linkurl']))); die; } //hits+1 $this->sell->addSellHits($itemid); $this->load->model('category_model', 'category'); $cat = $this->category->getCategoryCommon('*', "catid='{$product['catid']}'", '', '', 1); $pcat = $this->category->getCategoryCommon('*', "catid in ({$cat['arrparentid']})"); $data['pcat'] = $pcat; $data['cat'] = $cat; $this->load->library('Sphinx', '', 'seSphinx'); $res = $this->seSphinx->getTagindex($cat['catname']); $keywords = array(); if (isset($res['matches'])) { foreach ($res['matches'] as $jh) { $keywords[] = $this->comm->find("tagindex", array("id" => $jh['id'])); } } else { $keywords = $this->comm->findAll("tagindex", "", "", "", "0,5"); } $data['keywords'] = $keywords; $data['title'] = $product['title'] . ", buy " . $product['title'] . ", " . $product['title'] . " for sale, " . $keywords[0]['tag'] . ", " . $keywords[1]['tag'] . ", " . $keywords[2]['tag'] . " in " . $pcat[0]['catname'] . " On " . $site['site_name']; $com_data = $this->comm->find("company", array("username" => $product['username']), "", "userid,areaid,mode,address"); $data['com_data'] = $com_data; $this->load->model('type_model', 'type'); $res = $this->type->getTypeCommon('tname,tid', "userid='{$com_data['userid']}'"); $types = ''; $typesId = ''; foreach (array_slice($res, 0, 10) as $v) { $types .= $v['tname'] . ','; $typesId .= $v['tid'] . ','; } $data['types'] = $types; $data['com_type'] = $res; //供应商推荐商品 $typesId = substr($typesId, 0, -1); if ($typesId) { $res = $this->sell->getSellCommon('*', "mycatid in ({$typesId})", '', 'hits desc', '0,6'); } else { $res = ''; } $data['com_products'] = $res; //dump($data['com_type']); $com_areaname = $this->comm->find("area", array("areaid" => $com_data['areaid']), "", "areaname"); $product['com_areaname'] = $com_areaname['areaname']; $sell_areaname = $this->comm->find("area", array("areaid" => $product['areaid']), "", "areaname"); $product['sell_areaname'] = $sell_areaname['areaname']; $product['typeid'] = $this->comm->find("type", array("tid" => $product['mycatid'])); $sell_content = $this->comm->find("sell_data", array("itemid" => $itemid)); $product['content'] = $sell_content['content']; $optionids = explode(",", $product['pptword']); $option_values = array(); foreach ($optionids as $gv) { $temp_1 = $this->comm->find("category_option", array("oid" => $gv), "", "name"); $temp_2 = $this->comm->find("category_value", array("oid" => $gv, "itemid" => $itemid), "", "value"); $option_values[] = array("name" => $temp_1['name'], "value" => $temp_2['value']); } $data['option_values'] = $option_values; $data['product'] = $product; //products vs $results = $this->seSphinx->getSellTotal($product['title']); $like_arrids = array(0); if (isset($results['matches'])) { foreach ($results['matches'] as $x) { if ($x['id'] != $itemid) { $like_arrids[] = $x['id']; } } $like_ids = implode(",", $like_arrids); $like_sell = $this->comm->findAll("sell", "itemid in({$like_ids})"); $like_sell1 = array_slice($like_sell, 0, 4); $countlike = count($like_sell1); $data['like_sell'] = $like_sell1; $data['like_sell2'] = array_slice($like_sell, 0, 5); if (count($countlike >= 2)) { foreach ($like_sell as $ls) { $find_value = $this->comm->findAll("category_value", array("itemid" => $ls['itemid'])); if ($ls['maxprice'] != 0.0) { $op_value['Price'][$ls['itemid']] = "USD " . $ls['minprice'] . "-" . $ls['maxprice']; } else { $op_value['Price'][$ls['itemid']] = "Factory Price"; } if (!empty($ls['minamount'])) { $op_value['Min Order'][$ls['itemid']] = $ls['minamount']; } foreach ($find_value as $fv) { $option = $this->comm->find("category_option", array("oid" => $fv['oid'])); $op_value[$option['name']][$ls['itemid']] = $fv['value']; } } $i = 0; foreach ($op_value as $op => $value) { $count_value = count($value); if ($count_value >= 2 && $i < 10) { $sort_op_value[$count_value . $op] = $value; $i++; } } krsort($sort_op_value); } else { $sort_op_value = array(); } } else { $sort_op_value = array(); } $data['sort_op_value'] = $sort_op_value; $this->load->view('header', $data); $this->load->view('sell_detail'); $this->load->view('footer'); }
function form() { $data = initializeData($this, "Form"); $data['page_url'] = main_url() . 'employment'; $leave = ''; $dp = ''; if (isset($_GET['id'])) { if (!empty($_GET['id'])) { $data['data'] = $this->mod->getObjectById($this->table, 'id', $_GET['id']); $leave = $data['data'][0]->dept_stat_id; $dp = $data['data'][0]->employee_id; } } $sJs = 'class="form-control form-text"'; $this->load->model('dept_stat_model'); $emptstat = $this->emp_types_stat_model->getListByQuery(''); $this->load->model('employees_model'); $emp = $this->employees_model->getEmployeeList(''); $data['emptypesstat_list'] = generateSelectUI($this, $list1, 'emp_types_stat_id', 'id', 'emp_types_name', $emptstat, $sJs); $data['employees_list'] = generateSelectUI($this, $list2, 'employee_id', 'id', 'fullname', $emp, $sJs); renderPage($this, $this->table . '/form', $data); }
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public function search_news() { $username = $this->username; $act = trim($this->input->post('act', TRUE)); $page = $this->input->post('page', TRUE) ? $this->input->post('page', TRUE) : 1; $page_size = 4; $offset = ($page - 1) * $page_size; if ($act == 'my_search') { $keywords = trim($this->input->post('keywords', TRUE)); $sql = "SELECT * FROM wl_news WHERE username = '******' AND title like '%{$keywords}%' ORDER BY totime desc Limit {$offset},{$page_size}"; $sql_1 = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS COUNTER FROM wl_news WHERE username = '******' AND title like '%{$keywords}%'"; $query = $this->db->query($sql); $query_1 = $this->db->query($sql_1); $news_list = $query->result_array(); $count = $query_1->result_array(); $count = $count[0]['COUNTER']; } elseif ($act == 'type_search') { $type = trim($this->input->post('type', TRUE)); if ($type == 'Recycle bin') { $status = 5; } elseif ($type == 'Pending Review') { $status = 1; } elseif ($type == 'Unapproved') { $status = 2; } elseif ($type == 'Published') { $status = 3; } elseif ($type == 'Expired') { $status = 4; } $news_list = $this->comm->findAll("news", array("username" => $username, "status" => $status), "totime desc", "", "{$offset},{$page_size}"); $count = $this->comm->findCount("news", array("username" => $username, "status" => $status)); } $total_page = ceil($count / $page_size); $str = ""; $str .= "<div class='inbox2_right4'>"; if ($news_list) { $site = $this->config->item('site'); foreach ($news_list as $k => $v) { $str .= "<div class='inbox2_right4_1a'>"; $str .= "<div class='inbox2_right41'>"; $str .= "<div class='inbox2_right3_1 inbox2_right3_11'><input name='C" . $k . "' type='checkbox' value='" . $v['itemid'] . "' /></div>"; $str .= "<div class='inbox2_right3_1 inbox2_right3_12 border_none'><img width='25' height='25' src='" . $site['image_domain'] . $v['thumb'] . "' /></div>"; $str .= "<div class='buy_l_t border_none'><strong><a href='" . main_url(site_url('content/index/' . $v['itemid'] . '/' . $v['linkurl'])) . "'>" . $v['title'] . "(hits:" . $v['hits'] . ")</a></strong></div>"; $amount = $v['amount'] > 0 ? $v['amount'] . " " . $v['unit'] : 'N/A'; $totime = $v['totime'] ? date('Y-m-d', $v['totime']) : "2050-12-31"; $str .= "<div class='buy_l_s border_none'><strong>" . $amount . "</strong></div>"; $str .= "<div class='buy_l_s border_none'><strong>" . $totime . "</strong></div>"; $str .= "<div class='buy_l_ss border_none'>"; $str .= "<a title='EDIT' href='" . site_url('user/news/edit_news/' . $v['itemid']) . "'><img src='" . base_url('skin_user/images/edit_01.jpg') . "' /></a>"; $str .= "<a title='DELETE' href='#' onclick=del_news('" . $v['itemid'] . "-') ><img src='" . base_url('skin_user/images/inm_28.jpg') . "' /></a>"; $str .= "</div><div class='clear'></div></div>"; $str .= "<div class='inbox2_right42a'>" . mb_substr(strip_tags($v['introduce']), 0, 235, 'utf-8') . "......</div></div>"; } } else { $str .= "<br/><br/><center>No Matching Results</center>"; } $str .= "</div>"; $str .= "<div style='padding-top:5px;padding-bottom:5px;'>"; $str .= "<div class='black-red'><span class='disabled'>"; if ($total_page > 1) { foreach (range(1, $total_page) as $v) { if ($v == $page) { $str .= ' <span class="current">' . $v . '</span> '; } else { if ($act == 'my_search') { $function = "search(this.innerHTML)"; } elseif ($act == 'type_search') { $function = "search_news('{$type}',this.innerHTML)"; } $str .= ' <span onclick=' . $function . " style='cursor:pointer'>" . $v . '</span> '; } } } $str .= "</span></div>"; $str .= "</div>"; $this->output->set_output($str); }
public function upload_mediaplan_pdf() { //print_r($_REQUEST);die; require_once PHYSICAL_PATH . "smtpmail/PHPMailerAutoload.php"; $six_digit_random_number = ''; $customer_username = ''; $documentdeal1 = ''; $getcustomer_leagalname = ''; $legal_company_name = ''; $contact_personid = $this->input->post('contact_person_name'); $ListingUserid = $this->input->post('ListingUserid'); if (!empty($_FILES["pdf_file"]["name"]) != '') { $config['upload_path'] = 'file/mediaplan_pdf/'; $config['allowed_types'] = 'gif|jpg|png|pdf|jpeg|doc|txt|docx'; $config['max_size'] = 1024 * 8; $config['encrypt_name'] = TRUE; $this->load->library('upload', $config); $status = ""; $msg = ""; $file_element_name = 'pdf_file'; if (!$this->upload->do_upload($file_element_name)) { //echo $this->upload->display_errors(); $status = 'error'; $msg = $this->upload->display_errors('', ''); } else { $data = $this->upload->data(); if ($data) { $documentdeal1 = $data['file_name']; $documentdeal_original = $_FILES["pdf_file"]["name"]; } else { unlink($data['full_path']); $status = "error"; $msg = "Something went wrong when saving the file, please try again."; $documentdeal1 = ''; } } } $adminemail = $this->getadmin_email(); $admin_email = $adminemail->field_value; $site_name = $this->get_sitename(); $site_name_value = $site_name->field_value; $this->db->where("username", ""); $this->db->where("password", ""); $this->db->where("id", $ListingUserid); $select_customer = $this->db->get('customers'); //echo $this->db->last_query();die; if ($select_customer->num_rows() > 0) { //echo "generate"; $six_digit_random_number = mt_rand(100000, 999999); $customer_username = $this->customers_model->random_genrate(6); } else { //echo " not generate"; $this->db->where("id", $ListingUserid); $select_new = $this->db->get('customers'); //if($select_new->num_rows() > 0) //{ $newuser = $select_new->row(); $six_digit_random_number = $newuser->password; $customer_username = $newuser->username; //} } //die; $count = sizeof($contact_personid); if ($count > 0) { for ($j = 0; $j < $count; $j++) { $GetContact = $this->customers_model->getonecontactperson($contact_personid[$j]); $contact_email = $GetContact->contact_person_email; $contact_firstname = $GetContact->contact_person_first_name; $contact_lastname = $GetContact->contact_person_last_name; //$contact_email1='*****@*****.**'; $getcustomer_id = $GetContact->customer_id; $getcustomer_leagalname = $this->customers_model->getcompanyname($ListingUserid); $inarray = array('user_id' => $ListingUserid, 'contact_id' => $contact_personid[$j], 'send_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'file_name' => $documentdeal1, 'file_name_original' => $documentdeal_original); $this->db->insert('customer_pdf', $inarray); $link = main_url() . 'mediahelp/index.php/login'; $head = "Mediaplan detaljer"; //$this->load->library('email'); $msg = 'Hej,' . $getcustomer_leagalname . '<br/>'; $msg .= 'Anvand inloggingsuppgiftterna nedan for att logga in och ta del aVer mediaplan:<br/>'; $msg .= 'Anvandanamn : ' . $customer_username . '<br/>'; $msg .= 'Losenord : ' . $six_digit_random_number . '<br/>'; $msg .= 'Lank for att logga in : ' . $link . '<br/>'; $msg .= 'Har ni fragor fims jag tillgangllg pa emailaddress of the mediaplaner eller pa telefan:"nabullenr of mediaplaner"'; $msg .= 'Med vanling Halsning<br/>'; $msg .= $contact_firstname . " " . $contact_lastname; $body_final = $msg; $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->isSMTP(); // Set mailer to use SMTP $mail->Host = ''; // Specify main and backup SMTP servers $mail->SMTPAuth = true; // Enable SMTP authentication $mail->Username = '******'; // SMTP username $mail->Password = '******'; // SMTP password $mail->SMTPSecure = 'tls'; // Enable encryption, 'ssl' also accepted $mail->From = '*****@*****.**'; $mail->FromName = $site_name_value; //echo "****".$customeremail;die; $config['upload_path'] = 'file/order_file/'; //$mail->WordWrap = 50; // Set word wrap to 50 characters //$mail->addAttachment($config['upload_path'].$documentdeal); $mail->addAddress($contact_email); // Add a recipient $mail->isHTML(true); $mail->Subject = $head; $mail->Body = $body_final; $mail->send(); } $this->db->where("id", $ListingUserid); $this->db->where("username", ""); $this->db->where("password", ""); $select_customer = $this->db->get('customers'); // echo $this->db->last_query(); die; if ($select_customer->num_rows() != 0) { $this->db->where("id", $getcustomer_id); $arrinsert = array("username" => $customer_username, "password" => $six_digit_random_number); $r = $this->db->update('customers', $arrinsert); } $updateuser = array('accept_status' => 0); $this->db->where("id", $getcustomer_id); $update_customer = $this->db->update('customers', $updateuser); } /*** adding activity***/ //$twodayletter = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("Y"),date("m"),date("d")+2 ); $date = date('Y-m-d'); $date = strtotime($date); $date = strtotime("+2 day", $date); $twodayletter = date('Y-m-d', $date); $cureentime = date("H:i:s"); $inarraynew = array('customer_id' => $ListingUserid, 'user_id' => $this->session->userdata('id'), 'date' => date('Y-m-d'), 'from_time' => $cureentime, 'end_date' => $twodayletter, 'till_time' => '11.5', 'priority' => 1, 'activity_type' => 1, 'customer_approved_status' => 2); $this->db->insert('admin_activity', $inarraynew); //echo $this->db->last_query();die; }
<!--product last start--> <div class="product_detailsmian"> <div class="motors-ProductDetailspage"> <div class="product_Hierarchy product_Hierarchy_margin"> <span> <a href="<?php echo main_url(site_url()); ?> ">Home</a> » <a href="<?php echo site_url("catalog/index/" . $parent['catid'] . "/" . $parent['linkurl']); ?> " id="M_menu"><?php echo $parent['catname']; ?> »</a> <?php echo $nowcat['catname']; ?> </span> <div class="Level_menu"> <ul> <?php foreach ($oneCategory as $k => $v) { ?> <li><a href="<?php echo site_url("catalog/index/" . $v['catid'] . "/" . $v['linkurl']); ?> "><?php echo $v['catname']; ?> </a></li> <?php }
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$mysqlemail = mysql_query($email_template); $emailtemplate = mysql_fetch_array($mysqlemail); $adminorder = "SELECT * from admin_order where customer_id='" . $customerid . "' and corn_order='1' ORDER BY 'id' DESC limit 0,1"; $adminorderinfo = mysql_query($adminorder); $orderinfo = mysql_fetch_array($adminorderinfo); $suplier_id = $orderinfo['supplier_id']; $seletsupplier = "SELECT * from people where id='" . $suplier_id . "'"; $supinfo = mysql_query($seletsupplier); $supinfo = mysql_fetch_array($supinfo); $supemail = $supinfo['email']; $username = $supinfo['username']; $password = $supinfo['unicidforcorn']; $head = $emailtemplate['subject']; //$head=htmlentities($head); $head_final = $head; $link = main_url() . 'mediahelp/index.php/supllier'; $body_template = $emailtemplate['details']; $body = str_replace(array('[COMPANYNAME]', '[CONTACTPERSON]', '[EMAIL]', '[PHONE]', '[LINK]', '[USERNAME]', '[PASSWORD]'), array($legalcompanyname, $cname, $cemail, $cphone, $link, $username, $password), $body_template); //$body_customer=htmlentities($body); $body_customer = $body; $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8'; $mail->isSMTP(); // Set mailer to use SMTP $mail->Host = ''; // Specify main and backup SMTP servers $mail->SMTPAuth = true; // Enable SMTP authentication $mail->Username = '******'; // SMTP username $mail->Password = '******';
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echo $password ? $password : ''; ?> " onpaste="return false" oncontextmenu="return false" oncopy="return false" oncut="return false"/> <div class="signin_bot" style="margin-top:10px;"><a href="#" onclick="check_log()">Sign In</a></div> <div class="signin_join" style="margin-top:10px;"><a href="<?php echo main_url(site_url("reg_login/register")); ?> ">Join Free Now</a></div> <h1 style="padding-top:0px;"><a href="<?php echo main_url(site_url("reg_login/forget_password")); ?> ">Forgot password?</a></h1> </form> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <?php if ($msg) { echo "<script type='text/javascript'>"; if ($msg['code']) { echo "window.location.href='", main_url(site_url('user/user_main/index')), "';"; } else { echo "alert('", $msg['msg'], "');"; } echo "</script>"; } ?> </body> </html>
public function upload_mediaplan_pdf() { //print_r($_REQUEST);die; require_once PHYSICAL_PATH . "smtpmail/PHPMailerAutoload.php"; $six_digit_random_number = ''; $customer_username = ''; $documentdeal1 = ''; $getcustomer_leagalname = ''; $legal_company_name = ''; $pepemail = ''; $pepphone = ''; $num = ""; $contact_personid = $this->input->post('contact_person_name'); $ListingUserid = $this->input->post('ListingUserid'); $site_email = trim($this->customers_model->getsiteemail()); $site_pwd = trim($this->customers_model->getadmin_pwd()); $getemailnumber = $this->customers_model->get_email_no($ListingUserid); if ($getemailnumber == 0 || $getemailnumber == 39) { $num = 25; } else { $num = $getemailnumber + 1; } if (!empty($_FILES["pdf_file"]["name"]) != '') { $config['upload_path'] = 'file/mediaplan_pdf/'; $config['allowed_types'] = 'gif|jpg|png|pdf|jpeg|doc|txt|docx'; $config['max_size'] = 1024 * 8; $config['encrypt_name'] = TRUE; $this->load->library('upload', $config); $status = ""; $msg = ""; $file_element_name = 'pdf_file'; if (!$this->upload->do_upload($file_element_name)) { //echo $this->upload->display_errors(); $status = 'error'; $msg = $this->upload->display_errors('', ''); } else { $data = $this->upload->data(); if ($data) { $documentdeal1 = $data['file_name']; $documentdeal_original = $_FILES["pdf_file"]["name"]; } else { unlink($data['full_path']); $status = "error"; $msg = "Something went wrong when saving the file, please try again."; $documentdeal1 = ''; } } } $adminemail = $this->getadmin_email(); $admin_email = $adminemail->field_value; $site_name = $this->get_sitename(); $site_name_value = $site_name->field_value; $this->db->where("username", ""); $this->db->where("password", ""); $this->db->where("id", $ListingUserid); $select_customer = $this->db->get('customers'); //echo $this->db->last_query();die; if ($select_customer->num_rows() > 0) { //echo "generate"; $six_digit_random_number = mt_rand(100000, 999999); $customer_username = $this->customers_model->random_genrate(6); } else { //echo " not generate"; $this->db->where("id", $ListingUserid); $select_new = $this->db->get('customers'); //if($select_new->num_rows() > 0) //{ $newuser = $select_new->row(); $six_digit_random_number = $newuser->password; $customer_username = $newuser->username; //} } //die; $count = sizeof($contact_personid); if ($count > 0) { for ($j = 0; $j < $count; $j++) { $site_email = trim($this->customers_model->getsiteemail()); $GetContact = $this->customers_model->getonecontactperson($contact_personid[$j]); $contact_email = $GetContact->contact_person_email; $contact_firstname = $GetContact->contact_person_first_name; $contact_lastname = $GetContact->contact_person_last_name; //$contact_email1='*****@*****.**'; $getcustomer_id = $GetContact->customer_id; $getcustomer_leagalname = $this->customers_model->getcompanyname($ListingUserid); $getpeopleinfo = $this->customers_model->getpeople($ListingUserid); $pepemail = $getpeopleinfo->email; $pepphone = $getpeopleinfo->phone_number; $inarray = array('user_id' => $ListingUserid, 'contact_id' => $contact_personid[$j], 'send_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'file_name' => $documentdeal1, 'file_name_original' => $documentdeal_original); $this->db->insert('customer_pdf', $inarray); $link = main_url() . 'mediahelp/index.php/login'; $contact_firstname = htmlentities($contact_firstname); $contact_lastname = htmlentities($contact_lastname); // mail// $confull = $contact_firstname . " " . $contact_lastname; $email_template = $this->getemail($num); $head = $email_template->subject; $head = htmlentities($head); //$head_final=str_replace(array('[PRODUCTNAME]'),array($product_name),$head); $body_template = $email_template->details; $body = str_replace(array('[CONTACTNAME]', '[CUSTOMERUSERNAME]', '[SIXDIGITNUMBER]', '[LINK]', '[PEPEMAIL]', '[PEPPHONE]', '[CONTACTPERSONNAME]'), array($contact_firstname, $customer_username, $six_digit_random_number, $link, $pepemail, $pepphone, $confull), $body_template); //$body_template=htmlentities($body); $body_final = $body; // end// $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8'; $mail->isSMTP(); // Set mailer to use SMTP $mail->Host = ''; // Specify main and backup SMTP servers $mail->SMTPAuth = true; // Enable SMTP authentication $mail->Username = $site_email; // SMTP username $mail->Password = $site_pwd; // SMTP password $mail->SMTPSecure = 'tls'; // Enable encryption, 'ssl' also accepted $mail->From = $site_email; $mail->FromName = $site_name_value; //echo "****".$customeremail;die; $config['upload_path'] = 'file/order_file/'; //$mail->WordWrap = 50; // Set word wrap to 50 characters //$mail->addAttachment($config['upload_path'].$documentdeal); $mail->addAddress($contact_email); // Add a recipient //$contact_email $mail->isHTML(true); $mail->Subject = $head; $mail->Body = $body_final; $mail->send(); } // updateing email number $this->db->where("id", $ListingUserid); $arremail = array("email_number" => $num); $e = $this->db->update('customers', $arremail); // end $this->db->where("id", $ListingUserid); $this->db->where("username", ""); $this->db->where("password", ""); $select_customer = $this->db->get('customers'); // echo $this->db->last_query(); die; if ($select_customer->num_rows() != 0) { $this->db->where("id", $getcustomer_id); $arrinsert = array("username" => $customer_username, "password" => $six_digit_random_number); $r = $this->db->update('customers', $arrinsert); } $updateuser = array('accept_status' => 0); $this->db->where("id", $getcustomer_id); $update_customer = $this->db->update('customers', $updateuser); } // deleteing activity after disapprove// $this->db->where('activity_type', 1); $this->db->where('customer_approved_status', 0); $this->db->where('user_id', $this->session->userdata('id')); $this->db->order_by("id", "desc"); $this->db->limit(1); $query = $this->db->get('admin_activity'); //echo $this->db->last_query(); die; if ($query->num_rows() > 0) { $onlyonedata1 = $query->row(); $delid = $onlyonedata1->id; $this->db->where('id', $delid); $query = $this->db->delete('admin_activity'); } // deleteing activity after approve $this->db->where('activity_type', 1); $this->db->where('customer_approved_status', 1); $this->db->where('user_id', $this->session->userdata('id')); $this->db->order_by("id", "desc"); $this->db->limit(1); $query1 = $this->db->get('admin_activity'); if ($query1->num_rows() > 0) { $onlyonedata2 = $query1->row(); $delid1 = $onlyonedata2->id; $this->db->where('id', $delid1); $query = $this->db->delete('admin_activity'); } // old mediaplan delete //$this->db->where('id !=',$last_activityid); $this->db->where('activity_type', 1); $this->db->where('customer_approved_status', 2); $this->db->where('user_id', $this->session->userdata('id')); $this->db->order_by("id", "desc"); $this->db->limit(1); $query2 = $this->db->get('admin_activity'); //echo $this->db->last_query(); die; if ($query2->num_rows() > 0) { $onlyonedata3 = $query2->row(); $delid2 = $onlyonedata3->id; $this->db->where('id', $delid2); $query = $this->db->delete('admin_activity'); //echo $this->db->last_query(); die; } /*** adding activity***/ //$twodayletter = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("Y"),date("m"),date("d")+2 ); $date = date('Y-m-d'); $date = strtotime($date); $date = strtotime("+2 day", $date); $twodayletter = date('Y-m-d', $date); $cureentime = date("H:i:s"); $inarraynew = array('customer_id' => $ListingUserid, 'user_id' => $this->session->userdata('id'), 'date' => date('Y-m-d'), 'from_time' => $cureentime, 'end_date' => $twodayletter, 'till_time' => '11.5', 'priority' => 1, 'activity_type' => 1, 'customer_approved_status' => 2, 'responsibilty' => $this->session->userdata('id')); $this->db->insert('admin_activity', $inarraynew); $last_activityid = $this->db->insert_id(); }
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