function userSignup($uname, $pswd, $email) { $url = $GLOBALS['URL']; if (TRUE) { //filter_var($email,FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)){ $confcode = md5(uniqid(rand())); $data = array($confcode, $uname, $pswd, $email); $response = db("temp_signup", $data); if ($response === TRUE && mailer('confirm', array($confcode, $email))) { echo "A confirmation email has been sent to the given address!"; } else { if ($response = 1062) { userSignup($data[1], $data[2], $data[3]); } else { echo "RESPONSE: {$response} \r\nMESSAGE: {$message} \r\nCONFCODE: {$confcode} \r\nURL: {$url}"; } } } else { echo "Invalid Email {$email}"; } }
function mail_and_die($subject, $body) { mailer('*****@*****.**', $subject, $body); die($subject . "\n" . $body); }
include_once G5_CAPTCHA_PATH . '/captcha.lib.php'; include_once G5_LIB_PATH . '/mailer.lib.php'; $mb_id = trim($_POST['mb_id']); $mb_email = trim($_POST['mb_email']); $sql = " select mb_name, mb_datetime from {$g5['member_table']} where mb_id = '{$mb_id}' and mb_email_certify <> '' "; $mb = sql_fetch($sql); if (!$mb) { alert("이미 메일인증 하신 회원입니다.", G5_URL); } if (!chk_captcha()) { alert('자동등록방지 숫자가 틀렸습니다.'); } $sql = " select count(*) as cnt from {$g5['member_table']} where mb_id <> '{$mb_id}' and mb_email = '{$mb_email}' "; $row = sql_fetch($sql); if ($row['cnt']) { alert("{$mb_email} 메일은 이미 존재하는 메일주소 입니다.\\n\\n다른 메일주소를 입력해 주십시오."); } // 인증메일 발송 $subject = '[' . $config['cf_title'] . '] 인증확인 메일입니다.'; $mb_name = $mb['mb_name']; $mb_datetime = $mb['mb_datetime'] ? $mb['mb_datetime'] : G5_TIME_YMDHIS; $mb_md5 = md5($mb_id . $mb_email . $mb_datetime); $certify_href = G5_BBS_URL . '/email_certify.php?mb_id=' . $mb_id . '&mb_md5=' . $mb_md5; ob_start(); include_once './register_form_update_mail3.php'; $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); mailer($config['cf_admin_email_name'], $config['cf_admin_email'], $mb_email, $subject, $content, 1); $sql = " update {$g5['member_table']} set mb_email = '{$mb_email}' where mb_id = '{$mb_id}' "; sql_query($sql); alert("인증메일을 {$mb_email} 메일로 다시 보내 드렸습니다.\\n\\n잠시후 {$mb_email} 메일을 확인하여 주십시오.", G5_URL);
// 최고관리자에게 보내는 메일 if ($config['cf_email_wr_super_admin']) { $array_email[] = $super_admin['mb_email']; } // 원글게시자에게 보내는 메일 if ($config['cf_email_wr_write']) { if ($w == '') { $wr['wr_email'] = $wr_email; } $array_email[] = $wr['wr_email']; } // 옵션에 메일받기가 체크되어 있고, 게시자의 메일이 있다면 if (strstr($wr['wr_option'], 'mail') && $wr['wr_email']) { $array_email[] = $wr['wr_email']; } // 중복된 메일 주소는 제거 $unique_email = array_unique($array_email); $unique_email = array_values($unique_email); for ($i = 0; $i < count($unique_email); $i++) { mailer($wr_name, $wr_email, $unique_email[$i], $subject, $content, 1); } } // 사용자 코드 실행 @(include_once $board_skin_path . '/'); @(include_once $board_skin_path . '/'); delete_cache_latest($bo_table); if ($file_upload_msg) { alert($file_upload_msg, G5_HTTP_BBS_URL . '/board.php?bo_table=' . $bo_table . '&wr_id=' . $wr_id . '&page=' . $page . $qstr); } else { goto_url(G5_HTTP_BBS_URL . '/board.php?bo_table=' . $bo_table . '&wr_id=' . $wr_id . $qstr); }
$mb_md5 = md5($mb_id . $email . $datetime); $content = $ma[ma_content]; $content = preg_replace("/{이름}/", $name, $content); $content = preg_replace("/{별명}/", $nick, $content); $content = preg_replace("/{회원아이디}/", $mb_id, $content); $content = preg_replace("/{이메일}/", $email, $content); $content = preg_replace("/{생일}/", (int) substr($birth, 4, 2) . '월 ' . (int) substr($birth, 6, 2) . '일', $content); $content = $content . "<hr size=0><p><span style='font-size:9pt; font-familye:굴림'>▶ 더 이상 정보 수신을 원치 않으시면 [<a href='{$g4['url']}/{$g4['bbs']}/email_stop.php?mb_id={$mb_id}&mb_md5={$mb_md5}' target='_blank'>수신거부</a>] 해 주십시오.</span></p>"; /* ob_start(); include "$mail_skin/"; $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); */ //mailer($default[de_subject], $default[de_admin_email], $email, $subject, $content, 1); mailer($config[cf_title], $member[mb_email], $email, $subject, $content, 1); echo "<script> document.all.cont.innerHTML += '{$cnt}. {$email} ({$mb_id} : {$name})<br>'; </script>\n"; //echo "+"; flush(); ob_flush(); ob_end_flush(); usleep($sleepsec); if ($cnt % $countgap == 0) { echo "<script> document.all.cont.innerHTML += '<br>'; document.body.scrollTop += 1000; </script>\n"; } // 화면을 지운다... 부하를 줄임 if ($cnt % $maxscreen == 0) { echo "<script> document.all.cont.innerHTML = ''; document.body.scrollTop += 1000; </script>\n"; } } }
$result = sql_query($sql); for ($i = 0; $row = sql_fetch_array($result); $i++) { $auth[$row['au_menu']] = $row['au_auth']; } if (!$i) { alert('최고관리자 또는 관리권한이 있는 회원만 접근 가능합니다.', G5_URL); } } } // 관리자의 아이피, 브라우저와 다르다면 세션을 끊고 관리자에게 메일을 보낸다. $admin_key = md5($member['mb_datetime'] . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); if (get_session('ss_mb_key') !== $admin_key) { session_destroy(); include_once G5_LIB_PATH . '/mailer.lib.php'; // 메일 알림 mailer($member['mb_nick'], $member['mb_email'], $member['mb_email'], 'XSS 공격 알림', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . ' 아이피로 XSS 공격이 있었습니다.\\n\\n관리자 권한을 탈취하려는 접근이므로 주의하시기 바랍니다.\\n\\n해당 아이피는 차단하시고 의심되는 게시물이 있는지 확인하시기 바랍니다.\\n\\n' . G5_URL, 0); alert_close('정상적으로 로그인하여 접근하시기 바랍니다.'); } @ksort($auth); // 가변 메뉴 unset($auth_menu); unset($menu); unset($amenu); $tmp = dir(G5_ADMIN_PATH); while ($entry = $tmp->read()) { if (!preg_match('/^[0-9]{3}).*\\.php$/', $entry, $m)) { continue; } // 파일명이 menu 으로 시작하지 않으면 무시한다. $amenu[$m[1]] = $entry; include_once G5_ADMIN_PATH . '/' . $entry;
$strURL = ''; $strData = iconv_euckr($sms_content); $strDate = ''; $nCount = count($strDest); $res = $SMS->Add($strDest, $strCallBack, $strCaller, $strSubject, $strURL, $strData, $strDate, $nCount); $SMS->Send(); $SMS->Init(); // 보관하고 있던 결과값을 지웁니다. } } else { include_once G5_LIB_PATH . '/icode.sms.lib.php'; $SMS = new SMS(); // SMS 연결 $SMS->SMS_con($config['cf_icode_server_ip'], $config['cf_icode_id'], $config['cf_icode_pw'], $config['cf_icode_server_port']); $SMS->Add($recv_number, $send_number, $config['cf_icode_id'], iconv_euckr(stripslashes($sms_content)), ""); $SMS->Send(); } } } // 답변 이메일전송 if (trim($row['iq_email'])) { include_once G5_LIB_PATH . '/mailer.lib.php'; $subject = $config['cf_title'] . ' ' . $row['it_name'] . ' 상품문의 답변 알림 메일'; $content = conv_content($iq_answer, 1); mailer($config['cf_title'], $config['cf_admin_email'], $row['iq_email'], $subject, $content, 1); } } goto_url("./itemqaform.php?w={$w}&iq_id={$iq_id}&sca={$sca}&{$qstr}"); } else { alert(); }
mysql_query($sql); //$_SESSION['loguserid'] = $lastid; $from = $varsline['adminemail']; $to = $email; $subj = "http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']." - registration"; $body = "\n\nДля подтверждения регистрации перейдите по ссылке: http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']."/work.php?act=submitregistration&code=".$code; $_SESSION['register_result'] = 'submit'; $_SESSION['sent'] = 1; $_SESSION['sent_title'] = "Спасибо за Вашу регистрацию!"; $_SESSION['sent_text'] = "Чтобы подтвердить регистрацию, перейдите, пожалуйста, по ссылке в письме, которое уже отправлено на Ваш електронный ящик."; mailer($from,$to,$subj,$body); echo '<script> document.location.href="'.$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'].'?=register=1"; </script>'; exit(); //} //else //{ // $_SESSION['register_result'] = 'badcode'; // echo '<script> document.location.href="/cabinet/subact/register"; </script>'; // exit(); //} } else if($act=="editprofile") { if(!isset($_SESSION['loguserid'])) {
/** * Reset user password (via email) * * @param string $email * * @return bool * @throws \phpmailerException */ public static function createReset($email) { $user = User::findOne('email = :email', ['email' => $email]); if ($user !== false) { $token = zHash($email . rand(10000, 9999999) . time() . microtime()); $user->reset_token = $token; $user->save(); $email = mailer(); $email->Subject = 'Password Reset Request'; $email->Body = view('mail.password_reset', compact('token', 'user')); $email->isHTML(); return $email->send(); } return false; }
function RunNowReportInDB($report_id = null, $report_arr = array()) { if (!$report_id && !count($report_arr)) { return; } global $pearDB, $oreon; $hosts = array(); $reportinfo = array(); $hosts = getHostReport($report_id); $reportinfo = getReportInfo($report_id); $services = getServiceGroupReport($report_id); $dates = getPeriodToReportFork($reportinfo['period']); $start_date = $dates[0]; $end_date = $dates[1]; $reportingTimePeriod = getreportingTimePeriod(); if (isset($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'])) { $nb_folders = count(explode("/", $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'])); $path_www = "/" . implode("/", array_fill(0, intval($nb_folders) - 1, '..')); //echo $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . " " . intval($nb_folders) -1 . " " . $path_www . "<br />"; } if (isset($hosts) && count($hosts) > 0) { foreach ($hosts['report_hgs'] as $hgs_id) { $stats = array(); $stats = getLogInDbForHostGroup($hgs_id, $start_date, $end_date, $reportingTimePeriod); $Allfiles[] = pdfGen($report_id, getMyHostGroupName($hgs_id), 'hgs', $start_date, $end_date, $stats, "", $reportinfo["report_title"], $path_www); // "/../.." //print_r($Allfiles); } } if (isset($services) && count($services) > 0) { foreach ($services['report_sg'] as $sg_id) { $sg_stats = array(); $sg_stats = getLogInDbForServicesGroup($sg_id, $start_date, $end_date, $reportingTimePeriod); $Allfiles[] = pdfGen($report_id, getMyServiceGroupName($sg_id), 'sgs', $start_date, $end_date, $sg_stats, $l, $reportinfo["report_title"], $path_www); } } $emails = getReportContactEmail($report_id); $files = array(); foreach ($Allfiles as $file) { $files[basename($file)]["url"] = $file; } mailer(getGeneralOptInfo("pdfreports_report_author"), getGeneralOptInfo("pdfreports_email_sender"), $emails, $reportinfo['subject'], $reportinfo['mail_body'], getGeneralOptInfo("pdfreports_smtp_server_address"), $files, $reportinfo['name']); $files = null; $Allfiles = null; $emails = null; $services = null; $hosts = null; }
$result = sql_query($sql); for ($i = 0; $row = sql_fetch_array($result); $i++) { $auth[$row['au_menu']] = $row['au_auth']; } if (!$i) { alert("최고관리자 또는 관리권한이 있는 회원만 접근 가능합니다.", $g4['path']); } } } // 관리자의 아이피, 브라우저와 다르다면 세션을 끊고 관리자에게 메일을 보낸다. $admin_key = md5($member['mb_datetime'] . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); if (get_session("ss_mb_key") !== $admin_key) { session_destroy(); include_once "{$g4['path']}/lib/mailer.lib.php"; // 메일 알림 mailer($member['mb_nick'], $member['mb_email'], $member['mb_email'], "XSS 공격 알림", "{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']} 아이피로 XSS 공격이 있었습니다.\n\n관리자 권한을 탈취하려는 접근이므로 주의하시기 바랍니다.\n\n해당 아이피는 차단하시고 의심되는 게시물이 있는지 확인하시기 바랍니다.\n\n{$g4['url']}", 0); alert_close("정상적으로 로그인하여 접근하시기 바랍니다."); } @ksort($auth); // 가변 메뉴 unset($auth_menu); unset($menu); unset($amenu); $tmp = dir($g4['admin_path']); while ($entry = $tmp->read()) { //if (!preg_match("/^[0-9]{3}).php/", $entry, $m)) //if (!preg_match("/^[0-9]{3}).*\.php/", $entry, $m)) if (!preg_match("/^[0-9]{3}).*\\.php\$/", $entry, $m)) { continue; } // 파일명이 menu 으로 시작하지 않으면 무시한다.
$allsum += $line['price']*$item['count']; $sql1 = "UPDATE $par->objectstable SET `added`=`added`+$item[count] WHERE id=$item[id]"; $res1 = mysql_query($sql1); unset($_SESSION['basket'][$key]); } } $ordertext .= "Итого: $allsum"; $currtime = time(); $sql = "INSERT INTO $par->orderstable (`payment`, `delivery`, `date`, `name`, `email`, `phone`, `region`, `city`, `address`, `ordertext`, `allsum`, `userid`, `orderstr`,`orderstatus`) VALUES ('$payment', '$delivery', $currtime, '$name', '$email', '$phone', '$region', '$city', '$address', '$ordertext', $allsum, $userid, '$orderstr', 2)"; mysql_query($sql); mailer($email, $varsline['adminemail'], 'Заказ',$bodytext.$ordertext); $_SESSION['sent'] = 1; $_SESSION['sent_title'] = "Спасибо, Ваш заказ успешно оформлен!"; $_SESSION['sent_text'] = "Наж менеджер свяжется с Вами как можно скорее."; echo ' <script> document.location.href=\'/basket\'; </script> '; exit(); }
<? if(!$_SESSION['logged']){die();} $res=mysql_query("select * from invoices where id='".$_SESSION['invoice']."'")or die(mysql_error()); $info=mysql_fetch_array($res); if(isset($_POST['sendinvoice'])){ $to=$_POST['to']; if($to==''){ echo "<div class='errormsg'>Please enter a valid Email</div>"; }else{ $subject=$_POST['subject']; $message=$_POST['message']; $_GET['id']=$_SESSION['invoice']; include "../inc/invoice_save.php"; $invoiceloc=str_replace(array('inc','mobile/'),'',dirname(__FILE__))."inc/invoices/".$_SESSION['invoice'].".pdf"; if(mailer($to,$subject,$message,$invoiceloc)){ echo "<div class='successmsg'>Email has been Sent</div>"; }else{ echo "<div class='errormsg'>Oops! Something went wrong!</div>"; } } } ?> <table align='center' style=''> <tr> <td class='alldone' onclick="'../inc/invoicepdf.php?id=<?php echo $_SESSION['invoice']; ?> ')"><img src='style/images/save_pdf.png' style='width:120px;'/><br>Download PDF</td> <td class='alldone' onclick="'../inc/invoicehtml.php?id=<?php
<?php include '../database.php'; session_start(); error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_PARSE); if (isset($_POST['signupEmail'])) { $email = mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['signupEmail']); $password = sha1(md5(mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['signupPassword']))); $confPassword = sha1(md5(mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['signupconfirmPassword']))); if ($confPassword != $password) { echo "Enter same password in both fields."; } else { $sql = "INSERT INTO db_user_info (email, password) VALUES ('{$email}', '{$password}')"; $pwd = mysqli_query($link, $sql); if (mysqli_affected_rows($link)) { include '../function/mailer.php'; $to = $email; $message = "Please verify your account by clicking on the given link. <a target='_blank' href='" . $email . "&verifycode=" . $password . "'>Verify</a>"; mailer($to, $message); echo 1; } else { echo "Email already exist."; } } } mysqli_close();
$hdrs .= "Bcc:\n"; } $hdrs .= "Content-Type: text/html;\n charset=utf-8\n"; return mail("{$arr['to']}", $sub, $msg, $hdrs); } if (sendable($_POST)) { $data = $_POST; } else { if (sendable($_GET)) { $data = $_GET; } else { $data = ''; } } if (sendable($data)) { $OK = $data && mailer($data); } $REZ = json_encode(array('stat' => $OK ? 'sent' : 'fail', 'refr' => "{$SERV['HTTP_REFERER']}")); ?> <script> var W = window, R = <?php echo $REZ; ?> , S = (R.stat === 'fail') ? 3 : 1; W.setTimeout(function () { if (S > 1) { W.history.go(-1); } else {
$sql = " update {$g4['member_table']}\r\n set mb_lost_certify = '{$mb_lost_certify}'\r\n where mb_id = '{$mb['mb_id']}' "; sql_query($sql); $href = "{$g4['url']}/{$g4['bbs']}/password_lost_certify.php?mb_no={$mb['mb_no']}&mb_datetime={$mb_datetime}&mb_lost_certify={$mb_lost_certify}"; $subject = "요청하신 회원아이디/패스워드 정보입니다."; $content = ""; $content .= "<div style='line-height:180%;'>"; $content .= "<p>요청하신 계정정보는 다음과 같습니다.</p>"; $content .= "<hr>"; $content .= "<ul>"; $content .= "<li>회원아이디 : {$mb['mb_id']}</li>"; $content .= "<li>변경 패스워드 : <span style='color:#ff3300; font:13px Verdana;'><strong>{$change_password}</strong></span></li>"; $content .= "<li>이름 : " . addslashes($mb[mb_name]) . "</li>"; $content .= "<li>별명 : " . addslashes($mb[mb_nick]) . "</li>"; $content .= "<li>이메일주소 : " . addslashes($mb[mb_email]) . "</li>"; $content .= "<li>요청일시 : {$g4['time_ymdhis']}</li>"; $content .= "<li>홈페이지 : {$g4['url']}</li>"; $content .= "</ul>"; $content .= "<hr>"; $content .= "<p><a href='{$href}' target='_blank'>{$href}</a></p>"; $content .= "<p>"; $content .= "1. 위의 링크를 클릭하십시오. 링크가 클릭되지 않는다면 링크를 브라우저의 주소창에 직접 복사해 넣으시기 바랍니다.<br />"; $content .= "2. 링크를 클릭하시면 패스워드가 변경 되었다는 인증 메세지가 출력됩니다.<br />"; $content .= "3. 홈페이지에서 회원아이디와 위에 적힌 변경 패스워드로 로그인 하십시오.<br />"; $content .= "4. 로그인 하신 후 새로운 패스워드로 변경하시면 됩니다."; $content .= "</p>"; $content .= "<p>감사합니다.</p>"; $content .= "<p>[끝]</p>"; $content .= "</div>"; $admin = get_admin('super'); mailer($admin[mb_nick], $admin[mb_email], $mb[mb_email], $subject, $content, 1); alert_close("{$email} 메일로 회원아이디와 패스워드를 인증할 수 있는 메일이 발송 되었습니다.\\n\\n메일을 확인하여 주십시오.");
function mail_and_die($m) { mailer('*****@*****.**', 'Error in ' . __FILE__, $m); die($m); }
$subject = $ma['ma_subject']; $cnt = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < count($member_list); $i++) { list($to_email, $mb_id, $name, $nick, $datetime) = explode("||", trim($member_list[$i])); $sw = preg_match("/[0-9a-zA-Z_]+(\\.[0-9a-zA-Z_]+)*@[0-9a-zA-Z_]+(\\.[0-9a-zA-Z_]+)*/", $to_email); // 올바른 메일 주소만 if ($sw == true) { $cnt++; $mb_md5 = md5($mb_id . $to_email . $datetime); $content = $ma['ma_content']; $content = preg_replace("/{이름}/", $name, $content); $content = preg_replace("/{닉네임}/", $nick, $content); $content = preg_replace("/{회원아이디}/", $mb_id, $content); $content = preg_replace("/{이메일}/", $to_email, $content); $content = $content . "<hr size=0><p><span style='font-size:9pt; font-familye:굴림'>▶ 더 이상 정보 수신을 원치 않으시면 [<a href='" . G5_BBS_URL . "/email_stop.php?mb_id={$mb_id}&mb_md5={$mb_md5}' target='_blank'>수신거부</a>] 해 주십시오.</span></p>"; mailer($config['cf_title'], $config['cf_admin_email'], $to_email, $subject, $content, 1); echo "<script> document.all.cont.innerHTML += '{$cnt}. {$to_email} ({$mb_id} : {$name})<br>'; </script>\n"; //echo "+"; flush(); ob_flush(); ob_end_flush(); usleep($sleepsec); if ($cnt % $countgap == 0) { echo "<script> document.all.cont.innerHTML += '<br>'; document.body.scrollTop += 1000; </script>\n"; } // 화면을 지운다... 부하를 줄임 if ($cnt % $maxscreen == 0) { echo "<script> document.all.cont.innerHTML = ''; document.body.scrollTop += 1000; </script>\n"; } } }
set_session("ss_token", ""); } else { alert_close("메일 발송시 오류가 발생하였습니다."); exit; } // 상품 $sql = " select * from {$g5['g5_shop_item_table']} where it_id = '{$it_id}' "; $it = sql_fetch($sql); if (!$it['it_id']) { alert("등록된 상품이 아닙니다."); } $subject = stripslashes($subject); $content = nl2br(stripslashes($content)); $from_name = get_text($member['mb_name']); $from_email = $member['mb_email']; $it_id = $it['it_id']; $it_name = $it['it_name']; $it_mimg = get_it_image($it_id, $default['de_mimg_width'], $default['de_mimg_height']); ob_start(); include G5_SHOP_PATH . '/mail/itemrecommend.mail.php'; $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); mailer($from_name, $from_email, $to_email, $subject, $content, 1); echo "<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\">"; ?> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <script language="JavaScript"> alert("메일을 전달하였습니다"); window.close(); </script>
/** * Check if an error occured, & take action * *@access public *@return int 1 if error, 0 else */ function error() { global $config, $l; if (mysql_errno()) { mailer($config->emailfrom, $config->emailto, $config->sitename . $l['str_trouble_with_db'], '', mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error() . "\n" . $this->lastquery . "\n"); return 1; } return 0; }
if ($old_email != $mb_email && $config['cf_use_email_certify']) { $sql_email_certify = " , mb_email_certify = '' "; } // set mb_name = '$mb_name', 제거 $sql = " update {$g4['member_table']}\n set mb_nick = '{$mb_nick}',\n mb_password_q = '{$mb_password_q}',\n mb_password_a = '{$mb_password_a}',\n mb_mailling = '{$mb_mailling}',\n mb_sms = '{$mb_sms}',\n mb_open = '{$mb_open}',\n mb_email = '{$mb_email}',\n mb_homepage = '{$mb_homepage}',\n mb_tel = '{$mb_tel}',\n mb_hp = '{$mb_hp}',\n mb_zip1 = '{$mb_zip1}',\n mb_zip2 = '{$mb_zip2}',\n mb_addr1 = '{$mb_addr1}',\n mb_addr2 = '{$mb_addr2}',\n mb_signature = '{$mb_signature}',\n mb_profile = '{$mb_profile}',\n mb_1 = '{$mb_1}',\n mb_2 = '{$mb_2}',\n mb_3 = '{$mb_3}',\n mb_4 = '{$mb_4}',\n mb_5 = '{$mb_5}',\n mb_6 = '{$mb_6}',\n mb_7 = '{$mb_7}',\n mb_8 = '{$mb_8}',\n mb_9 = '{$mb_9}',\n mb_10 = '{$mb_10}'\n {$sql_password}\n {$sql_icon}\n {$sql_nick_date}\n {$sql_open_date}\n {$sql_sex}\n {$sql_email_certify}\n where mb_id = '{$_POST['mb_id']}' "; sql_query($sql); // 인증메일 발송 if ($old_email != $mb_email && $config['cf_use_email_certify']) { $subject = "인증확인 메일입니다."; $mb_md5 = md5($mb_id . $mb_email . $member['mb_datetime']); $certify_href = "{$g4['url']}/{$g4['bbs']}/email_certify.php?mb_id={$mb_id}&mb_md5={$mb_md5}"; ob_start(); include_once "./register_form_update_mail3.php"; $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); mailer($admin['mb_nick'], $admin['mb_email'], $mb_email, $subject, $content, 1); } } } // 사용자 코드 실행 @(include_once "{$g4['path']}/skin/member/{$config['cf_member_skin']}/"); if ($msg) { echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('{$msg}');</script>"; } /* // 결과페이지는 https 에서 http 로 변경이 되어야 함 if ($g4['https_url']) $https_url = "{$g4['https_url']}/{$g4['bbs']}"; else $https_url = "."; */
function send_mail($to, $from, $subject, $body, $attachments = '', $headers = '', $html = false) { $full_name = db_fetch_cell("SELECT full_name FROM user_auth WHERE email_address='{$from}'"); if (empty($full_name)) { $fromname = $from; } else { $fromname = $full_name; } $from = array($from, $fromname); mailer($from, $to, '', '', '', $subject, $body, '', $attachments, $headers, $html); }
// TODO: generate this salt $salt = 'salT'; // Friendlier pincode instead of password $crc = crc32($salt . strtoupper($email)) & 0x7fffffff; //remove sign $password = sprintf("%06u", $crc % 1000000); require 'inc/db.php'; $email2 = $link->escapeString($email); $password2 = $link->escapeString($password); $salt2 = $link->escapeString($salt); $link->exec("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO Users (email,since) VALUES('{$email2}',DATETIME('now'))") or mail_and_die('link->exec INSERT Users error', __FILE__); $isnew = $link->changes() == 1; $link->exec("INSERT INTO Payments (email, submitted, amount) VALUES('{$email2}', DATETIME('now'), {$amount})") or mail_and_die('link->exec INSERT Payments error', __FILE__); // Give new members the benefit of the doubt (trust, but verify): // FIXME: might fail because of unique password (change salt) $link->exec("UPDATE Users SET paid = DATE(MAX(IFNULL(paid,0), DATE('now')),'+{$months} MONTH'), salt = '{$salt2}', password = '******' WHERE email = '{$email2}'") or mail_and_die('link->exec UPDATE error', __FILE__); if ($link->changes() != 1) { mail_and_die('link->changes should be 1', __FILE__); } $link->close(); unset($link); $subject = 'Welcome to Xinchejian 欢迎加入新车间'; $body = "Welcome! 欢迎!\n\nYou can now open the door by going to http://bouncer/\nPIN: {$password}\n\nNote that your access will be revoked if no payment was made.\n\n-- the script that sends out these emails"; mailer($email, $subject, $body); if ($isnew) { $neworold = "New"; } else { $neworold = "Old"; } mailer('*****@*****.**', "{$neworold} member: {$email}, paid {$amount} for {$months} month(s).", '-- ' . __FILE__); header('Location: welcome.html', true, 303);
<?php if (!defined("_GNUBOARD_")) { exit; } // 개별 페이지 접근 불가 include_once G5_LIB_PATH . '/mailer.lib.php'; $subject = $config['cf_title'] . ' 주문 오류 알림 메일'; if ($error == 'order') { $content = '<p>주문정보를 DB에 입력하는 중 오류가 발생했습니다.</p>'; } else { if ($error == 'status') { $content = '<p>주문 상품의 상태를 변경하는 중 DB 오류가 발생했습니다.</p>'; } } if ($tno) { $content .= '<p>PG사의 ' . $od_settle_case . '는 자동 취소되었습니다.</p>'; $content .= '<p>취소 내역은 PG사 상점관리자에서 확인할 수 있습니다.</p>'; } $content .= '<p>오류내용</p>'; $content .= '<p>' . $sql . '</p><p>' . mysql_errno() . ' : ' . mysql_error() . '<p>error file : ' . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '</p>'; // 메일발송 mailer($od_name, $od_email, $config['cf_admin_email'], $subject, $content, 1); unset($error);
<?php $sub_menu = '100300'; include_once './_common.php'; auth_check($auth[$sub_menu], 'r'); if (!$config['cf_email_use']) { alert('환경설정에서 \'메일발송 사용\'에 체크하셔야 메일을 발송할 수 있습니다.'); } include_once G5_LIB_PATH . '/mailer.lib.php'; $g5['title'] = '메일 테스트'; include_once './admin.head.php'; if (isset($_POST['email'])) { $email = explode(',', $_POST['email']); for ($i = 0; $i < count($email); $i++) { mailer($config['cf_admin_email_name'], $config['cf_admin_email'], trim($email[$i]), '[메일검사] 제목', '<span style="font-size:9pt;">[메일검사] 내용<p>이 내용이 제대로 보인다면 보내는 메일 서버에는 이상이 없는것입니다.<p>' . G5_TIME_YMDHIS . '<p>이 메일 주소로는 회신되지 않습니다.</span>', 1); } echo '<div class="panel panel-success">'; echo '<div class="panel-heading">'; echo '<h3 class="panel-title"><strong>결과메세지</strong></h3>'; echo '</div>'; echo '<div class="panel-body">'; echo '다음 ' . count($email) . '개의 메일 주소로 테스트 메일 발송이 완료되었습니다.'; echo '</div></div>'; echo '<ul>'; for ($i = 0; $i < count($email); $i++) { echo '<li>' . $email[$i] . '</li>'; } echo '</ul>'; echo '<div class="local_desc02 local_desc"><p>'; echo '해당 주소로 테스트 메일이 도착했는지 확인해 주십시오.<br>'; echo '만약, 테스트 메일이 오지 않는다면 더 다양한 계정의 메일 주소로 메일을 보내 보십시오.<br>';
<?php $sub_menu = "200300"; include_once './_common.php'; if (!$config['cf_email_use']) { alert('환경설정에서 \'메일발송 사용\'에 체크하셔야 메일을 발송할 수 있습니다.'); } include_once G5_LIB_PATH . '/mailer.lib.php'; auth_check($auth[$sub_menu], 'w'); check_demo(); $g5['title'] = '회원메일 테스트'; $name = get_text($member['mb_name']); $nick = $member['mb_nick']; $mb_id = $member['mb_id']; $email = $member['mb_email']; $sql = "select ma_subject, ma_content from {$g5['mail_table']} where ma_id = '{$ma_id}' "; $ma = sql_fetch($sql); $subject = $ma['ma_subject']; $content = $ma['ma_content']; $content = preg_replace("/{이름}/", $name, $content); $content = preg_replace("/{닉네임}/", $nick, $content); $content = preg_replace("/{회원아이디}/", $mb_id, $content); $content = preg_replace("/{이메일}/", $email, $content); $mb_md5 = md5($member['mb_id'] . $member['mb_email'] . $member['mb_datetime']); $content = $content . '<p>더 이상 정보 수신을 원치 않으시면 [<a href="' . G5_BBS_URL . '/email_stop.php?mb_id=' . $mb_id . '&mb_md5=' . $mb_md5 . '" target="_blank">수신거부</a>] 해 주십시오.</p>'; mailer($config['cf_title'], $member['mb_email'], $member['mb_email'], $subject, $content, 1); alert($member['mb_nick'] . '(' . $member['mb_email'] . ')님께 테스트 메일을 발송하였습니다. 확인하여 주십시오.');
$body2 .= "<tr bgcolor='white'><td align='center' height='25'>Area</td><td align='left'>{$areaname}</td></tr>"; $body2 .= "<tr bgcolor='white'><td align='center' height='25'>Question Type</td><td align='left'>{$questype}</td></tr>"; $body2 .= "<tr bgcolor='white'><td align='center' height='25'>Content</td><td align='left'>{$content}</td></tr>"; $body2 .= "</table>"; //$admin_email = "e-mail address"; $admin_email = "*****@*****.**"; if ($mode == "send") { //Start attachment for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) { $file[$i] = $_FILES['userfile' . $i]['name']; $target[$i] = "./temp/" . $file[$i]; if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile' . $i]['tmp_name'], $target[$i])) { chmod("{$target[$i]}", 0777); } } $ret = mailer($name, $email, "Admin", $admin_email, $subject, $body . $body2, $file); if ($file[1] != "") { @unlink($target[1]); } if ($file[2] != "") { @unlink($target[2]); } if ($file[3] != "") { @unlink($target[3]); } if ($ret) { echo " <font color='red'>Contact Successful</font>"; } else { echo " <font color='red'>Contact Failed</font>"; } }
if ($config['cf_email_use'] && $_POST['cp_email_send'] && $arr_send_list[$i]['mb_email'] && $arr_send_list[$i]['mb_mailling']) { $mb_name = get_text($arr_send_list[$i]['mb_name']); switch ($cp_method) { case 2: $coupon_method = '결제금액할인'; break; case 3: $coupon_method = '배송비할인'; break; default: $coupon_method = '개별상품할인'; break; } $contents = '쿠폰명 : ' . $cp_subject . '<br>'; $contents .= '적용대상 : ' . $coupon_method . '<br>'; $contents .= '쿠폰만료 : ' . $cp_end; $title = $config['cf_title'] . ' - 쿠폰발행알림 메일'; $email = $arr_send_list[$i]['mb_email']; ob_start(); include G5_SHOP_PATH . '/mail/couponmail.mail.php'; $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); mailer($config['cf_admin_email_name'], $config['cf_admin_email'], $email, $title, $content, 1); } } // SMS발송 if ($config['cf_sms_use'] == 'icode' && $_POST['cp_sms_send'] && $sms_count) { $SMS->Send(); } } goto_url('./couponlist.php');
$pc_idea = stripslashes($pc_idea); $name = cut_str($pc_name, $config['cf_cut_name']); $mb_id = ''; if ($member['mb_id']) { $mb_id = '(' . $member['mb_id'] . ')'; } // 환경설정의 투표 기타의견 작성시 최고관리자에게 메일발송 사용에 체크되어 있을 경우 if ($config['cf_email_po_super_admin']) { $subject = $po['po_subject']; $content = $pc_idea; ob_start(); include_once './poll_etc_update_mail.php'; $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); // 관리자에게 보내는 메일 $admin = get_admin('super'); $from_email = $member['mb_email'] ? $member['mb_email'] : $admin['mb_email']; mailer($name, $from_email, $admin['mb_email'], '[' . $config['cf_title'] . '] 설문조사 기타의견 메일', $content, 1); } } else { if ($w == 'd') { if ($member[mb_id] || $is_admin == 'super') { $sql = " delete from {$g5[poll_etc_table]} where pc_id = '{$pc_id}' "; if (!$is_admin) { $sql .= " and mb_id = '{$member['mb_id']}' "; } sql_query($sql); } } } goto_url('./poll_result.php?po_id=' . $po_id . '&skin_dir=' . $skin_dir);
if (substr_count($to, "@") > 1) { alert_close('한번에 한사람에게만 메일을 발송할 수 있습니다.'); } $key = get_session("captcha_keystring"); if (!($key && $key == $_POST[wr_key])) { session_unregister("captcha_keystring"); alert("정상적인 접근이 아닌것 같습니다."); } for ($i = 1; $i <= $attach; $i++) { if ($_FILES["file" . $i][name]) { $file[] = attach_file($_FILES["file" . $i][name], $_FILES["file" . $i][tmp_name]); } } $content = stripslashes($content); if ($type == 2) { $type = 1; $content = preg_replace("/\n/", "<br>", $content); } // html 이면 if ($type) { $current_url = $g4[url]; $mail_content = "<html><head><meta http-equiv='content-type' content='text/html; charset={$g4['charset']}'><title>메일보내기</title><link rel='stylesheet' href='{$current_url}/style.css' type='text/css'></head><body>{$content}</body></html>"; } else { $mail_content = $content; } mailer($fnick, $fmail, $to, $subject, $mail_content, $type, $file); //$html_title = $tmp_to . "님께 메일발송"; $html_title = "메일 발송중"; include_once "{$g4['path']}/head.sub.php"; alert_close("메일을 정상적으로 발송하였습니다."); include_once "{$g4['path']}/tail.sub.php";